Enslaved to Scent

Story by adric listwajinn on SoFurry

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Ok the following is my fist "non-fantasy" story and is going to be a bit different. It's also only part one, so for those looking for more action, don't worry it's coming.

Standard warnings apply to all situations


Enslaved to Scent

At a glance, Servus seemed about as normal as a young, gay 23 year old college Fox could be. In other words, he partied a lot, went to raves, listened to loud music, and usually put on too much perfume and deodorant. He was a bit prissy, a bit of a neat-nick, and usually spent a weekend either studying for tests, or out dancing.

Half way through his first semester however, he received a notice that would change his life.

*"Resident Student.

An Evaluation of your credits indicates a lack of any outside elective courses. It is recommended though not required that all students enroll in at least one semester of Physical enrichment on campus.

College Faculty"*

Servus snorted as he read it and barked to his room mate.

"Kris? What's up with this? You get one of these?" he said handing the note, Kris, a big Lynx laughed as read the note through.

"Heh, I think your taking too many Brainy classes and not enough beefy up courses" The Lynx said as he thumped his rather large chest.

"A workout course? Pffsh, It says it's recommended, not required, sides, I'm in great shape"

Rick gave a meowing laugh

"Ok first off, this is a Football college, 'recommended' is their words for getting bulked up like everyone else here, and two. You call 'that' in shape? Gods Servus, you weigh, what, like 120? 130? You're not exactly a 'manly' sort of guy. And sides, your queer, I'd think you'd like a chance to gawk at some toned up guys" He said, ribbing his roomy a bit. Servus gave a bark and snatched the letter back.

"Gee, thanks, I'm sure I just would love to go to some place full of guys who stink and most likely pumped up on roids, oh, and I'm sure they'd just love a 'queer' like me" he said a bit sarcastically.

Much as he hated Kris's words, he had a point. He was fit, but was smaller then half the Furs he knew. And at a mostly jock filled college, it wouldn't hurt to be able to defend himself. He cleared up some time and signed up for a work course at the campus Gym. He tried to get as late as slot as possible as he really didn't want anyone he knew seeing him there, and, much as he might try not to, the last thing he wanted was to be caught staring at some guy who could thrash him.

Late on a Friday evening, he packed a gym-bag, some sweats, and a lot of deodorant and made his way off. By the time he arrived it was almost 7:45pm and the gym was pretty empty save a Lion who looked like he was packing up, and a Spotted Shire equine in the back. Servus looked around and first the first time realized he didn't have a clue what he was doing. About the only time he had seen guys working out where in some of the pornos he had and they hadn't really used the machines much...

"Well, gotta start somewhere" he said as he took a seat on a standard bench-press. leaning back, he grabbed the heavy bar and tried to yank it up.

"Hey there! You know, your doing it all wrong!" Servus looked up, the Shire from across the room was looking up at him "Your gonna hurt yourself ya know, you try yanking it like that!" Servus was about to get up as the Equine clopped over, his heavy shodded hoofs impacting on the workout mat.

"Here, don't get up, let me show you. One thing I can't stand is some new guy yanking his muscles all out of sort." Servus tilts his head as the Equine approached.

He was easily 6ft tall. His fur was a dusty grey, spotted here and there was a speckling of dark spots. He wore a loose, bagging pair of shorts and a thin, and damp, obviously sweat soaked muscle shirt that did nothing to hide his muscles. Servus felt his groin throb. Gods his muscles. They strained at his fur, tight and powerful. They seemed perfectly in proportion to his size, nothing overpowered or over-pumped. Nothing to make him think he was pumping up with anything other then iron, the Horse was all natural.

"Oh Gods! He's coming over! Crap, I'm not going to get hard! Not going get hard! Not going to get hard!" Servus said to himself as he clenched his eyes. He knew this was a bad idea, he tried not think about the horse, he tried not to picture him, his body... His muscles... his tight..

"Hey there! Something wrong!" he heard as a hoofed fingertip tapped his nose. Opening his eyes, cautiously, he looked up. The Equines long muzzle was inches from his face. Servus looked at him, he could swear his nostrils where flaring.

"I said, you ok? Had your eyes all shut and stuff." Servus blinked.

"Eh? Um, yeah, I'm fine" He said, The Shires nose seemed to sniff again before he smiled broadly.

"Good, I'm Richard " He said, his voice more mellow all of a sudden as he looked down at the nervous fox. His huge hoofed hands lifting the weight bar and easily reseting it back on the hooks.

"Um, I'm Servus, th-thanks for the help Richard." He said as he found himself repositioning his arms on the weighs.

"No problem, Servus" He said "Now then, let me show you what to do." Feeling the big hands from the horse, Servus shivered to himself. "My Gods, he stinks..."

Once they got started, the next 30 minutes seemed to fly by. Richard seemed eager to show Servus every work out he knew, and they spent a lot of time working their arms. Every time Servus seemed to get tired and want to call it quits, Richard would pull him up to another part of the gym.

"Come on, let me show you something first, just for a bit." And 'just for a bit' would always stretch into another set of reps, another session of weights. Before Servus knew it, it was nearly 10pm, and the gym was getting ready to close. Every muscle and every part of his body ached; he was totally exhausted and lay panting on a mat. Richard stood over him, grinning.

"Well well, look at you, quite a work out you got, bet you didn't expect to get so much done did you?" Richard said as he grabbed Servus by his paw, pulling him to his trembling footpads. Servus nose wrinkled. He found himself right up against Richard's chest, and it stank of sweat. His heart pounding, gasping for breath, he couldn't help by inhale it, making his head swim as he tried to gather his thoughts.

"Huff..Huff.. N-No, W-Was surprised." he said, trying to get some fresh air from the horses musky body.. "Unff, was a-a lot of work." The fox said as Richard looked down at him.

"Well, it's only the beginning you know, your going to have a lot ahead of you, boy" he said... Something about the way he said 'boy' making Servus tingle as he was pulled up.

"Come on now, we should shower before the place closes down."

It wasn't long before they made it to the showers. The last few furs where already getting cloths back on and leaving as Richard and Servus got in. The Fox's head was still swimming from being so close to Richard's sweaty body. He had always hated smelling unclean, it was why he always put on so much deodorant. Yet his heart pounded, and no longer from being worn out. The smell still on his nosepad making him shiver as suddenly something wet hit him in the face. It was Richards sweatshirt.

His chest fully bare now, Servus shifted as he looked up.

"Well, not much time left you know, We should start washing up before we get locked in." he said wit ha strange smile as he turned around, stepping into a stream of water, a low wall hiding his now naked body.

Yet even as his back was turned to Servus, he was watching him, in the reflection of the water pipe he had kept polished, he was able to watch the fox. Watch him sit on the bench, watch him holding his sweat soaked shirt, watching and waiting.

Servus didn't know what to do, he desperately wanted to take a shower too, but something kept him from going in yet... He was holding Richards shirt, it stank of him, smelled of him, and for the first time, it didn't turn him off.

"What the hell is going on? Why am I still here? What's so, so special about -sniff- about this.. -sniff- oh.. ffuck..." He didn't know why, he only knew that suddenly, he was sniffing the shirt again. He brought it to his muzzle, the oder on it rich, powerful. It made his eyes water, his head pounded with each beat of his heart.




In the reflection, Richard watched, and smiled. "I knew it" He said to himself as he slowly turned around.

"You gonna Get washed up too?" Richard shouted, jolting Servus out from his dreamy state... His heart racing, he threw the shirt away from him. Racing as quick as he could, he dashed behind a wall and turned on the closest shower to him.

"Ah! Y-Yeah! J-Just was g-getting some s-soap!" He said, his voice trembling as he cursed to himself. "Shit! That was close! That was too close! What they hell would he have done if he saw me, Sniffing his Shirt!" Servus paused as he scrubbed himself quickly "W-WHY was I sniffing his shirt?" He said, feeling disturbed by the whole experience.

He didn't have long to think, less the a minute later, a shout out from the speakers told him the gym was closing. By the time he shut off the water, Richard was already waiting for him by the door.

"Well, had a heck of work out didn't you?" Richard said, his shirt back on as his fur was still damp. Servus' heart pounded, he could swear he saw nose prints from where he had sniffed.

"AH! Y-Yeah! Was, was intense" Servus said, looking away.

"Listen, Why don't you get some rest tomorrow, its Saturday, your going to need the sleep" Richard said as the doors locked behind him. "You should recover by about 7:00 or so, I'll see you then.

Servus looked up, he almost always went out Saturdays with his friends, and was about to offer an excuse when Richard leaned in.

"7:00, don't disappoint me, boy" Before Servus could protest, he was gone. Servus, still in a daze, stumbled out of the gym just as it locked behind him. By the time he got home he was too tired to think of what had happened and fell asleep in moments.

Saturday morning Servus couldn't get out of bed if the dorm was on fire. His body ached in ways he had never felt, his muscles where so sore he couldn't think of getting out of bed. In bed however, he had plenty to occupy his mind.

Never before had he met someone like Richard. Someone so powerful, physically and mentally. Servus knew he always had a little bit of a submissive streak, but something about Richard's voice that Friday night seemed to enhance it a thousand times. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he knew what it was. His smell.

A knock on the door woke him up from his musings.

"Hey Servus! Me and the crew are going out for some ice-cream, want come with?" The voice of Kris echoed in. Servus groaned, shifting his body.

"Eh, It's ok, I'm still sore from last night, I'll catch up later." He said, knowing he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

"Your loss! Guess you got a real workout though?" Servus smirked.

"You could say that."

The rest of the day seemed to grind by at a snails pace. All morning he was trying to think of an excuse to say no to Richard. But by 2:00, he realized it was his friends he would cancel on. He didn't know why, but he knew he had to see him again.

He awoke to his alarm and realized he had overslept from his last nap. it was 6:45 and if he didn't hurry he would miss Richard. He didn't want to do that. Garbing his gym-bag from the previous night, not enough time to grab clean cloths, he dashed out the door.

His heart raced as he ran to the Gym. Arriving inside, it was a lot more crowded then last night. He scanned for Richard, a part of him worried he might have already missed him. A sudden heavy hand on his shoulder caused him to look up.

"7:10? Your a little late, boy. You'll have to do better next time." Richard said as he stepped out from behind him. Servus looked up. Something about the way he said 'Boy' and 'next time' making his heart quicken.

"S-Sorry, I'll do better sir" he said as he walked into the gym. Thinking suddenly "Sir? Where the Hell did that come from?"

Servus tried to shrug it off as Richard waved him forward.

"Come along, boy. We have a long night ahead!" He said as he began setting weights. Richard wasn't kidding. If Servus thought he had been worked hard yesterday, it was nothing compared to that evening. Servus realized they both where getting sweaty early on. He also realized it was starting to distract him.

Richard wasn't helping much by seeming to pick lots of arm lifting workouts. Every time Servus turned around, he watched the massive muscled arms of the Stallion lifting, flexing, and raised high above his body. The exposed and damp underarms giving Servus wisps of scents that made him throb.

Less then an hour after they started, Servus was trying desperately to hide his growing erection as well as too not collapse from the workout. His body getting sore far quicker then he thought from last nights workout. Throughout the night, he kept feeling that Richard was somehow watching him, as if checking him out. The fox, already trying to fight arousal, pushed these notions as far away as he could.

As he finished a set of reps just before 9:00, he gasped and flopped down on the mat.

"Damn boy, your looking pretty beat there. Why don't we end things early tonight, I think you could do with a bit of relaxing." He said, helping Servus up. "We'll hit the Steam room tonight, how's that sound?".

"Oh Th-That sounds nice" He said, looking forward to the heat of the room.

Just behind the showers, the door to the steam room led into a long tiled corridor. It was hot, damp, and slightly dim. Servus entered inside first, too afraid to get naked around the huge horse in his state, he slide down to the end and laid back. A moment later he heard the door open and the clack of hoofs on the tiled floor.

"There you are, got in first did you? Well, you'll need the rest, know this going feel really good." Richard said as he held a towel. Richard peeked through his eyes and realized the big horse had shucked his pants, and was now just in a white jock strap. The fabric straining to hold back what looked like a truly Stallion sized dick.

"Oh shit!" Servus said silently.

As Richard leaned back, Servus could see the straining shaft inside the sweat Jockstrap. Less the 4 feet away from him, the Fox's heart pounded as he looked at it. Richard still wore his shirt as he leaned back, his eyes closed. The fox new he might open them and catch him looking.. Suddenly, he seemed to move and Servus looked away.

"Damn, it is hot in here, think I'm going cool for a bit, maybe take a piss." He said almost casually as the great horse peeled his now saturated sweaty shirt from his body. Tossing it almost next to the Fox, he jerked his hoofed thumb.

"I'm going step out for a bit, be right back, boy" he said with a strange smile as suddenly the door closed.

Servus looked at the door, then to the spot where Richard had just been, at his shirt. He remembered last night. It's scent, it's oder, he found himself needing it again. "Oh hells this is a bad idea... This is a bad idea..." But he found himself reaching toward it, soon holding it.

His heart pounded as even from a distance he could sniff the heavy smell from it. Slowly, almost reverently he brought it to his muzzle.

-Sniff- His cock pulsed. His head whirled, His eyes watered, his body shivered.

-Sniiiffff- He knew at any second Richard could return, once more catch him again...

-Snnnniiiiffffffff- He didn't care anymore.

He didn't even know what was happening till he had fished out his dick. His bright red Vulpine dick throbbing noticeably, aching to be free after being confined all night long. Soon, Servus was laying back, his head pounded as the Shirt lay draped on his face.

Servus had lost himself in the smell of the sweat shirt. Over and over he pressed it to his face and inhaled deeply. His muzzle finding oders deep in the areas of the shirts armpits, knowing the smell here would be most powerful. He felt a rush he never felt before, and the world seemed to fall away from around him. He forgot about the steam around him, about the gym, about Richard.

"Like the stink, boy?" He heard a voice say as he was pulled out of his clouded mind. Richard looked down at him, his muzzle once more inches from his face. His massive arms each where on either side of Servus, pinning him down as the Fox gave a 'yip!' and disparity tried to put away his still throbbing dick.

"I knew it. Knew it the first time I got a look at your prissy, lanky body. All curled up with perfumes and artificial chems to make you smell 'pretty' Feh." Servus yipped away, tossing the shirt as he tried to move out from between the huge arms on either side of him.

"Sh-Shit! I.. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! Don't hurt me!!" Richard smirked.

"I'm not going to hurt you, boy. Quite the opposed. I know you liked that smell. Hell, I saw your snorting it last night. I knew right then what you wanted inside, boy. All your life you've been so perfumed up, you've never smelled a real man. Not like me. I'm going to show you a world you never knew existed, and soon, your going to wonder why you ever used those chems in the first place, boy." Richard said, his voice pronounced each time he said 'boy' something about it making Servus throb. The fox still unsure of what was happening tried to protest.

"L-Look, so-someone might come in on us! We-We shouldn't do this here!" He said, stil squirming, his muzzle almost touching Richard's as he panicked, wondering what he had got himself into.

"Don't Think so, boy, I have a few friends here at the gym you know, and if you had kept track of time you'd see it's already past closing, it's just you and me boy, it's just us. Now sit back, I think you need a little something to help calm down." He said, Servus just about to ask what when Richard leaned forward, his mouth open wide. Servus looked up, looking into the mouth, into his broad flat teeth, He watched it come down slowly. As if defying reality, the horses long muzzle enclosed around the nose and mouth of the fox. Cutting off his air and breath.

Servus squirmed, his lungs burned, and then he felt air. The great Equine had exhaled, breathing his breath into the Fox's lungs, feeding him. His nostrils flared as he inhaled, once more exhaling into the Fox. They breathed together, sharing air as Servus lungs where slowly filled with the exhaled breath of the Equine. it wasn't long before his squirming stop, his body limp.

As Richard pulled away, letting him breath again, he taped a hidden button on the tiled walls. The intense steam inside the room began to clear, replaced with fresh air, reviving the fox as Richard picked him up easily, wrapping him in towels.

"Listen up Boy, because this is where we began. I shared my breath with you, and soon I'm going to share a lot more with you. Now, I know what I want, what do you want? Tell me boy, tell me now." Richard asked as he walked out, the Gym, dark, the doors locked, he knew he'd have all night as he set the still warm, still weakly fox on some gym mats.

Servus's lungs still burned as he barely heard the words. All the panic, all the fear and fright had been taken out of him from the inhaling of the horses breath. And as he tried to form words, he already knew what his response was.

"I -huh- I want to-to explore, explore you, y-your smells, all smells" He said to an already smiling Richard.

"Good boy, thats the correct answer you know, so heres your reward." He said as he pulled the foxes muzzle up into his dripping Armpit. Servus almost convulsed.

The smell inside the thick matted thatch of Armfur was dozens of times stronger then the smells he had sampled from the horses shirt. Her was the raw source, the fountain from which that musk flowed. Once more he felt his lungs burning as the rank armpit dripped down his muzzled. A single droplet dripping down onto his tongue. He nearly orgasmed, he had to have more.

As if reading his mind, He was pulled out.

"Not yet, not yet Boy. Tonight is for sniffing, for sniffing me. You asked to explore my smells and thats what your gonna get, nothing else, got it boy?" Servus whimpered, still lost in the scent of Richard's pit-stink he nodded, willing to agree to anything.

"Good Boy, your going to be a good boy aren't you?" Richard chuffed.

"Mrmm, Y-Yes Sir" Servus shivers. Somehow, saying those words felt so good.

"Alright boy, time for your next smell" he said as the Fox was pushed back on the mat. Before he could respond, he looked up to see the immense, furry ass of Richard descending on his face. The Jockstrap pulled to one side as the ass lowered against his muzzle. Servus gasped.

"Oh, oh Shit!" He said, Richard chuckled.

"No, no shit boy, I keep it clean of that. All you get is pure man sweat and ass stink. now get a good sniff." He said as Servus inhaled. What had happened to him? Why was he doing this? He had never liked getting to close to ass before, save the few times he had been fucked... The smell of ass had always made him ill, yet, there was something about the horse, something pure, and raw. it wasn't dirty, or messy, it was simply ass, and all too soon it was pulled away.

"There now, thats not so bad, in the future, your gonna really enjoy getting that I know boy" He said as he turned around. Loving the look of bliss mixed with a shrinking sense of resistance. The small part of Servus mind that still clung to perfumes, showers and deodorants shrinking fast.

Richard meanwhile moved the fox down to his knees as he sat down on the bench. He had so far been successful in his seduction, and now it was time to take things to the next step. Grabbing the foxes headfur, he leaned forward. His obscenely stretched Jockstrap now inches from Servus muzzle.

"Ok boy, you have done well so far. You got my pits, my body, and my ass. Your learning my smells. That's good boy." he said as Servus shivered, feeling a strange pang of enjoyment each time he was praised. "Ah, th-thank you, Sir" he said as Richard grinned.

"Good boy, your learning quick, but it's time for one last smell, the smell thats going to own you. "He said as he brought the foxes muzzle toward his rank, ripe Jockstrap. The pouch barely containing the immense phallus inside. The shaft as sweaty as the rest of his body, the pouch of cloth layered with stains of pleasure and piss. The fox smelling it even from a distance, he gasped and leaned forward, feeling his mind teased by such a smell. He felt the strong hand of Richard yank him back.

"Now now, this pouch is more smelly then anything else, you sure you want this? You sure you want to give yourself over to my smells?" He said as he slowly moved the foxes muzzle back and forth, his nose less then an inch from his musky Jockstrap. The foxes eyes watering from the cloud of heavy stink. Richard watched him follow every moment. He kept speaking, kept questioning, keeping Servus from getting a chance to answer him directly. All the while bringing him closer and closer to the ripe jockstrap, all the while getting his musk deep into the Foxes mind.

At last he responded. "I-I want it, all of it" the fox said in a sleepy, dreamy voice.

"Good boy" Richard said as he yanked the foxes face deep into his pouch. He ground against his smelly crotch hard into the Foxes face as he began to struggle, unable to breath. His arms moved slower and slower as Richard smiles "Nightly night foxy, your mine now" he said pulling back, letting Servus nearly unconscious body flop down.

"Now listen good, cause here's the rules. Go home; get some rest, your going to be in a world of hurt tomorrow from the workout. You will NOT shower however, you will NOT wash your gym-cloths, and you will NOT jack off. As of now your cock and your cum are mine. When I see you again on Monday, I'll know if you've been good or not. Break a rule, and this ends here. Obey, and your going to enter a whole new world." Richard leaned forward, his big hoofed hand grabbing Servus's groin, making him groan. The foxes mind in another place. The influx of scent numbing him as his mind slowly absorbed the Equines words.

Richard smiled as he held the half unconscious fox. He kissed him gently, knowing after what he had done already, the fox was almost already his. He clothed him, dressed him and in the dead of night, carefully guided the Fox back to his dorms.


Ok! Hope you all enjoyed this first part, second part will be coming soon. Also for those looking for more of my previous three stories, let me know which part you liked the best ad want to see more of. The Gruff Bull? The Evil Horse? Or the mellow Satyr?