A Dragon's Love: Curiosity

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#10 of A Dragon's Love

Blaze and a new baby brother discover something very unusual about one another... Something mama and papa never mentioned before. This one's pretty short, but it moves right along!


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The Goddess smiled down at her swollen belly, something she wore from time to time as she remembered carrying Valor in her celestial womb. She stroked the bare flesh for a moment in memory. She was a goddess, and he was a god. At this particular time in his existance, he was mortal. Like many times in the past, he would take a mate and bear children. His last clutch, or last child would be a daughter. Her. She, the goddess, would take mortal form as his daughter. He would die and pass back into the celestial in following years, taking her place as the God of the known world. She then would grow up, find a mate of her own... and carry many children, the last of which was always a little boy. Valor. It was a cycle they had shared for several generations. This was the fiftieth already. Sighing in memory, she waved her hand over the starfield before herself and smiled as another image faded into view. Years later in one of the less lust-filled timelines, when Faith and Valor had concieved another son, Zephyr. A little silver dragonling who took to Blazy as his best friend. They were always close...

Blaze was playing hide-and-seek with her baby brother... kind of... Zephyr had rushed off somewhere, as he did from time to time, and being as bored as she was Blazy was trying to find him. She searched everywhere, openning chests in her daddy's horde, looking in bushes outside, but it was only when she began to climb one of the paths what winded up along the side of the volcano that she found him. Kind of... She heard whimpering, little growls, and even giggles. Curiously she crept towards their origins.

As she peeked over a boulder, she discovered the source rather quickly. Zephyr was laying on a side, one left lifted high in the air as his little snout nuzzled between his legs. She was about to ask him what he was doing when the strangest thing happened: a silvery cone began to grow from his slit! She gasped lightly, causing her baby brother's head to whip upward and stare at her. He squeeked some and stood up, watching her embarassedly. Blazy cautiously stepped forward, trying to get a look at that silver cone between his legs. "What is that thingy, Zephyr? How come it comes out of your slit?" She asked.

Zypher squeeked lightly and flopped onto his side, lifting his leg for her to see. Blaze darted forward and began to sniff at it. It was musky, alluring somehow. She extended her little tongue to taste it experimentally and Zephyr gasped, flinching. She squeeked and jumped back, afraid she hurt him. "I'm sorry!" she said, then started to lick at his face. Whimpering, her baby brother shook his head and explained "No, it feels good... I dont know why."

Feels good? Blazy then flopped onto her own side and started to nuzzle her own slit, but no cone grew from within. Frustrated, she stood up and started to lick at her brother again, who began to write and growl on the grass. Blaze lifted her head away from her baby brother's arousal and stared at him curiously as he panted and growled on the grass. She again fell to her side and licked at her own slit. When nothing came, she sighed in frustration and laid her head in the grass. "Mine wont come out!"

Zephyr stood up and stepped forward, nuzzling and licking at his sister. For the longest time nothing happened, but after several minutes, her slit grew puffy and the scales parted. A musk not unlike his own met Zypher's nostrils. He liked this smell. Extending his tongue again, he pushed it into the girl's slit, trying to find her cone deep inside of her. All he felt was a barrier deep down within her.

When her baby brother's tongue pushed into her, Blaze squeeled and bucked her hips. When Zephyr didnt stop, she found herself panting and growling as a fire began to build in her belly, but her brother stopped before it went anywhere. She lifted her head and looked at him, but he shook his head. "I dont feel a cone anywhere in there at all." he said, even as Blaze rolled onto all fours. She was trying to regain her breath.

Her body had other ideas. Her tail lifted high and to the side, revealing to Zephyr her puffy slit. Then he got an idea. "What if mine is supposed to go in yours?" he asked, not sure how he got that idea. Before his big sister could say any differently, he stepped forward and jumped up onto her, so his front legs could pull her hips backward. He stepped forward and started to rock his hips, trying to find her. Blaze looked back at him, then curled her long neck around to curl her tongue around his silvery cone. She guided it to her magenta scales surrounding her bright pink flesh and pushed it against the slit between her legs.

Instinctivly, the little boy thrust his hips forward. In an instant, his entire arrousal was buried inside of Blaze and both of them were squeeling in ecstasy. He didnt know what was happening. His hips kept pulling away and pushing forward again, driving his shaft into her again and again, faster and harder as the time past. Both of them were squeeling and growling as a fire began to once again build in their little tummies.

"Oh, it feels good, baby brother! Faster! Harder! I want more! Please, Zephyr! Give me more!" Blaze squeeled as she found herself rocking back to meet his every thrust. He gave her everything she asked for, thrusting faster and harder until the fire in their bellies erupted all at once. She forced herself backward in the same instant her baby brother thrust deeply into her and held himself there. The fire filled their bodies and slowly began to subside. They rested there in that possition for several minutes. When the sun began to go down, they bathed one another and scurried into the cave.

As night fell and the rest of the family slept, Blaze was restless. That had felt so good, and she wanted more... but every time she tried to rouse Zephyr, he growled and burrowed into the blankets lining the nest. Her other brother, Flare, was not far away though. He was in his angelic state, and as naked as their father usually was. Standing up, the dragonling crawled over to the young boy and looked at what he had. There was no slit at all, of course, but instead that wierd... thing hanging there. She extended her muzzle and started to lick it, to see if it would grow like her baby brother's. It did. Within moments it was long, thick, and throbbing. She moaned lightly as his own musk filled her nostrils. It was even more intoxicating than her baby brother's! Then there were hands on her body, stroking beneath her tail. Instinctivly her tail raised out of the way.

"You want it, Blaze?" the very horny adolescent's voice asked. Blaze knew her brother was awake and kept licking. Maybe.... "Flare?" she asked lifting her head to stare into his eyes. She turned around and crouched as she had when Zephyr took her. She pulled her tail to the side and whimpered. "Put it in me, please?"

Flare grinned and nodded, moving to kneel behind his sister. He stroked his tip over her slit for several minutes before he eased the tip inside of her. She whimpered, but he didnt care. Blaze did on the other hand. She was having second thoughts. It almost hurt a little. He was alot bigger than her brother, and alot hotter, and.... She squeeled loudly, but a hand clapped over her muzzle to stifle it as the entire hot length filled her, stretching her wide. Something gave way deep inside of her, causing tears to fill her eyes. Then it was gone, leaving only the tip again. Pulsing back into her, Blaze knew Flare was doing what their baby brother had, pushing it into her agian and again. It hurt at first, but after several minutes... it began to feel better and better, and that fire began to burn in her tummy again.

As the seconds turned into minutes, her body began to respond, growing wetter and pulsing about the large length inside of her. It milked it in a way only her biology knew how. And then it happened. Flare forced every inch into her, and a hot, sticky liquid rushed into something deep inside of her. She squeeled loudly, once again muffled by a hand as her body began to convulse and twitch.... Flare leaned forward and kissed the crown of her head, moaning into her ears before whispering "I love you, Blaze..."

She liked fucking Flare more and more, and often times abandonned her baby brother's games in order to sneak away with Flare and present herself to him and let him take her. For months this went on, and for months he filled her. She never understood why her belly began to grow, a year later. She never understood it at all, and elected to let Flare fuck her harder and faster, oft times letting him fuck her muzzle and throat as well. He tasted good. Salty and sweet all at once! But then, he was half angel, and half dragon...