Finding a Mate

Story by forsakenwerewolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Finding a Mate

    Paul tryed to be about as normal as any other nineteen year old could be, though he still loved with his parents at thier lovlingly rural home he had a job and his own car. He was very tall standing at about 6'5 and decently built from cutting and hauling firewood his entire life. He had long black hair, which was tied back in a pony tail with several hair ties. He oddly pale blue eyes but could see better than most people he knew. His car was and old flat black Chevel, which he and his father had been trying to restore since he was thirteen. Tommorrow was his parents anneversery and he had the job of taking care of the house and his younger sister while they were away. He had gotten them a present on his way home from work and smiled as he pulled up to the house and saw them loading his father's old charger. He decided to do the one thing his father hated him doing and revved the monstrous big block 454 making the super charger wind up and scream. "That was a gallon of gas..." He smiled as he watched his father shake his head at him before killing the engine and getting out.

    He talked to his parents for a few moments and gave them thier gift telling them not to open it until tommorrow "See you guys in a week." was all he got out before his father cranked up the charger and made the engine roar. "Wise ass!" He yelled as his fathers old car shot out along thier long driveway and out of sight. He walked into the house to find his eighteen year old sister sitting on the couch in her bra and boxers watching tv. He smiled to think that this sight would make most men blow thier load. "Damn Lela....scoot over and give me some room." He got the look from her before she scooted over and made a little room for him.

    Lela was about 5'8 tall and had a curvacious body that could beat any porn star. She had long bronze hair that was loosly drapped on the couch behind her, and bright green eyes that seemed to peirce straight into the soul. Her curvy body was also very athletic and toned from years of running through the woods along with three years of cross country running in school. She was currently watching another run of the newer star wars movies as she leaned over and laid her head on her brother's strong shoulder sighing lightly. "Ya know something Paul...I'm glad I dont have to go back to school....make up excuses for being out for one to two weeks at a time every few months. Being one of our kind kinda sucks at times ya know."

    "Ya i know....try having to keep from benchpressing too much weight too fast or hitting someone too hard in football..." The one thing that no one knew about thier family was that they were werewolves, though thankfully for them they didn't like to eat human's "I dont know about the womanly parts of the deal but I know about the rest and fitting in with normal society sucks sometimes but we must do it if we want to survive."

    They went on talking for a while before the movie finally ended and Paul sniffed himself some. "Bah I need a shower..."He got up and pulled his shirt off over his head and exposed his slightly scarred chest and looked down at the two old bullet scars from an unlucky hunter who had thought he was a deer. "When I get out im gonna work on dinner. " He ran unstairs and got a pair of stretchy jogging pants before heading into the bathroom to shower lazilly shutting the door without making it latch. He stripped down and sighed as he looked down at the one thing that kept him from ever having a full relationship with a normal woman. He had been born during a full moon so a part of his wolfan side stayed behind when he turned back. He had a large sheathe with a light layer of fur over it where his shaft would normally just hang like any other man. After a moment he got into the shower and started to bathe after getting the temprature just right.

    Lela sat down on the couch spralled out watching the last of the three newer star wars movies and felt a familliar yet very unwanted feeling start to flow out from her nethers. A slight warmth started to grow inside her and she growled and cussed. "For the love of god no....not now!" Aside from having to now pee she had been getting a little hornier all day and didnt want to have to pee near her bathing brother. She cussed again knowing her parents bedroom was locked tight and her toilet was broken, and then proceeded to walk upstairs and slip into the bathroom where Paul was still bathing happilly. "Hey bro I gotta piss....I wont flush tho I promise." she quickly shot over and pulled down her panties before sitting down on the toilet thankful for the cloud of steam.

    "Ok Im gonna hold ya too that..." was all he said as he rinsed out his hair. He hummed lightly too himselfe and smiled as he peaked through the steam filled air and flicked water at his sister as she wiped herself. He got a yell from her and then started to flick more and more water at her from around the shower curtain.

    "All right thats it you get it!" she stood up without putting her panties back on and jammed down the toilets handle making it flush making her brother yell at the sudden onslaught of overly hot water. Then without warning She saw him fling open the curtain and then reach out at her, which she tried to dodge but only failed as his strong hands latched onto her sides.

    He heaved his sister into the shower with him making her Yell as she was suddenly drenched. "Serves ya right..."He hugged Lela to him not knowing her panties lay hooked on her ankle, and pressed his swollen sheathe to her back before realizing it. It didnt matter much to him becuase they had bathed together and such all through thier childhoods. He didnt know it but his sister's already horny body got even more driven on by the feeling of him pressing against her back. He felt her squirm and sturggle against him even more and soon smelled her scent through the steam and spun her around to face him. "Ah....are you horny sis?" He took a deep sniff of the air and looked down at her.

    "Damn it Paul...yes I'm horny. I've been horny all damn day and I dumped my last boyfriend four months ago when I went into my last heat." she saw a sad look pass over his face and sighed knowing she had hit a touchy nerve. "I know you can't keep a girlfriend either. Though I do remember the one or two that you got stoned or drunk and screwed...they didnt walk right for a week after that." She paused for a moment and pressed against him some as very dirty thoughts passed through her head only driving on the heat in her nethers. She came back to herself as she noticed that his sheath had gotten much stiffer and then looked up at him smiling. "I think your clean....and now I'm soaked so I'm gonna go ahead and hop out and dry off..."

    Paul slowly unclenched his jaw as his sister got out of the shower, and then he proceeded to turn off the water and took the towel she handed him. He nearly dropped it when she undid her bra tossing it and her panties into the hamper before slowly tring herself off. He was quick to cover himself and start to dry off, making sure to keep his now peeking shaft hidden from sight. He wanted to whimper as she bent down to dry her legs and gave him a wonderful view of her womanhood, which sadly made his shaft go almost to full stiffness in an instant. He dried off as quickly as he could and hopped out tying the towel around his middle before slipping on his stretchy pants. "I'm gonna go fix dinner sis..." was all he said before bolting from the bathroom and downstairs.

    Lela smiled to herself as she watched her brother bolt from the bathroom knowing that she had gotten him good and aroused. She had been attracted to him for a while and had even gotten a little jelous of the few women he had managed to get in bed with. She dried her hair and proceeded on to her bedroom making sure to pick out a very teasing night gown that was for the most part very thin lace that she knew he would be able to see through. after a while of blow drying her hair she heard him yell that dinner was ready. As she proceeded down to the kitchen she thought back too all of her careful research into thier kinds history. Luckilly she had found an old text relating to back when non family mates were hard to come by, which stated that for them close matings wouldnt be a problem like it was for normal humans.

    Paul watched his sister come into the kitchen and nearly droped his plate seeing what little she was wearing, which made the "pop tent" in his strechy pants even worse and now totally un hideable. He handed her a plate that like his had a large hunk of steak and some veggies. As the both sat down to eat he kept glancing at her sultry form and thinking of his long time attraction to her. with the few girls he had sex with he had barely gotten half of his shaft into them without risking causing them horrible harm. As he nearly finished eating he watched his sister get up and dig a couple cold drinks from the fridge. "Come on lets go watch some tv bro...." was all he heard before she didspeared into the living room. He finished eating and quickly followed her deciding to test her he sat down right beside her and drapped his large arm around her as she worked the remote. "What ya got in mind to watch sis?"

    "Eh i found an unmarked dvd in mom and dads room before they left and wanted to see what it was." as she hit the play button she drapped one leg over his lightly and making sure the scent of her arousal hit him good. But what came on the tv screen she hadn't expected. Thier parents both stood in ther bedroom much younger than they were now and naked as the day they were born. After a moment thier mother shover thier father down on the bed and started to mercilesly ride him. She looked over at her brother who was staring wide eyed at the screen with his mouth hung open and smiled before pulling up her gown slightly and starting to rub at her wet folds.

    After a moment of watching his parents widly screw one another he looked over at his sister and gawked as he saw her pleasuring herself. He was brought out of his shock as he felt her hand pull down his pants and let his shaft literally spring free. "Sa sa SIS! what the hell are you doing?" He was trying to stop this from going to far, even though he knew it already had passed that point. He moved away from her and got her leg off of him, but in the process of moving away he ended up having the couch pull his stretchy pants down further.

    Lela mock growled at him as she stood up and stared down at him planting her foot firmly on the leg of his stretchy pants so he couldn't pull them up if he wanted to. "I'm tired of being patient and waiting for you to notice the things I do around you. I'm tired of seeing the few women you DO screw walk funny for a week. The closest family like ours is forty miles away and I HATE thier sons let alone the fact that they prefer regular women rather than thier own kind." As she ranted her chest heaved making Paul look from her face to her chest and back alot. "I love you Paul...more than any other man I have met or think I ever will meet. I love you more than just a brother and have for a VERY long time!" What happened next she never though would happen.

    Paul sat for only a moment as his sister's words sunk in and then shot up from the couch and pulled her up into his arms smiling at her before kissing her more passionatly than he thought he could. He craadled her to him as he kissed her and gently positioned her with his shaft sticking our from behind her from between her legs. After they finally stopped kissing they caught thier breath and looked at one another before Paul spoke. "You don't know how long I've wanted to hear those words..."He gently let her sit on his shaft as if it were a fence post and kissed her again. "Your teasing and flaunting has driven me insane...I nearly picked the locks on your door during your last heat...I love you Lela....and I have for a very long time." He kissed her passionatly again and slipped a free hand up under her gown and lightly rubbed at her nipple making her arch her back against him.

    "So you were going to break into a heat driven woman's room and have your way with her..." She reached down and cupped his heavy sack and gave it a light rub, and smiled as she felt him shiver. "Well atleast it was me you were planning to do that to..." She wrapped her legs around him and smiled. "Take me up to my bedroom and take me as your mate...or so help me I'm going to rape your ass right here."

    Paul smiled at her and walked up the stairs making sure to let the top of his shaft rub against her folds as he climbed the steps. As he got to her bedroom he focused and made a singer finger shift to it's wolfan form and ran a clean slit up her gown before pulling it from her. He kneled down and gently laid her back on the bed before shedding his stretchy pants the rest of the way and kicking them off. He watched her move up more onto the bed and smiled as he followed her and pressed a singer finger into her folds before looking at her in near shock. " still a virgin?" He watched her blush profusly and knew the answer.

    "Yes....though thanks to one of the dildo's mom gave me my first heat...I'm a no mess virgin. Do you honestly think I would have let one of those stuck up pricks get into my pants?" She moaned as she felt him start to rub at her clit and pulled his hand away. "Bad Paul....I've waited too long for this I want you now." She watched him give her a wolfish smiled as she parted her legs more and moved between them. She marveled once again at the size of his shaft, it was almost as long as her forearm and thicker than her wrist. She moaned as she felt the large tip rub along her folds and press against her entrance.

    Paul leaned down and suckled lightly from each of her nipples before looking up at her face. "I love you Lela." was the last thing he said before thrusting into her with a short hard thrust that drove only a couple inches into her virgin depths. He groaned as she arched her back moaning out his name before he started to diligently push his shaft deeper and deeper into her. As soon as he got half of his shaft inside of her he leaned down and passionatly kissed her and giving her body a moment to adjust. "Are you ok Lela? I dont want to hurt you during your first time."

    She smiled up at him and rubbed his cheek with her soft hand. "You forgot love that I heal alot faster than any other women you've been with..." She rocked her hips some and marveled at how full his shaft made her feel and then looked down and saw she hadn't taken it all inside her yet. "Now be a good boy and make me cum." She felt him pull slowly from her until only the tip remained inside and then felt him slam into her. She arched her back and moaned out his name again before rocking her hips and starting to try to meet his thrusts. After what seemed an eternity of bliss she felt the tip of his shaft hammer up against her inner most barrier as his knot slapped against her clit. She felt a shot of her brothers hot pre hit against her cervix and crashed over the edge into her strongest orgasm to date, making her nearly scream as she bucked and ground herself against his knot.

    Paul suckled and nibbled at her nipples as he ground his knot against a moaning and twitching Lela, and just as her orgasm started to ease off he sarted to make full hard thrusts into her. He groaned as he felt her vice like walls grip and squeeze his shaft as he ground his knot against her opening making it stretch more and more. "I'm going to tie you my mate..." He kissed up along her chest and neck until he got to her mouth and kissed her passionatly as he picked up the pace even more, making the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh fill the room.

    "Oh....Yes tie me Paul..." She started the thurst herself harder against him as the pleasure made any pain nonexistant. She felt another hot shot of pre spray against her cervix as the tip of his shaft hammered against it over and over. Every nerve in her body felt as though it were lit aflame as they nearly raped one another in thier passion and lust. She felt his thrusting start to go a little irratic and knew he was getting very close to his own orgasm, which made her start to use was little energy she could must up to grind herself more and more against his knot. As she felt his knot nearly go into her fully she met his last great thrust with her own and slammed her weight against him. She screamed out in pleasure and pain as his knot swelled inside her, while the tip of his shaft slammed into and through her cervix and tapped the back of her womb.

    As Paul tied with Lela he started to make very short quick thrusts into her until he reached his peak and grabbed hold of her hips and shoved deeper inside of her, making the tip of his shaft press against the back of her womb. Paul tilted his head back and let out a primal roar as Lela felt his seed spray into her womb like a firehose that made her crash over the edge into the throws of orgasm making her see stars and nearly pass out. Pauls shaft twitched and sprayed his seed filling his loving mate to the brim and beyond as the new young lovers twitched and writhed in the throws of orgasm.

    After a good ten minutes of panting and twitching Lela finally felt the flow of seed stop as she looked down and smiled seeing that she looked atleast four months pregnant. She felt Paul take hold of her gently and lightly rolled over so that she was now ontop of him and felt a gentle hand start to caress her back and sides. "No worries Paul...I'm fine....full but fine. I can't wait till tommorrow night...." She felt him pause a moment with his rubbing and kissed him. "The full moon my love...I can't wait till we can truely and utterly become mates." She knew her bed was going to be a mess in the morning but didnt care about that now, especially since she knew that she could get the stains out.

    "I take it you plan on us to mark one another? Fine by me...I almost marked you tonight." He smiled at her and bared his wolfan teeth before leaning up to kiss her passionatly. As he kissed her he made a few quick tugs and thrusts into her, making her moan into his mouth. He pulled the cover over thier naked forms and slipped a pillow under Lela's head.

    After a short while the two young lovers slowly difted off to sleep feeling truely content and happy for the first time in thier adult lives. During the light Paul's knot receded and let his shaft slowly sink back into it's sheath while only a tiny amount of his seed escaped from Lela, while the rest stayed locked inside her womb.