Chap. 2 Da Right Move

Story by Aurco on SoFurry

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#2 of INK AN LUV

CAST (so far)

Niki Carts- ferret

Cain Farote- fox

(To come)

Larkin Lynch- human

Summer break was nearly over for Cain and Niki. They'd spent their whole summer getting "close." Often they would spend time at the park, it gave them a chance to get away from the city. Today was the last Saturday before school started, and they both had that day off from their jobs so they decided to go to the park one last time before school started.

"I'll bring the grub if you drive" Cain had told Niki earlier in the week.

"Alright sounds like a plan," she answered.

Niki had been looking forward to getting a little time alone with her lover, as much time they did spend together they were never really alone. They would either be at their own homes, family in close proximity, or out on a date but with many other furs and people around. Sadly for the pair, today wasn't to be any different. They rolled up to the park; Cain got out of the car in and in a flash ran over to Niki's side

"Please allow me," he gestured with a little bow as he opened her door.

Niki gave a little giggle, he'd started a little lover's habit and she loved it every time. She graciously took his paw and stepped out. Basket in hand the strolled down to their favorite area of the park. No sooner had they got there than a small group of humans walked towards them. Now in their school, furs and humans got along fine, but out where this park was, however peaceful it was, there was much hostility between the two and most tried to keep separate.

One of the humans crossed his arms and looked at the furry pair and commented, "Well would you look here, we got ourselves a couple of 'furgets,' I think we should show 'em the way out don't you think?"

Some rather menacing chuckles and smirks filtered out of the little mob. Cain placed himself between them and Niki, ready to push back their advance if needed when from behind someone called out in a rather strange accent, "Oy, now is dis atol fair, I think not."

The voice came from a human, with a rather pleased smile on his face. He was a big dude to say the least 6'3 maybe about 210 pounds.

He strode up beside Cain and without actually looking at him said, "I'm thinkin da odds are a bit more in ya favor now lad."

With that he took off his outer shirt, at this a few of the hostiles took a step back and with good reason. This guy was RIPPED. Biceps covered in Celtic tats, as well as up his neck and under his shirt, pecs, a six-pack of steel, all saying the same thing "wrong move bud."

"Now I'd have ta say dat I find gangin up on someone is really a chicken shit ting ta do, but if dats da way ya gotta be, yall can gang up on me."

Unfolding his arms, the stranger cracked his knuckles, getting loose, and stared the crowd down. Cain looked at this guy dumbfounded, was he serious, more so did he actually think that he'd let this dude have all the fun.

"How about this I'll take half and u take the other half?" the fox proposed, stretching out his own neck.

"But laddy ya got dat der lass ta look aftar, but if ya like I save a few for ya, now if der is any one dat goes near ya and your sweetie, I sugges you take der Fuckin head off cause if I get a hold of em, well I don't gotta say more do I," the man said with a grin.

At this, the aggressors had heard enough insults and one of them charged while the stranger had his back turned, but he heard the attacker coming and turned just in time to have the guys fist impact his lower jaw. The attacker stood there poised for action.

"Now ya see dats anoder ting I hate bout people like ya selves, here I am tryin ta have a decent conversation with this couple, and ya have ta go an do somtin stupid like dat," he grinned his mouth red with blood. He turned and spat, "Now I'm not da one who likes da taste of his own blood, nor see'n it, you on da oder hand wont be see'in it or for that matter, anything for a while after I'm done wit ya."

In a lightning fast movement, the stranger threw a hard right upper cut to the attacker's jaw, sending his body reeling backwards an inch, only to be caught by that same fist and pulled back in to its counterparts elbow. After being let go for a moment, the attacker felt woozy, dazed, then he couldn't breath. He hadn't even felt it hit, as he looked down a large hand was wedged in his stomach. The last thing he saw, bent over as he was, a knee coming toward his face, then red followed by nothing at all. *He'd wake up a week later in a hospital bed with no clue where, who, or what he was*

As the others saw this go down, it only fueled the fire and they all charged at once. The first to go down was struck with a single kick to the head, some of the others soon followed suit. Two of these "furists" had decided to head for the couple to the side. Now these two weren't the brightest bulbs in the box, as a matter of fact they had been duds since day one.

"I'll go left, you go right," one of the attacker said looking at his partner.

They looked back towards their target only to see Cain running at them, arms out stretched and CRACK!!! They went head over heels literally as they were hit by the two furry fists. One landed on his head, knocking him unconscious, the other landing on his back, in a dizzy fit and tried to get back up. The single attacker got his bearings; though his vision was blurry he could still see a red figure moving towards him. Before he was able to pull himself all the way up, he was rocketed back again, from a knee on his throat.

Cain bent down to the semi-conscious attacker and whispered in his ear, "Your God damned lucky you never laid a hand on her or I'd have torn your mother-fuckin throat out."

He had said it in a whisper, barely audible, but even with his mind nearly blank the attacker heard EVERY word. With that Cain removed his knee and came back down with a backhand to his head, putting him down once and for all.

Cain felt someone behind him, in all of his adrenaline driven fury he swung blindly at the figure. His attack however was cut short, caught in the hand of the stranger. The guy chuckled softly.

"Careful now, dat would be a wrong move," he said releasing Cain's fist.

"Um... thanks for the help, I don't think I could have fought all of them off and protect Niki," Cain paused and his mind caught up with the rest of him, "Oh shit! Niki are you alright?" he ran over to his mate, his love, and his "savior."

Shacking slightly Niki nodded, "I'm fine, I just need to know are you alright?"

"I will be as soon as this scum is behind bars," the fox replied, looking back at the would-be attackers. Niki in Cain's embraced and walked over to stranger, who now was putting his shirt back on.

The ferret smiled and said, "I can't tell you how much we appreciate what you've done for us, my name is Niki Carts and this is Cain."

He looked up and replied, "Niki was it? Well it was no trouble 'tall, and Cain, Cain..."

"Farote, Cain Farote and you are?"

"Me, I'm da one dat saved your ass, but ya can call me Larkin, Larkin Lynch, though some jus call me Lair, its up ta ya," the human replied, licking some of the blood off his lower lip.

"Where exactly are you from Larkin? You sound like you're a mix between Irish and... well something else," Cain asked, looking at Larkin with interest.

He sighed, "Well, I was born in Ireland, an me Da is native der as well, but me ma... she's a mix of da world. She's got an even crazier accent dan mine. So I guess you could say I'm Irish but only half."

His eyes gazed at the two for a moment, "Well I best be off now, oh an by da way what school ya go ta... I'm gona be going ta Endays High dis year."

Cain looked at him questioningly, "You going to high school?! How old are you bud?"

"I'm twenty three, an my reasons are my own, so I'll be thankin ya for not askin why."

Cain glared for only a moment, "Well we go there to, so I guess well be see'in you there."

"I guess ya will, ya two take care now," he started to walk away but Niki stepped in front of him.

"I still can thank you enough, I hope to see you in class some time Lar" she stuck out her paw to offer a shake.

Lar tensed as her hand went up almost taking a step back, something in his eyes, a pain, a worry.

"What's the matter, afraid of girls or somthin?" Niki asked, in a non-offensive tone.

Lar looked at her out stretched paw then at her, then back to her paw.

"No, no I... I... I gotta go," and with that he bolted past Niki to the parking lot.

When he was gone Cain looked to Niki.

"Well there goes a perfectly good day, what do you wana do now?"

Niki glanced back at Cain for a second then back to the direction that Lar had run in.

"I don't know, but you know he reminds me of someone I used to know," looking back at Cain. A small smile played across her lips.

School started with its normal groans and whines. This year both Cain and Niki were both seniors.

"Finally we are at the finish line," Niki squealed in excitement, Cain mock frowned.

"What are you talking about the year just started?!" he chuckled as she crossed her arms and made the cutest little pout you've ever seen.

"Well you know what I mean," she replied, giving him a playful shove, "this is the last year well have to come here. Also, we're the top dogs this year. The-"

Cain cut her off, "The top Fox and Ferret you mean."

Again she put on that same pout, it drove Cain wild he loved it when she did that. He would do anything for her when she did that. (not that he wouldn't if she didn't)

After the first day of new introductions, new teachers, new peps, new furs, the two were headed to his car when a familiar voice called them.


Cain looked up, and saw that it was Lar, but he already knew that no one else spoke like he did.

"Hey Lar how are you doin', and why'd you run off when I tried to shake your hand?" Niki asked.

He scuffed his feet for a moment looking down, like he was embarrassed.

"Uum well its like I said, I had ta go," not much of an answer but Niki let it go, for now, "Ok, did you need something or just a talk," she winked at Cain.

"Well I was wonderin' if ya dohn' mind, ya see I had ta walk here taday an, Oh God damn it!" the man threw his arms into the air, "Ok I need a ride, I ain't got no mode of transport an it's a long walk back. I uhh, I got a job to and bein' late isn't really looked well upon." with no (REAL) fur covering his face his bright red blush was clear as day.

"Well its not my car, you'll have to ask Niki," Cain answered and looked to Niki.

The ferret smiled and replied, "Hey no problem bud, anything to repay you for what you did for us."

Now Cain was defiantly not an expert at this, but he could tell that Lar was hiding some thing deep inside him, "but how'd you get from school to your job last year?" Cain added with some interest.

"I lived right near my job, an it was an easy walk from Elnar."

Niki jerked her head at the mention of this school, she'd been there one year, it had one of the countries worst problems with anti-fur, and fur groups.

"This might be an issue," she thought

"Oh, ok then where's your house? We live pretty far from the school too, you might even be before us," Cain said pointing in the general direction of where their houses where.

"Actually I was hopin' ya could drop me off at me job, that is a bit closer den my house. Its in da little shopin center near old pine road, I work at Black Inc, ya know da tattoo shop?"

Cain and Niki exchanged glances, they had seen it before and as a matter of fact they had been thinking about getting each other's name done on their forearms underneath.

The fox nodded, "Yep, I think we can manage that, you wont mind sitting in the back would ya?" gesturing behind Niki's seat.

"Not at all, an thank ya, its much appreciated," he sighed, thankful as to that they didn't dwell into why he didn't go to his old school anymore.

They drove him to his job, dropped him off and thanked him again, but they were quick to leave, they had other things on their minds.

Being that the two lovers never got to "be" with each other that day at the park, they were both very... on edge for the events to cum... err come.

"I can't believe that your parents are leaving for the week," Cain commented and thought for a moment, "Actually, what surprises me is that they're letting you stay alone," he added, watching with more than just surprise in his eyes.

"Well I won't really be alone will I," she winked at him seductively, "They said they could trust me not to do anything they wouldn't do, and being that I'm here I don't think I'll be breaking that trust," she giggled.

Cain reached over to rub her cheek; he had found she almost liked that as much as she liked his kisses. They pulled up to Niki's driveway and as always Cain rushed to her door and put out his paw

"Please allow me miss," he said with his paw gesturing.

Niki giggled as Cain took her paw in his. Once inside; both of them still clinging to each other, Niki pulled Cain into what he guessed was the living room. He'd never been to her house before; he was always worried about what her parents would think of him. She sat him down on the couch with a sort of mock shove. She straddled his waist, his stiffness rubbed against her. (She had worn a skirt today for just such a reason) He could already feel her moistness through her black silken panties and his pants. Arms around his neck, she pulled him into a deep passionate kiss, their tongues mingled inside each other's maws. It was like their first kiss all over again. Her mound soaking his increasingly stiffening member, he could feel her warmth, so welcoming. He COULD NOT take it anymore. Within moments the two were as bare as the day they were born, of course more fur. Cain took her by the waist, positioned her like they were before. He felt awkward though, he didn't have a condom.

Almost reading his mind Niki said, "Cain don't worry, I just went through my cycle; there's not a thing to worry about, now please put it in me, please I want it in me, I need it."

Moaning, Niki rolled her hips in an attempt to impale herself on his member. Cain took Niki in his arms, positioned her over him and granted her wish. She felt so good as he slid his cock into her.

She pulled herself to his chest, her bare breasts rubbing against him.

"Oh god yes, oh yes its been so long, oh Cain I love you!" she moaned loudly in a fit of lust, Cain still moving her agonizingly slow, up an down his shaft.

Cain grunted, "I... love huh... you to Niki... with all my heart, forever."

The fox took his hand to her lower stomach. He slowly sped up, using his grip to push deeper into her, soon Cain was nearly slamming her down on his cock.

"Cain... Cain I... I feel so good, you feel so good inside me!" Cain forced himself to slow down.

Niki gasped as she felt herself stop "Cain huh huh... what's wrong?" almost a whine.

"Nothing, I just think you might enjoy this way more," and Cain rolled Niki over so she was on all fours, her little ferret tail brushing against his chest.

He started up a high pace again, "What do you think?"

"Fuck yes! I love it, you've barely started and I'm already about to cum! Oh god I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!"

Cain still kept up his rate; he was on the edge of his endurance as well.

"Oh god Niki! I'm gonna cum too... are... are you sure you want me to cum in you?" he asked with a flinch, feeling his muscles struggling to release.

"Oh yes cum! Cum deep inside me, fill me with your seed!" and almost on command the two came in unison.

Cain griped her ass as he pulled her tight against him as he pumped his cum into her wet loins, jet after jet of hot fox cum. Niki was on cloud nine, the combined feeling of her own release and Cain filling her moist pussy. Their love juices coating Cain's member, down their thighs.

Cain still holding Niki rolled to his side spooning his lover, pulling her close, keeping his shaft embedded inside her he whispered to her ear, "You are and forever will be the only one for me. I don't know if you know this but the day you came into my life I was saved, saved from my self. I will always be indebted to you for that."

Niki turned her head to face his, she kissed his forehead, "You don't owe me a thing, I love you, and you love me, that's all that matters."

Just then they heard a knock at the door, a loud knock.

"Who the hell is that?" Cain whispered into her ear, fearing the worst.

The two lovers looked at each other, and then a voice came from the door, a familiar voice.

"Oy, Farote are ya here? I... I need at tell ya somthin, I need at tell both ya somthin," it was Lar.

The pair sighed and broke their embrace a bit earlier than they would have preferred. Cain and Niki threw their clothes on, neglecting their undergarments and went to the door.

Two hours earlier

"Thank ya for da ride, I really 'preciate it," Lar said and he stepped out of Niki's car.

They said their goodbyes, the two drove off, a little fast for a parking lot. He didn't want to say anything but a little while after he had gotten into the car, a musky, pungent scent had been bombarding his senses, but Lar let it drop.

Black Inc. was one of the most renowned tattoo parlors in the valley. Lar walked in the front door, the buzz of the tattoo gun was already going.

"Hey Jack, how's da bizz taday?" Lar asked the owner, a bat in his mid 30's, about medium build, light brown fur.

Jack looked up from his work for a moment as did his patron, another bat, a female, she was having a small rose put on the top of her breast, she was a regular at the shop. Almost simultaneously the two greeted him, "Hey Lar" and he gave them a little wave as he signed in for his shift, he usually took the night.

"So what's on da schedule taday?" not really asking anyone but himself.

He read over his list, a few finishing jobs, one high profile, "Oh hey, taday I get at finish up on Stacy."

He was excited, he had done an amazing tattoo and he was really proud of his work.

"Well Julia, were done," Jack took a step back from his stool admiring more than just the tattoo he had just finished.

After a moment he put on the D-ointment and bandage. (Taking a little more time then necessary.)

Julia shivered at the attention; "I thought you said we were done?" she blushed.

Julia loved being the center of attention, hence why she had almost as much tattoos as Lar. Lar rolled his eyes and headed over to his station, his first appointment was to be there soon. Julia pulled down her spaghetti strap top, carefully, and walked up to Lar. He was checking his equipment and all the sterile covers.

"You know I already have my next tattoo idea... maybe you can DO me," and she walk past him to the door, giving him a wink over her shoulder as she left.

Lar grimaced inwardly, it wasn't that he didn't like her, its just... well he had some things to work out mainly with himself. Lar's first patron walked through the door


"Hey Stacy ready ta finish up wit ya mastapiece?" Lar asked the patron as she walked in.

Her tattoo was a set of angel wings on her back. The wings were covered in ancient Gaelic script, hymns, as well as angelic symbols. It was one of the most expansive, and intricate works he'd ever done.

"What are we down to... the shading right?" She half asked half stated.

Lar nodded and motioned for her to sit on his booth. He prepped her skin, the little it required, picked up his gun and within the hour was finished.

"My friend its done, I'm think'n ya will be most pleased," the man said, standing up so as to help her off the bench, he took her over to the mirror mounted on the wall.

"OH WOW! I love it, its perfect Lar," she was abound with joy.

"Well I'm glad ya like it, was it worth da pain?" he asked jokingly.

"Oh yes, every ounce of it," she gave him a ginger hug for obvious reasons.

As Stacy was leaving a large stallion came through the door, nearly knocking poor Stacy off her feet.

"Excuse me sir, I need ya ta apologize ta da young lady!" Lar said as he stood, though physically smaller than the horse in front of him, he seemed much larger than the hulking stallion figure.

"Fuck you!" the horse shot back, "I don't have to apologize for shit, the little bitch got in my way! Now stop bein such an ass and get your area prepped, I'm your next paycheck."

Jack stepped out of his office, "Sir is there a problem? If there is I'm going to ask you to calm down if not I will have to have you leave my premises."

The stallion glared at the bat, "And what are you going to do about it bat fuck!?"

Jack was about to say something but Larkin cut him short, "First of all, it seems ta me dat you are da only 'ass' around here, an second he's not gonna do a thing, I AM!"

The horse snarled, (as best a horse can) "You fucking bastard, I'll beat the shit outa you if you open your mouth one more time!"

"Actually I knew my father and so ya know I got ta know ya mother real well last night," the man commented, coaxing the horse a bit.

At this the stallion lashed out at but to his surprise was caught by the human. Lar grinned; he took the larger forearm in his own and CRACK.

"OH SHIT, OH SHIT, man you broke my fucking arm, my arm fuck, fuck you broke my arm!" the stallion almost crying, " I'm gonna sue your ass, you'll regret the day you ever..." he was cut short, Lars backhand coming across his muzzle.

"Stop complain'n ya goddamn pussy, ya don't know the meaning of pain," Lar let loose the arm in his hand letting him fall to his knees.

Lar reached up a literally ripped his shirt off to reveal a ghastly sight. On his right shoulder was a scar stating from his collarbone to his upper ribs, clearly visible even through the tattoos. On his stomach, the left side of his torso, many gashes and stitch scars.

"Pain is have'n ya arm ripped from it's socket, pain is have'n ya insides torn apart! Dis my friend is what happens when ya make da wrong move in a gang fight. Some call me lucky, but I think me brother was da lucky one, he got a bullet, I got teeth and claws. I live cuz he died, his organs keep me so!" Lar's eyes misty now, "but true pain comes from da fact dat I will never see justice done... cuz I was like ya... I thought I was tough, I was wrong! Don't make the same wrong move I did, I let ya off easy, now if ya please," Lar motioned towards the door.

The stallion kneeling before him stood, a look of... well a mixed look, he turned to Stacy, "Miss I'm sorry for being so rude earlier."

With that he left and didn't say another word, still clutching his arm. Stacy and Jack were staring, mouths open at Larkin, neither knew of his past, now they knew why.

"Lar I... I'm sorry, can I..." before she could finish Lar ran out the front door.

An hour later

Lar heard movement inside the room and then Niki's voice, "We'll be there in a second!"

The door opened. There stood Cain and Niki, a little flushed and a bit annoyed but Lar thought nothing of it.

"I have something ya need ta hear... a confession of sorts" he looked around for a second then back to the door. "Would it be alright if I come inside?"

Niki looked to Cain for a moment, there eyes met, then back to Lar. The fox looked a bit flustered to say the least but Niki's warm gaze calmed him down, a bit.

"Sure, sure come on in," she said carefully.

As Lar entered that same scent that had filled Niki's car hit him again, only this time much stronger though again he let it go.

"So what did you need?" a hint of annoyance in Cain's voice showing.

"Well... ok I need ta get dis of my chest, ya remember dat group of thugs I helped ya wit?"

"Yah..." Cain said aloud

"I usta be one of em, I look back now an see how stupid I was. That's why I wouldn't take your hand, I felt ashamed, not worthy of such a friendly, welcoming gesture form someone's race I was so adamant in hating," strangely Cain's nor Niki's expressions changed.

Niki only asked a question, "I thought the owner of your shop was a bat, and don't you tattoo furs?"

"I don't know what it is, but when I'm doing something I love I forget everything except da art. When I'm tattooing its all da same. It's a lame excuse, but its true, dats all I can say. I be take'n my leave now."

If Lar had a tail it would be so far between his legs that it would be up against his stomach.

It had just occurred to Cain that Larkin didn't have a shirt on, probably because his tats made sort of a permanent one. Then he noticed his right shoulder

"What happened here?" Cain pointed to his shoulder.

Lar's eyes went wide; his hand shot up to cover his old wound, but stopped himself

"Dis is what happens ta someone who deserves it," he glanced down at the ground still ashamed.

Lar told his story, the same he had told the stallion, though defiantly not the same tone.

They had made their way to the living room during his tale.

Lar finished, Cain started, "Well I can't say I'm at all happy about your past, but no one can ever say you haven't repented for it."

Lar sighed he put his hands on his side, coming down on some soft, slightly moist fabric, he looked down and saw a set of panties, his eyes glanced around at the various undergarments abound.

He thought for a moment then it hit him, "Ohhh shit, I'm sorry... I umm, interrupted you!"

Niki blushed "No... we... We were just finishing up."

Both Cain and Lar swallowed the lump in their throats.

"I think is best if I leave ya to your business," Lar stood up, and offered his hand to Niki how graciously took it in a hearty shake.

"I think that's the second of two,in a long line to come" Cain said to Lar.

He looked at him for a moment "Of what?"