A few things explained but more to be confused about

Story by Yaxnonth on SoFurry

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#8 of an island mansion -

ok here is chapter 8 it starts just where you left off in chapter 7 and a warning now it does contain yiff m/m/f so if your not really into that read something else or just skip that part the story might still be interesting any way Enjoy! Chapter 8 A few things explained but more to be confused about

  • * * ‘we can't let this happen hold your strength from your mind and make the world better' A voice rang from one mind to another ‘I have to help' Before the trigger was pulled Hyeed held out his hand as it glowed a deep sapphire ‘I'll help you kid' the captains thought out The captain could see the fight and raised a glowing hand in a bright gold shine They both closed there eyes BANG! The gun had fired was it to late was the life of a friend lost They stood there the gun on the dry earth shattered, and the bullet meant for Tye dissipated The Doberman was caught off guard as Ferron attempted another tackle forcing the Doberman to let go of Tye as they landed on the ground Ferron held down the large canine surprised at his own strength to be able to hold down such a large figure Roxy rushed to the aid of Tye as sirens were heard coming from boats, the police had arrived for the Dobie who caused the mess and for Tye a paramedic ‘you did well kid' ‘thank you captain, I didn't even know I could do that' ‘I guess you have more than just one gift, and it seems like you can really help people with that, you should be proud of yourself boy' ‘I couldn't have done it without your help' ‘its something we have to do, but now we need to stay low, head to the ship and I'll be able to hide us until the police are gone' ‘alright captain' Hyeed looked at Kayla and pulled her into a passionate kiss that lasted only a few moments "I love you Kayla, but I have to go for a little while" Hyeed spoke bringing a tear to his eye "I love you to Hyeed, I understand but promise me I'll see you again please" "I promise" Hyeed spoke ‘I will always be with you any way I can' he sent a thought to her They hugged one more time before Hyeed ran off towards the boat that would carry him into hiding ‘I love you, Hyeed no matter where you go, I know you'll always be back for me' Kayla thought * * * The darkness is cold and painful; Tye's mind floats in the open abyss waiting, for impending fate but it never came Sirens were heard as they were taking Tye into the nearest hospital with Roxy and Ferron riding along hoping that there lover was alright, leaving the others on the island A few hours later Tye wakes up and opens his eyes "wh-where am I?" Tye groaned "shhh hun, try to stay calm" Roxy said holding his face with her paw "he's awake" Ferron pulled Tye into a hug, Tye winced in pain "put him down he needs to rest" Roxy yelled at Ferron Ferron put Tye down gently "sorry..." "it's alright Ferron...can you guys tell me what's going on?" "well hun, your in a hospital, you just came out of the emergency room, and the doctors said you should be okay but you need some rest" Roxy tried to explain "you took quite a beating, but luckily nothing was to damaged and nothing seems broken, the doctors said we could take you home today if we could get you there" Ferron said "that's good, I'm starting to feel better already...but where are the others? Are they alright?" Tye asked "they're fine, they are all waiting for you on the island, they couldn't take all of them here and they couldn't find the captain" Ferron said "hmmm I see... wait why couldn't they find the captain?" "we're not sure, come to think of it Hyeed wasn't there when they were taking you to the hospital, both of them were missing" Roxy said surprising herself and Tye "Hyeed..." Tye spoke quietly "did you guys see what happened, just when you heard the gunshot?" Tye asked "I think so but it's a but it's blurry, I saw the gun in fragments on the ground" Ferron tried to remember "yea, but how did that happen was the gun damaged?" Roxy pondered Tye remembered faintly what had happened He was shutting his eyes just as the trigger was being pulled, the tension making the world feel like it was in slow motion Out of the corner of Tye's eye he remembers seeing a faint blue glow and a faint golden glow a little more off in the distance What were they it made no sense to him but he thought and thought trying to put the pieces together "I think, those two...saved me" Tye spoke "what?" Ferron questioned "they did something, I don't know what but that gun and the bullet wouldn't have shattered the way you said it would have normally" "so what are you saying?" Roxy asked "I'm not sure, but maybe we should go... then maybe get a few answers" Tye sat up and attempted to stretch, he was still really sore for the beating he got from Roxy's father, obviously leaving a few bruises on him "what ever happened to your dad, Roxy?" Tye asked "they arrested him, he's in police custody now" she said sounding a bit upset "are you, mad at him?" Roxy was holding back tears she was trying to be strong, seeing what he had done to Tye made her furious, but she couldn't pull herself to hate her father "you don't have to answer that" Tye said putting his hand on her paw "I am mad at him... why would he do this to you" she said a few tears running down her face "it's alright Roxy, I'm fine, and I think you should forgive him" Tye said pulling her head so that there eyes could meet "..." she couldn't seem to reply "I feel that if we forgive him we can move past this, what did the police say?" "they said he would be going to jail for a long while" she sniffled trying to pull herself together "then I'll drop the charges, and we can talk to him, for real and ... explain, everything" tye said "are you sure that that will work?" Roxy asked "I don't know but it, could never hurt to try" "Yes it could Tye! what if he does this to you again or worse!" Roxy yelled She started to cry as Tye pulled her into his shoulder "shhhh it will be alright, don't worry nothing will happen" Tye tried to calm her down Tye signaled Ferron to go sign him out of the hospital so they could leave "I just, don't want to see you hurt like this again" Roxy said still crying Tye rubbed her back a little and calmed her down while whispering in her ear "lets go home, you need as much rest as I do, it feels like your more hurt then I am" A few moments later she stopped crying and Ferron came out with a wheelchair "you get to leave in one of these" Ferron parked it next to the bed "now put on your clothes and lets get out of here" Ferron gave Tye his clothes and he quickly changed before a doctor came in to talked to them "I see your feeling better" the doctor said "yea but right now I just want to go home" Tye replied "well you look fit enough to do that, but make sure you call us if anything happens alright" "sure doc" Tye said with a smile Ferron helped him into the chair as they walked out of the room and down the hall way "oh bye the way Tye your father has been contacted and he's on the way here, should we call him and say your heading home?" the doctor said ‘dad!' "uhh yes please" Tye quickly responded as they were about to leave the hospital doors Ferron put away the chair while Roxy helped Tye stand up "so how do we get back?" Tye asked he had never been in the city before and he was amazed at its size from up close "well we could just walk down that way, it's only a few blocks to the docks" Ferron pointed "I guess that's the plan, but now we need to get to the island, Roxy do you think you could call the captain maybe we can get home on the boat" "alright lets just hope that the captain will answer" They started walking with Roxy pulling out her phone attempting to get a hold of the captain while Ferron helped Tye walk the block to the dock * * * *ring ring the phone on the drifting boat rang ‘the phone?' the captain thought "are you going to answer that?" Hyeed asked "yes" the captain said as he picked it up *click "hello" "hello, captain I'm glad we got a hold of you, could you bring us back to the island, Tye needs to get home" Roxy asked The captain pulled the phone down so he could talk to Hyeed "should we bring Tye and the others back to the island?" "I think we can do that, Tye already knows" "alright" The captain put the phone back up and answered "I'll head there immediately, meet me at the lower docks" "ok thank you captain" *click *click "are you sure we can trust them?" "yes we can..." * * * The three of them went to the lower docks, it was mostly empty there but you could still see the island "there he is" Tye pointed out, now walking freely on his own "oh good lets go" they all walked on board to meet with the captain "it's good to see your ok Tye" the captain said "yea I'm feeling much better now, still a little sore though" Tye tried to laugh the pain off "well lets go then" the captain said heading to the top of the ship They started heading towards the island, Tye left Ferron and Roxy to talk amongst themselves while he went up to where the captain was, he saw Hyeed sitting in a seat next to the captain controlling the boat "I think there is something that needs to be said" Tye spoke sitting on another chair on the upper platform "and that would be?" the captain replied trying to focus on the water "I have to say, that I owe you my life... what happened there couldn't have happened by chance, I don't think I'd be alive now if it wasn't for the two of you" Tye said "well your debt to me is paid, you helped out with Kayla, I don't think I would have had a chance if you never existed" Hyeed said "and what about you captain, is there anything I could do to thank you?..." Tye asked "there is one thing... don't ever mention this to anyone, no one must ever know about us, people out there, just don't understand us yet." The captain said "alright, no one will get a word out of me...but what about when the police collect evidence, how will you explain?" Tye responded "I'll just say that I tampered with his gun, while he was still on my boat, the police usually believe stuff like that, it comes with the captains uniform" the captain chuckled "ok now that that's out of the way, Hyeed? Are you coming back to the island with us?" Tye asked "I don't think I can, its not safe for us there, I think I'll go back to my uncle" Hyeed told Tye "what about Kayla?" Tye asked "she knows that I left, and she knows that we'll meet again... we do go to the same school after all" "oh right... that's good, does she know to?" "yes, she does" Hyeed ended the conversation right there as they reached the dock on the island Tye, Roxy and Ferron left the ship as they waved goodbye to the captain and Hyeed going off towards Hyeed's uncle's home "so why didn't Hyeed come with us" Ferron asked "he just felt that he needed to go back home" "what about his stuff?" "Kayla's taking it back with her to give it to him" "I see" Ferron said ‘obviously not' Tye thought ‘I hate lying to you, but I have to, for their sakes' * * * A car was driving madly through the streets of the city nearly getting into accidents but was luckily dodging every problem Mr. Hue was on his way to the hospital from work to go see Tye when he got a phone call *ring ring *click "hello" "hello, are you Carlos Hue?" "yes it is" "this is LSH your son Tye has been signed out of the hospital and is currently on his way home with two of his companions, he wanted us to inform you." ‘he's alright' Mr. Hue thought "thank you for informing me, if you don't mind could you send me the details of what happened by e mail or call me later, I need to get home" "not a problem sir, it's already on record we'll let Tye's doctor handle it" "goodbye" "have a good day" *click Mr. Hue sped down towards the dock almost going through a few red lights "crap, The captains not here" Mr. Hue said to himself "do you need help mister?" a little feline girl asked Mr. Hue tugging on the bottom of his shirt "uhhhh" Mr. Hue cleared his throat and spoke "yes I do, do you know anyone who can get me over there to that island?" he pointed toward the island She looked in the direction he was pointing "my daddy could probably help he owns a small boat, and he was about to go fishing, there he is" she waved at a tall skinny looking cat just a few feet away "hey pumpkin hop in the boat, lets go... who's this?" the feline spoke "I'm Carlos Hue" they shook hands "I need a little help, do you think you could get me to that island?" he pointed to the island again "sure thing, do you go there often?" "thanks, and I do go there often... I live there, but apparently the ship that's always waiting for me isn't here... I have to get home" "seriously you live there? Then that means your that, uhhh, simulator guy right?" the feline asked scooting his daughter into the boat "yes, the one and only, but I have to get there quickly my son just got out of the hospital and I'm sure he's waiting for me" he started walking towards the boat "then what are we waiting for?" the feline jumped ahead into the controls seat and fired up the motor just as Mr. Hue had climbed in The boat zoomed off heading toward its destination * * * "Tye!" Gigi, Mike and Kayla ran up to Tye as the trio entered the door "hey guys, I'm back" Tye smiled as he was hugged by them Tye flinched from the sudden squeeze but then they quickly let go "are you alright Tye?" "they didn't find anything wrong did they?" "I'm glad your ok" They started all talking at once excited to see that there friend was back "so you're Tye Hue huh? Your lucky to have friends who care about you" a police officer walked up to Tye and the others he was a black panther and he seemed to be in his early 30s "I need to ask you a few things, and I'd like to be quick just so we can push this through the system, alright?" Tye nodded before speaking "ok but how about we head to the kitchen and sit, I need something to drink" Tye walked off with the police officer following "you guys wait here ok, this shouldn't take long" Tye told the others They sat as Tye got some water in a glass "do you want anything to drink officer?" "no thanks, now on to business" the officer replied "do you know what has happened in the last few hours?" "yes, I was attacked" tye said "ok next, do you know who did this to you, and why?" "yes it was Roxy's father, I'm not entirely sure why, but I'm pretty sure that it has something to do with me and her being together" "and he disapproved of that?" the officer questioned with an odd look on his face "no, I don't think he did after a while but, I think he got angry when he saw her brother since... were together to" The officer looked confused now "wait, what? So he's mad because you were cheating on his daughter with her brother?" "well... its not like that... its more like the three of us but we didn't get that across to him" Tye answered trying to correct the officers idea, but only ended up confusing him even more "your saying that, all three of you are together..." "that's about it, yes" "but you never told him, so he assumed you were cheating on his daughter" "I suppose so" "hmm ok lets move on, when said violence was taking place, there was a weapon involved, we found shattered remnants of a gun just outside, was it ever used on you or anyone else?" "I'm still alive aren't I, so it never really was used against me, but the captain was threatened by it, and the training the captain has obtained over the years seems to have saved our lives" "this captain, where can we find them?" "right now I'm not really sure but if you check back in a few days the boat may be back" "alright, there are charges against the Doberman that was here, he almost killed you, so I'm guessing your going to press full charges" Tye paused for a second "no, I want to drop all charges, but I do need to speak with him is there any way to set that up before he is released? that way I can have some form of security" The police officer seemed a bit surprised but then smiled "I guess I could set that up... he is still going to be held until this goes through processing so we'll give you 4 days" "thank you officer" You could hear the door lock click, as Mr. Hue rushed in He looked around and didn't see Tye so he asked one of the others "Where is Tye?" Mr. Hue asked Ferron while he was still out of breath "he told us to wait here, he's talking to a police officer in the kitchen" Mr. Hue rushed up to the kitchen seeing Tye and the police officer sitting down and talking The police officer noticed Mr. Hue "Hello sir, I'm guessing your Tye's father" "yes I am" he held out his hand "Carlos Hue" they shook "well Mr. Hue, I've asked all the questions I need to for now but I may be back later this week to finish a few things, I have to be going now good bye" he let himself out of the house Mr. Hue hugged his son "Tye are you alright, I rushed over as soon as I got the call, what happened?" "I'm ok dad, just stop hugging me I'm still sore" Mr. Hue loosened his grip "tell me what happened, who did this to you?" Tye sat his father down and started to explain what had happened a few hours ago then he had to explain why he was attacked "Tye... I'm so sorry, I left you kids alone the project was a bust, you get attacked, and the captain is missing, this just isn't my day" Mr. Hue put his head down "it's ok dad I'm fine now... wait a second, I'll be right back" Tye quickly walked out of the room and came back with Roxy and Ferron "dad" Tye said quietly Mr. Hue looked up towards his son and the others "Tye if this is about you and Ferron then I already know I read the letter" Tye was surprised that hey knew that but he still had to say this "dad its more than just me and Ferron... it's the three of us...together" "what?" Mr. Hue looked confused "its complicated but, its just how this happened, we're in love and there isn't really anything that can change that" Tye said trying make his father understand "well the attack makes more sense now, but I still don't quiet understand" "it's a hard thing to explain or understand, I just want to know if your ok with us" Mr. Hue was in a complete mental twister, nothing seemed to make sense, what is going on with his son he still didn't quite know, he just wanted him to be happy, but he didn't know if this was right. "could you give me a little alone time, its been a stressful day, it just seems to be to hard to think right now" "sure thing dad you need a bit of rest" Mr. Hue walked right by them and walked up into his room, locking the door and then falling onto his bed "do you think he'll let us stay?" Ferron asked "I hope so... but it seems strange, lets just wait and see" Tye said "well right now I think you need some TLC you've been through a lot already, maybe we can help" Roxy said pulling Tye up to their room with Ferron following They closed the door and locked it as Roxy pulled Tye into a gentle hug with Ferron joining in "let us handle things, your pretty tired just relax" Ferron said lifting Tye onto his bed They removed there clothing and slowly removed Tye's as well Roxy moved over Tye who was already getting hard "if your feeling any pain tell us ok" Roxy said Tye nodded as Roxy slowly moved onto Tye's growing member Tye moaned just before he felt the familiar feeling of Ferron's tongue around his pucker lubing him up knowing what was going to happen soon Roxy started riding going a little faster her breasts jumped up and down as she did the feeling sent waved of pleasure through Tye, Roxy was feeling the sensation as well her moaning with that sexy smile she has Ferron stopped his licking and put his wolfhood at Tye's entrance waiting for approval from Tye he didn't want to hurt him more Tye felt Ferron's meat waiting at his entrance, he looked over at Ferron and nodded slightly signaling for him to continue, Tye actually like the feeling of Ferron inside him, he always knew just how to do it Ferron pushed in slowly, it glided in from the slippery lubing Ferron did which made it a lot easier to start pumping making them both moan The treatment Tye was getting was incredible he knew he wouldn't last to long He felt his climax coming He grunted before doing a loader moan sending his seed into Roxy who felt her climax as well, they were in an orgasmic daze for a few moments broken only by a howl from Ferron who released his seed right into Tye They felt like they were in there own little world, just the three of them still in a feeling of ecstasy Roxy pulled herself off of Tye before cuddling up beside him "how was that for a little TLC?" she asked "that was amazing" Tye leaned his head back breathing a bit heavily Ferron pulled out and cuddled up behind Tye "do you feel a little better now" Ferron said slightly massaging Tye's back "much better" tye turned to Ferron quickly giving him a peck on the side of his muzzle "you didn't tie us this time, you know it only hurts a little" "I wanted you to enjoy it without pain..." Ferron said Tye smiled "well, next time I want you to go as far as you can, it should be good for you also" Tye then turned back towards Roxy who was taking a little nap, Tye kissed her to before dozing off himself with the little massage Ferron was giving him * * * "I feel like I made a mistake" Hyeed said quietly "hmm, you mean not going back with them?" the captain asked "yes... I feel like it's hard to be away from her" "...kid... I wonder how good you are at telling your direction" "what's that supposed to mean?" Hyeed asked "it means look to your left" Hyeed looked "the island... but how? we've been on the water for like an hour" "lets just say, I was waiting for you to make up your mind" the captain said steering the boat towards the dock once more * * * Mike and Gigi went up into there room leaving Kayla by herself in the kitchen She didn't quite look to well so she went outside and sat on the bench hoping to clear her head ‘Hyeed, I know you'll be back, but I can't seem to feel happy with out you here' Kayla thought as she closed her eyes and slouched on the bench ‘did you miss me?' Hyeed's voice rang out in her head She looked up searching for him "Hyeed!" ‘I can't stay away it's to hard' she heard in her head "Hyeed where are you?" she looked around as she got up "I'm right here" the fox seemed to appear from nowhere, but had just slipped behind the bench while Kayla had her eyes closed "Hyeed, your really back?" a tear came to her eye Hyeed let his lips answer that he pulled her close and kissed her deeply They separated for a moment they stared into each others eyes before coming back together again ‘I hope this answers your question' he thought to her * * * Mr. Hue was lying in his bed looking up at the ceiling he was still pondering what was going on, all of this seemed strange and new to him, he thought maybe it was a bad idea to bring all these other people here, things were turning out to be a mess, but he also thought about how happy Tye was, he seemed to have been happier, maybe he should have let him see more people sooner rather than keeping him cooped up on this island Mr. Hue groaned "I've messed up my son's life... I feel so stupid, how could I not see that he needs people... I'm probably the worst father in the world" He argued with himself, this is how he vented, he never took it out on his son or anyone else, but in the end it just seemed like he was putting him self down to much, not thinking of the good things that he did "I wouldn't say you're the worst..." "huh? Who's there?" "it's me Dachii" Tye had shown Dachii to his father once when he was first designed, he remembers helping Tye with some of the bugs, he was meant to be a simple program, he must have come a long way to be able to speak with him out side of the simulator "Dachii?... your Tye's dragon" Mr. Hue said sounding surprised "yes, it's been a long time since I've seen you, what was it version 1.1?" "wow it has been along time, you weren't even able to talk then... how are you talking to me now?" "I'm using the speakers connected to the system in the house, me and Tye figured out how to get me into the main system" "amazing, you've come far, I'm guessing you're the reason Tye is still sane, without you I'd guess he'd be really lonely" "maybe... but lets get back to the point, your not the worst father in the world... if you hadn't done what you did then I wouldn't exist, Tye wouldn't act as nicely as he does, and he wouldn't have found love, think you made him like this and his life isn't a mess have you seen him he's happier than ever" "I hope your right, or Tye might hate me for not letting him explore the world around him..." Mr. Hue sighed "don't worry... I don't think Tye could hate you, he always wanted to spend more time with you, since you started going out for so long" "do you think, Tye knows what he is doing with those two?" "is that really a question you should be asking me? I think you already know the answer, your just to scared to say anything" "I guess your right, thanks...Dachii" Mr. Hue got off of the bed and walked out "don't be afraid, you know that what they feel is real..." * * * End of chapter 8 i know it may seem a bit slow at points but sometimes it is confusing for them and me let me know how you think of it comment please