Lending A Paw - Part 3

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#3 of Lending A Paw

It wasn't like Blaze never let the thought of participating in a three way cross his mind. If he was to be honest about it, the prospect of having two other beasts to enjoy sex with was a very stimulating, kinky idea indeed. He had to be careful though. As a business owner he was seen as a "pillar of the community" and had a reputation to maintain. Yeah, it was 2016, but the area he resided in was still socially conservative. He'd even heard what other beasts said about inter-species relationships. Not knowing any better at the time, he'd thought that prejudice to be a relic, a fossil of an era long since passed, but not so. Old prejudices died hard and slow, very slow.

As Blaze had explained to young Andy, he was bisexual, so he had experienced the pleasure of both male and female intimacy. Looking through old emails, he tried to find someone to fulfill his nephew's request to have a threesome. Hanging over his shoulder in the office, Andy looked at the computer monitor, trying to help his uncle with the decision making.

"What about him?" asked Andy, pointing towards the screen. "He's says he likes big cocks."

"Oh, him," said Blaze, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, he might like 'em, but he sure can't suck 'em very well."

"That so?"

"Afraid so," commented Blaze. "Nothing worse than a guy who can't take in more than an inch of your dick."

"I can do more than that," said Andy, proud of his oral skills.

"You sure can," remarked Blaze, giving his nephew a pat on the head. "Let's see . . . afraid I don't have anymore guys to choose from, Andy, unless . . ."

"Yes?" said Andy, waiting for his uncle to continue.

"You be interested in fucking a girl?"

"Sure," said Andy nonchalantly.

"Huh," said Blaze, sending the female a message. "I though you said you're into boys."

"I did," said Blaze. "But I never said I wasn't into girls, too."

Blaze turned, giving his nephew a nasty look. "You are a little shit, you know that?"

"Yep!" proudly proclaimed the young skunk.

Blaze turned his attention back towards the computer, shaking his head and wondering if he was going to have to pin down Andy again for being such a wise ass. He let the urge pass, not wanting to make the boy get upset again. Still, there was always that possibility that Andy might find himself in that position once more. Blaze got up from the computer, leaving the office. Andy followed close behind.

"Where ya goin', Uncle Blaze?"

"Actually, we are both going to the store," he said, sitting back down to put his shoes on.


"Because I'm going to buy you some new clothes and shoes," Blaze replied, standing back up. "You're Mom didn't really pack you too much in your bag, and besides, I'm trying to be a good uncle."

"What about that girl?" asked Andy. "What if she sends you back a message?"

"Got it covered," answered Blaze, showing the boy his cell phone. "There's an email app on here. It'll ding whenever I get a message."

"Think she'll wanna do it?" asked Andy, putting on his worn out shoes.

"Can never be too sure about these things," said Blaze, shrugging. "If my memory serves me well, I do recall fucking her pretty good."

"Sweet," said Andy, smirking. "And two cocks are better than one."

"Very true, kiddo," laughed Blaze. "Come one, let's get you some spiffy new threads."

To say that Mia hadn't packed her ten year old son much would have been an understatement. The boy didn't even have enough clothes for an entire week, and she had been incredibly vague as to when she would return; not that Blaze was surprised at all. Mia was unreliable, erratic and unpredictable. Blaze wondered how she had managed to still be alive, given the life she lead. Three years. It had been that long since he had last seen her or Andy, not knowing where they were. For all he knew, she could have been from the east coast to the west coast and back, or even to hell and back.

With only himself to take care of, Blaze had plenty of disposable income, so letting Andy pick out what he wanted in the store was fine by him. He missed seeing his only nephew and didn't think it would harm the boy to be a little spoiled. From the looks of things, Andy had probably never been spoiled by anyone except Blaze and his grandparents. Mia was too self-absorbed to worry about that.

"Can I get this one?" asked Andy, picking a shirt off the rack. Blaze looked it over, seeing that his nephew had a taste for Hawaiian shirts. Perfect, considering that's where Blaze's parents were vacationing at now.

"Sure," said Blaze. "You need to try all of these on to make sure they fit."

"I do?" asked Andy.

"Yes," said Blaze as he checked his phone. "I don't want to get home and find out that those shirts are too big or too small. Then I have to come back in town to return them."

"Alright," said Andy. Looking at some head wear near the shirts, he selected a white bucket hat, trying it on. "Whadda ya think?"

"Looks good on you," said Blaze, mildly amused. "Now you just need a pair of sunglasses and you'll be set."

"Cool," said Andy. "Can we go look at the sunglasses?"

"Sure," said Blaze, putting his phone away. "They're right over here."

Walking around the store, Blaze said hello to several beasts, many of whom were past customers who'd patronized his business. With the hot, humid summer they'd been having, everyone wanted their air conditioner worked on the second that it broke. Andy went scouting around through the sunglasses, trying to find a pair that would look just perfect with his new clothes. He selected a pair with large lenses, putting them and his kettle hat on, he looked at himself in the mirror. It was a perfect match in his mind. He approached his Uncle Blaze, showing them off.

"Whatchya think?" asked the young skunk.

"It's you," replied Blaze, grinning. "Now, let's go back to the clothing department so you can use the dressing rooms."

Andy sighed, wondering why they couldn't have done that before looking at the sunglasses. He shrugged it off, knowing that his Uncle Blaze was kind of new to this whole taking care of kids. Andy got in a dressing room and went about trying on all the shirts and shorts that he'd chosen. Outside of the dressing room, Blaze waited patiently for his nephew. He didn't mind. It was better than having to come back here after work tomorrow to exchange or return an item. He got out his phone. Still no messages from that girl. He was dejected, Looked like Andy wouldn't be getting his threesome after all. He hoped and waited, but felt someone tapping on his shoulder. Turning around, he was shocked to see who it was.

"Sasha?" he said, looking at a female skunk; in fact the very skunk he'd been trying to email since before leaving his house.

"Hey, Blaze," replied the female skunk. "So . . . looks like you're in the market for some lovin', hmmm?"

"Looks like," chuckled the embarrassed skunk. "Why didn't you reply to my message?"

"I was about ready to, but that stupid app on my phone keeps crashing. Guess I need to fix it or get a new phone," mused Sasha. "So, who's this other guy you're wanting to bring along for the ride?"

"Sasha," he said, putting a paw to his mouth. "Not so loud, please."

"Okay," she said, toying with him. "Who is it?"

Andy walked out of the dressing room. "Uncle Blaze, I'm all done."

The white fur of Blaze's face turned red. Oh, that little nephew of his had picked just the wrong time to enter the picture. "Ummm . . . well . . ."

The females skunk's eyes radiated excitement. "Oh, so it's this little guy, huh? Very nice."

Andy, naturally friendly, looked at the female skunk, smiling. "Hi, I'm Andy. What's your name?"

"Sasha," she answered. "So you're Blaze's nephew,?"

"Sure am," said Andy. "You must be the girl that we're trying to fuck."

Immediately, Blaze covered his nephew's mouth, hoping that no one had overheard that last remark from the boy. Sasha, undeterred, laughed at how innocently he'd asked the question. "Actually," she said, putting her mouth up to his ear. "I'm the girl you will be fucking."

"Cool!" said Andy. "Uncle Blaze, all this stuff fits fine. Can we go now? I'm getting super horny."

The older male skunk watched his nephew run to the check out lane. Blaze, still blushing, shrugged at the highly amused Sasha. "What can I say?" he asked with a nervous laugh. "The boy knows what he wants."

"Good for him," said Sasha. "I'd better check out too so I can follow you boys home."

"Looking forward to it," said Blaze, following behind her. He really hoped she would get that email app fixed really soon.

Andy, youthful, reckless and full of seminal fluid, ran into the house, forgetting to take his shoes off. Blaze scolded him, but Sasha patted his head, telling him he was a very sweet boy. Blaze gave her the evil eye. He didn't appreciate having his authority undermined by the female skunk, but he knew that Andy wasn't thinking with the right head at the moment. The younger skunk was in Blaze's room in no time, tearing off his clothes. Sasha laughed at Andy's eagerness to get it on as she took off her own clothes.

"How's this going to work?" asked the female.

"Ask Andy," said Blaze, pulling off his shirt.

"Whadda ya wanna do first, Andy?" asked Sasha, practically rubbing her bare breasts all over the boy's body. "You wanna play around a little?"

"Yeah," said Andy, his mouth drooling with lust.

Sasha laid down on the bed, seeing Andy lay on his side next to her. She smiled, enticing him with her sexual allure. She let him take it at his own pace. Horny, and sporting a massive boner, Andy wanted to take it slow. He put his paws on the female skunk's breasts, giving them a mild squeeze. Sasha grinned, letting him know that she highly approved of the act. Blaze, naked as both of them, got on the bed, getting a good view of the show while laying on his side. Andy kept touching Sasha's breasts, squeezing slightly harder as he got more comfortable. Soon, he was swirling his paws around her nipples, giggling like a naughty boy. Sasha enjoyed every second of it, finding the young skunk to be just the cutest guy in the world. Andy licked his lips. Sasha knew what he wanted.

"You wanna suck on my tits?" she asked. And nodded, still licking his lips. "Go ahead, big boy," she said smoothly.

With a flick of his tongue, Andy licked at the female skunks nipples, giving her a good reason to close her eyes and moan. With Andy on her right and Blaze on the left, she didn't object when an incredibly horny Blaze joined in. Now both her breasts were being suckled simultaneously. A new, but pleasant feeling for her. Andy wanted more and more. Letting his paw slide down her belly, he tickled her clitoris, making her moan ever louder. She was so glad that she ran into these boys at the store today. They were giving her the time of her life. Andy felt his paw met with that of his uncle's as the two worked in harmony, fingering the female skunk. Andy, though younger and far less experienced, made the bold move of putting his paw inside of Sasha, hearing her almost yell from the sudden sensation. Blaze was impressed. Apparently the internet had provided young Andy with a very diverse range of courses in sexual education. The older male skunk would have admitted he was jealous that Andy had never lived in a world where there wasn't high speed internet access and tons of porn. He would have freely admitted that, had it not been for the fact that he was suckling on a luscious tit and moving his paw rapidly to stimulate Sasha's clitoris. She wanted more.

"Oh," she said. "Andy, I need you to fuck me," she breathed.

Pulling his paw out from inside of her, the young skunk waited for his uncle to move out of the way. Sasha spread her legs, clearing Andy for a safe landing. He moved over, getting on top of her. Still with that innocent smile, he sunk his dick inside of her. Again, Blaze was jealous. Losing your virginity at ten? He was almost seventeen when he finally lost his. Blaze rubbed his cock, watching his nephew fuck the female skunk. It was so hot for him, seeing such an act. Sasha opened her mouth, letting Blaze know that he could stick his meat inside. Not wasting a moment, he knelt down, shoving his dick inside of her mouth, promptly feeling Sasha's mouth moving up and down on it. He grabbed her head face fucking her. She didn't object, she wanted it rough like this.

"Uncle Blaze," said Andy, still plowing Sasha's cunt.

The older male skunk looked at his nephew, seeing that his mouth was open. Oh, this was getting very hot for everyone. Pulling his dick out of Sasha's mouth, he moved around to stick it in Andy's. Now Blaze was face fucking Andy, who was fucking Sasha, who had decided she was going to give Blaze a proper rim job. The bed shimmied and shook from three beasts who were fucking their brains out, not caring about anything else but what was doing on right now. Sasha stuck her tongue way up in Blaze's ass, licking, slurping and sucking. Blaze had never been rimmed before, by male or female, but after only thirty seconds, he knew this wasn't going to be his last time.

Horny though he was, Andy had enough sense even at ten to hold back so he could fully appreciate the lovely insides of Sasha. Not as big as his uncle, Andy nevertheless was no sunflower seed in size, and Sasha was feeling every inch of his endowment. She wrapped her legs around the boy, wanting him to go deeper than possible. The sight of the three of them was like something out of the Kama Sutra; something completely unreal, bizarre, but unimaginably pleasurable to the trio. Andy was the first to go, spewing his load deep inside the female skunk. He pulled out, letting his uncle's cock slide from his mouth. Knowing that Sasha had yet to come, Blaze wasted no time in mounting her, not caring one bit that his underage nephew had just came inside her. Bigger, thicker and stronger than Andy, Blaze fucked her hard, making the bed shake even harder than before. As good of a cocksucker as his nephew had turned out to be, he didn't have long before he was cumming too, though he was fortunate enough to see Sasha with her head back, calling out his name, obviously in the throes of orgasm. Pulling out of her completely cum saturated snatch, he grinned over at his nephew.

"Why don't you go play some X-Box, Andy? I need to talk with Sasha for a bit."

"Okay," said Andy, slipping out of the room. "Are we going again?"

"Of course," said Sasha, still light headed and dizzy from being boned by the two males.

Andy left the room. Blaze looked over at Sasha. The female skunk appeared completely satisfied with herself. "Have a good time?" he asked her.

"Best sex ever," she said, emphasizing each word. "And he's only ten?"

"Yeah," said Blaze, putting a paw to his mouth. "Keep that little inconvenient fact to yourself."

"No reason to tell anyone," said Sasha. "Why would I wanna get myself and you in trouble anyway? Trust me, Andy's gonna be huge when he gets older."

"You sound like you're quite the connoisseur of cocks," mused Blaze, unable to stifle a slight laugh.

"I've had enough of them to know which ones I like and which ones I don't," said Sasha smugly.

"Slut," whispered Blaze, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, so?" said Sasha, not at all bothered by that. "You make it sound like that word is a pejorative or something."

"Oh," said Blaze, laughing. "So you're a slut and you have a big vocabulary. I'm impressed."

"I should hope so," said Sasha, letting Blaze lick her face. "How many girls do you know that would let two guys fuck them like that? And rim them, and suck them off?"

"Don't know too many sluts, so I couldn't tell you," said Blaze. "I've missed you, you know."

"I . . ." said Sasha, trying to find the words. "I know I fucked up, not messaging you back last year. Surprised you still had my email."

"Most of my emails are business related, so I have two addresses. Can't claim to get many personal messages," he admitted.

"So," said Sasha, feeling the need for more action already. "Where does this leave us?"

"I don't know," said Blaze, feeling horny again as well. "I told you that I wouldn't mind us getting together more often--see where it leads."

"Okay," said Sasha. "After all, we don't want to get too serious; I mean, having sex with two other guys is a pretty nice pace so far."

"You really are a slut," he said, giving her a kiss. "But you're also pretty funny too."

"Don't forget I'm a slut," she said jokingly. "Did you mention that I'm a slut?"

"Probably," said Blaze. "Andy! If you wanna join in the fun again, you'd better get your ass in here!"

Andy didn't even bother turning off the television or X-Box. Who cared about that when he was about to have his second threesome of the day?