Trouble In The Forest

Story by SparkzDemolition on SoFurry

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#2 of Key Holder's Season One

We arrived at the edge of the forest "Here we are" Brandon beams with joy while his compatriot to his right is...More or less unenthusiastic. "Why Insect type beasts, I would literally be fine with any other type even astral beasts and they barely even show themselves" Brandon brings back that smug grin "Aww, what you afraid of bugs" as he laughs I glance to my right as I see movement. "Now's not the time for jokes we got company, Switch to battle mode". Both me and Brandon channel some magic through our chokers, A brilliant Pink light flows around me, the once plain clothes I wore are now a white belly shirt with cherry blossom designs all around the shirt, A Pair of tight Shorts with cherry tree branch designs all over them, a Flowery scarf, Platform ankle boots, and Garter Stockings, My outfit hugs my body so it won't make a shuffling sound when I'm running so I can be stealthy and fashionable. Brandon was surrounded in a tornado of flames when he came out of them he was looking like an aristocrat vampire with his metal buckle tail coat, His leather pants, And his Studded boots, His whole outfit was a deep red with black trimmings and Orange flames patterned all over his coat. You have the flowered ninja and the Flaming Vampire, Team Burning Petals is a go.


I pull out Konohanasakuya-hime's wittings, I throw it in the air a couple of inches above me and it unfurls about half way and floats around my body it a circle around my waist with the beginning at my left and the end at my right. Flames Cascade around Brandon's Paws and he summons Agni's Lament, Flames spawn from the blade the instant it hits the air around us. "Here we go!" Brandon Shouts as he runs toward our enemies. "Wait, don't just go rushing in". I sigh 'I guess I have to support him from here then, what are our enemies today' a bunch of spider like creatures run at Brandon at an alarming rate. These spiders weren't any normal spiders they had spikes coming out of their abdomen and a metal like armor covering their heads and legs. Brandon being the naïve GU he is thought he could burn them down, so he swung his sword sending a wave of flame burning the spiders but the trees weren't burning at all 'Strange the trees aren't burning' " Ha Ha take that spiders see this will be a cake walk Yuu-Guardians of the cherry tree!" as I spoke the words the Japanese writing on the scroll glowed a bright pink, the cherry petals flowed out of the words and formed five dragons, each of them attacked the flaming spiders just inches away from biting Brandon, The retriever quickly turned around after hearing the spiders screeching from being torn apart inside the dragons maw "Never take your eyes of your opponent until you see their death, Got it" I said sternly, "okay" Brandon responds solemnly "lets continue deeper" I take the lead as we advance into the forest.


As we reached the center of the forest we head onto a meadow is all empty yet for lone tree if you can call it that, it wasn't firm like other trees it was wiggly and would twitch every once in a while. 'This doesn't feel right, it just screams of a trap to me' "Alright let's kill this monster and go home yuuki" Brandon lifts his sword up and sends another wave of flames at the supposed tree, "No Wait" I shout, but this time the tree lit on fire, it didn't move for 5 seconds but then, It suddenly starts shrieking and Shaking, 'This is bad really bad my danger senses are telling me to run now' I uncap the caps on my two other scroll holders Tsukuyomi's Wisdom and Amaterasu's radiance "Brandon we should go now" I say worriedly "But weren't you the one who said you shouldn't take your eyes of your enemy until you see its death" he replied smugly 'Does he seriously not feel this weird feeling of impending doom' Then the ground starts shaking and the shrieking gets deeper and louder, it resonation all over the forest...'Wait this feeling on the ground...I've felt it before...Oh no! "Brandon we got to move now!" "Why it's just the monsters roots shaking the ground, nothing to worry about" "No you dummy it's a subterranean beast!" I shout "WHAT?!" he responds, the forest around us is lifting into the air and is starting to slowly close and the area around the tree in the middle started to sink into a cone around it, 'This is a trapper?...But they don't grow to enormous sizes like this...Unless' "Brandon the situation just got worse we're on a trapper" I say "But trappers don't grow the size of a forest" he says " I now that but what we're on right now is a variant trapper" I say "that's it we're leaving now" I say "HOW!" Brandon yells, I pull out Tsukuyomi's wisdom "Tsuki no Po-Taru" the scroll unfurls itself on the ground and glows a beautiful purple and a portal to the armory shows up, I furl up sakuya-hime's writings and place it in my holder "Jump through!" I shout, as instructed Brandon jumps through and I follow him shortly, as I jump through the portal I appear in the armory on the other side and the scroll furls itself back up. I walk over and pick it up and place it in my holder. "What did you do back there; you showed more powers than just mental magic" Brandon says "Moon portal was the name of that spell, and the powers I showed you weren't technically mine, I use my mental magic to force the magic out of my scrolls and make it take the form I need" I reply in a matter-of-fact tone " so basically you use your magic to control the magic in your weapons" "Yes, Now come on we have to report to headmaster Winston about that huge variant we saw out there, it's very dangerous being left alone out there".

Key Holders

"\*BEEP-BEEP\*......\*BEEP-BEEP\*.......\*BEEEEEEP-BEEEEEEP\*........\*BEEEE-"(knocks alarm clock off nightstand).... "Ugh"..."I hate waking up" I get up to go to the bathroom I slip on my alarm clock and fall on my tail.......

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