The Pokemon War Part 1 remake 2

Story by Chakat Tailswisher on SoFurry

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#1 of The Pokemon War

The Poke'mon War

Part 1: The Beginning

Story is © Chakat Tailswisher

Pokemon © Nintendo

***** This is the last remake to the intro of Pokemon War. I think that this one is the best yet, so I'm going to continue the story using this path. If you don't like it, deal with it. lol.*****

It was another cold, snowy day on Ice Mountain. Ash and Brock were climbing the mountain to try and reach the mysterious poke'mon shrine at the top. They had heard about it from a man in a small city they had passed through a while back now. The man had appeared insane and most people were avoiding him. When the man saw Ash, Misty, and Brock he had ran over to them and begged them to listen to what he had to say. Misty being the sensitive girl she was, was willing to hear the man out, Brock wasn't paying much attention to the man as he was staring at the group of teenage girls across the road. Ash didn't like the way the man looked and was a bit cautious, but soon perked up when he heard the man mention a shrine in which a "legendary poke'mon" was rumored to live. Even Brock, who was drooling over another group of women walking by, stopped and intently listened to what the man had to say. The man spoke of a strange and mysterious poke'mon no one had ever seen. Then he said that the shrine was on top of an uncharted mountain. The man said that the "legendary poke'mon" would only allow someone to see him if the man was worthy of such an honor.

Ash looked questioningly at the others, who stared back with the same look on their faces. The man then said that in order for the man to prove himself worthy, he must not use any poke'mon on the climb up to the shrine, and if he did then the "legendary poke'mon" would consider the man weak, and would not let the man see him. "How do you know all this?" Ash asked with a slightly curious look on his face. "Yeah," Brock and Misty chimed in together. "I know," the man said, "because I saw it." Everyone had a look of shock on their faces. "I don't believe you," Misty said with a look of distrust on her face. "Most people don't," said the man, "most people think I'm crazy, but I saw it. I did! You have to believe me. I'm telling the truth!" Misty still didn't believe him. Ash and Brock looked at each other then at Misty. "Where is the mountain?" asked Ash. Brock then pulled out his map from his backpack and gave it to the man. The man pointed out Blackthorn City. He then told them that the mountain was far from city towards the north.

He told them it would be better to stop in the city and gather supplies there because it would take a few months to reach the mountain and get back. Ash and Brock had decided to go for it while Misty on the other hand didn't believe him and decided to go back to her sisters in Cerulean City while Ash and Brock went on the long trek to the supposed shrine. Misty agreed to come back and meet them back in the city in about 3 months. Misty agreed to look after Ash and Brock's poke'mon while they were gone. Pikachu didn't like not getting to go with Ash and was quite angry. Ash and Brock gathered all the supplies they thought they might need and started out on long hike to the mountain. Misty waved good-bye along with Pikachu and then went to take Ash and Brock's poke'mon to Professor Oak in Pallet Town. Misty decided to stop by and see Mrs. Ketchum as well. Misty had made it to Cerulean City and had told her sisters about the man and what he had told them. She also told them about how Ash and Brock went in search of the shrine. Misty's sisters didn't believe what the man had said either. Misty told her sisters that she still had to take Ash and Brock's poke'mon to Professor Oak and set off towards Pallet Town.

Ash and Brock had been gone for about a month now and had started their ascent up the mountain. "This is it Brock," Ash said, "This is our chance to prove how good we are." "Yeah, the ladies will swarm around me when I tell them about this," Brock said with a wistful look in his eyes. Ash just rolled his eyes and continued climbing. Ash had never been rock climbing before so Brock was ahead of him, even though Brock had never done it before either. "This is a lot harder than I thought it would be," Ash said. "Don't tell me your whimping out now," Brock replied with a smirk on his face. "You wish," Ash snapped back, "I'm just not used to this." "Me too, but you don't see me complaining about how difficult this climb is," Brock replied. That was all that needed to be said. They both understood perfectly. The rest of they way up the small cliff face near the bottom of the mountain was done in silence. When they reached a medium sized indent on the cliff face they stopped for the night. Brock made a fire while Ash set up the tents. Brock made soup for their supper and afterwards they both sat around the fire.

"Man, are my feet sore!" Brock exclaimed. When he had taken his climbing boots off. "I thought you said that I'm the one who complains too much," Ash said with a large grin on his face, "and here you are moaning about how your feet hurt." "Haha Ash, very funny," Brock said with a slight smirk on his face as he looked up at Ash. "I thought it was," Ash said right before they both burst out laughing. After a while they got into their tents and went to sleep. They had a big day of climbing ahead of them. It was chilly when they woke up. "Hey Ash, are you awake?" Brock said in the direction of Ash's tent. "Huh, what...uh, yeah I'm up," Ash said, still groggy. When Ash was finally awake Brock made a small breakfast before they both started to take down their camp. Ash grabbed the two coats they had bought in Blackthorn City and gave one to Brock. When they were both ready for the climb, Brock took the lead again, and they were off. It was slow going but it was easier. "I'm tired of this. Let's go the faster way Brock," Ash said. "It's too dangerous Ash, and besides we're almost to the top, and that means that we're going to get hit by a lot of snow," Brock said wisely. Ash, being his normal stubborn self, argued that if they went the fast way they could get through the snow quicker, but Brock said that if they went that way it would be more dangerous, that they could fall off the side of the mountain. Ash won the fight after about a half an hour of arguing.

Ash took the lead and veered off to the left of the path they had originally been taking. This path was very narrow, but it went around the landslide of rocks that they would have had to climb on the other path. Ash was careful, but not careful enough. He tripped over a root and fell over the edge of the path. Brock saw what had just happened and grabbed the nearest thing to him, a small pine tree. Brock braced himself for what was about to come. The climbing rope that was attached to both of them in case they did fall was short and so Brock didn't have much time before the force of the rope becoming taught hit him, and boy did it hit him. It just about knocked him off the side, as well. "God Ash, your heavier than you look!" Brock thought as the rope connecting the two was wrapped around his waist. "Hey! Ash, are you alright?" Brock asked after he had recovered his breath. Ash was okay, although he had had the wind knocked out of him from the jolt, and couldn't answer right away. "Yeah...I'm ok!" Ash said, coughing. Brock pulled Ash back up over the edge. As they started to head up the path that lead further up the mountain, the weather suddenly turned for the worst. "It looks like a storm is on the way Ash," Brock said as the wind started to pick up. "Let's try and find somewhere to set up camp before it gets to bad," Ash said.

That's when the storm appeared. It was fierce; it whipped the snow up in their faces like needles. It also stopped them dead in their tracks. They could literally not see five feet in front of them. "How did this storm appear so fast?" Ash asked over the roar of the wind. "I don't know," Brock yelled over the steadily increasing wind and falling snow, "It just came out of nowhere." It was true that they couldn't see very far in front of them, but the fear of freezing to death was something that they didn't want to come true. So, the two cold, and hungry in Ash's case, set off slowly through the hastily deepening snow. Brock almost fell off on a few occasions, but they managed not to fall off the path. After about a half an hour of slowly treading through the snowy path they came to a clearing. "Let's stop here," Brock said. The clearing they had found was flat and had no trees around it. Ash and Brock had just started to take off their backpacks and set up camp, when suddenly they heard a cracking sound. Ash and Brock froze, standing completely still. The sound started growing louder and then suddenly it stopped. "What was that?" Ash asked. "I don't know," Brock replied. Ash started to say something else when suddenly the ground beneath them gave way. They fell into a freezing cold lake. They had been on top of the frozen sheet of ice covering the lake. Ash and Brock tried to get out of the water, but they couldn't. Almost immediately Ash and Brock were frozen solid. The storm and lake combined had been cold enough to freeze them both into solid blocks of ice.

The End for now.

The Pokemon War: Part 2

The Poke'mon War Part 2: The Appearance Story is © DragonLover Ash's mother, Mrs. Ketchum, had been worried as usual when Misty had dropped by 3 months ago with Ash and Brock's poke'mon. When Misty told Mrs. Ketchum what Ash and Brock were...

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