I Will Protect You - Part 7 - My December

Story by Komatose on SoFurry

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#7 of I Will Protect You

Disclaimer: This is a fictional, adult-orientated furry story and is not appropriate for readers under the age of 18. If you do not like M/M, furry, or any kind of sex, do not read this. I do not own the rights for brand names used in the story, but the characters, town names, and story titles belong to me and me only.

Thanks for choosing to read my adult furry story! Please enjoy it. If you have any comments, feel free to post them or e-mail me at [email protected]

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My December - I Will Protect You - Part 7

By Komatose © 2009

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"Pass the peas, if you please!"

Blake's father licked his lips after the bowl of steaming hot peas was placed next to him.

"You can have mine, dad, I hate peas!"

Doug turned to his youngest son and just shook his head at him.

"Scott, you sound like a picky pup. Your mother made this feast and you should enjoy it!"

Scott only shook his head and made a fake gagging sound. He was slapped on the shoulder by the female Doberman to his left.

"May I have the peas next, Mr. Fausten?"

Doug nodded at Scott's girlfriend and handed them to her. Scott made louder gagging noises as she spooned some onto her plate.

"Y'all like muh sweet potato casserole?"

The entire table nodded at Mae, making her giggle as she went on about her secret recipe. Her husband grabbed her by the paw and squeezed it.

"Jus' as good as last years, darlin'."

Mae went on to get a second helping of turkey.

"I'm glad we both made turkeys, Sandy , muh son can pack one in all by 'imself!"

Wes chuckled and finished the last bits of his fifth helping of dinner.

"I jus' can't help it, maw, y'all cook so darn good."

Wes quickly covered a belch, which he would normally let out but was trying to retain good manners for this family get-together. He couldn't help but notice a foot paw stroke up his leg. He turned to his left and smirked at the source.

"Yeah, Wes and I are seriously going to take some leftovers home."

Sandy could not stop grinning, it was so nice to receive compliments from everyone about her cooking, even though some of the other's dishes were even better than hers. She took a bite of Mae's famous pecan pie and placed a paw over her muzzle, almost tearing up from the perfect taste and texture.

"Mae...this pecan pie...it is divine!"

Mae could not help but feel a sense of admiration. She loved getting complemented on the recipes that had been handed down through generations.

"That recipe is from muh great-grandmaw, been a family treasure, it has!"

Thanksgiving dinner was so lively when the Turner family was involved. The two families agreed to combine dinners into one for the evening, instead of having two separate ones since Wes's family did not have plans to go back down south for the holiday. Scott would be heading over the Naquin's, Casey's family, for their dinner next, so he ate light. The rest of the family just stuffed themselves fuller than the turkey sitting on the table.

Mr. Kellogg was thankful that his own parents did the cooking, all he needed to bring was his daughters and himself, his son brought a few dishes, as well as a hyena to the dinner.

Bill's grandmother, Margery, piled plenty of food onto their plates.

"You boys need to eat up! There is plenty to go around!"

Bill shook his head at his grandmother.

"Granny! We have a second dinner to go to, we can't stuff ourselves too much."

Marge only smiled as she sat down next to Bill's grandfather, Ed. The old bull pointed to his granddaughters.

"Ashley, you put that cell phone away! Heidi, you get your elbows off the table!"

The two cows sighed and did as they were told.

"Yes grandpa..." They said in unison.

Drew took a moment to compliment Bill's grandparents.

"This is a great dinner, Marge, I can tell that Bill got his knack for cooking from you."

She grinned wide, her tail waving from behind the chair and smacking Ed accidentally as he jumped a bit.

"Well thank you, dear! I must say, you are quite the gentleman!"

Heidi opened her mouth, her eyes wide and ready to say something. Too bad Mark was out of reach to cover her snout.

"Remember that one bear Billy brought to Thanksgiving? The one that kept burping and farting and scratching his armpit? He was funny!"

The family cringed and tried to forget that day. Drew only turned to Bill and chuckled under his breath.

Bill took a deep sigh and turned to Drew, their eyes meeting.

"So, Ophelia will be at Marcos's mom's house when we get there, right?"

Drew swallowed his mouthful of food and nodded.

"That's right. Oh, my aunt's name is Michelle, I told you they are twins, right?"

Bill nodded and wiped some gravy from his snout.

"Oh yeah, identical twins, right? No wonder you and Marco's are so hard to tell apart, well, besides the fact you are short and buff and he is tall and scrawny."

Drew looked down at his own torso and chuckled.

"After today, I'm going to be short and pudgy."

Mark chuckled and kicked Ashley under the table, as he was still trying to text on her phone.

"Does Marcos have any brothers or sisters, Drew?"

Drew nodded at Bill's father, recalling in his mind their names.

"Yep, he is the oldest of five, my other cousins names are...umm...Pat, Stephanie, Devon , and Jim."

Mark nodded and scratched his chin.

"Quite the family! Means a bigger feast, don't overstuff yourselves tonight!"

Ashley let out a loud snicker and covered her snout as she was kicked under the table again, this time by Mark and Bill.

Malcolm sighed to himself as he sat with his head down at the table. He was at his grandparent's house along with his mother and little brother. There were lots of cousins who he barely knew and aunts and uncles who he never really talked to.

He was sitting in between his mom and his brother as he poked at the food on his plate.

"Malcolm, how are things going at school?"

He looked at an uncle that asked and sighed a bit.

"Oh, it's going just fine, the classes are easy for me..."

His mom, Darlene, placed a paw on his shoulder, looking at him through her glasses as she tilted her head to the side.

"Are you alright, dear? You haven't eaten much."

Malcolm turned to his mom and forced a smile.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine, I just don't feel too hungry. The food is good, though."

A second paw smacked him on the back, making him lurch forward and his glasses almost fly off.

"C'mon, bro, if you wanna get big like me, you gotta eat."

Malcolm turned to his little brother, Robert. The funny thing is, his little brother was actually bigger than him, a little over half a foot taller and about a hundred pounds bigger, in fact. Robert definitely took after his father, and Malcolm his mother.

Malcolm sighed and turned away from his bigger little brother.

"I'm fine with the way I am, Rob, I wouldn't want to be any bigger."

Rob just shook his head and took a big bite of turkey, murring softly from its perfect flavor and moistness. Malcolm just signed and poked at the sweet potatoes on his plate. Sure, his brother was a slob most of the time, had a gross sense of humor, but he was quite protective of his family, anyone who spoke ill of the Keeney family was definitely looking for a fight.

Malcolm still could not figure out why he was not in as cheerful a mood as he normally was on holidays, maybe it was the fact that he could not get Nate out of his mind, the black-and-tan fur always popping into his mind. He wondered what he was doing right now.

Sure enough, Nate was at his parent's house, the whole family had been gathered together, Phil included. Phil knew he could not do a thing to Nate while he was in the presence of his parents. He had a completely different mood.

Phil talked with an excitable tone, talking about how well his classes were going and overusing the phrases "please" and 'thank you." All Nate was seeing was a two-faced asshole. Phil would always look at Nate, but he would not give him an evil stare, but, more of a longing gaze, it made Nate uncomfortable.

"And so, this past year has really been the worst for sales, we had to downsize and let some people go, but we are still making it by."

Nate's father, Steven, proclaimed this at the table as he took a sip of his punch.

"It was so sad that we had to let go of Geraldine, she was such a good worker, but tough times call for tough acts."

Cathy, Nate's mother, said as she carved off a piece of turkey.

The parents of the Meyer family were very frugal; they would pinch a penny so hard that it bled and screamed for mercy. This mentality did leave them financially stable and able to send their children to college, the elder three children already done with college and living out their lives.

The eldest son, Lawrence, became a police officer for the Addison Police Department, he always speaks with a stern tone and seems very difficult to get along with, but he really is a nice guy.

The only daughter, Marsha, finished her nursing program and is a registered nurse at Addison's largest hospital, Addison Central Hospital . She has been known as the tattle-tale and goody two-shoes of the family, always trying her best to be a little angel, but always ending up making herself out to be a spoiled brat.

The middle child, Owen, joined the family business and works alongside his parents at the realtor office. He was the womanizer of the family, losing his virginity early and racking up quite a list of females he has deflowered, he might have unknown children somewhere out there, but he never kisses and tells, always keeping his relations discreet.

Nate had a hard time enjoying himself at the table, his parents were the only ones that really talked to him, not to mention the chilling stares from Phil, the boring stories from Marsha, and the stupid-sounding laugh of Owen. It was a pretty dumb holiday.

He sighed and sat back in his chair, a paw coming to his abs and scratching them idly as he wondered what Malcolm was doing at that moment. That adorable spotted face was the one thing that could make him smile at that time.

Thanksgiving came and went, bellies were filled, football games were watched, families got together for good, and bad times, but time stops for nothing.


Friday, November 27th. Things were getting downright cold in Addison , snow was forecasted to fall within the next few days as people bundled up from the dropping temperatures.

Bill was glad to be inside from the cold. He plopped right into the sofa and played with his brand new Nintendo Wii that he had gotten for his birthday, among many other gifts, the previous day. He sighed and fell over onto the sofa, once again getting himself killed in the game he was playing. He was still getting used to the controller.

He immediately sprang up from the plush sofa as the door opened wide, in stepping his most favorite person in the world, his hyena, wrapped up in a warm coat and sweat pants as he plopped his duffle bag onto the floor, as he had done every time he got back from the gym.

Bill paused his game and stood, stretching his back and grunted.

"There is my sweaty man! How was the gym?"

Drew smirked and unzipped his coat opening it to show off the sweat stains from a hard workout on his gym shirt.

"It was great, pumping iron really helps warm you up...and damn is it cold! I've always hated cold weather..."

Drew pulled the coat off and hung it onto one of the hooks behind the door as he turned and was immediately grabbed by the bull, his lips being smooched by a pair of big, wet, warm lips, his eyes closing halfway and the corners of his lips folding into a grin as his paws came to a rest on the other's back.

Drew parted the kiss and snickered.

"It's always nice to know I've got such a hot boyfriend to warm me up."

Bill put his hands to the side of his face and shook his head, giggling madly.

"Oh, you always know how to make my giddy, sweetheart! Let's get you out of those sweaty clothes and into the shower, we can play some video games when you're done!"

Drew licked his lips and peeled his shirt off right there at the foot of the stairs, giving his pecs a quick bounce and rubbing his paw over his abs as Bill continued to giggle.

"Oh God, Drew, I think you are the hot one around here, you really have a beautiful body..."

Bill's hands reached out and rested onto Drew's vascular biceps, the hyena responded by curling his arms up and flexing them as tight as he could, grunting and biting his lower lip as the veins popped out and bulged from under his fur.

"Thanks babe, now...how about that shower? I'm sure you wanna see the rest of my body?"

Bill grinned widely and practically pulled Drew up the stairs as they made way for the bedroom, slamming the door loudly.

Loudly enough for Marcos to hear it on the other side, quickly jerking his head to find out where the noise came from, then shrugging and going back to the song he was writing at his desk.

There was a knock at his open door, the same black wolf he had been living with stuck his head in.

"Hey Marcos, how's that new song coming?"

The hyena turned in his chair and flashed the wolf the rocker's symbol with his fingers.

"Fuckin' awesome, dude. I think this will really get the fans screaming."

Travis grinned wide and rubbed his stomach.

"Hey, want to take a break and get something to eat? I could go for some fried chicken right now."

Marcos turned to the clock on the wall and nodded.

"Sure, go pick up a bucket and bring it over. Get some mac'n'cheese too, I love that stuff, oh, and biscuits...and baked beans."

Travis slapped his knee and chuckled.

"Why don't you just come along? Damn...you should invite that dude over...what's his name...that horse..."

Marcos felt his cheeks burn.

"You mean Ben? I dunno...maybe. I'll give him a call."

Travis nodded and scratched his arm.

"Alright, tell me when you are ready to head out...hey...what is that noise?"

They both remained silent and listened for the gentle thumping, giggling, and moans coming from across the wall.

They both simply nodded at each other after realizing what was going on.

A good hour later, the three were gathered around the kitchen table, Ben could not resist coming over to talk about music with the two, not to mention eat dinner with them!

As they hungrily munched away at the fried banquet, Travis figured he would get to know this guy a little more.

"So, uh, Ben, what instruments do you play again?"

Ben finished chewing then leaned back in the chair, using his fingers to count.

"Let's see, my main tool of the trade is the piano, but I can also play guitar and bass, violin, cello, flute, saxophone, and trumpet...I also tried out lots of others, but those were the best."

Travis rubbed his chin and nodded, Marcos grinned wide.

"Damn, multi-talented! How did you find time to learn all of those?"

Ben rested his elbows on the table, propping his head onto one of his arms as he pondered the answer.

"Hmm, well, I guess it just comes naturally to me, I can pick up an instrument and within a day, I basically learn the notes and right keystrokes or strings and then just follow the sheet music in front of me."

Travis whistled loudly.

"Damn, it took me a good year to master the drums, but I've been playing them for about ten years now."

Marcos picked up a piece of chicken and added to the conversation.

"It didn't take that long for me to get the guitar down, but writing music took me a while to get it all just right."

Ben grinned wide at Marcos.

"And you do a really good job too, Marcos, some of your music I read is of superb mastery!"

Marcos turned his head and shied away.

"Nah...it isn't that good...you really think so?"

Ben pointed a spork at the hyena.

"I do think so! You have amazing talent and you're moving in the right direction, soon, you'll be at the top."

Marcos chuckled and bit his chicken, Travis noticed something about Ben.

"Hey Ben, dude, you are pretty buff...you got some big guns going on there."

Ben looked at his arms and shrugged, Marcos stared at them intently.

"Well, shoot, I don't really work out at a gym or anything, I suppose my body just grew this way from working in the family business through high school."

Travis tilted his head.

"Family business? What could you possibly do you make you buff like that?"

Ben chuckled and shook his head.

"My parents own a furniture store, Rightway Furniture, I started working there when I was fourteen, so four years of lifting heavy pieces of furniture will get you in shape, that's for sure. And a good diet! My mom is such a health nut!"

Travis shoveled a mouthful of Mac & cheese into his muzzle and chewed loudly, only to look at the cheesy goodness and smirk.

"Heh, my parents kind of just let me eat whatever I wanted, if I didn't have such a good metabolism, I'd probably weigh about three hundred pounds by now."

Ben and Marcos snickered at the same time. Marcos took a good moment to look into Ben's eyes, they looked so tranquil, so soothing, so...inviting. Marcos could not help but start to feel attraction for the stallion...but what was he thinking! He did not even know if Ben was gay, and as things usually worked out, he probably was not. He turned away and focused on the window in the kitchen, then back to the cleaned-off bones of his dinner.

When would be a good time to find out...but most of all, how...?


Monday, November 30th, it was the final day in November. Soon it would be time for getting the house decorated and gifts purchased for the next month's holiday. Blake, on the other paw, was trying to find something important.

"...How far away could it have gone, honestly..."

The Shepherd was on all fours in the bathroom, letting out a loud sigh to himself as he felt around the tiled floor, peering under the sink cabinet and grunting.

"It better not be lost already..."

The bathroom doorframe was then blocked by a large-bodied figure, who smiled wide and chuckled.

"What yah doin', sugar?"

Blake quickly turned and gasped, then smirked, realizing his rump was facing the door as he gave it playful shake, his fluffy tail wagging as he giggled lightly.

"I'm trying to find the end part of the earring...I can't believe I got it Saturday and now it's lost already!"

Wes kneeled down and looked at the floor, the corners of Blake's lips coming to a wide smirk as he saw the bulge in Wes's tight jeans just pop out so nicely.

"Yuh done lost it? Aww, shucks. 'Least yuh didn't lose the diamond, sugar, can always jus' buy a new back part."

Blake nodded and looked back to the floor, his claws clicking on the white porcelain surface as he stood back up, looking at the diamond earring on the counter. It matched the once in Wes's ear perfectly, it really did mean a lot to him. He was surprised about how much it did not hurt, even though the big guy had to persuade him into it.

"I suppose you are right, Wes. I just feel silly for losing it, I normally keep good track of things!"

Wes stood back up and walked into the bathroom, pressing his body into Blake and wrapping his huge arms around him, Blake let out a deep murr and laid his head on Wes's chest.

"I think yuh look real good with yur ear pierced, sugar."

Wes's strong paws slowly rubbed up and down Blake's back, the Sheppie murring louder as the wide paws pressed into his spine.

"Mmm, I always did like yours, I think its great that we match now. I just hope my piercing doesn't get infected and....oh!"

Blake eyed the counter and reached out at it, and sure enough, behind the tube of toothpaste, was the missing part of his earring. He held it up and showed his boyfriend in victory.

"I found it!"

Wes shook his head and smiled wide, grinding his crotch lightly into Blake as he chuckled.

"Yuh see, sugar, I figured yu'd find it eventually."

Wes leaned down just enough to kiss Blake on the forehead, making him giggle.

"You were right, things always end up where you least expect them."

Blake went to attach the earring into his ear, Wes watching intently and giving some moving room as the Sheppie pressed the earring into his ear, wincing just a bit and then fastening it in place. Wes beamed a grin and pulled Blake into his large frame.

"Prefect, jus' like you, sugar."

Blake hugged Wes tightly, his paws exploring Wes's back as he nuzzled his neck lovingly.

"Mmm, I think you are pretty perfect yourself, big guy."

With that, Blake felt his rump covered by two wide paws and squeezes tightly as he yelped and giggled.

"What yuh got planned for supper, my pup? I sure am getting hungry."

Blake quickly looked up at Wes, grinning wide and shaking his head.

"That's my Wes, always hungry! I think I can whip up something tasty."

Wes rubbed the back of Blake's head.

"Is it a sexy German Shepherd?"

Blake murred and ground his hips into Wes's.


He gave Wes a wink and was immediately lifted into the bull terrier's arms and taken out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, the door quickly slammed behind them.

Just as Wes was about to press his muzzle into Blake's, the Shepherd's cell phone went off, his favorite ring tone playing loud and clear.

Wes let out a shallow sigh.

"Yuh better answer yur phone before we start gettin' busy, sugar."

Blake nodded and was set down on the bed, Wes made his way over to the dresser, opening one of the top drawers and digging around searching for a certain item he would be needing soon. Blake pulled out his phone and checked the screen, wondering who it was calling him. It turned out to be Carla, a smile coming to his face as he had not heard from her in a week or so. He agreed to answer his phone, pressing the call button and placing it to his ear.

"Hello, princess!"

All he heard on the other side was a delighted giggle, followed by an excited response.

"Hiya, Blakey! How are you?"

Blake smiled and turned to Wes, who had found the proper "equipment" he had been searching for.

"I'm great, what are you up to?"

Carla was laying on her chest, her feet gleefully kicking into the air as her free paw idly twisted and ran through her poofy caramel head fur.

"Oh, not much at all, I just wanted to call you and ask if you wanted to have a sort of holiday party this upcoming month. After all, it will be winter break and there's no school! We should have a big bash and invite over all of our friends from school! How does that sound?"

Blake giggled, not because of the idea, but the fact that Wes was standing next to him as he sat on the bed, rubbing his crotch onto his shoulder. He found it a bit hard to concentrate, but the idea did sound nice!

"Sure, I think that sounds like a great idea, it would be nice to see everyone again! Where should we have it, I don't know if our place is big enough."

Carla rolled onto her back, she was living in a spare room at her aunt's house and she knew that the house would not be big enough either, but inspiration hit her right between the eyes!

"I know! My friend Buttercup, remember, the Collie? Yeah, she has a big house we can host it in, I mean, this place is huge, a bit creepy, but big! I think she would agree, after all, I am sure she would enjoy recording all the goings on for her documentations. What do you say?"

Blake was having a tough time concentrating, Wes now had his pants undone and continued to rub and grind his growing bulge onto Blake, the Sheppie trying his best not to ignore his friend on the line.

"Sounds good to me, princess, you should see if its alright with her and have a time set up, then we can do invitations and stuff...Mmm, oh yeah, take it off...Umm...Yeah! That sounds good, I will have to bring a snack, anyway...I have to get going, I'll call you back in a bit, see you later!"

The call ended and Carla just gazed into the now blank screen of her phone and giggled to herself.

"Oh Blakey, you horny pup..."

She knew all to well what the emergency was.


Tuesday, December 1st, the biggest holiday month of the year was just beginning, and the temperature matched, the degrees dipping low, however, not a flake of snow had been seen yet.

Malcolm was bundled up nice and warm in his room, he was wearing his favorite sweater, it always made him feel comfortable when he wore it, since his grandmother made it with her own paws. He was sitting on the floor, three different computers opened up and a variety of different technological parts strewn about as he tried to solve the problems these machines had.

Things had been going well with the roommate situation, Malcolm always figured he would be put into some...uncomfortable situations with Nate, but the Doberman was very reserved around him, even though he was notorious for drawing attention to himself.

Nate peeked into the bedroom they had been sharing for the few months they were living together.

"Hey, what are you up to?"

Malcolm looked up at him and smiled.

"Oh, I am just fixing these computers, they have such simple problems, I will be done in no time!"

Nate smirked and walked into the room, plopping himself down onto his bed and letting out a contented sigh.

"I can't wait for winter break to start, I could use the extra time off, y'know?"

Malcolm giggled and nodded.

"I know what you mean! I wonder what should be done this vacation, do you have any plans?"

He turned to look at Nate, but noticed something different.

"Oh Nate...where are your glasses? I noticed you weren't wearing them the other day...did you break them?

Nate chuckled and slid off of the bed and next to the Dalmatian, quickly glancing over the opened computers in front of him.

"I got contact lenses the other day, my parents paid for them, which was great. I was getting tired of my glasses, heh, I would always need to take them off when I tried a friendly match in the boxing ring, anyway."

He placed a paw on Malcolm's shoulder and caressed it gently. Malcolm turned to him and tilted his head, as if studying the Dobie.

"I think...you look much better without them...I can see your eyes much better...they're so nice and blue!"

Nate smirked and turned his head away.

"Naw...they are more of a boring grey, kinda boring."

Malcolm turned his head to look into Nate's eyes.

"Oh, you're never boring! I'm very glad you're living with me, even if my place is small and cramped!"

The Dal rested his head on Nate's shoulder, a grin coming to his muzzle, he was about to say something that took quite a bit of courage.

"Besides...you have to be one of the hottest guys I have ever seen."

Nate turned to him and grinned, this was a pleasant surprise!

"Thanks, sweets, you sure know how to make me feel good about myself."

They both chuckled together as Malcolm went back to his computer-fixing, Nate watching intently and picking up a thing or two about computer components.

The day pushed on and Malcolm finished his work, contented with how the computers operated like they were supposed to, he rubbed his paws together and turned to the Doberman, who was sitting upon his bed with a sketchpad in paws.

"All done! Hey, what are you drawing, Nate?"

He slowly walked a few feet over to his bed, Nate had a mischievous grin on his face. He did not even attempt to hide the sketch as he let Malcolm get a glimpse of it. Malcolm gasped as he saw a nude Dalmatian posing on his knees, one paw behind his head, the other on his chest, it resembled himself, but with some differences.

"N-Nate...is that supposed to be...me?"

Nate chuckled and filled in an eyebrow.

"...Kinda...he sure looks like you, doesn't he?"

Malcolm blushed a bit, the Dalmatian in the drawing had a unmistakable erection between his legs, a strand of pre dipping to the presumed floor of the piece of art. He noticed that the penis was much bigger than his own. Nate had probably planned it to be that way.

"Yeah...but...he has a really, really big...penis."

Nate licked his lips and snickered.

"Yeah, isn't it hot? Which reminds me..."

He turned his head to Malcolm, eyes focusing on his crotch.

"I wonder how big your cock is..."

Malcolm blushed as hard as ever and whimpered a bit.

"Ooh...N-Nate...that's...something that...umm..."

Nate could only smile wider as he watched the flabbergasted Dal try to find something to say.

"Heh, you are so cute, you know that? I've peeked at you while we were sleeping together, of course, you were sheathed, so I could not tell."

Malcolm could not tell if he was angry, embarrassed, or turned on just a bit.

"You...looked at me naked in my sleep!?"

Nate slowly lost his smile.

"I...yeah, I did. I hope you aren't mad at me...It's just...you have such a cute little body and I wanted to see more of it. Are you...mad at me?"

Malcolm's ears lowered, maybe he should just accept this. After all, this meant that Nate really was attracted to him, but it also felt a little...unnerving.

"I...I guess I am just not used to it. I'm not really mad, just...I kinda...want to be awake when you look at me."

He turned his head away shyly, trying not to focus into Nate's eyes, but Nate just grinned wide and set his sketchpad down.

"You should take your clothes off now...I...I want to see your body..."

Malcolm gasped and wrapped his arms around himself.

"...Right now? But...it's chilly..."

Nate started to lean in closer, like a hungry beast about to pounce his prey.

"I'll get naked with you."

Malcolm could feel his heart start to race, in all the time they had lived together, he had never seen Nate nude, the most he had seen was him in his underwear or with a towel around his waste, but that was it. What...would this lead to? He reached out and placed his paws on Nate's shoulders.

"Not...right now, ok?"

Nate realized he had pushed a boundary and relaxed again.

"Alright, sorry about that, cutie."

He turned to his sketchpad. Malcolm looked over it as well from a distance, was Nate really the one he wanted to lose his virginity to? He had not even told him he was a virgin yet, but something in the back of his mind told him that he should open up a bit and tell Nate how he feels and stop being so darn shy.

The Dalmatian nodded and giggled.

"It's ok, how about we snuggled together in my bed again tonight? It is so cold, anyway, and...well...I'll let you look at me then."

Nate grinned, his cropped ears flicked once as he winked.

"I like the sound of that. How about we get some dinner, hmm?"

Malcolm took Nate by the paw and helped him off his bed, his fingers intertwined with Nate's.

"Let's go! And don't forget to bundle up!"


Friday, December 4th, another chilly day, but the inside of the gym was always kept nice and toasty, the sauna was a popular place to be during the cold days.

Drew sure had a sweat worked up as he wiped his forehead clean with a towel.

"Nice workout today guys, as usual."

He was hanging out with the normal crowd, Adrian and Jason, both of them tired from another hard day of pumping iron. Adrian took a big gulp of his water bottle.

"Yup, gotta keep warm somehow, y'know?"

The Pitbull smirked and chuckled to himself, Jason was pretty quiet that day, as he had normally been. Drew placed a paw on his shoulder, even though he had to reach up pretty high to do that.

"You ok, big wolf? You look kinda down."

Jason tiled his head to the side, his chest rumbling as he spoke with his normal deep tone.

"...Mmph...I guess I am kind of...lonely."

Adrian came to the wolf's other side and tried to reassure him.

"Aww, come on, big guy! Don't let your single status get you down, there are plenty of fish in that big sea and you are sure to real in a trophy fish!"

Jason snorted a bit and reached his arms around his two friends, hugging them tight, lifting them off their foot paws, in fact.

"...I guess you are right, someday."

Drew winced and grunted as he was squeezed by the larger canine.

"Yup! Mmph! You got your buddies here for yuh, sexy wuff!"

Moments later, Drew was getting his duffle bag packed when he noticed someone he had not met before, in fact, this person was renting out the locker right next to his.

Drew watched the slender, skilled fingers of the fur to his right, a red kangaroo, to be precise. He apparently just arrived, as he was wearing his normal clothes, a white with grey stripes button down shirt, snuggly fitting blue jeans, and brown shoes on his foot paws. What really caught Drew's attention was his face, he had wavy brown head fur, long ears perked high above his head, long eyelashes, and his scent...was very calming.

The roo turned to Drew and flashed him what could be called a perfect smile.

"Oh! Pleased to meet you!"

Drew was shocked at how brilliant his smile was, it was radiant and very charming, he looked into the roo's eyes, they were a tranquil shade of brown, very soothing and captivating. He shook himself out of the roo's fixated expression.

"Umm..Ah! Nice to meet you too, uhh, I haven't seen you around here."

The kangaroo grinned and closed his eyes, he chuckled lightly as he reached out to shake Drew's paw.

"Please, call me Gabriel. I don't really come here too often, just once a week if I have time. I've actually seen you a few times. I am guessing by your impressive musculature that you are usually found in the weight room, yes?"

Drew took his paw and shook it, Gabriel had not only a calming face and aura about him, but his voice was so soothing as well!

"Yeah! Heh, I guess that was kind of easy to tell, my name is Drew, by the way, Drew Lewis."

Gabriel flashed him a brilliant smile again.

"Drew, that is a nice name, is it short for Andrew?"

Drew grinned and nodded.

"Yeah! It is, heh, you are pretty sharp, not like some of the dimwits around here."

Gabe chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Oh, I just pay attention to things that most people look over."

The roo started to unbutton his shirt, revealing something that Drew did not expect. It was a crucifix...but it was rainbow colored, red at the top down to purple at the bottom. It was...he had to ask about it.

"Umm, Gabriel? Your cross around your neck is...interesting."

Gabe figured he would ask about it, as most people do, so he would simply give him the answer as he always did. He grinned and batted his long eyelashes.

"Yes it is, my cross is very important to me, it symbolizes three major things. One, that I am a Christian, I have been my whole life, two, that I am gay, an interesting mixture, yes, and three, that I am proud of both!"

Drew could not help but smile wide, this made him think of Victor Roberts, how bitter the lion's face would be if he were to see this.

"That is...really cool! I guess we're in the same boat, I mean...I'm also gay and, well, I still consider myself a Christian."

Gabriel's face lit up, he almost glowed.

"That is so wonderful to hear! I already figured out the gay part, I've seen you around campus with your boyfriend, I presume, is he that blonde bull? He has gorgeous eyes, you are very lucky!"

Drew's smile was almost from ear to ear.

"Yeah! His name is Bill, he is...really special to me. My one-of-a-kind guy."

Gabe continued to undo his shirt, slipping it off to reveal his pure white undershirt, Drew could notice that his body was very toned, not an ounce of fat on him, and he only visited the gym once a week?

"You sound very blessed indeed! I am as well, here, let me show you him."

Gabe set his shirt down and reached into his pant pocket and pulled out his cell phone, after clicking a few times, he found the photo he was looking for.

"This is my angel. I would be lost without him."

He turned the phone's screen to Drew, showing him a picture of a well-built Dingo reclining on a sofa in just his underwear, Drew could not help but feel a little turned on by the photo. The canine had perfectly sculpted abs and just an absolutely handsome face, though he did notice a wide scar over his chest and arm.

"Wow! He is good looking! You're lucky, too. What's his name?"

Gabe sighed contently and hugged his phone.

"Klayton...oh, how I miss him..."

Drew tilted his head.

"Miss him? Is he away?"

Gabe chuckled and shook his head.

"Somewhat, he is at home right now, but oh, how I still miss his embrace!"

Gabe started to blush as Drew snickered to himself.

"You two really love each other, that's good to see."

The kangaroo nodded, his large ears flopping about as he set his phone into his locker. Inspiration hit him as he let out a shallow gasp.

"Hey, how would you like to come over to my place for dinner sometime, how about this Sunday?"

Drew was surprised, friendly people like this seemed hard to find in Addison , but how could he resist free dinner and the chance to get to know new furs? He flashed Gabriel a grin and nodded.

"That sounds like a great idea, I'll bring Bill over and we can get to know each other better."

Gabe gave Drew one last brilliant smile and took his paw again to shake it.

"It's settled then! I must let you know, I am a pretty darn good cook!"

After a quick exchange of phone numbers, Drew left the gym, his friends had already left him behind as he realized he had taken quite a chunk of time to meet Gabriel. He would also have to warn him about Victor. Who knows what that lion was planning. He had not even seen him once since they first met, so any suspicions of malicious activity were not really on his mind.


Two days had passed and it was now Sunday evening, there was supposed to be a snow shower, but it only turned into a storm of flurries, snowing lightly for about an hour, leaving a very light dusting on the ground that did not stay long as it was blown away like a layer of dust on a rough, bumpy surface.

Drew stepped out of his car that he had purchased with his birthday money. It was a very good deal and definitely worth it. He now was the proud owner of a silver 99' Dodge Intrepid, so nice and roomy and big all around. However, the insurance on it was a bit pricey, Drew realized that he would have to find a job soon to pay for it, which was no problem to him, he would just have to find something that fit around his school schedule.

Bill got out of the passenger side, both of them were dressed nicely, in their Sunday best, one could say, as they scoped out for the location of Gabriel's house. They found the number and slowly walked up the nicely lit sidewalk and looked over the well manicured yard, little solar-powered lamps lined along the concrete walkway as they came to the porch.

Bill held a dish in his hands, filled with his famous twice baked potatoes. The aroma had filled the car on the way over and made both of them even hungrier.

Drew looked over to Bill with a grin, his eyes lit up with excitement.

"These guys are really nice. I think we will have a great time tonight."

Bill smiled at his lover.

"They sure sounded nice the way you described them to me, I want to meet this studly dingo you told me about!"

Drew shook his head with a snicker, reaching out to press the doorbell and awaiting the door to open.

The large wide door came to life as the knob turned and it was pulled inwards, there stood the kangaroo, dressed just as nice as the other two, cross proudly displayed on his chest as he flashed the two possibly one of the brightest smiles that could have lit up the darkest room.

"Pleased to meet you again, Drew, and Bill, I presume? Please, come in, make yourselves at home!"

Gabe stepped back and allowed the two inside, Drew took his shoes off at the door and Bill wiped his hooves off on the doormat as the took a quick look over the living room, it was adorned with much spiritual decor, and looked very warm and comfortable. Bill's mouth was wide open as he admired the decorating job.

"Gabriel, is it? Your house looks simply amazing!"

Gabe chuckled to himself and closed the door behind them.

"Thank you so much! Our roommate's helped a lot with the decorations, such a wonderful job they did."

Drew turned to the roo, a puzzled look on his face.


Gabe nodded and walked to the dining room.

"Yes, please follow me and meet them, they are waiting for us to join them at the table."

Drew and Bill nodded to each other and followed him, turning the corner to meet three furs seated at the table. Drew instantly noticed the dingo, looking so much more attractive in person, his cool, handsome muzzle topped off with a tuft of brown facial fur at his chin, his thick eyebrows perked as he met the two guests.

Gabriel turned to his guests.

"Go ahead and take a seat, we shall get to know each other while we eat."

Bill and Drew nodded, smiling wide as they took the two free seats at the table made for six, the food already sitting out, the delightful smell tickling their noses as they got comfortable in their seats, Bill placed his dish on the table and Gabe grinned from ear to oversized ear as he inhaled the aroma of the potatoes.

The dingo was the first to introduce himself, reaching across the table to shake the hands of the guests to the household.

"Nice tah meet'cha, 'names Klayton, Gabe 'ere's been telling me lots about yew tew."

He smirked and winked at the two of them, he had a delightful Australian accent, it just matched him perfect, being a dingo and all. He was so very attractive...Gabriel sure was a lucky lad.

The attention came next to a female Platypus seated at the far left of the dining table. She seemed a bit on the short side, extremely curly head fur hung to her shoulders. She wore a violet turtle-neck sweater, which matched her eyes and appeared to be a shade of violet almost matching her shirt. With a giggle, she reached out to shake their hands as well, her webbed paws felt very soft and delicate to the touch.

"Hello, my name is Karen. It's very nice to meet you and I do hope we can get to know each other better!"

She sounded so very kind and bubbly, they were reminded of Carla when they heard her voice, but it was a bit...deeper and refined.

The last fur at the table seemed a bit nervous, but he still held a paw out to greet the guests that were visiting the household. He was a Coyote, he appeared to be on the skinny side, his rich brown hair was a bit ruffled, and his smile a bit crooked, but he seemed to be a very gentle individual.

"Hi...umm...My name is Xavier, it's nice that you could come over and...have dinner with us."

Gabriel clapped his paws together, making Xavier jump a bit in his chair and let out a shallow gasp.

"All right everyone, I am starving, let us join paws and pray, yes?"

Bill blinked, he had done this a couple times when he had visited Ophelia with Drew, it was something he was not used to doing, but he joined in anyway. The group of six joined paws around the table and bowed their heads as Gabe spoke out.

"Dear Heavenly Father, please bless this food as it enters our bodies and guide us down life's pathway, aiding us as we go about life and teaching us to love just as you love us. Amen"

The other five repeated the "Amen" and let loose their paws, reaching forward to the dinner that was laid out on the table and serving one another as more chatter began as they got to know each other.

Karen was so very curious, she had a knack for pointing out little quirks about people and picked up things about them quickly. A clawed fingertip traced across her flat bill as she snapped her fingers and pointed at the guests.

"You, Bill, was it? I may be just guessing here, but I'm guessing you are very into interior decor...am I right?"

Bill smiled wide, his ears perking up as he nodded.

"Oh yes! I most certainly am, that is what I am majoring at in college. How did you know?"

Karen rested her head in her hands and giggled to herself.

"I can see that you are meticulously studying every object in the room, I am sure nothing has escaped your gaze! I can only imagine how nice your house must look!"

Bill placed a hand on his chest and beamed proudly.

"Well, it looks fabulous, if I may say so myself!"

Xavier nervously started chewing on one of his claws as he watched over the guests. Gabe leaned over to him and placed a paw on his shoulder.

"Are you alright, Xavi?"

He sighed a bit and placed his paws in his lap.

"Yeah...I'm alright, just having...withdrawals again...I..I..I'll be ok."

Drew tilted his head to the side with a puzzled expression.

"I'm sorry if I am interrupting, but what do you mean withdrawals?"

Xavier's shoulders slumped as his ears lowered, Gabe continued to rub his shoulders as he focused back to Drew.

"You see, Drew, Xavi here is a recovering methamphetamine addict. He has been clean for almost...what was it? Eight months now? And he is showing such strength, we are very proud of him and glad to have him here."

Xavier looked back up and smiled with a contented sigh.

"Thanks Gabriel, if it never would have been for that day...I would probably have been dead long ago..."

Drew wanted to know more about this story.

"How old are you, Xavier?"

The coyote tilted his head to the side and rubbed his shoulder.

"I'm nineteen...I...kind of get into that stuff when I was...sixteen. Yeah, it's just...a long story, but that's all behind me now and I am going to make sure I have a bright future."

The dinner pressed on, it was very good, in fact, Bill was actually jealous about the cooking talent the hosts had.

Klayton pressed on with a little friendly questioning.

"So, 'ow long yew tew been tewgether?"

Drew felt Bill place his warm hand on his knee under the tablecloth, and with a reassuring grin, he answered.

"About...hmm...I'd say nine months or something like that."

Klayton flashed them a cunning grin as he chuckled lightly.

"An' doin' good, I see. Me 'n' Gabe 'ere been tewgether for about tew years now, met 'im at the mawl, remembah that day, m'love?"

Gabriel sighed happily and leaned over to rest his head on the strong dingo's shoulder.

"I felt as if I had spotted an angel, I was so...blushy...nervous...shy...but he was just so confident and just...gentle. I melted like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day."

Karen giggled and held her cheeks in hew paws.

"That's always a cute story, no matter how many times I've heard it! Reminds me of myself and Brenda."

Bill and Drew both turned to her at the same time.


She giggled again and placed a hand on her chest.

"Well, I am guessing you two are not surprised to find out all of us living in this household are gay, I mean, come on!"

The guests turned to Xavier, then Gabe and Klay, then to Karen, it all made complete sense now. Drew slapped his forehead.

"Duh, I should have known that!"

The whole table burst into laughter. Drew then turned to Xavier.

"Xavi, you were the least detectable, I gotta say."

The yote turned his head away with a shy grin.

"Well...let's just say I did...a lot of things to get my fix. Some of it was, you know, awesome, but other times it was just...bleh. I have...contracted a few nasty things from it...but nothing really serious...which I am so thankful to God for."

Bill looked around the table again.

"Do you all go to the same church?"

The table nodded in unison, minus its guests. Gabriel pointed out a large photograph with a bunch of furs gathered in front of a church.

"That is where we go, Crossed Paths United Church , I am actually a youth minister there, and Karen is part of the choir, and Xavi here cleans the church ever Sunday after service."

Drew could not help but smile, the world needed more people like this, tolerant and faithful, unlike a certain lion he had in mind.

"That is really great, I think it would be nice if we went sometime, what do you think, Bill?"

He turned to his lover, the bull gaving him a shallow grin.

"Well...I have never really been to a church...only for a...my...mom's..."

He shook his head and sighed.

"I would go with you, Drew, maybe it would be a nice experience."

Gabriel was grinning wider than he had ever smiled before.

"I am so very glad to hear that! It would be so nice to have you join us for service, you can come any Sunday you like, it does not have to be the next one, just give me a call whichever one you choose and I will make sure you get a proper introduction!"

Bill felt nervous, an introduction? He was sure that everyone's eyes would be on him that day...but these were all good people, nothing like Victor, or Pastor Lewis, or any other bigot Christian. As long as he was with Drew, he knew that he would be fine.

The sun was beginning to set and it was time to get back home since there would be class the next day, in fact, the last week of class before winter break, which meant lots of nasty finals to be tested on.

As Drew and Bill entered the car, they paid no attention to the maroon colored Camaro parked inconspicuously under a streetlight just down the street. Behind the wheel was an opossum, yellow goggles strapped around his forehead, a Nintendo DS in his right paw, and in his left, a simple pen and pad of paper. His eyes came to a focus on the two he had been told to watch, his lips pursed and he exhaled, a rubbery pink substance protruded outward and expanded, getting bigger and bigger until it popped, his long tongue coming out to collect the mass and bring it back into chew again.


With the quick motion of his pen, he recorded the license plate number, and the address of the house they had exited. He pulled out his cell phone and flipped it open, and within seconds, was patched in with the leader.

"Victor, I have the information."

The lion was seated in the den in the basement of his family's home, his eyes fixated on the fire as it danced and flickered, the eerie radiant glow setting the mood of some sort of chaotic action in motion. A wicked grin came to his muzzle, his whiskers twitched as a paw came to the gold plated cross around his neck to caress it lovingly.

"Thank you, Famine, every little bit counts in bringing to downfall of the heathens..."

Matt, or Famine, nodded to his phone and ended the call. The Camaro roared to life and sped down the empty street, out of sight, destination unknown.


In the blink of an eye, the week was over. Everyone had hoped they studied well enough to end their semester classes with good grades and prepare of another semester of college life, but now was the time to enjoy winter break, and best of all, Christmas!

Blake was staring out the balcony door of the bedroom, his tail was wagging as he panted happily on the glass, making it fog up a bit from the touch of his warm breath on the ice-cold door. It was finally snowing that day, the grass, sidewalks, asphalt, trees, and everything collecting a fresh blanket of white powder on them as all in the outside world seemed to blend in with each other.

Blake had always liked to see snow, but never drive in or shovel it, luckily, the shoveling part was taken care of by the campus groundskeepers, and there was no need to drive that day since there was not much to do.

The Sheppie sighed happily and threw himself back onto the bed, staring at the unused ceiling fan as he awaited the one person who he cared most for to get himself out of the bathroom. The big guy had used the home gym that day and was washing up after a one-and-a-half hour workout, Blake was just mystified how Wes could work out so long only using two simple machines.

The room was so silent...no sound except for his own breathing and the ticking of the clock...the silence was making his ears ring, he hated complete silence. He sat up from the bed and reached over to the bookshelf that stood between the patio door and a window. A quick paw grasped a specific book and yanked it out, the other books tilting to the side without the support of the one he just removed.

A smile came to Blake's muzzle as he looked over the front cover, which read, "Juniper Hills Class of '09," the only yearbook that would have Wes's picture in it. He flipped past the few introductory pages and came to the senior class, such good memories, and some bad, were locked into this book.

He saw the familiar faces he had known through school, Amy, the human who was now far away in a different state, Adrianna, the posh Chihuahua, Heather, the giggly Corgi, Haley, the hopeless romantic, Laura, the sarcastic bunny...He hoped some of those fantastic gals would show up at the Christmas party Carla was planning.

He came to two very powerful pictures, the first was Carla, the cheerful Pomeranian has always been there for him, and he knew she would be for years to come. She had such a perfect smile in the yearbook, her lips open wide showing her pearly white teeth, her caramel fluff fur groomed nicely and clad in a tragically lovely black dress blouse.

The next photo made him frown. It was none other than Stanley Taylor, the cougar was giving a goofy smile in his photograph, something he used to be. Blake remembered the old Stan, he was such a class clown and could make anyone laugh with his antics, but then something happened in his life and his personality did a complete turn around in a bad direction. And then the day happened...

Blake's eyes came to the one photo that could make him smile again, Wesley Turner. Wes had such a handsome smile, full of that southern charm that he had, it just made Blake melt as he brought his paw to the page and rested his fingertip on Wes's photo, his pad rubbing it in small circle as gazed deeply into the picture, a contented sigh escaping his muzzle.

His ears perked up as he heard the bathroom door open, the handle and hinges creaking loudly and the light switch being flicked off as heavy footfalls made their way to the bedroom. A wide smile crept onto Blake's muzzle, he wondered what Wes would be wearing...

"Ey, sugar, it still snowin'?"

Blake turned to his mate, and sure enough, he was wearing nothing but a pair of tight red boxer briefs...God how he loved how he looked in them, it never got old. Wes's short white fur still glistened from the shower, even though it was cold outside, Wes did not hesitate to prance around the apartment almost naked, not that Blake would ever mind.

The Shepherd nodded to the massive dog entering the room.

"Sure is...reminds me of a very certain occasion..."

He was trying to hint at Wes, today was not any ordinary day, he was trying to see if the big guy would remember.

Wes stopped in front of the mirror, grinning and lifting a heavy bicep up to give it a hard flex, a shallow, deep grunt escaping his muzzle as the veins popped under his short fur.

"Mmph...special occasion? What'cha mean, babe?"

Blake sighed to himself, Wes was sure to remember, he was sure he was just playing with him. Maybe a hint would help.

"Well...when a lot of snow falls, it would be up to someone to have to shovel it."

Wes grinned wide, he knew what the Sheppie had been referring to the whole time, how could he forget something as important as this. His huge frame made its way to the bed, Blake dropped the yearbook to the side as Wes placed his paws on his mate's shoulders, the Shepherd then felt his body being pushed back onto the bed. Blake could already feel his heart begin to race as he watched Wes climb up onto the bed, his emerald eyes focusing right into his as the dog that outweighed by more than twice was now straddling him, pinning him to the bed with his muscular bulk.

"Yuh mean like when you were shovlin' snow outside yur house?"

Blake gasped, but then smiled wide, his smaller body fully with strained by Wes's thick arms and thighs as he murred lightly.

"You remember? That day we first met...that was one year ago today...and now I can say for sure, it was one of the best days of my life."

Wes's lips curled into a grin and he leaned down, his wide muzzle gently pressing into Blake's for a soft, tender kiss, the smaller dog letting out a loving whimper from the touch of Wes's warm lips.

Wes leaned back again and licked over his lips.

"I sure do, sugar. I remember steppin' out muh house and seein' yuh. Yuh were shovelin' that snow and I walked on over and introduced muhself, yuh were shiverin' and shakin' and I could tell yuh were blushin' mad, it was damn cute. I knew right then 'n' there that you were intuh guys, and since yuh were the first one I stumbled 'pon, not tuh mention yuh were real good lookin', I was gonna see how far I could get with yuh."

Blake was smiling so wide, he could feel his cheeks burn, his tail tried to wag as it was pinned under his body and he whimpered happily.

"And now look where we are...and I know where I want to be for the rest of my life...in your arms."

Wes murred deeply, his chest rumbled like that of the roaring engine of a snowplow speeding down the street as he pressed his huge frame down onto Blake's even more, his wide nose nuzzling into Blake's neck as his tongue came out to give him a long, slow, wet lick from the base of the Shepherd's neck, up his cheek, and across his lips, where Blake took the opportunity to open his mouth, allowing Wes to unhesitantly slip his tongue inside and lock their muzzles together in a lustful, passionate kiss.

Blake let the bigger dog take over his muzzle, opening wide and allowing the tongue to move in, its warm, wet, rough surface pressing against his hard palate and then pressing against his own tongue, holding it down and pinning it to the floor of his mouth as he whimpered softly, his paws reaching up to caress Wes's thick shoulders.

Wes was glad that he was not wearing any clothes, except for his underwear, which he could definitely feel starting to strain on him as he lowered his large body onto Blake's, he knew not to let his entire bulk onto him since his mate would probably have some difficulty breathing.

Blake closed his eyes, and his lips around Wes's thick tongue and suckled on his hungrily, tasting Wes's saliva as he murred softly, the corner's of the big dogs lips came to a grin as his strong paws caressed from Blake's sides down to the hem of his shirt, thick fingers slipping inside to stroke and ruffle through his soft fur.

Wes wanted Blake's shirt off, and he wanted it now, he pulled up on the green sweatshirt and Blake obliged by letting his arms up, and with a whimper, broke the kiss for a moment to let Wes yank the collar over his head, his fur ruffling and setting back down along with his big ears as they flopped about, the recent piercing glinted from the light above, Blake wasting no time to join muzzles again, greedily sucking at the wide tongue as it was forced back into his muzzle, Wes now having easy access to Blake's soft abdomen.

Blake's exploring paws came to the summit of Wes's mountainous pectorals, his fingertips came together about the pierced nipples and began to pinch them softly, Wes responded by letting a low growl followed by a soft moan, then giving his pelvis a thrust into Blake's their growing erections grinding into each other. Blake was breathing heavily now, Wes's bulk on top of him was making is breath short, but just being surrounded by his muscle and soft, velvety fur was exhilarating.

Wes pulled his tongue out of Blake's muzzle and licks his lips.

"Mmm...lets getcha outta them clothes, sugar."

Blake giggled and went to undo his belt, Wes lifted up from him a bit, giving him a perfect view of his hard-on sticking to his thigh confined in his tight red underwear, a small wet spot of pre already formed where the tip was. Blake wriggled out of his pants, and with the help of Wes, they were tossed idly to the floor, his tented underwear the only thing keeping him from complete nudity. Wes seized the opportunity be grabbing Blake's cock through his boxer briefs, his large, warm paw wrapping around the shaft and stroking it from the outside, low murrs rumbling from his chest as he watched a pre spot grow, Blake shivered and moaned loudly as his toes started to curl and legs kick a bit.

With a swift yank, Wes had Blake naked and pinned under him, his thick fingers ruffling up and down Blake's soft fur, from the caramel colored fur at his neck, to the cream colored fur at his thighs, Wes took great pleasure in molesting Blake, and Blake happily obliged, panting for air with his tongue hanging to the side.

Wes sat up and ran his paw-fingers into the elastic band of his red undies, stretching it just a bit before lowing it slowly for his boyfriend, watching Blake's eyes grow wide and his grin grow even wider as he let his eleven-incher flop out into the open air, his chest rumbling from the feeling of having his cock free again. Now that he was out of his underwear, he laid his bulk down onto Blake again, his time, proceeding with some slow humping, their stiff members rubbing together.

Blake grasped for Wes, his paws came to the big dog's sides just under his armpit as he braced himself, he tried his best to grind back into Wes, but he was just too big for him, so he had to resort to letting Wes to all of the work, and it was such good work he was doing as they frotted together, pre slowly oozing out between the two meat poles and lubricating them nicely, their musk scenting the air around them with the smell of sex.

Wes leaned in further, his massive arms acting as pillars on either side of Blake's head to support his from falling onto his mate as he increased the humping, his pelvis thrusting even faster as guttural moans escaped his muzzle but it was soon shut as Blake lifted and met his, joining them together in another sensual kiss, both tongues meeting to wrestle each other.

Blake's body shivered in delight as he moaned into Wes's muzzle, a bit of saliva dripping from the corners of his lips and running into his cheek fur, but the kiss and frotting was ended abruptly as Wes lifted himself from Blake, Blake whimpered a bit and opened his eyes to see the coy smirk in Wes's face he was so used to seeing. Wes reached out and grabbed Blake's shaft, holding it in a tight grip as he leaned down, his body moving to the side on the bed as he muzzle inched closer to the throbbing Sheppie cock, Blake writhed and kick his legs, wanting to hump into Wes's paw but also anticipating what the big dog was about to do.

Wes's tongue lept from his muzzle and pressed onto the tip of Blake's cock, making the Shepherd gasp loudly followed by a long murr as Wes rolled the tip of his tongue around the head of the shaft, colleting pre and prodding the cumslit. The taste of Blake's pre made Wes enter a near-frenzy, he wasted no time in wrapping his wide lips around the tip of Blake's cock, sucking on it hard and making his mate squirm and buck his hips. Blake just watched as his cock disappeared into Wes's muzzle, the big dog took all of it in one swift gulp, then pulled his head off and pressed back down again, sucking like a vacuum cleaner, his chest echoing loudly as his murring was the only thing that could be heard in the room, aside from loud slurps.

Wes gave Blake one last slurp, the Sheppie's cock glistened from his saliva as he licked his lips, and despite his size and bulk, he was back on top of Blake, his paws pinning the smaller dog down at his shoulders, his tree-trunk like thighs straddling Blake and keeping him in place. Wes had a hungry look on his face as he just stared down into Blake's eyes, the Shepherd stared back, panting heavily as he felt Wes's large, powerful rump clench his shaft between his strong cheeks, Wes's short whip-like tail wagging madly.

Blake knew already what Wes wanted, and he would happily allow it. Wes lifted his backside up and reached behind him, Blake felt his warm paw grab for his cock to hold it in place and keep steady aim as Wes slowly lowered himself back down, the slicked Sheppie cock poked against his pink puckerhole, and with a grunt and low growl, it popped in flawlessly. Blake's entire body began to shudder and his hips instinctively began to buck under Wes's bulk, the terrier's strong cheeks clenching very tightly around Blake's cock as it throbbed inside of him, pre being squeezed out in abundant amounts.

Blake moaned so loud, his paws trembled as the grasped at Wes's muscles, holding onto him tightly as Wes stopped his moaning by kissing him once more, both of their sexual noises being quelled by each other's tongues as Wes's hips did the work, grinding roughly into his partner, but not putting all of his weight into him, just enough to give him pleasure but not crush his smaller frame. Wes held himself up with one paw and reached for his freely bobbing cock, grabbing it with a stiff grip and jerking himself of in slow, long strokes, pre dribbling onto his paw and onto Blake's abdomen, the Sheppie noticed this and reached for Wes's cock, his paw griping him on top of the other paw and both stroking in unison.

Wes's chest rose and sank quickly, his heart pounded like a bass drum as his pucker clenched Blake deep inside of him and he rode the Shepherd like a bull at the rodeo, however, a very small bull as he was trying to go gentle on. Blake's free paw explored Wes's chest, prodding his nipple then coming down his thick musclegut to rub it in wide circles, his claws coming out to gently scrape into his fur and scritch him softly as his hips bucked as hard as they could under his much bigger mate.

The bed under them creaked and groaned as they used it roughly, he headboard would smack against the wall with a dull thud every so often, the sheets quickly got wrinkled and messed up as arms and legs sprawled all along the bed, a thin layer of condensation formed on the window from all the gasping, panting, and heavy breathing being done by the two, who had already worked up a sweat, the entire room pungent with the smell of sex.

Wes started to lift up and down on Blake's cock, his teeth gritted as he grunted and growled, he could feel the knot forming as it started to stretch his pucker wider. Blake also noticed that Wes's knot was forming now, the huge, bulbous, veiny mass of tissue throbbing hard as he reached forward with both paws, yanking on it hard and massaging the sensitive flesh as Wes continued to stroke himself.

"Aw fuck, sugar, I'm gunna cum soon...damn...yuh feel s'damn good inside of meh...Oooooh..."

Blake nodded as he panted, tongue hanging to the side as he tugged and rubbed on Wes's swollen knot, also rubbing over his large testicles to encourage them to release their pent-up seed.

Wes's body started to convulse, every muscle flexing, thick veins in his bicep's popping out as he let out a deep, guttural, rumbling moan, Blake watched with wide eyes as the balls were pulled up, and soon, the tip of Wes's cock exploded with a load of hot, creamy, sticky seed, Wes grunting loudly with each shoot as Blake's front side started to turn white as rope after rope of thick cum splattered onto his fur.

The smell of Wes's cum hit his nose, and hit made his eyes roll back, his knot was being clenched hard inside of Wes, and he could no longer keep it inside as he let loose his seed, his entire body trembling as his back arched and he gave his mate a final buck, Wes's anal cavity was quickly filled with a load of fresh semen, the knot keeping it from leaking out as they both panted heavily, their bodies slowly relaxing.

Wes rested himself on top of Blake, not to crush, but to give him the comfort of him surrounding his mate with his body, his gut pressing into Blake's abdomen, his own cum now sticking to him as he gave Blake a rough, slow lick over his muzzle.

"Mmmph...happy one year anniversary of us meetin', babe."

Blake panted heavily as he tenderly kissed Wes's lips.

"Whew...that was...so good...I wonder...what's going to happen on the anniversary of us actually starting to date...Mmm..."

Wes just grinned and chuckled, Blake felt his entire body shake from the laughing.

"Damn...need 'nother shower now, but I think yuh will be joinin' meh, sugar."

Blake nodded as he enjoyed the afterglow.

"Sounds good to me, my love."


Monday, December 21st, luckily, it managed to not snow that day, since it had been on and off the past week, snow piles getting taller in yards and parking lots as the hospitals crowded with injured motorists that did not pay attention to the roads.

It was super sunny out, the white blanket that covered the grass and everything else reflected the sun in a way that it just seemed like the Sun changed itself to using halogen bulbs.

Drew's paws gripped the steering wheel tightly as his eyes wandered the streets, trying to find the place he was told to go in a city he was only used to visiting on special occasions. Bill had his eyes focused on the maps and directions they had printed out.

"I think we will be there soon, after all, he said the house really stands out from the others."

Bill did a quick check into the backseat to make sure none of the food he had brought was tipped over, he checked back to Drew, who was just smiling as wide as ever.

"I can't wait to see everyone again, this is going to be a great kind of reunion, y'know?"

Bill giggled and placed his hand on Drew's thigh, squeezing it gently.

"I hope they like the cookies I made!"

Drew snickered as the destination finally caught his eye.

"I think that is the place, babe, big creepy looking Victorian mansion, sounds right to me."

Bill cringed when he saw it.

"It looks so...Gothic...I hope the inside does not look that way, too!"

The silver Intrepid came to a stop behind another car parked at the curb outside of the house, since the driveway was full already. Bill pointed and gasped.

"Look! Its Carla's little Beetle! And there is Blake's car too! Let's hurry inside, I am dying to meet them!"

They undid their belts and exited the car, Bill shivered as his hoofs sank into a bed of snow that was collected on the curb, but they quickly gathered all that was in the backseat and made their way up the sidewalk and to the door of the ominous Victorian.

"...It looks like it came from a horror movie, Drew..."

Drew snickered reached out to hit the doorbell, a Gothic chime could be faintly heard from the inside.

"Oh, come on, I am sure the person who owns this place does not look like it..."

The door was slowly opened, and appeared her, the collie dressed in her Lolita attire, her caramel colored hair straightened this time, instead of its normal curled, she started blankly at the two guests, who returned her stare with agape mouths.

"...I am assuming you have been invited by the ones currently inside...enter..."

Drew just smiled at her, but Bill's face started to turn pale as he followed the hyena inside, trying not to look the collie in the eyes for the fear that she might consume his soul.

After kicking off any shoes and hanging up their warm coats, they traveled down a long hallway, voices could be heard in the next room, one high and giggly, one low and deep, and one all too familiar as the collie led them to the living room.

Drew could feel his heart beat as he stepped into the doorway, his eyes came into focus with the people he had not seen in months, he just felt warm all over, a big, toothy grin on his muzzle.

"Hey, guys."

Carla turned her head so fast that her poofs of caramel fluff for hair smacked not only her own face, but Blake's as she sat next to him.


She sprang from her seat as if her tail was a spring and ran at the two, her socked foot paws bouncing on the hardwood floor. She pounced, almost knocking one of the plates out of his arms as she held him tight, then let him go to give Bill the next hug.

"Oh my God, it's so great to see you two again! Ooooh, what did you bring for us? I love treats! Come to the kitchen, Bill, lets drop them off!"

Carla forcefully yanked the plates from Drew's arms and took Bill to the kitchen so that his snacks could be joined with the plethora of other edibles already in store.

Drew slowly walked into the room, but before he could get far, Blake was the next to jump from the sofa and give him a welcoming hug.

"Heya, Drew! It's been a while, right? I'm glad you two made it to the party."

Drew was not sure why...but he felt so very comfortable with Blake hugging him, it just felt...great. His arms slowly wrapped around Blake as he hugged him back.

"Thanks, Blake, it's always great to see friends again, we got a lot of catching up to do!"

Before Drew knew it, he was lifted into the air, someone very large had picked him up.

"Howdy, partner."

Drew grunted as the big dog hugged him tightly, he could feel Wes's chest and arms flex against him as he gasped for breath.

"Oooof! Mmmph...Nice to see you too, Wes!"

Carla skipped merrily around the kitchen table, it was laid out with all sorts of goodies, the counter tops had crock pots and the fridge held the cold foods, along with a huge bowl of eggnog. She bit into one of Bill's cookies, and squealed.

"OH MY GOD!! It's so yummy!"

Bill jumped a bit as she exclaimed his very loudly, he just giggled at her.

"Thanks, hon! It's my grandma's recipe, so they just have to be good!"

She nodded and went over to the fridge for some milk to go with the cookie.

"I am really glad you two are here, everyone else should be coming soon, Haley, Laura, and Heather are on their way, Adrianna won't be here until later, and Amy could not come, there is a blizzard in Landcleve and she is snowed in, poo! Oh, some of our other friends are coming here too, they are really nice people! So we all should have a good time!"

A big, cookie-filled grin came to her muzzle as she giggled like a pup.

As time progressed, Drew and Bill were introduced to the rest of Carla's group who were already there, Tim, Steph, Garrett, and of course, the main resident of the house, Buttercup. Her icy gaze focused mainly on the two she had not met, luckily, she had her camcorder with her to record their every move.

Tim started to play some music, hooking up his laptop to the stereo system and acting as the DJ for the day, Buttercup was actually acting as the hostess, bringing things to her guests and guiding them around the house. Soon, the living room became crowded.

Drew gasped as he felt a large paw cup around his bicep.

"Go ahead 'n' flex, hyena boy, lemme see how yur doin' with ur workin' out."

Drew smirked and pulled his shirt back to reveal his whole arm, and then curled it, fist pointing inward as he sucked in and grunted, his bicep bulging nicely and the veins underneath his spotted fur stuck out quite nicely, Wes chuckled and gave it a good squeeze.

"Damn, I swear yuh've gotten bigger! Yuh got a damn good body, partner."

Drew released his flex and laughed.

"Yeah, but I don't think I could ever get as big as you, big guy!"

He reached over and patted Wes on the chest, and sure enough, his mounded pectorals were rock solid.

Haley was busy showing the pictures on her camera to Heather when the doorbell rang, and moments later, Laura appeared in the living room with her boyfriend.

"Ho, ho, ho! I'm here!"

Haley laughed and kicked her legs.

"You just said your name three times in a row, Laura."

Laura's buck teeth stuck out a bit as she tried to understand what the lynx meant, then it clicked and she scoffed.

"No, you are the only ho, ho, ho around here, ho."

Heather joined the laughter as she munched on some pickles, her belly was getting really big, her pregnancy was no longer able to be hid as the Corgi had announced it earlier, the father, however, was not with her still, it was a one-night-stand gone horribly wrong, and now she was going to have to pay the price and be a single mother. She was excited, however, her parents were going to help support her, after all, her mother gave birth to Heather when she was only seventeen, so young births were kind of common.

Bill, with Buttercup's guidance, went on a tour of the house to take a good look at it. He still was a bit frightened of her, after all, she looked quite ghastly.

"So...how old is this house?"

Buttercup made no emotional movements.

"...Approximately one hundred and two years old..."

Bill put a finger on his lips as they traveled up the stairs, it was so dimly lit with its heavy, dark curtains covering the huge windows.

"Did you decorate this place yourself?"

He took a glace at the old photographs that adorned the second floor's hallway.

"...No, it was my dearly departed grandparents, may their souls burn in the fires of Hell...I added my own touch over time..."

Bill's lips began to quiver, she was really scary.

She came to a room at the end of the hallway, gripped the doorknob, and threw it open.

"...Welcome to my studio..."

Bill took a quick peek inside, fearing she would slam the door behind him and lock him in to become a living sacrifice to some demon that probably lived in the basement. It actually looked quite modern with a twist of Gothic style, two computers, a large LCD television among other electronics, the walls covered in photographs, the furniture all black with beautiful ebony wood detail, despite how black everything was, it was decorated quite nicely.

Bill turned to the collie and nodded.

"It's nice! What kind of things do you do in your studio?"

She stared blankly and blinked once.

"...capture souls to dissect and regroup into better forms..."

With that, she slammed the door and walked back down the hall to the stairs, her blood red shoes clopping against the wood as Bill just stood there blankly, not knowing whether to run screaming or beg to go back home.

Time progressed, the Sun was getting lower as the sky started to turn gentle orange hue, almost everyone that was invited was over, but with a wrapping combined with a doorbell ring at the front door arrived the final guests of the night.

Buttercup ripped the door open in a hasty fashion, her sharp eyes focusing on the two, the smaller one almost falling backwards into the snow. She led them inside and stopped in front of the living room where all the chatter and partying was going on.

"...And now, I present the last guests of the night, enjoy."

Tim smiled wide as he saw his spotted friend enter the room, but the smile drooped a bit as a taller, athletic Doberman followed in after. He had remembered that that was Malcolm's roommate, but nothing really more, or he had hoped at least.

"Hey everyone! Thanks for inviting us!"

Malcolm smiled as he looked around the room, some he knew well, some he knew by name only, some he did not knot at all, but he hope he would have a good time, and as long as Nate was there, he knew he would feel much more comfortable.

Blake and Wes led them to the kitchen where they helped themselves to the grand display of goodies, Malcolm felt so bad that he did not bring anything to share, but Nate went ahead and sampled some of everything, happily munching away as he loaded a plate up with snacks.

Night started to set in, the huge fireplace in the living room was set ablaze as it became the center of attention for the evening, its warmth and light flickering about as the many guests sat around the room, every seat and most of the floor taken up.

Carla's voice interrupted everyone as she hollered out loud and clear.

"HEY! What is everyone doing for Christmas!?"

Everyone turned to her, since her voice caught everyone's attention. Blake was the first to answer, since he was the closest to her.

"Well, Wes and I are going back to Juniper Hills to visit our parents and my brother, and celebrate the day there."

Wes leaned over and wrapped a large arm around Blake's neck.

"Yup, an' muh momma's got a special gift for yuh, sugar, ain't tellin', though."

He gave his Sheppie a wink and a coy grin, Blake just let his muzzle gape open.

"I didn't know about this...and I am sure you won' t tell me, heh, looks like I am going to find out!"

Carla giggled as she kicked her little legs.

"I am going back to town too, then my family is going way up north to where my grandparents live, a city called Burchard, they have a house, like, bigger than this one, so I plan on getting some good presents!"

Heather and Adrianna giggled in synch this time. Heather reached over to her and gently swatted her hair.

"Typical Carla! Always wanting the biggest present, I remember that fit you threw in grade school! Anyway, my parents are having your basic home kind of thing, boooring."

Adrianna checked her cell phone quickly, then hid it again.

"Oh! My family is taking a vacation to Mexico ! We are going to Cancun for a whole week! I will be resting in the sun while you are unbury yourselves from snow! Anyone jealous?"

Everyone waved their paws carelessly and stuck tongues out at her as it was Laura's turn to tell her tale.

"Uhh, well, me and Justin are going to Chacigo for a shopping trip after Christmas, I am sure I am going to get, you know, a lot of money and stuff, which is cool!"

Haley imitated the rabbit by sticking her tongue out, crossing her eyes, and pretending to talk in unison with her.

"Duh, you sound stupid, anyway, I am going way up north to a cabin with my folks, and we are going to go skiing, and drink hot chocolate, and lots of other, you know, cabin-ey things!"

Laura chuckled, her buck teeth sticking out proudly.

"Who sounds stupid now, retard!"

Haley just mocked her, then they both smiled and giggled with each other.

Drew smirked, those girls did not change at all.

"I'm probably coming back to Juniper Hill's, too, along with Bill. I hope your sister's don't end up ruining it..."

Bill covered his snout and gasped.

"They probably will! I tell you, blonde cows are the worst kind you can run into, or have for a family."

Next was Tim, who was sitting idly as his laptop, acting as the DJ.

"Uhh...I don't know really, I might go back home to visit my mum...that's about it."

For some reason, he could not get over the fact that Malcolm was not really talking to him...They had won the challenge that Mrs. Riley had given the class for the semester, their prize being free dinner with her at Dave & Buster's, which they did have an awesome time, but Malcolm was just sitting next to Nate most of the time...and it really made him feel bad whenever Nate put his paw's on Malcolm...where they even boyfriends?

Tim went back to his laptop, Steph and Garrett announced the fact that they would be going to a nice private outing at their place, and Buttercup said nothing but some melodramatic gibberish, she was probably spending the day alone in the big, empty, spooky house.

Malcolm was next, he nervously looked at his foot paws, then to Nate, then to the rest.

"Umm...I might go back home to visit the family again...yeah..."

He really wanted to be with Nate for the holiday, just he and the Dobie alone in the apartment would make him happier than any Christmas gift.

Nate just smiled and rubbed Malcolm's knee, Tim glared, but then turned away and hid his face into the screen of his laptop.

"I prolly am gonna meet up with my family or something stupid like that, but its all good, I always get lots of money for Christmas, heh."

Nate's eyes met Malcolm's for a moment, Malcolm just felt this urge...he had no idea where it came from...to kiss him, it did not matter that everyone was watching, he really wanted to, but he just turned his head away, his small frame started to lean as his head met Nate's shoulder, just resting there contently.

Tim's large paw came to his face, rubbing over it roughly as it went up and into his headfur to ruffle it. Maybe if he was not so damn shy...he knew Malcolm was shy too, but he never figured he would let another opportunity slip by, as they always did...He sighed to himself, he wanted to just leave right now...but he knew he had to stay. The song ended on his laptop, so he quickly searched through for a new song, he found it, soon, My December by Linkin Park started to play loud in the room, and on the inside, he was beating himself up again.

The night went on, games were played, life stories exchanged, as well as snacks and in some cases, saliva. The guests dwindled and left, one by one, until the only ones left in the house were Blake, Wes, Carla, Drew, Bill, Nate, Malcolm, and the host, Buttercup.

Drew got up from the sofa, stretched, and rubbed over his abs.

"I'm going to get another snack, be right back."

He left off to the kitchen, since Tim was gone, Buttercup was at the spooky, black piano, playing happy Christmas tune's which actually really set the mood despite how gloomy the house looked.

Blake grabbed his empty cup and headed off to the kitchen as well to get another drink.

As Drew dug some cocktail wieners out of a crock-pot, he heard Blake enter the kitchen, his rounded ears perking as he turned to face him.

"Heya Blake, thanks for inviting us, this was a really great party, it's nice to get to see you all again, y'know?"

Blake smirked and poured himself some soda.

"Yeah, nice to see people who you have not seen in a while, you and Bill look like you are doing great, that was really nice of your mom to give you the money for that car."

Drew stuffed a pickle into his muzzle as he grabbed some cheese and crackers.

"Mmph, yeah, I really like this car! Have you two been having any, you know, troubles up here?"

Blake leaned against the counter and shrugged.

"Not really, nothing yet, and hopefully nothing ever..."

He remembered the scar on Wes's chest and how he never wanted something like that to happen again. Drew nodded and sipped his soda.

"That's good, I got this bigot lion on my ass, but I have not heard from him in, like, a long time, he is just a pompous dick, whatever, I say to him."

Blake shook his head.

"Some people...I don't think there will ever be a moment without someone hating you for something."

Drew brought his plate over to Blake, and leaned next to him. His mind...started to wander, about...things.

"Hey Blake..."

Blake turned to him, his ears perking as he tilted his head.

"Yeah? What's on your mind, buddy?"

Drew stared at the center table, the plates and chip bags almost all empty.

"Do you wonder...what if Wes and Bill never moved here...what would things be like..."

Blake looked up at the ceiling, the chandelier over the table was bright, but looked dim with the black shades over each bulb.

"I wonder that myself...I can just say...things would be different."

Drew turned to the Shepherd.

"Do you think...we...would be together?"

Blake turned to him, his hazel eyes sinking into the pair of deep brown.


Drew slowly reached over to Blake and put his paw on top of the other's, Blake just looked down, it felt, almost right.

"I think we would be, dude."

Drew just smiled as Blake smiled back.

"Heh, yeah...it was just I had no idea you were, you know...and you being the pastor's son and all...I'll admit...I thought you were one of the hottest guys in Juniper High...and I really wanted to suck your dick."

Blake let out a nervous chuckle as Drew squeezed his paw.

"And I would have said, 'On your knees, Blakey!'"

They both chuckled to each other, but Blake remembered the times he had stared at Drew's half naked body in gym class when they shared it Sophomore year...he was so damn sexy...he pawed off quite a few times thinking about that spotted body of his...

Drew let go of Blake paw and grabbed his soda he sat on the counter.

"C'mon, Blake, lets get back to the others."

The hyena gave him a wink and headed back to the living room, Buttercup was now playing 'Fur Elise' on the piano, no one had expected her to be so musically talented. Blake could not help but look at Drew's butt and how nice it looked in his jeans, however, Wes's butt was still better looking. He chuckled, shook his head, and went back to the living room to hop on Wes's lap, the big dog wrapping his thick arms around him and kissing his cheek.

"Did yuh get me muh weenies, sugar?"

Blake's ears drooped as he whined.

"I forgot-ed..."

It was now approaching midnight, Nate and Malcolm left to go back to their apartment, leaving the original five, along with Buttercup in the house. Carla jumped up from the arm chair she was sitting in.

"Well! I think its time to end this party, I can sure say was had a blast, right guys?"

She looked around to the four as they all nodded to her.

The plates were gathered, leftovers packed, goodbye's and thank you's said, and Buttercup was finally left alone in her empty home to clean up the mess as she grumbled to herself, knowing she had a lot of film to go over that night that she secretly captured while no one was looking.

Blake jumped into bed, clad in nothing but his fuzzy pajama bottoms as he placed his arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling with a big smile. Wes crawled onto the bed next, making it creak as he laid his bulk into Blake, the Shepherd placing a paw on the back of the big dog's head.

"You have fun tonight, Wes?"

Blake asked with a wink. Wes just smirked and gave his boyfriend a loving grope.

"I sure did, sugar, good food, good friends, and now, g'night."

He gave Blake a kiss on the lips as he just held him tight, the covers being thrown over the two as they snuggled close in bed, keeping each other warm. One thing was on Blake's mind, however, would Wes really be replaced with Drew if Wes never did move to Juniper Hills? Fate sure has a funny way to weave the thread of life, but Blake was happy with how it was right now...and he would not want it any other way.


Malcolm plopped himself onto the sofa, he rubbed his small belly, for he had figured he had too much to eat that night. Nate exited the bathroom and flicked the light off, he gave himself a quick stretch and sat next to the Dalmatian on the sofa. Malcolm let out a little yawn and leaned on Nate.

"I think I had too much to eat...there was so much good food!"

Nate smirked and reached over, placing his warm paw on Malcolm's stomach and rubbing it a slow circle, Malcolm just closed his eyes and murred deeply.

"That was really fun, I gotta say, that Drew guy was really hot."

Malcolm yipped a bit and looked up at Nate, then chuckled.

"You are silly, Nate, he was pretty good looking...but..."

Nate just smirked and looked down at Malcolm, right into his eyes.

"But what?"

Malcolm leaned in closer, a paw coming over to rub over Nate's abs in his shirt.

"But you are much hotter."

Nate just smiled wide, maybe Malcolm was finally starting to lose this shy shell of his, this confidence of his...it was something different, and he really liked to see this.

"Malcolm...you seem really comfortable around me now, why the sudden change, cutie? Getting used to me?"

Nate ran his paw fingers through Malcolm's black locks of headfur, the Dalmatian murred a bit and giggled, wrapping an arm around Nate's and clinging tight.

"I think I am...I really do...I think that my shell is starting to crack open, as goofy as that sounds, but every day we have spent together as roommates, I just feel more confident..."

The Dobie just smirked, but deep down he could feel warmth growing in the inside, was Malcolm ready to take the next step?

"Babe...what do you feel more confident about?"

Malcolm's paw wondered from Nate's abs, up his chest, run up the side of his neck and cupped the Doberman's cheek.

"...To do this...Nathan..."

Nate's eyes widened, this was probably the first time he heard Malcolm call him Nathan instead of Nate, and to be honest, he really liked to hear that, in fact, he could feel his black'n'tan cheeks flush a little red, but that was not the major reason why, it was because Malcolm had planted his soft lips right onto his own, bringing them together in a tender, soft kiss, and their lips just held there like that for a good minute.

This was Nate's opportunity to see how serious the Dal was, he leaned in a bit, pressing his lips harder into the other pair, wet smacking noises filled the room as Malcolm started to blush now, murring under his breath as he let his muzzle hang open, a perfect opportunity for Nate to slip his tongue in, and that he did, Malcolm's warm, inviting muzzle made a perfect home for it to explore.

Malcolm opened wider, tilting his head to the side so that their muzzles locked, Nate's tongue was very wide, and long too, he felt it rub over his own tongue and hold it down, then move to his hard palate and lick around the back of his throat, he just whimpered submissively and sucked back the flood of Doberman saliva that dripped into his muzzle, the next thing he felt was Nate's warm paw grasp him by the shoulders as he felt himself get pinned to the sofa, the bigger dog on top holding him down, murring loud and dominantly.

Malcolm could feel his body sending all sorts of new signals, his heart started to pump faster, his lungs taking in longer breaths, and his sheath was tingling madly, he could feel himself start to get hard, and it all felt good, like he had been waiting for the longest time for this to happen but had just not been ready yet.

Nate realized that Malcolm was ready for tonight, something he had also been waiting for since it had been so long since he had gotten some, but that was beside the point, he was about to show his best friend how much he really cared for him and share a very intimate moment. He slipped his paws down Malcolm's sides and into his shirt, caressing and rubbing over the smaller dog's soft body.

Malcolm broke the kiss for a moment to take a breath, his breathing was quick and loud.

"Oh Nathan...I want tonight to be the night...I am ready..."

Nate smiled wide and his paws wrapped around Malcolm and lifted him from the sofa and into his arms, the Dalmatian giggled and clinged to him as he was taken into the bedroom they had been sharing for the past few months. Malcolm chuckled as he was dropped to the bed, bouncing a bit as his whip-like tail wagged quickly, he laid on his stomach and kicked his legs happily.

"Nathan...I can see your excitement in your pants..."

Nate just chuckled and grabbed his bulge in his loose-fitting blue jeans.

"Yeah, I guess you can...it isn't even hard yet, babe."

Malcolm secretly wondered how big Nate was...he had wanted to peek under the covers at times, but was too shy, even after Nate told him that he himself at done that to him, that naughty Dobie! He just stuck a fingertip into his muzzle and suckled it gently, wiggling his butt cutely as he watched Nate continue to fondle himself.

"Are you just going to grope yourself, dear, or are you going to come over here?"

Nate just licked his lips, now was a good time to tell him.

"I found your toy in the closet, babe, a good while ago, too..."

Malcolm sat up a bit and yipped, his cheeks turned red, he knew he should have hid it better!

"Oh...you did? Well, I um..."

Nate just undid the button his jeans and pulled the zipper down.

"It looks to me that you can take big boys, huh, pup? I am sure you figured by now that I am not small, at all, really. I mean, I like to show off, you know?"

Nate just dropped his pants right there...the bulge in his underwear...it was...massive...Malcolm just gulped deeply as he watched the Doberman grab has half hard shaft in his paw and stroke is slowly, leaning his head back and murring.

"Wow...you really are big, Nathan...I am glad I...trained myself..."

Malcolm just watched as the bulge grew and grew, it was pointing downwards and clinging to Nate's right thigh as the tight boxer briefs held it there, and eventually, could no longer hold it as the pink, throbbing tip poked out of the bottom hem of the underwear.

"Hey look, he's coming out to say hello to you, babe."

Malcolm could not believe how big Nate was, he sure was not joking around with all of the hints of his endowment that he wore, and God, it was thick, too! It appeared to be almost as thick as a pop can, the underwear straining and stretching as Nate continued to paw himself, a drop of pre oozed from the tip and dribbled down his leg.

Nate got closer to the bed, standing there and winking at the Dalmatian.

"Go on, babe, take them off, get a good look at it."

Malcolm inched closer to it, his nervous paws reaching to the elastic band in Nate's underwear, tugging gently, watching Nate's pubic fur appear, then the base of his swollen cock, he pulled his head away from the Dobie's crotch as he yanked them all the way down, Nate's thick slab of meat just waved around in the air freely, bobbing as Nate purposely flexed it, making it jump and drip pre onto the bed, thick veins ran up and down its length, and the shaft was matched with a pair of low-hanging, heavy balls, just dangling there, happy to be out of the confines of the underwear.

Malcolm was just amazed, gazing at the Doberman's cock with his muzzle agape.

"Damn...you are...huge...its...just so hot..."

Malcolm fought his resisting and reached for his, grabbing the shaft with both paws, and much room to go still as he just held it, the warm flesh throbbing in his paws.

"I told you I was big...you see that there, babe? It's thirteen inches of pure grade A Doberman beef, and it's all for you."

Malcolm had never tasted someone else's cock before, and he never would have imagined he first one would be this big! It was just so huge...how could he resist a lick. His small tongue came out of his muzzle as he leaned in and gave the tip a soft lick, some pre getting into his muzzle as he swished it around, and it was very satisfying to him, salty to the taste and just interesting. He wanted more.

"Nate...I have not...sucked a dick before...but I am going to do my best for you."

Nate just murred deeply, he quickly took his shirt off and kicked the underwear to the side, placing his paws at his hips and flexing his abs.

"Go ahead, cutie, its all yours, I'll go easy on you, but don't end up choking, ok?"

Malcolm gave the cock another lick, this time holding it with one paw as his tongue traced the underside, then the top, following the veins as his free paw came to the massive ball sac, cupping the orbs and tugging on the softly. Nate was just enjoying himself, his head tilted back into the air and eyes closed, his chest rumbled with a deep murr every time Malcolm did something in just the right way to show him he was doing it correctly.

The Dalmatian could not take it anymore, he wanted to be naked too, he let go of Nate's cock and peeled his shirt off, throwing it to the side as he looked up to see the Dobie stroking himself as he watched Malcolm undress. Malcolm realized he was watching and quickly turned around and undid his pants, then gripping the waistline from behind and slowly lowering them to give Nate a good, long glimpse of his soft, adorable, virgin rump, he gave his perfect bubbly cheeks a good shake as he giggled playfully. He maneuvered out of the pants and bent over, lifting his tail to show the Dobie his pink puckerhole, flexing it for him as he turned around to let Nate finally see his pink cock, standing tall at a modest six inches, only half as long as the cock dangling in front of him.

Malcolm wasted no time in reaching up and grabbling the thick slab again, murr escaped his muzzle as he slobbered and licked over the huge dick, lubing it up with his saliva as he took the thick tip into his muzzle to suckle on it gently, Nate reached to him and placed his paws on Malcolm's head and rustled his black headfur and gave his floppy ears a loving tug.

Malcolm took a deep breath and was going to make an attempt to take in as much dick into his muzzle as he could, slowly, he pressed his head down onto Nate, he could feel his lips scretch and pressure in the back of his throat as his entire muzzle became stuffed with Doberman cock, and when he felt his stomach lurch and throat spasm in defense of chocking, he realized he could go no further, he managed to take half of Nate into his muzzle. He quickly pulled off to catch another breath and pant, a strand of precum sticking to his lip and slowly dripping down his chin.

Nate reached down and cupped Malcolm's cheek and patted it softly.

"Good try, cutie, that felt good, too, but it takes the muzzle of a pro to fit all of me inside."

He gave Malcolm a smirk and a wink, the Dalmatian just giggled an licked his lips clean.

"Whew...has anyone been able to take it all in yet?"

Nate rubbed over his abs and pondered a bit.

"Yeah, this one guy managed, I was shocked as hell, I tell you, I thought it was going to get stuck and he was going to suffocate right there!"

Malcolm giggled and sat back on the bed.

"It's just so big...Nathan, I think I am ready for the best part now...I want you inside of me."

Nate took of his visor, which he had worn the whole day, tossed it on the nightstand and crawled onto the bed, his cock bobbed and swayed like a thick, meaty pendulum and rested on his thigh as he sat with his back against Malcolm's headboard.

"I want to go easy on your first time babe, I think we should do the missionary, you know what that is, right?"

Malcolm just chuckled and crawled closer to Nate, he could feel his pucker clench and his cock tingle with anticipation.

"I know what that is silly, and I can take it...you saw my toy..."

Nate lifted his cock so it was standing tall, since it was too big to stand by itself. Malcolm realized he would need something, he quickly reached into the nightstand's drawer and pulled out a small tube of pre, which he had saved there for if he was too lazy to get the bigger bottle in the closet. He did the honors and opened the cap and squeezed some onto Nate's thick meat, the clear solution mixed with his pre and ran down the sides like chocolate syrup on a banana. Nate let out a deep murr from the touch of the cool lube on his cock and grabbed the tube.

"Turn around, sweet cheeks, I wanna see your pucker up close."

Malcolm giggled, he was sure Nate had checked that too while he was sleeping, that pervy Dobie, but he did so, quickly spinning around and lifting his rump into the air and grabbing his cheeks from behind and spreading them a bit, pulling his tail to the side and giving Nate a perfect view.

"Like what you see, Nathan?"

Nate licked his lips and squirted some pre onto his index finger, and without warning, jammed the finger into Malcolm's pucker hole, making him yelp a bit as he let out a cute murr, Nate could feel warmth all around his finger, and the Dal was surprisingly tight for having used that dildo who knows how many times.

"Damn, you got a nice fuck-hole, babe...pink'n'tight, just how my cock likes 'em."

Malcolm let out a stifled giggle as he let Nate finger him for a good minute, his finger pressing deep inside and wiggling around. The Dobie got curious and wanted to see how stretchy his new boy was, the middle finger slipped in undetected, it just slid in easily, so easily in fact, that Nate let his cock flop to the side as he reached over with his other paw and shoved the other index finger in, and sure enough, the other middle finger, Malcolm now had four fingers stuck in his pucker, Nate was just agasp.

"Holy shit, babe...your pucker is like a fuckin' rubber band...this is going to be awesome..."

Malcolm just murred deeply, allowing Nate to explore him and test his elasticity, he figured that most guys were just like that.

"Ooooh Nathan...that makes me feel...so good..."

Nate pulled his fingers out and grabbed Malcolm around the waist and yanked him onto his lap, looking him right in the face as he slowly licked up the Dal's neck and to his lips, reaching behind the smaller dog to lift his cock and rub it between Malcolm's ass cheeks.

"You think that was good...you just wait till I get it in you..."

Malcolm wasted no time in lifting himself up a bit, his pucker flexed with anticipation as he felt Nate guide his dick between the round cheeks and press right against the lubed ring of muscle.

"Alright, baby, lets go slow and lower yourself onto me, if it hurts, stop, ok?"

Malcolm nodded, his floppy ears bobbed happily as he started to press his weight down, he felt his pucker slowly stretch open and be filled by Nate's length, it was so warm...it was throbbing...already so much better than the toy he had been using. The lube made it easy as he made his way down the pole, it did not hurt as much as he anticipated, Nate just grinned wider and wider as the little guy pressed down further, further, and then finally made it, taking all of Nate like a pro as he was now seated on top of the Doberman's pelvis, all thirteen inches of cock wedged deep inside of him.

"How do you feel, babe?"

Malcolm let out a contented sigh and took another deep breath.

"Amazing...it feels...better than anything I have done before..."

Nate just grinned and leaned in to kiss Malcolm once more, holding their lips together as the next step began. With a gentle thrust, Nate pressed himself upwards, and then with a good grip around Malcolm's midriff, he pulled out a bit, a deep murr escaped his muzzle and into the other.

Malcolm realized he had to do something to, so he gave his cheeks a tight flex to clench down on Nate as best as he could, this made a moan fly out of the Dobie's muzzle and into his, they broke the kiss to take a deep breath.

"Oh fuck...you are...really tight for being so stretchy...feels damn good...Mmm..."

Nate saw that Malcolm had his muzzle wide open, drooling a bit as little whimpers escaped his muzzle, his small paws came to Nate's shoulders and gripped them tight.

"Oh Nathan...go faster, please..."

Nate wasted to time and did what was asked for him, he picked up the pace, bucking his hips as quickly as he could with the Dalmatian weighing him down, he added a gyrating motion into his bucking, this made the headboard start to knock against the bedroom wall with each buck of the hips.

Malcolm tried matching Nate's bucks with some soft grinding, and it seemed to work as the Doberman threw is head back and let out a deep moan, his chest and abs flexing. Nate felt Malcolm's cock slap against his abs an reached down to grasp it, Malcolm let out a loud moan as he started to stroke it with a good grip, he felt warm pre ooze into his paw to slick it up as he slowly started to stroke off the Dalmatian faster.

Malcolm fell forward a bit, pressing his chest into Nate's as he opened his muzzle and bit down softly onto Nate's shoulder, moaning into the velvety fur of the Doberman. Nate pulled Malcolm up a bit with his arm he had wrapped around him, allowing his cock some more room to slip in and out of the stretchy ring, his balls tingled with delight as he could feel his knot slowly starting to form, he wondered if Malcolm would be able to take it.

Malcolm's pucker was pressed open wider as Nate's forming knot slipped in and out, sretching it a little wider each time it passed through, and before it got too big to fit in and out, Nate gave one last thrust, imbedding the swelling flesh into Malcolm and allowing it to fill out inside, tying them together.

Nate gave Malcolm a long, loving lick across the cheek.

"My knot is in you, baby, are you feeling good?"

Malcolm unlatched his jaw from the Dobie's shoulder and nodded, his pucker was stretched very wide, but it felt great having all of Nate inside of him, filling every inch with thick, pulsing, hot, drippy cock.

"I'm great...oh God...it feels so good, so good....Oooh...good...":

Nate could no longer buck his hips, so he stuck with grinding into the Dalmatians rump, his warm ball sac smooshed against the perfect spotted cheeks, he could also tell that Malcolm's knot was forming from the prostate abuse and the firm stroking, his paw gripped the swelling flesh and massaged it gently.

Malcolm whimpers and nipped at Nate's neck, his entire body started to shiver, his heart was racing, he could feel sweat drip through his fur, his breathing was deep as they came out as moans into Nate's fur, and he found himself lost in a state of bliss.

Nate wrapped his free arm around Macolm's midriff now and held him close to his body, he gritted his teeth as he sucked in air through them, then let out a loud, deep moan, his entire body started to shiver and flex as he started to breathe loudly.

"Oh FUCK, babe, I'm cumming...Oooh Damn...Uuuughh..."

With that, Malcolm could feel the cock wedged inside oh him start to throb and the next thing he felt was warmth on the inside, slowly spreading around as Nate let out a series of slow moans for each time his cock shot a rope of Doberman seed inside of him, Malcolm felt his entire insides was over with a wave of warmth, there must have been a lot of cum inside of him, and this sent him over the edge.

With the aid of Nate's stroking, he stated to moan and whimper next, letting his jaws off of Nate's fur to pant loudly as he gasped for air, his pointed tip ejected his load all over Nate's abs and his own flat stomach, the smell of his seed filled the air between them as they breathed it in.

After two intense orgasms, the pair just collapsed onto the bed, their bodies resting against each other as they panted, their heart rates slowing back to normal as they basked in the afterglow of their fist true sexual experience. Malcolm affectionately kissed up and down Nate's neck until he met his lips.

"Babe...do you feel as good as I do right now?"

Malcolm just nodded, unable to speak, his mind lost in a state of nirvana as he just closed his eye and rested on Nate's chest, a paw came up from behind and ruffled into his head fur and held him there.

His mind was swirling, it felt so, so good...but why...why in the back of his mind did he feel horrible...

Tim was sitting alone, as he usually had done in his lonely apartment, he looked out of the window at the city lights, the sky colored a shade of brown from all the lights reflecting into the heavens. He closed the curtains, turned, and went to the closet.

The lights in his home were off, but he knew what it was he wanted, and he found it, cold and metallic. He took the object and sat down on his bed, the voices told him to do it, just to give up, what was the point, he had lost so many already...not even on his own will in most cases...Michael...he was killed...David...ran away and said nothing...Mark...chose someone else over him...when was it going to end...

"...Might as well be now."

He made sure the object in his paws was ready to perform its action...but another voice called out to him...his Uncle Sabre...the one who gave him the device...

"Use this to protect yourself, Timmy."

His eyes welled with tears...what was he doing!

He threw it into the corner of his room, buried his face into the neared pillow, and sobbed again, beating himself up again for what he was about to just do. He heard his mother next...the words she said to him after he attempted something like this in the past.

"Life is worth living, no matter how bad it gets, you remember that now!"

He looked up at the ceiling and wiped his eyes.

"I remember, mom, I promise I wont forget again..."

******* ******* *******


Will Tim kill himself?

Will Carla get fat from her snack eating?

Will Malcolm have bouts of regrets?

Will Sandra make her famous fruit cake for Christmas and give the family indigestion again?

Will Heidi get tickets to see Miley Cyrus in concert for Christmas?

Will Klayton show off how sexy he is soon?

What exactly is Victor planning?

Will Marcos find a way to learn Ben's 'identity'?

Will Heather give birth to twins? I mean, she is HUGE.

Find out next time on I Will Protect You - Part 8!!!

Hooray! Part 7 is now done! I hope you enjoyed the read!

Looks like a whole lot is happening! Yay!

Also, sorry for the delay life got in the way and yadda, yadda, but it's all good now!

Stick around for the next part, yes? It's bound to be a good one!

Thanks for reading!