Little Red and the Big Bad Wolf (Story)

Story by KuruoDW on SoFurry

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Re-submitting this from my FA account please enjoy and part 2 will be up soon I promise

I actually wanted to do something similar to the Little Red story but change it to wolf and man.

Character Info-

Seth- An 18 year old, who recently graduated high school and and has no plans for the future. Then one day his mother gets a call from his grandfather who says he's sick and wants to see Seth. Seth heads out into the forest where his grandfather lives and that's where things get a little out of hand for him.

Wrath- Wolfman who apparently knows Seth's grandfather and the truth to where he is and the plan the old man came up with.

Also when I started working on the second part I decided to switch gramps to uncle so I tried to catch them all and replace them in this part but if you find any feel free to let me know so I can change it!

"Seth hurry up and come down here." "Alright mom just let me finish putting my shoes on." Hey there I'm Seth. Today I'm visiting my sick uncle who lives inside the forest. "Alright mom, I'm heading out." "Wait Andrew take this with you, I made you and your uncle some lunch." I thanked her, grabbed the basket and headed out the door and made my way to the forest. My uncle moved to this forest five years ago to look for some wolfman creature that supposedly lived here but nobody believed that such a thing even existed. Today is actually going to be the first I've seen of him since then I wonder how he's doing. Suddenly I felt something watching me, I stood still for a while then looked around and saw no one, maybe the forest is playing tricks on me or maybe just that old tale my father told me is getting to me. I continue to walk the path down the forest and finally make my way to an old cabin which my uncle called home. As I walk up the steps to the door I notice a note on the door "Dear Andrew I have gone out for a while to get some things, I will be back later, oh and one more thing I sometimes get a visit from a guest but don't worry he won't hurt you as long as you obey him. Love Grandpa" I unlocked the door and headed inside and grabbed the note as I did, but uncle had me wondering who was this guest and why should I obey him? I put the basket down in the kitchen and headed for the guest room, when I opened the door I let out a huge sigh. Even though I was alone I shouted out "REALLY UNCLE YOU COULDN'T CLEAN UP YOUR MESS." The sheets where missed up, books and pieces of paper scattered about on the floor, and the smell of wet dog lingered about. He knew I was coming he could have cleaned up a little, I opened the window to get some fresh air in and then went back to the kitchen to get some trash bags to clean the room up a little.

A few minutes later I finally finished picking up the books and throwing away the paper. The room also smelled better so that's when I decided to take a break. I head over to the kitchen to eat the lunch my mom packed, after I finished the sandwich I heard a noise coming from the back where the rooms are, I figured my uncle returned and I just didn't hear him, so I clean up the table and then head to the back. "Hey uncle I'm here!" I shouted alerting him so he wouldn't be spooked, "Also why did you leave the house you should be in bed resting?" I asked but got no reply so I head over to his bedroom and saw no one in there, then I head over to the guest room I heard someone talking "Crazy old' man I told him not to touch this room and what does he do, he cleans it." I thought that maybe my uncle was talking to himself, "Hey uncle is that you?" I asked and walked in. That's when I froze in my tracks standing in the middle of the room was something I was not prepared for, a big creature maybe five foot six and from the size he looked like he weighed about two hundred and sixty-five pounds a combination of fat and muscle. He also had a tail that swung from side to side and on his head were canine ears. I know from the tail and the ears it was a wolfman. Black fur covered his body and his scent was that of the wet dog smell I smelled earlier in the room. The creature turned around and looked shocked "Who are you?" I couldn't answer still in shock and my legs went numb so I couldn't run away and soon enough everything went black. When I finally regained consciousness, I found myself on the bed in the guest room. I looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary and then I looked out the window and saw that it was already night. Lay back down staying at the roof and thinking to myself "Man the cleaning fumes must've played with my mind." Then I hear a voice coming into the room "Well look who decided to finally wake up. Thought I might have to eat you if you didn't." I slowly sat up and looked at door and standing in the door way was the beast I saw earlier. He walked up closer to me and then got on the bed, his paws pinning me to the bed. He then pressed his muzzle against my head and took in a heavy breath. He then backed up a little but still pinning me to the bed "You smell like him but are too young to be him.... Who are you boy?" I inhaled the beast's scent and tried to speak "I... I'm am Seth I just came to visit my uncle who lives here." The beast remained silent and I spoke again "W... Who are you? And where's my uncle?" He remained quiet again and a few seconds later spoke "I've been looking for someone like you, a weak human who I can control. If you can last, then I shall answer all your questions." I had no idea what he meant but before I could speak he released my left arm and lifted his paw up and slashed my shirt and then ripped it off. Revealing my big belly, I wasn't fat but I wasn't exactly skinny either.

He then slashed at my chest making me bleed, but for some reason it didn't sting "This is proof that your mine. And soon I shall make you my mate." When I processed those words in my head I remembered something from an animal television show, that in the wild when wolves decide to settle down and start a family the male breeds the female with his penis or knot and once he cums in her then they are mated for life. But I wasn't a girl so why would he want to mate with me. He got on his knees which were pinning my legs down and as he did I saw his sheath, which means that since his knot is still not out maybe I'll be okay. "Don't worry he's just a little shy once we get started he'll come out to play." The wolf spoke meaning he saw me staring at his sheath and balls. He then raised his claw again and slashed my pants and ripped them off. He and I looked down to what was left, my underwear, and then I turned bright red and closed my eyes but hearing the beast speak made it worse "I see, somebody is eager I thought I was going to have to mate you by force but looks like I won't have to." I was afraid of before that I didn't notice but when the beast got on top of me and I inhaled the scent I became rock hard and even pre leaked out and it was a lot, where the tip of my penis was in the underwear was completely soaked. He then rubbed his sheath and slowly I could see the tip of his knot coming out. "Just so you won't feel left out.' At first I was scared but slowly I became more aroused by the beast. He then laid on top of me I could feel his knot pressed against mine. "So do I get to kiss my mate by free will before I get the bed and the inside of you sticky?" I just laughed quietly and pressed my mouth against the beast's muzzle and within a few seconds I could feel his tongue in my mouth fighting with my tongue for dominance. He then pulled back "Not bad. Now for the main course." He got back up and pulled off my underwear he took a sniff at my crotch and then began licking it and then eventually putting his muzzle all around it, I could feel the warmth of his mouth and his tongue continued to lick just like a lollipop. It didn't take long before I shot my load into his mouth; he swallowed everything down to the last drop leaving me flaccid and dry. "I'll have to remember that if I want you to last longer not to keep you waiting for so long." I could only smile at him and began to think to myself "I was so afraid of him earlier what has come over me?" Then I felt his paws grab my waist and next thing I knew I was on my stomach. "Hope you don't mind but it's easier for me." "Whatever makes you comfortable." I replied and then I felt his muzzle against my butt, and heard him take a big whiff. "Wow still a virgin at least in the back." He laughed a little. "I didn't hear or feel nothing for a minute and then I felt something thick and wet in me, moving around and coming in and out of me. I moaned in plain and pleasure the truth was I was a virgin all around I had never slept with a girl or a guy. So for my virginity to be taken by this wolfman I feel kind of special. I felt him stop with his figure a little out of my hole "Hope you don't mind a little fingering but you are pretty tight back here." I didn't say anything instead I pushed back and forced his finger back into me. "Not at all actually it feels pretty good." "Well then you'll enjoy the main course." He started back up again and a few minutes later he pulls out, then I feel his muzzle against my hole again, "Just don't want to hurt you." I wondered what he meant but before I could say anything I felt his tongue enter my hole.

His warm breath and his licking made me all hard again. He finally stops "Now are you ready"? Instead of saying anything I just wagged my butt and he understood. I could feel his knot pressed against my cheeks it was bigger than I thought, he then grabbed my waist and I could feel the tip slowly enter me. Inch by inch he entered and all I could do was moan, I even drooled a little. I couldn't be sure but it had to be at least six inches long but it was really thick I'm at least sure about that. His knot had to be at least halfway in and already the sheets are getting sticky. I just couldn't hold it back; never in my whole life would I think I would be getting fucked by a wolf. I could tell by his moans that he finally got it all into me and he started to thrust at first he went slowly but as he got more into it he started to go faster and faster. And then he started to slow down again which I figured meant he was close to knotting me as they called it. I did get a little nervous I mean how am I supposed to tell my family I'm married to a wolfman after we slept together but I didn't think to long into it for I wanted to enjoy this moment. The time finally came, his claws dug deep into my waist as he let out a growl and with one last thrust I could feel his knot swell up as his cum poured into me it was warm and thick it rushed though me I moaned loud and bite on the pillow in front of me. I knew they said canines cum a lot and that's why they have so many puppies but I thought they just exaggerated but boy was I wrong. It took a while maybe five minutes before he finally finished, his paws let go of my waist but his knot still rested in my hole.

Next thing I knew he collapsed on top of me, "Man that was best." he whispered in my ear gasping, I didn't tell him to move or to remove his knot because I actually like the way things were and felt so all I said was "Welcome to the family!" He licked my neck and replied "Glad I have one great husband. My name is Wrath, and as for your uncle this was actually his idea. He knew I had been looking for a mate and planned this, telling your family he was sick and asked you to come over. He then packed his things up and moved to another cabin not too far from here and said we could have this place to live and raise our family." I mumbled "sick in the head in the head more like it". "What was that?" Wrath asked. "Oh nothing but I guess it's good that we both finally found our mate even if one of them smells like a wet dog." I replied, and I could feel his knot pop out and return back into its sheath. He then got up but still hovered over me and I turned over and smiled "Well guess you're gonna be stuck with that scent for the rest of your life." I wrapped my arms around him and pulled his back down feeling his soft black fur pressed against my naked body just felt so right to me and then I buried my face into his neck and inhaled and then I laid my head back on the pillow "Don't worry I'll get used to it babe". We looked into each other's eyes for a minute and then deeply kissed once again. Two minutes later we stopped and Wrath looked me in the eyes and he had this serious look in him "So how many pups do you think we're going to have." I laughed but he remained silent and then I spoke "You're serious? What do you mean I'm a guy I can't get pregnant?!"