The Disobedient Lion, Chapter 1: The disobedient lion

Story by Blam Cat on SoFurry

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#1 of High School: Classes, Friends, and... Diapers?

A mane-less white lion in high school disobeys his boyfriend and owner, and is punished by more than just his mate


It had been a long day as I sat in 7th period on a Wednesday, staring at the clock and waiting for it to send me home once again. As a senior in high school, just about to graduate, I found it hard to concentrate on my physics professor's explanation of the difference between kinetic energy and momentum. I already understood the concept, but truthfully, didn't care. I was already admitted to my college of choice, and no matter how poorly I did on my finals, it wouldn't lower my grades enough to matter. To compound things I had been up far too late the night before, and, as was now usual, woke up quite early this morning. I was very tired, disinterested in the class, and fed up with useless yet obligatory end-of-year lectures. I wanted to get out of my hard seat. I wanted go home. I wanted to be done with high school. I wanted something to eat. But of all things, what I NEEDED, was a diaper change.

The time between the bell ringing and when I arrived in the parking lot was a blur of movement. Dodging furs small and large in the hallway, I cut through the crowd as quickly as possible, hoping to avoid being in one place too long for fear of my puffy pants becoming apparent. I stood next to my car, anxiously waiting for a particular otter to show up. "She should be here by now", I thought, "her last class is far closer to the lot than mine". Just as I contemplated reaching for my phone and calling her, I felt a tug on my tail. Turning around and expecting to find that otter, Alison, I first saw a familiar wolf who had a huge grin across her face. Just behind her stood Alison, with a similar caring, yet teasing and mischievous, grin. "Dammit", I almost said aloud, "why did she have to bring Reyna?".

Seeing my hesitation, Alison explained "I got called into work, so Reyna will be handling things this afternoon". A split second later, I found a wolf paw pushing a digit down my waistband, checking me for wetness. I blushed furiously and nervously looked around. No one saw, but I hurriedly pulled away and got in the car. Reyna giggled loudly as Alison handed her a small black duffel bag and a key ring. I knew the bag was filled with changing supplies, but I let out a small whine as I realized that Reyna now had her own key to the locking plastic pants which I now wore. The wolf climbed into the car, fully enjoying the situation, and teased "don't worry; we'll relieve a soggy lion from his wet diaper real soon", patting my head to rub it in. Hearing that, I knew exactly what "handling things" entailed, and as we pulled out of the lot, I started thinking about just how I ended up like this....

********Chapter One********

High school relationships are complicated. I was a sophomore before I realized that I was gay. My boyfriend Bryan, a thin and sleek black panther, is bi. Bryan previously dated Alison. They are still good friends, though their relationship was a lot more tame than ours. You see, they were dating. I'm a "pet". Owner/master would be a better title for Bryan than simply "boyfriend", but we try to keep the more interesting details of our dating to ourselves. But not everything stays in the bedroom, as he'll often tease me in front of our friends by ordering me around. I usually like it though, and for the most part, I'm a good lion; at least in private.

Last Friday was a different story. Normally I'm all for leather cuffs and such, but when Bryan collared me and went for the leash right as we were about to go see a movie, I put my foot down. At home was one thing, but there was no way I was going to go to a movie in my hometown, being lead around on a leash. He became quite agitated, grabbing me by the collar and demanding I wear the leash. I again told him no, and he sighed, glaring at me, and informed me that I'd regret it later. We then left for the movie (sans leash) and all seemed relatively fine, but I knew I was in for it when we got home. Strangely, when we got back, that was not the case. In fact, Bryan called it a relatively early night, and sent me home. I found it odd, but didn't think much more of it until I got a call from him Sunday night, telling me to come back over. Bryan lives closer to school than I do, and we often carpool, so its not uncommon for me to spend a school night at his place. Our parents had yet to wise up, and Bryan, like me, was horny pretty much every night, so I quickly packed an overnight bag and headed out.

When I arrived, Alison was sitting in the living room with Bryan. "Odd", I thought, "Bryan usually tries to get everyone out of the house before I show up". Alison looked rather happy, though Bryan had a similar stern look to the one of two nights prior. Without being asked, I sat down on the couch opposite the two, which seemed to at least partially satiate Bryan, who spoke first, "Do you remember what I said on Friday, about your disobedience?" I swallowed, but quickly responded "that I would regret it". "Yes", replied Bryan, "and that much is true. But how much you regret it will depend on whether or not you choose to listen now. I cannot have a disobedient pet, and if you choose to further defy me, it might mean an end to our relationship. Do you understand?" "Yes", I muttered, and was sharply met with "Yes what?!" I lowered my head a bit, and responded "Yes, sir". "Good", said Bryan, who looked over to Alison before continuing, "Now, as for how you were acting; That was a rather childish display on Friday. Outright refusing to listen is the sort of thing a cub would do."

I felt as if I should respond, but before I could, Bryan added "And we've decided that if you're going to act like a cub, we're going to treat you like one." I looked up, unsure of what he meant. "What do you mean treated like one? And who is 'we'?" Bryan glared back at me and growled "don't talk back. I'll tell you everything you need to know. Alison will know the rest." I wanted to ask what he meant, but I obediently just tilted my head quizzically and looked at the Otter. She grabbed a rather innocuous looking black duffel bag from behind the couch, and started to unzip it. Bryan gave her a quick smile before explaining...

"Alison is going to start babysitting soon. She's quite good with kids, but hasn't had much experience with one particular aspect. You're going to help her get all the practice she needs with that, and with any other areas which she decides. You are to do as she tells you. She has the authority to punish you further, as do I. Understood?"

"Yes, sir.

Alison began to take some items out of the bag, and said "That one area that I haven't had much practice with is...." she paused to unfold something, "diaper changing." I was a bit confused at for a second. How could I help much with teaching her to do that? Unless.....

Alison stood up, and I saw that what she was unfolding was not a cub sized diaper, but a cub themed adult sized disposable diaper! I was too shocked to say anything, and Alison took that opportunity to calmly but sternly tell me "get on the floor, and take your pants and underwear off". I stuttered "you can't be serious..." but was interrupted by Bryan cutting in with "what did I just say?!". I shut my muzzle, bit my lip, and, beginning to blush the deepest shade of red I'd ever blushed, undid my belt and pants. Laying down with ears splayed flat against my head, I slid my pants off, sitting in just boxers. Not wanting to disobey, I started to slide those off as well, but hesitated. "Aww, little cub embarrassed?", cooed Alison. If I could have turned any more red, I would have. Grinning at my hesitation and blush that was visible even through my fur, Bryan stated "You'd better get used to Alison seeing you, she'll be in charge of changing you until you've proven you can be good." With that, I sighed and slid my boxers off, sat my naked rump on the carpet, and looked down, trying to avoid eye contact. "Besides", the panther added with a laugh "I'm sure it wont just be diapers. She's told me she thinks this will be fun. Don't make her wrong."

I still couldn't believe what was about to happen. An 18 year old lion was about to be put in diapers, right on the living room floor, just like a cub. I wanted to ask how long it would last, but I thought better of it. Instead, as Alison knelt down and told me to lift up, I just whined. The two furs above me chuckled, Bryan from knowing he had regained control, and Alison because she found this all cute. I felt the diaper being slid under me. "Down". I complied. Then there was the lotion. And then the powder. Of course there was lotion and powder. They couldn't just leave it at diapering. As Alison pulled the front of the diaper up, I could feel its bulk slightly spreading my legs. She taped it up quickly, and reached in the bag to retrieve something thick, white and plastic. I had no idea what it was until she slid it up my legs and it fit snugly over the diaper. Plastic pants. I closed my eyes and thought "great". I felt the legs and waistband tighten a bit, and my eyes shot open again as I heard the sound of a padlock clicking closed.

It was when I heard that sound I truly realized what I was in for. Whining again, I made sure to keep my muzzle shut as Alison stood up and helped pull me up by the paw. I went to pick up my pants, but was held back by the otter. "Cubs don't wear pants around the house. I know you already arranged to stay here tonight, so you should be alright. That diaper is thick enough to last you the night. Come pick me up an hour before school and we'll get you changed." She lightly swatted my crinkly rump, and with a soft thud, it rustled aloud. As Alison giggled, she teased "be good now" and headed out the door. Defeatedly, I retreated to Bryan's bedroom. I knew he'd have more to say to me, and I wanted to make sure I was out of the living room before anyone else came through.

No sooner had I passed through the door than I heard footpaws padding in behind me. I turned to see a panther grinning wider than I thought possible. He looked me over, snickering as he eyed at the puffy locked plastic pants about my mid section. He had total control, and he knew. Being stuck back in diapers was bad enough, he knew I wouldn't risk any more. In the panther's paw were my pants, which he hung over the back of his chair, commenting "won't be needing these until tomorrow." He opened his bedside drawer and took out my familiar think black leather collar. Strapping around my neck, he began one last explanation "This is almost a moot point, as those thick crinkly underpants should stop it anyway, but cubs like you are not allowed to touch themselves down there."

"Yes, sir", I nodded submissively.

"Good, now that we understand that, on to our plans for the night.... Stay here"

I perked up my ears as Bryan left the room, curious as to what we would be getting up to. Without access to my more sensitive areas, he would certainly have to change his usual style. My questions were answered when the panther returned and simply handed me a tall glass of water.

"Drink this"

I did as I was told, quickly downing the glass. I looked over to the panther who was now smiling softly at me. I wasn't used to this. I still had clothes on (well, some, anyway), and Bryan was not being stern and controlling. Not knowing what else to do, I just stood there, waiting to be further instructed. Bryan didn't take long to notice my loss for thought, and teased, "Heh, little cub falling into his role already? Good. Get up on the bed"

That was a command with which I was more familiar. The bed sat against the walls in back the corner of the room. I climbed into it, my stark white diaper and fur contrasting the all black sheets. Still anticipating a romp before sleep, I didn't lay back at first. I was again surprised when Bryan told me to get under the sheets, "Its past your bed time. I'm tired from being up all day discussing just what to do with you, and you should be tuckered out soon as well. I put something in your drink that will help you get to sleep faster." The panther slid into bed with me, snuggling up tightly. I sighed to myself, enjoying the comforting touch of my mate, "well, at least this isn't so bad." My thoughts were interrupted as Bryan snaked a paw over my leg and groped at my thickly padded front. Over the crinkling I heard him snicker again. He knew I never went a day without getting some sort of action or pawing off. With one last grope, he leaned over, turned off the light, kissed my cheek softly, and whispered "goodnight my lion cub." I was now quite horny and anxious, but was also starting to feel the effects of whatever it was in my drink. Nothing hard, I was sure, but I did feel a little sleepy. I wanted so much to play, but knew it would best for me to just go to sleep. As I yawned widely, I curled up under the covers and started to drift off to sleep, all the while held and snuggled tight by Bryan....

I blinked sleepily and looked at the clock. 3am. As usual, I had to pee, badly. I slowly slipped out from under the panther's arm that was stilled draped across me. Like I had done many times before, I stood up silently. Except this time, it was only nearly silent. I was suddenly reminded of the night before as my padded rump slid out from between the sheets, rustling loudly. Moonlight shone in through the window, illuminating my plastic pants, and also glistening off a chain. From its path I realized it was attached to my collar. I had plenty of slack to stand up, but Bryan apparently didn't want me sneaking off to the bathroom as I otherwise would. Not that I could do much even if I got there; the plastic pants were locked tight. I stood still, mind racing from my full bladder. I really needed to go, but I dared not wake up Bryan. What could I do? I wouldn't be able to hold it much longer, but there was no way I was wetting my diaper like a little cub.

Glancing at the chain, I found it locked to the bed frame. I reached up and felt another lock on my collar. Oh the irony; I bought those locks myself when Bryan and I first got together, hoping to appeal to his more dominant side. Now I just wish he would let me go. I crossed my legs as my mind continued to race. I couldn't hold it much longer. I whined ever so slightly, but quickly cut myself off. It wasn't loud enough to wake Bryan, or at least I hoped. I tugged at the edged of the plastic pants, testing their seal. To my despair, they weren't budging. I couldn't hold it anymore and, biting my lip, I started to wet.

I instantly felt relief, but also an unfamiliar warm and wet feeling. At first, thats all it was, this light stream between my legs. But then the diaper started to swell. Absorbing more and more, it grew much larger than I thought it would. I had to spread my legs a bit to adjust to its size. I started to blush again, and emptied my bladder. The diaper was nearly soaked, and I wanted nothing more than to take it off. Pawing at the sides one more time, I found them held fast. Here I was, a college bound lion, wearing a wet diaper, and knowing I was stuck in it. I almost sniffled as I laid down and curled back up. I was almost certain the night couldn't get much worse, but then I felt a paw reach over and squeeze my soggy front. Not just a short squeeze, but a firm grasp that pressed the soft diaper right up against my sheath. Bryan chuckled again and cooed "thats a good cub" before rubbing my diapered crotch several times. The puffy, squishy diaper pressed right against my tip, and I quickly grew hard. Bryan felt this, and kept it up for a good minute. All of the sudden, he stopped, and snickered "Ok, back to sleep." Damn him.

I woke back up at at 5:30 to the sound of the alarm. Rubbing my eyes, I felt Bryan reach over and turn it off. He rubbed my side, looking over at me with that ever present grin. "Sleep well?" he chimed as he patted the front of my padding. The soft thud and squish reminded me that last night had not been a dream, and that I was in fact locked into a wet diaper. I groaned a bit, not being used to waking up quite so early. Standing up from the bed, I felt the need to wet again. Bryan got out of bed behind me, and went for his night stand. As usual, my morning wood presented itself, making it quite hard to pee. Because I hadn't gotten off the day before, it was especially bad this morning. I spread my legs to help make it easier to wet. Just before I started, though, I thought better of it. I could easily wait until just before I was changed. Bryan retrieved a set of keys from the drawer, and reached up to undo my collar. "They were right there the whole time", I angrily thought to myself, "oh well, at least I can leave soon."

Turns out I wasn't quite right. Bryan noticed my stance and hesitation, and, just before unlocking my collar, said "Oh? Does the little lion need to wet more? Well, don't let me stop you. You need to get used to not using the potty anyway." The panther stood holding the key, but staring at me. Like most people, I have a hard time going when someone is watching. Bryan clearly picked up on this, and said "You'll also need to learn to wet in front of people, we can't have you running off to the bathroom and out of our sight." I whined, but obeyed. My diaper had grown cool over the night, but warmed up again as I made it just that much puffier. Bryan waited until I finished and looked up at him before unlocking and removing my collar. He handed me my pants, and told me "Get going, Alison will be waiting for you." I quickly put them on, and headed out the door, grabbing my backpack on the way. "Oh, one more thing" Bryan announced as I was about to step out the front door, "you'll be needing this." With that, he handed me the black duffel bag and patted me on the rump to send me off. I waddled out the door and quickly climbed into my car. I usually enjoyed getting out into the cool morning air, but this day I was more focused on the 3 extra pounds of padding in my pants than much else. Cursing to myself about being disobedient over the weekend, I started my car and headed to Alison's.

This early in the morning, the roads were empty and it was a short drive. It was easily still before 6am when I rolled into Alison's drive way. Her parents had already left for work, thankfully, but that didn't make me any less shy about what was to come. I sheepishly got out of my car, taking the duffel bag with me. The front door was open slightly, so I stepped inside and shyly peaked around. Alison was in the living room, watching TV and waiting for me to show up. "There you are!", she exclaimed, bright and energetic as ever, "been waiting for ya." She stepped forward and, without hesitating, squeezed the underside of my crotch. I blushed bright red, and whined. Giggling loudly, Alison grabbed my paw and tugged me towards her bedroom. "You're soaked sweety. Lets go fix that."

When we entered her room, I noticed a large white/blue rubber mat laying on top of her bed. I handed Alison the bag and sighed. "Pants off", I heard the otter say, "and then down on the bed." It was a bit easier to drop my pants this time, but only a little. I was still in a wet diaper, and though she knew it, I still was reluctant to show it. I lied down on the bed, feeling the rubbery mat shift under me. Covering my face with my paws, I waited for what was about to happen. Seeing this, Alison giggled again, "Aww, don't worry. You'll get used to it." I felt a paw tug at my right wrist. Seeing my curious look, the otter explained "I know Bryan trusts you to be good, but I want to make sure we don't have a cub get up and run off while I'm trying to change him." I still didn't know what she meant, until I felt her putting a cuff on my arm. Turning to look at it, I realized it was one of the leather, faux-fur-lined cuffs that I bought for Bryan along with the locks. "He must have put them in the bag", I thought to myself, "how many times is that purchase going to come back to get me, anyway?" Alison continued, cuffing my other paw, and then clipping the two together and locking them down to the head of the bed. I felt even more exposed now, and nervously closed my eyes as the otter unlocked the plastic pants. Sliding them down, she untapped the diaper, and pulled it off. My face remained beet red as she commented "My, someone is a pokey cub this morning". She was right. I still had my morning wood. I don't think I've ever wanted to cover up more in my life, but I couldn't; the cuffs held my paws in place. Taking a box of wipes out from the bag, Alison drew a few and started to wipe me down. The cool wipes felt good in contrast to the diaper I had been wearing all night, but the (albeit necessary) rubbing of my member only served to remind me of how I hadn't had any fun the day before. Alison finished cleaning me up, and then slip a fresh diaper under me. Thankfully, this one wasn't as thick as the previous one, but it still crinkled more than I'd like. I sighed and thought about what a day in diapers at school would be like.

I felt an unexpected paw on my ankle. Alison was cuffing my legs as well. Anticipating my reaction, she explained "Cubs can get squirmy, this is just to keep you in place." I didn't have much of a choice. The more I cooperated, the sooner it would be over. And besides, if I was bad, and Bryan found out....

Alison clipped the cuffs to the side of the bed. I could now only move around a few inches. As Alison reached for something else in the bag, I just wished she would hurry up. As I thought, it was the lotion. She softly spread it around, making sure to cover everywhere. After I thought she was done, I felt her paw return, this time with more lotion, and directly on my still hard cock.

I let out a muffled "Merf?", and Alison retained her characteristic grin while telling me "Boy cubs your age can get fussy if they aren't taken care of. Bryan has told me you especially need attention like this every day, and I know you didn't get it yesterday." I felt the otter's paw start sliding down my cock, teasing it a few times before taking a firmer grip.

I was speechless. Not only was I already quite embarrassed, here was someone pawing me off in the middle of a diaper change. A girl no less! She knew I was gay, but that didn't seem to be stopping her.

She continued "Now, since little cubs can't be trusted to handle themselves, whoever is taking care of you will have to do it."

I was still stunned. The pawing felt good, but I still squirmed. I pulled at the restraints, but to no avail. I bit my lip and kept my eyes shut, and all the while the otter worked at me.

"Whats wrong, kitty? I know this feels good....."

I started to pant slightly. Alison was quite skilled with her paws, and although I was reluctant to be in the situation, I have to admit she was right; it did feel good. Really good. However, my reluctance and shyness stayed in the front of my mind, and prevented things from progressing too far. After a short while of pawing at me, Alison commented "Wow, you're a resilient little lion. I've been at this for 20 minutes now. Good thing I have another 40 until its time to go. You aren't getting up until I'm sure you're all set for the day, and we can't have a cranky cub."

She spread some more lotion on me, tightened her grip, and picked up the pace. After another 10 minutes, I started to whimper. I was getting sensitive, and wanted to be let up. I still couldn't believe I was being pawed off by a girl, and because I wasn't trusted to do it myself, no less!

"Aww, don't whine. It'll be over soon cubby" cooed Alison.

Again, as much as I hate to admit it, she was right. No more than a minute later, it happened. My panting became heavier, and she pawed even faster. I pulled hard against the restraints as my tail started to twitch involuntarily. After a good half hour of attention, I let out an almost defeated moan, and soaked Alison's paw and my tummy fur in thick ropes of seed, before relaxing my limbs and continuing to pant.

"Good cub" Alison reassured me, "that took longer than expected, but we can work on that. Now lets get you ready for school." She powdered me and taped the fresh diaper up. As she started to unbuckle the cuffs, I just lied there lamenting;

"This is going to be a long week"