New Ways Die Hard

Story by SilverWolf96 on SoFurry

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#1 of New Ways Die Hard

The first part to a new story series. Takes place in the 21st in a werebeast city. One of the few cities where werebeast can be in there beast form without human interference. This first part will introduce characters and set up the groundwork. Thanks for the read! Comments and feedback are always welcome.

"My Chieftain we have received envoy from Camerix, empire of the felines. It comes directly from the emperor himself." A small coyote said.

"Bring the message to me." The Great Chief replied.

The coyote messenger walked the throne room. The long room had columns on either side with stained glass windows between them. At the base of every other column was a beautiful statue of previous Great Chiefs and Chiefess. When the coyote reached the dais the thrones sat he dropped to one knee. Not making eye contact with the two wolves before him on the thrones. He had to make sure his ears were low and tail at neutral. He held his arm out message in hand.

The Great Chief rose to his feet. Towering over the smaller canine. His feathered headdress reaching the floor. Two guards stood at the ready by his side. The black furred wolf took the message from the coyote and returned to his throne.

"This is indeed the seal of the feline emperor." The Chief mused.

"Well dear are you going to open it or just sit there staring it?" the she-wolf in the throne to his right said.

The Chief broke the seal. The paper opened. The wolf could detect the faint scent of the tiger emperor. He instantly recognized the penmanship of the letter. The emperor himself wrote this one, this must be an urgent matter. The throne room became silent as the chief read the letter. His mate became impatient.

"Well, what does it say?" she drummed her black claws on the armreast.

The Chief chuckled, "This is quite an interesting request. I see opportunity here. The Camerix ambassador wishes to visit the Kingdom of Wolvos. He claims it's to strengthen the diplomatic relations between our fracturing powers. This is his fourth request, and has asked again to see the same wolf."

"This request is different however." The she-wolf read over the letter, "Yes this is quite the request. I think we can fulfill the emperors concerns this time around. This ambassador wants something in particular and I know just how to give it to him."

"I think I know what you're thinking. We happen to have just the wolf for the job. In fact the only wolf for the job. Coyote!" the Chief bellowed.

He yelped, "Yes my Chieftain."

"Summon my executive advisors. As well summon commander Talo. Have them report here in an hour. We must debrief them on the situation and make a plan of action."

"Also" the she-wolf added, "Summon this wolf as well. We require his unique abilities and experiences." She handed him a note.

The Great Chief gave the coyote the documents required. The smaller canine rose to his feet, bowed before his rulers, and left the throne room.

The white wolf howled. He buried his muzzle into the breast of the blue she-wolf under him. He made his way deeper and deeper inside her. She guided his head until their mouths met. Kissing as their tongues fought for dominance. He heard muted moan as he thrust his meat into her faster and faster. The she-wolf fingered his hole as he made his. Their eyes met and both filled with pleasure.

"I love you Kiara." he whispered.

"Not as much as I love you. Curragh" she growled, with burst of strength and flipped him. She now on top howled and she rode her wolfs cock. Wanting to be filled.

He laughed placing one paw on her breast and the other at her waist. He pushed into her; she took it readily. She replied with a deep growl. Curragh moaned. He was getting close. The she wolf placed a firm paw on his bare white furred chest. Save for a necklace with a silver gem. She slowed down on him and began to pet his muscled body. How she knew he was about climax still amazed him. She always knew just when to stop to prolong the encounter even more. She sat like a statue with his cock pulsing inside her. Curragh flinching under her.

Curragh whimpered as he teetered on the edge. Kiara laughed, "Me first this time."

The she wolf slowly began to finger herself. Careful not to tamper with the erected tent she loved inside of her. She liked her muzzle. With a light howl she orgasmed coating the wolfs meat in a new layer of lube. That alone nearly caused Curragh to fill her with his seed, as the warm fluid covered his meat and seeped onto his body. For her though he held back waiting for the right moment.

I a single graceful motion the white wolf heaved the she-wolf up in his arms and pinned her against the wall. The force caused a nearby picture of the two to fall off a shelf. She wrapped her legs around his torso as he held her in place. The two kissed. Curragh pulled out and assaulted the the-wolfs vagina with his newly lubed cock. He borrowed as deep as he could into her; she let out a rare yelp. Both howled as the wolf filled her with his love, and panted. Cum oozing from the she-wolf. He carried her back to bed and the two laid together naked bodies intertwined. Fully enveloped and aroused by their musky scents. He checked the clock which read 9:37AM. Curragh laughed realizing they been at it for more than half an hour. Not a bad way to start your Saturday.

Three load bangs broke the intimate silence.

Curragh growled, "Who could that be?"

"I don't know but I'm not answering it." The blue she-wolf replied.

Three more bangs echoed through the apartment.

"Why can't you get it? Your closer to the door Kiara."

"Because I need to recover from the pounding you just gave me." She ran her paw down his body ended on his sensitive soft cock, "No be a good boy and get the door. Whoever it is just knocked again." She licked his muzzle.

Mumbling Curragh rose to his feet putting a long robe to cover himself. He moved to the door of the one bedroom apartment. He took a second to examine the pile of dishes in the kitchen sink, and the mess in the common area. He chuckled remembering night he had with the ocean blue she wolf. He unlooked the door and stood stiff when he saw a royal courier. The fox nearly a foot shorter than the wolf. His deep red fur only seen at his head and tail with a white tip. Otherwise he was covered his ornate uniform. Which he wore well.

"You have been summoned by the Great Chief of Wolvos. Here are your documents. Is there a she-wolf by the name of Kiara here?"

"Yeah she's here."

"These are her documents. She has been summoned as well." The fox turned to leave.

"Wait what's this about?" Curragh asked.

"I just deliver the messages wolf. I don't read them or ask what there about. I will suggest you wear something more than a partially undone bath robe however. Also get washed and not smell of intercourse."

Realizing his robe was undone he fastened it back, "Yeah thanks for the tip." He headed back to the bedroom.

"Who was that?" Kiara asked still lying in bed.

"We have been summoned by the Great Chief."

She raised a brow, "As captain of his personal guard I can see why I would be summoned. I don't understand why you are. What interest does he have with you?"

"Guess only one way to find out. Might have to do with me being the wielder of the Moon Stone. Come let's get showered, cleaned up, and go find out."

The two canines entered the shower to clean each other up. They washed the evidence of their intimate encounter down the drain. Both curious to why they were summoned by the leader of all canines of Wolvos, the alpha wolf of alpha wolfs. The Great Chief.