New Ways Die Hard Pt.3 : A Different Kind of Mission

"I beg your pardon my Chieftian?" the Curragh asked confusion clearly seen on his face. The Chief nodded to Talo, "The request came directly from the Emperor Titus VI of Camerix. He and some of his staff believe the ambassador is to be homosexual....

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New Ways Die Hard Pt. 2: Palace of the Chief

Pt 2. The Palace of the Chief The streets of the capital city bustled with life. Canine werebeast, both human and beast form, rushed about on various duties. Curragh and Kiara walked paw in paw through the morning. It was a fortress city that sat on...

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New Ways Die Hard

"My Chieftain we have received envoy from Camerix, empire of the felines. It comes directly from the emperor himself." A small coyote said. "Bring the message to me." The Great Chief replied. The coyote messenger walked the throne room. The long...

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Plans in Motion

**Plans in Motion** The white wolf ran madly through the woods. He was close to the vampire encampment. The stronger their scent became the more he wanted to kill. A stray vampire was walking alone through the mountain forest. The white wolf closed...

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First Moon 3: New Developments

**First Moon Pt.3: New Developments** The woods where thick and moon was full coating the mountain landscape in silver- white light. The now wolf Christophe had survived his first transformation becoming a strapping silver furred werewolf. He ran...

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First Moon Pt. 2

Adrian stood still; he heard something. His ears turned to the direction of the sound. The sound came from behind him. He smelled something the opposite way the sound came from. "Christophe is that you?" Adrian said. Adrian was rushed from his...

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First Moon

First Moon Christophe walked through the Appalachian mountains of Georgia. He was alone and in a hurry. Tonight during the full moon could be his first transformation. Two nights ago he had met the wolf that bit him. The wolf called himself Adrian....

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Battleship Battle Part 2

Two Months Earlier At the port in Wolferia the battleship Wolfs Fury was receiving final preparations. Crews hustled about the mighty warship to make sure she was ready for the next mission. The captain and the ships senor officers were in the ship's...

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Battleship Battle Part 1

"Captains' log, entry six, date 13/24/1089. This hunt has been too little avail. The missing feline ships are still gone. I question why we canines even came to their aid. Relations between Wolferia and Camerix have not been the..." "Captain three...

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Calming the War

"Mother I'm not ready to go to bed." The young wolf pup said, "I want to stay up and see if we win!" "It's late enough and now time for you to sleep my child." The mother held her pup in a protective embrace. She laid him in bed and tucked him in....

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New Ways Die Hard Pt. 6: Grand Entrance

Pt. 6 Grand Entrance After entering the double doors Curragh wished to leave the company of the foxes. They were in a nice lobby area. A bar was to the side and couches and chairs were about for werebeast to lounge in. Direct across the entrance were...

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New Ways Die Hard Pt.5: The City

"Self-sufficiency." Curragh mumbled to himself. He walked down a busy street toward the monorail terminal. Since its beginning thousands of years ago the city has always been a self-sufficient city. The initial reason was for in times of siege the city...

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