Enslaved to scent - II

Story by adric listwajinn on SoFurry

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Thanks everyone for the HUGE response to chapter one, most responses and E-mails I've received for a single story, quite nice :) I hope you all enjoy this as much as part one.

Standard warnings apply to all situations


When Servus awoke Monday morning, he had little memory of the night before. It was 8:00 am by the time he began to woke up, and his body felt so sore he simply turned over and went back to sleep. However it was an uneasy, fitful slept. He drifted into a state of waking sleep as gradually the events of last night replayed in his mind.

It wasn't until he got a good whiff of his fur, of the stink of it, that he shivered and remembered fully. The sweaty odors like a trigger in his brain, awakening a series of commands and orders he wasn't sure why, but he knew he had to obey.

When he finally did get out of his ragged bed, the first thing he did was put his own jockstrap away. His heart raced as he sniffed it, the smell powerful, yet only a small sample of the odor that had ensnared his mind the night before. Servus trembled.

"What did he do to me? How, how did he get me to obey?" He said to himself as he looked down at his sweaty pouch. He decided to test something... He knew he would not be bothered by his roommate who was out on Mondays. Padding out of his room naked, he went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. His fur was smelly, his body stank, he hadn't put any deodorant on in two days. He needed a shower.

"Ok, I can do this, I need to clean up, and this is crazy after all. I, I've always been clean! I don't want to be this smelly all the time!" he said, trying to get himself going, yet as he stood in front of the shower, he simply couldn't move forward. Something in the back of his mind, something growing held him back.

Realizing something was perhaps a bit more wrong then he thought, he tried to ignore it for now and went to class.

The day went by painfully slow. He couldn't concentrate and found himself unable to take notes or think clear at all. The whole day he tried to stifle his nearly constant erection, as if it where something inflicted upon him from the previous night. When his first break came in the afternoon, for the first time ever, he skipped going to lunch and went straight to the gym. He had an hour and a half before his next class and the young fox found himself spending nearly the whole time pumping weights.

He soon lost himself in his workout, and even as his vulpine sheath tented noticeably, he showed no hint of care or shame. He wasn't sure why, but he found himself ore focused at the gym the whole rest of the day. He didn't even check the time until 10 minutes before his next class. Again the next two hours went by agonizingly slow until at last he was free, from class.

Servus knew he was not supposed to meet Richard again until 9pm. Once more Servus found himself counting the minutes as he tried to occupy his time. He tried to do his homework and couldn't, he tried to play some computer games to kill time, but wound up looking at porn. And that only made the situation in his pants all the worse.

Finally the fox could wait no long, at twenty till nine, he grabbed a t-shirt, and then his jockstrap. Now three since it was last washed. Moments later he was at the gym, his heart racing.

"Your early tonight, boy, I like that." Servus turned around quickly and suddenly found his face in the huge chest of Richard's ripe body. Even as others where passing by, Servus leaned in.




Within moments his heart slowed, he felt calm, relaxed, his eyes fluttered as Richard looked down at him.

"There's a good boy, smell it and relax, smell it and relaxed." Servus did, moaned, and felt so at peace as Richard turned him around. "Come along, boy, lets get to work." Richard said, and they did.

Servus never felt so focused in his life as he got into his work-sets. He pumped his reps effortlessly now as he lifted his weights, now not even thinking of school, of work, of his friends. Under Richard's eyes he pumped his weights, his world the inside of the gym as all the rest of his troubles melted away. The single hour seemed to race by and soon Servus felt the tug of the big husky Horse.

"Come along boy, it's time." he said. Servus looked up, his cocked jump painfully at the suggestive tone of Richard's voice as the wordlessly walked toward the showers. A few of the exiting furs giving them old glances as they new it was supposed to close any moment. Richard simply smiled as Servus went on ahead. He turned to the large Wolf at the help desk and nodded, the wolf nodded back, and soon the gym was casually locked behind them, the lights inside dimmed.

When Richard entered into the showers, he saw a sight, which made his own rank sheath squirm. Servus sat on a bench, his shirt off, his pants off, his paws quivering.

"I bet it must be maddening, to want to paw off so badly, so so much, and not be able to touch." the Equine said as Servus nodded, the calmness from him fading as he looked to Richard.

"Y-Yes S-Sir" he said. Richard smiled, the Fox was reacting to his simple mental suggestions far better then he thought, this was going to be fun. Very fun.

"Your a very good boy for not touching, you where told not to, and your obeying. Your a very good boy for that." He said, Servus shivering at the words 'good boy' his already painful erection twitching at it. "Last night you sniffed me, now your gonna taste me, here, let me give you the first of your rewards." He said, as a moment later Servus world became the stink of a ripe Armpit.

"That's it, boy, drink it, suck it, love it. Breath it in, let it fill you. Your gonna get to know this smell very well. You will learn to love it, to want it, to worship it" The Horse almost whinnied as he felt the foxes mouth go crazy inside the tight grip of his arm. The young vulpine tongue doing such a wonderfully job of licking the heavy stink as Richard watched the clock. Ticking off how long he knew someone could last before blacking out. Moments before Servurs world went dark, Richard yanked him out from his pit, now wet with saliva.

Servus's mind throbbed; the outside world seemed non existent as he drew in deep fresh air. His conscious mind seared from the intensity of the horses pits, barely registering what he said, though it was not his conscious mind that needed to listen as Richard spoke.

"Tonight boy is the day your old life ends, tonight is the night your going to offer yourself to me, the night you will learn what your purpose in this world is, what you where destined to be. Do you understand?" Servus's eyes fluttered as Richard looked at him, slowly he nodded, and Richard grinned.

"Good boy" he said, and rewarded the fox by stuffing him roughly into his other, equally rank pit. Once more the boy groaned as a warm blanket of dank, curly matted fur enveloped his face. The fox's mind fluttered into a state of bliss, into another world as his lips suckled on the damp fur. Drinking the pit sweat as if it where nectar, each drop making him thirsty for more as Richard flexed his massive biceps. The massive arm grinding the boy into his pits, not just letting him suck it, but smearing his stink into the foxes once perfumed fur.

This time around as Richard yanked his face out, the fox's mind was drunk. Still awake, but just barely, Richard knew it would be a few moments before his newly inducted scent slave would be lucid again. Getting up, he prepared for what was to come. He fetched a mat from outside and tossed it into the middle of the shower stalls before closing the door behind him. Not for privacy, as none was needed in the locked and empty gym, but to keep the room warm as he shucked off his cloths.

As Servus slowly came too, he heard the rushing sound of water around him. Several of the showers where on, streaming hot water as Servus found himself laying on his back on a hard mat. Above him loomed Richard.

"Welcome back, boy, enjoy my armpits?" Servus swallowed. "Yes Sir" he responded without a thought.

"Good boy, ready for more?"

"Yes Sir" Richard smiled, the training was coming along better then he hoped.

"Ok boy, get ready" Richard said as he balanced on his huge broad hoofs. Looking up, Servus watched and witnessed the sight of the horses' huge hairy ass slowly lower onto his face. The equine yanked the strap from his jock to one side as the foxes muzzles was crowned in the musky ass.

"Thats it boy, now lick, show me what your tongue can do boy, show me that you are good enough for what will come next." Richard said in a rough tone as he felt the foxes tongue beginning to work up into his sweaty asscrack.

Servus had never licked rimming, the fear of getting something 'dirty' back there had always turned him off. Yet even in the thick stink of the horses hot hairy ass, something inside his mind reassured him he'd never find a hole as clean as this, some voice whispering to him that it was what he wanted, what he needed, what he was born to do.

Richard felt the tongue probe into his musky crack, licking up through matted fur, probing into his cleft, and at last slipping around his huge wrinkled puckered. The horse whinnied with delight, resisting the urge to settle his full weight upon the fox as that tongue probed deeper inside his musky hole. With each lick Servus felt himself relax and enjoy it more, with each lick his breath grew deeper, with each lick he felt a connection to the stink growing.

Balancing on his large hoofs, Richard groaned with delight, he knew this fox wasn't just turned on by smells, but that he was one of very few for which stink and musk would affect them on level far beyond what others could imagine. And as Richard felt the licks go from timid, to firm, to needing, he knew it was time for the next step.

Slowly pulling up from the foxes face, his mind in another world, Richard turned and sat back, enjoying the warm squish from his ass as he settled down. Now facing the fox, he leaned forward.

"What a boy you are, what a wonderfully good boy." He said as he slide his huge hand around his face, slowly caressing his saliva slicked muzzle, smelling his own wonderful stink deeply matted into his fur. Knowing it would be pressed into his fur again and again.

"Thank you Sir."

"You've sniffed me, licked me, kissed me, and served me. And all without a thought to yourself, and this" Richard said, his other hand moving to grope Servus swollen crotch, "This has yet to relieve itself, poor thing. What say we see how much longer you will keep it behaved, boy." Servus eyes fluttered, it had been over a day since he pawed off, and the very touch from the great Stallion was almost enough to push him over. But not quite enough.

"You'll get your chance, but not yet, cause' now boy, now your gonna find out just what it means to smell stink." Richard said as he stood up. Looking at the fox on his knees, he smiled, savoring this special moment. He slowly slides his jockstrap off. The fabric coated in countless layers of sweat, piss, and caked with thick crusty stallion seed. Richard laid it gently, reverently by his side, not wishing to use it till needed...

As he did so, his immense Phallus was laid bare before Servus. The huge cock was still mostly limp, defying logic, as it lay snug within great folds of wrinkled sheathskin. All too quickly the broad tip peaked out, as if obeying some command from it's owner, it slipped free and began to grow. Telescoping out like some obscene column of flesh. It's surface covered in bumpy veins and heavy folds of skin. The folds caked with soft, waxy, moist derbies, buildup from a ripe, unwashed cock. Not quite erect, but more then enough for what the Stallion needed, he swung it slowly over Servus face.

"This is it, boy, this is what shall own you and take you, do you understand?" Servus' heart was racing, his rational mind had left him long ago, his conscious thought of what he should or shouldn't do drowned in a sea of stink and smells. As his eyes watched the rank shaft above him, he moaned.

"Yes Sir"

"Do you want to lick my cock, boy.?

"Yes Sir." Richard smiled and began to sit.

"Do you want to serve my cock, boy?"

"Yes Sir!" Richard grinned.

"Do you want to serve me, boy?"

"Yes SIR!" It was time...

"Then serve me boy, for I am your Master now!" He bellowed as he grabbed the fox by his ears and thrust his face into the stink of his crotch.

The smell overwhelmed Servus' mind within moments. As his nose was smothered into the tip of the Equines shaft, his mouth opened to gasp for air. His muzzle receiving greasy flecks of the cheese like build up that was so heavy of his shaft. Servus eyes rolled as he tasted the substance, at first nearly wretching, though it was perhaps the last throws of resistance from his old mind before he licked, then nursed on the greasy mess around the broad wide head. Hooked on the rich taste of the smegma, Servus began peeling back the skin now to get to more as Richard looked down and whinnied with pleasure.

"And now your mine boy, now you belong to me. Oh boy, you do not know how wonderful things are going to be." he said as Servus' face grew a deep, dreamy glazed look to it. His muzzle now working to fit the huge head past his lips as he feasted as never before.

"I shall show you such things, such wonderful things, together I shall explore you, and open you, and show you a world you cannot conceive." He spoke as he yanked Servus forward. Gagging him momentarily as the huge plum-sized head was lodged into his mouth, a great layer of muck smeared onto his muzzle and under his tongue as it was pressed in.

As Richard watched his boy slurp wetly as his cockhead, he tossed his head back and snorted in pleasure. The fox was his, though he had only begun, his fate was already sealed. Few words needed to be spoken now as the great equine slowly slide his spit slick girth into the Foxes muzzle. Pushing the now flat and swollen flare of his Equine cock into the foxes muzzle, Richard decided to give his new boy some pleasure.

As he held the Foxes head steady with his right hand, he brought his other down to the foxes bare chest. The rough hand brushing across the exposed black nipples of the fox before he squeezed one sharply in his hoofed fingers.

Servus gave a muffled moan of pleasure as he felt the sharp sensation from his pinched nipple shiver up his spine. The young fox no stranger to how sensitive his nipples where, leaned into the rough hands of the horse as he slurped wetly at the messy cock. His jaws aching as the fat flare stretched them out. Richard snorted with growing pleasure as he tested and teased his boy, seeing how he responded to the sharp treatment of his dark nipples. The equine smiled, as Servus winced only slightly as his fingers pulled and twisted the boys tits.

"Yeah, good boy, just take it, lean back and take it. It feels so good, so good to suck your Masters cock! Oh yes, your good, very good to take even the head inside. Oh my boy, my sexy boy, show your master how much you enjoy it!" He bellowed, knowing Servus could give no verbal response as he thrust forward, the fox gagging for a moment as more of the wrist thick phallus was forced into his mouth. His nipples beginning to throb with heat as the horse moved from one to the other, pinching and twisting them, testing the boy's limits.

Watching the fox squirm, Richard lifted a huge heavy hoof. Letting the boys nipples 'cool' he brought his hoof upwards, grinding it into the painfully erect red spike of Servus fox cock.

Servus yipped around the slimy fat flare in his muzzle as he felt the hoof on his shaft. Erect for what seemed like hours, Servus ground his crotch into the hard hoof instinctively as Richard looked on with a smile. The great stallion whinnied as he felt his balls tingle. The fox was doing such a wonderful job with just the small part of he was able to stuff in his mouth, it would not be long before he would cum. Richard snorted as his cock began to twitch, pulling Servus toward him, he ground his hard hoof into the boys shaft.

"Feel that boy! Thats your cock, that's your balls, both are gonna be mine real soon boy. You want to cum so bad? Go ahead and do it, cum for me boy CUM NOW!" He shouted as lifted his foot, moving the smooth part to the rough flat bottom, bringing it down on Servus shaft as the great Horse yanked on both nipples at once, twisting them cruelly for a moment. A moment of the shape pain and pleasure was all that was needed for the fox to achieve orgasm. The horse pulling his hoof away a second before the stream erupted.

As the fox yiffed in orgasm, squirting his seed, Richard yanked his shaft out with a wet "shurlop'. The horses Urethra yawning open as he began to bellow.

"Hoo-ya, yah yah yaah Boy, gonna cum gonna cum all over you! Yeah, yeah hoo-yeeeahhhh!!" He grunted wildly as he gave a whinny that would have been heard by anyone remotely near by. As his tail flared up, the Horse felt his great cum duct swell as it spewed forth the first of his copious jisim. The thick globes of ejaculit splattered wetly into Servus open mouth. Impacting into the back of his throat before oozing down, the slimy substance tart, rich, tasting of the stallions musk and a heavy salty flavor.

While Servus slurped up what he could Richard hefted his shaft, painting his boys face in the thick cum, the Phallus pulsating as it spat out well over a pint of the chunky cream.

As his thundering orgasm began to fade, the great Stallion felt a final shiver run up the length of his cock. The seed grew thicker as Richard felt something oozing up. Grabbing the foxes own jockstrap, he brought it before the flared and open slit of his yawning Urethra. Holding the smelly pouch just in time to catch a great, greasy blob that oozed from his cock. The thick plug that all Equines ejaculated, the plug that was designed to thickening inside a mare, to keep seed inside. Richard smiled as he held the mess in the pouch of Servus strap, feeling it squish before bringing it to the foxes face.

"Smell this boy, feel it, the next time you shall feel this substance, it shall be within your own ass" The horse nickered as he hung the pouch up on a hook, making sure to keep his little 'present' nestled inside. Looking back at the fox he smiled. The boy was exhausted and slumped back aginst one of the short tiled walls in the room, still panting from his own earth shattering orgasm. The look of bliss on his face nearly perfect, but the Stallion had one more present for his new toy. A tingling inside his loins let him know what was coming.

Once more hovering over the fox, he angled his semi soft horse cock downwards as he looked at Servus.

"What a sight you are, covered in your cum, covered in my cum, it feels good doesn't it boy?"

"Yes Sir" Servus said weakly, his mind floating in a cloud of bliss as he slowly looked up, seeing his new Master, and Richard as well.

"Good boy, time for you to be covered one final time tonight, and time for you to receive my Mark upon you." He said as Servus watched, the horses face seemed to tense, then relax. A moment later time seemed to slow as the immense Urethra on Richard's cock once more yawned open. A golden stream of piss began to flow as Richard nickered and let out a relaxed sigh of pleasure.

His steaming, spicy urine poured out onto Servus, splashing onto his crotch first as the great horse nickered again. The stream turned into a torrent now as the fox felt it pouring onto him, cutting through the congealing globes of semen, washing them away from his fur. Richard simply watched with a warm glow of enjoyment as his hosed down the fox in his piping hot piss. Making sure not a spot on his fur went un-anointed by his golden nectar as he slowly raised the stream up from crotch, the chest to muzzle.

"Time for a taste boy, time for you to sample my bladder beer" He said as his slowly flagging stream was aimed toward the foxes face. His open muzzle catching first a few drops of the warm urine, then more as the stream splattered into his mouth. The fox squirmed a bit, the swallowed, feeling the warm liquid flow down, joining the thickening cum in his already swollen belly. Richard flexed his shaft, the stream sputtering to end as he shook the last few drops off his tip.

As Servus lay soaking happily in the hot Horse Piss, Richard leaned forward to kiss him on his lips, licking his face before getting to his hoofs. He had progressed faster then he dared dreamed, and the potential use for his newly bound toy was massive, but there was still much to do. Leaving his toy for a moment, knowing he would not be regaining thought anytime soon, he clopped over toward a service phone. Punching a number, he waited for a voice from the other end.

"I listen to your words."

"My words are in you."

"Good to hear you sir, how went the session."

"He progressed quicker then I dared imagine, we are nearly finished here. You will need to clean things, we have made quite a mess.

"You always do sir. I shall arrive in ten minutes."

"Do a good job, you'll have just under an hour before the janitorial staff comes in for their morning rounds.

"Yes sir, I listen to your words.

Richard hung up the phone and smiled. He would have more then enough time to finish up and prepare his new toy before his friend came. Servus, still panting in ecstasy, began to slowly stir. His body growing cold as the warm piss cooled. Soon Richard returned and held his body.

"Do you hear me boy?"

"Yes-s, ma-sster" Servus responded weakly as Richard leaned down. Scooping up some of his congealing cum from Servus lips, he smeared it under his nose-pad, knowing it would send his mind back into a deep trance.

"Good boy, now listen to me, listen to my words, for they are in you."

"I listen, to your words" Servus said in a dreamy tone.

"Good boy. You have done well, but you have much to do. When you return home, you shall wash, and bath, and clean yourself. You shall return on the surface to clean perfumed fox you where. The lust of your body shall go to your studies, and your hungry for stink shall go to your studies. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master"

"Good boy. You shall wash but my mark on you shall remain, no soap and no water shall remove the mark of my stink on you. It is burned into your mind, isn't it."

"Yes Master."

"Thats right, from now on, even as you work, even as you learn, inside you shall still hunger for my stink and it shall drive you forward." Richard said as he picked up Servus piss soaked, cum soaked jockstrap. The greasy gel plug that he had pushed out at the end of his orgasm was just beginning to set like cement in the pouch of the fabric. It was perfect.

"Now listen boy. During the day you shall put on a play, you will seem clean, and your mind shall be focused on your schoolwork. But this..." Richard said as he brought the foxes now ruined jockstrap to his nose. "This is forever marked with your masters scent. You shall hide this, keep it fresh, and each night before you sleep, you shall drink from it, for every time you do, it shall remind you of what you crave, and who you serve. Understood boy?"

"Yes Master"

"Good boy, smell it now, and let it carry you to sleep." Richard said as he heard the thick pads of paw feet behind him, the fox just going limp in his arms.

"He is beautiful sir, I cannot wait for him to properly join is." The Wolf said, holding a blanket that he draped around Servus.

"Indeed he is pet, indeed he is." Richard said as he picked up the wet fox. Turning to the large Wolf he smiled and gave him a wet kiss. "Be thorough in your cleaning, once I drop him off, I shall be waiting for you at home. You did remember to bring the plastic sheets for the car?" Richard said as he got as dressed as possible, slipping Servus 'marked' jockstrap into a plastic bag.

"Of course Sir, here is the keys, and, I look forward to cleaning you, after I clean this." he said as Richard clopped off.

"Of that I'm sure. My words are in you."

"I listen to your words."

At a little after four am, a dark SUV drove down a deserted road toward Servus dorm. Sleeping deeply on the plastic covered chair, the fox layer covered in congealing cum, piss, and hours of stink. Richard sighed, as soon it would all be washed away, but smiled, as he knew his new toy would receive such treatment many, many more times.


Well hope you all enjoy! I know it's the second chapter and the horse Still hasn't plundered the foxes ass, you'll just have to wait a bit longer I'm afraid. Chapter three may be slow in coming as I'm going to get to work on a new story based on my first three stories depending on the 'votes' I get.