Time Out Ch. 7

Story by Addykatz on SoFurry

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#7 of Time Out

Cory's parents arrive but that doesn't stop the fox from having his fun.

Chapter 7

John woke the next morning to find his favorite fox gone. He turned over on the bed and heard some shuffling down the hall; Cory's head poked around the corner and he looked relieved.

"Finally, hurry up and shower they will be here soon."

"What? Your parents?" John mumbled.

"Yes my parents, you won't make a good first impression lying naked on my bed so come on, let's go." Cory came fully into view and bent his knees, patting them and calling John over like some feral dog.

"Really?" John said as he gathered his things. Cory laughed and headed back down the hall to finish what he was doing. John headed to the nice bathroom and got into the shower. He worried for a bit as he cleaned himself, washing the dried cum from his fur and sheath. Had Cory really managed to have him the fuck the pizza delivery guy? It was a bit of a blur to John but all signs pointed to yes. He had found one kinky fox he thought as he finished up showering and drying off.

Dress attire wasn't something John wore often so he hadn't brought any with him. When he entered the living area with his shorts and a t-shirt Cory just shook his head.

"Nuh uh. Not happening."

"What? It's all I have." Cory shook his head and dragged John by the arm to his room. He scoured through the closet until he found a button up and some jeans big enough for John.

"Why do you have clothes that fit me?" John asked curiously because he was a few sizes bigger than his partner.

"They're my ex's."

"Your ex just left some clothes here?"

"Well the last time he was here he left the house naked, what was I supposed to do?" John blushed slightly but it was still visible under his blue cheek fur. The thought of someone else naked with Cory made him a little jealous.

"Why'd he leave naked? Should I be worried? I'm not going to be leaving naked am I?" John pointed at himself and laughed softly, trying to play off his blushing.

"Well my dad walked in on us... needless to say he scared him off."

"Your dad's that scary huh?" John said as he tried to button up his new shirt, he never wore button ups so he was having a little difficulty. Cory giggled at him and brushed his paws aside so he could button it for him.

"He's not scary... he just didn't know I was gay so it was a bit of a shock." Cory finished buttoning up the shirt and smiled, his tail swishing gently behind him.

"At least they know your gay now, how formal is this supposed to be by the way?"

"Well... I would start with sir and ma'am until they say otherwise. Just to be safe." John took a deep breath and straightened his form, trying to look as proper as possible.

"You're just meeting them you know, you don't have to try and impress them."

"If they don't like me then I'll get chased off into the woods naked." John joked and Cory laughed sarcastically in response. A clicking at the front door grabbed their attention, Cory's parents were home. The two exchanged looks and Cory gave a reassuring smile.

"They're gonna love you." he said as he turned to leave the room, John followed with his tail partially tucked between his legs. When entering the front room the first thing he noticed was that both of Cory's parents looked just like him, Arctic foxes with little black splotches of fur. They were also as short as Cory was, meaning he was by far the biggest in the room. They greeted Cory first, giving him quick hugs before Cory stepped aside, letting his parents get their first full look at his boyfriend.

"You must be John." his mother said, her nice overcoat opening as she held her arms out to hug him.

"Mrs. Woods, I see where Cory gets his good looks." he smiled and hugged the fox, avoiding looking at her husband over her shoulder. The hug ended and Mrs. Woods smiled before stepping aside. Mr. Woods already had his paw extended with a pleasant look on his face but no smile.

"Nice to meet you John." John shook his paw firmly, and stepped back. There was an awkward silence for a moment as everyone looked around.

"Your sister's not coming dear, it'll just be us this year." Mrs. Woods sounded a little disappointed.

"We've got the dinner in the car, would you boys mind getting it while we fix ourselves up?" Mr. Woods asked but his tone resembled that of a demand. Both Cory and John replied with a simultaneous "sure" and they headed out to the car. The blizzard had died down so they didn't need heavy coats as they went outside to the families SUV.

"Your dads a little intimidating." John said as he grabbed the first half of the dinner and stepped aside so Cory could grab the rest.

"Don't let him get to you, he's just needs to get used to you." Cory grabbed the rest and they headed back inside.

"What should I say to him?"

"Just be yourself... well don't, be confident when you talk and pretend like you have a lot of goals."


"I don't know, just don't tell him you don't have any ambitions. Sound like you have a life plan or something."

"What makes you think I don't?"

"You've never talked about it so I don't know." Cory shrugged and headed inside, John followed but his mind was thinking about what was said. He never had talked about his ambitions with Cory and he hadn't thought about it that much either, maybe he didn't have any after all.

"Put everything over here please." Cory said, he made room on the counter after placing his things down. The fox could tell John was deep in thought and placed his paw on his chest.

"Hey, forget what I said okay? Just be yourself."

"Yeah, yeah I will, sorry."

"Don't be, I love you just the way you are." Cory gave John a comforting smile and the husky couldn't stay upset. Cory giggled when a smile finally broke free across his husky's lips.

"There's my husky. Hehe."

"Shush you, I'm supposed to be upset."

"Well come with me, I'll show you something that'll cheer you up." Cory grabbed John's paw and led him down the house to his room. The shower could be heard from his parent's side of the home. The fox went digging through his closet as John sat on the bed and waited patiently, his tail brushing the sheets behind him.

"Should we be setting anything up out there? And does your family always get pre-made meals?"

"For thanksgiving yeah, my parent's usually don't have a lot of time so it's just easier." Cory pulled something from the closet and held it behind his back, hidden from view. A grin crept across his lips as he walked to John.

"Oh no, what is it now?"

"This." Cory revealed the item behind his back, it was a clear fleshlight with a wide enough opening to accommodate a canine knot. John laughed when he saw it.

"No way, I always figured you as more of a dildo guy." Cory hit his arm playfully with the toy.

"Fine, if you don't like it I'll just put it back." he turned towards the closet.

"No! I'm just playing let me see." John grabbed the fox by his waist and spun him back around. Cory handed over the toy the husky started inspecting it, even holding it up to his eye like a spyglass. Cory giggled and got on his knees between John's legs as he was distracted, only when the fox's paws groped his thighs did he notice.

"No way, not with your parents here." he said, knowing now why his boyfriend showed him the toy. Cory nuzzled into his lap to object.

"They always take a while to get ready for dinner, you don't think they're doing what we're doing?"

"What?" John looked shocked, could it be possible that the fox's parents were as frisky as he was? A soft sigh escaped his throat as Cory kept nuzzling his crotch, causing his flesh to betray him. The longer the fox stayed between his legs the more attractive he got.

"Really Cory, stop, at least close the door."

"Why? It's more exciting this way, besides some of you agrees with me..." Cory opened his muzzle over the bulge which had grown in John's pants. The husky closed his eyes and tried to control his urges as the warmth covered his trapped cock. Cory looked up to him with a grin and started undoing John's zipper, fooling around with it until he managed to free the huskies cock through the opening. It stood proud in front of him, not ashamed of the same things he was. Cory closed his eyes and licked the underside of John's shaft, savoring its musky taste. The fox held up his paw, opening and closing it. John handed him the toy and it quickly found its way over his cock.

A soft moan caused Cory's ears to perk up and he slid the fleshlight farther down his boyfriend's rod. The opening was very flexible, but about halfway in it tightened up and gave the tip of his cock more attention. John leaned back onto his elbows as he tried to relax, the fear of getting caught kept him from fully enjoying the pleasure.

His fear slowly faded as the toy consumed his thoughts, his pre cum was making the interior slick and it was becoming irresistible.

"That's it... just sit back and relax pup..." Cory said softly, licking his lips each time he saw the dog's cock twitch through the clear toy. He began sliding it over his knot, pumping faster as John's body tensed. His swollen knot wasn't big enough to tie the toy meant to pleasure canine's; it created an irresistible urge to thrust his hips to try and tie with it. All fear had left John's mind as he grew close, he was laying fully on his back now and his paws were over Cory's on the toy. He held his boyfriends paws and the toy tightly as he bucked his hips. A lusty and frustrated groan filled the room as his orgasm swept through his cock while he was unable to tie the toy. Cory struggled to free his paws from under the husky's and placed them both around the base of his knot to squeeze the pulsing flesh. He smiled deviously as John kept moaning softly to each squeeze.

Cory's grip also helped keep cum leaking from the toy from messing up John's pants. As little pools of cum gathered on his paws he quickly licked them up, cleaning up any mess before it could ruin his clothes. The noisy husky quieted down as his balls finished emptying into the toy, he leaned up on his elbows again to look down at Cory. The fox gave him a coy look and kept squeezing to tease him.

"Ahh! Careful... haven't you had enough?" John asked as he slowly pulled the toy from his spent member. Cory's paws following the toy up with a tight grip, wiping up the cum it left behind. John's sensitive member twitched one last time as he freed himself from the fleshlight but as soon as the toy left his tip the fox's muzzle replaced it.

"Fuck Cory." John gritted his teeth, his paws gripping the bed sheets tightly as the fox went to work cleaning him. Cory was gentle though, his tongue only doing what it needed to and nothing more, being careful with the sensitive flesh. He pulled his head off and gently tucked John's member back into his pants. He stood and stretched, giggling a little as John adjusted himself while still breathing loudly.

"Come on, it's time for the main course." he said, hopefully referring to the thanksgiving dinner. As he turned he saw the noticeable bulge in the fox's jeans. Cory left the room and called to his parent's nonchalantly to ask if they had cherry pie this year. John stood and gathered himself, clearing his throat and wrapping the cum filled toy in a towel. He followed and entered the main room to find Cory innocently leaning over the counter making small talk with his parents. The fox looked over at John and winked, inviting him to join them.


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