The Librarian

Story by Addykatz on SoFurry

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#1 of The Librarian

In a city with something to hide an oblivious fox ends up working for and dating the son of an infamous mob boss.

About 7500 words and has more character building/plot buildup than yiff, not sure if I will continue this as a series so if you like it let me know and I will :)

Thanks for reading <3 please let me know if you have comments/suggestions!

The Librarian

The Tower, the Steel Castle, the High-rise to Heaven were all nicknames given to the imposing skyscraper on 36th and M street in downtown Mitford. The building occupied nearly the whole block and extended 60 floors straight up. It was the largest building in the bustling port city. There were a few other under construction but only one came close to its height. The Zinfandel, which was being built nearly equivalent to the Tower and was clearly a rival. It had drawn the attention of the powerful in the city, and it was about to start a war.

Everyone knew who really ran the show at the Tower, the Ceres wolves. The infamous crime family had its paws on the city for more than two generations. Despite their involvement in dirty business Mitford could not have grown over the decades without their subtle guidance. They had deep connections in politics, business and pretty much anything worth being involved in. Over half the businesses in the city had an office in the tower, just for show if anything because if you had a place in the Tower you were important. Prominent business furs, politicians, and of course the family members frequented the Tower.

Stelano Ceres was the head of the family right now, he was a powerful and well-known wolf who stood tall, had broad shoulders and black and red fur. All biological members of the family could be identified by the unique red in their coats. No one on the outside knew how big the whole organization was, hundreds, maybe more. However many there were, they ran both legitimate and illegal business all over the city.

Monday morning, the week had just begun and Trey was already feeling the suck. The blue fox whizzed through the crowded streets to get to the Tower. He scored a sweet summer job in the buildings library but he might not keep it since he was about to be late on his first day. The grand entrance door swung open and a nicely dressed doorman tipped his hat. Trey thanked him and quickly headed over to one of the many elevators. Only when he was inside did he notice the lobby's extravagance. The gold trimmed doors closed slowly as the fox stared at his cheap leather watch, watching his chances at a job tick away.

The doors opened after a ding and Trey walked forward without looking up. He saw a pair of large black shoes on the ground in front of him after it was too late. Bumping into the giant waiting outside the doors sent him back a step because he was much smaller. A rhino stood there in a dirty suit, glaring at the small fox for bumping into him.

"You lost?" he said, his deep voice almost enough to scare Trey.

"No, I'm sorry I wasn't looking, is this the library?" the rhino turned with a heavy step and pointed to the right.

"Library's on that half of the floor." Trey squeezed passed him and thanked him before he disappeared into the elevator. It seemed odd to have a large library in some random building, the fox had no idea who would come in here to use this place when there was a bigger public library down the street. The wooden double doors creaked open as Trey entered. A round red fox stood behind the counter and met Trey with a cold stare.

"You my assistant?" he asked.

"Yes, sorry I'm late there-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses just come back and get to work." Trey let out a soft sigh of relief as he approached the counter, it spanned the whole front of the room. You couldn't get passed it to get to any of the bookshelves except for a small swivel door built into the counter.

"Here's how this works, you don't bother me, and I don't bother you. Someone wants to check out a book, you go get it. Someone wants to return a book, you go put it back. Got it?" Trey shook his head. He had never been in a library where only the attendants had access to the books. If someone came in the only way to get anything was if one of the librarians went and got it.

"One more thing," the red fox turned and handed Trey a book, "Never. Open. The books." Trey nodded slower this time. "Now go put that back."

That was weird, why would he tell me not to open any books, it's a fucking library Trey thought. It was going to be a long summer but he needed the job between semesters to pay bills. After a bit of searching Trey slipped the book into its proper place and returned to the counter where the red fox stood, eerily watching the entrance and nothing else for whole morning. Trey thought about talking to him but decided against it; he even grew too nervous to look at him as time went on.

The silence in the room was broken after hours of dull nothingness. The double doors creaked to life and a Lion walked in. Trey perked up at the sight of the day's first customer. The feline walked to the counter and spoke softly to the red fox, sliding him a piece of paper. He turned and handed it to Trey without speaking. The paper was crumpled but had a series of numbers written on it. He stood confused for a second before it clicked and he headed off into the maze of shelves to find the book matching the number.

The book looked like any old book, it was a non-fiction piece about vintage aircraft. Trey resisted the temptation to open it as he hurried back with it, his tail hitting a shelf as he rounded a corner. The red fox took the book from Trey and placed it on the counter. The front cover opened like any other and the lion leaned over the counter to watch as the librarian stamped the inside. The lion exchanged a quick glance with Trey as the book was closed and handed to him. He left quickly and the dull waiting began again.

Five minutes before closing a trio of wolves entered. Two of them had pure black fur but one had a tint of red in his cheeks and on his ears. The two black wolves stood by the door with their paws crossed in front of them as the third approached the counter.

"You're late," the red fox said to him. The wolf looked about Trey's age, in his early 20's.

"I'm not on your time Graf." he replied with a hint of annoyance and slid a piece of paper across the counter. Graf picked it up looked at it before handing it to Trey. Trey jogged off to find the book, not noticing that the wolf at the counter was watching him. As he headed down a row of shelves Trey noticed a book on the ground. He panicked for a second as he picked it up, he must have knocked it off with his tail earlier. He started imagining what kind of trouble he'd get into if anyone had found it out of place. As he looked at it he matched the numbers on the piece of paper and smiled at the coincidence. Looking down he noticed a small photo had fallen from the book. He quickly bent to pick it up, holding both the photo and the book in his paws as he contemplated whether or not he should open it.

A bell rang at the front desk; it must have been for him. He opened the book without thinking and stuffed the photo in the middle somewhere. Graf was impatient by the time he returned and the book went through the same routine as the previous one after it found its way into the red fox's paws. Open, stamp, close and it was handed off. The wolf started to turn and he locked eyes with Trey who had returned to his spot a few feet away.

Trey could feel the wolf's eyes burning through him, it felt like a long time before the wolf smiled at Trey and tapped his nail on the counter twice. He turned and started walking, the two black wolves by the doors opened them for him. Once they had left Graf turned to Trey and gave him a stern look.

"Who was that?" Trey asked to break the tension.

"One of the Ceres kids, and I'd recommend you steer clear of him." Graf grabbed a bag from under the counter and waved at Trey to leave. "Don't be late tomorrow." he said after both of them left the library. Trey stood outside on his phone after the red fox locked the door and walked away.

After using the restroom Trey left to head home, admiring the lobby of the Tower more on his way out. On the left wall in a lounge area he noticed there was a series of large portraits of similar looking wolves. He didn't recognize any of them until he got to the end and saw the wolf who had come in before. Trey took a closer look at the name plate under it and read it aloud. "Logan Ceres." Trey shrugged and left the building, not thinking much of it. He was grateful to have found a seemingly easy job, even though it was a bit weird.

The blue fox was oblivious to most things, especially politics and local affairs. He focused on his schoolwork and liked reading in his time off. There was a series of fantasy books he was working on called the Trilogy of Power; he was halfway through the second book and it took up most of his free time. He was a bit timid and preferred to keep to himself, it kept him happy and out of trouble but also kept him out of a boyfriend.

-Earlier in the day, after the three wolves had left the library-

The doors shut behind Logan and he turned to one of his bodyguards.

"Who's that new guy?" he asked as he adjusted his tie using the reflection of the elevator doors. They all waited as the elevator started heading up.

"Eh, just some kid they hired to help Graf, boss doesn't trust that shifty fox down there by himself." One answered.

"Why would the boss get another fox to keep an eye on the fox he doesn't trust?" the other asked. Both guards shrugged and they remained silent the rest of the way up. Logan was still thinking about Trey's face as the elevator door opened, the blue fox had a cute muzzle with white patches on his cheeks and solid white fur down his chin. The wolf focused himself and stepped out of the elevator. They were on the top floor to meet the boss.

The guards opened the double doors to the penthouse suite and entered behind Logan, making sure to close the doors gently.

"Logan! Ha! It's been a few weeks how are you?" Stelano Ceres asked, he stood from his chair and approached Logan; they exchanged kisses on each cheek.

"Good boss, but I need to talk with you about something."

"What is there to talk about, you got my message, was there some confusion?"

"Are you sure it's him, I mean Jimmy's been a friend for a long time."

"That's what my guys tell me. It's not about who your friends are, it's about who your enemies are. Sometimes people need to be reminded who built this city.

"I've eaten with his kid's boss, I..."

"Listen to me son," the boss held Logan by his shoulders and leaned in close, "I trust you. Make it clean, make it quick. It needs to be done." Logan sighed.

"We have to stop those pricks over at Zinfandel from getting too big for their britches. Did you hear they want a piece of McCoy Square? For what? They haven't done shit, they roll off the boat and think they own the place."

"I know, dad. I'll take care of it."

"That's my boy." Stelano patted his son's cheek. Logan turned and walked out of the room, his guards followed and they waited for the elevator doors to close before talking.

"Fuck, I liked Jimmy."

"Jimmy don't like us it seems."

"Dick, Rick, just shut up for a second." Logan said to his two bodyguards. He rubbed his eyes and groaned as the elevator reached the basement. Logan hated doing hits, especially on people he knew. They got into a black sedan and left the buildings parking garage.


Trey woke up on time today, thank god. He slept in his boxers but was still sweating from the heat in his apartment. It was going to be one of those summers, where it was 80 degrees at seven in the morning. He got ready like any other day, checking his news feed on furbook as he got dressed. A lot of his friends were posting about some sort of accident. Some famous person died again it seems. Trey gave it no thought as he headed out the door and walked to work.

On his way the fox passed a popular news station which was covering the story his friends were all talking about it. He never stopped to watch the broadcasts on the screens outside the studio but there was something off about this morning. Trey eyed the reporter as she detailed the event and then a photo displayed on screen, identifying who had died in the car crash. The photo on the screen was the same one from the book in the library. If he had been drinking coffee it would be all over the furs in front of him.

Trey hurried to work, feeling paranoid and nervous as he checked his mental images a million times, trying to refute what he saw. He composed himself before entering the building and heading to the elevator, refusing to make eye contact with anyone along the way. Once on the second floor the blue fox stood awkwardly in front of the library doors, suddenly scared to enter. He jumped a little when the elevator dinged and opened again behind him.

"You," A voice said, "wait here guys." Trey turned to see the black and red wolf walking towards him from the elevator, dressed professionally again. He was holding the book from yesterday in his left paw. Trey swallowed as the wolf approached him, he tried to act calm as Logan stuck out his right paw.

"You're new right? I'm Logan, what's your name?" he asked. Trey extended his paw cautiously to shake the wolf's.

"I just started my name... uhm, Trey." he was a mix of shy and intimidated, had this wolf been involved in the death of the fur in the photo? Logan gripped the fox's paw firmly and shook it; he held it longer than he normally would, loosening his firm grip to match the smaller fur's light grip. Trey noticed and it quickly withdrew his paw after it felt like his it was being groped.

"Welcome to the team, make sure to keep an eye on Graf, he's a bit of a troublemaker." Trey couldn't tell if the wolf was being serious, the guy that stood still all day and literally did nothing was a troublemaker?

"Thanks, do you work here too?" Trey asked. Logan laughed, finding it amusing that the fox didn't know who he or his family were. Trey had no idea how deep the rabbit hole went, he only knew Logan and his father were part of the Ceres family which had portraits on the wall downstairs. He heard rumors of mobsters and mafia furs but figured it was exaggerated.

"Yeah I work here, guess you haven't been around long enough to know who I am." Trey looked away awkwardly, hoping the wolf would leave. He spied the book again in his paw and decided to tempt fate.

"So was it a good read?"

"What?" Logan asked, cocking his head a little.

"The book you checked out, you're bringing it back?" Trey pointed at the wolf's paw.

"Heh, yeah I guess it was, the ending was a bit sad for my tastes though." Trey nodded nervously. Logan was about a half foot taller than the fox and looking down on him he could tell he was nervous.

"What are you doing tonight?" Trey looked back to the wolf and stuttered before getting his nervousness under control.

"Reading." Trey immediately beat himself up for saying something so simple.

"Reading? Well how about you bring a book with you on a date with me?" Trey hated to admit it but the wolf was smooth, not his words necessarily but his tone and confidence. It was a refreshing change from the inexperienced college students that would ask him out. Trey rubbed his arm, he was conflicted and blushing.

"My treat." Logan said, grabbing the fox's blue paw and kissing it. Trey's white cheek patches turned red.

"Okay..." he said softly, refusing to look the wolf in the eyes. Logan tilted the fox's chin up with his paw and winked.

"I'll be back at five, turn this in for me would you?" Logan placed the book in the fox's paw. As soon as Logan turned and walked away Trey swallowed again and looked at the book in his paw, too scared to think of what was inside. He quickly headed into the library and was instructed by Graf to place the book on the shelf.

During the day Trey pondered nervously over whether he was going crazy. If the photos were the same and that fur was killed would he be safe tonight? Would he be killed? What the fuck is this library? The day went as slow as the previous, with only a few coming in to drop off or pick up a book. Near the end of the day a familiar fur came in, the lion from yesterday. He handed a different book to Graf and for the first time Graf took the book back by himself. The lion unnerved Trey, had the book he returned contained a furs photo? Was that fur dead too? After a few minutes the lion cleared his throat and Trey looked up; the feline raised his eyebrows and Trey got the hint to go and find Graf before he got upset. Trey had a smaller figure so he didn't make a lot of noise when he moved, Graf hadn't herd his footsteps as Trey found him on the other side of a shelf. The red fox was holding the book open and taking pictures. Trey had to peek around the corner to see for sure and then he heard the click of a camera.

If he had any idea what was going on before he definitely didn't now. He cleared his throat and cupped his paw around his muzzle when he said Graf's name to make it sound like he was farther away.

"Yes, coming." the red fox closed the book and put it back. Trey went back to the counter before he was spotted and Graf soon followed.

"Everything checks out, your record is clear." the lion didn't even acknowledge him but just walked away, the creaky door closed slowly behind him. Trey decided not to ask what Graf was doing, he just waited nervously until the end of the day. He kept checking his wristwatch every few seconds it seemed, waiting for the wolf to come through the doors. When it finally happened Trey felt prepared, he had been running through scenarios all day and figured his best chances were to be as normal as possible.

"You ready?" Logan asked when he reached the counter.

"Yes! Save me from this bore fest." he joked. Logan seemed to appreciate it, returning a smile. They left and entered the elevator where Logan's two bodyguards were waiting.

"You didn't tell me it was a double date." Trey joked, looking at the guards with a smile. They didn't find it amusing and kept their blank looks. Logan thought it was cute joke so he laughed, holding up his paw out of Trey's view. Rick and Dick both started laughing when they saw their bosses paw, knowing they'd better play along. Trey and Logan turned to face the front of the elevator as it opened, the well-acted laughing slowly died down behind them.

"How about Feng's?" Logan asked as he and Trey entered the backseat of a black sedan. Dick and Rick were up front and started the drive to Feng's before Trey even responded.

"That's fancy, did you make reservations or something?" Trey asked, genuinely interested because he had never been able to afford eating at Feng's.

"We have a table." Logan said as he smiled, he placed his paw facing up on the middle armrest. Trey saw it but kept to himself, keeping his paws in his lap.

"I don't bite, they might, but I don't." Logan nodded at the two up front and kept a warm smile. Everything in his head was telling him not to but Trey couldn't help but give in to the wolf's flirting. He placed his paw on top of Logan's and it intertwined with his.

"So what exactly do you do?" Trey said as he grew more comfortable around the bigger wolf. Logan looked at him as if he'd never been asked that before and didn't know how to answer.

"I... just do what needs to be done. Sometimes I do office work, sometimes I clean, it varies day by day."

"That's a little strange." Trey said, forgetting for a second how dangerous the wolf may have been. Logan smiled though, either the fox had no clue who he really was or he didn't care. He would have been ok with both though, it made him feel like a regular fur.

When they arrived at the restaurant Logan stopped Trey from getting out, he held up his paw and motioned for the fox to wait. The bodyguards got out of the front seats and opened both rear doors. Logan got out but Trey felt embarrassed, he had never been pampered in his life. Logan adored his date's reaction and offered his paw through the fox's side; Trey took it and lifted himself from the sedan. The guards got back in and drove off without a peep.

They walked inside and the hostess recognized Logan instantly and took them back to a table where they sat down.

"I wasn't sure if your friends were ever going to leave." Trey said, smiling and feeling a little freer.

"I'm used to it, I don't even notice them half the time."

"I've never been someplace this fancy just so you know, I mean... three forks? Holy cow it's like I'm a king."

"That's a shame, you should always feel like you're a king."

"Does that make you my servant?" Trey giggled, bringing a big smile to the wolf's lips. The server came and waited for a moment to speak.

"The regular bottle Mr. Ceres?" Logan looked at trey and the fox shook his head side to side.

"Water is fine, I'll have the Lamb Rack, and my date will have the porterhouse steak, medium." Trey was taken back, having been ordered for without ever seeing a menu. The waiter walked away without another word.

"I've never met a fox that didn't like a thick piece of meat." Logan had a toothy grin when he spoke, causing Trey to blush wildly.

"I can't believe you just said that." Trey covered his muzzle briefly.

"Am I wrong?" Logan asked, his grin turning into a light chuckle.

"Unbelievable." Trey was trying to be serious but couldn't, Logan was too attractive when he laughed, plus he was right.

Their food arrived quickly, ahead of several other tables that were already there.

"Are they always this fast?" Trey asked as he cut the thick steak in front of him.

"We bring a lot of business, so they reciprocate the favor."

"Speaking of business... what exactly is in those library books?" the tone at the table suddenly got very serious. Logan put down his utensils and dabbed his muzzle with the cloth napkin. Trey realized he had let his curiosity get the better of him.

"Graf should have explained everything you need to know, have you opened any of them?" Logan's demeanor began to shift from lighthearted to serious.

"No, no!," Trey scrambled as he lied to the wolf. He thought Logan saw right through him so he blurted out the only thing he could think of to get the heat off him.

"Graf did! Today! I saw him, he was taking pictures of a book someone brought back." Logan's eyes widened and then he sat back in his chair, his body language shifted back to being less serious.

"Taking pictures huh?" Logan nodded his head and pulled out his phone to begin sending a message to someone.

"Are you going to..." Trey paused, not sure how to finish his sentence. Logan knew what he was about to say and finished it to ease the tension.

"Fire him? You could say that." Trey was pretty sure what that meant given recent events but he stayed calm, telling himself he was safe dating a mobster. It sounded absurd but it kept him together.

"I'm afraid I need to cut our date short dear, something has come up." Trey folded his paws in his lap and his ears folded on his head.

"Sorry." He mustered.

"Don't be, business comes first, and I'm glad you told me about Graf." he stood and Trey followed, the car was already waiting for them outside. The ride to Trey's apartment was quiet, Logan spent most of it making phone calls and texting. The fox's excellent hearing kept picking up on phrases like narc and undercover through the phone. Logan turned to the fox and held up a paw to rub his soft cheek fur.

"Thank you for telling me."

"Is he going to be ok? Am I going to be ok?" Trey asked nervously, his head down and his eyes looking at his lap.

"Do you trust me?" Logan spoke softly as the car squeaked to a stop in front of Trey's home. The fox looked up and brushed his cheek against Logan's paw, his eyes filled with sadness; wanting to say yes but unsure if it was true. Logan's paw grabbed his chin gently and pulled him forward into a quick kiss.

"Everything will be fine. Let's reschedule for... Friday? How does that sound?" Trey nodded and the wolf raised his paw at the passenger seat, the fox's door was opened soon after.

"Sweet dreams Blue." Logan said as the door closed and the bodyguard got back into the front passenger seat. The car sped off as Trey entered his home, he slowly unbuttoned his collared shirt, hoping he hadn't just ruined someone's life. He flopped down in bed wearing only his boxer briefs and stared at the ceiling; he couldn't bring himself to read or do anything.

The nice parts of the evening gave him some comfort at least. He tried thinking about the handsome wolf's soft paws and reassuring touch. The kiss caught him off guard but he wasn't complaining, it was too quick and left him wanting more. Trey's mind wandered further south, wondering if the wolf's red fur continued down the rest of his body. He tried to picture him without one of his suits, standing at the foot of his bed naked.

His imagination was working overtime as it blended the best parts of the evening with what his naked crush might look like. Trey could feel his sheath stirring, he placed his paw over the front of his boxer briefs and murred quietly to himself as he grew more aroused. He pictured the wolf on top of him, licking up his chest, grinding against his leg. Trey's paw rubbed slowly up his body, stopping only to pinch his small nipples. His other paw tugged down the fabric hiding his erection and freed it. He slowly slid his sheath back to reveal his growing erection, angling it up towards his tummy.

Logan was between his legs now, holding them apart and pushing his cock into him. Trey bit his lip, his paw working over his red shaft while the imaginary wolf fucked him. He squeezed around his knot and let out small gasps of pleasure while bucking his hips. Warm strings of cum shot from his tapered tip, landing mostly on his tummy and chest. He kept squeezing himself, panting softly as his imaginary wolf finished in him and held him. Trey couldn't bring himself to get up and clean off because he was enjoying his imagination too much. He fell asleep picturing the wolf atop him.

-Earlier, inside the black sedan after dropping Trey off-

"I knew that snake of a fox was no good." Logan said quietly while rubbing his leg to adjust his slacks.

"So how are we going to take care of him, he's been in the library for years." Rick said, turning in the passenger seat to look back at Logan.

"I don't know, I'm going to have to talk to the boss."

"Who's gonna replace him?" Dick chimed in. Logan smiled to himself.

"That blue fox."

"You mean that piece of meat you're after?" Rick laughed but Logan didn't find it amusing. He scowled and disregarded the comment.

"He trusts me, and he gave up Graf which is more than enough for me."

"Exactly, he ratted on somebody and he's only been here two days." Now Dick turned around to nod his head, acknowledging the good point.

"Just trust me alright, I like this guy. And turn around you're both starting to piss me off."

Wednesday and Thursday were uneventful, Trey was happy to see Graf each day in the library. He seemed a little more uptight than usual but he wasn't dead, that was a plus. Logan never came in either day.


Trey arrived at the Tower library to find Logan behind the counter. He approached after a hesitant pause in the doorway.

"Where's Graf?"

"He took some time off, come here I need to show you how to do this." Trey walked behind the counter, breathing a little quicker as he tried to hold off his nerves. Logan was holding a book, he opened the front cover, stamped it and closed it just as Graf always did.

"That's it, all you have to do is change the date on the stamp." Logan smiled. Trey kept his eyes on the counter as he processed what the wolf said. Changing the date on the stamp meant Graf was going to be gone for more than just today. His thinking was interrupted when Logan's paw found its way over Trey's; he blushed and looked up.

"I'll be back to get you at five." Logan drug his paw up to the fox's wrist subtly before letting go and walking around him to leave. The wolf's bushy tail brushed against Trey's leg as he walked by. Trey tapped his nails on the desk after the doors shut behind Logan. Silence filled the room quickly and he waited like every other day.

About midday a really skinny black wolf came in, he had a strange twitch about the way he moved. He didn't say or do anything when he reached the counter, he just stared at Trey. By now most had handed him a piece of paper or a book to return.

"Can I help you?" Trey said, unsure of the wolf's intention.

"Can I help you? Do you know who... I am!" the wolf twitched mid-sentence and seemed a little out of it.

"Sorry I'm new, no one has told me who you are." the odd fur leaned over the counter and pulled out a switchblade.

"Now you lis...listen here kid, I'm fuckin Trick Ceres and I run this est... estab... place!" Trey took a step back, apologizing again and trying to distance himself from the weirdo.

"Jus don't you forget, don't forget." the wolf trailed off as he turned and walked towards the door, he twiddled the knife in his paw. Once gone Trey slouched his whole body for a moment to relieve his stress. "What the fuck." was all he could utter under his breath.

Thankfully it was quiet until Logan reappeared through the doors. Trey could see the bodyguards in the hallway walking towards the elevator as the doors closed.

"You ready?"

"Can I ask you something first?" Logan seemed a bit taken back by the fox's forwardness.

"Sure as long as it's not about the books or what I do." he smiled, hoping Trey would recall those questions from last night.

"Do you know anyone named... Trick?" Logan chuckled awkwardly and he rubbed the back of his head.

"Did he come in today?"

"Yeah but he didn't do anything, no pickups or drop offs. He just wanted me to know who he was."

"He does that, he likes to feel important because he's not part of the family anymore... we don't bother him but sometimes he acts up."

"Not part of it anymore? Is he related to you?"

"He's my younger brother, liked to... indulge more than he liked to work, that and he changed his name to Trick for some awful reason." Trey nodded as he followed along.

"You want to go? Or we can keep talking about my junkie of a brother if you want." Trey left from behind the counter, giving the wolf his answer. They walked to the elevator and rode it down to the basement garage where the car waited. The two bodyguards in front as usual. Logan opened Trey's door and then joined him inside.

"6thstreet theatre sound nice?"

"I've never been." Trey shook his head.

"They have a lovely play on this month, do you like plays?

"Do high school plays count?" Trey joked, having never been to an actual performance.

"What am I going to do with you?" Logan asked with a playful smile. They headed to the theatre but it took longer than usual due to the rush hour traffic. When they arrived the show was about to start. They took their seats and Trey nudged the bigger wolf.

"What, no box seating?" he teased.

"Sorry your majesty, it won't happen again." they briefly rubbed noses after smiling at each other like dorks.

During the show Trey tried to keep up but something was distracting him. They were holding paws and Logan was teasing him throughout the show, gently tickling the fox's paw pads with a single digit. By the end of the performance they were both giddy like kids, having tickled each other's paws enough. They left before the ocean of people flooded the streets after the show. Trey didn't need a ride home because he only lived a few blocks away and Logan, being the gentlemen he was, was walking the fox home.

"That was nice, thanks for taking me." Trey grabbed the wolf's arm and walked side by side with him.

"You're welcome dear, how far was it to your place again?"

"This is actually it up here." Trey pointed a few places down. They stood in front of his apartment when they got there and faced each other.

"Dare I ask for a third date?" he tilted his head playfully.

"Only if it's just us, being driven everywhere is little weird... I'd rather it just be you and me."

"Deal." Logan leaned forward to kiss the fox. Trey was expecting it this time and returned it, quick but sweet yet again.

"Would you like to come in?" Trey asked shyly, twisting his shoes on the pavement. Logan's excited tail gave his response before he did, he hid the excitement in his face but Trey was on to him.

"I'll take that as a yes?" the wolf nodded.

"I have to warn you though, I'm pretty boring." Trey headed up and opened his door, Logan followed up the stairs and his footsteps were loud on the old wood. As soon as he stepped inside Logan got hit with the fox's scent, his home smelled abundantly like him because he kept the windows closed in the summer.

"Sorry, I know it must smell bad, I need to get an air freshener."

"No, I mean it just smells like you... I kinda like it." Logan took off his sport coat and looked around for a place to put it.

"Here, let me take that," Trey grabbed it by the collar and hooked it on the front doorknob, "tada!" Logan chuckled and wandered slowly around the small apartment, checking it out. Trey sat on his bed and began taking his shoes off.

"No T.V. huh? I guess you are boring after all."

"Ha-ha." Trey laughed sarcastically. Logan picked up the book he was reading, the second in the Trilogy of Power series.

"Funny that you work in a library where you can't read right?" Trey wasn't sure how to respond, not wanting to talk about work or who the wolf really was. Logan dropped the book back on the end table he grabbed it from and it made a louder bang than expected.

"Hey... be gentle." Trey's confidence tapered off as he gave the wolf a command. Logan grinned and approached the bed, gently climbing onto it as it creaked from the added weight. He placed a paw on Trey's chest and gently pushed him on his back, the fox went along with it.

"I'm sorry hun, it won't happen again I promise." a puppy dog face followed, begging for Trey's forgiveness.

"Uhg! And shoes on the bed, you just might be a lost cause." Logan used his feet to slip off his shoes, they knocked against the floor as they dropped one at a time. Logan was above Trey and they were muzzle to muzzle but the wolf's tie was getting in the way as it hung between them.

"You know you don't always have to wear a tie." Trey said as he brought his paws up and popped the wolf's collar while he carefully undid the tie.

"Well one of us has to look professional." Trey placed the tie to the side and fixed Logan's collar.

"I think you look good without it." the fox smiled softly, getting a little flustered from the bigger male on top of him. Logan could see the genuine care in Trey's eyes and lowered himself enough to kiss him. Both of their eyes closed as their muzzles locked much longer than before. Logan held himself above the fox with one arm as his other paw fumbled at unbuttoning Trey's shirt. Trey giggled into the kiss as he felt the wolf's paw failing to defeat the small buttons. Logan growled playfully and stuck his claw at the top of Trey's shirt near his neck. With delicate precision he used his strength to pull his nail down the center of the shirt, popping the buttons off one at a time.

Their tongue's started to play a game of hide and seek as their lips smacked together more aggressively. The fox shivered as the wolf's paw ran up his exposed chest and pinched his nipple just hard enough to elicit a gasp from him. Trey's paws made themselves busy undoing Logan's shirt, having a much easier time and quickly opening it. Trey drug his nails lightly through the thin layer of fur on the wolf's muscular torso. His paws pressed against the wolf's chest and he had to pry him from their kiss. Logan looked disappointed, he wanted more but Trey had other plans.

They rid themselves of the rest of their clothes and Trey pushed the wolf playfully onto his back on the bed. Logan licked his lips as the lean fox slowly climbed over him and sat on hips just in front of his wolf hood. Trey wasn't ready for sex with the wolf but still wanted to give him something. He reached his paw behind him and grabbed Logan's thick length, it was a little bigger than he imagined. It was nestled upwards against Trey's white furry rump and pointed straight up his back.

At first Logan was a little disappointed, expecting to get more from the fox but he quickly abandoned those thoughts. He watched the fox arch his back slightly as he pumped his paw over the wolf cock behind him. Logan rested his paws on Trey's thighs and rubbed them encouragingly. He loved the way the fox's body looked, his white torso and blue sides, his slight but noticeable 4 pack, plus when he was arched back like this he looked even sexier.

All he could do was watch, he gripped Trey's thighs harder when his cock throbbed. It was more arousing than he thought it would be, before long he was pushing his hips upwards into the fox's paw. Trey's body moved a little when he bucked and it only encouraged him to keep going. That smooth paw pad ran over his cock like nothing he had ever felt before. Trey twisted, gripped and jerked him in just the right way, quickly bringing him to the edge of his orgasm. Logan was panting, his eyes looked up to Trey's but the fox was concentrating on pleasing him.

Logan placed his paw on Trey's chest to let him know he was close; his quiet groans getting louder with each pump over his shaft. Trey could feel the wolf was ready to burst and slowed his pace to a stop, he gripped the base of the wolf's shaft in front of his knot and grinned as Logan tried desperately to hump into his paw. His groans turned into a lusty growl as he was denied his orgasm. Trey leaned forward and licked his teeth as he bared them.

"You don't cum until I say so..." he whispered before sitting back up, gripping the wolf again and slowly picking up his pace. Logan could feel the pressure in his balls building quickly, he resumed humping his hips into Trey's paw and tried to place one of his paws over the fox's stiff red member which was leaking pre cum onto his chest. Trey swatted his paw away though, refusing him access. Logan held the fox's thigh's again because that's all he could do, he wanted to cum so bad it hurt.

Trey felt the wolf getting close again, the pulse in his cock quickened and it was swelling up. Trey stopped and removed his paw from the wolf again as he was mid thrust. Logan almost cried out in a series of whimpers. Trey looked down at the bigger wolf who was no longer growling, he was biting his lip and his eyes begged for release. Trey gripped under the wolf's knot but just barely, lightly enough where Logan could tell it was there but couldn't thrust into it.

"Good boy..." Trey teased, "Do you want to cum you big bad wolf?" Logan nodded, his hips almost shaking with desire. Trey grabbed the wolf's cock again, feeling it was still swollen and pulsing he knew it wouldn't take much. His paw resumed quickly pumping over the wolf and almost instantly Logan was huffing. The wolf's paws were gripping Trey's thighs firmly, his nails digging in a little as he pressed his own hips upwards.

"Cum for me Logan, come on, who's my good boy? Trey said seductively. Almost on command Logan's hips shook and he let out a loud groan from his release. The cock in Trey's paw throbbed rapidly, shooting the wolf's pent up seed up his backside. The fox kept a devious grin as he started to paw himself off. The feeling of control over the wolf and holding his still twitching cock pushed him to orgasm quickly. Logan was laying still, his mind blank as he stared at the ceiling, only looking between them when he felt something wet on his chest.

Logan couldn't help but smile as he saw Trey's face, he was still absorbed in his orgasm and his face was pure bliss. Logan gently pried the fox's paw from his own member and replaced it with his own. Trey was too occupied to resist and the wolf slowly continued to paw him after he had finished. Logan used both his paws to masturbate his fox, gripping under his knot and sliding his other paw over his veiny red length. The fox's cum made for the perfect lubricant as Logan's paws easily slid along Trey's cock. He was bent over the wolf now and whimpering.

"S-stop... Logan I...-" he couldn't speak, he moaned like a bitch as he came a second time, his sensitive cock throbbing in the wolf's tight grip. Logan's black and red chest fur was covered with the fox's cum now, he didn't think he could actually get the fox to cum again he just wanted to tease him. He released Trey from his grip and helped him lay next to him so they were facing each other. Logan kissed the fox gently as he panted, trying to bring him down from his afterglow high. Trey's paw slowly came up between them and weakly grabbed at the wolf's. Logan squeezed the fox's paw which still had some of his cum on it. Trey didn't say or do anything else and Logan was pretty sure he had fallen asleep. He smiled to himself, happy that he got to mark the cute fox. He looked down his chest and chuckled, he had never let anyone mark him before but he figured that Trey was special.

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