A Haunting Chap 4

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#4 of A Haunting



Tor stalked back into ‘The Chair' room, a plate in one big paw. The big Lion had found this freshly cooked morsel in the kitchen. Vander was supposed to be setting up in there, but he had been nowhere in sight. Seeing that there was nothing else to eat in there, the Lion had quickly snatched up the treat; before Vander could return to claim it. "Leggo my Eggos." He smirked to himself, sliding it on a plate. No syrup.. "hmph... oh well." "If Vander wants this, he'll just have to grow the balls to take it from me... the dork."

The waffle had a bit of fur in it, but that was only to be expected with a sloppy bear cooking it. Cutting off a large chunk with his folk, Tor popped the hot sweet meat into his maw. Shivering in pleasure at how good it tasted, as he slowly chewed it. ‘Wonder where he got this?' It seemed distantly familiar. The Lion thought as he worked at cutting off another big cluck. The process made more complicated with him being forced to do it standing up. Tor glanced around the room, but there was really only one thing within it to sit on. The thing all his cameras were trained on, Corbin's Emasculation Chair. The rusty steel chair squatted ominously in the center of the room. Looking sinister and malicious with its rust stains looking like bloody marks. It had horrified and frightened him when he first saw it. But as he had examined it, seeing its cordless electric motors and it's gears frozen in rusty blocks, the Lion's fear had vanished. Even after understanding how it had been used, he flopped down on to the cold steel seat. Spreading his legs, he could see that the machine's gears were there... big nasty interlocking teeth just ready to rip and pulverize a male's nuts between them.

His mind thoughtlessly drifted as he cut and enjoyed his treat... the taste of the waffle reminded him of another treat he had had, when he had first started dating his current lover. The slim little fox had been dating a Dalmatian, Craig.. One day he had come to Tor's home all

dressed up in that cute sexy bondage stuff he wore. Tor had asked him questions but the fox had just pressed a finger to his lips, snickering. "Me and Craig have... Gone our separate ways." "So from now on, you're my boyfriend." Tor had been far too pleased to say no, and when Jon had

pushed him into the living room with a beer and a wink, the lion was hooked. Yeah.. the fox had cooked for him that night, cooked up some kind of scrambled fluffy thing. Spongy and protein like.. it was good, filling, and he had been boning the whole night long, after. This waffle tasted

like that long ago meal. Sexy Jon...

He Wondered what the slender sexy little fox was doing right now... probably sleeping at this time of night. Finishing his repast, he sat back in the chair. Picking fur from his sharp teeth with one needle like claw, the other unbuttoned his jeans, freeing his enormous sheath. Forgetting for the moment he was on camera, he fondled himself. He thought of the pleasure, he would get from Jon's sleek body; on his return to the campus. He could just picture that soft slender body spread out under him. Oh how he loved sinking his mighty male hood into that tiny pucker! His cock grew for him, sheath bulging with it, then and the cooling air of the room caressing it as it emerged from hiding. He sat back in the chair, slipping his jeans down over his thigh's. He pictured Jon squirming under him... writhing around his big cock. He pictured the fox grinning over his shoulder at him, hugging his huge lion stud dick. The feline panted, fist sliding up and down over his thick sturdy meat, as more thoughts of his lover's sweet tight tail hole made him grow even harder. His eyes clamped shut, feet pushing at the floor, leaning back in the chair as he stroked his man tool and dreamed of spurting up his boi's tight rear... the Black Panther squeezing his cock so hard.. the Black Panther holding a pair of scissors and winking at

him evilly. Wait, Black Panther?!?

The lion stopped his stroking, orgasm seconds away, heart thumping in his chest. Whoa. This place must be getting to him... his breath frosted in the air as he pulled his paw from his cock and rested it on the arm of the chair. His boyfriend was a fox, why was he thinking of Corbin? He needed to collect his thoughts.. "Good god, that thing's on!" He blushed as he noticed the camera watching him silently. "I better turn it-" A steely shriek tore from the chair beneath him, and iron claws sprang up from the chair's arms. Pinning Tor's thick wrists down, even as a

second set clamped around his neck. "Son of a..." The Lion roared, as he struggled against the rusty metal. "What is this, some kinda trick?" "Okay, Professor, you got me..." He chuckled, hoping this was some kind of game. Those hopes where dashed when the chair began to vibrate.

He heard a sound that was impossible, the electric motors beginning to hum. "No... way!" Tor grunted, knowing he had seen the motors himself. Ruined, rusted. Even without their power cords. Air kissed his naked ball sack. He glanced down between his legs and could see the whirling gears. They were spinning and grinding just inches from his tight ball sack. Silently he thanked heaven his sack was not the floppy low hanging kind. So pleased that Jon had spent some time that morning, before he left, tapping and spanking them.. they were big and swollen, and pulled up tight. If Jon hadn't done that.. "I'd be getting castrated right now.'

‘Oh.. but the castration will come soon enough, first, though.. I have something better for you.' The voice was in his ear, cold and frosty, and he couldn't even turn his head to see.

"Who.. who's there?" "Show yourself!!!"

‘Afraid I can't... but you've shown yourself to me plenty... tell me again about your boyfriend's hot tight ass...'

"What?! I... you don't know anything about my boyfriend!!!" He shuddered as the feeling of cold fingers began to toy with his erection. Slowly stroking it until pre-cum begin to bead at the tip. He was very close before, and the adrenaline had kept him rock hard through this so far. But he couldn't see them! His dick pulsed hot in the cool grip, the evil snickering appraising his appendage.

‘I know quite a bit about your boy toy, Tor... and about his love for big lion dicks like yours... he'll really be disappointed next time you meet up...' The bead on the tip of his dick flattened down, as an invisible finger smeared it over the broad cap. The lion groaned, the blades running smoothly under his balls now, so close to destruction. Amazingly his cock had never been harder.

"Who.. what are you!! Why are you doing this?!?!"

‘I should think who I am would be obvious...' Fingers caressed and tweaked him, the lion groaning and slitting his eyes. ‘I exist because good needs balance... And I feed off of the dark fantasies of those within my walls. I will have to thank Professor Whaite... he has brought me such bountiful supplies of raw sexual energy! And speaking of supplies... I believe it is time for your harvest...'

A thick plastic tube with metal curving ‘leafs' at the end lifted up magically between the lion's legs. It looked kind of like the milking tubes they had studied earlier in the spring... but different too. Wicked. Dirty. The thick cock strained as the sucking tube slid against the broad head. It wouldn't fit... Tor smirked triumphantly. But then he felt those fingers... coaxing his sensitive glans. He could feel it spreading more of the pre around his dick head... and the tube shlorphed tightly over him. He gasped, as the tube turned on... and suction pulled his cock deeper up into it. It felt like he was getting a blow job and penetrating something at the same time, but it was a clear solid plastic tube... not a hot wet hole! Suddenly his head was filled with memories, and fantasies of his foxy little lover. All the while standing in the back ground of every image was the smirking Black Panther. Angrily he tried to force the Panther out, but Corbin just shook a finger at him smiling evilly. Opening his eye's Tor watched the clear tube crawl down his big cock.

Already it was pressing against the lip's of his golden furred sheath. Then it slipped under those lip's sliding down into the big Lion's sheath! "Ohooooooo fuckin'..." The big Lion screamed as the pleasure, was greater and unlike anything he'd ever felt. Closing his eye's Tor found that the images had changed. Now it was him laying muzzle down in the bed, taking a huge male organ up his tail hole. While the evil Black Panther watching from the shadows snickering gloatingly. Opening his eye's Tor found the tube had slipped down deep into his big fluffy sheath. The rim rubbing against his cock root, as the suction tugged all of him in. ‘Time to go from top cat to bottom pussy!' The Panthers cold wickedly amused sounding voice purred in his head.

Suddenly the clear tube began to spin on his huge barbed Lion cock. This only making the big feline moan in delight, then he felt a burning pain shoot through his loins! "FUCK... OHO FUCK!" Tor screamed as the pleasure and pain blended into something like ecstasy. The big Lion humped and roared wildly as the tube spun faster and faster. ‘You'll Never fuck anyone again!' Corbin's cool voice gloated triumphantly. And then just as the big Lion was about to shoot his hot load. All sensation stopped, the tube was still spinning the big cock within it still throbbing. Tor ball's quivered and spasmed needing to expel their load, but unable to do so.

"I... I need to...to cum!" The Lion panted, then stopped; his jaw going slack. As he watched the tube retract taking his big organ with it. "Oh My G...G..." The big Lion whimpered, it suddenly dawning on him what the ghostly voice had meant!

‘God gives them... I take them away!' The Panthers icily amused voice gloated derisively. ‘But if you really want to cum I could help you!' The cold voice offered.

"Wha... how...?" Tor grunted so in need at that point he had forgotten he was conversing with a ghost. The lion's nuts lurched as he watched inches he didn't even know he had slide out from the stretched holster of his sheath.. the tube lifting the whole of his length up, thick, gleaming. The metal leafs at the bottom had cinched closed as it spun, he saw, as the end lifted out... his groin feeling hot, and horny... and completely empty. Except for his nuts, throbbing in their sac. He had just been emasculated, but... he still.. Needed to cum. He ground his thighs together, against the hard nuts wedged between them, staring at his cock in the clear tube. He squeezed his ball's between his thighs and felt them get pushed around. Cold finger's pushing his thigh's apart revealed his denuded crotch to the camera. He whimpered until cool ice fingers wrapped around them.

‘Heh heh heh... poor lion... got you really riled up, taking your cock, didn't I...' The sly evil cold sounding voice purred. Tor gasps, panting and nodding his big maned head. Spreading his leg's wide so the ghost could tease his big aching nut's. The Lion watched as a raw hide string lifted up from beside him, the sound of the whirring and clicking blades. Not breaking his fascination as he watched invisible paw's carefully trussed up his fat sack! Tying up first high around the scrotum neck, and then broken off. Another piece wrapping just above his big hard nuggets. He groaned as the icy finger's pulled them down, holding them up and stretching them out. Panting more heavily as the leather begins to wrap around and between them. The big floppy ball's all stretched away from each other. As the finger's squeezing him hard, almost until the point of queasiness stopping, then starting again.

‘Of all the males I've ever tried this on, I've never gotten one to climax from it...' Pre-cum begins to bloat out the Lion's limp sheath.

"I-I will!" "Just don't stop!" He begged, the icy finger's pulled them out more, pulling them slowly down. Until the hot air from the machine below bathed over them. The rusty teeth of the spinning gears parting the golden fur. "Oho Gods... please not that!" Tor begged as the hard little nubs of the gear teeth made his ball's bounce up and down.

‘Hahahah!' Corbin's cold voice laughed as a icy cold paw grabbed the Lion's ball's powerfully lifting them up. ‘You owe me a climax first!' The darkly amused voice snarled, as strong paw's kneaded Tor's huge trapped ball's.

"Yes...yes..." Tor panted. "Make me cum!" ‘Hehehe... as you wish!' Corbin snorted, his cold voice sounding particularly lewd and amused. Suddenly the Lion felt an icy cold finger rubbing around the rim of his hot anus! Then without warning it speared into the taut plucker, forcing it open. "Son of a..." Tor yowled. "I don't..." He started to protest, but was silenced when the cold voice pointed out.

‘Not like you can do much else cockless!' The first icy cold finger was quickly joined by a second, then a third and four. Before he knew what was happening, the whole paw was being forced brutally hard against his virgin anal ring! The big Lion's sphincters instinctively fought against this violation.

"Noooo Ohoo please... no... it's to much!" The big Lion screamed bucking his hip's up trying to escape the invading paw! The deathly cold paw did retreat, but only to punch savagely back in. Out... in... out... then there came a wet ripping sound and the icy cold paw was inside! "IIIIIEEEEIEIEEEE... motherfucker!" Tor screamed, as he felt the paw forced deep inside of him! Then just as abruptly it was yanked out! Making the big Lion squeal even louder. His predators nose picking up the strong scents of his dung and fresh blood. Then the big paw was slammed home a third time, as it passed his ring Tor felt it balled into a fist. Then pounded into the hard knot of his prostate, sending an electric shock of pleasure through him!

‘Liking that are we?' The leering voice mocked, pushing harder. As more of the deadly cold arm entered the helpless Lion's ass with each stroke!

"So it would appear!" A second voice commented snickeringly. Tor's head jerked back up, as he looked down to find Professor Whaite; kneeling in front of him.

"PROFESSOR!" The Lion choked in shock, and embarrassment at his situation.

"So are you?" The squat shaggy white sheep dog asked with a gruesome smirk. As his aged paw's rubbed the Lion's big ball's.

"Huh?" Tor asked confused by his teachers sudden presents.

"Are... you enjoying what is happening to you?" The big fluffy dog asked slowly, as if talking to a dimwit.

"Ohooooooo!" The big Lion moaned as the icy fist stopped moving in and out of his debauched asshole. Now the icy hand was just feeling around inside of him now.

"Hahaha I'll take that as a yes!" The bespectacled professor chuckled. "Now look into the camera and tell us exactly what you're feeling!" He ordered smiling wickedly as he watched the blushing Lion's mouth work soundlessly.

"I... I'm... feeling... he's got his paw in my... my..." Tor tries to explain, but is to aroused and self-conscious to do more than babble.

‘Would you like to see me make him cum my love?' Corbin purrs soft, liquid, sexy voice cats only make when they are aroused.

"Of course, you know how I like watching a cockless male orgasm!" Whaite answered with an evil grin.

"You... you can hear him too?" Tor grunted, to surprised too understand what the Panther had said.

‘Just watch what happens when I squeeze his prostate gland from inside.' Corbin was going to hurt him and there was nothing Tor could do to stop him. Icy cold finger's found his gland, and started to close into a fist around it. The big Lion could feel the pressure, as the ghost squeezed down. His ball's starting to pulse and quiver as the phantom finger's squeezed.

"Ummmmm ohooo gods!" The big Lion exclaimed throwing his shaggy head back and bucking in the chair.

"That's it... come on make him squirt my dearest one!" The Professor panted, clearly very excited by the action. His strong paw's going wild on the Lion's huge sagging nuts! Squeezing and smacking them around roughly.

‘I could never refuse you anything my love!' The icy Panther purred, suddenly closing his paw so hard Tor screamed from pain. As all the stored up cum flew from his big nuts, actually managing to weakly spill from his empty sheath. The icy death grip let up on the pressure, and then clamped down viciously again.

"UHUUUUUUUU!" The big Lion roared bucking and plunging his hips up and down wildly. As his ghostly rapist worked his throbbing gland that way. Until no matter how hard the phantom paw squeezed no more cum would come out!

‘HAHAHA... looks like I've drain him!' The ghostly rapist laughed, as his shaggy dog lover wrung and twisted the Lion's huge nuts! Tor's shame doubled as he came, making the Professor laugh.

"Looks like someone's going to be a real ass slut without his cock!" The white shaggy furred sheep dog snickered kneading and forcing the Lion's huge nuts down and out through the two slits! He neglectfully dropped the pouch, which immediately began to get chewed up in the metal gears below. Tor went into shock, as he felt the gears chew and destroy his soft silken pouch. While the Professor grabbed hold of the naked balls, one in each paw; and groped them cruelly. He could feel the vitality still flushing through them. Both deep voices laughed, ringing in the spent, exhausted, decocked lion's ear's. Even as the lion groaned unintelligibly his shaggy head rolling on his shoulder's. "Corbin, Lover..." The dog panted, as he held and pulled the two balls taut from the groaning lion's groin. "I want to feel you sever these ball's, while I hold them in my paws!"

'Why of course, my love...' The professor gasped, feeling the left nut tug against his grasp. Watching in rapped fascination, as the cords split. Invisible claws neatly pulling them apart from each other. There was an almost audio able ‘SNAP'! As the ghostly claws cut the big nut free. The dog panted in arousal, as he watched the other. With eager eye's, as it too split and snapped under those needle sharp invisible claw's. The dog resumed his composure, as the machine ground to a stop. He had other students to tend to. As he strolled away, with Tor's jewels clutched in one bloody paw, the ghost claimed another trophy from inside the suction tube...