From Hero to Slut

Story by Renamon_Lovers on SoFurry

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#3 of Digimon

If you want to become a leader, you must get ready to pay for the price.

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon, all characters are copyrights of TOEI and their respective companies. I am very poor and I do not get any money or rewards from writing stories, so please don't try to sue me.

From Hero to Slut

One day, the Digidestined Digimon were quarrelling about choosing a leader.

** "Why must we choose a leader?" asked Hawkmon in astonishment.**

"It's elementary, my dear Hawkmon. Every movie and anime would surely have a leader. For example, Super Sentai, Warcraft, Kamen Rider, Sailor Moon, Kung Fu Panda, Lion King, Bambi and etc." explained Agumon sternly.

The others nodded their heads approvingly.

"What are the advantages?" asked Hawkmon, scratching his head.

"Gennai will pay extra salary to the leader. As a result, a leader can have a better life. In all companies, only managers can drive luxury car, for example BMW 7 series; stay in a luxury house, for example Cristiano Ronaldo's house," Tentomon explained, his eyes turned into '$' sign.

A grin spread over Hawkmon's face, wide and open, showing his over-whitened teeth.

** Gatomon laughed heartily. "I am a Champion Digimon, so I should be the leader."**

Veemon showed his disapproval by raising an eyebrow. "Girls can never be a leader. In all movies and anime, the leader is always a man. Girls are for boys to play as sex slave only, in fact, girls are created to please the boys."

"All girls were used to be kidnapped or waiting for a hero to rescue her. For example, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty both were waiting to be kissed by a Prince, Bambi's girlfriend waited to be rescued, Lois Lane in Superman vs Batman and etc. As a result, girls are just damsel in distress only. So I suggest that I should be the leader," Gomamon continued, clapping his fins, and looking as delighted as a child with a new toy.

"Stop the sexual discrimination topic, or else we stop having sex with you," said Palmon with a rather malicious smile.

Agumon glanced at Gomamon and raised his eyebrows sardonically. "My Pepper Breath is stronger than your Goldfish."

"It's Marching Fish! You only shoot one small size of fire but I can shoot five fishes at one time," Gomamon exclaimed curtly.

Gabumon rubbed his paws in a self-satisfied way. "My body size is bigger than anyone of you, so I should be the leader," he chimed in.

"Size does not matter. I can fly, so I should be the leader," said Patamon triumphantly.

"A flying pig!" cried Armadillomon, curtly.

** "The look on his face is enough to set you off," observed Hawkmon.**

** They all roared with laughter.**

** "You all can't be the leader because you can't armor-digivolve," said Veemon after they stopped laughing.**

"You shut up. You're just newly born but we've been here for more than fifty years. We're your seniors and you must listen to us," said Biyomon with some impatience.

Veemon could not help feeling embarrassed.

"Let's vote and end this discussion," suggested Hawkmon tartly.

After about ten minutes, Agumon and Veemon had same votes.

"Conclusion: Agumon shall lead the old team while Veemon shall lead the new team," said Gatomon, affably.

** As soon as Gatomon finished her speech, thunderous applause broke out.**

"But how to differentiate between a leader and non-leader?" asked Tentomon in a depreciatory voice.

This was followed by a short silence.

"I know! The leader must wear goggle," said Armadillomon, cheerily.

They were thoughtful for a moment, then nodded their heads in assent.

"We'll tell our partners tomorrow," said Veemon warmly.


That night, Veemon told Davis about the incidents.

"Fortunately I got goggle, but it'll be similar to the Digimon Emperor. I confess that I am very much surprised at it," said Davis, in a nervous fashion.

"C'mon, you're the leader now. Feel proud and happy," said Veemon affably.

Davis grinned in returned. "But I don't know how to lead, to tell you the truth."

"It's very easy only, give orders like a king or boss," answered Veemon, his eyes twinkling.

Davis thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Okay. I'll start reading Boss For Dummies. I'll put on a cloak because almost all heroes had a cloak."

Veemon shook his blue head. "No, you'll look like that kinky Digimon Emperor with a cloak," he objected.

"You are right. That bustard mimicked Rosemon - wearing cloak, covered his eyes with that ugly glasses, whipping and kicking Digimon like a pervert. I think his parents are bondage king and queen too," said Davis in frustration.

"Like father like son!" cried Veemon, laughing.


The next day, the children went to the Digital World as usual.

Davis took out a portable radio and placed it on the ground.

"Davis, what the Hell?" remarked Yolei.

Veemon pressed the 'Play' button while Davis took out his goggle gently. When the radio started playing CSI: Miami theme song, Davis put on the goggle slowly. "Let's get them now," said he seriously.

The others facepalmed.

"Davis, please don't spoil the image of Horatio Caine," said Sora, looking at him in bewilderment.

"CHARGE! For the Digimon!" shouted Tai suddenly.

"WTF are you shouting?" asked the others almost in one voice.

"Err...I was just trying to raise our moral," explained Tai slowly.

T.K. sighed. "Can we just ambush them silently, like the Assassin Creeds?"

The Digidestined children worked hand-in-hand to destroy the Dark Towers and defeat any foes they encountered. Davis and Veemon felt very proud because they could give orders to the others.

"Davis, can you please empty the dustbin? I am quite busy here," asked Cody with a smile.

Davis folded his arms across his chest and thought for a moment. "In all companies, no boss would empty the dustbin himself. The boss would ask someone to do it - he would not humble himself and empty the dustbin," he answered at last.

Cody sighed and emptied the dustbin when he was free.

Gabumon held a paw to his chest. "Agumon, you spoke louder than actions," he observed.

Agumon was resting under a tree and drinking coconut juice. "In all companies, boss are like that - speaks louder than actions. The workers were working hard while he was browsing porn site but he'll tell you that he's very busy," he replied,** with a touch of asperity in his voice.**

Gabumon shrugged and walked away.

T.K. rolled his eyes. "Tai, I think you did it in the wrong way," he observed.

Tai knew that he made a mistake. "Hey! I didn't do it, I asked Izzy to do it just now," he snapped in frustration.

T.K. knew that Tai was blaming innocent Izyy. T.K. did not want to argue with Tai, so he just walked away silently, he knew that bosses would never admit mistake and apologize.

"Davis, it is better to break that thing with this method," suggested Yolei.

"I am your leader and you must obey me," retorted Davis.

Although the leaders were high and mighty, they managed to destroy all Dark Towers. After one month, all Digimon in the Digital World recognised Agumon and Veemon as the leaders of the Digidestined Digimon.

"Hail Digimon Rangers! Defender of the Digital World! Loved by the good, feared by the evil!" the Digimon shouted in one voice.

"Since when we got a team name?" asked Kari in amazement.


Inside a building, Digimon Emperor was starring at the big screen.

Leader? How dare you called yourself a leader without the permission from me. Digimon Emperor thought.

Digimon Emperor felt angry and walked towards Wormmon. From Digimon Emperor's face, Wormmon knew that his partner was going to kick him.

Digimon Emperor kicked Wormmon until he flew towards the ceiling and then dropped back to the ground with a 'thud' sound. "Wormmon, catch the two leaders for me, I want to destroy the Digimon Rangers," said he, recovering his good-humor.

"Yes, Master," immediately Wormmon brought some evil Digimon to catch the two leaders.

That evening, Agumon went to the bush to shit and urinate. After he finished, he sensed someone approaching him. Agumon turned around and saw some nameless Digimon, before he could act, the Digimon began to beat him like a sandbag. Agumon groaned painfully and fainted.


"Wormmon, where is Veemon?"

"Master, he's not inside his house, I presumed he was with Davis."

When Agumon woke up again, he saw Digimon Emperor and some nameless evil Digimon. Agumon tried to attack but he was outnumbered. The evil Digimon pinned him onto the ground in less than one minute.

"Let the experiment begins," said Digimon Emperor with a rather malicious smile.

"What do you want from me?" asked Agumon, tartly.

"Release him," said Digimon Emperor and then began to operate the computer in front of him.

Agumon started to feel uneasy, he could sense that someone or something was manipulating his body (bytes).

"I am downloading virus into your dick," said Digimon Emperor, imperturbably.

A shadow passed over the expressive face of Agumon.

"Don't worry, you won't die," said Digimon Emperor, with a mischievous twinkle. "But your precious dick will leave you forever."

After Digimon Emperor and the nameless Digimon left the room, Agumon's scrotum began to feel itchy and pain at the same time. It was like some ants were biting his shaft.What kind of virus is this? He thought. In his intense silence he somehow screamed with his whole body. The eyes wide with horror, the mouth rigid and open, his chalky face gaunt and immobile, the fists clenched with blanched knuckles and the nails digging deeply into the palms of his hand.

A few hours later, Digimon Emperor stepped into the room again.

"Please remove the virus!" cried Agumon. Semen and pee formed a small pool on the floor. He already ejaculated more than five times within one hour.

Digimon Emperor moved the virus from Agumon's male genital to his bladder. Agumon's dick turned purple but did not bleed, he could not feel his dick anymore. When the virus began to corrupt his bladder, he screamed like a baby in a tumble dryer, garbled, muffled, intermittent, but none the less distressing and intense.

Agumon looked at Digimon Emperor helplessly. "Please stop."

"Wormmon, I'll go home to do homework now, you can play with him but don't kill him. I'll come back again after one week, make sure that he is fully healed by then," said Digimon Emperor severely. Before he left, he digivolved his partner to Stingmon.

Stingmon manipulated the computer and shifted the virus to Agumon's tail hole. He felt like someone was rubbing his rectum with sandpaper, very soon he cried like there was too much raw pain inside him to be contained.

"The leader is crying like a baby," Stingmon joked.

Later, Stingmon shifted the virus to Agumon's kidney. Poor Agumon, he cried like his spirit needed to break loose from his skin, desperate to release an elemental rage on the world.

** One week later.**

** "Wormmon, how's my toy?"**

** "Master, he is fully healed and now he is sleeping inside his cell."**

** "Bring him out gently, I am going to show him a big surprise."**

** Digimon Emperor turned on the computer, decrypted Agumon's bytes and then began to change his data. I can't wait to see his expression when he wakes up later. He thought.**

** In a few seconds Agumon opened his eyes and looked about Digimon Emperor.** Agumon's face was tired and he looked ill.

"Agumon, we want you to see something for yourself," said Wormmon, glancing very keenly across Agumon's crotch.

"See what? Porn movies?" asked Agumon coldly and stared about Digimon Emperor in bewilderment.

"Check your groin," said Wormmon cheerily.

Agumon could not understand but still checked his groin. He was shocked and surprised when he saw a hole on his groin. He inserted a finger into the hole and he moaned softly. It was a hole - more precisely, cunt or vagina. Where is my digihood? He thought.

"I found out that Digimon are made of 0's and 1's. That's why I managed to download virus into your bytes - any bytes, from head to toe. And now I changed your bytes so that your dick disappeared. In short, I erased the 0's and 1's of your dick. I also given you the womb but I didn't give you the breasts because I want you to live as a eunuch. Finally, I locked the code so that no one can change you back to normal again," explained Digimon Emperor.

Wormmon laughed heartily at Agumon's perplexity. "Now you should change your name to Aguwomon."

Agumon was so angry that he tried to attack again. He was cursing the foes while they were pinning him on the ground. He could not make love with girls anymore. Moreover, his friends would tease and look down at him.

"We did this to you because you are the leader. Unfortunately we could not find Veemon, or else there would be two eunuchs today. This is to teach you a lesson, do not make any decisions without my permission," Digimon Emperor concluded.

"Who the hell are you? Why must we listen to you?" asked Agumon in a shaking voice.

"I am Digimon Emperor - the ruler of this world. How dare you called yourself a leader in my territory. Now I'll punish you so that you would not make the same mistake next time," Digimon Emperor replied in his bustling way.

The foes kicked Agumon to the secret basement. "Pain! Ouch! Please don't kick me anymore!" He was curious and frightened when he saw them setting up some cameras.

"We'll take photo of you being punished, in short, live telecast. I am pretty sure we can earn a lot of money by selling these photos," said Digimon Emperor, blandly, smiling at Agumon's surprised faces.

Agumon continued to curse the foes and tried to break the cell. What would happen after all Digimon in the Digital World saw the photos?

Digimon Emperor ignored Agumon, "Are you ready?" he asked the other evil Digimon.

"Yes!" They answered in one voice.

"Let's bring in Team Sukamon!" Digimon Emperor shouted merrily.

After ten minutes, five male Sukamon entered the cell and immediately nasty smell filled the cell. Digimon Emperor and the others were wearing a mask and prepared to take photos. Agumon shivered and sweated when the five Sukamon approached him. Digimon Emperor already modified Sukamon's data and granted each of them different color.

Blue Sukamon caught Augumon and hugged him. "Lick me!" cried the shit-type Digimon abruptly. Agumon turned his face away. How could he lick a pile of shit? The other Sukamon surrounded him and he almost vomited due to the nasty smell.

Red Sukamon grabbed Agumon's legs and splits them until his holes were fully exposed. Yellow Sukamon penetrated Agumon's new cunt with two fingers, piercing his hymen. Immediately he groaned painfully. "If you don't lick my brother, I'll insert all fingers into your cunt," he warned Agumon.

Agumon surrendered and began to lick the blue Sukamon. Immediately he vomited and burst into tears. All Sukamon laughed at him and asked him to lick again. He continued to lick but vomited again. He could not endure anymore and hoped that they could kill him.

I won't suffer so much if I were not a leader.** Agumon thought.**

Finally Agumon could not vomit anymore because there was nothing left in his stomach. That was his first time licking a pile of shit and he did not understand why dogs loved shit. His whole body and muzzle were filled with shit. The smell on his body would not subside for weeks.

Green Sukamon stood in front of Agumon and sent his dick into his virgin twat with one thrust. Agumon cried painfully and tried to push him away, but red Sukamon took this opportunity and humped Agumon's tail hole. Agumon was in great pain as both of them attacked his front and rear doors with force. Agumon felt so disgusting because two pile of shit were raping him. The other three Sukamon were waiting for their turns.

"Hey! You're a leader, how can you cry like a baby?" asked pink Sukamon with a touch of asperity in his voice.

After a few more pumps, they reached climax and ejaculated. Agumon could feel the liquid flowing into his womb and rectum. Agumon hoped that he would not get pregnant. The two Sukamon withdrew and he collapsed to the ground. He was gasping and sobbing. Juices, sperm and blood dripped from both holes.

"Now it's my turn," said the pink Sukamon tartly.

Pink Sukamon positioned Agumon into doggie-style and then invaded his injured anus. Yellow Sukamon opened Agumon's muzzle with force and then slid his shithood into his muzzle. That was really a shithood because it smelled and tasted like shit. Yellow Sukamon made his way to Agumon's throat and he felt so bitter.

Pink Sukamon humped Agumon's anus while yellow Sukamon fucked his muzzle. They were in Heaven but he was in Hell. Agumon never thought that he would become a eunuch and then raped by some shit-Digimon. Agumon was regretting that he was a leader and he decided not to become a leader anymore again.

When yellow Sukamon ejaculated, Agumon almost fainted because the sperm was tasted like shit. Normal Digimon would have sour taste but Sukamon has bitter sperm. Each gulp made Agumon choked and prepared to vomit again.

The five Sukamon took turn to rape Agumon. Soon he became numb and weak to struggle. He did not know how many times he reached orgasm. He was hoping the nightmare would finish. At last the five Sukamon stopped and left his motionless body lie on the ground.

"Now let's take a closer look," Digimon Emperor let out a low whistle after all Sukamon left.

The foes brought the camera into the still disgusting cell. Agumon was lying on the ground half-conscious.

"Wow! Look at her ass hole! Quickly, take some photos on his still opening wide ass hole!" Digimon Emperor exclaimed in surprise.

Agumon felt so shameful as they began to take photos of his wounded anus. They turned his body over with a stick and took some photos of his cunt too. He was exhausted and could not do anything to stop them. He felt even ashamed as they were discussing about her cunt and anus.

"I'll name this tape and photos as 'Agumon played with shit'," remarked Digimon Emperor firmly.

Team Sukamon continued to rape Agumon for a week before they brought in the fucking machine.

"Master, the machine has arrived."

"Good work, I'll pay before month end."

Digimon Emperor and the other Digimon left the room when Team Sukamon returned with a weird machine. They mounted the unconscious Digimon onto the machine and then waited patiently for him to wake up.

Digimon Emperor giggled. "When he woke up, he'll see another surprise."

Agumon woke up again but he was unable to move his limbs. He could hear the sound of powerful vibrations filled the room.

Agumon struggled and strained as another powerful orgasm rocked through his body. He convulsed as his muscles flexed against his will as the passion rolled through him. Very soon, he was surprised that he was mounted onto a weird machine and there were something inside his holes, giving him pleasure and pain at the same time. WTF is this? He thought.

Agumon would have screamed, had he been able, but a bright red piece of rounded rubber obstructed his muzzle and reduced his cries to a muffled whimper. He was not sure how long he had been here, or even where here was. The unending line of orgams left his body weak and his mind fuzzy.

He tried again to fight his bonds but the tough leather resisted his efforts and he ceased trying again, surrendering to his fate. The machine that was positioned behind his exposed pussy continued to do its work and he could feel another orgasm start to build inside of him. With the rhythmic precision only a machine could muster the large flesh colored dildo continued its assault on his pussy.

"Master, do you like this fucking machine? The machine is programmed with over 20 basic programs that allow you to choose a program that suits you best. The programs are set based on testing and debugging with models. Among the programs, incorporated are slow modes with short stroke, slow modes with medium and long stroke, fast modes with small stroke, medium speed modes with long-stroke, mode of pulses with different strokes and also turbo mode with short stroke."

"I am loving it, Stingmon. Now I am going to hack the bank to make payment for the machine. After the Team Sukamon finished resting, ask them to continue to rape him."

"One more thing, Master. Whoever screwed by this fucking machine will get addicted - in short, she can't live without it."


One month later, Veemon and his friends found Agumon near the forest. They were surprised and shocked when they saw Agumon. Agumon had to use one full month to remove the smell on his body. Agumon also changed his name to Aguwomon. Since Aguwomon unable to digivolve anymore, he left the team and moved to another area.

"According to Agumon, the security of the castle is better than Alcatraz Island, we are outnumbered and out-powered. How are we going to kill Digimon Emperor now if he doesn't show himself?" asked Hawkmon in astonishment.

This was followed by a short silence.

"If you can't beat them, brainwash them. Luckily Agumon found out that he is Ken, I'll try to soften him with my Cat Eyes and you guys please help me to persuade him," replied Gatomon sternly. "Every movie and anime would surely have a bad guy who can be brainwashed. For example, Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, Naruto, Inuyasha and etc."

The others nodded.

"Veemon, Digimon Emperor is looking for you," said Armadillomon, imperturbably.

Veemon pricked up his ears. He was so frightened and decided not to become a leader again anymore. Digimon Emperor would do anything to the leader and he did not wish to live as a eunuch.

That day, all Digimon in the Digital World mourned for the loss of their leaders.

Gennai helped the Digimon to encrypt their bytes so that nobody could modify their data.

** A few weeks later, they managed to persuade Digimon Emperor. Peace returned to the Digital World.**


** Luckily they did not destroy his castle. Aguwomon thought.**

Aguwomon headed towards the castle secretly. The castle lay like an old man of the hill, the moonlight shone on his craggy, tumble down face. Moss clung in the shade of the ancient walls like a straggly beard.

** After wearing the night vision goggle, Aguwomon entered the castle slowly. He began to search for the basement entrance but some entrances were blocked by debris; luckily he still could use basic attack skills although he could not digivolve anymore. "Pepper Breath." He blasted some debris carefully to clear the way. Hopefully this castle doesn't fall so fast. He thought.**

** Aguwomon found the torture chamber and saw many devices, but he sighed and shook his head, the machine was not here. This was the place to hypnotize the good Digimon and let them fought with each other.**

Finally, Aguwomon found the secret basement where he was kept. His face moved a little too slowly, as he was taking in the surroundings more than anyone else. Then he grinned. As he did so the temperature of the room fell a little. Where are you? He thought as he began to search for the device.

** There was a machine hiding at the corner of the room. Aguwomon rushed to the machine, hugged and kissed it. Darling, I missed you. He thought. The machine was not heavy for him to carry but it would be troublesome to carry it back to the front entrance. He pushed the fucking machine to the wall, after checking the wall thoroughly, he blasted open a small hole.**

** When Aguwomon reached his new house, he placed the fucking machine at the basement. After plugging the cables, he was glad that the machine still could function properly. He brought a huge bag and headed towards the castle again. Later, he returned with all kind of BDSM devices. He quickly mounted himself onto the machine and began to enjoy the sensation.**

Stingmon was right. Aguwomon got addicted and now he needed the fucking machine more than anything else.

The end.

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