Ancient Well

Story by Renamon_Lovers on SoFurry

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#26 of Pain

Nameless tentacles inside the ancient well waiting for its victim.

_ English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^_^ _

Ancient Well

** In the heart of the forest, an idle river carried all the debris that fell in from above slowly downstream. Large boughs sprouted from the trees and reached into the murky water as if trying to scoop up the swarming fish. The Siamese cat could not believe that there were no fishes in the river, now she has to find something else for snack.**

** The cat saw an ancient well when she was plucking wild fruits. As usual, cats were always curiosity. She walked towards the well slowly. The well was wide, deep and she could not see the water. Suddenly she felt something or someone pushed her from the back and she fell into the well.** For a full half-minute she went downward at a speed that constricted her throat so that she could hardly draw breath.

** Elsewhere, Shihong's husband could not find her in the forest. He also did not see the ancient well.**

** The cat thought that she would bump the cement and became a pancake, but her body sank into the soft tissue, as though the walls were made of Jelly-O. The decaying stench burned her nose, and her fear escalated. She struggled to move but her limbs did not respond. She felt her body being pulled back deeper into the wall. Fright consumed every cell in her body, swelling them with terror. She glanced down and winced. There were some colourful tentacles moving around her. Two pink tentacles stretched out and each grabbed her furry leg. Some blue tentacles opened her purse and checked her ID.**

** "Son, her name is Shihong, 35 years old. Last time, you captured a female cub but her body was not fully developed, thus you got less fun with flat chest and tennis-like buttocks. Now this Siamese cat is fully developed, look at her mountain-like chest and bowling-like buttocks. Next time, you must catch an adult cat or a fox," the blue tentacle told her son using tentacle language which the captive could not comprehend.**

** "Mom, why cat and fox?"**

** "It's elementary. They have greater lust and they are much easier to be conquered. Now split her legs and observe her face."**

** The red tentacle splits the cat's legs as he looked at her with a puzzled expression. "Mom, her face is getting pink! It confuses me when girls have no issue baring it all with the private areas covered in two pieces of cloth at the beach or swimming pool, yet they get all embarrassed or furious if anyone sees them in their underwear which is similar to the bikini," he observed.**

** The blue tentacles nodded. "Both human girls and female furs are very weird. Like somehow it is okay to have your boobs hanging out of your bikini but freak out if someone was to see them in a bra which covers more skin. I guess it was the whole term bathing suit that somehow changes things. I mean personally I would think if you are comfortable in a bikini you would be comfortable in underwear but no.**

Some girls purposely wear sexy clothes at the pub to attract attention. But when they got the attention that they needed, they struggled and ran away. Weirdo, right? Since I am not a human, there are no ways for me to find out. Now, tear her shirt and skirt, and observe her face again."

Soon more red tentacles, this time slightly smaller, reached out from the well and began to tear at Shihong's clothes, ripping them off and letting the pieces drop to the water. She jerked her body as hard as she could to try and escape, but to no avail. Poor cat, she could not understand what the tentacles were doing now despite she saw their mouths opened and closed.

The largest red tentacle began to laugh. "She blushes even more and I think she is begging us to stop," he said.

The blue tentacles smiled indulgently. "Rub her underwear, yes, that spot, and then wait for five minutes," she said.

The tip of the appendage that had been caressing her thigh started to gently rub her purple cotton panties, probing her pussy through the thin material. Her body jerked and welcomed the intimacy of the tentacle's touch. As it continued to rub against her lips she could feel her own wetness mixing with the thin slime of the tentacle, coating her inner thighs with their combined juices.

No! Why am I feeling so good?** Shihong thought.**

The putrid odour that first came from the well was quickly being replaced by a new odour of a strange, flowery smell. It stabilized the rapidity of her thoughts, grounded her in a place where ticking of clocks was unregarded; a place where she could let go of the demands of technology. "She's groaning and moaning, she looks like she is in pain," he observed.

"No, my son, she is enjoying. I told you already, they have greater lust - and can arouse easily."

"But I am rubbing her underwear only."

"That is girl's most sensitive part. Soon, you can feel her wetness."

Shihong began to meow loudly instead of screaming for help. It was like an overwhelming feeling of tingles throughout her body. She was light-headed, her vision gone blurry, and all she could feel was an instant lightness of her body and amazing sensation in her clitoris.

"After she reached climax, she'll sleep for a while, now let's wait for her to wake up," the blue tentacle said.

The tentacles observed their prey - serenity was plastered across her face as she slept. They could see juices dripped down her thighs.

After a while, the cat opened her eyes slowly. She felt a wave of fear rush through her as the tentacles began to remove her bra and panties.

"Now, rub her nipples and observe them."

Slowly, two of the red tentacles were on Shihong's admittedly large and well-shaped breasts. They fastened upon her nipples and began a sucking action, sending a wave of pleasure mixed with nausea through the middle-age cat. "Wow! Her nipples are standing up slowly!"

"Time to inject her nipples, and then you'll see the differences between a cub and an adult woman."

The red tentacles began to ooze liquid that quickly soaked into her nipples. She started to be torn between panic and a growing sexual arousal brought about by the liquid and the odour. Her mind was determined not to surrender, but her body was demanding that she give in to the sexual pleasure she was experiencing.

Soon, her udders grew even larger. When he sucked one of her nipples, he tasted something sweet. He looked at her with a surprised look on his face.

The blue tentacle giggled. "Only married woman can produce milk," she explained.

He sucked until she could not produce milk anymore, then he sucked another nipple. Finally, both her udders looked like a pair of deflated balloons. "Delicious," he said with a smile.

"Now lick her secret garden."

"Ok," he replied and began to rub her pubic hair. Suddenly, she squirted. He quickly sucked the juices, she felt so nice and squirted even harder. Finally, she was exhausted and dozed off again.

"Mom, yours is vanilla favour but hers is lemon favour."

"Son, each girl has different favours. Next time, we'll taste an adult man."

"Thank you, mother."

The cat wished that she would not wake up anymore, but she did. "Stop! I don't want and don't like bestiality!" She cried when she saw a red tentacle trying to enter her vagina. She knew that this was not right. Her mind was pleading for it to stop but her body did not seem to care. Under the effect of the strange smell, she felt so horny. Her pussy muscles gripped the invading tentacle with desperate need, trying to pull it further and further inside.

Mom was right, cats aroused and gave up so easily.** The red tentacle thought.**

She arched her back as she was filled completely. The red tentacle had pushed its way to her cervix and had begun to thrust in and out. She could not think straight. I am screwed by a monster. She could barely breathe. The fur had never felt such pleasure as electricity engulfed her entire body. Her husband also never gave her such fantastic sensations before. Her sensitivity was increasing with each passing second and she wanted this to go on forever.

The blue tentacle smiled evilly, she decided to penetrate Shihong's tail hole. Poor cat, she begged the invaders to stop but they did not understand her language. She screamed and her body started shaking uncontrollably. This was her first time having anal sex and she felt both painful and pleasure. Another ripple arched her back again and then another one. She trembled, frenzied, for more than a minute until it became just too much for her and fell unconscious.

When Shihong woke up again, the tentacles continued to rape her again. Finally, her belly was full of tentacle's semen. A pink tentacle injected the cat's forehead, slowly erasing memories of the day.


** The next day, Shihong's husband found her near the entrance of the forest but she could not recall anything about the ancient well.**

Two months later, she found out that she was pregnant, luckily her husband still loved her.

The end.

Bambi Epilogue

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **Bambi Epilogue** ** Ronno was...

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