The New Kid Pt. 4

Story by Addykatz on SoFurry

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#18 of One Shots

Tyler and Blake go camping in the summer. Should pry move this into its own folder since it became sort of a series butt fuck it. I will pry end this mini-series here unless there are objections.

Hope it is okay and I hope you enjoy <3

The new kid Pt 4

Deep into the summer after graduation Tyler and Blake decided to take a camping trip together with some friends. They would be separating for college so they were trying to spend as much time together as possible. Their group was rather large, with about 10 others joining them. They had multiple campsites and Tyler had managed to score the spot by the lake. There was a full moon out so the water had a shimmering reflection on it.

They all sat around the fire in chairs, making small talk and reminiscing about their high school days. Tyler and Blake were sitting side by side in cheap camping chairs. The brown fox was mostly watching the flames and the smoke, occasionally looking up to try and see stars hidden by the moonlight. The fox never seemed to be put off by the fact that he couldn't hear, he always found something to keep his attention and keep him content. Tyler admired that about him, he looked over at the cute fox to check on him. Blake was sitting far enough from the fire to keep the smoke away from his face.

Some of the other couples around the fire were holding each other, cuddling or holding paws. Watching the others was making Tyler a bit jealous and eventually he longed for Blake's touch. The fox was absorbed in something so Tyler reached around his chair for a small pinecone that was just the right size. He wound up his underhand toss and threw it right into Blake's lap. The fox jumped, thinking something big and alive had fallen into his lap. He tried to scoot back but the chair fell backwards and carried him back in a tumble.

Tyler and the others laughed, the wolf's laughing ended quickly though as he didn't want to be in trouble, he got up and leaned down to his boyfriend while the others chuckled and went back to their conversations. Blake shook his head and looked up at the black wolf, his dark fur made him difficult to see even in the moonlight. Blake put his paw to his forehead and pulled it away in the shape of the letter Y. Tyler rubbed his paw against his chest in the shape of an S to say sorry. Blake was a little upset but he couldn't stay mad, he rolled towards the wolf's leg and grabbed it. Tyler panicked and tried to escape before the inevitable tickling began. He jerked his leg up as Blake's digits tickled the back of his knee. His leg pulled free and he ran off to a safe distance, the others watched and laughed as Blake got up and chased after him.

The two played cat and mouse around the fire and their friends were now equally involved in helping either side. Some of them tried to tickle Tyler as he passed and he finally decided it wasn't safe in this tickle filled hellhole. Blake chased Tyler around their tent and out of sight of the others. He chased carefully after Tyler, watching his footing on the bumpy ground. When he came around the corner of the tent he found himself trapped in the wolf's strong arms, Tyler had set a trap. The bigger wolf squeezed Blake and he couldn't move his arms, he could only squirm. Blake eventually gave up and just looked up at his captor; Tyler's face was clear in the moonlight and he smiled warmly. The wolf kissed Blake lovingly, forcing his boyfriends head back a little with the pressure of the kiss.

Tyler slowly released Blake from the kiss, his strong arms coming behind the fox to hold his lower back. The fox's arms went above his head and around his neck, locking behind him. Blake moaned cutely as they kissed again and it was music to Tyler's ears. The fox's paws played with his neck fur and pulled single hairs along his spine, causing him to shiver. Blake loved doing things that made the bigger wolf shiver, it gave him a feeling of dominance over his stronger mate.

To Tyler's dismay Blake broke his hold around the wolf's neck and pressed against his chest to be let go. Tyler looked at him a little confused, with one of his eyebrows raised. He let Blake go and the fox motioned for the wolf to follow. Piece by piece Blake shed his clothing as he walked towards the rocky lake shore. Tyler caught on as Blake was slipping off his jeans and the wolf quickly fumbled with his clothes, taking them off and placing them with Blake's as he joined him in the cool water. It had been a warm day and the humidity caused the warm temperatures to stick around into the night.

Blake stopped when he was waist deep in water and was quickly hit with a splash. Tyler walked slowly over through the water, splashing it at Blake. The fox responded in kind and water splashed between them, soaking both of their coats until there was no room between them to splash. They embraced each other and kissed in the moonlight, the water only coming up below Tyler's hips while it was at Blake's waist because he was taller. The kissing grew quickly from innocent to lustful as their paws explored each other's wet fur. It wasn't long before Blake could feel the wolf's excitement growing against his tummy.

They both knew what the other wanted, the kiss broke and their eyes locked together, Blake's paws gripped the wolf's sides and slowly tightened. His digits gently tugged at the wolf's fur, Tyler knew what it meant because Blake always did this when he wanted sex. It was one the small signals they had worked out but they had used the last of their condoms the night before. Tyler signed it to Blake and the fox bit his lip as he thought before nuzzling into the wolf's chest. He trusted him and he was ready for more so he looked up and nodded.

Tyler turned them both and led Blake out of the water, his eyes glued to the fox's backside as they stepped onto the rocky beach and up towards their tent. They both shook themselves off and Blake poked his head inside the tent, grabbing a towel to dry off with. Before he got far Tyler pushed him inside the tent and onto his back, his wet fur soaking into the sleeping bag under him. It was hard to see now, even with the tent unzipped the moon was too high and only illuminated near the entrance. Blake fumbled around his bag looking for the lube as Tyler stuffed his muzzle between his legs. Before he knew it the wolf's tongue was lapping at his hole.

Blake squirmed as he struggled to find the lube in the dark, he yanked it from his bag and held it for a moment, enjoying the special treatment between his cheeks. Blake was determined to take his mate's knot tonight, he always tried but was never able to fit it. He sat up and pushed the wolf onto his back, his upper body and muzzle was in front of the entrance and was lit up by the moon. Blake straddled the wolf's cock and dumped a good amount of lube over it. Tyler placed his arms behind his head and propped himself up, he could only see the fox's silhouette in the dark but knew what he was doing. Blake's paws worked the lube over his thick shaft, prepping him for another night of breeding.

As he looked up at the moon from the entrance of the tent Tyler couldn't help but feel proud that he was going to be able to cum inside his mate without a condom. He would finally be able to fill him like he deserved to be. Tyler's attention was drawn back to his cock as Blake began sinking onto the first few inches. Tyler's paws moved from behind his head to hold Blake's hips to help him balance and guide him farther down. The smaller fox yipped quietly and a familiar warmth engulfed Tyler's member. Blake slid down to the wolf's knot and carefully rocked his hips as he got used to the thickness inside him.

Tyler's head tilted back and he let out a sigh of joy, Blake smiled to himself as he looked at his mate's moonlit face which was flush with pleasure. The fox ground himself on his favorite cock and picked up his pace, pressing himself against Tyler's knot to test himself. The more Blake pressed firmly against his knot the louder Tyler would groan. Tyler caught onto the fox's eagerness and ran his paw up the smaller canine's body, inserting a digit between the fox's lips.

It was another one of their signals, Tyler knew Blake was tight and didn't want to push him into taking his girthy knot. Whenever Blake tried to take it he would put one of the wolf's digits between his lips, if Blake bit it Tyler knew to stop. The fox was eagerly sucking as he sank himself harder and harder on Tyler. The wolf couldn't just lay there, he held Blake still and carefully sat up, shifting until he had pushed the fox onto his back. His cock never left his mate's warm embrace and now that he was on top he started fucking the fox harder than he could ever ride him. The tent filled with lusty groaning as the wolf's only purpose became to thrust his hips and breed the fox's hole.

The fox never stopped suckling on the digit between his lips and finally the wolf grabbed Blake's hips and lifted his own, driving himself as hard as he could into his mate. Then he felt it, like a tight glove slipping over his cock his knot sunk into Blake. It felt like the fox was going to suck his digit right off his paw as he roughly pressed against Blake's hips. He had never felt such tightness around his knot and because he had never tied the fox before the pleasure quickly overcame him. Tyler would have given anything to see Blake's face through the darkness as his final push dumped load after load of his seed into the fox. He was panting heavily and couldn't tell if the wetness on his fur was water or sweat. His body was stiff, almost paralyzed as his cock jerked inside his mate.

He placed a paw on the fox's chest and could feel it rising and falling quickly. His paw dragged down Blake's torso until it found the stiff knotted cock between his legs. As soon as he wrapped his paw around it Blake let out a cute cry and a small stream of cum began leaking from his tip and down the wolf's paw. Tyler humped his mate slowly a few more times, each thrust causing a slight gush of cum to flow freely from his mate's member. He finally gripped it firmly and pumped his paw along it, eliciting a loud and slutty moan from the fox. A thick fountain of cum erupted from his tip and ended as quickly as it started, short strings continued to coat his brown tummy fur as Tyler milked him.

Tyler bent down to kiss his mate in the dark, feeling complete after finally tying him and filling him. He held still as he rested above the fox, holding himself up as they both breathed heavily. He whispered a quiet "I love you" even though Blake couldn't hear him.

Time Out Ch. 7

Chapter 7 John woke the next morning to find his favorite fox gone. He turned over on the bed and heard some shuffling down the hall; Cory's head poked around the corner and he looked relieved. "Finally, hurry up and shower they will be here...

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