A Party for Hunter

Story by JRHarlow on SoFurry

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#2 of A Story For Hunter

Hunter has come so far in two years, so far away from that kid sleeping on a bench at night, so far from that hell of idiocy and bigotry. Tim has made sure that he's getting a chance to go to school. What lies ahead for them, who knows? But for right now, they're enjoying a lazy end of the day. Tim getting excited as the wolf's birthday approaches, Hunter not knowing he's about to receive one of the best gifts of his young life. Er... Anatomical terminology is kind of a deal for this one...

A Party for Hunter

By: Jenny Harlow

Tim walked in from work exhausted, setting his ratty blue backpack down on the floor with a loud sigh. He had started work at nine and it was now just after six in the evening, the sun was still relatively well in the sky. He took his scrub shirt and pants off and cast them into the hamper by the bathroom, leaving just his white tank and boxers on. The house wasn't overly large, just big enough for the husky and his wolf. It had a relatively large living room, with a large U-shaped couch in the middle, so that both he and Hunter, his boyfriend, had room to stretch out, a nice kitchen, a master bathroom with a nice soaking tub and a shower with a built in bench at the back, and the two bedrooms, one hosting computers and office equipment, the other a king-sized bed. Tim kept the house immaculate, due to his borderline obsessive compulsiveness. The only untidy thing the husky owned was his backpack, and even that remained well washed and cared for, sewn here and there. Despite Tim's dislike of difficult to clean carpet, Hunter had absolutely insisted on wanting soft carpet underfoot. So when it came time to floor the house, Tim had ordered a dark blue plush carpet. Tim walked into the kitchen, the tile nice and cool under his bare, aching feet, stopping to arch his spine for a moment as he stared into the open fridge. He grabbed the meat and bread and threw together a quick sandwich. "Hey babe?" He called, peeping out into the living room.

Hunter had gotten in from school way earlier than the husky had come home, his classes taking place within the morning hours. Tim paused as he came around the corner. Hunter lay on the couch, a small blue blanket pulled up to his hips so that only the waistband of his boxers was showing. His black plastic framed glasses still resting on his nose. The wolf was still wearing his binder, even as he napped. Tim looked up to see Hunter had been watching cartoons. The husky smiled, rubbing his partner's belly as he leaned over his ear. He planted a soft, gentle kiss just behind it. Hunter yawned and stretched, he turned with his eyes half-lidded to his dog. "Hey, when'd you get home?" The wolf said, placing his head on Tim's chest.

"A few minutes ago, was just fixing myself a snack. You want a sandwich?"

"Maybe later, I'm still tired from class. I will never forgive myself for taking PE at noon after a nine and eleven AM class."

"You have been eating though?" Tim said, still rubbing the wolf's tummy with a look of concern on his face.

"Yeah, do you think I'd be this chubby if I wasn't?" Hunter laughed as he stretched back on the couch, exposing more of his belly to love.

"I wouldn't call you chubby, you've just gotten back to a healthy weight for the first time since I've known you." The husky stroked his mate's hair. Hunter had a beautiful white coat, with a luster to it, and short, shaggy brown hair. His mate had a grayish-black coat, with a white stripe starting at his chin and running down his belly, even though his coat wasn't as glossy, he wore his hair even with the fur of his head.

Hunter's smile vanished for a moment, replaced with a pensive blank-stare. "I think I will take a sandwich. I almost skipped breakfast today and slept clean past lunch."

"That's okay, why don't I fix us a proper dinner then, eh?"

"Aren't you exhausted though? Why don't I cook?"

"Because my dear wolf," Tim said, placing his hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. "The last time you tried to fix instant rice, I had to buy new kitchen curtains. I'd rather have you alive and fed, than dead and still hungry." He said with a laugh.

"Still though, I feel bad about it..."

"Don't worry, it will be simple. How about your favorite mimus and rice, huh? That's filling, and it's good for you."

"Maybe we could order out? I got my paycheck in." Hunter said, he reached over to his discarded pants. The husky mentally groaned at the wolf leaving his clothing in the middle of the living room. Yet, he did love him enough not to murder him. Tim grinned as Hunter pulled his wallet out. It was old, about as old and worn as Tim's backpack. It was the one thing Hunter had managed to keep while he was homeless, besides an old coat, t-shirt, and a pair of nearly destroyed jeans. "I've got a whole hundred and twenty five dollars, all for us." He said, proudly pulling his bank card from its slot. He frowned as a piece of his wallet broke off and hit the couch.

"I'm not going to let you spend your check on me, thanks though." Tim said, as he sat on the cushion next to Hunter.

"I want to though..." Tim heard the small quaver in Hunter's voice. He looked over to see tears welling on the wolf's face. "This is my first job, and my first real paycheck that I can spend however I want! I want to buy you dinner, I want to pay you back for everything you've done for me, even if it is bit by bit." The wolf looked down at his wallet. He carefully folded it away, and tucked it back in his pants pocket.

"Okay, but just don't go overboard alright? I don't need wine and steak, a simple pizza or something cheap." He took his mate's hand, looking into his eyes. "Besides, you being here, your love and your smile, and the warmth you bring into my life, that's the only pay I really need though."

Hunter tilted his head down, his eyes still looking up at the husky. He had a small, sad, smile on his face. He leaned forward, his head tilting back up as his eyes closed. He and his mate locked into a passionate kiss. Hunter's tail making slow, shifting movements as he felt his partner's tongue darting into his mouth. Finally they broke, Hunter cast his gaze downward, a neat little tent had been pitched in the Husky's boxers. He reached down between his own legs, he could feel the moisture even on the outside of his underwear. "Why don't you order Pizza from that one place, you know, the one that takes an hour to deliver?" Hunter said, passing his card to the husky.

Tim smiled, "so you're not so worn out as you say you are eh?"

Hunter merely winked, "Try me."

Tim grabbed his phone off the kitchen counter and placed the order in record time. He then proceeded to walk slowly back to the couch. Hunter sat waiting, he bit his lower lip as he watched the husky stand in front of him. Tim was well built, taller than the wolf by almost a foot, with lean wiry muscles, which were even more visible as he slid his tank off. He put his hands on his waistband, yet Hunter moved them away. The wolf placed his own hands on the husky, feeling his stomach move slightly under his hands. He moved his hands up as he stood slowly. The husky had to turn his muzzle down and bend slightly to meet the wolf's lips, yet he did so willingly. As they kissed, passionate moans would escape every now and again between them. Hunter enjoying running his hands up and down his mate's arms. Tim put his hands against the sides of Hunter's stomach, feeling his way up slowly, stopping just under the binder. He could feel Hunter's ribs, he noted, but he couldn't see them anymore which made him smile slightly between kisses. Hunter was the first to move his hands south, sliding the husky out of his y-flap. His hands slowly moved up and down the shaft, which was already quite hard. He broke the kiss, grinning as he kissed and licked his way down the husky's neck and stomach. He felt it several times pulse out of pleasurable reflex. He stopped just below Tim's navel, looking up into those blue eyes. He opened his mouth fully, tongue hanging out slightly, as he positioned himself just in front of Tim's shaft. He closed his eyes as he happily licked the head. Tim shuddered slightly, the wolf's hot breath making him more and more aroused. Tim pushed the wolf gently back, as he shifted to lay out on the couch. Hunter eagerly lay on his stomach, hands on either side of the husky's hips. He grinned, muzzle stopping just before the erect member. "What are you waiting for?" The husky asked, he knew the answer but he gave Hunter the satisfaction anyway.

"My puppy has to beg for his treat." Hunter said, idly pulling Tim's waistband lower.

Tim made his eyes wide as possible, letting out a small whimper. "Please..." He said, as he looked into Hunter's purple eyes.

The wolf grinned, "Alright, since you asked so nicely." Hunter slowly slid his muzzle down, letting his tongue guide the way. Tim sighed happily, his hips thrusting upwards slightly out of reflex. The wolf left his muzzle halfway down, letting his tongue flick over as much as he could. Even occasionally letting the tip dart into the husky's foreskin. He occasionally felt Tim's stomach clench in pleasure, each time the husky would release a small grunt.

Hunter himself let out a small moan, as he slowly reached his hand down into his own pants. Letting his muzzle slip further down. "Why don't you just take those off?" Tim said, as he rubbed his partner's hair.

Hunter lifted his muzzle, sighing as he idly stroked the husky's shaft. "I just don't feel like being naked right now..." He said, resting his head on Tim's stomach.

Tim lifted his mate's head, so that he was looking him in the eye. He smiled slightly. "I understand, you've gotta do what's comfortable for you. Still, I'd like to return at least SOME of the favor though." He let out a laugh as he looked over his partner's body. "I'd also like to get at that tight little butt."

Hunter smiled, knowing that his mate was attracted to him whether or not his genitals were one thing or the other made him feel more comfortable. "Okay," He said as he sat up on his knees, slowly sliding his boxers down. He shuddered as the cold air hit moisture. He turned around, letting Tim pull them the rest of the way off.

The husky slowly crouched down, placing his muzzle just shy of Hunter's exposed crotch. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" Hunter hesitated for a moment, he bit his lower lip as he nodded. With a smile, the husky formed his lips into an O-shape, placing them around Hunter's tip. He gently sucked, eliciting a small moan from his partner. Tim was pleased, it wasn't often that Hunter was comfortable enough to let him near his slit, and he was happy that Hunter felt safe enough with him to do so.

"Wait," Hunter said, Tim stopped immediately.

"What's wrong?"

"Let me just..." Hunter slid in beneath the husky, "Okay, you can continue." Hunter giggled.

Tim grinned as he bent down again, once more enjoying sucking his partner off. He moved his tongue down, licking gently over the wolf's opening, leading downward still. He started to rim the wolf, whose hips bucked slightly. Meanwhile Hunter took Tim's cock into his mouth once more, he was alternating sucking and licking the shaft. "Hunter," Tim said, looking down at him. "I don't want to finish yet, would you mind slowing up a little."

The wolf merely nodded. "Whereas you need to pick up the pace, I'm falling behind here." He teased.

"Not my fault, this thing's complicated..." Tim playfully flicked Hunter's nub, causing the wolf to gasp, his back arching involuntarily.

Tim continued his licking, his hand slowly rubbing Hunter off. "Oh, okay... Now I'm feeling something... Tim, I think I'm about to..." Hunter's warning came a little late, but Hunter did not. The husky was suddenly coated in Hunter's emissions. He sat up, looking down at the wolf.

"Well, you just came on me... I think it's time I get my turn." He said, with a small growl. The wolf turned once again, burying his face into the arm of the couch. Tim opened a small drawer on the table next to the couch. "Uh oh, no lube for your tube." The husky said, shaking the empty bottle. "No way we could've used a whole bottle already."

"That's okay," Hunter said, his voice dropping a little. "I guess one of the good things about my situation is that I produce my own when I need to. Feels like there should be plenty down there. Besides, the condom's got some on it."

Tim smiled, patting the wolf's back just above his tail. "Brilliant little wolf you are." He said. Hunter heard the sound of a foil packet crinkling, this was followed by a hand resting on his shoulder. He felt the sensation of Tim sliding his shaft along the small ridge, and it made him shiver with anticipation. "You ready?" Tim said, placing his other hand on Hunter's shoulder.

"Yeah, just don't start off quite as fast as you normally do this time, alright?"

"Okay, love you..." Tim kissed Hunter's neck, pulling some of the looser skin up in his teeth. He moved forward slowly, feeling Hunter embrace his length as it slid in. Occasionally he would flinch, it wasn't voluntary, but it would make him clench. Every time this happened, Tim felt an immense surge of pleasure, he slid his length in almost to the base. He started to set up a thrusting pattern, moving his hands down to Hunter's hips. He bit down a little harder onto the skin in his mouth, causing Hunter to let out several small pants of mixed pain and pleasure. He was warm and tight on the husky, Tim liking the feel of the body heat beneath him as well. His thrusts began to gain speed, the wolf's panting increasing more and more, until it started to mix with small moans. Tim came, Hunter knew by the low sigh the husky made, and by the sensation inside of himself. The husky removed his shaft slowly, he pulled the rubber off as he collapsed backwards onto the couch, Hunter crawled up next to him, pulling the blue blanket up as he did, he placed his head on Tim's chest, leaning his muzzle up to kiss the white chin.

Hunter closed his eyes, focusing on the sound of Tim's heart. It was beating quite quickly, but it was still soothing to him. "Mmm, and now nap time resumes. Nap Time Two Point O, now with doggo love." The wolf said, pulling Tim's arm over his shoulder.

"What about the pizza man?" Tim said checking his watch.

"He can find his own boyfriend." Hunter giggled, as he pulled the blanket up to his chin, only coming up about midway up Tim's chest.

The husky took the tip of Hunter's tail, playing with and stroking it gently. "No I meant, one of us should be awake when he gets here." Tim could feel himself slowly nodding off, the blanket trapping the wolf's body heat against him. The soothing warmth and the post orgasmic feeling made him realize exactly how tired he was.

"That's okay, the doorbell wakes me up anyway." The wolf stretched one last time, putting his arm up around Tim's shoulder. It wasn't long before Hunter was asleep, a small smile on his face. Tim fought the urge to sleep for now, wanting to make sure at least one of them was able to get their food. Hunter would sometimes ignore when he was hungry, and could sometimes go a full day eating only a single small meal. It wasn't his fault, he just honestly got so used to ignoring it. Even after two years living with the dog, he still hadn't broken that habit. Tim left little notes everywhere, reminding Hunter to eat, which Hunter thought was exceptionally cute.

Tim stared down at the wolf, remembering the first time that he'd seen him without a shirt on. He was so happy to see him healthy and content, curled up and asleep on his chest. He bent down and kissed the tip of the wolf's ear, it flicked slightly. "Rest well babe." For Hunter it had been the best two years of his life, even though he was almost constantly sick during the first few months. Tim had paid for him to attend an online high school, to make sure he had finished. He then helped the wolf enroll for college classes at his old university, paying his application fee and filling in any gaps in his tuition. Tim was smart with his money, and he didn't mind sharing it with his newfound love. Tim thought about the fact that the very first thing Hunter wanted to do with his check was spend it on the husky. How did I get so lucky to find you? The dog thought, as he switched the channel on the T.V. He was still lost in thought when the doorbell brought him back to the present. Contrary to his promise, the wolf remained blissfully asleep. Tim just rolled his eyes. "Pizza's here Hunter, let me go get it will you?"

The wolf sat up, looking like a sleepy toddler, his head falling on his chest as he leaned back against the soft cushions. "I didn't hear the doorbell." The wolf said, rubbing his eyes.

Tim giggled and poked the wolf's ribs as he was pulling his pants back on. "You never do, that's why I stayed up, you're welcome by the way." He said with a wink at the wolf, he walked towards the door without a shirt on. "Hey, how much do you wanna tip?"

"How much was it?"

"Uh, twenty five, somethin'?"

"Is five dollars enough?" Hunter asked confusedly.

"That should be more than, you sure that's what you wanna do?"

"Yeah, sure, round it up to thirty."

Tim shrugged, as he opened the door. Hunter heard the idle chatter, and made himself comfortable on his preferred side of the couch again. Tim set the steaming hot pizzas down on the table with a grin. "So what do you wanna drink? Tea, water, or juice?"

"I'll take some tea, thanks." Hunter said, opening the boxes. He set Tim's on the middle cushion and pulled his own pizza onto his lap. "Would you bring me a plate please?"

Tim returned with the drinks, setting them carefully on the coasters. He then passed Hunter a plastic plate. The wolf extracted three choice slices from his box, and then set it on the table. That would probably be all he ate. Tim just set the open box on his lap, he smiled as the wolf took a bite of his pizza. "How does it feel to eat the fruits of your labor?" Tim asked, laying his tail on top of the wolf's.

"It tastes pretty good." Hunter said with a grin.

He was proud of Hunter, more than he cared to admit. He honestly wouldn't have blamed the wolf if he'd wanted to blow his first check entirely on himself. Yet he didn't, he wanted to spend the first money that came out of it on making sure Tim was fed. He laughed internally at the reversal. "Oh yeah, I did get you something that I paid for, I hope you don't mind." Tim said, as he reached for a bag on the table. He handed the wolf a clear box containing a slice of chocolate cheesecake.

"Oh... No I don't mind... I'll probably save it for later." The wolf smiled at his mate as he accepted the gift. "What's this for?" Hunter asked.

"Because I love you, and you deserve something just nice occasionally, but also because I wanted to help you celebrate your first real check." Tim laid his box aside for a moment, to kiss the wolf, Hunter leaned towards him to make it easier. "I'm happy for you babe."

"I'm happy too. Now you won't be the only one contributing to everything..." Hunter smiled as he took his second bite of pizza. Tim had already finished two slices.

"So what do you wanna do about Sunday?"

"I dunno, I've been to busy with school. I completely forgot it was coming." Sunday was Hunter's birthday. In the two years they'd lived together, Tim would ask Hunter what he wanted to do, the wolf would think of something cool, and they'd go do it. He normally didn't choose anything major. His first year, Hunter wanted to spend a day making baked goods with the dog, inviting some friends over to join them in their consumption. The year after that, he decided on an amusement park, something that he'd never done before. So Tim took him, and they enjoyed a day, just the two of them. "I think I'd like to spend a day at the movies, just pick several throughout the day and get food in between."

"That sounds doable." Tim said, leaning back, setting his empty box down on the table for the moment. "Anything else you've really been wanting? A new game, something like that?"

"Um... There is one thing... A friend at the GSA mentioned it to me, kind of in private."

"Well what is it?" TIm cocked his head, a little confused at Hunter's nervousness. Normally, he was shy about asking for gifts anyway, but this was going beyond even that.

Hunter opened the web-browser on his phone, sliding it to the husky. "It's a... toy. It's kind of like a strap-on, but I get some sensations from using it." Hunter looked down, as he set his plate on the still full box.

"I think that's a wonderful idea... If that's what you really want."

"Yeah, it is. It's a chance for me to be even closer to you... "

Tim smiled as he took the phone. "I'll get the order filled tonight. We could use some more lube anyway."

"Thanks I'm excited about it."

"It's alright sweetheart, I'm excited too. Seems like something you'll enjoy." Tim laughed, "From the looks of this thing, I'll enjoy it too."

Hunter pulled the blanket back up, his hand dropping onto the center cushion. Tim's hand met his, holding it tightly. Tim's eyes were heavy, a long day of work taking its toll on him. He leaned back, patting his chest. Hunter crawled across the couch, turning sideways. He laid his head back down on Tim, who looked into those purple eyes. They were positively shining. As he closed his eyes, he thought about how far the wolf had come from the hell he'd been raised in, and then forced into. He was so happy to see that coat glisten, those eyes sparkle when they looked into his. As the wolf pulled the binder off under the blanket, Tim thought about the day Hunter got his first binder, how much he had cried looking at himself in the mirror, how much Tim had cried for him. He thought too about a small ring in its box, hidden in the deepest depths of his backpack, that he had picked up today on the way home. Yes, Sunday was going to be a good day for the wolf, a very good day indeed.