Loving Brother

Story by Des Wolf on SoFurry

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Desmond was in his room,reading a story on yiffstar.He wasn't reading a yiff story,it was just a regular one.He was only in his boxers,and didn't have a shirt on.There came a knock at the door and Desmond quickly closed his current window."Come in."Desmond yelled.His sister Allie walked in and sat on the bed.

"Hey bro,watch ya doin?"Allie asked.

"Well i was reading a story and I thought you were mom or dad,so I closed it when you knocked.It's okay though,I was about done with it."Desmond explained.

"Oh,well anyways,can you help me with my math homework?"Allie asked.

"Uuuhhhh...Sure.Go get your stuff and I'll help."

Allie yelped for joy and went to get her books.Desmond pulled another story up on yiffstar called,'Big Brother'.When he pulled it up,Allie entered into the room and sat back down on the bed."Hey sis,Will you close the door and lock it?"Allie nodded and got up and closed the door.

"Thanks sis.If you need my help,just call for me.Im gonna be reading this story."Desmond said.

"Okay."Allie nodded and started on her homework.Desmond started reading the story.It was about this sister that got scared during a storm and went to sleep with her brother.The sister and brother cuddled next to each other and the brother could smell his sisters scent.The brother was getting hard and the scent was so sweet smelling.

"Hey Des...Can you help real quick?"Allie asked.

"Huh...Oh sure.What is it."Desmond got up and walked towards the bed.

Allie looked up and saw that Desmond's cock was hard."Hehe."Allie giggled.

"Hey...What are you laughin at?"Desmond asked wondering.Allie pointed at his crotch.Desmond looked down and blushed.

"Well what kind of story were you reading?"Allie asked still giggling.

"A good one so far.It's about a brother and sister."Desmond explained.

"Well does this story have incest yiffing in it?"Allie stopped giggling and stared at his crotch waiting for an answer.

"Yes it does.Why do you ask?"Desmond asked wondering.

"Well this is why."Allie pulled Desmond closer by the front of his boxers.Desmond's eyes went wide when she pulled him close to her face.

"Allie what are you doing?"Desmond asked shocked.

"Well you like to read incest stories...So why don't we just do a little of our own?"Allie winked at him and pulled the front of his underwear down and she yelped cause the tip flicked her in the nose.

"Allie,I dont think we should do this."Desmond protested.

"Oh come on Des...Your hard and I'm in heat,so let's do it.PPLLEEAASSEEE!!!Allie looked into his eyes and gave him a puppy dog pout.Desmond looked at her.He knew it was wrong,his brain protested it.But his cock made up his decision.

"Oohh...alright."Allie yelped in excitement and she wrapped her lips around her brother's cock.Desmond gasped at the sensations, as loads of pleasure rushed through him as his sister sucked his cock.

"Oh...OOOHHHHHH!!!"Desmond moaned loudly.Allie stopped though.

"SShhhhhh,We can't let our parents catch us."Allie stated.

"Oh right...sorry.But it feels so good."Desmond gasped as she wrapped her lips around his cock again."OMG...your so great."Desmond moaned.

"Hey!Lay on the bed."Allie said and stripped her clothes off.He complied and layed down on the bed.

Allie faced the opposite way and straddled his face.Desmond was just inches away from his sister's most secret parts.He could smell her sweet,musky scent.She stuck Desmond's cock back in her mouth and started sucking more.He shuddered and raised up.His muzzle went into his sisters folds.She moaned around his cock,sending vibrations around his cock.

He continued to lick and explore his sister's pussy,loving the taste.They went on for a few minutes pleasuring each other in a perfect 69.Allie was panting hard.She was about to cum.Desmond knew this.So he stuck his tongue deep into her.Allie gasped loudly and her walls convulsed and Desmond thought she was gonna rip it out.

Allie kept sucking harder and faster while she was cumming.She grabbed the back of Desmond's knot and squeezed.He arched his back with her still sucking and he came into her mouth."UUUUGGGGHHHH!!!."Desmond moaned out loud while shooting his cum in her mouth.She tried to swallow all that she could but she had to pull the cock out and he squirted one shot of spooge onto her face.

"Oh Allie...That was amazing."Desmond said out of breath.They got off the bed on wobbly knees."Allie...uhhh Do you wanna yiff?"Desmond asked embarrassed at the question.

"I'd love to."Allie yipped in excitement.

Allie layed down on the bed and spread her legs.Desmond positioned himself and gently pushed his cock into his sister,Allie moaned at the touch and let him slide in more.He pushed in further and hit her hymen."Okay...this will hurt a little."Allie nodded and Desmond pushed.Her facial expression changed from happy,to in pain.Desmond thrusted one push into her,breaking her hymen.

Allie lost her breath and groaned loudly.Her eyes started watering.Desmond cooed her saying everything will feel better soon.He started a rhythm,thrusting in and out.Allie's pain soon faded and turned into pleasure.Desmond continued thrusting,making him and his sis moan loudly.

Allie leaned up to Desmond and kissed him passionately.Their tongues made their way into each others muzzles.Desmond made quicker thrusts,feeling his knot start to form."Desmond...When your....knot is...hard...tie us."Allie said between thrusts.

Desmond nodded to her and thrusted harder.His knot swelling.He pushed a final time and tied him and Allie together.He made short,quick thrusts now.Both moaning,both tied.They kissed while Desmond pounded his sis.Allie howled and orgasmed.Her juices not able to escape around Desmond's knot.She tightened her walls and Desmond came.He shot his fluids into his sister's wet,soaking pussy.His seed mixing with her's and creating a nice brew.

Desmond laid on top Allie,exhausted.He rolled over off of her onto his side,bringing Allie with him.They laid there,looking into each others eyes."We can't tell mom or dad about this,okay?"Desmond said giving his sis a look.

"Okay,can we do this more?"

"Sure,and maybe we can get some people to join.Like I hear Vince Dingo loves you."

"Really?But I don't know if I love him."

"Well will you give him a chance?"

"Sure!I'll give him a chance."Allie said with hope in her voice.

"Okay...Well uhhh,haha looks like your sleeping in here tonight."

"Yay...It's been a long time since we've slept together."Allie said.

Desmond and Allie layed in each other's arms through the night,tied together.Later though,their mom walked in while they were asleep."Awwwww,well don't they look cute."Mrs. Wulf thought.She quietly closed the door and walked into the living room where her husband was.

"Hey honey?I want you to come look at something."The two wolves walk to their son's room and they looked in.

"Awww they look cute together."

"Thats what I thought.Kinda makes me horny.Hehe."

"Ohhh really?Well what about this?"Mr. Wulf lifted up her skirt and plunged two fingers into her pussy.They giggled and ran back into their room,leaving the brother and sister to sleep for the rest of the night.

The End

Well that was fun.The next story will be Vince's Mate.Look for it and please comment on this.Tell me how I could improve on my writing,Cause I really need it.Thanks for reading.