The Rainbow Patriot - Chapter 3: The Pink Swastika

Story by Tom Rosenburg on SoFurry

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#3 of The Rainbow Patriot

This is my longest chapter yet. It was a slog to get through because I was thinking of some character ideas and how to move the plot forward. I hope you see how much effort I put into this one. So in this chapter, we're basically fighting a gay version of the Nazi's.

DISCLAIMER: Some religious nutcases argue that the Nazi's were actually gay. This story is not in anyway trying to affirm that; I just thought it's a hot concept.

Update (06/28/2016): I changed the aircraft from private jets to propeller airplanes for historical accuracy. I also extended the ending sex scene a little bit along with fixing a few very minor errors.

Update (12/14/2016): I reworked the ending and fixed several grammar issues.

LAST TIME ON THE RAINBOW PATRIOT: The eagle went through many names as he traveled around the world for a few thousand years until finding home in the new world of America. During the Colonial Era, the colonies including our hero were fed up by the king's tyrannical rule and ushered in a revolution. And so he became the legendary champion of homosexuality and brought the new world to a new independent future.

The Rainbow Patriot - Chapter 3: The Pink Swastika

It was the 19th century and the new republic expanded in the new world since its independence thanks to the revolution from the British empire. After permanently establishing themselves in the eastern coast, the next major milestone was to head west to the other end of the land and establish new states along the way. Others were part of the Gold Rush; looking to make an easy living selling valuable nuggets for money. The Rainbow Patriot was going to travel west for an entirely different reason; he wanted to fulfill the wishes of an old companion whom he cherished for so many years. He carried a small wooden box with a strap that hung over his broad shoulder and a backpack full of the essentials; a tent, a big canteen full of fresh water, and a Stetson hat over his rainbow mask for a nice touch. With everything ready, he walked toward the sunset leaving his old home behind, hoping to meet new people and likely have plenty of fun along the way. He came across a long line of other travelers heading west; strong muscular bulls and equines pulling wagons for their loved ones and families. Their ripped chests huffed and heaved with each step pulling hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of weight. Their huge bodies glistened with sweat as some trickled down from their face onto their broad bodies. But despite the burdening load, they persevered with a cheerful tune about getting to their destination. The song echoed across the land and encouraged them to press on.

The Rainbow Patriot was like a little kid attending a parade; waving to the cavalcade as they waved back. They paid special attention to him because of the tremendous work he had done for them; they told their children to look at the eagle and see what a great hero he was. But he was too busy gawking at the strong males pulling the wagons. When they asked him to come along, he blushed as he tried to contain his excitement and dashed to the front of the line. Now that the eagle was leading, he sang along with them and marched down the dirt road. Whenever they decided to stop and camp for the night, the big men would find the nearest body of water and wash away all the sweat and stink of the day. Then they and the Rainbow Patriot would find a spot away from the women and children for a night of hot steamy sex. The eagle would often get sandwiched between all the massive bulls and stallions and groan in bliss. He was great at getting all the men together just for some sexually explicit cavorting. One night, he even convinced them not to wash up before fucking and got trapped in a pile of muscular, sweaty, musky bodies. The intense masculine scent and heat from their bodies was enough to make the eagle cum in his rainbow thong. When he showed off his golden cock that glittered in the moonlight, they all wanted a piece of it. Some even wrestled for it; letting their abundant testosterone fuel their instincts. When the reverse happened, the Rainbow Patriot tried to have as many of their huge fat dongs as he could. He tried having two in his ass and two in his beak at once at a time. He felt he was in pure gay heaven; he did not want it to end when it pleasured him so much. But all good things must come to an end eventually.

The Rainbow Patriot had to divert from the cavalcade to get to his own destination. They waved him goodbye and wished to cross roads with him again in the future. After waving him back, he continued his lonely journey through the greatest of plains, the rockiest of mountains, and the grandest of canyons. After a week or so, he could smell the salty breeze in the air; signaling that he finally reached his destination. It was the ocean at the other end of the great nation. And he made it at perfect timing for the sun was descending toward the flat horizon. The sunset made the water sparkle and beautiful. As he walked along the white sand and stopped close to the waves, he took off the strap of the wooden box and held it. When he opened the lid of the box, inside was just a pile of ashes. He stared at it and smiled softly.

"Well, I made it to the west ocean like I promised. Now I can finally set you free." He murmured before tilting the box upside down and dumping the ashes into the waves. He watched them carry it into the ocean while the dust from the ashes rose up and whisked away in the wind. "Goodbye, Mustang...I'll never forget you." He wiped a tear in his eye trying to hold back more. With another cherished friend gone, he felt alone. But Mustang always told him not to feel that way and move forward with his head held high because he had others that may need him the most. With a sniff, he gave a salute and traveled back east after completing his mission.

When he made it back to the east coast, he headed south to a rather phallic-shaped peninsula above the Gulf of Mexico. He had several people follow him carrying stacks of planks, bricks, and metal because he wanted to build his own town and expand it overtime into a gay paradise. He instructed the men on where to put stuff and helped with the construction. After a few weeks, homes were completed, stores opened for business, and he even got his very own nightclub; a place where all the men can come together and have fun. And the Rainbow Patriot would get paid for doing what he did best. "If you're really good at something, never do it for free." He always said. Much like the last time he profited dancing lewdly and having sex at a nightclub, he received a heavy paycheck in piles of dollar bills. The stores sold your typical goods, but there was one that sold gay erotic stuff; books, clothes, and the ambitious dildo prototypes, molded by some of the citizens, including the Rainbow Patriot in all seven-color glory. He also claimed the beach, wanting to make clothing completely optional for men and have it be a place for them to work out their muscles and show them off. The last thing he needed was a name for the place. He wanted it to be the heart of the country and grow into a large, robust, industrial city. He decided to simply name it Gaytropolis.

It was the beginning of the 1940s and the Rainbow Patriot's wishes have come true. His big city became the bustling hotspot that he envisioned. Buildings became skyscrapers, the dirt roads became asphalt with innovative locomotives zooming along it, new city lights envelop the city in a warm ambient glow during the night, and the beachside has become a busy tourist attraction. While the women relaxed under the hot sun and the children played innocently in the sand and in the waters, the men grouped together and worked out with each other. Huge muscular nude males doing bench-presses, lifting free weights, and showing off their big guns to one another. Their activities always resulted in big throbbing erections, leading to sexual sweaty dogpiles. And finally, the Rainbow Patriot's nightclub was the premium go-to place for all the guys. There was never a night where he didn't have money literally thrown at him and running out of room in his thong to put all of it in. With the massive profits, he was able to own a piece of land upon a hill at the outskirts of the city and have it built into a luxurious mansion. He even updated the flag on his attire with more stars.

The Rainbow Patriot was at the muscle side of the beach watching the guys lift absurdly heavy weights. He did not have his mask on, but was wearing a pair of shades with rainbow rims. A Rottweiler lifted over 500 pounds of weights with just one arm. As the men applauded, the eagle snickered. "Heh, that's nothing. Watch this." The buff bird rubbed his hands together before digging them under the canine's feet in the sand. With one mighty push, he grunted loudly. His biceps flexed and a couple of veins bulged out from them. The huge dog carrying the 500 pounds of weight was lifted above the eagle's head. The crowd applauded louder along with some whistles seeing their nation's hero be the herculean god that he was. When the eagle set the Rottweiler back down with a huff; he wiped the sweat off his head and the canine quickly wrapped a buff arm around the feathered waist.

"That was amazing, Rainbow Patriot, sir! You're the strongest guy on the beach!" He complimented.

The eagle chuckled feeling his ego being bolstered. "Well, only the strongest guy in the beach can build the pyramids in less than a month." He said followed by a wink.

The Rottweiler's heart screamed with glee from the wink and then placed his hand on the eagle's chiseled abs; rubbing them affectionately. "Want me to rub you down with some oil? Make your feathers all shiny?" He asked as he moved his hand down to fondle the massive bulge in the eagle's thong.

The Rainbow Patriot gasped and squirmed in the canine's grip while the others grew incredibly jealous. They all wanted to at least massage his godly muscles and his good parts. Their lewd thoughts stirred their arousal. They could hear the fabric of their speedos and thongs groaning, trying to contain their pulsing beasts. But as it looked like another muscly dogpile was imminent, they were suddenly encountered by a wolf wearing shades, a fedora, suspender straps, and very short shorts exposing almost all of his strong legs. He also had a gun in a holster on the hem of his shorts.

"Are you the Rainbow Patriot?" He asked.

The eagle looked at him cautiously and raised a brow. "Who wants to know?"

The wolf reached into his pocket and pulled out a wallet. He unfolded it to reveal a government badge. "Sir, I'm a member of Secret Services and I have been ordered by the President of the United Gays to escort you to the Pink House."

The Rainbow Patriot gasped and grinned. It was rare he got to meet the president because of heightened security measures. Back in the day after gaining independence, he could meet them as much as he wanted. He nodded to the wolf and turned back to the musclebound jocks. "Sorry, boys, but I got a date with the president."

The males sighed in disappointment, but humbly waved him goodbye hoping for another round of fun soon. As he and secret service member left, they looked at each other's bodies and their erections came back to life. "DOGPILE!" They yelled and tackled each other into a pile of huffing, heaving, sweaty, moaning bodies.

After replacing his shades with his mask, the Rainbow Patriot was taken to a private propeller airplane, which flew up north to the United Gays' capital. It was luxurious and he was treated quite well. The flight attendants served him the best erotic drinks he ever tasted. When he looked out the window, there was the Washington monument; a phallic stone tower where people can take the elevator up to the mushroom tip and get a great view. He also saw a statue of him, where people who did not normally get to meet him could at least see what he was like. It even gave them the opportunity to get pictures of them touching his statue lewdly. He then saw the Pink House, where the president lived and conducted his executive duties as leader of the free gay country. When they landed at the airport, he was met with more secret service members who blocked his path.

"I apologize, sir, but we have to frisk you for security reasons." One of them said before instructing the eagle of spread his arms out.

The Rainbow Patriot complied and allowed the men to search him. They groped and fondled his buff body; feeling every inch of his bulky muscles. One dipped his hand into the front of his thong and felt his soft golden cock and his two feathered basketball-sized testicles. Another pulled the floss of the thong from behind to reveal the eagle's golden pucker. After snapping on a rubber glove, he penetrated his anus with his hand, performing a cavity search. The bird squirmed and moaned from the groping and invasion of his insides. His golden cock sprung to life pulsing and throbbing for more pleasure. A third member grabbed that priceless flesh and suckled the tip; tasting the precum that leaked into his mouth. The eagle huffed and moaned more with his tongue hanging out.

"Nnggghh...why are you trying to make me cum...?" He asked.

The male that was sucking his cock explained. "We actually want to get a sample of your semen. You cured the Black Death a long time ago and we want to send it to experts for scientific research."

The guy that was doing a cavity search pulled his hand out of the eagle's ass. "Now I need to do a residue search. You know, to make sure you're not smuggling anything illegal." He said before dipping his face into the rump and lick hungrily over his golden entrance.

The Rainbow Patriot never heard of such a search; it was likely just an excuse for a government agent to rim their clients while on duty. Regardless, it really set him off; arching his back and moaning out loudly. He thrust his ass against the slick canine tongue worming in his rectum. Soon, he reached his climax and uttered his signature orgasmic moan. The sound was so strong and gay that it caused the secret service members to cum in their pants.

One guy was trying to regain his composure during his orgasm as he tried to catch the raining miracle juices from the Rainbow Patriot's cock in a plastic container. He managed to fill half of the container after the eagle's orgasm subsided. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Thank you for your cooperation. Now you may see the president."

The Rainbow Patriot was taken from the airport to the Pink House. When they got inside, they went to the Oral Office where the president conducts his business. One of the secret service men knocked on the door announcing the eagle's arrival. The president gave an okay and they entered the office. The office itself was vibrant and full of erotic memorabilia and decor. Dildos of past presidents were hung on the wall, as well as a portrait of the Rainbow Patriot. If they looked close enough, they could see a few vague crusted stains on it. The president was a muscular human wearing a hot pink suit and a rainbow tie. Humans predominantly ruled the Earth in ancient times, but overtime, they were becoming a minority with the growth of anthropomorphic animals.

The president had a black slender cat with white spots on his fur sitting on his lap. The feline was nude and wearing a collar with a bell attached to it, showing that he was a pet to the president. The collar had the name "Oreo" engraved on it. He cuddled and rubbed his soft fur against the president, purring loudly with content and occasionally licking his cheek. He then looked at the massive eagle before him and president and meowed in surprise. "Mrawr, he's so big~" Oreo commented as his eyes scanned his body.

The president looked at the eagle and smiled. "Welcome to the Pink House, Rainbow Patriot. I hope you don't mind my pet." He said as he stroked the cat's back.

The Rainbow Patriot assured. "Oh not at all, Mr. President. It is an honor to meet you." He then saluted to him.

The president urged Oreo to get off of his lap so that he could get out of his chair and walk freely. The cat strutted towards the eagle, rubbing his body and tail against his torso.

"Carry me?" He asked pawing at his abs.

The Rainbow Patriot thought he was the most adorable thing ever as he stared into the cat's big cute eyes. "How can I say no to that face." He answered and picked him up before holding him in his bulky arms. The cat snuggled and rubbed against his feathered pecs; rubbing his tail under his beak.

"I suppose you're wondering why I brought you here, so I'll just cut to the chase. There's something menacing brewing in the heart of Europe. We received word from Great Britain that there's a fascist dictatorship ruling in Germany that's threatening to invade other countries."

The Rainbow Patriot was shocked from hearing the news. "What is this organization? Is it another group looking to oppress natural gayness?" He asked.

The cat started to nuzzle his barrel pecs and lick his left golden nipple. The eagle gasped and held back his urge to moan from the stimulation of that rough tongue running over his thick lat.

The president had his head turned away looking out the window before shaking his head. "No, they're in fact a gay group. We don't exactly know what their agenda is, but it doesn't look good. We did manage to get some info about the dictator." He pulled out from under his desk a file containing the information. When he opened the file, it showed a mug shot picture of a hawk. "His name is Bruno Schwule, born in Austria. He spent some time in jail writing a book and that book is what lead him to join politics. Now he's the leader of Germany. Whatever is in that book had a great influence on the people and tell what his motives are."

The cat was really teasing him; now he was suckling on that thick golden lat. His fangs clamped around it tugging at it with each suck. The eagle softly grunted and groaned from the stimulation.

"What is the-mmfff-book called?"

"Mein Kampf." Said an ominous German voice.

The Rainbow Patriot and the president turned toward where the voice came from and gasped. It was a huge bulky Doberman. He wore a leather hat, fingerless gloves, a leather harness across his broad and chiseled torso, a black thong, combat boots, and an armband hugging his buff arm just below his right shoulder. The armband was red and had a pink swastika on it.

"How the hell did you get in here?!" The president yelled.

The Doberman grinned and was holding the container of the Rainbow Patriot's cum. "I wanted to meet you two peacefully, but your security wanted to be hostile towards me. So I gave zem what zey were asking for." He then took the container and drank the cum; gulping it down loudly. Some of it leaking from the corners of his mouth and running down to his barrel chest. When it was empty, he rubbed the cum all over his torso before throwing the container; hitting the wall behind him. "Your security is no match for my strength." He said before flexing his bulky biceps; making them inflate.

The Rainbow Patriot was amazed by how huge the canine was; he was nearly as big and herculean as the eagle himself. When the German male approached him, he grabbed Oreo before dropping him onto the floor. The cat easily landed on his feet. The dog rubbed his feathered chest; feeling his barrel pecs and defined abs. He softly groaned.

"Mm, you're as buff as everyone says you are. Allow me to introduce myself; I am part of an organization called ze Flaming Adolescence of Germany. We recruit only ze biggest und most muscular guys in Germany und hopefully ze world. My Führer is very interested in you und wants to meet you in person. He's a very impatient leader, so I recommend you come wiz me quietly. We wouldn't want to make him mad now, would we?"

Oreo was on all fours rubbing against the Doberman's thick legs, meowing and purring. The canine looked down and glared at him before kicking him away. The cat yelped from the kick and meowed in pain. He sniffled as he was trying to hold back his tears; quivering his lips.

"What the hell?!" The Rainbow Patriot yelled, appalled by the act.

The Doberman grabbed the eagle in a hold; wrapping his buff arm around his neck and locking one of his arms behind his back. His obscene bulge smacked into the eagle's rump. "Now, come wiz me und don't attempt to resist. Make one wrong move und I'll order a platoon to bomb the capital. Same goes for you, American swine, und your inferior pussycat too. Don't you dare call ze authorities." He then dragged the big avian away from the office and took him back to the airport. When they got there, all of the security guards were on the ground unconscious possibly by the Doberman and a couple of other immensely muscled males that were waiting for them. After binding the Rainbow Patriot with bulky reinforced steel handcuffs behind his back, he took him inside a propeller airplane before it took off from the airport heading to Germany.

The Rainbow Patriot was forced to sit in his rather comfortable seat as the Doberman stood in front of him wearing a toothy grin on his face.

"It'll be a while before we land in Deutschland. In ze meantime, I want to see zat famous cock of yours." He said before kneeling down gripping the fabric of his rainbow thong and tugging it down. The eagle's golden cock flopped out, which made the canine awe at the sight. "Ah, what a priceless treasure to behold." He fondled it and groped it feeling it glittery texture.

The Rainbow Patriot softly groaned from the rubbing as his cock grew hard. It stood proudly in front of the Doberman.

"I wonder if it tastes as good as its value." He wondered as he licked his teeth; eyeing it like he was ready to pounce on it. But right as he was about to wrap his muzzle around that thick shaft, he was stopped by another bulky F.A.G. member, who was a tiger.

"Halt! You heard what ze Führer said; zat golden dick is for him only." He warned.

The Doberman grunted in frustration and pouted. "Yah, yah..." He waved off to him before the tiger left.

The Rainbow Patriot smirked. "I guess the doggie's not getting his bone today."

The Doberman growled at him and smirked at an idea he thought up. He groped his own huge bulge, making his erection tent his black thong. As it grew harder, they could hear the fabric stretch loudly. "Since you like to run your beak, let's put it to good use." When he tugged down his own thong, his thick canine cock jutted out and drooled pre from the tip. He then saddled onto the eagle's lap; his cock rubbing against his feathered torso in between the groove of his pecs. The tip of the shaft bumped against the underside of his beak with each light thrust. The German canine gripped the Rainbow Patriot's golden nipples, making him moan out. But as soon as he did, he got a mouth full of canine cock in his beak. Then he thrust his thick tool deep and hard into it; grunting in pleasure from each forward thrust of his mighty pelvis. "Scheiße, your beak feels so good!"

The Rainbow Patriot was forced to deepthroat the pulsing monster; grunting and gulping on that member out of reflex. The canine's balls rhythmically crashed into his neck; the tip of his beak pressing against his crotch; forcing him to sniff that strong masculine musk. He tried to pleasure the Doberman as much as could, but he could not move his tongue for it was pinned down by the massive schlong filling the whole space of his beak. He reached around and groped the Doberman's rump; feeling it clench strongly with each thrust and how big, round, and squeezable. He whined in need; feeling his cock ache from so much pent up arousal and not getting any attention.

Soon, the Doberman let out a loud moan and unload his juices. Bulges of his thick creamy cum moved down his throat as the eagle gulped it all down. He drank it all and did not waste a single drop. The canine looked down at him panting and pulled out of his beak with a pop. His leaking cock flopped sloppily on the eagle's chest as he sat back down on his lap. "Zat was ze best blowjob I had in a while; you're a gay champion all right."

The Rainbow Patriot grunted as his golden cock throbbed for release and watched the German dog climb off of his lap and presented his rump in front of him. He flexed his big strong cheeks for him and rubbed them.

"Mm, you want to fuck it, don't you?" He teased before tugging the floss of his thong to reveal his pink pucker.

The Rainbow Patriot winced in arousal, finding that ass to be too enticing to look away. He squirmed in his seat, trying to break free of his steel cuffs so that he could at least jack off. He thrust his hips upward a little bit, humping the air.

The Doberman backed up and grind his rump against the shaft; hotdogging between those fuzzy cheeks. It made the eagle grunt and the tip of his cock spurt pre onto it.

The Rainbow Patriot humped as much as he could against that rump, but when the canine moved away, he whined. "Please let me cum!" He begged.

The German dog grinned and fingered himself; making deliberately lusty noises as he penetrated himself. He then pulled it out with a pop and shoved that ass-coated finger into the eagle's beak. The taste was enough to push the Rainbow Patriot over the edge. He moaned loudly and gushed from the tip of his golden cock; painting the Doberman white in hot sticky seed. The ejaculation was harder than usual from all that arousal finally being released. One big spurt of cum hit directly at his eyes; causing the Doberman to yip in surprise and groan from the stinging sensation. But when he licked his lips, he hummed greatly to the taste. He also wiped some of the cum off of his body with his hands before shoving them into his muzzle to taste more.

"It tastes even better when it's straight from ze tap." He joked. "If you'll excuse me, I need to rinse my eyes..."

The Rainbow Patriot panted as he collapsed in his seat. His cock went limp and rested on his left thigh. He was glad the arousing torture end and he could relax until they reached their destination. After some time, they finally landed in the city of Berlin, Germany. The F.A.G. soldiers grabbed him by the arms and took him off the plane and into the back of an armored black vehicle. The eagle sat between the Doberman and tiger from before while two more sat at the front. As he looked out the window, he did not see a lot of civilians, but all of them were big and muscular in varying degrees; there was not a single slender or even an average person that he saw. They soon reached the front of Berlin City Hall, which was decorated in pink swastikas to show who ran the place. He was taken inside, past the guards, and into the office where their leader resided.

A huge hawk sat at a desk signing some documents. He wore a military hat with a shiny black bird on it, a monocle, and the similar armband that the F.A.G. members wore. He was topless, so the eagle saw how incredibly ripped his was. The Doberman approached the hawk and jutted his right arm forward in salute and announced their presence in German.

"Mein Führer, haben wir den Regenbogen Vogel brachte Sie aus den Vereinigten Homosexuell von Amerika angefordert."

The hawk looked up and saw the colorful eagle in front of him; smirking a little. "Danke, du bist entlassen." He replied.

The Doberman walked past the eagle and was about to head out the door. When the bird turned his head to see him, he smacked his asscheek for him before leaving. The hawk stood up from his chair and approached the eagle. He wore a red thong with the pink swastika symbol on that massive bulge that bounced with each step. The eagle was shocked by the fact that the hawk was practically equal to him in size, stature, and endowments. The two godly avians were getting awfully close to each other; the hawk's body clashed against the eagle's own. Their immense bulges pressed hard against each other while the German bird dipped his hand into his thong to pull out a key. He then reached around his body and unlocked his cuffs. The Rainbow Patriot smelled the exhilarating masculine musk emitting from him and felt those bulbous pecs and thick nipples rubbing against his own. He held back a moan from being uttered. When his arms were free from their binds, he flexed them and grunted by how stiff they were.

"Ze Rainbow Patriot, we finally meet in person. I apologize for having to make you come here by force, but I had no ozer option. I am Bruno Schwule, dictator of ze Third Reich und leader of ze Flaming Adolescents of Germany."

"What do you want from me?" The Rainbow Patriot asked.

Bruno snickered. "Have a look over here." He pulled a rope, which opened the curtains at one side of the room. Outside the window was an overhead view of a camp, where the people in there were being worked intensively by the F.A.G. soldiers. "You see, I want ze people of Deutschland to be ze biggest zey can possibly be. So I created a body-build requirement. If any citizen fails to meet zat requirement, zey are forced to go to this camp und do hard labor und extensive workouts. If zey get big enough, zey are free to go und have ze opportunity to join my ranks. But Germany is only ze beginning; I want to turn zis into a new world order. Imagine it, Herr Faggot; a world where every male in ze world is a giant slab of hulking muscles, big fat cocks, und strong round asses."

The Rainbow Patriot imagined such a world. It would sound like utopian paradise, but it would be a dystopia for anyone that did not fit their master race of bulky males. He was worried about the other males. "What happens to those who can't get bigger?"

"If zey are incapable of doing so or refuse to do it, then zey get executed. I will not allow inferiors to waste precious space on zis Earth."

The Rainbow Patriot gasped in shock in hearing the hawk say that so casually. By the time the eagle had gotten to Germany, Bruno could have already sent some furs to death. He started to build up rage and was ready to take action, but Bruno was keenly one step ahead of them.

"I know what you're thinking und I would reconsider zat zought if I were you. I have dozens upon dozens of loyal soldiers all of whom are almost as big as us. It's you versus me und an entire army of super men. I know I cannot kill you, but you'll be suffering a fate worse than death if you attempt to rebel against me. I would be deeply saddened on doing that to a magnificent und beautiful gay creature like yourself."

"We have a military of our own, you know." The eagle countered. "They will come for me."

"Zey might, but not before we nuke your entire country into oblivion. Your tanks und missiles are no match for our atomic bombs; zey're just as super as we are. All zat progress you worked so hard to achieve for ze country will blow away like dust in ze wind. Face it, Herr Faggot, you cannot possibly defeat me. Embrace ze new future of zis world und join us. I will make your time here as wonderful as you want if you comply. Zink about it; a crowd of huge muscular men with pecs as big as barrels, big rumps just waiting to be filled, big meaty schlongs to be sucked, und cum factories to be emptied."

The Rainbow Patriot fell into his thoughts again, but was forced to imagine the scene Bruno described to him; being in a room full of huge sweaty and heaving bodies in one massive orgy. The eagle groaned as his arousal surged again and formed a large tent in his rainbow thong. " shouldn't...all men are created equal...but...mmmfff...muscles everywhere..."

Bruno grinned as he was persuading the eagle to swing to his side. He grabbed his huge erection covered by the fabric and slightly stroked it; teasing him even more. He then gripped the hem of the eagle's rainbow mask. "Let's see what you're hiding under zis inferior symbol of gayness."

"Wait!" The Rainbow Patriot interjected before the hawk could unmask him. "If I agree to join your organization...promise me you won't harm the American people. I'll submit myself to you and do whatever you want if you leave them alone. If anything bad happened to them...I could just..." He sniffled as he was trying to hold back tears. He was willing to sacrifice his entire persona and American identity for the sake of his citizens; they meant everything to him.

Bruno thought about his request and wiped the eagle's tears away. "Of course. It wouldn't be fun with you being bummed und gloomy all ze time. I shall expand my empire und your country can be ze happy-go-lucky gay nation that it is." The hawk resumed pulling the mask off of the eagle's head, revealing his face. He smiled and ran a finger over the white feathers. "You have quite ze handsome face." He complimented.

The Rainbow Patriot blushed shyly having his mask taken off; feeling like a police officer having his badge revoked. He was no longer the face of gay patriotism; he was now one of the flaming fascists. He could at least feel some comfort knowing that his country would remain safe from their tyranny. He was held close by the hawk and their massive bodies clashed once more. He looked into Bruno's bedroom eyes as their beaks were inches from each other; both of them feeling the other's breath. The hawk's intoxicating musk was overwhelming and made him breathe shakily as he tried to utter his pledge of allegiance to his new leader. "...H...Hi...Hiel Schwule..."

Bruno grinned in response and then locked his beak with the eagle's own. He claimed America's shining hero for himself and thought of him as the best part of his collection. He was certainly going to enjoy him in every way.

Meanwhile, back in the United Gays of America, the president was in his office sitting at his desk. He was worried about the Rainbow Patriot fearing something bad might happen to him. His pet cat Oreo was laying down on the floor next to the president's desk innocently playing with a ball of yarn. A lot of humanoid furs got over their stereotypical behavior, but some like Oreo chose not to. A secret service member suddenly bursts into the office.

"Mr. President, we received a film reel from the Flaming Adolescents of Germany! It's about the Rainbow Patriot!" He exclaimed frantically.

The president stood up from his chair and slammed his hands on the desk. "What?! Bring in the projector!" he ordered.

Soon the projection was set up and the secret service member put in the reel before flipping the power switch. He dimmed the lights as the projector displayed the picture at a sheet that was hastily put together. After the timer counted down and showing several artifacts in the picture, Bruno appeared on screen sitting at his desk.

"Hallo, Herr Präsident. I hope you're having a good day; I certainly am, now zat I have your precious rainbow of hope. But fear not, he is perfectly safe and sound here. So let's get to ze cock und balls of the matter, if you get my expression. Herr Faggot is now on my team as my right-hand bird. Ze deal was that he would give up his patriotic identity for ze sake of your sovereignty. Und why not; it's not like one inferior country can take on an empire once I've dominated everyzing else. So go ahead und be your miserable little selves while I create my glorious utopia. Zat's all I really have to say, so enjoy ze rest of ze film zat I made just for you. Auf Wiedersehen, Herr Präsident."

The film then cuts to a back-shot of the Rainbow Patriot bouncing on Bruno's cock. His big feathery rump smacking into his thighs followed by a moan with each drop. The shot then zooms in on that jiggling butt being penetrated and the hawk's heavy balls bouncing in unison. The president gritted his teeth and frustration as he was also getting an erection in his pants from the show.

"Damn you, strudel-eating son-of-a-bitch. You there, assemble the finest soldiers in the military; we're going to break our hero out."

"Yes sir!" He replied before dashing out of the office.

As the president was getting ready to leave, Oreo clung to him from behind. "I don't want to be alone..." He whined.

The president sighed, "Alright, you can come too. But please don't endanger yourself."

"I promise." The cat swore as he hugged the president tight.

Back in Germany, the Rainbow Patriot was given a new uniform; a red thong that exposed his butt for easy access, gold-studded combat boots, leather fingerless gloves, a leather trench coat, a military hat similar to Bruno's, and the red armband with the pink swastika. He also had piercings of male symbols on each golden nipple. The eagle was appointed as the second highest rank in the Flaming Adolescents of Germany and needed to look the part. Bruno, being the leader, could fuck anyone that he wanted without question or even consent, but it wasn't like they would ever object to be fucked by their leader. The hawk did not allow anyone to fuck him unless if he was feeling in the mood for it, which was quite rare. Anyone that did try to have spontaneous buttsex with him would get their dicks crushed between those strong cheeks of his; soft as pillows, but tough as iron at the same time. As Bruno's second-in-command, he could also fuck anyone he wanted, but was not afraid to allow anyone the privilege of fucking him. As for the leader, the eagle got more opportunities to fuck him. But every time he did, the hawk was still the dominant one. Just because someone bottoms, does not automatically make them submissive. Lastly, Bruno did not want the Rainbow Patriot to go by that name anymore. Since he called him 'Herr Faggot' often, he decided to adopt it.

One day, the Rainbow Patriot was at a German strip club exclusive to their master race. Hulking furry humanoids were whistling and hollering at another hulking furry humanoid dancing around a pole. The club also had private rooms for some personal fun. The Rainbow Patriot was in one of these rooms with the Doberman from before, who he later learned that his name was Hansel. The eagle had the canine's thick legs propped over his broad shoulders while he rammed his golden cock into him against the wall. Hansel placed his hands on the wall behind him to support him and was moaning loudly in pleasure.

"Oh yah...fuck me good, Birdy...!" He cried out.

The Rainbow Patriot huffed and panted with each thrust; slamming into his ass as hard as he could. He liked to think of it as sweet revenge for the little cock-tease session from a while ago. Hansel's ass felt so good around his shaft that it helped him build up his climax. With a loud groan of lust, he came all inside him. The feeling of being filled with so much seed caused him to orgasm too. The tip of his canine cock spurted white goopy seed onto his heaving chest and face; trying to catch some with his tongue. As he orgasmed, his anus has a spasm and clenched tightly with each spurt; milking the eagle more of his seed. When everything faded away, the Rainbow Patriot popped his cock out and slowly lowered Hansel back down. Then they held each other close and kissed in the afterglow.

"'re so damn hot, Herr Faggot." He complimented passionately.

"Same to you, Hans. I've found my favorite fuck buddy." He grinned cheekily.

Hansel smiled and gave him one more kiss before frowning a little from a thought that was bothering him. "Birdy, can I talk to you about somezing?"

The Rainbow Patriot nodded and took the Doberman to a makeshift bed and snuggled close. "What's troubling you?"

"I have to confess...back when I invaded your president's office, I thought his cat was ze most adorable zing ever."

"Didn't you kick him in disgust? That was still a really dick move, by the way." The eagle frowned back.

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't want to, but I had to. If I showed any kind of weakness, I would have been reported und punished. To be completely honest...I zink your country is wonderful."

The Rainbow Patriot was surprised hearing that from a F.A.G. soldier and wanted to learn more. "Do you now? What is it about my country that you like?"

Hansel blushed and gulped. "I have zis kink that I've kept secret for years. I've always wanted to have a small guy top me." He said before covering his face feeling incredibly embarrassed to say.

The Rainbow Patriot went bug-eyed and had a thought about Hansel being fucked by Oreo, which made him hum in pleasure. "I would love to see that."

Hansel uncovered his face and looked down still blushing. "I know you would; you're ze only person I could ever confide to about my true feelings. All zese muscle-bound hunks are wonderful und all, but it wouldn't hurt for somezing different, you know? But ze Führer und his forces are too powerful; it's hopeless to try to stop him. The inconvenient truth is he's going to get his way, no matter what. At least your country will be safe from his wrath zough."

There is a sudden banging of the bedroom door from the other side and a voice. "Hansel, der Führer Sie in das Lager für die Woche zugeordnet! Er möchte, dass Sie es jetzt!

"Okay, ich bin gleich da! Warte eine Sekunde!" Hansel yelled back and stood up from the bed. He then looked at the Rainbow Patriot. "Zey want me at ze camp; I've been assigned zere for ze week. I hope we get to play soon. See you later." He then left the eagle to have more fun with the others at the club.

Later, Hansel was given a ride to the camp in Berlin and walked in to do his job. He observed the prisoners doing tough extensive labor and workouts. He also saw the gates open to let in those that have just been captured. But his jaw dropped when he saw two familiar faces and rushed over to them.

"Herr Präsident?! Oreo?! What are zey doing here?" He asked.

A F.A.G. soldier responded. "We found zem trespassing on our territory. Now zey're going to get ze F.A.G. treatment."

"But ze deal was zat ze American people would not be harmed!" He countered.

"Oh, didn't you know? We're still going to invade ze United Gays. We were going to capture zeir president, but looks like he did ze job for us."

"You're going to what?! You double-crossing bastards!" The president interjected before being smacked with a backhand to the face.

"And don't even try to warn Ze Rainbow Patriot, Hans." One of them said as the soldiers locked the gates so that the Doberman could not escape. "Sorry, but since you didn't know about ze plan, your loyalty is in question."

Meanwhile, the Rainbow Patriot knocked at Bruno's office door before getting permission to enter. The hawk sat in his chair smirking and fixing his monocle.

"Welcome back, Herr Faggot. Are you enjoying your new life?" He asked.

"'s very nice; all the hunky studs I could ever want and more. It's a paradise like you said it is."

Bruno stepped up from his chair and approached the eagle before holding him close. "I'm glad you zink so. Since you've been such a good little bird, I zink I'm in ze mood today."

The Rainbow Patriot could not help but smile greatly and chuckle. "That's awesome! I've always wanted to feel the rear of my glorious leader."

He reached around the hawk's broad body and groped those wonderful twin feathered mounds; bouncing them in his hands and squeezing them. He groaned in arousal at the feeling. Bruno broke away from the groping and went to his desk to lay down on the surface of it. He then spread his big meaty legs and hefted them up to reveal his pucker. "It's all yours." He said with a slight moan in his voice.

The Rainbow Patriot quickly took off his trench coat and hat and rushed to that magnificent butt. He nuzzled and ran his tongue over that entrance, making Bruno shiver with delight. The hawk folded his buff arms behind his head and cried in pleasure.

"Fuck yah...zat feels so good...mmmmfff..." He moaned.

The Rainbow Patriot gripped the hawk's thick thighs as he rimmed his hole. The strong musk emitting from it only urged him to eat his ass harder. But as he was enjoying his time with his leader, he heard a commotion going on from the outside. He stopped and got up to see what was going on.

"Hey, don't stop!" Bruno yelled. "What are you doing?"

The eagle opened the curtains to see that a fight was breaking out in the camp. He saw Hansel pitting himself against a few of the other soldiers. "Hans!" He screamed before running out of the office with Bruno chasing after him. He climbed over the wall because the gate was locked and landed in the camp. "What's going on here?" He yelled.

Hansel rushed to him panting and huffing. "Birdy, zey've got your president und his pet! Zey're going to invade your country! Bruno lied to you!"

The Rainbow Patriot's beak dropped from the shocking revelation and saw the president and Oreo hurt a little bit from the scuffle.

Bruno caught up to them and marched towards Hansel and the eagle in anger. "You stupid loudmouth Doberman! You better get on your knees und beg for your life before I send you to ze gas chamber-"

The hawk was suddenly punched in the face by the Rainbow Patriot and the leader fell onto the ground. Everyone else in the camp gasped in shock. The eagle looked down at him with extreme contempt and took off his armband before throwing it at his face.

"You played me for a fool! Fuck you and your new world order!"

Bruno sat back up and snarled at the eagle towering him. "FAGs, seize him! And execute ze rest!" He commanded.

The soldiers except Hansel charged at the Rainbow Patriot. The eagle was surrounded by walls of huge muscles. His rage made him confident that he could take them out. One at a time, a soldier charged at the eagle either dodged or subdued them. But it started to get overwhelming for him when he saw even more of them. Meanwhile, Hansel, the president, and Oreo were being taken to the gas chamber to be executed. They screamed and struggled; crying for help from their hero.

The Rainbow Patriot was growing tired; his chest heaving with each heavy pant and his godly muscles straining. When he tried to throw a soldier back, his strength weaned and caved in. He fell onto the ground with the soldiers grabbing a hold of him and pinning him down. "No...Hans...Mr President...Oreo...I must save them...!" He tried as he might to break free, but it was futile. Tears dripped from his beak fearing of the death of his friends and his country all because he could not protect them. He could never forgive himself for letting the enemy corrupt him into being one of them. All he saw was blackness and could not hear anything...until an ominous voice broke through the silence.

"My son, do not lose hope."

The Rainbow Patriot thought it sounded very familiar. It also sounded so masculine that it could almost arouse a guy. "H...Horus? Is that you, my father?"

"Yes, it is me. You have grown so much for many centuries; spreading my gospel and letting it thrive splendidly upon the world. And you became a true hero by saving those that need you the most; bringing peace onto the land."

"But I betrayed my country...I gave up my patriotic heroism to protect them, only to find out that I was manipulated."

"Understanding your mistakes is part of your journey. You must learn to forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes. Remember what your virtues are and unlock your true potential.

"My virtues...equality of men...peace...justice...and free and open gayness...I understand now, Father."

"Then be reborn as the true Rainbow Patriot!"

The pile of squirming muscles began to quake as a bright light shined through the gaps. Then the pile burst as the Rainbow Patriot flew upward in breakneck speed with a rainbow streak following behind him. He then dived down and knocked out the guys that held Hansel, the president, and Oreo.

"HE CAN FLY NOW?!" Bruno screamed in sheer disbelief.

The Rainbow Patriot got a group hug from the three, whom were gratefully happy to be saved. Hansel held the president and the cat while the eagle held onto the Doberman before pulling them all up into the air and flying away.

Bruno was chasing after them and shouting. "Where do you zink you're going, Herr Faggot?! Do you honestly expect zat I'm just going to stop? I will not rest until ze entire world bows before my greatness! You're going to have to kill me if you want your precious happy ending! So why don't you come down here und fight me like a real bird, instead of flying away like a sniveling coward!"

The Rainbow Patriot listened to Bruno's threats and challenge and decided to take him up on it. He descended to the ground and let the three go. "Go get out of here. I'll deal with Bruno myself."

The president nodded. "Alright. German dog, can you get us to the airport safely?"

"My name is Hansel." He grumbled. "Und yes, I can. Just leave it to me."

The three left with the president and the cat follow the Doberman. The Rainbow Patriot and Bruno were preparing to fight. The two charged at each other and Bruno socked the eagle in the face. His face turned from the impact and then tripped the hawk over with a sweep of his leg. Bruno fell onto the ground and the eagle ripped the red thong off of his body, revealing his golden throbbing cock. But something was odd; the cock emitted an ambient glow. He did not know why, but he could not bother with it right now. When the hawk was on all fours, the eagle tackled him and slammed his huge cock deep into his ass; making him scream from his asshole being instantly stretched. He slammed down hard and fast; their huge feathery balls smacked into each other with each hard thrust.

"You're not getting away zat easy!" Bruno yelled before clenching his ass as hard as he could.

The Rainbow Patriot squealed in pain as his cock was being clamped down like a voice. He tried to pull out, but it was stuck. He whined and whimpered trying to break free from his grasp.

Bruno laughed at his predicament. "Hahahahaaa! Zere's no escape for you! I'm going to milk you until I empty every last drop of cum from zose balls." He then slammed his rump into the eagle's crotch.

The Rainbow Patriot yelped from the strong impact of those might cheeks. His crotch was getting pummeled from each thrust and there was nothing he could do. But as it happened, he felt something building inside of him. It was not something like an orgasm, but something far greater. He started to groan. "Mmmfff...Bruno, I think you need to release me..."

"Not a chance, Herr Faggot! I'm not letting you go!"

The Rainbow Patriot felt that energy build up even more, causing him to gradually transition from groaning to moaning. "No...I'm being serious...nnggghgh...something huge is building inside me...I SAID LET GO!" He screamed before pushing him off with all his strength. He successfully broke free of Bruno's clutches as the hawk tumbled over the dirt road. The energy inside him must have made him stronger than ever before. The eagle's golden cock was glowing even brighter and pulsing violently. He gripped it with both hands and jerked off. Each stroke of his cock sent intense waves of pleasure through his body. The energy inside of him build up even more. The Rainbow Patriot whined as he was trying as hard as he could to release all the energy that was filling him up to the brim. His feathered balls started to swell and enlarge from the build-up. "Fuuuuuuuuuuck..." He winced loudly. The tip of his cock shone a little bright white light.

As all of that was going on, Bruno got back up and dusted himself off before charging at him again uttering a war cry. The Rainbow Patriot was crying loudly as the energy was too much to handle. He felt like he was going to have the most intense orgasm in the universe. Soon, the eagle let out a deafening scream and a giant ray of light exploded from the tip of the intensely bright cock. The ray hit Bruno and the hawk screamed in agony and pain as it dissolved him into nothing. When it finally ended, the Rainbow Patriot's cock stopped glowing and he himself was lying on the ground panting; glad that he could finally release all that energy. When he got back up, he saw the damage from the ray; a pile of ashes rested at the path and a giant hole was made at the gate behind it. It made the eagle's jaw drop.

"Holy shit...did I do that?"

"Yes." Said a familiar voice from above. "Unlocking your full potential allowed to release all that energy that you accumulated since the very beginning. Each time you have sex, that pure energy is stored into you. The more you store it, the stronger it will become."