Temptation of the Royal Gems 02

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - owlette

Writing - Runa

Toumak - Toumakthegryphon

Melodi - Greenwing

Valencia - Runa

Chief Storm - StormGryphon

Part 01: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/20339298/

Part 02: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/20397518/

Another confession: This one came a lot, lot quicker than the last one. Really enjoyed writing this but I'm noticing a few significant problems with my writing style:

1 - as time progresses I'm regularly writing longer and longer stories to the point where EVERYTHNG I do can't possibly be narrowed down to the space that can fit in a signle submission.

2 - I'm also kind of getting bored of sex scenes. Almost all of my writing over the last two months has been straight vaginal sex. that's why my sex scenes have been shorter in lieu of more plot and character. One can only describe a throbbing cock being thrust into a pussy so many times before it grows stale.

That said, I like the duo of Melodi and Toumak. both are great characters and a lot of fun to play off one another.

Oh, and virtually this entire 9000 word story is basically JUST the sex scene that I had planned for part 1. I wasn't originally planning on doing a part 2. So, yeah, enjoy. Overcompensating, but I think it's pretty damn interesting!

Temptation of the Royal Gems 02

Day 02: (...cont)

"My princess, I wasn't expecting you to be here." Toumak admitted as he crossed his hands over his crotch to hide the bulge in his loin cloth. His eyes shifted to the side to avoid eye contact with his hippogryph princess.

Rather than stand up straight to address him, Melodiy remained crouched over with her tail high and skirt lifted to expose the velvety cream flesh of her vulva, that single drip of his cum from that morning dribbling out of her. "Well, maybe I need your help over here, proud warrior Toumak!" She chirped at him and clicked her beak, arching her back as she 'walked' up the tree's trunk with both hands, never going high enough for her tail and leather dress to hide her sex.

Toumak stepped forward as he put his dagger back in its sheath, other hand still cupping his bulge. "Well, I'm sure I'd be happy to help out in any way I can. After all, you are my princess, you need only to ask and I'm yours." He took another step so that he was mere inches away from her; he could feel the warmth emanating from under her leathers to tickle at his belly followed by a pleasant waft of her aromas.

She wasn't in heat the night before, but it was clear she was now. Her lips were more plump than normal, and that smell was unmistakable, even to a gryphon in the presence of a hippogryph.

"Glad to hear that. Now tell me what brings you here, and I might let you touch me." She winked to show him she wasn't being nasty, while also swaying her hips a bit, meaty clit winking at him."

He leaned in close, pressing his palm to her rump cheek to give it a gentle squeeze and a massage, thumb teasing at the edge of her lips. She truly was hot to the touch, he could feel it on his claw tip. "A voice, it called out to me. Said I'd find something wonderful if I followed it, and here I am, look what I found." He got down to one knee, palm still cupping her rump as he teases a rub of his crest between her thighs.

Melodi flicked her tail downward to smack him on the face while also widening her stance a bit, hooves digging into the dirt on either side of the glowing gem that both had completely forgotten about. "How poetic, I was going to give you the same lame excuse. Now stop talking and-"

"It's not a lame excuse my princess, I heard a voice calling out to me, I think it belonged to some creature that I saw swinging through branches and vines." Her slit was within licking distance of his beak, but he'd grown distracted and was now concentrating on the bat person that had coaxed him here.

Evidently Melodi had felt the same way, because she immediately turned around to lean against the tree, glaring down at him. "Don't mess with my mind, Toumak, did you truly hear a voice?"

He nodded. "By my hearts and the skies above, I heard it. Did you?"

"Yeah, said I was close, to keep going." She clamped her beak shut and closed her legs, mind drifting from sex even in the heat of her season.

While they stared at each other trying to see if the other was lying, a rustling was heard above them, coaxing them both to look up. They saw the bat person, hanging upside down by a vine above them. "That was me." She said in a thick northern accent.

Both Melodi and Toumak back-stepped away, beaks to the air and hands instinctively searching for each other. "And who might you be?" Melodi asked, gripping Toumak's talon.

The bat person, reached up with one of her wing arms to hold the vine before letting it go with her feet; she flipped around, dove to the trunk of the tree, kicked off, and landed in front of them both. She was maybe an ear taller than half the height of the other two, a tiny little woman. "The name's Valencia. I'm not from around here, but-"

"Yeah, no shit." Toumak interrupted, only to have Melody lightly slap him on the beak to silence him.

"Thank you, Melodi." Valencia nodded with a smile. There was an awkward pause as both Melodi and Toumak contemplated how Valencia knew her name, but then realized they had just spoken it to each other moments before and let her continue. "Anyway, I'm not from around here, but I'm here to dig a little deeper into these gems here." She pointed to the glowing purple crystal at her feet. They've been wreaking havoc to the south and to the west in your bordering nations, and I'm hoping to learn a bit more about them, but I can't seem to figure them out."

Toumak crossed his arms over his chest and looked over to Melodi for approval before speaking. When she nodded, he spoke. "We're doing something similar. Our Chief Storm has started to grab up a collection of them for safe keeping. Far as we can tell, they somehow corrupt their users, but we're not sure how."

Valencia nodded. "That's what I've gleaned thus far. They drive their users wild, give them untold strength and durability, and drive them to find the others. It sounds like your Chief, in his quest for power, has allowed them to control him. Not a good thing, especially for someone like him." She reached over and grabbed the crystal, wiggling it a bit before yanking it from the ground and cradling it in her wing-arm. "Problem is, it doesn't seem to have any effect on me."

Melodi had reached forward to stop her, but then pulled back. "Are you certain?"

"Absolutely positive. I'd flown far and wide with a satchel of them strapped to my waist, and felt nothing. And before you ask, yes I actually touched the gems, I didn't just leave them in my satchel. Anyway, I need your help to observe the effects of the crystals in a controlled environment, and from what I've witnessed of you two the last couple days, I knew you'd be perfect." She stepped up close, holding the crystal out for them to touch.

Both shook their heads, refusing to touch it. Toumak knew it was a bad idea and Melodi was hesitant now that she had an audience, even though she was reaching for it when Toumak found her in the clearing.

"Come on, you two. Once I take the crystal away, the effects will diminish. That much I do know." She insisted, pushing the gem in towards them both. When they backed up, she shrugged and tossed it to the side by the base of the tree where it was originally. "Well alright then. I suppose I can't force you to risk your minds like that, but it would have been nice." She turned around and bent over in the exact same position as Melodi was in as she used her free fingers to dig a little hole to force the crystal back into. She was naked, wearing nothing aside from the belt that held the satchel and some jewelry on her braids; she also had a single teal-colored barbel pierced through the plump point of her triangular canine vulva.

Toumak clicked his beak before glancing over at Melodi to see the princess had a devious grin on her face. She was in the early stages of heat, and was known to be an equal opportunity mare, so Toumak knew exactly what she had in mind. This little girl Valencia was teasing them, sex as swollen as any bitch in heat and poking them to respond somehow as she swayed her hips back and forth, tail wagging to blow her scent at them. Neither Toumak nor Melodi had canine in their genes, but both had avian and Valencia had wings so she must have been at least part oairian.

Melodi stepped into her, grabbing tail with one hand and rubbing her other hand up between the tiny bat's inner thighs. There was such an immense difference in size that she needed to bend down just to reach her.

Valencia could have hopped away, or at least resisted, but instead she leaned back into the hippogryph princess' touch, tail pulling upwards to expose her rump and vulva even better. "There ya go! I admit, I was more expecting the drake to make a move, but I'll happily enjoy this, too." She winked and spread her legs a bit while Melodi slowly got to her knee. The size difference was quite immense.

While watching, Toumak felt the bulge in his loincloth start to grow again. Part of him needed to get in there and feel their warmth against him, but a part of him just wanted to watch. He was a bit of a voyeur, enjoying a spectator position from time to time; he also knew that once they were done with each other they'd almost certainly come for him. The drake was happy to slip his fingers up under the fabric of his loincloth to idly rub at his sheath as he used his free hand to take the bow and quiver from his torso and lay it down next to the tree, keen eyes never glancing far from where Melodi's digits touched Valencia's lips.

"Come on, princess. Don't be shy." Valencia insisted as she pushed back from the tree with one of her wing arms, the other one reaching around her rump to grab Melodi by the wrist and urge her to be a bit more aggressive.

Melodi licked her beak and wrapped one arm around Valencia's thigh, a single finger prodding at the soft flesh of the bat's pussy, gently sliding up and down the slit while also smearing the viscous lubrication that was leaking out. Every touch had the muscles in Valencia's pelvic region twitch in a way similar to an equine wink but without the folded out clit that accompanied it. With a grin on her beak, she bit down on the tiny girl's tail base while bringing a second finger up to rub on the other side of her vulva, slowly parting the lips and exposing the deep red within.

Valencia whimpered a bit while also panting heavily, the red braids dangling low over her forehead to obscure her deep green eyes. She relaxed her pelvic muscles a bit, loosening her sex a bit to allow for not just one but two fingers to fit in her comfortably. Given the discrepancy between Val's and Mel's size, those two fingers were more than enough to pleasure her.

As Melodi slipped her digits inside, she found that the tiny girl's cunt was like a virgin's, tight and taut. Still, she kept pushing, even if the walls near the opening clenched down with powerful muscle control. Once she was in past the last knuckle, she felt Val's pussy open up - the reservoir area for a growing knot and her pleasure point. The moment Melodi's fingertips curled against the cavernous insides of Valencia's passage, the little bat girl whimpered and curled her toes, maw open and tongue lolling out.

"There ya go, see! I can handle it, don't be shy." She insisted as she brought her hand up to cradle Melodi's cheek while the hippogryph's beak was still clamped hard on the base of her tail. She then turned to look over at Toumak and gave him the most sultry look she could, flicking an ear as if to command him to come forward.

He tended to be a bit more passive and was content to stand by and watch the two, but couldn't say no to such an eager little bitch girl. Once he was close enough, she reached out and undid his loin cloth to have it fall around his ankles, exposing his bulging sheath. She smiled and coaxed him in closer so he stepped into her, chest puffed out in pride as he looked down and watched.

She used her forefinger and thumb - the only two digits not tethered by wing membrane - to peel his sheath back, exposing his fleshy pink rod, one row of barbs at a time. Once his entire head was exposed, she leaned over and slid her long, pointed tongue out to wrap around it, the very tip slipping into his sheath to caress his shaft and further coax it from its depths. As she massaged and stroked his length, her fingers trailed down to his balls to give them a little fondle.

Toumak bucked his hips forward a bit, the tapered head of his cock stabbing into her lip while the motion peeled the skin back in one lurch, exposing his length down to the base of his knot. The very opening of his sheath was snug around the neck of his member, unformed knot lobes throbbing and pulsating with every rapid beat of his heart, a steady flow of precum dribbling down the underside of his shaft.

Melodi released her beak's grip on Valencia's tail to laugh a bit at Toumak. "You really are easy, aren't you?" She giggled with a wink, fingers still squeezed tight inside Valencia's cunt. She was slowly and gently thrusting in and out, curling her fingertips every time she pulled out to apply extra pressure to the little bitch's most sensitive spots. After a few deep caresses, she pulled her fingers out to part Val's lips, beak nuzzling up under her tail and tongue prodding at her depths.

At the same time, Valencia was focusing her snout on Toumak's cock, taking the length of it into her muzzle to rest on her tongue while the tip continued to prod and wrap around the knot like a snake getting a grip on a branch. Her tiny little sharp teeth were a little abrasive against the bigger member that was stabbing at her throat, but she didn't seem to mind; she kept squeezing and tugging gently at his balls while bobbing her head back and forth, other hand still gripping and wrapping around the tree for support as Melodi's large head pressed up under her tail.

The princess was quite eager against Valencia, her weight pressing down against her rump cheeks while her free hand slid down between her legs and under her leathers so she could pleasure herself while also focusing her energy on the bat. The more excited she got, the more she pushed and the deeper she massaged.

Valencia, on the other hand, was focusing almost entirely on Toumak, aside from the force she needed to exert on the tree to not fall over thanks to Melodi's fervor. She gulped and swallowed every bit of the gryphon's fluids she could, to the point where it was starting to sputter and dribble out the sides of her maw, making a mess of her lips while foaming up. She looked violent, but the smile on her face mixed with the restraint she needed with those needle sharp fangs showed she wasn't planning on chomping down.

Toumak caressed Valencia's cheek, his hips bucking forward ever so gently; he didn't want her to bite, even if he liked it rough.

Suddenly, a crack was heard as Valencia's fingers and wing scraped against the bark. She fell over and curled to her side, cock sliding from her mouth and fingers escaping her pussy with a wet plop followed by a splashing sound. The absence of her form had both Toumak and Melodi lurch forward, with Melodi falling onto her side as her elbow and upper arm rubbed hard against the side of the crystal.

The gryphon had to stop himself from falling on top of her, his legs parting to avoid touching the gem. When he gained stability, he looked down to see Melodi blinking her eyes rapidly; her irises were slowly shifting in hue from her usual emerald green to a royal purple before his eyes. He backed away, knowing full well what was about to happen.

Valencia scrambled her way out from between them, skittering up a tree to once again nestle her rump in the vines as she watched, keen eyes taking note of everything the two did. Her nethers were still glistening with excitement even as she watched.

"Melodi, are you all right?" Toumak asked, still slowly backing away with his palms up. He didn't know how quickly the gems took to take effect, but he didn't want to be unprepared. If she grew violent and aggressive, she'd destroy him in a fight; he could barely keep himself alive against a feline under the influence of these crystals, there was now way he'd hold his own against the princess warrior that was nearly a full head taller than him. His only option to survive was to fly, since his weapons were lying against the tree next to her and if he went for it, she'd get to them first. He felt his wings instinctively part, widening behind him enough to fly if he needed to.

But Melodi wasn't showing outright signs of aggression. Instead, she was taking in long, deep breaths as she affectionately rubbed her forearm and elbow against the hard surface of the crystal. A pale purple mist emanated from it to mix with the teal mist of her own magic source, tendrils of each wrapping around each other as she closed her eyes. The corners of her beak curled up in a smile before she turned her head up to look at him, expression morphing into a more serious visage. "I am fine, why do you ask?"

Toumak nodded slowly, doing his best to make it clear that he was not a threat. "Just wondering, my lady. I worry about you now that you've been touched by the gem, there."

She winked at him as she wrapped her arm around the crystal, pulling it up to cradle it like a baby. The more of it that touched her fur and feathers, the brighter the glow in her eyes. "Are you afraid of it, my dear? You shouldn't be. Maybe you should be happy for it. Happy that I found it. But, you know, I wouldn't want to have our little tryst go to waste, you know?" She stood straight up and stepped towards him, opposite hand outstretched.

Of course, Toumak hopped backwards, sure to avoid her touch. He wasn't sure if direct contact with someone would transfer the corruption to him as well.

"Don't leave me, Toumak." She hissed as she lunged forward with a speed unlike what he'd ever seen from her. She grabbed onto his neck feathers and held him in place, eyes narrowed and head feathers on end to make her look threatening and dangerous. Before Toumak could resist or peel her fist from his neck feathers, she leaned in close for a kiss, locking her beak to his.

He resisted at first, pressing an elbow to her chest and another to her belly to keep his torso away from hers and the gem. As he got close, he could feel the humming of the gem growing more intense, as though it were reacting to his presence. Though distracted by the fear of the crystal, he couldn't help but enjoy the sensation of her tongue, poking its way out from between her beak and into his, caressing his maw while dancing with his tongue. After a moment, he relaxed just enough to enjoy it before pushing her away. "No, Melodi. We can't do this right now."

"And why not? Do you not love me anymore? Does my cunt no longer appeal to you?" She reached down under her skirt with her free hand, slipping a couple fingers into herself before pulling out and showing him the sliminess on her digits, a strand of lubrication bridging from one claw to another. She licked it up and smiled before pushing in close again, her slippery fingers finding their way to the base of his knot. In the moments between her touching the crystal and her touching his cock, his knots had deflated to nearly flaccid state.

Of course, her touch then reinvigorated him, as her fingers curled around the base of it and gave a tug. The bulge of the knot lobes rested gently in the palm of her hand as she forcefully yanked him in close to her. Again, he kept a hand up to maintain some distance between his chest and the gem. He stared her right in the eyes as he hissed. "Melodi, stop!" He commanded. She outranked him, but she did loosen her grip just enough for him to yank his hips away. The moment he was free, he turned and leapt high, wings spread and ready to flap their way above the treeline, naked or not.

As he was in the midst of his first powerful flap, he felt strong but wet fingers around his ankle, anchoring him down. He spun in midair, only to see that Melodi had lunged forward and was holding him back. Since he hadn't gone airborne yet, he fell to the ground on his side, wings in a twisted mess beneath him. They weren't broken, but they were in a bit of pain.

"I didn't say you can leave, Toumak. Come on, you know better than to deny your queen." She pulled him backwards through the dirt and back into the clearing, where she flipped him down onto his back and squatted down on him, moist lips caressing the underside of the shaft as her weight held it to his belly. "Just fuck me good and proper, then you can go, okay." All the while, the gem was cradled in her arm like a baby or an egg.

It felt wonderful, to have her warmth against him, and it was just as nice to feel her slick flesh rubbing his, but he knew it was only a matter of time before she touched him with the gem and he got inflicted. He liked it rough, she liked to be rough, but usually no meant no. Usually. Evidently today was not one of those times. With one powerful lurch, he shifted his weight under her just enough while kicking at the dirt, barely getting out from under her hips and getting to his feet again before being grabbed by the tail and pushed into the nearest tree - the one with his weapons leaning against it - with his chest flat to the bark. "What are you going to do now, Mel?" He asked, gritting his beak against the wood.

She answered by leaning in really close and nuzzling her beak up against his neck, hand wrapping around his wing and hips to once again grab and fondle his member. "It's not about what I'm going to do, it's about what I plan on having you do to me." She said, before digging her claws into his knot with enough pressure to kind of hurt but not enough to draw blood.

He whimpered meekly before being pulled by his cock back around, forcing him to have his back against the tree and her yellow talons squeezing him tight. The length of his shaft was resting comfortably against her wrist as she tugged and squeezed in alternating motions.

"See? It's not so bad, so just calm your tits a bit and mate with me, or else..." Melodi trailed off a bit as she squeezed a bit harder with an exceptionally hard yank that forced him to step forward, losing his balance a bit before finally falling forward and accidentally brushing his forearm to the gem. Within seconds, he felt a warmth course through his veins as his adrenaline started to flow. His vision blurred, then came back into focus with remarkable clarity. He didn't feel like he wanted to kill anyone, nor did he feel like he was in danger.

He felt empowered, like he could do absolutely anything. His focus was pure, his strength amplified, and his desires all pumped up to twelve. Nothing could stop him, and he felt like the world owed him everything. After blinking a few times, he raised his eyes to look at Melodi, the purple in both of them matching and glowing in throbbing pulsations alongside his breaths. For a brief moment, he felt like he could feel inside her mind, feel her intense estrus desires, and see a reflection of himself in her eyes. He could also feel a dozen fleeting personalities flash through him, as well as hundreds of still frame images every time he closed his eyes.

The effect of the crystal wasn't at all like he expected, and this led him to believe that they didn't actually make people want to kill, but simply amplified their innermost desires while also enhancing them enough to make them become reality. Melodi was in heat and needed release and was willing to do anything to get it. He was just trying to understand her and keep things under control, so he only wanted to give her exactly what she wanted.

Storm clearly had deep rooted desires for untold power, and the gems seemed to help that happen.

"See? It's not all bad." Melodi joked as she chirped at him, both of their arms linked around the gem. "Now are you going to-"

Toumak interrupted her by grabbing her around the waist and forcing her against the tree, slamming her rump to the bark while his beak forced its way against hers, locking them together in a tight kiss. He used his free hand to aggressively grab her under the knee and lift it up, exposing her soft fleshed cunt under her leathers. His cock was throbbing and growing more firm with every beat of his heart as he pressed his hips to hers, the tip of it prodding at her lips. Without taking his beak away from hers, he grabbed at his own member and clumsily fumbled it around until he felt the tip slip into her, barbs catching on her flesh.

She gasped and pulled away from his kiss as she felt his length plunge into her, knot slamming up against her lips as he bucked like a stallion. She whimpered a bit, wrapping her arm around his neck to hold him in tight with the gem cradled in her other arm. She pushed back into him, grinding her hips down on him with pulsating gyrations to feel his length stirring within her, the barbs stabbing and yanking at her tender, swollen flesh.

Melodi was in heat, so her walls were puffy and squeezing him tight, but also were malleable and elastic, ready for the thrust of a stallion or the knot of a gryph. Either way, her pussy was getting wrecked.

Meanwhile, Valencia was still hanging from the vine, rump resting on it with tail out for balance. As she watched the two, she couldn't help but squint her eyes to focus on their minds. She was a telepath, something that Toumak had figured out earlier, so it wasn't unlikely that she also had the ability to read or at least feel a person's thoughts.

"Do you like what you see?" Toumak asked as he glanced up to her, glowing purple eyes staring with intensity towards the bat. He gave another powerful thrust, gritting his beak as he felt the soft heat of her flesh smother his knot, slowly parting to envelop the lobes one at a time. He kept grinding at her, forcing himself in harder and deeper with each passing second. Then, all at once, he felt her muscles quiver and shake just enough to loosen her lips, the sudden added berth of her canal practically sucking his knot up in one gulp, leaving his sheath pressed to her lips and her sopping wet vulva dripping combined fluids down over his balls.

Valencia smiled and nodded, her own triangular lips throbbing in excitement as she continued to watch and take notes.

Melodi hissed at Toumak, one leg up and wrapped around his hip, same arm tight around his neck. With him so close, she leaned forward and forced him onto his back in a splayed mess of feathers and fur. She let go of his hip and neck while pouncing in such a way that she kept her pussy against his cock, pouncing and landing on him to pin the gryph the second his rump hit dirt. Though there was some shifting about within her, his length never escaped her depths, thanks to the tightness near the opening, perfect for locking a knot into a tie.

With them both on the ground, she started grinding her body downward, chest shifting back and forth while her spine and tail moved in waves from neck to rump. Every motion had his knot shift and twist inside her, conforming to the peculiar pattern of muscle contractions her pelvic region massaged him. She kept her hooves firm on the ground as her thigh and leg muscles kept tense, ready to pull and yank at his cock with each of his throbbing pulsations. "That's right, isn't it?" She whispered at him, one hand on his chest while the other was still holding the crystal.

Toumak kept his palm to the tapered tip of the gem, claws curled around it while he pushed back up into her. Every few seconds, he could feel a powerful squeeze around the base of his knot, muscles clenching around the base to suck him in a bit, powerful wink spewing tiny strands of her fluids onto his belly.

Despite her being hot, snug, and aggressively passionate, he didn't feel like he was quite able to come to climax. Usually, when knotted, the pleasure hit its peak quickly and stayed there as shot after shot of seed filled her. That wasn't happening. He was hitting the sensation of pleasure without any of the release that came with climax, and that was starting to worry him.

He didn't have long to ponder it, since a moment later Melodi moved in such a way that her hips angled perfectly, allowing one of his lobes to pop out of her alongside a gush of slimy equine mess. He whimpered in disappointment, worried that he was going to get the feeling of blue balls, but then she just sat back down and pushed as hard as she could, her vulva spreading and stretching wide to swallow him with ease. Instantly, he threw his head back and dug his claws into her hips, nearing the point of drawing blood.

She slowly raised her head high while craning her neck, beak open to the canopy above as she let out a drawn out cry of pleasure. She never let go of that gem, though. Her thigh muscles started to twitch as she bounced up and down on his member, forcing his knot to pop out of her with a gooey squish before slamming back down, flesh parting to swallow it up again. She kept at this, up and down, knot popping in and out until her cunt was ruined and tender enough that the bulge of it slid through her canal like a shaft.

Toumak continued to grind his beak shut as he kept himself from matching her howl of pleasure. He was again approaching climax, but stalling just a touch before hitting it. She was growing looser, yet the softness of her sex and the combination of heat and lubrication kept him from retreating from that plateau of pleasure.

While he was distracted by his own stalled climax, Melodi stood straight up, letting his cock slide out of her with a wet squelch. "Get up." She commanded.

His member was still stiff and throbbing, knot lobes growing a net of veins across their bulges. "H-hey, what are you doing?" He protested, quickly wrapping his fingers around the base to keep up the pressure. If his member lose the snug sensation of flesh on knot, it would deflate quickly.

"I said get up, or-" She paused mid-sentence and grabbed him by the leg and hoisted his hind end up and around so that he was on his knees with chin to the dirt. When there, she got down to her knees as well and tossed the gem onto the ground between her thighs, tapered and pointy tip up against her lips. She shuddered in delight and lurched her form forward, a series of fluttering chirps escaping her beak as she felt the vibrating hum of the crystal against her clit. She'd had felines go down on her before, but nothing of this frequency. Within seconds, she had a shuddering orgasm, spewing thick creamy fluids from under her clit to soak the crystal and leave it in a puddle of mud.

Toumak turned to glance back at her, wondering what was making her go into a conniption fit, but was silenced as her hand wrapped tight around the base of his tail and lifted it up, exposing his mauve pucker. He was about to protest, but then felt her tongue prodding at it, slathering saliva all over his puffy rim while occasionally probing into him. He wasn't expecting this at all, but he certainly wasn't protesting anymore. His member remained firm as her other hand reached up and grabbed the knot, slowly pulling it back between his legs, squishing his balls to his taint.

"M-Melodi, I never expected a princess to-" He couldn't finish his sentence, for a whimper overcame him and he squeaked into a long, drawn out trill. She was really doing a number on him, nuzzling her beak to his inner rump cheeks while her tongue explored his rump. She curled her fingers around his knot and kept just the right amount of pressure against the base of it, tugging to imitate a proper rump to rump tie while her thumb kneaded his furred ball sack.

She kept her motions fluid, her soft and tenderized pussy lips spreading to slide over the tapered tip of the crystal between her legs. The humming and resulting vibration was growing more intense, further tenderizing her meaty lips as she grinded down on it. Though the very tip of it was pointed and angular, she loved how it slowly slid its way deeper into her. The sides of it were smooth and soaked in lubrication, which paired well with the soft tenderness of her pussy walls, so she kept grinding her hips down on it while occasionally winking her clit and relaxing her pelvic muscles.

Melodi also was focusing on Toumak, tasting his ass but also stopping every few seconds to twist his cock back and up so that she could taste it, sucking the tip and wrapping her tongue around it to collect precum before applying it back to his rump so she could enjoy it some more.

With Toumak's hands free, Melodi holding his tail up and cock back between his legs, he found himself idly clawing at the dirt and moss of the ground, occasionally grabbing at a tree root or biting at a fallen twig. It was almost an overflow of pleasure, except he still couldn't come to climax, whether it be in her beak or not.

"You taste quite good, dear hunter." Melodi moaned under his tail before leaning in for another slobbery lick. She brought her thumb down to his tender pucker and slipped it inside, prying his flesh to the side to open him up with a gentle gush of wind, only to have him clench up and seal it back off. His tight anal ring squeezed her knuckle, which only urged her to let go of his tail and twist her wrist until her thumb was pressing down against his prostate. At the same time, she angled her beak down close to his sagging balls, taking them in her maw and giving them a light chewing before spitting them back out to focus on his cock.

Again, he clawed at the ground and bit at the dirt, the pressure on his cock mixed with the attention his tailhole was getting a double hit combo of orgasmic delight. He had never been given this kind of treatment by the princess - albeit he never expected her to act with such depraved fetishes - but he wasn't complaining. No, if anything it just made his adoration and respect of her grow stronger, fonder. Of course, it was hard not to love someone when their tongue was exploring so deeply under the tail.

His member twitched again, another gob of slimy precum bursting from the tip to splash at her lower beak, which she eagerly licked up. He needed release, he needed his cock buried deep in her, and he needed to leave his seed for her womb to absorb. He rolled onto his back and pulled both cock and tail from her grip, leaving him resting on his partially open wings as he got a good look over his body to see Melodi's form.

She was squatting down hard on that crystal, a decent chunk of it having been swallowed up by her lips and the faintest of glows able to be seen through her bulging abdomen. From what he could tell, over half of the thing was inside her, but he wanted to be in her instead. His arousal clouded his mind, and he didn't care how sloppy and loose she'd be after using that thing as a toy, so he got up and tackled her to the ground, forcing her to her back with his hand wrapped around her throat.

Melodi could have resisted, but instead she grinned at him, one hand curling around the base of the crystal as she spread her legs for him. There were minor winces of pain as she felt the angular edges of the crystal grind against her hip bones from inside, but her desire was unlike anything she'd ever felt before. She reached down with her other hand to keep the gem in place, ramming it into her with brisk but violent thrusts, every motion tenderizing her flesh and spreading her lips just a little bit wider.

Toumak wanted to help but didn't know what he could do without hurting her, so instead he shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his cock, lifting her leg up with one hand while guiding his tip to her ass with the other. He could feel the copious, creamy fluids that her cunt had secreted soaking her inner thighs and the base of her tail, leaving her velvety tailhole slick and tender. With one fluid motion, he forced himself into her, every inch of his member sliding through her tight opening to emerge in her rump, all but his knot which was left squeezing to her plump equine anal lips.

It didn't surprise him when he felt the girth of the gem pressing down against him through the thick layer of skin between rump and pussy. His shaft was wedged firm between spine and crystal, and that just made it even sexier; he could even feel the faint vibrations as the royal gem hummed against him. That coaxed him into a rougher series of hip thrusts as he covered her, cock inside her and arms wrapped around her inner thighs with the back half of the crystal rubbing against his belly. He hissed at her while leaning in close, applying more pressure to the glowing gem.

To his surprise, she wrapped both her legs around his waist and held him close, adding pressure to the crystal as his toned abs helped to ram it in with every thrust. She grabbed his chest feathers and held him close as she leaned up to bite, beak clamping down on his neck and shoulder while her tail flicked out below her.

With one powerful lurch, Toumak felt a sudden shift in the gem as the last of it slid through her distended pussy lips. The mass of it shifted and rotated inside her for better and more ideal passage as he gave another thrust, belly once again rubbing against the end of it while the base's angular tip stabbed him just above the sheath. His knot popped into her the same time her clit winked, tensing the muscles through her vulva to force her lips shut around the crystal.

She was left gaping and gasping as the glowing gem slid ever so deeper into her, cavernous walls pulsating in waves to swallow it a bit at a time. The vaginal canal was actually emitting a circle of light against his belly thanks to the crystal, clit twitching and walls trying their best to close around the wide end of the crystal. As Toumak glanced down between them, he could see the crystal-shaped bulge in her lower belly, as well as a throbbing glow emanating through her skin. It would have been hypnotic if it wasn't so sexy to him.

After a few more powerful clenches, the gem lurched even deeper into her and her cervix seemed to close on it, allowing her quavering cunt walls to slowly close back up, plump lips shaking in delight amidst an ever-long buzzing hum that vibrated within her womb. She finally let go of his neck, relaxed her legs, and splayed out on the ground, spent.

But Toumak wasn't done. Now that the crystal was gone from the warm air of the jungle and completely within her, the pressure on his cock had weakened. Now his knot was only lightly squeezed by her tender walls, with what accounted for a gaping, loose pussy next to it.

She got up and forced him onto his back again, never letting her rump release his knot. She was proving to be very good at that. "Dear hunter, I hope I haven't left you needing. Come, please." She was speaking slowly and in an odd wispy accent, but then reached down between them to pull his cock form her tailhole, keeping the tip of it nestled between her sagging vulva as she turned around. Her long-haired tail splayed out over his chest as she squatted back down on him, her loose pussy easily swallowing him past the knot with her lips clenching tight around the neck with a powerful wink.

To his surprise, he actually felt her walls squeezing tighter and tighter with every clench of her muscles. As he looked down, he saw a teal mist emanating and billowing out from under her leathers. She was using her magic to heal! Perfect!

With that in mind, he gave her another powerful and deep thrust, the tip of his cock prodding through into her her womb next to the crystal. The moment he touched it, he felt his pleasure suddenly rise as the warmth billowed out through him, starting with his member, snaking into his balls, caressing his rump, then trailing up his spine to release the glow from his eyes.

His toes curled and his beak clenched shut as he growled, hands tight around her hips as he felt his climax finally come. His knot throbbed and his shaft pulsated as stream after stream of his seed erupted from his cock to fill her womb, his hips bucking in time with each ejaculation.

Slowly, she leaned back so she was laying on his belly, crystal bulging in her womb while his seed filled in the cracks between it and her tender walls. She giggled and whimpered at him, grinding her hips on his member, squeezing his knot with each motion. "So, you think that'll be enough for today?" She asked, giggling a bit. The glow from her eyes slowly dissipating as her irises returned to the emerald they once were. She laid her hands on her belly and nuzzled up next to him, enjoying the warmth they shared.

Toumak nodded, his mind finally clearing after the extended and rough tryst. "I-I didn't know you were into some of that stuff." He managed to choke out in between heavy breaths. His knot remained fully formed within her, and he didn't want to take that away from either of them. He scooted backwards until he was able to lean against a tree trunk, both hands resting on her sides, on on her up and the other wrapped around to poke and prod at the bulge in her belly.

She laughed a bit, looking down at the glowing mass within her. She also ran her finger across the clearly formed, angular edge of the gem as she chirped and cooed at him. "I didn't think I was, either. Good to know." She paused and gave an idle thrust of her hips.

Then a voice called out from the canopy. "So, do you two want to kill each other?" It was Valencia, still watching from afar and taking notes. One hand was grabbing the vine above her while the other was finger-deep in her own canine pussy.

Melodi and Toumak shared a glance. "No, not at all. I just wanted to mate until I came. Now that I had my pleasure, I've mostly calmed down." Melodi explained, then laughed at herself. "Though now I definitely want this damn rock out of me. It's starting to get a little uncomfortable. Toumak can stay, though." She chirped and reached down to his thigh, giving him a gentle squeeze and massage before returning it to her belly bulge.

He nuzzled up into her as well, preening at her neck and chest feathers as he raked his beak tip through them. "I'm happy to stay with you, my princess." He tensed up his muscles again, grinding his hips to hers one last time before his member popped out of her loose sex with a gush of cum soaking his sheath, balls, and tail. He leaned up to whisper one last thing into her ear. "But promise me you'll let me do some of that stuff to you, sometime."

"I promise."

After they parted ways from one another, Valencia hopped back down from the canopy to help them extract the gem from Melodi's womb. It wasn't a very fun process for anyone involved since it literally required slicing her open.

"You're gonna do what to me, now?" Melodi exclaimed in disbelief.

"I'm gonna have to cut it out of you. Don't worry, I have very powerful healing magic." Valencia explained, Toumak's dagger in hand. "First, I open you up, then I take the gem out of you and toss it to the side, then follow that up by healing you. You won't even have a scar. Promise."

Melodi glanced over to Toumak as he was putting his quiver and bow back over his shoulders. "Are you hearing what she wants to do to me? I don't care about the scar - scars are cool - I am worried about the pain!"

He was already dressed, his cock having already retreated into its sheath minutes before. He wasn't cavalier to her plight, but he wasn't exactly the most understanding, either. Above all else he wanted to make sure the people around him were safe, happy, and well fed, but he had little remorse for her. "I'm not the one who forced it up into you. This was all you. I mean, I hope she has a potion nestled away in there to dull the pain, but I'm not sure there's really a lot else we can do." He cringed and shrugged.

"You won't feel a thing, princess. I promise." Valencia assured her. "My magic acts as a numbing agent, if I so chose for it to. I told you, not only will you be safe with no evidence this ever happened, but-"

"Can't you just reach up into me and pull the crystal out?" Melodi suggested, happily parting her thighs to expose her still-tender pussy lips.

Valencia shook her head, stepping forward to stand over the princess. Her tiny from made it so that even when trying to look dominant and intimidating, she just looked silly thanks to the size difference. "Nope, I'm afraid not, my lady. Just stand still and if this hurts, I promise you a thousand years of pleasure, okay?" She winked and held the blade tip up, a swirling mist of teal billing out from her wrist, fingers, and palm. After a moment, it looked like the mist had been absorbed into the metal.

All the while, Melodi stared, wide eyed at the procedure. "I don't know if I'm prepared for this. Maybe my body will just assume the crystal is an egg and I'll lay it in a week. Who knows?" She whined, fear in her voice.

"Too late for that. Now, stay completely still or this actually will hurt. Toumak, get up to her, will ya?" She insisted, pointing towards the gryphon, then over to Melodi's head. "It would be best if she had someone to hold and was propped up a bit.

As per his orders, Toumak knelt behind Melodi with her head resting on his thighs.

"If this hurts, I'll be punishing you for as long a you're part of the tribe, Toumak." She threatened, though her resolve seemed shaken as she focused her eyes on the shiny curve of the blade. It was short, dagger that was mostly for ceremony but also used for self defense and hunting. It was Toumak's blade, perfect for skinning prey; it would slice through her belly as easy as a rabbit's.

"Are you ready?" Valencia asked, slowly pointing the tip of the blade against one side of the angular bulge in Melodi's belly.

Before the princess could protest and shake her head, she watched in horror as the blade punctured her abdomen and disappeared into her womb. She gaped open her beak to scream in pain, but then stopped when she realized that, aside from a mild discomfort and a pinching sensation, she didn't really feel anything. Instead, she watched closely as the tiny bat slid the blade across her torso, a flood of blood emerging from the wound to soak her equine hair and the tips of her feathers. She was worried about how weak that would make her, but was too fascinated at what was happening to care.

"See? Simple." Valencia declared as she reached through the thick muscle of Melodi's abdominal wall to wrap her finger and thumb around the end of the crystal. With one tug, the end of it was popped up and pried out of the princess's belly amidst a mess of gryphon seed and blood. She tossed the massive thing to the side with the dagger while she used all the might in her wing-arms to seal the wound shut, magic mist erupting from her neck, arms, and joints to get absorbed in Melodi's belly. She also licked at the blood, sucking as much of it out of the fur as she could at the same time, keeping the area clean while also enjoying a bit of a snack.

She was a bat, after all.

Both Toumak and Melodi blinked in disbelief as the wound sealed itself shut. When Valencia pulled away - bloody snout dripping - she extended both wing arms towards the resulting, scar free abdomen. "Tadaa! Told you that it'd be fine." She wiped her lips clean of the blood with her wrist before heading over to grab the gem.

But Melodi wasn't having that. "Oh no, you're not taking the gem, lady bat person. I found it, and I'm keeping it."

Valencia raised an eyebrow while slowly backing away. "Well alright then. I suppose, since you have overcome its effects at least for now, that I can trust you with it. Am I right to assume that?" She asked, the expression on her face making it very clear that she wouldn't believe the answer even if she was assured that she was.

"Me, yes. Storm, not so much. Still, it's why we're here and Storm told us that we had to bring it back. Desire or not, it's his region, he is chief warlord of the north. I'd be suicide to deny him the crystal he so thoroughly desires." Toumak explained. It was clear that even though he was speaking with clarity and certainty, he wasn't entirely honest. Deep down inside, he mostly just hoped that having the crystal would encourage the princess to engage in more lewd acts with him.

Valencia didn't believe him either, but she smiled and nodded. "As you wish. In the mean time, you don't mind if I follow you and track your behaviour for a few days, do you?"

Melodi shrugged. "As long as you don't take my crystal, I don't care what you do."

With that, the princess wrapped some cloth around the crystal, and Toumak returned to his hunting party. Valencia chose to keep to the canopy while watching Melodi from afar, clearly interested to see what came of the princess in the wake of having been so deeply influenced by the crystal.

After a long day of searching, both parties managed to find over a dozen different crystals and gems. With the exception of the one Melodi found, most were the size of jewels one would find in a brooch or particularly extravagant necklace an could be easily held in the small satchels that they caried with them.

Of course, there was still a lot left to discover about the royal gems and their impact on their users. The most important test was of course Chief Storm. As a powerful gryphon drake, there was no doubt he had the most devious of uses in mind when tasking his people to go on such a hunt.

Only time would tell. Luckily, Valencia was prepared to wait if that's what was needed.

Day 03: