Jake's awake!(Reboot)Part 1

Story by zombiemuslim on SoFurry

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#2 of Once upon an eighteenth.

Jake wakes to find himself in some sort of crib.

It's actually been a few years since I last wrote the other stories on here. I'd like to think my writing style's improved a bit, but there's only one way to find out. If you like this story, ratings and comments are great ways to motivate me to continue. Enjoy. [CAUTION: Contains diapers!]

Jake found himself curled up with his usual blanket and pillow, but he noticed something was different. Around him four sets of bars walled the feline into what looked to be the interior of an abnormally large crib. Propped against the bars to the left of him was a similarly up-sized teddy bear. Jake wrapped his paws around two of the finely polished bars and took a look at the room surrounding him. The walls were plastered in pastel hues and a colorful puzzle-piece pattern ran from wall to wall beneath him. Beside the crib sat a high chair to one side and an changing table to the other. There were no windows, only a white door.


There was no response at first. Was he all alone here? Just as Jake took a deep breath to call out again the brass doorknob turned. He held that breath. The door opened to reveal a skunk, perhaps in her mid thirties, dressed in a purple uniform consisting of a pocketed shirt and cotton pants. The pants resembled scrubs enough to give the outfit a medical feel to it. Was she a nurse?

"Oh, I see you're finally up."

The skunk didn't address him directly. She simply moved to the crib, bent forward, and reached in. It was then that Jake realized what he was wearing. His body sat snugly in a blue suit of footed fleece pajamas. The reaching paw moved to his midsection and pressed lower to his crotch. There was a crinkle, the telltale sign that he was wearing a diaper under there.

"Where am I? How'd I get here? Who are you?"

Her gaze only met his after she patted his puffy bottom to ensure he was both clean and dry.

"Name's Surly."

The corners of her mouth spread to form a slender grin.

"I'll explain things after breakfast. Hold on."

She offered this consolation as her paws disappeared into her shirt pockets to rifle around a bit. They returned to retrieve a keyring. It appeared one of the walls of the crib was secured in place with a couple padlocks. She removed the locks and allowed the wall to fall. Jake let out a quiet yelp when the woman quickly scooped him up into her arms as if he were a large plushie. Jake's brain couldn't catch up with events fast enough for him to give up any serious struggle until he found himself plopped into the adjacent feeding chair. It was only after the meal tray slid in place and gave his arms no room to slip free from his sides that everything registered.

"Hey, what's the big id-"

"Shhh... just drink."

Surly had swiftly retrieved a bottle from a minifridge in the corner of the room. Jake now found a rubber nipple dripping a thick, creamy formula into his mouth. It tasted like a rich, sweetened milk. Without much room for protest, Jake simply choked down his pride and sucked down a few mouthfuls.

"That's right. Drink it down so we can go to the commons."

The bottle was pulled aside after he'd slowed his pace and the feline soon found himself lifted up from the high chair and pulled to the skunk's chest. She gave some comforting strokes to his head, ears, and back as she took him out the white door and into a long hallway of similar doors. The hallway led to a lobbby of sorts. The two went through another doorway to what looked like a conference room. There was a line of uniformed ladies carrying their pajama-clad prisoners to a large examination table.

"Next subject."

Five women in labcoats stood around the table. A male husky looking to also be in his late teens was plopped onto the metal surface. The lady that carried him began to pat his head and reassure him as the white-coats quickly removed his pajamas. He got up onto all fours and found each of his limbs held in place by its own lab worker. Straps fastened through loops on the surface were fastened by the fifth worker to allow the others to grab clipboards and instruments. The diaper came off the canine and the ladies went to work.

His nurse began to check his eyes, ears, and throat whilst the white-coated ladies began to work behind him. The husky squealed when a paw grabbed his sheath and began rubbing. Simultaneously another paw held a measurement tool against his sack. A third lifted his tail to insert what looked like a small metal dildo. The other two stood with clipboards jotting down notes.

"Average testicle size."

"Average rectal tightness."

"Five and a half inches."

The husky tried to struggle against his restraints, but he couldn't even cry out when his nurs fastened a muzzle to keep his maw shut. His red length poked out from his bulging sheath to be met by a lubed, gloved paw jerking it roughly. The canine released pleasured murmurs from behind his muzzle as he began to get close. One of the nurses held a vial beneath his dangling erection. The nurse behind him hit a button on the end of the metal probe and it began to buzz loudly, almost immediately throwing the writhing male over the edge. His pointed cock sputtered a few squirts of his load into the vial and a measurement tool moved to his throbbing knot at the base of his shaft.

"Four-inch knot."

"Thirty milliliters."

The probe was removed from the husky. He was unstrapped, slipped into a fresh diaper and pajamas, then carried off as quickly as he was taken into place.

"We're getting your measurements."

Surly giggled. The line moved quickly, and soon Jake found himself at the front. He tried to slip out of the skunk's arms the entire time the waited, but only began violently thrashing when it was too late. He oppened his mouth to find the large rubber bulb of a huge pacifier thrust in to prevent him from speaking. A strap fastened it to his head.

"Now hold still."

Jake felt the paws across his loins almost immediately, but it was the suddenness of the probe that caused him to pull against his restraints. The phallic device was warm and slick, but Jake wasn't used to anything going back there. The unyielding material forced his pink pucker around it, and then the unexpected happened. The device began to expand inside of him, prompting further futile wriggling. He clenched as hard as he could, his body attempting to force the intruder out.

"Normal testicle size."

"Very tight."

"Five and a half inches."

The feline looked down to realize his cock was being handled. The paw gripped him through a lubed glove, tugging back and forth with a mechanical consistency. Jake bucked his hips and whined as that heat built just above his sack. The slick pawing sped up and forced that warmth up to the base, and then up his shaft. Just then the probe in his rear began to buzz, jolting him with an intense sensation to a spot he never knew he'd had. His eyes rolled back and he felt that heat pulse out with the convulsions of his feline cock.

"Thirty milliliters."

"Vestigial barbs."

Rather than letting loose, the slick paw continued to slip up and down his hyper-sensitive flesh and brush over his fleshy barbs toward the tip. His whimpers went unheaded as his cock endured a post-climax pawing that caused his fur to bristle.

"This one's got a second wind."

When the probe began to vibrate again Jake's legs began to tremble. He huffed around that pacifier gag as the gloved paw extracted another few squirts from his pink rod.

"Fifty five milliliters."

After that point Jake's erection became irredeemably spent. The gloved paw soon ceased its massage when his length grew soft retreated back into his sheath.

"This one's a milker. Next."

Jake felt himself rolled onto his back. The probe was removed and a diaper slid beneath him. Once he was taped up, he was forced into a fresh suit of pajamas and the gag came off for a moment.

"You can't do this to me! I have ri-"

A paw stuck a couple pills into his maw and proceeded to re-insert the gag.

"Swallow to avoid the taste."

Jake didn't have to wait long to figure out what they were talking about. A dark, metallic taste mingled with an intense bitterness that forced him to do just that. He tilted his head back and swallowed hard, then looked up to Surly as if telepathically demanding to know what he'd just ingested. She scooped him up into her arms again and poked his nose.

"Those will up your boy-milk production."

Surly took the flailing feline out of the chamber and back to his room, gingerly cradling him against her and stroking his hair.

"Shhh, shhh, you hafta calm down, silly."

Obviously Jake had no intention of doing so, and so he continued his muffled tantrum. Surly managed to get him into the room before he could land an effective swing on her. He did thwack an arm against her in the process, causing her to glower down at him.

"Bad boy!"

Her anger seemed to shift Jake back from anger to fear as he was suddenly flopped down onto the changing table. His arms were strapped down, then his legs, leaving him immobilized like before. This time, however, a single pill was forced into his maw. Once after he swallowed it did Surly speak.

"That's a muscle relaxer targeted for felines specifically. You probably won't be able to walk once it kicks in. But you're in time-out, I'll be back in fifteen minutes to see if your attitude's changed."

Jake felt a haze begin to sweep over his mind and calm him. There was a strange heat inside him. His struggles against the restraints were a poor judge of his strength, as it was always equally futile. Eventually surly returned to pat him on the head.

"Are you ready to behave?"

Jake nodded. He didn't know how far down the rabbit hole he was, but he had a feeling it went far deeper. Surly undid his straps and watched with a grin. Jake sat up, swung his legs over the side of the table, then hopped onto his legs. They instantly buckled under his weight and he quickly found himself scooped up into Surly's arms again.

"See? You could be walking right now if you just behaved yourself. Now, let's see how well you play with others."