Steamy Affairs On Ice

Story by Timberwulf on SoFurry

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Steamy Affairs on Ice


*This story was mostly a whole post that I converted and edited into a

story. I really did have to re-write most of it, so I decided to submit

it. I've had it in a folder for a long time now, so I think it's time to

see what people think. ^-^ I plan to be writing and submitting more

stories in the future, so let me know if you liked it or not, etc. YOu

can reach me at [email protected]

Enjoy! :D* - Timberwulf


Pantaliemon and his friend Alfred approached a large house made from the snow and icy landscapes around it. Pan turned to him, smiling.

"Welcome to my new home." He said with a grin. Alfred looked upon it in awe as they stepped inside. The first room they entered was surprisingly warm for being made out of ice, a table and chairs to the side, pictures hanging on the walls. A statue was in the center of the room, an ice woman holding a flower. To the far left corner there was a staircase leading up, a door into another room.

Pan turned to Alfred, seeing the amazement of the house within his feline friend's eyes. "Go wait for me in my room upstairs. I'll make you something to eat." Pan giggled as he saw the furre blush a bit. He started to head towards the kitchen door. He stopped right before entering, turning back towards the feline. "See you in a bit." He heard Alfred giggle a bit as he entered the kitchen, beginning to prepare the food. He turned on the oven and began to cook a spectacular meal of lasagna. He also prepared a nice Caesar salad and got out some strawberry cheesecake from the fridge. When the lasagna was done, he placed two slices of the lasagna on two plates.

Pan set all the food onto a tray, along with two tea cups and a kettle of hot herbal tea as he began to walk up the stairs to where Alfred was waiting. He opened the door and stepped into his room, seeing that the feline had already turned on the heat and lit some of the candles within the room, and was sitting patiently at a table set for two. Pan smiled at the furre as he walked over and set the tray on the table.

Alfred smiled. "What did you bring me?" the feline said. Pan chuckled, and answered in response. "Salad, Lasagna, and some strawberry cheesecake

for dessert." Pan said, returning the feline's smile. "Sound good?" Alfred then grinned, and nodded. "Wonderful!" Pan then sat in the chair

opposite the feline, picking up his fork and knife. "Dinner is served." Pan said.

"Sweet." Alfred proclaimed as he too began to eat. Pan cut a piece of

lasagna on his place with his knife and took a bite of it. He chewed,

then swallowed. Pan smiled and asked "So, how was your day today?" Alfred

stuck the fork in his salad, then taking a bite of it. "Good so far." Pan

nodded, getting the two teacups from the tray, setting them down in front

of him. He picked up the tea kettle and filled them both up hot herbal tea, and after doing so handed one in gesture to the furre in front of

him. "For you."

Alfred reached out and took the tea cup, examining it. "Thank you."

Pan grinned. "No problem." Pan looked at the feline opposite him, watching how he handled the tea cup, how he kept his posture. "I'm going to be out of town this weekend for Easter," Pan began to say. "which means I won't be around for a day or two." Pan told the feline furre, stopping a bit, breathing deeply. He spoke again. "I'm going to miss you." Pan blushed a bit at his own words, sending a soft smile to the furre in front of him, then taking a sip of tea from his tea cup.

Alfred sighed. "Well that is sad to hear, but I bet it is what the family

ordered up." The feline said, then taking a sip from his own cup.

Pan smiled, and nodded in agreement. "Yes. Family wanting to celebrate

Easter with the other family members." Pan chuckled a bit, just watching the furre across from him, thinking. "Oh, I'm just curious... if...." Pan stuttered a bit, trying to emit what he wanted to say. "Well..... haha... "

He blushes, "would you..." Pan then scratched his head a bit, "..go on a

date with me sometime?" Pan giggled, then blushed. He then wasn't paying

attention, and accidentally spilled the hot tea from his cup on his shirt. "Ouch! Hot, hot!" He screamed, the tea cup crashing to the floor,

breaking into a few pieces.

Alfred nodded his head. "Sure thing." He said, then watching Pan spill hot tea on himself and shivered at the pain Pan must have had. "You alright?" He asked, then reaching down to the floor, picking up the glass from the floor with his claws, then looking up to the wolf. Pan chuckled in embarrasment, still in a bit of pain. "Yeah, I'll be alright." He began to laugh a bit. "It seems I'm always somehow having my shirt to be taken off, doesn't it? I have to take it off and let it dry, otherwise I'll freeze." Pan then took his shirt off and tossed it near the warm bath in the opposite corner of the room. Alfred snickered, then sitting up and placing the broken glass on the food tray. "Well your right about that." The feline said, then adding to it. "You know, we can always get into bed, snuggle, or we can go in the hot tub if you'd like."

Pan smiled, then got up out of his chair and walked up over to the feline. "I.... umm....." he stumbles with his words again. "I .... ..umm... would you like to snuggle with me cuti........I mean hun!"

Alfred nodded his head, then nuzzled Pan's stomach. "I sure can, especially a little snuggle from you." Pan smiled, putting his arms around the kitty's hip, helping him up, his body now right against the felines, Pan just staring at him. "You're just so adorable, you know that?" Pan tensed up a bit at his words, then blushed a tomato red in the process.

Alfred squeaked and stood right up against the wolf, snickering.

"hehehe! You're so cute as well." Pan smiled at the furre in front of him, then picked him up, carrying him over to the bed, slowly laying the furre gently upon it's soft and warm blankets. Alfred meeped as he was picked up and then placed on the bed. Pan then creeped upon the feline on the bed, and when his face met with the feline's, Alfred nuzzled Pan's nose. "Why thank you kind sir." The cat said.

Pantaliemon smiled at the feline, giving him a few Eskimo kisses.

"Anytime, hun." He then held him tightly. At the same time Pan's touch to

the feline had a slight bit of gentleness to it, a softness.... a caring behind it. Pan nuzzled the cat's chest as he breathed deeply and sighed happily upon him, holding the sweet kitty. Alfred purred softly as Pan held him tight, the reached his arms out and wrapped them around the wolf's waist with care. "Anything for you" He proclaimed as he then leaned up and placed a kiss upon the now blushing Pan's muzzle. Pan's blushing became more intense as his heart began to beat a bit faster, smiling at the feline, staring into his eyes as if they were the heavens, the stars that he watches in awe on those warm summer nights. He leaned down and gave him a soft kiss of his own, not parting from it for a few seconds, enjoying it.

Alfred purred softly and snickered, staring back into Pan's eyes like mountain streams of running water, cool and calm. He could feel Pan's heart beating heavily. Alfred then moved into the wolf's kiss, and as

they break from it, said "That was wonderful!"

Pan looked upon the details in the felines face, watching the cats eyes watch his own as he leaned down to leave him with such a kiss that is unlike any he'd ever felt from him before, and maybe unlike a kiss from anyone else. He moved his paws to cradle the back of Alfred's head gently as he kissed him, running his fingers through his hair.

Alfred fluttered his eyes at Pan, then meeped from the kisses, during the

kiss trying to keep up with the loving wolf but is lost in the pleasure of it. During the kiss he moved his paws from Pan's back and softly caressed his rear, murring deeply. Pan leaned into the kiss a bit more, slightly pushing his body against the felines, a slight moan escaping his mouth as he kissed Alfred, his fingers now running through the feline's hair and down to his neck, running his fingers on the back of it. Alfred's purring deepened within his chest from the kissing, arching his back for a moment, then relaxing a bit from the pleasure. His paws were still holding onto Pan's rear, holding the wolf as close to him as he could be. Pan continued to make out with the feline as his paws began to slip down and over Alfred's chest, past his own bare chest, to the base of his shirt, then running his curious paws up under it, the warmth of the kitty's chest sending a chill through him as his tongue began to move

about within his mouth, requesting the right to enter the feline's own mouth.

Alfred was in heaven, his heart starting to beat faster feeling Pan's cold paws touch his chest. After feeling the wolf's tongue he opened up his mouth and playfully stuck his tongue out, entangling his tongue with the furre upon him. Pan's tongue slipped within the felines mouth and traveled around, probing and caressing as he made out with him. He pushed his crotch a bit into the kitty's, a muffled moan within him yet again emanating as his paws slightly grasped onto Alfred's chest, his pleasure becoming obvious. Alfred meeped from feeling Pan's crotch against him, then playfully pushed his own back into the wolfs, moving his paws from the rear to both sides of Pan's hip and softly rubbed it.

Pan moaned again from the feline's pushing back into his own crotch as he

moved his paws down to the felines hips, running them up and down ever so

slowly, running a paw every now and then across his stomach, just right above Alfred's pant line. Alfred shivered from Pan's paws along side his

hips, feeling them move. It made the feline's murring increase. Pan then slowly reached up with his paws and began to take the furre's shirt off, now with the shirt at the feline's neck, waiting for him to lift up a bit so that he may press his warm chest, heart beating fast, against the cat's. Alfred watched the wolf closely as he took off the feline's shirt, then lifting it up over his shoulders.

Pan lifted the shirt off of Alfred, then tossed it to the side as he then gave the feline a strong, passionate kiss, then breaks from it to kiss his chest, here and there upon the purring kitty's muscular build. He then looked up at him with shining, passion-deep eyes, his tail wagging rhythmically behind him in the feline's line of view. Pan then slowly moved up to him, running his warm and bare chest against the felines, a mix of friction and warmth, causing him to moan as he began to kiss Alfred again. Alfred smiled from the removal of his shirt, then moving into Pan's kiss, giggled a bit as it is placed upon his body, the feline's tail twitching behind him. His tail then reached up and met with the wolf's. He grinned as Pan came closer to him, moving his head with

the furre's kisses.

Pan's tail wrapped around the feline's tail affectionately as he kissed him, his tongue beginning to yet again wander within the felines mouth, his paws rubbing on each side of his hip, every now and then slipping down to feel the felines rear, and other times, to move slightly close to Alfred's crotch, which every time he does so makes a slight moan escape from his mouth.

Alfred smiled as he saw his tail wrapped along with Pan's his tongue entangled with the wolf's, then moving a paw and placing it on top of one of Pan's own, holding onto it, the feeling from Pan touching below his stomach starting to make the feline's body shiver with pleasure. Pan kisses the kitty slowly, then breaks from it, lifting up, his legs on either side of the felines hip. Alfred lets out a happy sigh of relief, then looking upon the wolf as he lift himself up, seeing that he is now straddled by Pan, smiling up at him while holding onto his paw. Pan then looks down at Alfred and smiled, his paw still with his, both tails still entangled. Pan then blushed a bit, and gave the feline below him a look of happiness and of love as he moved the feline's paws to the top of his

pants, where his belt buckle was.

Alfred released his grasp from Pan's paws and began to slowly unbuckle the belt, then Slipping it through the looks, taking the belt completely off. Pan lets his paws move up and down the feline's chest as Alfred took off his belt,

still just staring at the feline and smiling, looking into his eyes. His face a bit blushing, but his touch as smooth as if he were the emotion of true love itself.

Alfred smiled and purred deeply for Pan, the touching of the wolf's paws upon his chest feeling very good. He moves his eyes to meet with the wolf's and stared into them. His paws reach to the button of Pan's pants, beginning to undo them. The feline waits for Pan's reaction. Pan blushed again, but then quickly moved his paws to meet the feline's at his waist, giving them a confidence squeeze of approval as he then moved down and kissed Alfred passionately. He then lifted back up, waiting for what the feline might do next.

Alfred gave the wolf a wide smile, returning the furre a squeeze of approval. He gave off a soft purr from the kiss, then moved his eyes to the wolf's pants and grabbed the zipper, upzipping the pants all the way. Pan smiled softly as the feline began to unzip his pants, his cock already half erect from the kitty's paws simply being near his crotch.

His small trail of light brown pubic hair leads down to his full bush of hair, which is all the feline could see at the moment with Pan's zipper undone. Pan's paws rest at the feline's hip, holding them gently.Alfred licked his lips, dipped his paws into the wolf's pants, feeling around. From feeling around, his paws came across Pan's cock and he began to softly caress it, getting a feel for it. He then took his paw out and slipped the wolf's pants off even more. Pan's now fully erect cock fell into plain view of the feline, his pants slipping down to his knees. The feline's paw on his cock made him let out a deep moan, his paws at the kitty's hip slightly grasping them, his tail twitching slightly with each touch.

Alfred eyed the wolf's thick cock, his tail reaching up to the furre's own tail again, wrapping his cat tail around around it, then looking down to Pan's paws on his hips. Alfred nodded and then looked up to Pan, licking his lips again. Pan smiled, moving his hips to the kitty's pant button, slowly undoing it, then working the zipper down until it is fully unzipped. He moved his hand first to the feline's lower stomach and upper groin area, fingering with the feline's hair, not yet moving down, pleasuring and teasing the cat.

Alfred murred softly as he felt his pants being undone and moved his hips

around playfully. He then purred softly from the feeling of the wolf's paw on his groin area, his bulge slowly growing from inside his pants. Pan moved his paws down and slowly wrapped his fingers around the feline's growing shaft, pawing it off a bit, then slipping the feline's pants down a bit to fully reveal it.

Alfred fluttered his eyes at the touching of his shaft and lets out a low moan. Once his pants are taken off, he reaches out with a paw and softly probes the wolf's balls. Pan moaned in return at the feline's touch, then lifting a bit, slid his pants fully off, his tail now free and swaying back and forth. He played with the head of Alfred's cock, stroking his fingers upon the back if it. Alfred watched Pan took his pants fully off, his eyes tailing up and down the wolf's body again, the felines tail now having a mind of its own as it wrapped itself around the wolf's leg. He let out a soft moan from his cock being touched.

Pan let go of the kitty's throbbing shaft for a moment, sliding the feline's pants off fully, revealing a buff feline. The wolf's eyes looked up and down the feline's whole. He then grabbed Alfred's cock again, leaning down and with his tongue licks the tip, playing with it a bit. Alfred snickered softly and shifted a bit from having his pants taken off, looking up to Pan, smiling. His eyes twitched from the licking of his cock and he let out a slight moan.

Pan heard the feline's moaning, then slowly just sticks the head of his cock in his mouth, sucking on it and running his tongue over it. His paw still on the kitty's cock, stroking it slowly as he sucks on Alfred's erect shaft. Alfred gasped for air as the pleasure rushed though out his body, his moaning continuing to increase. Alfred's erection came to it's full size, the feline gritting his teeth, trying to control himself.

Pantaliemon heard yet again Alfred's pleasure, and finally, slowly worked the feline's cock fully into his mouth. His hands moved up and down the feline's chest as he sucked on him, licking the head as he does so. He began to bob his head up and down slowly.Alfred took in a deep breath of air, then let it go, his pleasures now increasing beyond what he can control, his body starting to tremble as he reached out a paw to place on the back of Pan's head. Pan started to move up and down faster, his tongue slightly increasing in it's speed of running along the back of the cocks head. Pan let out a small moan, hearing the feline's deep breathing, feeling his chest heaving as his paws run deeply and then smoothly across the kitty's chest.

Alfred twitched his head, the pleasure finally being too much. He pushed

the wolf's head onto his cock and held him close to his groin as he began to release his seed into Pan's mouth, moan's escaping the feline's chest. Pan moaned as his mouth is filled with feline seed, gulping it so as to

not lose one drop. As the throbbing and releasing of the feline's seed into his mouth decreases, he sucked on the cock a bit, making sure to get it all. He then extracted the cock from his mouth, now looking up at Alfred, smiling, his own cock half erect.

Alfred blinked a few times, now partly drained of his seed. He then leaned up and softly caressed Pan's cheek. He then moved his paw down the wolf's chest to his groin, then softly grasped the wolf's shaft. Pan moaned at the touch, now deeply horny after pleasing the feline. His cock from the feline's touch almost instantly get's hard again, throbbing for more. Alfred let go of the wolf's now hard cock and pondered for a short moment. He then turned himself over onto his back rear up, his tail wrapping around Pan's waist, wanting him to lay on top of him.

Pan gripped the feline's paw in comfort at his decision, and slowly moved up to position himself. He gently, slowly, slipped his cock into the feline, his paws upon Alfred's shoulders as he began to very patiently thrust in and out of the kitty's tailhole. Alfred looked over his shoulder and smiled to the wolf, then letting out a low moan as the he entered him though his tailhole. The feline lowered his head and laid it on the bed, moaning as the wolf began thrusting into him.

Pan began to thrust faster as moans from deep inside his chest sounded out with every thrust. His paws gripped the felines shoulders, his muzzle biting playfully at the side of Alfred's neck and ear. Pan let out a more larger moan, sounding that his climax would be soon. Alfred's moaning was now also paced with the wolf's thrusting, feeling Pan's shaft deep within him, occasionally giggling at the wolf's nibbling of his ears and neck. He then heard Pan's moan and wiggled his body a bit. Pan finally let out a loud moan as his seed began to shoot deep within the feline's tailhole, pushing his cock into the feline as far as he could get it. His paws grasped Alfred's shoulders tightly as he poured his seed within the cat, the orgasm almost too powerful for the wolf to take.

Alfred let out a load moan, feeling the wolf seed enter him, pushing back onto Pan's shaft. The feline let out a soft yip as he orgasmed again along with the wolf, then let out a sigh of relief as he purred deeply in ecstasy. Pan growled playfully at the feline, his body slightly coated with sweat, his furre ruffled. Still inside of the feline's tailhole, he leaned his muzzle over and planted a kiss on Alfred's cheek, ever so gently.Alfred purred softly, his muscles trying to sqeeze every drop of seed out of the wolf's body. He blushed after he received the kiss from the wolf on top of him upon his cheek.

Pan then nuzzled the feline's cheek, then yipped happily. "I love you, my Kitty." he said, putting his arms around the feline as much as he could, wanting to hold onto him forever.Alfred meeped, and then purred softly. "As I love you too, Pan." The feline then reached a paw under himself and scratched his belly, feeling that it was full from the meal, as well as the seed of the wolf.

Pan giggled at the feline's scratching, then finally withdrew his now sheathed cock from the cat's tailhole, letting Alfred turn around to face him. Alfred got up and sat down in front of the now tired wolf and smiled, then looking down to Pan's sheath. "My my, we both had a good time." The feline said, chuckling. Pan nodded and smiled, and sighed in agreement. "We sure did." Pan reached his paw over to the side of Alfred's face, pressing his paw against it. He stroked the feline's cheek with his thumb. "You're such an amazing, lovely furre, Kitty..."

Alfred nodded and moved his face into the wolf's paw, nuzzling it. He then started to purr, blushing at what the furre in front of him had said. "Why thank you. You're amazing yourself, my loveable wolfee." Pan smiled at the feline, then wrapped his arms around him, holding him tightly, not letting go. Alfred squeaked a bit, then wrapped his own arms around Pan tightly. "Hehe, thank you very much."

Pan chuckled at the feline, then looked at him, noses touching. "What are

we gonna do now?" Pan giggled. Alfred smiled, then gave a nod. "Well, I'm going to take a shower and drain my self." He said, laughing a bit. Pan

nodded and smiled as well. "Yeah, I can understand that." Alfred grinned.

"Thanks. Plus I need to get some sleep first." Pan nodded in agreement. "As do I." He then chuckled. "We'll talk about Us tomorrow." Pan said, giving the feline a warm smile, staring into his eyes. Alfred smiled just as lovingly in return. "Lets take a shower tomorrow, together." Pan blushed slightly, then hugged the feline. Alfred hugged back tightly. "Sleep well, hun." Pan said.

Both furres lied down together, Pan behind the Alfred, the wolf holding him with his arms. Alfred purred in pure happiness, and closed his eyes slowly, already dreaming of his life with Pan at his side. "Sleep well, my love."

The End