The First Step

Story by Fluxxx on SoFurry

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Just a little piece that popped into my head on the road. There won't be any more than this, unlike my last story which will hopefully continue. As per the last one and the upcoming revision of White Surprise, this is set in my so called Spreader Bar (better name welcomed) universe.


This story is meant for concenting adults, and should not be read by any one under eighteen. If you are under eighteen and reading this now, stop now, and go read something wholesome. Before it rots your brain... or warps you... or something. And if you don't, at least don't let your parents catch you.


Andrea was getting a bad feeling about this. She'd followed Jazmine to her room, and let her fit a yoke around her neck. Two padded strips of stainless steel branched out from her neck, reaching out to take her wrists, while a cross shaped piece rose up from behind her head. Tabbed together first, it was finished off with a pair of bolts that insured it remained that way.

"Umm Jaz," she said while watching the rottweiler tighten the bolts with a spanner, "you could have just showing it to me, rather than all this."

"Of course I could have just shown it to you. Hell, I could have just told you. But I thought you'd like to try it as a friend, after all, its not something you get to do every day, and especially not one of these babies. Now me, sure, I get to play with these every day, I learned a lot from the guild, even if I did quit after a time, but you. Well, you just tie people down for sex, so you're limited to what, ropes and scarves? Live a little."

Ande had to admit she was right, the only guild she was likely to qualify for, or at least the only one that made sense was the Spintria Guild, which seemed rather pointless to her. Still, interesting as this was, and despite being with a friend, the pantheress was a bit nervous about having her hands and wrists bolted together like this.

Jaz smiled as she picked up one more item, a squared off u-bolt with a thick knobby coating of rubber in the middle. "One last attachment dear," holding it in front of Andrea's shocked face.

"Umm, why do you need that? Maybe you should take this off now?"

The rottie scowled at her, her hand darting out to twist Andrea's left nipple through her blouse, shoving the gag in when the girl yowled from the pain. Spinning the wing nuts on deftly, she secured it to the cross at the back of her head.

After howling in pain, Andrea's face softened as she saw the spanner once again, thankful that it was all over. At least she thought it was as the yoke loosened, her face turning to terror as Jaz held up a strip of rubber from her pocket.

The rottie grinned at her, "You recognize it, don't you? The collar you were given, the one you though you'd lost. Well," fastening it around the black pantheress's neck, "now you've found it. And it won't be coming off," she said as she tightened the yoke once again, leaving the collar peeking out.

She had misplaced the collar, all dominants upon arrival were given a brightly collared rubber collar. These party favors could be used to claim a house sub, or a guest's sub, or possibly even the guest themselves. The only release from the collar came upon the wearer's use of a safe word, or their release by the dominant that had claimed them. Unlike a guild event, here roles were more fluid, and one could allow themselves to be claimed with their own collar, release only possible on their own orders.

"Shame that you're gagged, after all, you apparently didn't see a reason to register either a gesture, or a tune as a safe word alternate," patting her cheek and smiling, "so I don't have to release you until you tell me to. Now, lets go downstairs, and start your training pet," sliding fluidly into her new role, whether the pantheress liked it or not. "If you do well, i'll let keep the collar, after all, the colour looks lovely on you."

Ande growled loudly despite the gag, a gift of being a big cat. Flexing her claws impotently, her eyes darted around the otherwise empty room, desperately hoping to find a way out. Despite being left with nothing but the hope that this was some kind of joke, she had no plans to surrender that easily if it wasn't. She had met Jaz a few years ago at another party, and they had hit it off. Both dommes, despite being at opposite ends of the spectrum, they found themselves chatting away. Aside from the occasional event, they really didn't see each other, which gave them an excuse to catch up each time, trading techniques, and swapping stories as professionals are wont to do. She had never thought her friend the type to do something of this nature, especially as an ex-guild member who would be well aware of the illegality of it.

A tug on the yoke, courtesy of a leash that had been added pulled her out of her revery. Glaring at the rottie, she dug her feet in, unsheathed her claws, and began growling once again. No matter how one sided this fight would be, she had no intention of surrendering, and was startled at Jaz's laughter.

"My, my, I wondered if you had that in you. Of course, it won't due, not at all." Pulling a plastic bag from her pocket, she preceded to extract to wet leather cords. Tying them around the base of Andrea's a cup breasts, causing them to swell and lift from her chest. "Wet leather dries incredibly tight, in fact, it'll pop those cute little titties of yours right off if I let it happen. That takes too long with water though, so I soaked them in a chemical that should evaporate in... about fifteen to twenty minutes. If you're obedient, i'll remove them well before that though."

Flattening her ears to her head, Ande continued to growl, even though she knew she'd been cornered. The rottweiler's calm delivery of such a threat only made her angrier with that matter of fact tone. Infuriatingly she knew she was trapped, and she knew the trip wouldn't be straight to the basement dungeons, but a rather a side trip through assembled guests in the main parlor that were at the moment unoccupied. Bowing her head, a single tear escaping her, she took a half step forward, surrendering herself to her friend, fearful of the journey she had just taken the first step on.

Close Up Investigation Chapter 1

Thom woke up slowly, groggily, his hand sliding to his face... or trying to. His arm didn't move, nor could his other arm or legs. Taking a quick assessment of his situation, he found himself horizontal, bound spread eagle on an X rack. An impressive...

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White Surprise

Fluxxx waited impatiently, he knew she'd be here soon, Mistress White. He'd found her on a forum, one for those interested in bondage, most of whom would never take it beyond the screen. Ah, but he did, he'd worked in a few clubs, dabbled here...

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