A Masters Betrayal - Part 4

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#4 of A Masters Betrayal

A Masters Betrayal

Part 4

We stopped a good distance from the cabin so as not to disturb Dean, if he was here that is. Tony had the rope and net and I hoped we didn't need to use them.

We walked along the dirt road towards the cabin trying to make as little noise as possible; the sweet smell of pine from the surrounding trees along with cool damp air was helping to relax me, both from the rising apprehension of approaching the cabin and hoping to find Dean and my rage towards the white Siberian Tiger who was walking a few feet in front of me. Gabriel walked beside me and I could tell he was worried. We all approached the cabin without speaking and soon found ourselves at the old wooden steps to the cabin.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" Gabriel whispered trying to speak as quietly as possible.

"Douglas?" Tony began also whispering, "How many entrances are there to the cabin?"

I suppressed my hate enough to speak to him and not show it, "there's just the one door."

"How would Dean get in then?" Gabriel asked.

"Valid point, but we should check the cabin first before searching the surrounding area." Tony replied.

"There are three rooms in the cabin, the main living area, a bedroom to the right and a sort of kitchen area on the left. I'll take the bedroom, Tony you take the kitchen and Gabe you take the main room." They both nodded in agreement and I was happy to have Tony as far away from me as possible, even if it was only on the other side of the cabin.

"Remember, call if you find anything. Don't try to catch him by yourself we don't know what he'll do." Tony chimed before we made our way up the steps as they groaned is pain as we made our way up them slowly trying to make as little sound as possible.

I gripped the door handle and pulled it down before pushing the door open slowly, the door groaning as it opened. We all stepped into the cabin; the musty smell of rotting wood assaulted our nostrils. There was next to no furniture in the small cabin, there was a three seater couch and a small table on either end of the couch which was facing the opposite wall from the door where a fireplace was. There was little light in the cabin and lots of dark corners for Dean to hide in so we closed the door and made our way to our designated areas. I walked over to the bedroom door which was open slightly and pushed it, unlike the front door it swung open without a sound and I stepped into the room. A little light filtered in through the filthy dirt covered window that adorned the wall. Memories of the day Dean and I spent here flooded back to me.


Dean and I were walking along the dirt road holding hands, it was a beautiful sunny spring day, the air was heavy with moisture and birds chirped happily in the trees above us as we made our we through the grounds.

Walking along holding Deans hand, the sounds of nature all around us I couldn't help but feel happy, almost overwhelmingly so. I couldn't take the grin off my face and turning to look over at Dean I could see he had that foxy grin I loved so much plastered all over his face, he turned to find me staring at him and giggled before asking, "What?"

"Oh nothing, just admiring how gorgeous you look." I said giving him a wink making giggle some more.

"Oh you are a tease..." Dean began before I pulled him into a tight embrace and kissing him gently on the lips. He returned the kiss and murred as we stood in the middle of the dirt road surrounded by miles of forest not another soul nearby.

We stayed like that for a good few minutes kissing, enjoying the feel of each others bodies next to each other before parting and still smiling we carried on down the dirt road, happy that we were together.

A couple of hours later we had started to make our way back to the real world only for a clash of thunder to roar out overhead and the rain suddenly following hard and heavy almost soaking us instantly. We ran down the road laughing as we got soaked. I spotted the cabin and grabbing Deans hand pulled him towards it. We bounded up the steps and the door thankfully wasn't locked and we made our way inside Dean still giggling as he shook himself trying to rid himself of any excess water.

"Hahaha, guess our little walk was a washout eh?" Dean giggled as he pulled his top off revealing his naked torso, his fur soaked and his nipples jutting out, I couldn't help but murr at the sight.

"It doesn't have to be a total waste." I said at almost a whisper, just loud enough for Dean to hear and for him to stop wringing the water out of his top to turn and give me a confused look. I pulled him tight against my body and reaching down I groped both his ass cheeks and squeezed them firmly in my paws enticing another giggle from Dean as he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my chest.

"I love you Master." I laughed still not used to him calling me Master.

"I love you too Dean." He looked up into my eyes and slowly we leaned in and kissed passionately, my tongue pushing its way into his eager maw. Our tongues wrestled as I moved my hands from his ass to his belt and undoing it proceeded to open the button and fly on his jeans. We separated so Dean could slip out of the wet denim as it clung to his legs and I pulled my shirt off.

Once my shirt was off I undid my own belt and was about to undo my fly when Dean stopped me, he kneeled in front of me and opened my trousers and slipped them down to my knees and gave my tented underwear a lick enticing a moan out of me. I placed my hands gently on his head and lovingly ran my fingers through his hair as he nuzzled and licked my growing erection through the fabric making me moan yet again as waves of pleasure shot through my body.

Dean pulled my trousers down to my ankles and I stepped out of them then he undid my shoelaces and I quickly kicked them off, now both of us stood there with nothing but our underwear on and both of us had noticeable tents. Dean grabbed my paw and pulled me over to room on the right.

"Lets find somewhere more comfortable shall we Master?" Dean asked with lustful undertones, I simply let him pull me to the room and as the door to the room swung open I grabbed him from behind and nibbled gently on his neck making him yip in fright before moaning.

I picked Dean up in my arms and lay him on the bed tossing the dusty blankets that lay on it aside and lowered myself on top of him and kissed him passionately while grinding our cocks together making us both moan in unison. Deans nimble hands soon found their way to my nipples and gave them a gentle twist making my break the kiss to moan. God he new how much I loved that. I looked down into his beautiful eyes and grinned before kissing his neck and slowly moving down his body stopping to suckle on both his nipples making him moan loudly. I continued my way down past his navel and came to tented underwear and sniffed it taking his scent, his musk over taking my senses.

I licked his erection through the fabric making him moan and squirm in pleasure, a spot of pre cum becoming visible as it soaked into his underwear. I pulled his underwear down slowly, his erection popping free of its confines and I gave it a long slow lick from base to tip stopping at the head and encircling it with my lips and sucking gently on the cock head while flicking my tongue across it, Dean arched his back and moaned loudly as I pleasured him. I started to bob my head up and down his shaft making him pant, his stomach and chest rising and falling quickly as I sucked his cock and making him gasp as I pushed the tip of my tongue into his cum-slit.

"Master..." Dean whispered breathlessly, "Stop...please." I pulled of his cock and looked at him with a look of confusion before remembering that Dean liked it when I came before him. I smiled lovingly at him and crawled up the bed to kiss him. As I kissed him I felt a little bit of sadness run through me as I thought about how his former Master had punished him if he came before him and although he was free of him now Dean still had the overwhelming need to please his master before himself, and if that's what makes him happy then I'd go along with it.

Dean pushed me gently and I willingly rolled over so he was on top of me. He quickly moved down to my crotch and pulled my underwear off, my cock throbbing in the open air. Dean grasped my cock with his hand making me moan then took my entire cock into his maw in one easy move, it never ceased to amaze me when he did that, I groaned in pleasure and clenched my eyes shut as I felt his throat massage my cock head. He pulled of my cock and squatted above me holding my cock aligning it with his tail hole. He lowered himself till the head of my cock was pressing against his pucker and with a smooth movement lowered himself more allowing half my cock to sink into his hot tight ass.

I moaned loudly as I felt his hot insides massage my cock, I grasped his hips and slowly pulled him down further on my cock eliciting moans of pleasure from us both, his cock spurting pre as I sank further into him. Once I was hilted in him he sighed contently and leaned forward to kiss me, pulling halfway off my cock as he did only to push back and engulf it entirely into his ass.

He continued to rock back and forth on my cock panting lustily as I lay there beneath him moaning, in a state of complete bliss as Dean rode my cock, my knot now beginning to form and pop in and out of his ass each time he hilted my cock within him. His own cock was throbbing hard and dripping pre onto my belly, both of our eyes were shut as we made love, loving the feel of one anothers bodies as our paws roamed and caressed each others bodies.

"Yiff, yiff, yiff, yiff!" Dean went as my cock slid in and out of his rump.

My knot was now fully inflated and was pressing against Deans tail hole each time he lowered himself on my cock, I grasped his hips firmly and thrust upwards hard as he came down on my cock, my knot popping into his ass making him gasp in both pain and pleasure as I howled as I released my load into his bowels Dean quickly blowing his own load all over my chest and stomach, the first shot spraying me across the muzzle.

I continued to buck up into Dean riding out my orgasm before finally stopping and Dean collapsing onto me smushing his cum into our fur. We were both panting breathlessly as we lay there basking in our afterglows. Dean nuzzled my chest as I felt the need to sleep overcome me, as it did I heard Dean say,

"Thank you Douglas, I don't think I've ever been this happy. I love you." Even in my sleepy state a smile crossed my muzzle.

"I love you too Dean."

We both fell asleep in each others arms a smile on both our muzzles.


I breathed deeply trying to settle my nerves and rising emotions and nearly sneezed as I got a good nose full of dusty air but managed to stop myself and quickly picked up the faint scent of Dean through the scent of rotting wood. I stepped backwards out of the room and silently signalled Gabriel and Tony who quickly made their way over to me.

"Deans here, I can smell him. You two stand guard at the door, I'm going to flush him out." I whispered. They both nodded and we made our way into the room, Tony standing guard at the door with the net in readiness, Gabriel standing ready to pounce standing just to the side of Tony as they watched me approach the bed. The top of the bed was bare so I slowly lowered myself to my knees and peered under the bed into the darkness. After a few moments my eyes adjusted and I all there was under the bed were some dried up old leaves that had blown inside at some point in the cabins past. I sat up still sitting on my knees on the floor and looked around the room for possible hiding places Dean could be, his scent was fresh so he had be somewhere nearby.

I glanced around the room and spotted a bundle of old blankets in the corner of the room and slowly crawled over to them...did they just move? I reached forward tentatively and just before my hand touched the blankets a growl emanated from within them and they shuffled slightly.


The growl came again but this time much louder and more threatening than before. I took a deep breath and took hold of the blanket and slowly lifted it but as I did Dean leapt out at me scratched my face and ran to the opposite corner and curled up, his eyes shifting between me, Gabriel and Tony. I nursed the scratch on my cheek and found that it was only bleeding a little but still stung like hell.

Gabriel slowly walked up to Dean and kneeled on the floor a few feet from Dean and stretched his hand out to Dean holding it there unthreateningly. Dean warily sniffed the hand and after a few moments licked it making Gabe smile.

"It's alright Dean, we're here to help. Come here." Gabriel cooed while reaching out his paws to pick up the fox who surprisingly leapt into his arms and buried his head in Gabriel's chest.

Gabriel turned to me and saw that I was upset, I sat on my knees looking to the floor with a hurt expression on my face.

"It's alright Douglas, we've got Dean now. Lets get him home shall we?" I looked up at Gabriel and saw in his eyes that he a concerned look and I knew that the concern was for me.

"Lets get Dean back to the house and I'll call a friend of mine and see if I can't get him some discreet help." Tony said while turning and leaving the room, Gabriel following him with Dean curled up in his arms stopping the doorway to turn to me.

"Are you coming Douglas?"

"No, I think it's best if I don't come."

"Why?" Gabriel asked, concern clearly audible in his voice.

"Dean freaks out every time I go near him so maybe I shouldn't come back with you till you get home safely" I continued to sit on the floor, staring blankly at the floor.


"I'll be fine Gabe, just help Dean okay?" He sighed and nodded in defeat.

"I'll come pick you up once we get Dean back safely okay?"

"No...don't bother...I just want to be alone for a while. I'll find my own way back." Gabriel sighed again.

"Okay but...just don't do anything stupid. Your cubs are waiting for you back home remember?" I just nodded in response and Gabriel turned and left leaving me alone in this old run down cabin, just me and my thoughts.


I woke up hours later, it was pitch dark outside and there was no source of light other than the moon than hung high in the sky, its light pooling on the old wooden floor of the cabin as I lay on the bed my head laying on the blankets that Dean had cocooned himself in earlier, his scent comforting me to some degree but still not enough to make all my worries of our future together go away as I recalled the events of the past couple days.

Other thoughts filtered through my head including the actions of Gabriel the past couple of days, was he actually flirting with me or just fooling around trying to make me feel better? He couldn't be gay...I mean Gabriel a real ladies man, when ever we go out for drinks no matter where they go some woman will flutter their eyelashes at him and come over and flirt and he loves that attention.

My thoughts were interrupted as my stomach gave a loud growl. Man I was so hungry, but there was nothing edible in the cabin and the only way I could get food was if I went home and walking through the woods at night just didn't appeal.

There was a flash of lights through the window and then the distinct growl of an engine and gravel shifting beneath tyres. I sat up in bed and made my way curiously to the main room and looked out the window to see someone getting out of a car, they had a torch in one hand and something else in their other hand but I couldn't make out what it was, I went to the door and opened it as they got to the steps to find Gabriel.

"Hey, how you feeling Douglas?" Gabriel asked.

"Lousy...but more hungry than anything else." I said, my stomach growled loudly, loud enough for Gabriel to hear it emphasising just how hungry I was, making me blush and Gabriel chuckle.

"Well I guess it's a good thing that I brought this then eh?" He said lifting a the large hamper he held in his paw. "Come on Doug lets get some food in ya." We both entered the cabin and sat on the couch, pulling a table close so we could lay out the food Gabriel had brought with him.

"Wine?" I asked as he pulled a bottle out of the hamper followed by two glasses.

"Haha, why not? You need to relax a little, you've had a couple of stressful days."

"You don't have to stay with me you know, I mean you've got work in the morning."

"Nope, bank holiday remember?"

"Hehe, oh yeah."

"Now you pour the wine and I'll finish getting everything out." he said handing my the bottle and glasses. I began pouring the first glass when I heard a match being lit and turned to Gabriel to find him lighting two candles that he had obviously brought with him, casting us their gentle glow.

"Well isn't this romantic?" I said with a tone of sarcasm.

"Haha, yeah well it's easier than eating by torch light you know."

"I suppose it is but in any other circumstance I'd say you were trying to seduce me."

"And who says I'm not?" He said with a seductive tone making me arch my eyebrows making him laugh and after a few moments me laugh as well. Once we had regained our composer we began eating the variety of finger foods he had brought, sandwiches, coleslaw, sausage rolls, cold meat, cheese and rolls as well as a few other things.

After eating our fill and nearly finishing the wine I began to feel a lot better, a little tipsy admittedly but for the first time in the last couple of days I actually felt...normal. Over dinner we discussed what had happened with Dean and everyone else. Tony had made a phone call to his friend and he had turned up a few hours later to take Dean to the Institute to make a proper diagnoses. Apparently Sarah had made quite a fuss about me being left out here and only calmed down when Gabriel said he'd come out to see me once Dean had been taken care of.

"She really does still care about you Douglas, I know what she did hurt you but you can't let that affect your relationship with your sons."

"I know, but I just don't know what to do any more, I mean Dean might never recover and even if he does there is no guarantee that he will still want to be with me...I mean Dean is the reason I've made it this far and I don't know what I'd do of I lost him." Tears were forming in my eyes as I talked and Gabriel seeing this moved over and put his arm comfortingly around my shoulders.

"You know, even if Dean doesn't come back to you I'll still be here for you." Gabriel said in a low hushed voice, I looked him the eyes and suddenly felt that warm happy feeling he always gave me wash over me lifting my spirits and making me feel better.

We both sat there for a few moments just staring into each others eyes and slowly our muzzles moved towards each other, we both closed our eyes, tilted our heads to the side and kissed.