Adventure's of Tao: The New Comer Chpt 3

Story by NotSarahK on SoFurry

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#3 of Tao

In a magical paradise of peace and light Tao, a land unknown to man, live five special kangaroo-like creatures. Each warrior represents one of five virtues--benevolence, righteousness, order, wisdom, loyalty. However, the Warriors of Virtue's heroic journeys have not yet ended. An over shadow of evil is still in the land and darker forces are slowly making their move. The evil warlord Komodo might have forgotten who he was from previous events, but there seemed to be something else ratting about. Something that no ones else would have guessed and one new comer to Tao will save them this time. Will the new comer save all of Tao or will their world come to an end? You find out.

Disclaimer: I do not own in any shape or form of any "Warriors of Virtue" franchise. I will not be profiting from this story in any way. However, every character not mentioned in either the movies or the books (yes there are books) is mine.

I do not have any rights to the music that is used.

I do not have the rights to the movie I borrowed from.

A/N: I do apologize about the grammar and spelling. Usually after reading it several times I miss items, and end up editing later. If you want to help please let me know where I might have missed something to help further our relationship together on this journey. If not then just enjoy the imagination.

Chapter 3

Practicing new Skills

The next day Sarah found herself not outside where she last remembered practicing with Yee, but under one of the huts in the village. It was small and looked like it was designed for short term guests. She was still in the cloths she had on yesterday which she didn't care, but she did need to find something to change into for later days ahead, the reason being for forever how long she might be there until she finds a solution. As soon as she started to sit up her head begins to throb. She remembered she hasn't eaten in awhile. She only had little to eat for that field trip morning and was planning on getting something during their lunch break hours with all of the students, but that didn't happen. Then walks in Tsun, with perfect timing, and a tray that held a wooden cup and something unknown to possibly eat.

"Good Morning, Sarah. I thought you would be hungry. You seem to have forgotten to eat last night. It is partly our fault as well, for we forgot to offer it as well."

"You read my mind! I appreciate it."

"Sadly, that is not my virtuous talents, but thank you kindly all the same."

Sarah smiled and laughed a little.

"Ah, so there is a smile in you. I was afraid you would have been similar to Lai, who is all serious."

Sarah sat up from the grounded bed and accepted the tray with gratitude.

"Tsun, am I correct?"

She nodded her head.

"Thank you again."

"You are very welcome."

"Tsun, I'm sorry if I'm causing any troubles. I really don't mean to."

"If you are worried about Lai, do not freight, he is usually cranky."

Before Tsun left she placed some clothes next to Sarah and explain their purposes.

"They are not much, but if you would like some fresh clothes I gathered something for you. Oh, and when you are done don't worry about the dishes just leave it by the door."

"Are you sure? I could help clean them?"

"Don't be silly. You are our guest here in the village. We would like you to feel welcomed."

"Thank you, once again for everything."

"You're welcome," and bows a little and smiles as she walks away.

"Oh, ones you are ready we will be waiting in the same area where we meet yesterday."

As she says before completely disappearing, and she walks out to leave Sarah take her time to refresh. The food was a simple garden picked greens, but it was filling enough. The attire that was left behind was also simple, but almost looked like a renaissance maidens dress or lady in waiting which is almost the same thing. The forest warm green wasn't to tight on the top, but just enough to fit just right, and after the belt like item around the waist with an image that reminded her of a Lotus flower. The dress flourishes out and slightly opening in the front to show another color layer underneath of a warm orange. The arms acted the same way as the hips giving three Calla Lily like shapes all over. The slight tightness on the top, but as soon as it gets to the elbows the cloth flows out. The material was very light for a lot of cover up, it was not itchy at all so it was bearable, and just high enough not to trip over the bottom. She only wishes she could have found a mirror to see how silly she looked right then. Well if most of the villagers wear this kind of stuff like this then she would fit right in, but she would have preferred pants any day then a dress though. Time to go find the Warriors and teach them some lessons she looked over with Yee, she thought to herself.

"Good morning."

Was the first thing that Sarah heard as soon as she exited out of the door opening. It startled her a little. She saw Yun leaning against the side walls near the door frame.

"Good Morning. I was just going to go look for you guys. What are you doing here?"

"Because you don't know this area, I figured you would not mind an escort." Yun pointed out.

"That's very kind of you."

* - * - *

Back at the training grounds Sarah saw that the Roo's have already assembled in a circle. She hoped she could teach these Roo's some of the few new tricks she read from the Manuscript of Legend. When she got closer to their gathering all eyes were on her again, as like yesterday. Her heart was beginning to race as if getting ready for a performance.

"Ah, hello again. So. I. read a few of the pages. to try and do my best to teach it back to all of you. Because I am not a Master of the elements like most of you are I do apologize in advance for my clumsiness."

"We all start somewhere." Chi giggled.

"Shh." Tusn harassed.

"Because of your Master Chung already teaching you so much I needed to find something maybe all have not been taught yet. That part was not easy for me, because I based it on my observations yesterday." She took a deep breath.

"So I hope studying this chapter was not a waste. You all have weapons that I noticed from the performance, however Yun was the only one I did see actually using their elements with the weapon, channeling the focus from."

"But, we already know how to use our elements in battle." Lai replied

"I am not saying you don't, I'm saying you didn't!"

"Very perceptive of you. So what do you propose our lesson for today is then?"

"Why are you the impatient one, I thought Chi was?"

Chi and Yee could not hold it in and started laughing full heartedly. Yun was trying not to laugh after seeing them burst out, it wasn't easy. Chi was on the ground laughing to hard he was holding his stomach. Yee turned around trying to hide it with no success. Lai, burnt holes into their heads and then whacked them with his staff. Yee straighten up, but Chi just said "ow" and couldn't stop laughing. All Sarah could think was it was her classrooms all over again.

"Enough." Yun softly roared.

Sarah knew this wasn't going to be easy to explain, so she needed a different tactic. To show them. She turns away, showing the Roos her back side. Pauses for a moment then begins to just walk away. The Roos were stunned.

"If you weren't acting so foolishly this won't have happened." Lai pointed at Chi.

"Me? You had to question everything."

"Enough, the both of you if...."

But Yun couldn't finish what he was about to say to his companions when an object just comes hirling towards the Roos almost hitting Lai, but with his quick reflexes shattered it from the staffs end. All was still. The dust slowly falls to the ground. Sarah then peeks out from the shadows where she walked to, with her arms folded, and then leans on a support beam.

"That could have been stopped sooner with the right practice of your kung element."

They all exchanged glances to one another, understanding now a little what she was trying to explain.

* - * - *

(Sarah's iPod: Trndsttr (Lucian remix) - Black Coast)

"Each one of you has an element and your kung. But, try to see your element as a forcive kung from yourself to your weapons and out from there. This will allow your own body energy to not get wasted." She tries to visually show them with her hands with wide motions.

"If you can not see which way the enemy might be coming from your forcive kung can be triggered for you instead at a safe distances as well. This is what I call self defense without eyes and the book titles it as "Virtuous Defiance" meaning you are openly resisting by defending yourself with virtue with the elements you possess. A little deep I know, but let's begin."

Sarah had asked to gather some items to use as targets and then something to place it on for height.

"Each one of you will take turns, because it sometimes helps to see how others train and then find your own way to use it to your advantage. Chi you are up first"

He steps out of the Warriors line and stands at a distance from the target and readies his weapon.

"Everyone will be starting out with the focus points, and then moving on to the wider force push."

Sarah looks at Chi straight on to ask, "So how can you use your fire so far? Do you use it through hands, arms, what?"

Chi then lifts up his right hand and this soft ignition sound lights up demonstrating his hold on fire in the palm.

"Anything else?" Chi chimed.

"What about your weapon?"

"You will need to stand back for this part." He grinned at her with charm.

Sarah did as asked knowing if fire was not controlled it can get out of hand. Chi steps a little back from the group and the moment he pulls out his whip the Sparks started blazing in circles around him. The whips were directed into virtual loops next to Chi's sides, the fire was so mesmerizing, and just as it started he cuts the flames off with an abrupt stop. Chi walks back to Sarah and to the group and takes a bow.

"Very nice..." She said very calmly.

Chi looked surprised instantly as if he was trying to impress and failed miserably.

"Now see if you can push that off the stump without touching it, show off."

If he wanted to show off, he was going to get the title. Chi looked at it and smiled, knowing it would be no problem. As soon as he was about to flick the whip Sarah steps forward.

"Oh, one more thing."

Sarah walks up to Chi and pushes him back. Back, back and backing up to a very good distance.

"This is where you start."

Chi stops and stares at her then the item and then back. Chi was about to say something it then stops. It looked like the tunnel just stretched on for him into a black hole of impossible.

"...sure, no problem."

He preps his whips again and gets his fires going, but as soon as he tries to release the flames they just disappear like smoke.

"Let me try this again."

He gets ready again, and looks like he tries to put more effort into it and it looks like it almost works, but the nothing happens. Chi was a little defeated.

"Alright Sensei, I know when to ask for help."

Sarah smiles with confidence.

"I was wondering if you were going to ask, and I am glad you did, instead of frustrating yourself even farther. You are wise."

Chi looked like he felt better of himself.

"But, don't get too cocky."

His shoulders then slumped. Sarah walks up to Chi's side and begins to explain how she remembers from the book.

"Chi make the fire in your palm again."

He does so with ease.

"Now can you feel how that is in your hands, really focusing on the fire."

Everyone watching carefully and studying everything that is going on.

"Now imagine this fire is yourself guarding one's mental, emotional, and spiritual energy. By holding on to that it can enter you and that is the feeling of how you can protect yourself using your element. But, did you know with all that heat you are saving is being built up that..."

She takes Chi's other hand and slowly moves it over the other still burning. Everyone so memorized by the scene. Everyone!

"That same heat can be used as a force..."

Both her hand and his hover a safe distance away from the present flames.

"...and by pushing outward you can protect others at a much greater distance and releasing that same energy."

By surprise Sarah's other hand was underneath Chi's flames and then bumps his to release the flames that travel in a ball this time just almost hitting the hands above.

"The good news is that same energy returns because it never was destroyed. Now that does not mean unlimited because you can still wear out yourself. You just need to plan wisely."

Sarah puts down her hands and looks back at Chi.

"Now do you remember the feel?"

Chi had to think for a second and then nods his head.

"Good, now look at the target one more time, but this time don't think on the distance, but think of how much energy you want to release. One way to really focus on released energy can be laughing out loud after a good joke and you can't contain it, which is a positive Kung. A negative would be screaming at the top of your lungs because of anger. Both are actually good for the body, spirit, and mind because when that energy comes back it is cleansed. Now. Hit. The target."

Sarah backs up again for a safe distance as Chi concentrates. A smile begins to twitch on his face and then it begins to get wider. Just when it looks like he was about to burst out laughing and whines up his whips and released the flames towards the target. This blue and yellow jellyfish ploam flame travels its way down and just pushes the item far back soaring into the woods.

Well one down, four more to go! Smiling to herself with success. She wondered why she wasn't able to reach out to her children with this much patience and excitement. She tries not to dwell on it too much. Sarah gets the next object and places it down for the next practice.

"Tsun would you like to give it a try?"

"I would be delighted."

Sarah walks up to Tsun to ask the same questions.

"And what is the use of your weapon Ma' Lady?"

Tsun bows and pulls out her thick Stone Sword that looked like earth itself was bending items together.

"This helps me use my Wing Chun fighting style."

In which she quickly demonstrates.

"Which uses one's enemies own force against themselves."

She waited to speak until she was done, "Then you should know more than most what force can do."

Tsun bows again.

"And your element of use?"

"Actually I have two ways of use. One from above..."

Which she made made it fall some flowers when the sword raised.

"And then to also make the very earth move."

Which then as soon as her sword hit the ground this small force move the ground away. It wasn't enough to make a dent, but enough to understood force.

"Very nice." She said with a cheer.

Yee slapped Chi's back lightly.

"You will do this will elegance then. But, how you are going to need to do this is using that grounds force mostly. And I want you to make that energy travel just like Chi's. Find Your energy and release."

Tsun stands for a moment focusing on the target and then wines up striking the ground. Visibly this tremor travels towards the target and pushes it over like an ocean's wave. Sarah runs over to the same object and picks it up to place it back.

"Wonderful Tusn. However, I would like you to try it a little different this time."

She runs over to Tsun and whispers something in her ear.

"I want you to picture that when striking the earth and then continue to push outwards. You think you got this?"

"I think so."

Much like a butterfly she rises and then gently plants her feet and sword towards the ground. The energy then continues to travel just on the tip as she pulls back. Just doing so some of the ground comes up. As it rises to a good height for Tsun she uses that same force she on the tips of the sword and pushes it outward. The ground is thrusted at the object knocking it over and bringing it down with the ground. Sarah clips and didn't need say much for Tsun, but bows to her in silent words. It almost looked like Tsun blushed a little and went back to her spot near the Roos.

"Lai? Yee? Who would like to go next?"

Yee was about to step forward, but Lai's staff blocked him, and Lai stepped forward instead. Oh, Sarah was going to enjoy this.

"I think it is safe to say that what your weapon of choice is, and do you mind demonstrating your element?"

Lai bows, "It would be the most practical thing to do so."

Lai stands tall then crouches down and demonstrates his skills with wood and then jumps ahead and hits the target.

"I am a disciple of the Shaolin fighting style."

After a brief pause he stands up with pride and holds his staff vertical again and steady and focuses his attention to Sarah.

"You need to be agile, and to fight from a distance. We call it the 'long-fist'. Delivering blows without getting hit."

"Very well done."

He bows and begins to walk back.

"But, you have missed the point of this lesson."

Lai looks back at Sarah with an eyebrow raised, or the best a Roo can show a questionable face.

"Pray tell, how have I "missed" this lesson."

"Did you learn anything new?"

"Course not, because I already know how to attack at a distance."

"I never said attack, and you did not use your element to it's potential." She waits for any response from him. When he showed that he was listening and was not going to argue she continued.

"If I may ask, is there anything else to your element?"

"As in?"


He gave this some thought, "Yes, of course."

"How far can you expand?"

"As far as my will can reach."

"Then how about opening up your mind and imagine you are growing a tree. This tree is only to push or protect at a distance and not attack. This will not be like Tsun's and Chi's push. You are creating life for a pref purpose with your staff." She waited again for Lai to understand before continuing.

"You can not create and destroy wood in an instant."

"Ah But, I know you have seen wood be destroyed in an instant and can be create with a little bit of your help."


"Lai, you are being so blinded and stubborn by your own order, that you don't see the chaos that you've created upon yourself."

"I am not unstable!"

He said loudly with annoyance. He was getting too sensitive about the topic.

"Then if you try it how I asked and you miss it, then I will admit defeat. However, if you do succeed I would like you to promise something. Is that a good compromise?"

For a few moments it looked like he wanted to find something wrong with it, but could not. "That sounds reasonable."

"Alright, now take your time and just imagine your tree growing, that's all."

At first Lai takes his stance and just focuses on the target. Nothing happens at first, but then this creaking sound begins to vibrate to everyone's ears. And just as it happened Lai's staff grows at a tremendous rate and shooting straight at the target. Ones he hit it the tree quickly returns to its original size also at a fast rate. Even though Sarah wanted to laugh and point the finger at Lai she just responded without grinning overbearingly.

"As for the promise. Sometime I would like you you talk to me about you and your past."

Lai knew a promise is a promise and was not going to break it. He turned to Sarah and bowed in silence and walked back.

"Yee you are up."

(Sarah's iPod: Contrast - Sound Waves)

He steps forward and also bows. He demonstrates the metal rings and the use of changing them into any weapon shape needed.


Sarah had to think about this one. Because she got to practice with Yee a little she knew his power and weapon of choice already. The book didn't specify how the metal was being force, only that it can. And then it hit her. Magnets!

"Yee, would you mind doing a little extra?"

Sarah walks over to Yee and stands in front of him.

"Do you remember how you built your force yesterday?"

He nods.

"Try doing this with your weapons..."

She does a little motion with both her hands and Yee repeats.

"Ones you feel the build, let it go in that direction once ready. Try it out."

She backed up to watch Yee's results. After a while everyone just watched Yee's hands circle each other and growing a little bit of distance between each other. Than he releases. What everyone saw was something amazing to watch. The phenomenon almost looked like Chi's waves, but it shot from his rings in bright blues and purples and even brighter light in the center. The wave traveled like lighting, but as soon as it hit the object it was just another push then a shock and destroy. It was a beautiful sight to seen. For some reason it made Sarah content and relaxed to watch those colors. But, did not make her forget about the situation and last person, Yun. He was up next and Sarah wasn't sure if there was something new for this case to teach him. He stepped up to Sarah and bowed.

"If you do not mind I would like to also try a new tactic with your help."

Sarah was astonished. Maybe there was something, but she did not know what he had in mind.

"If you can please stand right in front of the object, I would really appreciate it."

Sarah's eyes grew in shock. She looked at the object and back at Yun.

"Are you serious?"

"I do apologize if it sounded like a joke, but yes I am serious."

Sarah was of course still hesitant. She tried to look into at Yun to find some hint of what he was going to do. Nothing.

"I promise with my life I will not harm you."

Still not reassurance. In her world it isn't easy to trust someone just like that. But, he did save her life, and did not let her fall when jumping. Her eyes wanted to roll, but she just looked up, and to the side, almost showing her thoughts out loud. She sighed, walked over to the object, and stood in front as she was asked. She wanted to put her hands in her pockets out of nervousness, but forgot this dress didn't have any. She wasn't going to put her hands behind her back or in front, so what was left was to either hang on the sides or crossed. She choose crossed because the nerves would show less that way and a little impatient courage, but still courage. She watched Yun from the distance, and they also watched Yun and her preparedness. However, as he was getting prepared he was not pulling out his sword that was by his side. In fact, he looked like he was in a stance about to practice his Tai Chi Chuan. Using his patience and slow motions he builds his force. This force was unseeable, but you can feel it like mist. Sarah keeps her focus on Yun, and Yun's focus was on the build. Just when he looked ready he thrusts his hand straight out, shoulder length, not full front and full side but just enough in between like it was almost at an 45 degree horizontal angle. It was Yun's chance to have his own jellyfish like element. But, this one traveled at a curve, but all Sarah could see was it was still getting to close to her. Her heart was skipping beats. The Roo's watched from the sidelines of the water travel from Yun, curving around Sarah and forced the object off its place to successfully complete the lesson. When it hit the object she jumped a little from the sound. That was still too close for comfort. It took a second for to to snap out and collect herself.

"Ok then, break time before moving on."

Everyone looked happy for that news. Sarah looked back at Yun and saw he smiled and winked at her. Show off! She narrowed her eyes once more being there. She wasn't mad just....this was becoming a bad habit she did with her kids too, but her heart wasn't slowly down much either.

"If you all want do what you need to do then meet back here in an hour."

"Sounds like a plan," Chi said.

Lai and Tsun walked off, as well as Yee and Chi walking and talking, but Chi mostly did the talking while Yee signaled in short. As they were walking away she takes the moment to sigh and turn towards the deck to find a resting place. Just before she got to the stairs Yun catches up to her.

"You are doing very well, teaching us, and I thank you."

She looks back at Yun. "Thanks, but all I am doing is just teaching you back what I read like my classes. There isn't much of a difference here besides the magical powers part you all have."

"But, what you are doing is still important and we are still all very grateful just the same."

Sarah smiled lightly. It was nice hearing that and Yun knew it. She was just glad a student thanked her for doing what all she could. She turned back to continue the walk up stairs. Yun watched her go and then walked off on his own somewhere. She found a place to rest. Sat on the floor near the corner decks edges and lend on a beam. Crossing her legs, closed her eyes, she took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. And she did this for several moments until she felt like she could nap right there. Everything was calm and quiet. The village was at rest and so beautiful. You couldn't find many places like this where she lived. Even doing this at parks there was always activity. But, this...this was so soothing.

* - * - *

After a while Tsun and Lai were already back at the training grounds talking to one another, and Chi and Yee were just getting back. Yun was sitting on the second floor of the strong building that Yee came out of from that fight training that first time. His back was on one side his feet hitting the other. It looked like he was napping up there. As Chi walked in he noticed one person was still missing. He looked up to see this small face with her eyes closed resting above the deck. Chi stopped Yee and pointed upwards. Yee shook his head and Chi questioned him with a silent look. 'Fine, I will do this without you.' He looked to be saying back soundlessly. He slowly starts making his way up and even jumps without a sound right in front of her. Lai and Tsun stopped their conversation to watch Chi. He quietly creeps up to Sarah. She still did not seem to move and she appeared to be breathing calmly like sleep. He inches closer and looks at her face closer than before. When he was close enough, Sarah opens her eyes to say...


Chi looked like he failed.

"How did you know?"

"I wasn't asleep, and my kids use to try to do that to me all the time when I wanted some quiet time to myself."

"Hmm well maybe next time."

Sarah blow a cherry at him as he jumped back down and she got up from her place to start heading down the stairs.

* - * - *

(Sarah's iPod: Staunch - Racist Monday)

"Already moving on. Stage two! Using the New Technique on an actual person than an object. The trick is not to harm them, just push them away so they do not harm you. However, it is possible to harm someone if pushed too hard, and we don't want that, but that is what this training here is for."

Sarah steps aside for space.

"This time you will be in pairs one at a time, learning from each other. You must be able to knock your opponent over or push them back far enough without hurting them. First up is Chi and Lai."

They both step forward, and stood in the space facing each other on opposite ends and bowing before they began.

"I'll go easy on you, Lai."

"I doubt you would be able to push me far, young one." He smirked.

That seemed to tick Chi off. The Roo's growing up and training together was like being with family. The more they trained together the more they knew how to pick on each other. Both looked like they were getting ready until Chi already sets off his whips already sending his jelly fires towards Lai. Before he could react Lai was already pushed off balance. Ones it hit his chest everyone saw him greatly pushed back, and then like slow motion stumbles backwards to the ground. After the dust settles Lai looks up from his spot and pushes himself up from the ground with his staff. With a steady flip of his staff and a few martial arts moves, he points the staff towards Chi and his branches sets off grewing to the extent of pushing him successfully back. Without blinking an eye the branches shrink back to it's original form. Lai stands tall and proud waiting for Chi to stand back up. Before started to whined up again for another push, Sarah interrupts in time.

"Enough, and might I remind you guys, this is training not fighting. I can feel the intense atmosphere already with you two. Walk it off later. We will move on to the next pair. Tsun and Yee."

Unlike the first two Tsun and Yee stepped on their ends, bowed automatically, and you could already feel the comfort between the two training. Neither moved for a short time, then Tsun pulls out her sword and thrusts the ground creating her earthquake towards Yee. However, as it reaches him he barely moves. Tsun huffed. She tries again, but with more force this time into the ground. Yee just barely shakes. Tsun stands back. Looks at the guys on the sideline baffled she hasn't made progress. She gives it some thought, and tries it one more time. But, instead of trying as before, she does this swirl and jumps, and when she lands she slices the ground then thrust as before. Yee watched the ground in front of him, but saw nothing. What he did not know was she did a force that came from the side this time, and finally pushed him from his place. Yee was a good sport, but still did a little grunt getting back up. Now it was his turn. Yee took both of his rings, but instead of how he practiced on the object he clinged his rings together for a much more direct approach. Just as before the sight was something beautiful to watch. Tsun was not fooled, but she still couldn't block it too much. The force pushed her enough away, but never did she falter to the ground.

"That's good enough Yee, I think Tsun was preparing for that force anyway. You still have succeeded in the lesson which was to push, but not harm."

Tsun and Yee walked about out of the training zone.

(Sarah's iPod: heRobust - Party McFly)

Finally it was Yun's turn, but Sarah, makes a bold move that she already prepared to do.

"Alright Yun, you are up."

He steps forward and takes a bow.

"And who will be my companion for this training?"

She steps forward.


Instead of one of the other Roo's training twice she was filling in because he needed to try to improve even greater in a different way than the rest. All of the Roo's were surprised.

"I may not know martial arts, and control elements, but I want you to not hold back. Got it?"


She just holds up her hand to stop him.

"Do you want this training or not?"

"I will not hurt you." He refuses crossing his arms.

"You won't, or should I say....(secret smile playing around) you couldn't knock me over even if you wanted to."

Yun narrows his eyes. It was on. Neither moved. Sarah's hands were behind her back hiding her weapon of choice. When did she pick that up? Yun thought, but still got into his Yin & Yang mode. The mood was getting intense with mystery of what was going to happen.

"I'm going to let you know exactly what I'm going to do, so you can prepare yourself."

Sarah then brought out a thin sturdy stick and putting herself in a second fencing position.

"I will be moving to hit your upper arm, and I want you to push me away before I do that. As a team leader you will need to know how to do this first. Are you ready"

Sarah was very serious about everything. Not once did her voice falter or sounded silly. She knew leaders always have to help the team pull the weight, and not ride on the team's backs. Yun did not seem like that kind of guy anyway. Yun than watches with caution what she would do.

(Sarah's iPod: Blue Stahli - Rockstar)

"On guard."

She poses in the third position parry stance now.

"Oh, ya by the way, I know what you've done."

Her face was dead serious about it too. This was a tactic that was going to stab Yun, but she needed him to be prepared for anything. As a leader she knew he might have already gone through some kind of hardships. She may not know what they were, but he does and she had noticed it a few times in his eyes that he is carrying a weight, and trying to carry it alone. Yun's reaction was shocking and could not force a push in time. Sarah had made her way to Yun and gently held the stick to his side as promised. She did what she predicted.

"Yun how did I beat you?"

"Because the book gave you knowledge."

"No because I didn't do anything actually. I just anticipated your action actually."

She crossed her arms.

"You over thought things. Therefore you already let me win. To be honest I have no clue what you did in the past."

There was a small pause to have him think about things for a moment.

"Your mind is clouded Yun."

'Oh man I know I am going to regret this, and it's going to bite me in the butt, but he still needs to hear this!'


'Yep, short and simple.'

Yun looks away. Sarah narrows her eyes towards him in disgust. Without warning Sarah already lunged an attack with her stick like a rapier ones more and just so she could point out at Yun where he was easily exposing his weak points. But, just in the last minute it was blocked by a crystal sword and pushed Sarah away. Yun still looking away, but he blocked the attack with his new skill finally.

"I might be clouded, but I can still concentrate."

Sarah tilts her head and shrugs her shoulders.

"Ah, but you did not block me the first time." Pointing at Yun with the stick.

"But, you learned a little. Your lesson is different from the rest. Because as a leader you need to predict what others might do or haven't thought of yet."

She lowered her stick and slowly backed away and looked at all of the Roo's. She looked over everyone and responded with...

"Each one of you has great power, and Master Chung saw that. However, the reason why I believe he chose you to be trained in these ways is because he saw that you can help Tao and it's people without being selfish, not protecting others. You are responsible for your actions, but to not let that cloud your minds and end up failing others you were trying to protect. Self worry and pity will only distract you from your purpose and you must not let it happen. Worry when you are not protecting others. Now I just met you all, but I can already see you all have good hearts and strong wills. So, I'm done with my little speech. I think you all did well today, and I would say practice, when you can, of this new skill. Tomorrow I will have a new lesson to share again."

They all bowed and thanked Sarah for the teachings. Before they all started walking away Sarah got Lai's attention, but did not need to speak loudly.

"Oh Lai, don't forget our promise."

Lai bowed again looking very calm now and not as cranky as before.

"I never break a promise."

After that everyone walks off on their own personal agendas. The day went by so quickly teaching them the new techniques, the sky was starting to turn towards it's twilight. The moment she noticed no one was around Sarah shlumped her shoulders to relax. Her face muscles relaxed and she looked so exhausted. Her eyes just telling it all, she was just tired. These may be adults, she guesses for this world, but it was still a class, and classes can take a lot of energy from you. She walked over to the stump from earlier that held the practice object and sat down. She flopped down with force of uncaring. She lended over and put her face in her hands resting on the knees just wanting to think about things. For awhile she just sat there with her hands to her faces, and slowly taking deep breaths. Nothing was around to bug her. Everything was quiet and still, until she felt this tap on her shoulder. She snapped up to see who or what it might be and saw Tsun with something in her hands.

"I noticed you didn't eat earlier. Our apologies and forgive our rudeness."

She handed over a wooden platter of vegetables. Some she recognized, but others looked very foreign. But, she did not realize how hungry she was until she looked at the food, and her stomach grumbled loudly. She felt embarrassed and accepted the food with gratitude.

"Thank you again Tsun."

"You're very welcome, if you would like I can stay."

"No that's quite alright."

She bows than, "We will be in a hut in the center of the village if you would still like some company."

"Thank you, again very much, I might be there later."

* - * - *

As soon as Tsun walked away and turned around a corner there was Yun with his arms crossed, leaning against a wall looking down not paying much attention as Tsun passes by. As she does she knocks Yun gently with her tail, and smiles back at him.

"You should have done that yourself instead of sending me."

She continues to walk towards the central hut in the village. Yun slightly tilts his head and smiles a bet. Tsun knew Yun to well and that's why she teased him.

* - * - *

(Sarah's iPod: Ken Davis - Enjoy the Moment)

After a while Sarah was quite full and satisfied of the food. She was not a picky eater, but she does have her favorites. Tsun mentioned the hut everyone was suppose to be at, and she really didn't feel like being alone again at the moment, so she searched for the central hut. This place is still so new to her, so being around people that know the place was wise. After many twist, turns, and walking over bridges she finally found the hut where loud laughter from the Roo's were heard. It was quite big and almost reminded her of bars where people would gather to laugh and drink. Just in a distance in the dark of an open wooden window, she saw most of the Roo's all sitting down in the center of the room with also some villagers too, and each enjoying the stories being told. It was like watching one big happy family all enjoying the moment together, she was reminded of that one scene in 'Spice World' near the end where they all gathered where it supposedly all started, but not all were just the Roo's and humans. The Rhino and Ox, she remembered from a yesterday, were sitting in the corner almost looking drunk clinking their cups and still arguing about something. There was barely any children around because they were most likely in bed. It looked like a very nice relaxing hour, and Sarah would hate to intrude. This "new comer" as they have said before doesn't usually mean great company when you are still a stranger. She looked in then looked down to think, and gave it a second thought and began to turn around.

* - * - *

Yun's ears perked up and twitched a little and followed the sound of the direction as it was gentle entering his ear passage. At first didn't see anything out of the norm until he watched out the window and saw this figure move back into the shadows to disappear. He apologized to everyone for interrupting the stories, but said he would be back. He got up from the table to walk out. When he stepped out of the hut he did not see anyone from the direction of the window or in the opposite side. But, looking little off to the side in front he then saw Sarah leaning over the bridges rails. Quietly stepping next to Sarah and leaned over the rails to join her.

"How come you did not come in inside?"

Just about to turn her face towards Yun, but stopped suddenly halfway and just looked back.

"Everything looked so happy I didn't want to interrupt."

"Sarah, you are always welcomed to any table. No one here is trying to isolate you."

"I don't know that because I am still a stranger here, this "new comer", and I don't want to disrupted life here me being here because I don't know how long I will be here."

"What makes you think you are disrupting anything?"

"It happens in cultures. Something new arrives and it could change the way of life here, possibly chaos."

"Your graciousness is welcoming, but you need not to worry so much. Change is not all bad, and situations happen for a reason. Here in Tao you go where life takes you. And, if the path gets bad then you work through it. Life does not always have to be straight. Like water, life can curve, go backwards, have rocky terrain, and even have falls. But, that does not mean your life or the life around you is happening for the worst, but possibly to get back on to the path that was designed for you."

"I suppose so."

She signs and there was a little pause between the two.

"Come. Let us get you some refreshments, and please ignore some of the stories that Chi tells."


"They can get embarrassing for everyone!"

Sarah chuckles as they enter through the door.

* - * - *

(Sarah's iPod: Shinichi Osawa - Ami Nu Ku Tuu)

Sarah woke up that morning to find a new pair of clothes by her bedside. This time the colors were more of a soft blue. She got dressed and went down stairs to meet where the Roo's would be.

On the following day of the first lesson Sarah discovered something that the Roo's could use greatly as a team. Though their team seemed to already be strong this would help them even more so, which is sharing strengths. For the moment everyone is just relying on one's own strength, but that sometimes does not last. If your companion has more energy to offer they can do so without destroying their own. Each element has one to share and two others to balance from, and only those two, until combined all as one which is a different matter.

"Today is about sharing. As you work as a team your bond grows strong. But, today you will be sharing Chakra or also known as Chi."


"No, you know what I am talking about, not who, Chi, but as in what!"

"Today everyone of you will get a chance to be paired twice to use your sharing abilities."

Sarah steps to the side for room.

"The first part of the lesson is called regenerating exercise. Your pairing is like so... Fire to Earth, Earth to Metal, Metal to Water, Water to Wood, and Wood to Fire. The first element listed is the one giving the Chi Energy and the second element is the one receiving it. Any questions so far?"

"And how do you propose we give this energy to our companions?" Lai asked.

"Well, the book explains it like breathing out and focusing on giving that Chi Energy. Now the energy is quickly returned from the elements around you when breathing in, so you will feel as if that energy never left."

All the Roo's thought this was quite interesting. If this is successful this will help improve on their teamwork and a greater understanding of their elements. Even masters always have something to learn. If you stop learning then you have failed at understanding.

After pairing one by one, the team had gotten the hang of it all. They shared Chi with no issues, and everything was returned with no problem.

"Well, that went well," as she giggled at her own thought using two wells, "and now for the second part." Getting back into seriousness.

They all lined back up again to listen.

"Now you can all feel what it is like to share needed energy, but in battle it is possible to mistake something and end up giving too much or unneeded given energy. So there is a way to balance that shared Chi with focused Chakra."

"To balance Fire, Water would be present for Metal, and the same goes for balancing Wood is Metal for Earth, Water is balanced out by Fire for Earth, Earth has Wood for Water, and finally Metal has Fire for Wood. Sound simple enough? If it does sound to complicated here is an easier way of seeing it. For your element you need one and it's complete opposite. This helps balance the chi that was given."

"I think we can understand that. Would it be given the same way."

"That is correct. But, also feel how much you give. Try to see how much being over loaded is and then receive the balance. Go ahead and practice this."

They seemed to be getting the hang of things very quickly. So, Sarah stood and watched them practice for a while. Then, all of a sudden, this light wind from nowhere blows by her. But, what was strange about this wind, besides nothing else being affected by it, was it felt like it pulled something from her ever so softly. Whatever it was it made her dizzy and lightheaded, and then she felt her body going numb. Then all of a sudden everything just seemed to go in slow motion and she starts falling to the floor. As she was falling she thought she saw this black shadow standing in the background and then not there anymore when she almost hits the ground. She completely blacks out. Total black out and doesn't remember what made that happen or who she was for a short time.

* - * - *

Sarah opens her eyes to find she is in a new place then she has been before. However, the structures and architecture looks the same, but she hasn't been here before. She was still in Tao and in the Roo's village, but how did she get here? Did she faint? Well that's a first. She slowly starts to rise from lying down until this force starts pushing against her.

"No no no no. Oh no you don't!"

When she was lying back down she looks to see Chi looking calm, but with a concern like a doctor would when watching his patient's.

"Chi? What happened." She asked with a very weak voice.

"I don't know, you tell me. One moment you were up right, the next we see you falling to the ground."

Chi seemed to be mixing something in a bowl, but wasn't really watching her. She started to slowly get back up again and he did the same thing to her and gently pushed her down.

"It is not wise to sit up right now."

"I feel fine."

"You might be, but it is best to be cautious."

"How long was I out?"

"Only for a little while we just got you in here to rest, and you do have a nasty bump on the side of your head."

She had to know and felt where he pointed to. It didn't hurt much, but she could feel this nasty bump that was going to need ice and she highly doubted they had ice when the huts didn't seem to have any electricity.

"Here hold still. This might be a little cold but this will help."

He found the spot and gently smeared the paste on her brouse. The moment it touched her head she jumped a little, but it felt good after awhile, it was nicely cold like an ice pack for back pains.

"Just take sometime to rest before walking around again. Alright?"

"Yes Doctor."

"I am no doctor, but I will take that as a compliment."

She smiled as she closed her eyes. Chi looked back at her before exiting to make sure she was going to rest. When he saw that she was and confident she was going to gets some rest he left her alone.

(Sarah's iPod: Dan gibson's solitudes - Cool forest rain)

After a while resting she decided she needed to get up and walk around again. Besides the fainting, the day went well, but the twilight came and seemed to have this lingering feeling. Maybe it had to do with the raining clouds above. Every time it rains anywhere she just wants to sit back and watch it fall. This time she wanted to walk in it and experience this rainfall. The paste did its job, time to wash it off. The dark green trunked woods with it's blue glimmering moss growing and the sound of chittering all around as the rain fell was all too relaxing. She tilts her head up, closes her eyes and feels the soft droplets calming her well being.

"Do you mind if I join you?"

She looked to her side to follow where the voice came from and saw who it was.

"I don't mind."

"Might I ask what are you doing out in the rain instead of resting?"

"It's the best time to be out."

"How so?"

"It's when no one really wants to bother you and everything is quiet, but the falling waters."

Her eyes close and her voice gets quiet near the end of her thought. Breathing in to smell of all the wonders of this world.

"Am I bothering you?"

"Actually not at all, no!"

They both smiled. Yun walks with Sarah into the villages surrounding woods. He thought this might be a good chance to get to know one another. He wanted to find out what kind of a person she was, and maybe why Tao chose her for help, as they have said earlier. Was she the one to help guide everyone or was she set on a different path?

"Do you miss your family"

"Of course, deeply."

"Do you have anyone waiting for you back home?"

"Honestly, I don't know if they will notice I'm gone."

"Why would you say that?"

"My family is in another state than where I live."

"No one close to you or in contact relationship with?"

"Oh! Oh, no! I have mostly been keeping to myself lately and taking care of others then worry about being in a relationship. I already had one too many to discover there is no rush getting into another one."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Don't be. Anyway, I would think you would need time to get to know a person before making it an actual relationship."

"That would be wise."

"This is so your heart doesn't get crushed again." She said almost as a whisper, but

the Roo caught that and knew something happened.

"Did someone hurt you?"

Caught off guard she noticed that he was listening very carefully. She wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. But, she was the one to say it out loud either way.

"In the pas,t yes. I dated him for years only to find out he really didn't love me at all when I gave it my all. Made myself vulnerable."

"I'm greavely sorry."

"Again, don't be" She laughed.

"Some have to go through life experiences like this. As much as they may hurt they also give us the help we need in learning who we are and showing us a little more of our path. Now it doesn't mean you go looking for trouble just...get through the hard times, and you will make it through life stronger than before."

"You sound more like our Master Chung as I listen."

"If this Master Chung was indeed good as everyone says he was, then I take that as a compliment."

"Indeed it is."

For a while they just walk together under the trees listening to nature's sounds. She still could not believe she was here. It all was to relaxing. So peaceful, like she was in heaven and finally at rest. But all good things usually must come to an end as they say. But why does it have to? Who wrote that? Well damn that person for ruining lives like that. She was going to enjoy this. But, she was getting this feeling that something else from inside was lingering, was still following her even to this world.

Reference Notes:

  • Chakra or Chi
  • Ying and Yang
  • Spice World 1997

A/N: I am so sorry this chapter was long. There is a reason behind it. And I could not stop it. I hope this at least gets your attention of a good story. I promise the story gets better.