This is Where They Go

Story by the_drifter on SoFurry

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#4 of Old/Outdated Work

The second erotic story I wrote, featuring different species but basically the same sort of thing as the first.

It had been some time since an offering was made, but tonight the worshipers of Issana, deity of fulfillment, were in pay. From their secluded island, their scouts had tracked a lone fishing boat sailing far from the safety of the nearby river delta. No one would miss the fisherman for sailing out this far; accidents were known to happen, and people sometimes disappeared. It was an outrigger, and fortune bestowed, only one person was aboard. They waited at a distance, keeping out of the sinking sun on the horizon and running dark as the fishing boat ambled lazily near the island's rocky shore.

Kassin was displeased with the way his day had been, so far he hadn't caught a thing and it was already sunset. He'd have to go to bed tonight hungry again. He found an island some distance out from the port at the edge of the delta, and he thought the rocky outcroppings surrounding its shore might yield some catch. With an exhausted sigh he cast out his net, but he never noticed the two small boats approaching him at his back.

He heard a soft knock from behind, too far to originate from his outrigger. Before he could turn there was a sharp pain in his leg, he fell down against his tail as he suddenly stumbled, losing control of the limb. The pain quickly faded and was replaced with a numbness that spread through the rest of his leg and up his waist. When he looked, he saw a small bolt, possibly from a crossbow of sorts, jutting out from a mildly bleeding wound. The last thing he could remember before blackness took him was a loud thud against the side of his boat.

"Thanks be to Issana." said the Invoker, "May he accept this offering with our gratitude". The rest of the worshippers sat in silence around the altar as the body of the captured fisherman was placed within it. The shrine to Issana was meager, but seclusion was necessary. Located in a cove in the small island's interior, it was well hidden from any Imperial inquisitors. Such occult religious practices were forbidden by the Ikrano Empire, the punishment could be severe. Everyone involved was taking a chance in following the guidance of the Invoker, but the wisdom of the being he could commune with would surely outweigh those risks.

The altar itself however was much more complicated. It resembled a cage, its' bars made of gold and a large brass base that raised it up two feet. The top was decorated with ornaments and sculptures reminiscent of the symbols and things the Invoker had claimed the being Issana showed him. The fisherman was laid down inside the cage, upon a sheet of fine linen. The chanting began and the Invoker gave the sign, two came and began fiddling with devices on either end of the altar.

Then there was flash, brief but bright, and a loud thunderclap as a wave of air blasted out from the altar. Then there was silence and the gathered opened their eyes, the fisherman was gone. No one knew what happened to those they sacrificed, or what Issana did with them. They were never seen again, and nothing ever came back through the altar.

Kassin awoke to the sound of the waves and something else, something odd. As he came to, he realized it was the call of some kind of animal, but nothing he had ever heard before. His eyes opened to a bright blue late morning sky. He was lying on his back in a small pit of sand, pain in his leg. Then he remembered he'd been shot. But glancing down he saw that his leg was bandaged.

As he slowly rose he heard the odd cry again, and looking around he spotted a flock of strange birdlike creatures clustered together on the shore. They weren't the only odd thing however, as he looked all around him and couldn't see any trace of the mainland. As much as it hurt, he hobbled across the small island he was on, and looked out in all directions. All he could see were other islands and many reefs between them. It was ocean in all directions.

Terror was the first to grip him, thinking he'd been seized by raiders or pirates and left to die on some island out in the Great Sea when they found he had nothing of value on him. But why would they go through the trouble of bandaging his leg? And he wasn't good for ransom, having no family members left alive that were even remotely wealthy.

His leg was still aching so he sat in the sand trying to think. He was back to where he awoke, studying the depression in the sand. It was oval, almost like a grave, as if someone had dug out a hole and placed him in it. It was only maybe a foot deep, but it was still very odd. There was also a cloth mat laying there, also as if he was deliberately placed there. It was no common mat either, it was fine linen, very expensive make.

There were few trees on the island, and some scrub, none of which he could identify. He began wondering where he was really. He'd been to some of the islands out in the Great Sea before, and they were usually of temperate climate and vegetation. These islands around him suggested a tropical region, with very bizarre flora and fauna.

He chose to navigate across a lagoon to some of the other islands, preferably that larger one nearest to him with a small forest on it. He'd have to eat sooner or later, and he'd rather try his luck with exotic game than exotic plants. His mind stayed that track, and as he waded out into the shallow, warm water, he contemplated all the ways he could die here. His odds at survival were heavily stacked against him, especially since he was already almost on the verge of starvation, having not eaten in almost two days.

But his wandering mind was jarred from his thoughts of doom when he saw something shimmer out in the lagoon. He absently looked in that direction, but saw only a few jutting piles of rock. He continued onward, the water up to his chest now, he took to swimming. Then, he felt something, an odd sensation that excited him, as if he'd won a prize or, more oddly, been called to bed by a female. He paused in the water, confused, long enough to see a silvery shape meandering towards him.

Panic didn't catch him though, despite his feeling of alarm, it wasn't moving towards him in the predatory fashion of some large killer fish. It was slow, bobbing almost, dipping up above the water enough to expose some fin before plunging down again. It was however, large, the bulk of its' body almost as big as him and still flanked be signs of a long tail, curving and whipping above the water slightly. Like a fish moves side to side to propel itself, this thing bobbed up and down, the tip of its' long tail whipping out of the water maybe fifteen feet behind it. He wanted to flee, every instinct screamed for him to break for shore, that he was out of his element floating in six feet of water.

But some feeling made it seem like he was being beckoned, and almost seemingly reassuring him that he was in no danger of being eaten or injured otherwise. It was eerie and uncharacteristic of himself. But before he made the final decision to be safe rather than sorry, the creature reached him and circled around to block his way to shore. It rose up out of the water in front him, a few feet away, and terrified him beyond belief.

He had never even heard of something like this thing. Its body was upright but still submerged, so that only its neck and head extended above the surface. Its neck was long, letting it look down at him even from a distance of a few feet, and its head was like something taken from a sailor's nightmare, with a long snout and large fins on either side of its face. There was a fin that ran down the top of its head and down its back out of sight, and large jowls beneath large aqua eyes that somehow made it look almost harmless and strangely friendly. Its head was quite large, the cranium bulging backwards, with round eardrums on the side of its head just behind the facial fins, and above large membranes that yawned open in rhythm to its wide nostrils.

It dawned on him that those were gills, and that despite being out of the water, it wasn't fidgeting about with its mouth open like he'd seen all fish do. He concluded that it must either be able to go without oxygen for extended periods, like some air breathing aquatic creatures he knew of, or it also had lungs as well, like some amphibious creatures that lived in the delta. But when he focused on its eyes, he felt himself confused with a wave of emotions, too spontaneous to be his own. He felt reassurance again, followed by curiosity, and also a longing for something. Then it moved itself toward him in a way that he could only interpret as "move in 'that' direction". He looked out at where the creature seemed to be pointing and shaking its head to, it wanted him to go out to the reef in the lagoon, where he had presumably spotted it earlier.

It opened its mouth for the first time, revealing rows of little sharp teeth, and made a sound. A very strange sound, something he wouldn't have expected to come from such a creature, but then again, what did he expect of such a creature anyway. But though he heard the sound as an almost quiet groan, high in pitch, he could only interpret it as a sound of pleading. He capitulated, feeling intrigued by this large and powerful sea monster that didn't seek to kill him, and swam out into the deeper water of the lagoon.

As he swam, he thought about what was happening to him, and he realized that since he presumably encountered this creature his mind had been handled almost like clay. He had seen the thing before, for that shimmer he saw out there near the reef was surely it, and since he started making his way across the lagoon, he had been having strange sensations. The creature had to be implanting them into his mind somehow, that was it. The size of its head gave clear evidence that it was intelligent to a great degree. Perhaps it was communicating to him even though it could not speak. It had made a sound, a sound so strange to him that he had no reason to think it meant anything in particular, and yet his mind registered it as pleading, automatically.

He reached the reef, and the creature swam up to him now, nudging him towards one particular outcrop. He swam over to it and found that about three feet beneath the surface, it fanned out into a largely flat slab, rising up out of the water on one end in a large smooth bulb of dead coral, or whatever it was. He stood up, the water coming just up above his waist, and the creature drifted over to him.

It came much closer this time, and raised itself up out of the water, standing on the stone beneath with its tail, exposing its whole abdomen to him. Now he got his first good look at the rest of it, save the long tail. Its chest was marked by subtle ridges indicating ribs, below which its belly bulged out in a soft round shape, slightly cleft down the middle. On either side, he saw large fins, but on closer inspection to how it moved them about, they were not dissimilar to very short, stubby arms, with oversized, four fingered hands. The "fingers" of the fins were long and connected by a thick, almost opaque membrane, unlike those on its' head and face, and ended in little pointed claws. Shifting slightly, as if knowing he was looking it over, it exposed part of its back to him, where he saw a somewhat familiar shoulder blade structure, upon which was another fin, the spines thick and mobile, evidenced by its flexing of them.

Then it drew in close, opening its mouth to let out a chuff of amusement when he stumbled back and fell into the water. He bumped something while struggling to get back to his feet, wiping the water out of his face and hair. It was the creature's tail, he realized too late, as it curled around him. With little effort in the water, it hoisted him upright and dragged him close. Then it made a sound like a purr, as well as a sea monster can imitate a purr, and he felt another foreign sensation.

Knowing a little more about what was happening, or at least thinking he knew more, he was more open and accepting of these sensations being planted into his mind. If this creature was indeed trying to communicate with him, he wanted to understand what it wanted from him. It was obvious it didn't intend to harm him, yet, but it had him in a firm grip and didn't seem intent on letting him go free. He felt a need emanate from it, it was a soft feeling, almost like silk as it laced around his mind. It was time for it to mate and lay, but it was alone, and so its eggs would go unfertilized, it would have no offspring. But it still desired the pleasure of laying, and it wanted to share that with him.

He didn't understand, but it reassured him again, he would come to no harm. He was too confused to render its mental touch into concepts that made sense to him, so he tried saying something to it. He ended up speaking out loud, if in a hushed voice, as he focused on his own thoughts. "Why would I come to harm? What are you going to do.. to me?" It nuzzled his snout with its own, and 'told' him to relax and think of things that brought him pleasure, sexual pleasure. Was it going to attempt sexual intercourse with him? He couldn't ever have imagined himself having sex with such a creature, and yet, it didn't appear as revolting an idea to him as he would have thought. Perhaps the creature's own intelligence had something to do with that, or it was breaking his concept of what was taboo.

Wait, didn't it 'say' it had missed the mating and now wanted to lay? But his thoughts were interrupted when it ground against him, placing him against the weather smoothed outcrop for leverage. Its belly pressed in against his, half submerged in the sloshing water. It loosened its tail around him, eying him and 'telling' him, no, more like pleading him to not be scared and flee from it. Or rather, 'her' as he finally became associated with her as a being and not some creature. He felt a sense of pity, becoming more sensitive to her plight, and nodded curtly with a decision to accept whatever she wanted to do with him.

He even tried to enjoy it, tried to become aroused for her from her grinding against him. He closed his eyes, finding 'her' to be sexually displeasing to look at; she was, after all, an intimidating looking sea monster. Erotic goddess would be the last thing anyone would think from seeing her. But instead of thinking of ikran females, he focused more on the taboo he was about to commit, not necessarily the creature who was about to mate him, but the very idea of having some sort of sexual interaction with such a strange creature. He knew he was in for a very exotic experience, very strange and different, so he relaxed and felt a throb go through his penis.

She was content with her find, but not unguarded about it. This creature was male, which was good, but that also meant that he might become anxious and flee when she set about her business. Especially if he had been prepared, but in that case, he would have probably fought her to get away, not wanting to undergo the trauma a second time. She hedged her guess that he was a new "offering" and thus confused and uncertain, and she kept telling herself that she wouldn't take advantage of him because of that. But she needed him now, even though her eggs were left barren, there was still pleasure and satisfaction to be had in laying.

She moved her fins to encompass him. His eyes remained closed, giving her the impression he was receptive, which was very good, but it could still end very badly as well. She grabbed at the wrapped cloth covering his body, her pointed claws sticking in, then she yanked and tore at his garments, grabbing shreds with her teeth and pulling them from his body. He grunted and moaned, but kept his eyes closed. She didn't care about removing all his clothes, she just needed to expose his genitals, but the folded and interlocking nature of his garments made that difficult, and so it was that all pieces of his fisherman's robe were shredded and dropped into the salty water.

She looked down at him and saw him laying there with his eyes still closed; he was possibly trying to conjure up a sexual happy place. She moved him up against the outcrop until his groin was above the water where she could see it. His penis was becoming erect, currently a little pink rod of flesh jutting out from beneath his pelvis and curving forward so that it started to point out in front of him. A pair of testicles bulged subtly beneath his soaked, hairy flesh, just in front of his genital opening. They were somewhat apart, two separate mounds cradled just under his pelvis, penis sticking out between them. She was a little disappointed that he was in fact not prepared, as his penis was virgin with no trail of a uterus implanted into him. She was then glad that her eggs were barren, that she had not found a mate, for they would surely be wasted now. But she cared not what his urine would do to mere gametes.

She ground down against him, lowering him back down to a position more comfortable and accessible for her. Then she decided to tease the male a bit by grazing her opening against his still hardening organ, and letting it slide inside her. Then he thrust, feeling tightness and warmth around his penis, a sharp contrast to the coolness of the water a moment before. Now his erection filled out, his penis throbbing against her walls as she ground against him. He didn't notice the slim appendage sliding out along with him as she pulled off. His eyes still closed, he found himself more and more being drawn in by this forbidden lust, yes lust, he felt that now, for her. When he opened his eyes, he saw her in a new light, found himself admiring her form in a sexual manner instead of a sailor's grace for a creature of the sea.

Her eyes gazed into his, the large pupils narrowing slightly as the lenses of her large eyes focused on him. Her gills twitched, useless, outward every few seconds. From the sounds she could make, and the fact that she had been above the water for some time convinced him that she did indeed have lungs in that chest as well. He reached out to place his hand on it, she didn't flinch. The scaled appearance of her hide was misleading. She was soft bodied, but her flesh was firm almost like leather. Then he felt something brush against his penis, a grin cracking on her face at the same moment. I want to share the pleasure of laying with you. It was the first time her abstract thoughts were formed into a cohesive message in his head.

Realization hadn't quite struck, let alone sink in before her ovipositor did. In a sudden burst of pain he felt something decently thick force itself into his urethral opening. He made no noise; his cry of pain being caught in his throat and emerging only as gasp. Her smile disappeared and she reached out with her fins, the long "fingers" gripping around his arms and shoulders, the clawed points threatening to cut if he struggled. Please, don't fight, don't flee, it'll be alright, it might hurt but you'll be fine. she 'said' trying to reassure him. But panic had taken precedence over reason.

He could feel her sliding something into him, not incredibly thick, but very much noticeable. He tried to scream, but forgot that he hadn't inhaled since she penetrated him, and his cry came out as a hoarse squeal. He could feel her inside him, the tip of her organ was slightly thicker than the rest of her length and it plowed through him, causing his urethra to burn from the salty water it carried in. He kicked, he thrashed his tail, not in resistance, but in pain. He sent splashes of water up around her, trying to arch away from her, but now she was on him again, and he felt his penis enveloped by her tight orifice once more.

She kept trying to soothe him, and eventually got him out of his panic attack, but he was still in shock from what she had just done to him. The stories she'd heard were true indeed, that all the new offerings reacted this way. He looked up at her, confused and begging for her to stop whatever it was she was doing, but she only 'told' him: I must lay my eggs, your urinary bladder will be their repository. This news seemed to collapse him however, but after a few moments of her holding her organ in place within him, his pain died down, and he just whimpered softly. Still holding onto him with her fins, she pulled him off the outcrop and against her chest as tightly as she could manage, bringing her tail up to curl around the small of his back, and her own body, tying them together.

Despite the horror he now found himself subjected to, he reach out and threw his arms around the powerful creature's neck. He gritted his teeth, thinking about what she said before, the longing in her 'tone', and said aloud "Do it, lay.. in me, then". Almost immediately he felt her continue to push inward, her thick tip now sidling up against the base of his penis, right in front of the sphincter to his prostatic urethra. She bent her long neck and nuzzled one of his ears, nipping it with her sharp teeth as she pushed her length in past his sphincter, trying to distract him from that pain. It didn't work, but he would appreciate the attempt.

Then he felt something new, he had thought she reached the end of her length when he felt it thicken up considerably as it was slid into his penis opening, but she 'said' she was going to lay in his bladder, and her tip was just past his prostatic sphincter. She pulled him towards her with her tail against his rump, grinding into him, pushing with all the might her internal pelvic muscles could muster. The bulge mashed and ground against his glans, but didn't gain entry. He wondered what she was doing, what that was if not the end of her length, surely she wasn't going to try and force that into him.

Then she laxed her efforts, unwrapped her tail, and leaned him back down against the outcrop. Then she straddled him with her form, her rotund belly pressing against his, her groin bearing down, her tail flailing around, breaking the surface and sending spray in all directions. She let go of him and gripped the smooth outcrop instead, her clawed "fingertips" finding purchase. She humped him, being careful not to smash him against the rock, but with enough force to yank her ovipositor head free of his sphincter, and shove it right back through on the rebound. He could feel that thick mound pounding against his glans, each hump making him gasp for breath.

Then he felt a sharp pain in his urethral opening, a stinging like no other as the thickness pressed in slightly, pushing the muscle of the external sphincter wide. It hurt him so much, he didn't even notice her pull back, having felt the first of her knots gain a little entry, and then lunge against him again. The pain returned a second time, but this time, she stayed and ground against him, her organ wiggling within her. The pain spiked suddenly before he felt a popping sensation in his glans, then it was replaced by a terrible ache. He also didn't notice her ovipositor head wedged against his bladder's sphincter, not quite all the way in, the slight point at the very tip buried a short ways into the ring of muscle.

She could feel that she wasn't in far enough, and with the effort she exerted just to get the first and smallest of her knots into him, she doubted her next would fit, but she needed in deeper. She felt sorry for the male, and regretted the pain she was about to put him through. She pulled back, her knot tugging against his external sphincter, the muscle refusing to give ground. This drew out silent scream from him, gasping at the sheer tightness of it. But when she drew back into the water, gravity proved to be more powerful that Kassin's sphincter muscles. Her knot popped out, and her glans came out of his prostatic urethra. At this point he felt nothing but fire along his entire urethra.

She lunged up on him again, her knot wouldn't go, then again, and it bit deep eliciting a scream from him despite having his breath knocked out of him. Again and her knot was back in him, and there was stinging in his prostatic urethra, pulling back and taking her knot with her, she humped him again, her knot sank in, and the loose flesh between it and her second bunched up and then squeezed in, her second knot mashed against his glans. She pulled back and humped again, her knot went in almost instantly, her second ground against him, spreading his sphincter ring to the point of tearing. Instead of grinding like she did for her first knot, she pulled back and kept humping him, once more, twice more, and then he felt something impossibly thick spear his penis tip, it was ringed with subtle ridges and so caught on his flesh, but was driven in nevertheless. He felt a greater pop than last time, and the valley between her second and third knots was much thicker than that between her first and second.

Having felt her glans spear through his sphincter into the warmth of his bladder made her shudder in anticipation for what she would soon experience. It took getting up to her second knotting, but she gained entry. She ground against him, humping slightly by pulling her groin back and then pressing back down to savor the wonderful feeling of the loose flesh of her knots' valley sliding back and forth against her erectile tissue, held firm by the constriction of his now surely torn sphincter. The feeling of her glans being pulled up against his bladder sphincter was also wonderful, especially since he was pushing against her now, trying to "pee" her out.

For him, it was torture, his entire urethra was sore and burning, his penis felt wrecked, with two very large lumps wedged firmly inside. whenever she moved, the loose flesh in her knots' valley stung his tortured sphincter. His bladder sphincter having spasms at the feeling of such a thick intrusion wedged through it. She built up a rhythm, not so much in and out, but forward and back, since the limited space between her knots restricted her movement. But it was enough for her. She let out an audible growl, a purring, gargling sound as her orgasm built. He could feel a hard throbbing pulse all throughout his urethra, coming from the veins studding her length. Her orifice squeezing down on him with a tightness that magnified these painful sensations to a degree he just couldn't bare.

The blood flow to her genitals increasing, he was made more aware of her pulsing veins, pumping hard enough to shake his entire shaft. The squeezing of her passage down on his abused length increasing noticeably. To his dismay, he felt those lumps in his shaft tighten suddenly, her knots were swelling. It hurt so much he barely noticed when hot jets of thick, creamy fluids began pulsing against the back of his bladder, gradually filling it out to its' capacity. Her orgasm had been reached.

She pumped and squirted and filled, and as she did her belly flexed, and shrunk a little. Very quickly, his bladder began to sting, and he began moaning in pain at the discomfort. But she kept spraying her fluids into him, and then he started to cry out, begging, "Ack! Hgnn! I'm full! FULL! Too full! Ahh, please stop! Please!" His bladder stretched out, but she was intent not on filling him, but on emptying herself entirely into him. The last of her contractions would be the longest and the most powerful, and would top off her orgasm. It came in a long, thick gush of viscous fluids. His bladder may as well have been full of mucous or paste for how thick her ejaculate was.

He screamed out, constantly, somehow finding breath to do so as she rode out her orgasm and emptied herself into him, all fifteen hundred milliliters of herself. Her belly was now much more flat against her, and she flapped her gills and sighed audibly. Then she bent down and licked Kassin over the snout, trying to show him as much affection as she could, to try and sooth the torture she brought on him. Having run out of breath, he just panted and moaned in complete agony.

It would be some time before her ovipositor and indeed, her knots, softened enough to be removed form him. She picked him up off the outcrop and flipped over onto her back, laying him over her chest and belly, and carried him on backstrokes over to the centerpiece of the reef, where she had spent the last few days building a nest. She wouldn't get to use it for its' intended purpose, but it would be perfect to let them rest for a while, the male needing dry land. It was tucked up on a relatively flat surface just inches above the water, made of various forms of sponge and seaweed she had collected to make a soft bedding. It was damp, but Kassin didn't care at all, maybe he didn't even notice.

Carefully she picked him up and crawled out of the water, using her tail to move across the rocky surface, effectively if ungainly. She set him down in the nest, and, still tied to him, coiled herself around him. He let out a quiet, pained keening sound that was pleasant to her, and she felt a great high from her orgasm, and an overall feeling of contentment, having shed a heavy burden. She would have to find one of the other creatures, that other caste of beings, so that she could have him prepared, then one day he could bare her offspring.