Genetic Children-Log 13- Curious, Green Eyes...'

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#13 of Genetic Children

OH NO! This story contains some interactions that I don't suggest you not try. Also if you are under 18, or are a small Kitten Girl, you shouldn't read this story. Also if you are not inclined towards this sort of thing then what are you doing here? Also this is my first attempt do you say...'Curiosity.'


Anyway for those with a freedom of mind and an open, curious view on we go.....ENJOY...

â€..n’t you think Korm?†Korm’s eyes flickered open, and he looked around.

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â€I said the was a close call don’t you think?†Korm looked over and saw who was talking to him. It was speed dial number 7 on his mobile.

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â€Niel, where’s my wife, my daughter?†Niel smiled showing his teeth, and pulled pushed off the wall. He went to sit down at a table a few meters from the bed Korm was laying on.

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Korm heard some keys tapping away and after a few second Niel stood up walked back to the wall next to the bed and leaned on the wall again.

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â€Well your daughter is almost here, but your wife. I think she has gone back to fuck up the guy that shot you, her beacon says she’s still in Mimili up on the hill where you left the rifle I believe.†He shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket and moved his head back to the wall as well and closed his eyes.

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â€Korm that is one seriously devoted wife you have man. I pity the sniper that shot you, she is gonna tear him apart.†He scratched his hand through the stubble along his chin and went to leave.

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â€Thanks Niel, when my daughter gets here can you send her in.†Korm rolled over, curiously his back didn’t hurt so he decided to sit up.

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â€Oh yeah Korm, I hope you like the new present it’s from a group of guys in the Czech republic. They call it Proto-plasmics, I just call it stretch gel.†Korm ran a hand over his wound, and found that it wasn’t there. The area was covered by a smooth feeling rubbery substance, that had sealed the wound, and was stopping the pain as well as healing it faster.

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â€Wow, your full of surprises eh Niel.†With that Niel grinned and waved around the door as he opened it and left.

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Korm stood and went to one of the wall shelves. He was in a Pit, he didn’t know which one but they were safe spots to rest up. He grabbed some jeans, and a black collar-less shirt, and then went to the shower room. Over the last few years the Lab had expanded some of their Pits to accommodate up to ten people, they regularly used them to house soldiers and scientists as the group that was running raids on the Lab’s facilities were becoming more and more frequent. He turned on the hot tap, and heard the water heater click a few times and then steam started to fill the cubicle up.

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He stripped off his boxer shorts and jumped in, feeling the water flow over him. Refreshing, taking away the stiffness. Thinking about his wife, some of the stiffness came back.

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He began to stroke his cock running his fingers up and down following the biggest veins. He shut his eyes and leant against the wall letting the water fall onto his stomach and run down over his hand. After stroking it for a while it was fully erect, and he enclosed his hand around the base and gave a pull, running his hand from base to tip. He started slow trying to simulate the way his wife always did it, he began to quicken his movements, and felt his cock throbbing, his heart sending vital blood down so that he could preform the his function, the way nature intended him to. As his pulls sped up, his balls swung back and forth in an opposite rhythm, he could feel his body tightening up, he was getting close to climax. He carried on for another 30 seconds, and then he heard the bathroom door open and close.

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â€Dad?†His daughter had come straight in to the bathroom as she had heard the water running, Korm, stopped pulling and stood up straight pretending to wash his hair.

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He pushed the cubicle door open slightly with his elbow.

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â€Yeah just showering.†The door was pulled open, and his daughter jumped in with him. She regularly showered with her mother, and she thought nothing of getting in with her dad.

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She was standing facing his back, washing herself. Korm watched over his shoulder as she ran her small paws over her body, stopping when she found a knot in her fur to work it out.

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â€Dad can you pass me the soap please?†Korm Grabbed the soap and half turned to pass it to her. As his cock came into view, her eyes widened and she dropped the soap. Korm sighed and was going to bend to pick it up, but his daughter beat him to it. Snaking her thin black tail in the air she gave him a full shot of her tiny ass, and her baby-human-like vagina. His cock gave an involuntary throb, bouncing up and then falling back down.

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â€Dad what’s that?†She started to soap herself up as she asked the question, and Korm answered.

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â€It’s my penis.†He didn’t see any harm in answering, he had gone through this with his wife when she was growing. It had only taken a few years for his wife to reach an adult state, with help from growth periods in the Synth tanks at the Lab.

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â€Is it like my tail? Why do you keep moving it like that?†His cock continued to throb, as he drew similarities between his wife and their daughter. She snaked her tail over and brushed it up and down his cock to emphasise her question. Korm sighed the furry tail felt too good, but he couldn’t forget whose tail it was.

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â€Honey don’t do that please.†Like all little kids when told not to do something, she continued.

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â€But why dad?†She stopped with her tail and moved closer, enclosing her tiny hand on his shaft. She continued going up and down like she had seen him do before.

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â€I saw you do this Dad is it ok if I do?†Korm’s breathing sped up and he closed his eyes, and placed a hand on her shoulder.

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â€Honey don’t do that, that is only for you mother and me.†She kept doing it, rubbing up and down his cock pulling it down level with her eyes. The water was running down over her little head now flattening her fur against her skin, reminding Korm of the first time he had seen her mother.

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â€But Mum says that I am just like her so I can do what she can.†She started to go faster and Korm relaxed a little. Then his daughter leaned in and he felt her sniff his shaft, this almost pushed him over the edge.

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â€Uhhh..†Korm rubbed her ears, and she moved her head in and licked his cock. She was breathing faster as well, and Korm could see she had a hand between her legs. Cats developed faster than humans, and although the urge for sex was within her, she was not developed enough to breed yet. But she could still pleasure herself, her mother had shown her how to relieve her urges when she had come into her first heat.

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She began to purr and mew as she lick along his dick, then she got more confident and put her tiny mouth over his knob.

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â€Ohhh…†That was too much for Korm, and his cock throbbed one last time shooting hot, sticky cum into his daughter’s mouth. One shot and her green eyes opened wide and she stepped back. His cock continued to shoot jets of cum at her for a few seconds and she played with them on her chest running her hands through her matted fur, before swallowing and licking her fingers.

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â€Uck!†She made a childlike disgusted noise, but continued to clean herself.

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â€That was fun Dad! What happened?†Korm was leaning against the wall panting as his cock started to wilt.

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â€That was called cumming honey, you just made me cum.†Korm and his wife had shared a lot with their daughter, and now he was adding another piece of information.

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â€When Mum cums, nothing shoots out of her parts.†She said, she jumped back under the water and continued washing herself. She reached out and grabbed his cock out of curiosity, giving it a sniff.

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â€It feel different now Dad!†Korm waited until her chest was clean, even giving her a quick hand to clean up and then turned the water off, and picked her up. Holding her with one arm that went under her bum and up one side of her body, she put her arms around his neck and he could feel her tiny nipples standing up against his chest. He could also feel the slick fluid running from her vagina. He gave her a quick kiss on the nose and then exited the cubicle, grabbed a big white towel and wrapped her in it.

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â€Dry yourself honey and go get dressed, then come get some food.†His daughter ran off with part of the towel dragging on the floor. They had set up a bed for her in the computer room so that she had a place to play, also for when she was in heat so she could help herself.

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Korm rubbed a hand over his limp member and then vigorously dried himself, dressed and left the bathroom to make some food for himself and his daughter.