Chapter 1: I'm Not Your Brother

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#1 of All In the Family

Chapter 1: I'm Not Your Brother

It was Saturday night, and David was resentful of the fact that he had to stay at home, monitoring the on-goings of his sixteen-year-old sister Tammy.

David was seventeen, a gray wolf and quite handsome, with mocking blue eyes and a gray mane that was clipped to the base of his neck. His mane always had a way of looking curly and greasy around his ears, and tonight, it was pretty much the same.

David came shuffling into the living room looking moody, his paws crammed in the pockets of his jeans. His parents were just about to leave. Tammy was already sitting on the carpet in front of the T.V. The T.V. was blasting but she wasn't even looking at it: she was babbling sulkily on the phone about how her parents had ruined her Saturday night.

". . . expect me to stay at home with David. Yeah, I know. That fucking sucks, right? I mean, it's not like I don't already have to see him everyday!" Tammy was complaining.

David glared sideways at her, wishing she'd shut up. Tammy was very pretty: a white wolf, like her mother, with bright green eyes and a long white mane. She lay on the floor on her back with her mane streaming around her on the carpet. One leg was bent and the other was resting across her knee as she held her paw aloft, examining her purple nail polish in the lamp light. She smacked loudly on her gum as she answered something her friend was saying into the phone.

Leaning over the couch, David suddenly snatched the remote and clicked the T.V. off, then threw the remote at Tammy. She moved her head aside with a scowl and the remote landed where her head had been moments before. Glaring at David, she defiantly grabbed up the remote and clicked the T. V. back on, then stuck out her tongue at him.

"Just my stepbrother being an ass," Tammy answered her friend. "Huh? No, he threw the remote at me. He wouldn't go that far. Mom and John are still here. Umm . . . yeah, they're going to that classy place, uh, Whachamacallit --"

David ground his teeth, thoroughly annoyed by the blasting T.V. and Tammy's rambling mouth combined. He was leaning over the couch to snatch the remote again when their parents called to them.

"-- uh, hold on, Mindy. Yeah, Mom and John want something. Be right back!"

Tammy set the phone on the carpet and sat up, leaning back on her paws. She peered around the coffee table at her parents, who were standing near the front door, and she screamed moodily, "What?! It's a very important phone call!"

Debra had her little purse under her arm and was applying lipstick with the help of a compact mirror as tall and dark John drilled his son for all the important numbers. David wearily rattled off the numbers to his father, then rattled them off again for his stepmother.

"Come on, guys, I'm not a little kid anymore! If I accidentally break Tammy's neck, I swear I'll call 911!" David groaned.

John held back a little smile as Tammy cried out indignantly. She complained that they had gotten her off the phone for nothing and flopped on her back again, picking up the phone and babbling away.

Debra laughed at her stepson's impatience. "All right, David, we get it. We just want the two of you to be safe!" She clicked her compact shut and tucked it into her purse with the lipstick. "Come on, John, the movie starts in fifteen!" she said, going out the door.

John lingered behind. He took his son's shoulder and led him off to the side. They stood in the hall together, and David gazed up at his father questioningly.

"I know you and Tammy don't get along well, son," said John, almost apologetically, "but please try. For your mother."

"Debra's not my mother," said David darkly.

John swallowed, his face hard. "Then do it for me."

David said nothing: he had no intention of trying to get along with Tammy. They hated each other. It was common knowledge.

John's eyes darted from his son to Tammy, and David followed his gaze. She was stretched out on the carpet again, chattering away into the phone. She was wearing a very tight pink shirt and khaki shorts. The shirt took the shape of her breasts and was so small that her nipples stood out through it. She giggled into the phone until her breasts jiggled and smacked on her gum, twirling a long strand of white mane around her slender finger.

John guiltily averted his eyes and David did too. They couldn't look at each other: they had been lusting.

"Look," said John, taking out his wallet. He fumbled out a wad of cash. "Order a pizza or something. And just in case you sneak out of the house -- and I know you will -- there's a little something extra inside." With that, John turned abruptly, and his long coat lifted behind him as he hurried out the door.

David closed the door after his father and fumbled with the cash. Twenty bucks and some change. And . . . a condom? David bit his lip and tucked the condom deep in his pocket, anxious that Tammy might see it and tease him: he had only been laid once and that girl had recently dumped him.

Tammy was still chattering happily on the phone when David reentered the living room. She gasped when the phone clicked and the dial tone blared against her ear.

"What the f -- Mindy? Mindy!"

Tammy looked up and glowered: David had unplugged the phone. Damn him. She should have used the cordless and shut herself up in her room with it.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Tammy demanded, sitting up. She reached for the cord but David held it out of reach. "Give it to me, dickwad!" she shouted angrily.

David only grabbed her forehead and shoved her away by it. She fell back on the carpet so hard her tits bounced. David stared at them: they were so small and sharp, so high. Her white cheeks flamed when she realized he was staring and she snapped out, "Stop staring at my tits, you creep!"

"Wear some decent clothes," David snapped back.

He leaned over Tammy and she cringed as if he would grab her, but he only snatched up the remote and clicked off the T. V.

"Asshole! What the fuck is your problem!" Tammy wailed, lashing out with her foot.

"Look you little brat," David said, folding his arms. "Whether we like it or not, we're stuck here together until they come back. I'm not getting in trouble for you, not like last time. So here's the deal: you keep your ass on the couch and watch T.V. until they come back or I'll fucking tie you to it."

"Make me," Tammy said, pouting. "If I want to go out, I will."

"The hell you will! While Dad and Debra are gone, I am god," he said, jerking the collar of his blue hoodie. "And you, stupid little mortal, will do what I tell you to do. While I'm in the can, then the remote is god. Should the remote break, then the couch is god --"

"Shut up," said Tammy, rolling her eyes. She sat up on her knees and said eagerly, "Hey! Did John give you some money? I saw him take you off in the hall like that --"

"No. And even if he did, you wouldn't get any," David answered, flopping on the couch. "As if you and Debra didn't already spend half of what he makes." He clicked on the T.V., turned the volume down low, and started channel surfing.

"Oh, come on," Tammy whined. She flopped hard on the couch next to David, her little tits jiggling again.

David watched her breasts out of her corner of his eye. "Show me your tits," he said, still surfing, "and I'll give you three bucks."

Tammy scowled. "Ten!"

David snorted. "Your tits aren't worth ten."

"Ten!" she repeated, folding her arms under her bosom.

"No way," David said, frowning.



"Cock sucker."


"Come on, David!" Tammy burst.

David rolled his eyes. "What do you need ten bucks for so badly? All you do is talk on the phone and polish your nails. I don't see you paying the phone bill and what does that crappy nail polish cost? A dollar?"

Tammy glowered. "Fine. Then I won't show you these." She cupped her breasts, and letting her head fall back, she squeezed them and ran her tongue over her teeth.

David bit his lip. "Cut it out!"

"Why?" Tammy teased. "Is David getting a woody?" She put her arms behind her head and shook her breasts from side to side.

"I said cut it out!"

David hurled a pillow at her and she fell back into the cushions, catching it hard against her face.

David stiffened when he heard a moan. He glanced at Tammy out of the corner of his eye: she was laying back in the cushions, her white mane curling glossy around her pretty face. She cupped her breasts again and rubbed them slowly, her shapely legs bent and open.

"All right," David relented. "Ten. Let's see them. And if they're deformed, you don't get shit."

Tammy made a face but quickly lifted her shirt up and then down again.

"Now give me my money," she said, holding out her paw.

David smacked her paw away. "No fucking way. You didn't show me anything, you didn't even take off your bra!"

"You didn't say I had to."

"I say so now."

"I'm not doing it."

"No boobs, no cash."

Tammy folded her arms and huffed so hard her mane fluttered up from her eyes, but she shot up from the couch, and David could hear her grumbling in the hall. When she returned he could tell she was no longer wearing a bra: he could see the shape of her tits almost clear as day through her shirt. He gulped thickly when she flopped on the couch again and tossed her pink lacey bra in his face.

"There," she said. "It's off."

David set down the remote and stared at her. "Well?"

Tammy blushed and it was her turn to gulp. Squeezing her eyes shut, she leaned back into the cushions again, and slowly, as if she'd rather die, she lifted her shirt. She waited a pause, then quickly tugged it back over her breasts. She wished they would stop trembling. When she opened her eyes again, David was channel surfing again.

"They're all right," he said with a shrug. "I've seen nicer."

Tammy glowered. "Give me my money!"

David suddenly clicked off the T.V. He tossed away the remote, and sitting back against the couch, he pulled out a wad of cash. Tammy reached out for the ten dollar bill he peeled off, but he crammed it down the front of his pants. Tammy gulped: she could see his hard-on bulging against the denim, so thick and throbbing that it looked as if he was suffocating.

"Give it!" Tammy demanded, blushing crimson now.

David grinned. "Take it."

Tammy didn't move. "This isn't funny, David! I showed them to you, now give me the money!"

"Mmm . . . I don't think so. Not until you reach in and take it." He thrust his hips playfully and his hard-on jerked at the air.

Tammy flopped back against the couch and folded her arms. "I hate you!"

"I know," David answered with great satisfaction and turned on the T.V. again.

Tammy went to the phone and plugged it up. Just to annoy David, she sat right next to him on the couch and started talking loudly to Mindy again. David turned the T.V. up with a glower, but Tammy kept laughing and talking louder and louder until he suddenly snatched the phone. He slammed it on the receiver and went back to channel surfing. Tammy stared at him angrily. She leaned over to snatch the phone back, but David held out his arm.

"Cut it out, you jerk!" Tammy whined, reaching and fighting against that strong arm.

The phone started to ring, and David very easily kept her at bay as he answered it, loving the feel of her jelly tits against him in her angry struggle.

"Hello? Mindy? Mindy who? Oh, you. No, no, Tammy's in the can. Think she's on the rag or something. Can I take a message?"

Tammy made an incredulous noise and shouted that she was there. She was incensed when David grabbed the back of her head and buried her face in his chest as he kept talking. He held the phone to his ear with his shoulder, and keeping a bucking Tammy smothered, he kept channel surfing.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm taking it all down," he lied, clicking another button on the remote. "No, no, say that number again? 3, 2, 0, what? 3, 2, 0, 9. Yeah, okay. Got it. I'll tell her. Suuuuuuuure thing. Bye." He hung up.

"Why did you do that!" Tammy exploded.

"Because I hate you too, Jello Tits," he answered and shoved Tammy away by the forehead.

Tammy glared at him. "You're just mad I wouldn't jerk you off for ten bucks."

"Yeah, right. Like I care about you jerking me off. You wouldn't know what to do with this."

"Ha! Like you've got room to talk. How many girls have you been with?"

"Shut up, Tammy," David warned, his blue eyes glowering at the T.V. screen.

Tammy knew she had crossed into dangerous waters, but she folded her arms and went on, "I know all about you. Amanda told everyone at school: the first time the two of you had sex, you came before you even put it in her!" She laughed nastily and didn't see it coming when David suddenly lunged on her.

Tammy screamed as she was tackled to the floor. She twisted and fought, sobbing angrily, but David was so fierce in his anger that he ripped her tight little shirt open. It hung around her shivering breasts in rags and she screamed again when he leaned down and suckled her nipple.

"Stop it! Stop it, you ass -- Ah! A-Ah -- !"

He groped her breasts, ravishing them with his lips and tongue until the milky white mounds blushed. She beat on his head with her little fists. He grabbed her by the neck as she fought, and holding her down on the carpet, he fumbled to unbutton her shorts.

"N-No! Okay, I'm s-sorry -- David --Ah!"

Tammy gave a shocked little scream when her shorts were violently tugged down her thighs and clear past her ankles. She struggled up and wriggled away, her pink panties tight against her bulging sex and sinking into her ass from the struggle. David's eyes went right for that mysterious crevice and its hot, moist scent. She blushed, reaching down to stop him. He smacked her paws way, and slipping his fingers in her panties, he knocked her legs apart and fingered her deeply.

Her eyes flew open wide when his fingers glided inside. Her thighs trembled and she tried to shut them, but his knees held them open. He smiled at her darkly as he fingered her, loving the feel of her heaving walls: she was getting wet from his touch and her pussy lips were sucking at him. He started jerking her panties down now, and as he did so, he reached up and smacked her tits. They shivered hard against each other, and with burning cheeks, she reached to stop them as he pulled her panties down around her ankles.

She shifted her legs, squirming to keep those panties from being removed, but David managed to rip them away. She got up as he was sniffing them and started crawling off.

"Where are you going? You asked for this, you little bitch!"

Tammy cried out when he locked his strong arm around her neck from behind, jerking her against his chest. He cupped one of her tits and squeezed it until the pink nipple was standing rigid between his finger and thumb, then he reached down between her thighs, and she let out a choked cry when she felt what was unmistakably the T.V. remote in her pussy.

"N-No! David, s-stop -- p-please --"

"Shut up. You know you like it," David whispered wetly in her ear. "You're so wet you've got the remote all sticky. Hmm. What're we gonna tell Dad?" He laughed.

"I'll say we spilled Kool-Aid."

"Please," Tammy whispered, whimpering when he sank the remote deeper. "You're my brother!"

"I'm not your brother!" he growled and suddenly ripped the remote away.

Tammy sagged in his arm, her sore pussy closing tight against itself again. But she stiffened when she heard the jingle of his belt unbuckling. He unzipped his pants with a rough jerk and she gasped to feel his hard cock against her back. He lifted her leg, spreading her thighs wide, and still squeezing her tit, he rubbed the head of his cock against her pink opening.

"N-No --!"

"Yes," David whispered and sank himself in with a squelch.

Tammy closed her eyes and started panting shrilly as he thrusted, her tongue hanging out, her eyes hooded. God, it felt so good, this guilty pleasure tingling between her pussy lips. And he was getting so deliciously deep! She whispered for it deeper, and he gave it to her, laughing as he called her a little slut in her ear.

He kept squeezing her tit frantically in his fingers, riding her in rhythm and burying hot, wet kisses in her neck. She shivered against him, feeling weak and helpless and yet so . . . damn . . . on fire. Her whole body convulsed with his thrusts, and shrill, panting moans escaped her.

The phone rang again. It kept ringing for so long that David lost patience. He dropped his sister to her paws and knees, and reaching over, he smacked the table until the phone went flying off the receiver. It landed hard on the carpet, and they could hear Mindy's shrill voice calling "Hello? Hello? What are you guys doing over there!" as David kicked Tammy's legs wide apart and fucked her on her knees.

He hunched his back over her and cupped her breasts, gasping and panting and red-faced from the strain. When he closed his eyes, he realized with a smile that she was thrusting her buttocks against him, thrusting them up and trying to let him in. He spread her legs even wider and sank himself so deep that she shuddered and whispered his name.

"Harder!" Tammy hissed, rocking under him.

David locked his arm around her throat and fucked her so hard that they both eventually collapsed, their hot bodies drenched in sweat, panting, and sticky with their own juices.

"You . . . didn't . . . come fast," Tammy panted in amazement.

"Amanda lied," David panted back, his head bowed over her shoulder. "Was just . . . a stupid . . . rumor. . . ."

They both looked up and their ears pricked forward: Mindy was still shouting into the phone.

"Hello? Hellooooooo! Tammy? What is going on over there! Are you fucking some guy?"

Tammy reached weakly across the carpet and dragged the phone to her ear. Her mane was in her eyes and her breasts were still heaving. She held back a shudder and hissed for David to stop it when he suddenly squeezed her tit and buried a kiss in her neck.

"Tammy!" Mindy squealed when she heard her friend's heavy breathing. "Who are you fucking over there!"

"Not my brother," Tammy said with a little smile.

Tossing the phone away, she rolled over onto her back, and they smiled at each other and kissed.