Sunken Treasure

Story by TheFurryAngel on SoFurry

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Preface: NO minors, this is for adult furries. My tastes I have to say have varied since I joined Yiffstar, I have always been a cat lover so becoming the tiger angel that is my fursona was rather easy. Canines, lupines, vulpines, I imagine to be masculine and erotic so they hold a place among my stories. And now otters, they will get a place. I read the Red Wall books when I was younger and I loved the otter characters the most, their rugged bodies and macho attitudes, my first crush's name was Skipper (laugh all you want I don't regret a moment). The characters here are the newest incarnations of my mind, enjoy! And I tried to replicate a Southern Belle's accent, sorry if it sucks.


Sunken Treasure


Argon felt the wind rub itself into his fur. The salty air cascaded off the sea and among the streets of the mainland, tourists took off their shirts and basked in the healthy glow of the sun. The otter turned around, his back faced the water while his front faced his home, and looked at the floor.

The California afternoon burnt the sand into near molten glass but the otter was sequestered in his home, inherited from his ancestors who bought the property years ago when the land was relatively cheap. Real estate agents themselves, they had realized the value of ocean front property so they snatched up a prime plot as soon as they could.

Now the value of the land itself was set at almost ten million dollars. And the mansion just upped the ante.

But Argon didn't care, you could inherit a lot of things but not peace of mind. And he desperately needed it.

It had been almost three years but his cheek still stung. His own mother had struck him in fury. No son of hers was going to be a tail raiser, and then there was his father. That bastard had yelled louder than the whore he married. How the fuck could a child of his be someone else's bitch? That man hated many people, but few as much as gays.

Neither flamboyant nor effeminate the otter still had encountered an adolescent rebellion phase. In response he had dyed most of his head fur pink. Much to the abject horror of his devout God-fearing mother. The good Lord has no place in heaven for sodomites she preached. Is there a place for those who use the word of God as a weapon?

He hadn't meant to be so vindictive but he couldn't take it, she was smothering him! She pleaded for him to talk to the pastor at the local church, repent and convert away from his hellish desires.

Argon left a week later, he was going to speak to the mustang he had been sleeping with but the horse was already in a relationship with a big studly bull. So much for teary goodbyes.

18 and in full ownership of the mansion as well as the sizeable fortune bequeathed to him by doting grandparents, the otter set up residence in California.

He sighed heavily, and paced forward. He picked up a stack of letters from his desk. All but one of the eight were from his parents address. Numbers one through six were from his parents, the usual God hates Fags talk and other defamatory statements. The seventh was a request from a Nigerian prince, the man had millions he wanted to get out of Africa before it was too late, and all he needed was Argon's bank information so he could transfer the funds. Nom nom nom went the paper shredder.

The last was different. It was an advertisement by a local company that sold snorkeling trips. He was a fucking otter, he lived in the motherfucking water, why was he going to go spend money on a snorkel retreat?

Argon wearily put the ad back on his desk. He had nothing better to do. He had money but not enough fame for local paparazzi to take interest. The ad had suggested bringing friends but who did he have as friends? Guys from high school still kept in contact, Facebook and Skype made that easy. But Argon lived in Cali; his friends lived on the East Coast. But there was Richard the badger.

Richard had an apartment a few blocks down and the two frequently enjoyed going to the bar together. Argon had recently turned 21 so he was eager to get his drink on and the badger was more than willing to school him in the finer taste of cocktails and highballs.

The depressed otter drowned his troubles in a bottle of vodka he had on his dresser, 1:30 here but it was 5 o clock somewhere motherfuckers. He looked over to the closet. A full door mirror reflected his image back. 5 feet 10 inches of otter glory. Lean swimmer's muscles rippled underneath his skin, visible because of his lack of upper garments. And his thick tail swished across the carpet. Argon prided himself on his looks, working his arms till they became sore and painful to have perfect biceps and shoulders.

The otter ran a paw through his short chocolate brown fur, and rubbed his chest. Fluffy as well as fluid and cold resistant, his species was a marvel of evolution.

He wandered out of his luxurious bedroom, trying to ignore the emptiness of his house. Money, money everywhere and not a soul to love him.

Argon stumbled to the first floor and slipped into his study. He chugged the last of the booze and capped the bottle before setting it into a trash can. He pulled a large bottle of rum out of his computer desk's bottom drawer, always good to have liquor stashed away in case it was needed, and took a drink.

He logged onto his computer, the bright "Hello Sir!" greeting met an exhausted and half drunk face.

"Fuck you computer, when was the last time you got laid?" Angrily Argon clicked past the greeting to the desktop. The wallpaper was a lion, pecs and chiseled abs bulging, with his legs spread and a look of pure bliss upon his face. His massive lion hood was standing straight up as it ejaculated over him, the whitish goo splattering everywhere. The tawny balls had risen up closer to his body and his thighs were tensed.

Argon felt his chest grow hot, he would give anything to lick the cum off that cat, taste the bitter saltiness of his seed, moan into the feline's ear as the kitty mated the otter.

But no, Argon sat at his computer, very much alone and sad as fuck.

He clicked open firefox and went to google. He looked up the snorkel company and flipped through its homepage. He put on his headset and opened Skype.

Two rings later Richard answered.

"Y'llo man."

Argon felt himself harden for some reason at his friend's voice, the deep seductive croon poured through the headphones.

"Hey Rich, got an idea."

"Hit me."

"You and me check out this snorkeling company's shit."

"Aren't you an otter, you do know your kind swims pretty well on its own right? Wouldn't hiring someone else to swim for you defeat the purpose?"

"Yeah yeah I know, I'm just bored."

"We could go cruising for babes, I'm feeling up for some vag right about now."

Argon's throat tightened. He had known the badger since they were kids but never had the otter revealed his orientation. He trusted Rich but Argon didn't want to threaten the relationship.

"Maybe later."

"Someday I'm going to find out your preferred female type dude, you're not into tigresses or lionesses, and you don't care for vixens. Damn you're picky, betting you like kink though テ「竄ャ"heh heh-"

Argon's shorts started getting a little more than uncomfortable. The syrupy voice of the badger was giving Argon some serious wood.

"I told you Rich, it's a secret, find out what it is though and I'll cop to it."

"Deal stud muffin."

Now Argon's pants were wet with pre. He tried to ignore the warmth he thought he could feel through his headset, the sweetness of the other fur's breath.

"I'm thinking equines for you, maybe a little bondage, you seem a little too vanilla for watersports, so am I if we're being honest, and hey, how come you blew me off last week?"


"We WERE going to go clubbing. I was going to get you the best fuck of your life and instead you never showed and I spent three hours hard core plowing some seriously great hole."

Argon had his computer set to push to speak so Rich never heard the otter unzip and remove his shorts. The musk of otter filled the study as Argon closed his eyes and jacked his cock. The warm pre made his flesh slippery and softer, his paw pads rubbed up the shaft and tickled under the glans. He bit his lip as another trickle of clear gel oozed out over his paw and the sticky squelching sound echoed in the room. Argon swallowed his thoughts; he focused of the melting heat of the badger's voice, imaging running his paws up Rich's broad chest, and grasping that meaty badger cock.

"Like dude you don't even know! Got a rabbit you know, and a wolf. So the rabbit I'm eating out and all of a sudden she says some other dude's name! Pissed me off, so I start nailing this wolf, right? Fuck she knows how to take it. She rode me like a cowgirl and deep throated me man, best part was when she gagged swallowing, looked so fucking funny with my splooge over her face."

Argon had phased out of interpreting words and shifted to focusing on the badger's voice.

The rich sounds fucked his ears and he wished Rich were here, standing above him smiling.

"Hey otter boy, heard you like dick."

Argon grinned sheepishly. "Y-yeah."

"Then open wide!" The badger's organ was hot and sticky. The otter lapped at the base and worked his way up the head, cupping the massive badger's testicles in his webbed paws.

Rich murred contentedly as the otter suckled.

"Shit man, suck it, suck it all!"

Argon smiled with his mouth full, the badger's commanding tone was pushing him to the edge. The salty pre was flowing at full force and clear drops were falling onto the otter's chest. He ran his tongue across the head of the penis, extracting a drawn out sigh from Richard. Argon tried to swallow a giggle. The badger put a massive paw behind Argon's head and caressed the fur. His claws drew slow, easy circles, not pressed enough to cut but with enough force that the otter could feel them. Argon gulped down the cock until his nose was pressed into the badger's crotch fur. The dark, male smell of musk clouded his brain. He slobbered uncontrollably as the massive organ slithered down his throat, saliva leaving shiny trails on his chocolaty muzzle. Argon moved his head back and started sucking on the cock head. Gentle at first then harder. Rich started moaned as he bucked his hips, then he was ramming his meat through the otter's lips. The badger hood tensed and pulsed, Argon could feel every vein against his tongue, lapping and enjoying himself.

Suddenly Rich pulled out. "Easy otter, I know you've been wanting this for a long time. So have I. Get down otter."

Argon's heart fluttered as he dropped to the floor and lifted his waist. Rich held the otter's tail up and licked the tip. He ran his tongue up and down it before sucking the tip into his mouth and swallowing as much as he could.

Argon murred with satisfaction, then yelped in pain. As he was sucking, Rich was pushing his length up and into the otter, forcing his veiny member into the pucker. Slowly he breached the tight ring and the hungry depths of Argon inhaled the badger hood.

Rich's invading cock slithered in and he started pumping his hips. His warm white balls slapped against the otter's brown ones. He pulled the now wet otter tail out of his mouth and crooned gently. A warm badger paw traced the muscles in Argon's thigh, squeezing in all the right places. The paw worked its way down to Argon's back paws and starting massaging them. The sturdy grasp of Rich kneaded the limb end and Argon sighed joyfully.

The larger fur leaned over the otter and nuzzled Argon's neck. He nibbled the skin before clamping some scruff into his maw. Argon's back tingled as the warmth of the light grey badger belly fur rubbed against him. Rich sighed into his ear and the otter felt himself swell with emotion.

"Ahm Kuuhmn"


"I'm cumming!"

Argon felt his ass stretch as Rich swelled to thicker sizes, the badger's creamy load doused itself against the walls of the otter's anus and Argon released his pent up feelings.

He screamed as he came and a thick wad of otter jizz splashed everywhere. The pale fluid dripped down his chest and pooled in his lap and he moaned in his seat.


The otter fell out of his chair as the badger shouted through the internet. His brown fur was matted with cum and he suddenly felt ashamed and embarrassed.

What the hell had he done, Rich and he were best friends. They had grown up since they were cubs together, what the fuck was he doing.


The mustelid was now yelling into the mike on his end.

"H-here dude."

"You all right? If my stories of past fucks are boring you we can talk about something else."

"Um, yeah, uh, I was going to get us tickets for the snorkel thing."

"Awesome, I'll be there."

Argon watched the dancing pixels on his screen.


Rich clicked off Skype and pulled up a web browser. He had a vague feeling something was wrong. The otter and he had been friends since they were cubs and now Richard could feel something was out of place. Could be sexual repression. The otter was so shy, Rich was using his stud image to set Argon up with women but so far the otter had blushed and politely turned them down.

"Damn it otter, I'm going to find you the perfect woman." At these reassurances Argon had only turned a darker red and retreated mumbling to himself.

The badger rubbed his temples, all this worrying was giving him a headache and he really wanted to get laid. The wolf who had come back to his apartment with him was gone, the babes he brought back always left in the morning.

Richard scratched his head thinking, snorkeling sounded fun and he had no doubt that the cool water would attract some hotter tail. There was bound to be SOME females going. Maybe he could score some bed companions for himself and the silent otter.

"No worries dude, I got your back. We'll find your dream mate, whoever it is."


Argon looked at the web page. He had the snorkel company's page open and was inputing his credit card info to pay for two reservations.

He stopped and looked out the huge window, fuck it all some days the house felt more like a prison than a sanctuary. He had it all: money, health, security.

Love? Not a fucking chance. Gold diggers were everywhere and Argon couldn't take the chance some bitch would come in a suck his bank account dry. It wasn't that he didn't trust women, he was just trying to control his fucked up paranoia, and women really didn't do it for him, not like men did.

The ocean outside, he could see it. It swayed softly in the bay like a princess in a teal evening gown. She spun and tossed her hair, smiling as suitors professed their passions. The rolling waters splashed with grace and fury. And the endless song of the sirens, calling sailors to endless expanse of the open sea, rang out clear and beautiful, no mistress is more cruel or more lustful than the sea.

The otter turned back to the computer. The old desire, the plunge into the water, dragged at him. It was in his blood, he had been birthed from the sea and it lured him back.

Argon put his computer into sleep mode. He would finish this later.

On his private estate he had a pool, not Olympic size but still fairly large and it had a hot tub on one end with a slide on the other. The chlorine smell made his skin crawl, it was too sanitary, too sterile and chilling, like a morgue or a mortician's heart. He walked the quiet hallway; his paw falls echoing softly in the air. He desperately wanted to throw himself into the open waters of the Pacific but for now the chlorinated pool would suffice.

The heat was sticky and humid and, since he had total privacy on his grounds, Argon stripped his pants off.

His body rippled as he strolled and his tail swished at his left leg as he walked and the knots in his back showed. He stretched and popped his back to make himself more comfortable before looking into the glass.

His reflection stared back. His brown fur was silky and shiny, seeming to invite gropes and licks from paramours but he had none to attend to. His abs twisted and he ran a paw down them. One of his most prized possessions was a perfect stomach. He did endless crunches but they never worked. He was so stressed about achieving perfection he had kept a layer of fat. Then he relied on swimming alone. It was the best choice he had ever made.

In the water he felt immortal; it held him close to its bosom like darling child. He shed the restraining fat in a week, his body and mind coordinating and at ease. The wet den dissolved his stress and he couldn't help smiling whenever he went swimming.

His sheath held back his cock but it was flaccid, the otter had already released his seed over his chest and muzzle, and the white goo dried in intricate patterns across his body. His round furry balls hung low and swung as he walked before breaking into a run.

The sun shone down in rivers of light, running across the windows and reflecting a million rainbows across his back and warm brown ass. He neared the pool's edge and, as soon as his right paw hit the end of the concrete, he leapt into the air without breaking stride.

He spun twice in the air before he hit the surface of the pool in a perfect dive. His splash was small as his compact body slid into the azure confines with a lithe grace reserved for his species.

The burning sun's grasp was dulled by the pool. Argon floated at the top and closed his eyes; his fur was glistening as drops of water clung to it, like a coat of diamonds.

He pushed with his legs, cold fluid rushing past his thighs and over his sac as he propelled himself to the end of the pool. He dove under and did loop-de-loops under the surface as his anxieties were washed away.

He swam up and breeched the water's surface. His momentum carried him up out of the pool and he landed on his paws. Panting a little from adrenaline and exertion, Argon shook his fur and a cloud of droplets scattered around on the concrete.

He walked back inside and grabbed a towel from a closet. He dried himself off as he sat back at his computer. He reopened the machine and made snorkel reservations. His thoughts turned to Rich and the otter felt an ache. It felt like it came from the center of his ribs but his chest was fine. He felt alone as he shut down the computer.

Argon retreated to his bedroom and shut the door. He closed the curtains with the solemnity of a funeral. Crawling into bed he held the rum bottle close. Nothing left to do but drink the pain away.

He took a long gulp and closed his eyes. His belly was already full of vodka and now this rum wasn't settling too well with it. He leaned back, alcohol shutting his brain down. He burped quietly as he slipped into oblivion. The clock on the walked toned out the minutes in a dead drawl.


Rich squirted ketchup onto some cooked hot dogs in his kitchen. He would need a new swim suit. The last Speedo he had the badger had ripped off to fuck a doe in a public restroom. That was an awkward bus ride back to his apartment.

He picked up his food and carried it to the window, munching slowly. Richard watched the clouds go by, one by one. They twirled in the upper echelons of the atmosphere, throwing shadows of the sun to the world below. The badger sniffed and took another bite.

His mind was restless. He couldn't focus as he ate his lunch, random emotions and desires paraded through his heart.

The otter was a queer fellow. He kept silent in most situations and held his company close, it's easier to break into a government network than pry open Argon's mind. The badger shoveled the rest of the food into his mouth and gulped it down in one bite. There was something beneath the retreat, the otter's mind had too many levels for this to be one dimensional.

Richard sighed again as a cloud that appeared suspiciously Argon shaped floated by, memories swam back and filled his head like a tide.

First grade, the teacher had been more a mountain that anything else. Argon had stared in horror at the bull who was almost seven feet tall. The bovine had smiled warmly as he led the otter to a desk in the corner. Richard had been sitting there, feeling crushed no one wanted to have a seat near him but he cheered up immediately as Argon sat down next to him.

"Hey! I'm Richard!" Ebullient, the badger had force of personality and an endless amount of cheer. The otter had shrunk into his seat and his ears flattened against his head in fright. Rich's smile fell a little, "What's wrong? I'm not scary am I? What's your name?"

"A-argon." Getting answers out of the frightened fur was like pulling teeth. Richard's grin returned in full force.

"That's cool, why you not talking to anyone?" The badger inquisitively grilled the other child.

Argon had always been more reserved. He held back, silent as the grave even as a pup.

They passed grade school and still the only person the otter would open up to was the badger. Rich felt privileged his friend confided so much but there still seemed that element of fear, of holding back.

Seventh grade and the badger had started noticing girls. He tried out for football and his dad got him a gym membership. His mother had protested, next she asserted that Richard was going to start using steroids. "Only if it makes him better" his dad replied. The badger's parents divorced a year later.

Heartbroken and juggled between two contesting parties, only the otter seemed to care. He never yelled at Rich or asked him to spy on anyone's finances or "tell that bastard he can fuck every whore downtown but I'm keeping the house god damnit!"

Things were shitty for a long time, but high school made things a little better. Varsity football captain Richard had been a star, and lost his virginity to three cheerleaders at once after the team won the state championship. What a night, it still gave him a mild boner to remember.

Argon had seemed to isolate himself almost completely during high school. Rich sent cheerleaders after the otter but he had turned them down, lame ass excuses, what was Argon hiding? The badger wearily accepted his friend's attitude and then the major split came.

Argon had a huge fight with his parents, he left them and moved to California near where Rich was staying and took up residence in a mansion a few blocks down. The badger had sketchy details, Argon had inherited a fortune so he could afford to leave his parents because they didn't want him living with them anymore, but why not?

Fuck it all, now he had a headache. Rich mumbled as he lumbered to the bathroom medicine cabinet for some ibuprofen.

"We'll snorkel Argon, but you need to tell me what's wrong."


Around 8:30 argon awoke with a stabbing pain in his stomach. He took a deep swallow of the liquor he had in his bed but his guts immediately rebelled. Barely making it to the toilet he vomited forcefully.

Hot salty tears stung his eyes and dripped down his muzzle as his belly thrashed within him. It felt like his intestines were ripping themselves out of his stomach cavity through his mouth.

Argon whimpered softly between heaves. Even after his belly was empty his organs kept grinding. His body spasmed and jerked, causing his to slip on the tile and strike his head on the floor.

He sobbed in dry rasps, as he curled up, looking like a milk chocolate truffle. Argon moaned as his skull throbbed, lightning bolts of pain jumping and sparking everywhere.

Shakily he stood up and tried not to gag on the hot sour taste of bile. His paw was jerking so badly he had to hold onto his toothbrush with both paws to get the mint paste to his jaw. Almost as nauseating as the alcohol poisoning was his face. The otter's eyes were watery and blood shot, the irises once clear were now dim and cloudy while the whites were pasty and a sickly white, like a maggot's flesh. The orbs were sunken into his face and his skin seemed papery and stretched over his skull, the regal cheekbones now almost completely visible thereby giving him a ghastly skeletal look. The fur was the only redeeming factor.

His lush pelt was the smooth creamy brown that slid over his skin. People always complimented on it, the flawlessness and shimmering fur attracted more looks than Argon's money.

Spitting, he washed his face and rummaged around for some pain killers. He swallowed three aspirin and a sip of water before retreating to bed.

Humans and some furs enjoyed lying between sheets, horizontally, but Argon preferred a nest. The comforters and sheets were never smoothed out over the bed, the otter simply curled up into a ball, the warm wrap of the linens shielding him. He briefly imagined how cozy it would be if Rich were there with him. Sleep descended quickly, Argon did not dream.


The next morning Rich sat at his kitchen table, perusing the headlines over a cup of coffee, black with one spoon of cream and three packets of sugar, not Splenda or sorta-like-but-not-equal or I'm-so-fucking-healthy-I-never-eat-real-sugar-what-does-it-matter-I'm-just-going-to-throw-this-up-later-god-damnit-Jerry-stop-bitching-where-the-fuck-is-my-Xanax-and-get-me-some-motherfucking-sherry-or-no-sex-tonight, real sugar you pretentious health Nazis out there who called me a fat ass because I'm 280 pounds and I don't look like my body fat percentage is a fucking negative number, I don't care if people can see your abs clearly defined or you aren't embarrassed to take your shirt off, fuck you I'm a writer and I'm tired so taking shit from you, if I ever meet one of you bitches in a dark alley I will bring a baseball bat and beat the shit out you, yeah yeah you eat granola and vitamin water but eventually your still going to die and by the way, I HAVE SEX WITH MEN AND I MIGHT HAVE SEX WITH YOUR SON!, so suck my dick.

(At this point the author took a brief hiatus to go hug his stuff white tiger, Siegfried, he returned shortly thereafter much happier and hornier)

Rich drained his cup and left the paper on the table. He needed to get a new swimsuit today if he was going to go with Argon, but what kind? The badger considered the Speedo idea but he didn't want to come off as desperate or man-whorish. He took a walk over to Kohl's, several times he got stopped by attractive tourist jail bait who needed directions. Seemed like every 20 year woman with huge tits needed help finding her apartment this morning.

He walked inside and slipped over to men's wear. Rich wandered the aisles looking for the perfect suit. He picked up a dark blue Speedo, just to try on mind you, and a pair of trunks. The trunks were a burnt orange with black flowers up the ass side.

The fitting rooms were on the other side of the department and as Rich walked over there several women "accidentally" bumped into him and his crotch. He opened the door to his room and closed and locked it. Inside he pulled off his shirt and stared at his reflection. He had never told anyone, even Argon, that the badger was aroused by his own body. Just the beauty and firmness of the limbs, grey fur clean and well kempt while the cold black stripes ran down his back. His belly fur lightened to an almost white that descended to his sheath and balls.

Rich ran a paw down his chest, tweaking a nipple to get a quiet shudder of pleasure before groping his belly. Just once, just once Richard wanted to fuck a guy. He didn't think he was into guys he was just curious as what it was like with a man.

Most of his fantasies were him fucking a copy of himself. Shaking his head to clear it Rich stripped off his pants and boxers. He looked back at his reflection, damn he was hot! His back, muscles on muscles, tapered from incredibly broad shoulders to a thick, steady waist, and a sweet bubble butt with a stubby badger tail. He gave himself a playful ass smack and grinned.

Rich picked up the Speedo and pulled it on. The tight fabric held him close and he ran a paw across his package. He felt himself up, giving the heavy sac a good squeeze, and leaned against the wall. His happy penis popped out of his sheath and started pushing against the fabric. Rich rubbed the hardening pink flesh and shivered with good tingles at the feel of himself through the Speedo.

He moved his free paw to his chest and started rubbing his pecs. He twisted a nipple until he moaned and he panted with his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. He moved his paw over the mountainous muscles and down to his washboard stomach.

"Hell yeah, gonna do some serious diving, then get in the water."

Chuckling to himself at his joke the badger tried on the other swimsuit. The dark orange really went well with his fur and he flexed a few times, cords of muscle twisting in his arms and waist.

Rich stared at the two clothing articles. HE really couldn't decide which he preferred.

So he bought both.

Back at his apartment Rich headed for his study. He had an internship working for a computer software firm and right now he was supposed to be working on a new calculation system to determine profits and expenses for a small business.

It wasn't an outrageous project, and he had four other interns working with him, but Rich wanted to do something about it now.

He looked over his files and got to work.

The days went by fast. Richard wanted to get as much done as he could before the snorkel retreat so he spent the time buried beneath a mountain of paperwork and computer code.


Argon pulled his clothes on roughly. His stomach was jumping in excitement, fuck it he had better not get hard seeing Rich take his shirt off.

Cursing himself for feeling that way, Argon shoved the tickets and everything else he thought he would need into a backpack. He walked through his house, empty like the bones of a beached whale, forgotten by time and devoured by sand crustaceans.

The otter locked the door and put up the security systems. There was a secret path through the topiary, anyone who was too large couldn't fit but being lithe Argon slipped through easily.

He padded down the street and stopped outside Rich's apartment building. His chest burned as Rich spotted him and smiled. The broad badger grin made his legs wobbly.

"Hey otter! Ready to go?"

"Yeah, got out tickets, and sun screen and shit. Thanks for driving."

"No problem man, try not to get hard though when the chicks come after you."

Argon nervously smiled, he was trying not to get hard now listening to the deep badger voice.

"We better go Rich."

Smiling the badger lead the otter back around to the parking garage they drove off in the mustelid's Prius. Argon tried not to shift in the seat. He could taste the badger's musk in the air he tried to ignore the stiffening bulge in his shorts.

Richard put the windows down and the warm breeze from the coast floated into the vehicle. Argon smiled to himself, the rush of endorphins and the feel of being alive were coming back every time the salty gusts struck him. Rich yawned as the red light turned green and they drove down the ramp to the docks parking.

They both were in their swim gear so Rich locked the non essentials in the car. Argon pulled on his backpack and they walked down the wooden piers till they approached their boat. The otter tried not to stare at the badger's ass. The mustelid had worn a tight blue Speedo. Every curve and bulge was showing for people to oogle.

The two furs were greeted by the captain of the good ship Wavestrider, Captain Walt the Dolphin. The dolphin had on canvas boat shoes and a bright yellow floral shirt with khaki shorts that went well with his pale blue skin and huge smile.

"Well you two, get aboard. The high seas be calling and I intend to answer!"

Grinning Argon leapt aboard while Rich lumbered on deck a little less gracefully as badgers tend to be. Rich was a little disappointed. All couples here, no dates tonight for the two bachelors.

Argon sat down next to a jaguar and the cat immediately addressed him with a thick Southern accent as the captain punched it and the boat sped off for open water.

"Oh Lawd, I do declare. You make a right cute couple ottah."

The water mammal's cheeks turned scarlet immediately. "Um, we, uh, aren't together...

"Then why ah you on a dang ole couple's boat ride."

Argon cursed himself instantly, this wasn't just a snorkel retreat, IT WAS A COUPLES BOAT RIDE. He tried to sink into his seat but Rich sat down next to him and took off his shirt as he fumbled with his scuba gear. The badger's arms twitched with muscle as he screwed the aquatic breathing device together and put it on. Argon desperately wanted to help him in the off chance their bodies would touch but the otter never moved.

The otter hastily put on his own water gear and listened to the hypnotic hum of the engine.

"Ok scallops, into the water!"

The sounds of splashing echoed as everyone dove over.

It was beautiful. The water was clear as glass and the sun's rays warped through the cool matter. As a group they dove down deeper. Coral, like fallen stars, shown with every color imaginable, fish like comets flew around their heads in obscure patterns. Argon's heart swelled as he stared at the ocean opening before him. No one would ever understand this need, this connection to the sea he felt. It was buried in his blood and etched into his soul.

Rich scrambled a little until Argon showed him a steady swimming rhythm. The badger was awkward in the water, but what of it, he was a land beast at heart. Stones, polished by centuries of currents blazed like minute flares as rainbows danced around them.

Then Argon spotted it. A dark mass beyond the field of vision. Intrigued he swam away from the group. His webbed paws propelled him down to shadowy crevice and his pace beat out a bloody drum in his head.

It was a ship, sunken and covered in barnacles like some offending object that had been swallowed by the waves. The otter jumped out of his skin as something touch his back. Spinning around Rich was there, through his mask a look of concern.

Argon swam down to the ship instead as Rich did his best to follow. Argon stopped abruptly as he saw some sand shift from the corner of his eye. A hideous shark, black as the devil's heart with eyes a sickly green rose from the ocean floor. It mouth opened wide and jagged, crooked teeth filled his jaws and Argon's veins chilled.

Not thinking he grabbed Rich and hauled him into the ship as the shark took off. The sea creature was fast, his tail pumping as he lurched towards them but Argon was quick in the head. He swiped a chip in the hull with a sharp claw and a sheet of metal clamped down on the hole they had entered.

The metal shook as the shark struck it but the hull held firm. Trying not to panic Argon led Rich deeper into the boat, up until them came to a door. It was rusted but the badger opened it with one good smack.

Argon took a tentative look inside and was bewildered. As the boat had sunk this space at it bottom had trapped a pocket of air. Since the boat was upside down the ceiling was the ship's bottom while the floor was one of the decks.

Rich looked around the room and stifled a yelp. There were skeletons, some sort of canine looking ones. Two had rusted daggers in their skulls while one was untouched, dead of starvation at the bottom of the sea.

But the treasure, gold and silver and the jewels of kings. Argon strode over the broken chests, vomiting forth their shiny guts, worse poison for men's souls, and just stared at the money.

"What the fuck?"

"Don't know Rich, guess these were pirates. Dead now. Shit ton of good their gold did them."

"What about the shark. Even if we could move the hull Argon how are we going to get by it?"

"I, I don't know."

The seconds dragged into minutes as they sat there. Argon tried to stop shivering but fear gripped him tight. He froze as Rich's strong arms encircled him and brought him close.

"Sorry bout all this shit otter, should have just brought you back. Guess I'll never find you the perfect girl now."

Argon stared up at the side of the badger's face. It didn't matter now, Rich deserved to know.

"Richard, um, you really want to know the perfect choice for me."

"Heh, sure man. Who did I not consider?"

Argon crawled up and wrapped his paws around Rich's neck and kissed the badger. Kissed him with everything he had felt and buried since the day they met. More than a decade of repressed passion flooded into the badger's shocked jaws. This was his friend, they had grown up together, Rich's heart pounded, what the hell, this wasn't just anyone.

No it wasn't just anyone, it was Argon. The man who had been there, sacrificed time and sanity for him, and was probably the only fur whoever truly loved the badger. Rich pulled the otter to his chest as they broke apart. Argon was breathing heavily as his paws shook.

"Damn otter, guess that explains a lot."

Argon turned red and tried to move back but Rich only held him tighter.

"I'm, sorry Rich, I, didn't mean to-

The badger kissed him this time, his tongue gliding into Argon's mouth and tasting the salty otter saliva. Argon murred gently as they locked in embrace, the downy fluffiness of his fur brushed against Rich's gray pelt. The badger's lips slowly left the otter's.

"Argon, don't worry. I understand." Rich couldn't place it but he had a subtle craving for the otter. A desire that twinkled just beyond the edges of his mind.

The otter blushed and buried his snout in the badger's chest. The adrenaline high was wearing off and Argon felt his paws grow heavy. He needed sleep now, sleep and the feel of his badger.

"Tired Rich, just, just a nap."

They felt into dreams like slipping into a pool of water.


Argon awoke sharply as a cold drop splattered his muzzle. He looked up in sheer dread. A sharp crack in the ceiling was growing and he could hear the groaning and the hull buckled under the oceans weight.

He ran to the pile of scuba gear and hauled it over to Rich. The badger partially awoke as Argons shoved the mask over his face but the ceiling tore and a block of metal struck his head.

Water roared in, howling like a raging banshee. Argon held Rich's limp body as the area filled up in an instant.

He was running out of time but he kicked off anyway. The hull was torn open in a huge gap and the otter easily lifted Rich through it. Carrying the unconscious badger was difficult and the otter had not swim gear but he kicked his webbed paws anyway.

His chest burned and his eyes stung as blood vessels broke and his vision darkened to a painful scarlet. He kept pulling Rich up as his strength waned but he swam anyway. Kick push kick push. Argon could see the light on the surface and the boat. No choice now.

The otter positioned Rich's body above him and gave a great shove. The physics reaction worked. Rich was pushed up to the surface and Argon could see him being lifted from the water as the otter sank.

His muscles cooled and a sense of calm flooded his mind. The shark swam around him. Not threatening but accompanying as he done since time began. The shark's eyes had softened to a pale green, milky as lime sherbert on a summer day. His skin a warm ebony like hot fudge. The otter could feel the cold arms of the water pulling him, down to her side to sleep. The shark waited as Argon's vision clouded and his head darkened. The fish burbled quietly by his side, as the otter slowly descended into the darkness, currents hugging him closer to the choking embrace of the ocean. His ears twitched as the music hit him.

Endless and bitter, sweet and noxious, the immortal damning hymn of the sirens called him home.


Wow, that was surprising. NO THERE WILL NOT BE A SEQUEL. The story ends here, changing the ending strips the story of its meaning which I think is important. Comment as you like.