Animalia Chapter Two: Hadrian

Story by EmperorHadrian on SoFurry

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#2 of The Kingdom of Animalius

King Hadrian stepped into the war room. On his flanks were his two top generals. Ulysses, a great silver back gorilla, and Shieva, a fierce lioness. The lesser generals, all big cats save for one killer whale, were already in the room and sat around a table with the map of the known world upon its face. They turned to the commanders and stood immediately.

"Sit. Somebody tell me why I'm pulled from the warmth of m'lady's chambers."

"Our scouts from the Reptilian Sea have returned."

"Where are-

"We're right ‘ere, your majesty." Two chameleons shifted into view, breaking their flawless camouflage from the architecture of the dimly lit room, speaking in thick cockney accents in unison. Hadrian looked at the scales with contempt.

"What did you find?" asked General Ulysses gruffly.

"Many shinnies for you and yours," spoke the one on the left, his long tongue licked over his purple snout. He placed an icon on the table map that represented valuable resources on a continent west of the island of Animalius.

"But I'm afraid it's all been claimed. A li'le kingdom of ‘umans owns this ‘ole coast." The right chameleon stared at the king with one good eye and spoke with much less mischievousness then his brother. The great lion Hadrian stroked his mane and mused grimly.

"Everybody out. Make sure our guests accompany you." The lesser generals all stood and proceeded out of the war room. Two lieutenant generals placed paws on the chameleon spies and escorted them out. The only ones who remained were Ulysses, Shieva, and Admiral Nalon, the commander of the navy and the soul orca general. Hadrian silently motioned for opinions.

"You're majesty; those resources could be incredibly valuable. We need to do something, anything to obtain them. Diplomatically or Militarily. " Shieva made it clear which one she preferred, letting her eye shine glean like the fire in her belly.

"We have the ships for an invasion and any additional transport," quietly mentioned Nalon, always being concise with his few words. Hadrian looked to Ulysses, his most trusted advisor and oldest friend. The gorilla was staring intently at the map.


"I would say that mustering the forces to seize this much land would be a mighty feat. But we must consider the possibility of defeat. What that would mean? We could lose our standing as the figure head of Aporue at large and the damn scales might get ideas. Sending our army across the Reptilian would leave us weak and a possible target for the bears or the scales or the wolves or even a rebellion at home. Are these resources worth a military conflict? I have to say no. A diplomatic venture might look a lot better considering your poor standing as a statesman." Hadrian growled, knowing what Ulysses just said was all true. The rest of Aporue couldn't be trusted to keep to themselves if his army was away. The entire continent was jealous of wealth and culture of Animalia, the melting pot of the known world.

"Give me time to ponder; you are all dismissed till I summon you again." Nalon and Shieva stood, saluted, and then left Ulysses and Hadrian alone.

The two were staring at each other, unable to back down. Though Hadrian was undoubtedly the king, he had always looked up to Ulysses. He was a friend and mentor. The king would do anything for him. Hadrian walked around the table, never shifting his gaze. Ulysses too met the king half way.

The two stood impossibly close to one another. The Gorilla and the Lion. Their faces inches apart. The Gorilla made the first move, quickly pinning his king against the wall. The lion growled and kicked Ulysses in the stomach, sending him crashing into a row of chairs. Hadrian leapt on to the primate and struggled with him for dominance. Once again, his old friend proved too much and he was wrestled to his stomach. Ulysses pulled Hadrian's trousers down, exposing him.

"My King," Ulysses grunts, "My friend. You won't beat me till I'm dead." Ulysses then spat on his own cock and pushed it roughly into Hadrian, who gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes tight as the familiar feeling of thrusting began. The king was but a slave to his own general. Ulysses grunted and pounded roughly into Hadrian's unwilling asshole. Hadrian lightly beat his head against the ground, trying to focus on something besides the pain and shame. Ulysses grabbed the king's mane and yanked him up, grunting straight into his ear. Hadrian looked down in terror as his own cock had hardened in the excitement. Soon, the Gorilla had reached the edge and dropped his load inside his king.

Ingloriously, he pulled himself and the king to their feet. Ulysses patted the king on the head.

"You will make the right decision." The general left the room, leaving Hadrian alone, staring at his map table.

Hadrian crashed into the Royal Manor later that night. He was thick with drink and shame. He stumbled into the atrium and fell onto a bench. Two skin servants rushed to his side.

"My lord, are you well?" said one feeling his forehead. Hadrian shook his mane.

"The barkeep will eat hardy tomorrow," moaned the king. The servants looked at each other then helped their king to his feet and escorted him laboriously to his room. "Where is my queen?"

"She's visiting her family my lord. Her guard is with her. It is probable that she will stay the night."

"In such squalor?" Hadrian spat "Haven't I given her everything she could want?" The three made it to King Hadrian's room, planted him on his bed and helped him into his pajamas.

"She simple wanted to see her parents. As I understand it, they hadn't been able to see each other since your wedding over a month ago." Hadrian "bah"-ed and rolled over.

"Send for me some supper and leave me be." The servants bowed and made their exits.

Minutes passed and there came a knock at the door.

"That had better be my meal." The door open and Hadrian looked over. A vixen walked into the room silently.

"My lord, I have brought you the finest meat we had in stock, some veal from your last hunt." Hadrian grunted and sat up and allowed the servant to set his food on his lap.

"What is your name, girl?"

"Claudia." The king murred and looked at his food, suddenly not feeling as hungry. Claudia bowed and made her exit.

"Wait, my girl. Sit with me. What rumors might have you heard from the peasantry?" Hadrian set his food to the side. Claudia took a deep breath, having foreseen this to be an not-so-enjoyable conversation. She turned and made her way to a chair beside the bed. But the king shifted over and patted the spot next to him. "Come. Relax. I would imagine you have had a long day."

"Why, thank you my king." Claudia forced a smile and sat on the bed. King Hadrian pulled her over so she could bring her feet up. She began to tell about a convoy of tigers from the east that had arrived to sell silks and perfumes from their home country. It soon became clear, however, that Hadrian had something else on his mind. He began to breathe her in deeply, sniffing around her neck. He brought a paw up and slowly caressed her leg, then pushing up her tunic and stroking her along her thigh. Claudia groaned unintentionally, which the king took to be a further invitation. He moved his hand up to her crotch and slipped it under her loin cloth. Her slit was slightly moist to his touch. The king pushed a figure inside of her burning sex. Claudia gave a small moan. She was oddly intrigued by this. It was the most attention she had received since she arrived at the castle. Claudia grinded her hips into his touch. Hadrian smirked and took a paw of hers and placed it on his own growing mass. She instantly took to stroking his shaft through the fine cloth.

Hadrian pulled himself away and removed his clothes and threw them aside. Claudia's breathing became labored as she looked over the prime specimen of a man. She had never seen muscles so defined. She pulled her own loin cloth off from under her servant's tunic and threw it aside. Claudia had her own lustful grin, with her mouth agape and her eyes lazy, as she spread her legs and stared at his massive erection as it stood tall out of its sheath. King Hadrian moved over the vixen and looked at her with a fierce lust. His cockhead bumped against her quivering pussy. She gasped loudly and shot her his broad shoulders. He pushed his hips into her hers and his member disappeared into her sex. Her head pushed back and she let out a long low moan. Claudia couldn't believe that sex could have ever been this good. No male she has ever been with had been half the lion he was. When Hadrian had hilted himself fully, he pulled out then thrusted back in, immediately picking up an accelerated pace. Claudia wanted to cry out, but she knew she was in the wrong. A married man was now pounding her tight, sopping snatch. She tried to push her face into the pillow, stifling her lustful moans. Hadrian grunted, too inebriated to fully appreciate what he was doing, but still able to feel the heat engulfing him. Claudia felt a fountain of passion explode in her torso as she came hard around his majesty's manhood. She screamed into a pillow, riding such a wave of ecstasy she thought she might die.

Hadrian rolled over on to his back and Claudia climbed on top of him, determined to feel another explosive orgasm. She put her legs on either side of him, which was a minor feat as he was a bit big for her 5'1" frame. She slide him inside of her and thrusted herself on his member over and over. Hadrian's glazy eyes watched the twisted expressions on the vixen's petite face. Her wet nethers caressed her king's shaft from the very tip to the base of the shaft. Claudia leaned forward and dug her nails into the Hadrian's chest. Somewhere, Hadrian could feel juices dripping down his ready testicles. With the heat and the rolling of the hips and the moans from his concubine, the lion finally released his seed.

Claudia felt the hot liquid coat every inch of her insides. It was the final straw for her. She kicked her head back as her toes curled tightly, every inch of her very sanity washed away for a brief moment as she screamed her pleasures. Her pussy clenched tightly around Hadrian. He groaned deeply as she collapsed on to him. They laid together like that for several minutes before Claudia rolled off of him and sat up. He was dead asleep. She got off the bed and retrieved her loincloth. She moved around the bed and quickly picked up the Hadrian's food from his bed side table. Claudia turned off the lights and left him there in peace.

Outside of the room, there stood the two male servants with the head butler, Finnius. He was an exceedingly large tiger and commanded a certain flavor of respect from anybody who he came across, including the king. Hatred burned in his eyes.

"How...could you?" he finally spoke. Finnius grabbed her by the hair and pulled it back roughly, she screamed and grabbed his wrist, dropping the veal onto the ground. "You are not here to sexually pleasure the king; there is only one woman for that."

"Please, he seduced me, am I to ignore the wishes of the man I am indentured to?"

"Yes! He is no doubt as drunk as a sailor. If you understood your place, you would have left him be with his food the moment he was going to do something exceedingly stupid." Finnius glared into her eyes. The vixen looked away in shame. Finnius motioned with his head to the two man-servants behind him and they lead her away. He looked down at the veal that had been spilled on the floor. "and bring somebody to clean this mess." The head butler straightened his fine jacket and gazed at the fine ornamentation of his majesties door. He opened it, knowing he had a much bigger mess to clean.