Sloth, Meet Lust

Story by AnubusKiren on SoFurry

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   Four years married, and already sick of the man that she'd promised herself to in front of the church and both their families. It had been a beautiful wedding, enviable by any standard, and not a thing had gone wrong throughout the entirety of its duration. It wasn't until about a month after their honeymoon that she had first discovered just how absolutely... boring a closed relationship was going to be.

   Alex wasn't exactly dominant by nature but she didn't mind being on top every so often. Being a prey species, a rabbit as it were, didn't leave much room for sexual dominance, but she enjoyed it when it came around to be her turn. What she didn't like was when she had to do all of the work in bed, while her lazy lover of a husband could simply lay there and moan. It irritated her to no end, and nearly every other night, she found herself going through the same routine, over and over again, bouncing up and down on his cock until his orgasm came, and she wound up faking hers. He never got bored of it... but she certainly did. At least his cock was large enough to nearly get her off. Nearly.

   After a few years of marriage, his laziness had migrated from their sex life (though it had remained present there as well) and into their daily life. It started simple, just like the sex thing had: Leaving things laying around the house, not picking up after himself, and so on. It gradually got worse, though, to the point where he practically refused to do anything around the house except sit and watch TV. The ‘perfect husband', Alex occasionally joked to herself, though it was far from light-hearted. She was getting sick of this rather quickly. If she was going to have a lazy husband, she'd at least expect the sex to be good. Fingering herself every night was becoming tiresome, and she needed something more...

   It was only about half a year ago that they had come over for a visit... Her husband's two twin brothers. What a handsome pair of huskies they were. She could barely keep her eyes off of them, and she could tell they were stealing glances at her as well. It had been all too easy to get the two sexy dogs to have her sandwiched between them, fucking both her holes at once, right on the couch while her husband dozed off in his room. He never found out about his wife's little escapade with his brothers, which was repeated every chance she could get. Three years of unfulfilling marriage had turned her into quite a little nymph.

   After her first little fling, Alex had realized that there had been opportunities in front of her all along... She knew so many handsome men, most of which were happily married, but a few who were either single or in the same state of disappointment that she was. Those select few who wouldn't run and tell her husband about her infidelity would become lovers as well, an escape from her boring married life. It was almost exciting, in a way, to be able to get away with all this sleeping around, while occasionally indulging in her husband's needs.

   "His needs." she would scoff. "Not once did he ever think about mine."

   As fun as round after round of extramarital sex was, she knew that she was dodging bullets... knew that one day, she would become careless, and her husband would catch onto her late-night visits to places unknown. How fortunate it was, then, when one of her lovers (a coworker, so it happened) told her of a cousin of his who was skilled in mystical arts, particularly those that involved mind control. This was exactly what she needed... What better way to get away with this whole thing than to dominate her husband's mind? It was all too good to pass up. She met with the woman right away and shared stories. They got along quite well, and the voluptuous vixen of a magic caster decided to help her new friend out.

   Sonia was her name, and it was as lovely a name as she was a fox. She was the perfect choice for Alex's plan, and the payment was as easy to obtain as the job would be to do... Sonia was dominant, in every meaning of the word, and the description of Alex's husband had gotten her so hot and bothered that she'd had to step out of the room. So the deal was simple: Alex turns her husband into a mindless slave, allowing her to pick and choose any lover she wants, and Sonia gets to fool around with the discarded husky any time she so pleases. It was almost too perfect.

   Her lessons began immediately. Magic wasn't exactly commonplace anymore, but it was far from nonexistent, and anyone with enough patience could pick it up and use it in practically any way imaginable. There were strict laws on its usage, and this was a big risk to take... but the two scheming women were confident that they could pull it off. Sonia taught Alex how to be as seductive and manipulative as possible, starting simple by influencing the lazy husky to start doing some housework... then more, and more, and more, gradually building up his obedience through a combination of sex, seduction and just a little bit of magic to make sure she was getting better at it. They would even occasionally put him into a trance, Alex keeping eye contact with him while Sonia got her fill of being worshiped by a sexy, submissive husky.

   He never really caught onto what they were doing, of course. Actually quite the opposite was true: Every time Alex and Sonia would jump on him (without the use of any hypnosis), he would simply take it as his wife being kinky and letting her friend join in on the fun. Nothing ever seemed suspicious to him, as he was enjoying himself way too much at this rate. The husky became more and more open to their wiles, his mental defenses slipping down to next to nothing by the time Alex's training was complete, and the big day arrived where the oh-so-eager bunny would free herself from the confines of her marriage without the hassle and drama of a divorce.

   She invited Sonia over for dinner that night, much to her husband's delight, and decided to make it the most sexually teasing and tempting night ever. She wore nothing but a little black dress, no bra to be seen, with her hair combed straight and flowing down her back, plenty of cleavage pushed up toward the top of that tight dress. Even for her small stature, she was quite a well-endowed lapine, and wasn't afraid to show it. Probably how she'd gotten so many lovers' attention in the first place.

   Sonia came over in a dark red tank top with a mini skirt, fishnet stockings and arm warmers, saying that she "had nothing else that matched tonight". No one complained, though, especially not the husband who found it necessary to compliment her outfit. He didn't even stop to think that, under normal circumstances anyway, it might offend his wife. Normally, it might have, but this night was much different. Now all she had to do was wait until the sexual tension was at its peak.

   She and Sonia made every possible excuse to leave their seats as they could, emphasizing on the swaying of their hips and pushed up cleavage from their tight outfits. Her husband was obviously enjoying the show, not bother to hide the fact that his eyes were wandering over their sexy figures. It was all too easy to get him nice and pent up, and the last time Alex stood, she walked into the kitchen, calling back into the dining room, "Andy, I smudged some of my makeup... Can you go get my mascara from our room, please?"

   The husky, of course, was quick to jump to his feet now, padding out of the room in search of his wife's makeup. It wasn't actually in there, of course. She had it right in her pocket. This was just the next part of the final phase of her plan. The plotting bunny called her coworker and lover, quietly asking him to come over in about an hour. She and Sonia would have to work quickly, but she was confident that with the both of them working on Andy, he'd be their mindless little pet before her first lover came over.

   "Honey, I can't find it!" Andy called back with mild irritation. He was so clueless and annoyed, and probably eager to get back into the dining room so he could keep staring as Sonia's tits.

   "Oh hold on, I'll come look." Alex said sweetly... perhaps too sweetly, as she went in to join her husband in their bedroom, slinking up behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist. The lapine whispered softly into his ear, her hands dipping down between his legs and kneading at the growing tent in his pants, "It isn't in here... I just needed to get you alone for a while."

   "A-Alex..?" the husky murred and squirmed a little as she groped him so blatantly, having never seen her this horny before. Not that he was complaining, of course.

   "Shhh." the bunny said, licking the ear she was whispering in and starting to unzip her soon-to-be-slave's pants, "Just let bunny take care of you, honey... Let's get you out of these uncomfortable things..."

   "But what about..." he was cut off as she squeezed at his crotch, bring a soft moan from his lips. That sealed the deal. He wasn't about to argue with his wife who was so desperate to have him in bed. His pants came off quickly, followed soon after by his shirt, and the husky was almost thrown onto his back by his wife, who quickly straddled him and began to kiss all over his chest. It was intense, sudden, and almost feral... but despite all the strangeness, it was never suspicious at all. Alex worked her way out of her dress, completely nude underneath it, and slipped herself downward, her lips brushing over his cock for a moment before the entire length was taken into his mouth.

   She knew that the spell would work best if he was exceptionally horny, and since she'd caught him off guard, he'd be even easier... but she wanted to savor this moment. The moment that she broke free of this boring life and entered one of excitement and pleasure. Her head bobbed up and down on her husband's throbbing member, never going fast enough to throw him over the edge, the husky gasping and panting in bliss each time her tongue would slide along his cock. Alex knew Sonia was right outside the door, waiting for her turn, probably dripping with excitement. Just a few more minutes, she thought... Just a few more minutes of gagging herself with this unsatisfying cock, and he would be ready for taking.

   "A-A-Aleeeex..." he slurred, toes curling, paws gripping at the sheets, the husky too aroused to do much else but moan out her name. He expected things to be just the same as usual... she'd crawl up onto him and ride him to orgasm, and then maybe they'd go back out and resume the dinner. If, of course, she didn't call Sonia in as well. Now that would have been a nice surprise. He never knew just how close it was to the truth.

   Suddenly the sucking stopped, and Alex pulled herself away from her husband's cock. She crawled up further, kissing along his belly and chest as she traveled up his body, stopping right before the neck and slowly craning her head up to look him in the eyes. Now was her chance... She concentrated as much as she could, focusing her energy into her eyes, which took on a soft, alluring blue glow. This was the spell she'd been practicing for so many months, and this was the make-or-break test. They stared into each other's eyes for ten seconds... then twenty... then thirty... neither of them moved for five full minutes, and she struggled to hold her concentration. She hadn't been quite ready, it seemed, and though his eyes were quickly beginning to show signs of emptiness, she wasn't sure how long it'd last.

   Luckily, Sonia was there to rescue her, the vixen standing in the doorway and giving a sultry chuckle, "He's yours, Alex... That's only a temporary fix, which will last about an hour if it isn't reinforced. That's why I'm here."

   "Well good, because this was beginning to hurt my head." Alex groaned a little, the glow fading from her eyes. She'd pushed herself a little too hard, but at least it'd worked... "So now what do I do?"

   "You tell him exactly what you want him to believe." Sonia smirked, padding inside and sitting down on the end of the bed, "Then you seal the deal... fuck him nice and hard. The spell requires intimacy between partners. You first, and then me, so I can make it permanent."

   Alex looked a little reluctant, perking a brow and grabbing at her hypnotized husband's cock, "I have to?"

   "What, are you growing a conscience now?"

   "No, I just don't know if I have time... I called Tom over, and it's probably getting close to an hour by now..."

   "Oh don't worry, I'll go greet him if he gets here before you're done." Sonia murred softly and stood again, leaning against the wall and gazing down at the two, "You don't mind if I watch, do you?"

   "I didn't mind when you joined in, did I?" the bunny snickered triumphantly and straddled her husband, practically slamming herself down onto his cock and leaning down to his ear, stifling a moan and waiting until he was quiet again. Apparently he was still conscious enough to know he was being fucked. She whispered softly, loudly enough to be nice and clear, "You are now my slave, Andy... You are my husband, but you are not my lover. You will do exactly as I say from now on. From this moment forward, you are Sonia's pet, and you will be just as obedient to her as you are to me. Our needs come before yours. Do you understand me, slave?"

   "Y-Y-Yes..." he murmured through another moan, his body rigid, unable to move in his trance state. Her words easily sunk into his pliable mind and became solid, undeniable truths. He was his wife's slave now, and a pet to her friend. He was nothing but a submissive toy for them to order around and use to they so desired. His enslavement was almost complete, with nothing left but a couple romps and the final casting of the spell to solidify his new place in the world.

   Satisfied, Alex began humping away at her new slave, pressing her paws onto his chest and really letting him have it, pinching his nipples hard, grabbing and pulling on his fur, reveling in the fact that no matter what she did, no matter how painful it might be to him, all he could do is moan and worship her more. There would be no more lazy lovers in her life after this. Up and down she went, bouncing and thrusting against his cock, making him hold it all in for an excruciating amount of time, which only served to increase his submission and belief in the fact that she controlled every aspect of his life. He couldn't cum unless she told him... couldn't moan, couldn't fuck, couldn't breathe unless she allowed him to. She became vaguely aware of a knocking at the door, and knew that it was Tom arriving at the door. At least she wouldn't have to wait long before she could really get off to something, instead of humping the near mindless husk of her husband. Really, it was barely different from any other fuck they'd had.

   "C-Cum, you little slut!" she growled into his ear, squeezing around him as much as she could to milk that hot seed out of his cock. Of course he obeyed immediately, whimpering and crying out in ecstasy as he finally got to release all of that built up pressure, filling up his wife's tight cunt, laying there gasping and panting in the afterglow, mindlessly staring up at the ceiling that had quickly taken the place of his wife's face. She'd been all too eager to get off of him. "Stay there, slut, and don't move. Your Mistress will be in soon to claim you."

   She didn't care that she was walking out nude at this point. She walked out to the living room, a proud smirk on her face, her husband's cum dripping down her leg, "Hello Tom... Glad to see you made it."

   The black-scaled dragon was a little surprised to see her like this, but part of him had expected to see her a little... dirty from the ordeal. His smile remained intact, though, "I take it the spell worked then? So we don't have to sneak around anymore..."

   "Worked like a charm." Alex grinned and turned to Sonia, motioning toward the bedroom, "He's all yours... Just bring him down to the basement when you're done. I've got everything set up for him down there"

   "Are you kidding? I'm taking him down there now. Chains and sex toys are my forte." the obviously aroused vixen quickly left the two alone, quickly moving off to claim her prize. He was still laying there, staring up into space, waiting to be used by his new owners.

   "Good boy." Sonia said, taking his paws in hers and pulling him up to his feet. He stood rather well for someone who couldn't even remember who he was at the moment. She took him out of the room, into the kitchen and through the basement door. Alex had set up a place for him to sleep down there, along with two hanging shackles attached to the ceiling by chains. Just what Sonia had requested. She led him over to the chains and locked his arms in the shackles, letting him half-stand, half-hang there as he gazed helplessly at his new Mistress. "Such a cute husky you are... So sexy, too. Look into my eyes..."

   Just as Alex's had, Sonia's eyes took on a radiant blue glow, though this time it was much more powerful. Sonia had been practicing this all her life, after all. Her eyes drew him in easily, subjugating what little bit of will there was left in his mind, and solidifying her position as his owner... his Mistress.

   "Just relax your body, pet... It's time to surrender into submission, and let me think for you." she murred softly to him, slowly starting to undress herself in front of her pet. She'd been patient today, and it had more than paid off. Now she had him all to herself...

   "Yes... Mistress..." Andy could say little else, his body relaxing more and more, becoming increasingly dependent on the chains to keep him held up. His mind was now completely empty, save for Alex and Sonia's implanted suggestions and commands. He was little more than a sex toy now... and Sonia was going to use that to her full advantage.

   "Good boy... So obedient. You remember what Alex told you before, right?" she cooed softly to him, finally having gotten herself out of those annoying clothes, her breasts pressing firmly against her pet's chest.


   "Well I am making them true now... Before they were only somewhat true, because you would have woken up and lost those truths. Now I'm giving you those truths forever, as a token of my love for my new pet... Mmm isn't that wonderful, Andy? Your Mistress' first gift to you... truth." She planted a little kiss on his lips to emphasize. Manipulative little thing, she was.

   It worked, though... He was very receptive to her words, and now his indoctrination was nearly complete. All that remained now was the sex... and Sonia knew just how she was going to do it. She opened a bag set next to the chains and pulled out a large strap-on dildo, fastening it around her hips and slinking up behind her pet, opening a bottle of lube and squirting it onto the dildo's length. She spread the lube with her paw a few times before pulling her pet to his feet and pushing the sex toy deep inside of him, fast enough to cause a little discomfort, but not enough to cause any bleeding. "You belong to me now. Me."

   "Y-Yes-- Aah! Yes Mistress!" he whimpered and moaned in a mix of pain and pleasure, his body going rigid as she began to fuck his tight, virgin ass, one paw squeezing his cock while the other worked hard on her wet pussy, fingers slipping in and out easily. He never protested, regardless of the initial pain and how sore he was going to be later on. Nothing mattered now except his Mistress' pleasure.

   Sonia was moaning like she'd never moaned before, bucking her hips wildly as she fucked her pet's ass, fingering herself with just as much enthusiasm. One orgasm wasn't going to be enough, obviously, as the first hit her merely moments after she'd started abusing him. Her paw stroked up and down his cock, pumping him hard and fast, wanting to build him up to unbearable heights of pleasure. She was a bit of a cruel Mistress, apparently, but there was no way that Andy was going to disobey her new. She'd condition him further as time went on anyway, and he would grow to like her abuse...

   "Nnh... Tom... Oh god, yes..!" Alex was pressed up against her living room wall, Tom holding her in place as his thick draconic cock pounded in and out of her dripping sex, her scaly lover growling and panting in pleasure as the two of them basked in their victory. The little bunny could barely take a cock his size, but every time they'd had sex, it had been more than worth it. His member had ridges and soft, rounded barbs that hit her in ways that she couldn't begin to describe. She had already came once, and was quickly approaching another mind-blowing orgasm as Tom humped her like his life depended on it. His big scaly paws groped and massaged her breasts, pinching at her nipples, while his long tongue wrapped around and licked at her neck, producing a pleasurable tickling sensation. This was freedom... and boy, was it sweet.

   "Mmh cum for me again... Alexxxx..." the dragon hissed in pleasure, obviously quite a bit more dominant than Andy, and he had practically jumped at the opportunity to bed her back when she'd first offered herself to him. He'd lost count of how many times they'd had sex by now, though, and didn't particularly care about the numbers. His orgasm was approaching quickly, and Alex's muscles squeezing around that hard, thick, textured cock was more than enough to send him over the edge.

   One thing about dragons was when they came, they came a lot. He more than filled her as he roared out in ecstasy, hips slamming against her little fuzzy rump over and over again as he pumped what seemed like a gallon of cum into her, the horny bunny shivering all over as she rode on the waves of the afterglow. Nice, rough sex... and she was on the bottom for a change. God, it felt good.

   "How was that, my sexy little bunny? I hope I was able to give you more than you've been getting." his tongue flicked over her long rabbit ear, a heavy sigh of content escaping his lips.

   "Holy shit, Tom... You're gonna be my favorite, real quick." she murred and giggled, leaning back and enjoying the feeling of that draconic cock knotting inside of her.

   She'd done it. Her husband was now belonged to her and the vixen that had assisted her, and she would no longer have to sneak around to find herself some fun. Alex was a happy bunny, indeed. Happy, and free. "Mmm let's go again, Tom... One more time..."