The Last Laugh Chapter 1

Story by LeonDelRed on SoFurry

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#1 of The Gemini Leos

A year or so ago, Albaz was still adjusting to his newfound powers as a Moomba Elder, and on one particular day back at a small community in the US known as Noah's Ark, made quite a fumble involving his guardian Minni, an tree in an impending thunderstorm, and a female, hyena police named Heidi. Wanting to consummate their love for each other, Minni told Albaz of a ritual performed by young lovers involving mating in the tallest tree possible. If their love was truly meant to be, then they were able to complete the act without falling to their death, otherwise the act could prove as foolish suicide. Fortunately for Albaz and Minni, the gods favored their union, and in a bizarre turn of events, consummated their love for each almost unscathed,...but it did not mean their act was not unseen. For who could honestly miss seeing a sky blue having sex in tree located in their backyard? Responding to the call of indecent exposure and lewd conduct, Heidi and an assisting officer investigated the Gemini Leos' residence, and just when it seemed Albaz was caught, he prematurely used the advance Elder Art of memory erasure, and with disastrous results. Instead of erasing Heidi's memory, he instead erased her sexual inhibitions, and she immediately assaulted and raped (according to the report made by the victim officer) him in the back of their cruiser. Despite the unexpected result of Albaz' powers, he did at least dodge getting arrested for the ideal.

Heidi, however, was worse off since then...

At the Noah's Ark police department, the crime rate has risen 33% percent since Heidi's predicament. No one could of predicted that this sudden spike in petty theft, grand theft auto, and the like was cause merely by mere presence of one the precinct's very best officers...

Before Heidi can get to her desk, the chief calls her to his office, apparently what he had to say was much more important than collating the six new case files from the last three days. Heidi takes a seat, clad in her uniform: her neatly pressed blue shirt, black skirt and tie, and silver tie clip. She squirms in her seat slightly, uneasy about the meeting, the chief and she have not been on speaking terms since the incident at the Gemini Leos' residence and suddenly he's got something so important to tell that she barely had enough time to settle in at her desk. The chief glares at her sternly accompanied by another female officer: a young cheetah; one that she has never seen at this precinct before. Heidi's eyes light up at the possibility of what he could be asking of her. To be tasked with the responsibility of showing the new recruit around the department is honor for many officer who've attained the recognition of their valor, and Heidi was more than enthusiastic about the task. She suddenly cringes a fleeting fantasy of her treating the new recruit to her brand new double-dong she recently stashed in the locker room: of the many side-effects of Albaz' mistake, the constant sexual fantasies involving all that come in contact are the hardest to repress. She squirms in her seat a bit more as her inner thighs quickly grew moist with arousal, trying her best not to bring too much attention to her condition, but from the disappointed look of the chief, she wasn't fooling anyone. After of moment of awkward silence amongst them. The chief's booming voice shatters the calm.

"I think this is long overdue for you, Heidi, so I'll get straight to the point. I want you to meet Ms. Amala.", he bluntly growls.

Heidi eagerly jumps up to shake the new recruit's hand, and with a cheerful smile she greets her whole-heartedly.

"Pleased to meet you! Welcome to the department.", she blurts out, beaming with energy. Amala smiles back nervously as Heidi shakes her paw vigorously.

"She'll be your new replacement, Heidi..", the chief says bluntly.

For moment, the chief's words didn't sink in, but the moment it did, she suddenly yanks her paw away from the young cheetah, aghast at the realization.

" replacement?!", she repeats, still not understanding what was about to unfold. She takes a step back away from Amala. Surely the chief wasn't serious about replacing, not after the years of service at the precinct.

The chief pushes his chair away from his desk slightly and stands up, giving his pudgy frame a little room as he walks around the desk as he says,

"Honestly, Ms. Heidi, I don't see why you're so surprised about this. With what you've been getting in to lately, you can't possibly say you didn't see this coming. Unfortunately as it stands now, the department can no longer tolerate the way you've been working here. I mean...yes, we tried to work past it. Hell, I even tried to get the DA to turn a blind eye to a couple of these incidents, but now we're booking more and more of these dumbass locals and it's more than apparent that you are the root cause."

Heidi struggles to put words into sentences. If he's prepared to suspend her for what she thinks is the most likely problem, then she'd better have a damn good defense for it. The only she had to say, however, was unfortunately NOT the best defense,

"You're honestly going to let me go, chief? After all that I've done?! What about that gang-related case I've cracked 2 months ago? The UCs that infiltrated their ranks took almost 6 years just to get one pusher to turnover on his contact and it only took me 4 days to get the whole crew turnover on the ringleader! Doesn't that mean something? Doesn't that mean ANYTHING?!"

The chief shakes his head in disappointment and walks over to wheel in a TV and VCR, am empty sleeve sitting on the VCR indicated there was already a tape placed inside the VCR waiting to be played. Heidi watched curiously as the chief turns on the TV and his the "play" button on the VCR. The VCR powers up noisily as it prepared to play the tape and in moments, a brings up visual on the screen. Nothing but snow on the screen at first, but as it clears a most unexpected sight comes into: a showing of Heidi in the interrogation room flanked by a group of suspects in a raunchy orgy as they masturbate over her naked, sweaty frame that laid on the table in the room. A Doberman, badger, falcon, and gray-scaled dragon hose her down with their sticky seed, groaning like beast in the wild as they unload on her, all while she is heard begging for more of their cum,

" boys have been holding back on some serious contraband. Be sure to give up every last drop and give us a statement and I just might put in a good word with the judge to give you a minimum 5 year sentence. One of you boys treat me to some anal and the name of your boss and I'll get you a parole hearing within 2 years time...", Heidi says lustfully as the horny group becomes in more riled up at her offer. The tape must've been edited to some degree, because it seemed to have played some of the most raunchy moments of the interrogation: the bukkake, anal, spit-roasting, and face-raping included. Heidi face suddenly turned pale as she realized that she was looking at the taped "confession" of the gang of drug-pushers that "coaxed" a confession out of.

"How you go about cracking these cases is not the problem, Heidi, but what IS my problem is how this kind of behavior affects the view of my precinct...AND of all things, the precinct does NOT promote the use sexual favors for confessions...Especially ones of this magnitude!

Heidi should've known it was going to come to this sooner or later. After word got out about how she solved that particular case, there have been more and more incidents of the local populace committing petty crimes with the hopes of meeting Heidi in holding. There was nothing vague about the incidents either: some were brought to the station trying smuggle sex toys, lubricants, condoms, bondage gear, and anything else they could think as they tried to snatch the chance to appease Heidi's widespread sexual appetite. The evidence room is proof alone of the spike in crime, with more than 64% of their inventory being occupied with sex paraphernalia dedicated to her, unheard of anywhere. The precinct was becoming the laughing stock of the justice department. It might've been better for her to just resigned when she was acquitted of raping her partner back at the Gemini Leos' incident, but her naiveté may have put quite of stain on her good name.

"But these crimes simply misdemeanors, nothing like the drug busts, and weapons charges we've had in the past. This should be beneath us, chief!", Heidi explains, trying to hang on to the hope that she can stay on the force, but knowing the chief, he wasn't the type to have second thoughts, let alone sympathy for anyone who wasn't representing his precinct appropriately. He scratches his brow, growing impatient with Heidi's insistence,

"Look, Heidi, I'm not one to drag out the inevitable. So don't make this any tougher a decision than it already is. I simply can't have you fucking all of the perps that we bring in. I can't put the health of my officers at risk either by letting you fuck THEM either taking in consideration any possible STDs you could be infected with from all this cock-hopping or any other type of shit that you could walking around with. I'm not questioning that specifically because I know you're a pretty smart girl and you'd know better than to get caught up in that kind misfortune, I guess. The point is that this ends NOW! Either you bow out of this gracefully and walk away with some dignity or you can be dragged out of here like a public drunk..." he barks at her as he past her to open his office door for her and directs her out of the office. He eyes her sternly as he says,

"The choice is up to you..."

All that was for left Heidi now was for her to leave the precinct, and the very fate made her stomach drop as she eyes Amala with contempt, not against the new recruit, but against herself for thinking the precinct could protect her for the entirety of her career. There was no one to blame, but herself for this disgrace. She nods silently to Amala and awkwardly walks out of the office to get her belongings when the chief grabs her by the shoulder for a moment,

"Don't bother packing your things, Heidi...I'll have them mailed to you personally. I don't think you want the officers seeing you packing up all of those dildos and shit on your last day on the force. It's the least I could do...", he says quietly to her trying to convey a slight sadness in her leaving.

Heidi nods to chief, quietly trying to stifle the tears in her eyes and maintain her composure as she responds,

"...I'll get through this... I'll be back on the force...once I find that lion who started all of this trouble..."

The chief shakes his head as he retorts,

"You're still hung up on that story about a lion who used some kind of hypnosis mumbo-jumbo and made you into the horn dog you've become? Well...whatever helps you sleep at night, but whether or not you do find this lion magician or whatever, there's no way you can come back to the force...not in this state...not in this lifetime..."

Heidi shudders with suppressed rage as she reluctantly saunters out of the door, avoiding making eye contact with officers sitting at their desk as she held her shoulders back and tried to walk with some sense of pride. She could hear them chattering quietly behind her back as she made her way past front desk, and when she was almost out of the station when a drunk being ushered by a cop on the beat bumps into her and cackles,

"HEY YOU! You're that horny cop that fucked a confession out of Two-Face Troy, that swindler over on Fazi Jae Boulevard! It looks like I made it just in time...cause I came here to do some serious TIME!"

He throws open his trenchcoat, flashing his naked body and revealing a member adorned with an erection ring, which in his case didn't seem to serve its purpose, as Heidi jumped back in disgust. The whole precinct bursts into laughter as the lecherous old drunk attempts to grope her while the arresting officer wrestles him to the ground. Thoroughly humiliated, Heidi runs out of the precinct.

The disgrace would mostly likely stay with her for rest of her life, but turning in her badge only meant that she wasn't confined to her desk job anymore. All that was left for her was finding redemption in bringing in the lion who brought her so much misfortune.

It shouldn't be so hard to find a sky blue lion...

The Last Laugh Chapter 2

It had been two weeks since Heidi lost her badge. She had eaten through all of the rainy day funds she had saved for such an emergency far sooner than expected. It started with buying groceries , then the rent, then the utilities, and when all dues...

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