A Girl,And A Boy

Story by Des Wolf on SoFurry

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My friend was writing this story and he stopped. I asked him if he wanted me to continue it. He said yeah and I looked over it. It was great. He wrote the first part but I added in some more stuff. This is Vince's true love for Allie.

  • * * Vince was up late studying for a test, but he couldn't stop think about this girl he knew. "Uggh, she is just a friend." Vince sighed. He liked her since the day they met and his feelings just kept growing for her, and he just couldn't get her off his mind. "Oh, Allie I want to be something more, I really like you." Vince said aloud. The next day,Vince was watching TV. It was around five,nothing was going on and Vince was just gonna relax. *BEEP BEEP* "Oh, where'd I put my cellphone, oh, here it is, Hello?" "Hey Vince, Its Desmond." "Oh, hey Des, what's up?" "We're having a party at my house, you wanna come over?" "Sure, I got nothing better to do." "Alright, see you here." "See ya Desmond." Vince closed his cell and went back into his room and got dressed. Vince grabbed his keys, and headed out to his car. Then his cell went off again. *BEEP BEEP* Vince reached in his pocket and grabbed his cellphone. "Hello." Vince said. "Hey Vince, its Allie, What are you up to?" "Not much, just comin to a party." "Hehe." Allie giggled over the phone. "What?" Vince said opening his car door. "You said coming." "Allie!!" Vince stopped and got in his car. "Anyways so you are coming?" "Yeah, I was just headed over." "Alright, I'm glad your coming." Allie said giggling and hung up. Vince started his car, he was glad Allie was going to be there. He hadn't seen her in awhile. He soon arrived at the house, there were a lot of furs already there. He walked up to the door but someone opened before he could get to it. It was Allie, she looked very happy. "What, were you waiting for me?" Vince asked while laughing. "Maybe," Allie giggled. Vince finally got up to the house and walked in the door with Allie right in front of him, She grabbed his hand and pulled him through the house. "Come on, I want to show you something." Allie said. "Okay." Vince followed. All he could think about was her soft paws touching his paw. He blushed but she didn't notice. They were headed down a hallway through the house. "Where are we going?"Vince asked. Allie looked back and smiled "You'll see," She said. They finally got to a door a stopped Allie opened it,It was her room. "Come in Vince." as she went to sit on her bed. Vince slowly walked in to her room and looked around the room,and sat next to her. "Vince, do you like me?" Asked Allie. "What?" Vince blushed. "Do you like me?" Allie asked again while looking down. Vince leaned in and whispered into her ear. "Ever since the first day I met you." Allie turned to face him. "Allie, I've always liked you but...I was to afraid to ever say anything, but now I just want to say everything." They both leaned in close and looked into each others, she was crying. "Heey...why are you crying?" He asked. "I'm just so happy." Vince rubbed the tears from her eyes and kissed her on the lips. They just stayed in an embrace of kissing. Tongues intertwined each other. He looked up at her and could not speak a word,for the feeling had left him speachless. Allie got up and shut her door. *CLICK* She walked back over to Vince, his face turned red as she began to unzip his pants. "uuh, Allie. I don't think we should do this now." He said. Vince was already hard from the kissing they did. "Come on and strip me down,Please." Vince began to undress Allie while sitting on her bed. Her black and purple fur shined and glistened. Vince changed places with her and began to remove her panties. Vince smelled a sweet sent, she was soaking wet. He began to lick her, "Ooh, Vin...Vince." She moaned. Vince just kept licking and he started to lick harder. He explored Allie. He could feel her tighten her loving walls around his raspy tongue. She was moaning loudly. "Ooooohhhhhhh...VIINNCCEE." She screamed out. A splash of Allie's juices landed on Vince's tongue. "Mmmmm...Your so sweet." Vince smiled. Allie sat up and looked at him. She could see that he had a hard on. "Let me take care of that for you." She whispered. This made him even harder, She began to slowly lick half of his knot showing. Vince moaned as he felt her warm mouth on his knot. She quit licking the knot and turned to his hard shaft. She wrapped her lips around his cock and began to suck. Vince moaned and placed his hands on the back of her head. She sucked more and more and swiped her tongue over the tip of Vince's cock. "Oooohhhhhh Allliieeee...." He started to thrust his hard cock into her mouth. She saw that he was about to orgasm from the way he was moaning, and stopped. Vince started to whimper. "I want you to put it in here." Allie said pointing towards her wet pussy. She pulled Vince up and fell onto her back on the bed. Vince spread her legs and entered. He was dizzy from the pleasure but continued to slide his shaft deep into her. He was on the verge of his orgasm when Allie moaned. "Just a bit more." Vince was at his limit when he and Allie orgasmed at the same time. Just from all the pleasure they had they came within the first thrust. They laid there exausted. Vince stayed in Allie and they just stared into each others eyes. "Allie...I love you so much" Vince said. "I love you too Vince." Allie said back. They were both out of breath, and were tired. They just layed there looking into each others eyes till they both fell asleep. A few hours later,Vince and Allie woke up to loud knocking. "Hey Allie,Vince....Come on,open up the door." Vince quickly pulled out of Allie and they quickly got dressed. They finished and Vince opened the door. It was Desmond. He knew Vince liked Allie and he knew if he dated her,he would treat her right. "Hey Vince...Having fun yiffing my lil sis." Desmond said in an angry tone. "I-I sorry Desmond...I did..." Vince started to get scared. Desmond smiled and wagged his tail. "Im just messin with you Vince. I know you like my sister and I don't care what you two do. Just as long as you don't hurt her." Desmond said. "Fuck Desmond...Don't ever do that again." Vince lightened up. "So did you two have fun? Because you slept through the party. Its....10:30." Desmond said looking at his cell. "WHAT?!?!?...DAMN..I gotta get home." Vince panicked,thinking of what his parents would do to him. "Don't worry about it. I called them and told them you was gonna just stay the night. It's okay." Desmond patted Vince on the back. "Thank god. I don't know what they would do. Thanks Des." Vince said. "Hey no problem." Desmond said smiling. The three talked for a little while.Talking about everything,and nothing. They played a few games through the night,all matches being pretty even. They all ended with a tie. No one one all the games so they just decided to call it even. They was playing foraround 4 hours. They got so caught up in the game that they didn't relize what time it was. Vince looked at the clock beside Allie's bed. "WOW!!Its 2:00." Vince said with a yawn. The others started to yawn,and Desmond decided he'd go to bed.Leaving Allie and Vince to the rest of the night to them. On his way out he asked Vince if he wanted to sleep in his room,or Allie's room. Allie looked at Vince with her wolfy eyes. Giving the best puppy dog look. Vince looked back at Desmond and said he'd sleep with Allie. Desmond smiled and winked at Vince. "Have fun you two." Desmond smirked closing the door. Allie and Vince layed down on her bed,staring into each others eyes. They layed their,nuzzeled up next to each other,keeping each other warm. "Allie?" "Yeah?" "I love you. I've always wanted to say I did all these years...but I didn't have the courage." "Vince. I love you to. I've been waiting on you to say something...But I finaly just took over. I decided I better just go for it and hope that you liked me. I was right wasn't I?" Allie said with her soft smile. "Yes...you were exactly right. I Love you." The dingo said. Vince gave Allie a kiss on her muzzle,and they laid there in each others arms and they both fell asleep.