
Story by Alice In Wonderland on SoFurry

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#10 of A Lions Obsession


Cloud's eyes strained to open; his head was still spinning as consciousness began to pull him back into reality. The last thing I remember is Squall... Squall?!

Cloud went to jump up as his eyes shot wide at the realization of just what was going on but he didn't get far. Cloud looked as far back and above his head that he could to see his wrists bound together; then craned his neck forward to see his ankles were bound as well. Cloud bit his lip; this was a scene out of some horribly cheesy horror flick. Cloud was bound by his wrists and ankles on the bed; his legs spread wide and his arms pulled tightly over his head.

This isn't happening...This can't be...

Cloud struggled against the restraints but found the harder he fought them the tighter they became; cursing his eyes focused in on a low chuckle entering the bedroom. His eyes turned to ice as he watched the approaching individual sit on the side of the bed just inches from him; Squall's eyes glinted in the low light with a sort of madness burning behind them as he reached out for Cloud's cheek. He stroked the smooth flesh longingly, "You are.. Magnificent; Beautiful.."

Cloud quickly turned his head away from Squall's paw and whispered, "Don't touch me.."

The harsh whisper did little to deter Squall; he only briefly hesitated before stroking the soft fur beneath his paw pads. He smiled sadly down upon his angel. Squall gazed upon the pale beauty examining the way the light blonde locks pressed against the pillow below him and framed his delicate heart shaped face. Some strands loosely fell over his right eye; Squall brushed the locks away to view the deep blue pool hidden behind it. His smile only saddened further as he saw the anger and resentment in his angels eyes, "It hurts me; that you look at me this way. I did this for us; for you. Everything was so perfect; was so right," Squall trailed off as he reminisced over the past few weeks with his angel. Surely Cloud knew that things with him were far better than his previous relationship. Squall made sure he granted Cloud his every desire; he said the right things and did the right things all at the right times. He in a sense believed that he had obtained perfection by being with Cloud. The blonde ‘made' him perfect; completed him. And without him he was nothing more than trash. There was no going back; this was how it had to be; there was no life without Cloud. There was only Cloud; his angel.

"You're my angel; my love; my light; my everything; and I can be all those things for you... if you just allow me to be."

Cloud silently glared at the lion sitting next to him; he was at a loss for words. Squall's eyes seemed to glint with a madness that chilled the blonde to the bone. The mad feline before him leveled his eyes with Clouds and smiled wickedly, "You have to understand. You don't need him; you never did. You only need me; you should only want me," Squall's paw began to drop from Cloud's cheek to trail down the side of his neck and inched lower to his chest, "I'll make you want me again; forgot all the insufficient details."

Cloud's mind was screaming as he his mind urged him to break free and get as far away from this man's touch as possible, "Insufficient...details... are you... listening to yourself?! Y-you kidnapped and tortured him!"

His voice was shakier than he intended and any further argument was quickly silenced as Squall descended his lips upon Clouds. Cloud felt his stomach twist in knots; the kiss made his stomach turn making him feel sick. When Cloud felt Squall's tongue try to work past his lips the blonde quickly sealed his maw shut clamping down till his teeth were grinding over each other. He wouldn't allow Squall to his kiss like this; his attempt to thrust his head away from the lion failed as the brunettes' powerful paw enclosed around his muzzle to force Cloud's to keep still. Squall started to trail his lips lower finding he wouldn't be allowed access to his ‘lovers' tongue; just yet he mused to himself. He was going to make Cloud give in. Cloud wasn't taking all this quite gracefully but he knew his angel would come around. He had to; to Squall he had no other option. The first step was for Squall to ‘demonstrate' to Cloud that he knew exactly what the blonde wanted. Squall's lips turned up to smirk even further. Physically he knew every inch of Cloud's body; every spot that made the boy buck and moan. The physical was only one step; but it was the easiest and most enjoyable in Squall's ‘process'.

Squall pulled the boy's shirt ripping the fabric slowly allowing his lips trail up from Cloud's pants button up to his stomach following slowly behind the disappearing fabric. Between every kiss and nibble at Cloud's body he spoke in a husky whisper, "I know what you want; I can give you everything. I will give you everything. Mmm Cloud; you taste so good."

Cloud tried to move away but under Squall's grip he could do little more than wiggle. When did Squall get this strong; the blonde still couldn't fathom that this was the boy he protected from the bar. Cloud's voice came as a low whimper; his cheeks flushed and eyes squeezed shut trying to block out the feelings and images, "S-Stop; I-I don‘t... I don‘t want this!"

Cloud's stomach turned over again when he felt Squall's lips turn into a wider smirk, "You sure about that... my angel..."

Squall reached the collar of the shirt and quickly ripped it free of Cloud's chest; immediately he dove to the sensitive spot in-between Cloud's collar bone and neck. A spot he knew Cloud enjoyed. As he gently nipped with his teeth and sucked at the area; he was disappointed to see Cloud biting his lip. He wanted Cloud to release all his moans and needy groans; he wanted to hear him.

Cloud fought back a shiver and mentally cursed his body; he refused to let out any noises of contentment. He didn't want to feel Squall; not his lips or paws or body. He didn't want to have Squall touch him let alone continue on with his administrations. Cloud became even more flushed and his brows pushed painfully together. The simple fact was that Squall ‘did' know what his body liked, and what it craved. Cloud didn't know how the boy knew exactly where to touch him and how to touch him but he knew. Cloud gritted his teeth; and he is damned sure not going to let that information go to waste, but I won't give in to it! I wont!

Squall smiled against the fur of Cloud's neck knowing what Cloud was trying to do; it was simply a waiting game the brunette mused. He would get what he wanted from Cloud and Cloud would get exactly what he wanted; even though he didn't know it yet. Squall was convinced that the boy was simply denying the simple truths in front of him. Everything Squall did was for Cloud; to make Cloud happy and to give his angel everything he wanted.

Squall's paws trailed over Cloud's chest and his fingers settled over his perk pink nipples; Squall brushed softly over them as he teased them lightly. Squall's lips began to trail lower breaking away from Cloud's neck to nibble on his collar bone before moving their way over his heart kissing the fur softly. He pulled his lips back just enough that when he spoke that his lips would brush against the boy's fur, "I know what your body needs; what it craves..." Squalls husky voice and warm breath danced over Cloud's chest, "Who would I be... to deny you that..."

"I don't crave you," Cloud spat out mockingly his bright blues open and narrowed. Squall's own orbs squinted in amusement, "Oh?"

Squall's grip tightened at Cloud's words, "Well let's test that theory shall we?" Squalls voice hinted malice as his paws quickly dispatched Cloud's pants and boxers. Cloud took in a large breath as the cold air abruptly hit his body. His face glowing red from embarrassment and anger, "Don't," he warned evenly. Squall smirked, "Don't?

Without any other warning Squall enclosed his maw around Cloud's limp organ, sucking hard at the flesh to get it to react. Cloud bit his lip harder as he tried to struggle more violently; his limited movement and Squall's paws now clasped on either side of Cloud's hip left him practically immobile. He could feel Squall's tongue teasing at the tip coaxing it to stiffen. He felt the brunettes familiar paws knead the tissue of his hips and thighs; one paw daring even to caress the base of his groin while cupping his testicles. Cloud shot his gaze up to the ceiling as tears began to well in his eyes; his face was burning, ashamed. He could feel his lower half stir involuntarily to the attention it was getting; he cursed himself and his body screaming at himself in his mind. He tugged harder and harder at his restraints hoping to break free from them though he knew the probability of doing so was slim to none.

He bit his lips harder; which at this point began to draw blood. He could taste the copper like substance coating his lip and dripping slowly down his chin. Squall's paw was now moving in time with his mouth; the motions and feeling of Squall's tongue and warm muzzle sucking harder against him made his hips nearly buck. Cloud could only restrain himself to a twitch; but even so he felt and heard Squall chuckle over his now hard member. The tears now willingly fell as Cloud shut his eyes; he wished desperately that he hadn't come alone. He should have known from the strength that Squall demonstrated on those few rare occasions; like for example in the shower when he ‘tried' to shove Squall away from him; that he wouldn't be able to overpower the boy. The blonde was blinded by rage to think rationally; he wanted nothing more than to beat this lion to an inch of his life. But now; now he wished he could end the bastards life, "Fu-k you.."

Squall only chuckled over his erection again sending a chill up his spine; he felt the warm maw leave him but Squall made sure to allow his paw to stroke the unattended flesh. Cloud forced one eye open his other half-lidded as he tried to glare at the boy. Squall smiled longingly at the male; he moved in to lap up the blood dripping from Cloud's lip before gently kissing the abused flesh, "Why fight it...? I know you like it." Squall attempted to further his point as he gave a very sensitive area of nerves directly under the head of Cloud's cock some attention by wrapping his index around the flesh and twisting his wrist with small movements up and down the area. He grinned watching Cloud's brows push together and eyes squeeze shut; his body tensed and every muscle was defined perfectly. Squall took in the sight of his angel fighting the sensations he was granting him, "Don't fight me anymore; I want to hear you," the brunettes lips pressed against a slightly dampened forehead.

"Please Cloud; don't deny me your angelic voice any longer," Squall almost begged as he too knew he himself was needy. Just seeing the boy had aroused him; and now after just the little he had teased Cloud with he had teased himself to become fully erect.

"Go. To hell...," Cloud hissed through his clutched teeth; his paws balled into tight fists above his head. The blonde had pulled so viciously at the restraints thus causing the abused flesh underneath to chafe and burn and his paws to turn almost purple at the lack of oxygen that was cut off from circulating to the appendages. Cloud froze as Squall began to free himself from his own pants; tears beginning to fall again. He was reduced to pleading, "Please...Don't..do this.. Stop...Please...!!!"

Squall settled himself between Clouds legs; his paws running up the smooth flesh stroking it lovingly, "You want this as much as I do; I know what you body wants; what it needs; I'll make you moan for me my angel... I'll make you want me."