Chapter 17

Story by Will785 on SoFurry

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Skylar p.o.v

My mind was a complete blank, I felt like I could fly, everything was falling back into place, and I couldn't be happier. Ryan's arm was tightly around my body, my head leaning on his shoulder, just sitting under a tree in the park, remembering how nice it is to be with each other. He looks down at me and smiles widely, I give him a soft smile back and blush a little as I lean up and kiss his nose softly. He nuzzles me and turns to face me as he gently grips each of my shoulders and stares deeply into my eyes, he then pulls me close and whispers softly into my ear, "I don't want to spend another second apart from you, I want it to be this way forever, just you and I, no more sadness, or pain, or anything bad.. With you by my side nothing can hurt me, and I'll do everything I can do, I'll give everything I've got, to be sure that you're safe and happy too, I promise you Skylar, I will not hurt you ever again.." I bury my muzzle into his neck, taking slow gentle breaths, my arms wrapped around him tightly. He reaches one paw up and gently rubs my ears as he pulls off the hug and just looks at me, waiting for a response. I nod at him and close my eyes slowly, "I've never been closer to anyone in my life, and you've been the best friend I've ever had, and I'm really really glad we can be more than that, I won't let anything happen to us ever again.. I promise..." I open my eyes and kiss him gently on the muzzle, "Can you please move back in with me? I really miss having you around.." Ryan lies back onto the grass and pulls me on top of him, I can hear his heart beating through his shirt, his arm keeping me balanced on top of his body. "Of course I'll move back, as long as you really do want me to come back, I'd understand if you're still a little upset with me and maybe want a little space.." I chuckle and bring my paw to rub his chest a bit, "I don't need space from you, I need to keep you close to me.. There's no where else I'd want you..."  Ryan smiled and rolled us both over so he was on top of me, not putting his weight against me, but leaning against me a bit, our noses touching as I blushed a deep red, "Is this close enough?" He asked with a playful grin before leaning down and kissing me deeply on my muzzle. I smiled and kissed back, my ears laying back as I felt the heat of his body come off onto me, he finally pulls away and gives me a little wink. I laugh and gently push him onto his side a little, he rolls over and grins as I sit up a bit, a smile on my face. "That's pretty close, maybe even closer would be better!" I winked back and his ears fell straight back, his face turning the brightest shade of red I've ever seen in my life. I fell back onto the grass, laughing harder than I have in a pretty long time before looking back at him. He was smiling and his paw had moved to my belly, rubbing it a bit before standing up and offering me his paw, I took it and stood up. "Well we will have to see how much closer I can get then.." He said softly, his tail lashing back and forth behind him as he picked me up in his arms, holding me against his chest and carrying me back to his car. I laughed and held on for the short walk back to the car, where he gave me a little kiss on the cheek before setting me down and opening the door for me, before getting into the drivers seat and starting the car, "Where do you wanna go now?" He asked, looking at me before staring off in any particular direction, I thought about it for a moment before replying, "How about back to my place for now? I've got a few things I wanna grab before we do anything else." He nodded and turned onto the road leading back the way we came, "No problem at all, maybe we can stop at my place at some point and move me back in?" I grin and put a paw on his thigh, rubbing gently while he drove, "Sounds perfect to me!" He smiled and we drove down the road back to my house.

Alex p.o.v

I rolled out of bed at around noon, realizing my alarm clock had been unplugged from all of the craziness the day before, and that I'd already missed most all of school and about a hundred texts. I decided to clean up a bit, and reply to all the text's I had missed before settling down and thinking about texting Zach, but finding it hard to think of anything to say. I still wasn't totally sure how I felt about him.. I knew I had always kind of just dismissed the idea of being with any guy, but that was just because of the social stigma. I had never really taken the time to figure out how I really felt for myself... I had a lot going on at the time where most people were usually exploring their feelings about their sexuality. I had been dealing with the death of my mother, and the guilt of tearing apart my family.. I'd never really thought about what would make me happy in the long term, I just tried to mask the pain I'd been feeling through short, and generally violent outbursts. I looked back down at my phone and hesitated before putting it on the table next to my bed, no need to get his hopes up, I have no idea how I feel, no reason to make him feel confused about it too. I laid back down on the bed and closed my eyes, I wasn't tired, I just needed to think, but I ended up drifting back off to sleep.

Ryan p.o.v

I pulled up to Skylar's house and looked over at him, he was hesitating a bit to get out of the car for some reason, I looked questioningly at him and he looked back, a bit unsure of himself before stepping out of the car and motioning for me to come inside with him. I got out of the car and jogged over to him, taking his paw in mine before letting him lead me inside, he opened the door and stepped in, guiding me through the doorway and shutting the door carefully behind me. It was a little surprising how messy the house was, as he frantically started to clean it up a little, "I'm sorry for the mess... I haven't been feeling great as of lately and I kinda rushed out this morning.." He said rather quietly as he cleaned, I chuckled a bit and walk over to him, holding him close to me, "Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal, I'm just really really happy to be here again." He smiled a little and nodded leading me up the stairs and into his room, it was rather small with a medium sized bed, a little messy, but all in all it was pretty nice, while I was looking around I didn't notice the door closed behind me, but I did notice that Skylar seemed to be really nervous now, but also maybe a little... excited? I cocked my head to the side a bit before he stepped closer to me, and undid the first button on my shirt, "There was one other reason I wanted to come up here.." He said, his fur bristling and his rate of breathing increasing a bit. I blushed as I grasped the meaning of what he was getting at as he undid the next button on my shirt..