Chapter 17

Skylar p.o.v My mind was a complete blank, I felt like I could fly, everything was falling back into place, and I couldn't be happier. Ryan's arm was tightly around my body, my head leaning on his shoulder, just sitting under a tree in the park,...

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Chapter 16

Alex p.o.v "You... You what!?" I asked the husky with disbelief. Turning my entire body to face him quickly, he gave me a soft smile, 'Yeah... I know it's weird and you aren't interested. You might even hurt me, but I want you know... I've felt this...

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Chapter 18

Chapter 18Skylar p.o.v Ryan's fur brushed up against mine as he held me close, laying on my bed quietly as we just enjoyed being in such close proximity to one another. I turned to face him and he pulled me closer, "How do you feel?" He asked softly as...

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Chapter 3

"Where have you been?" The voice of my father startles me as I walk in the door. His voice is stern but his eyes are friendly. My dad is almost never home because of his job, he is always really busy, so we don't have a great relationship. But when he...

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Chapter 2

The final bell rings signifying freedom until the beginning of first period tomorrow morning. But that isn't my concern right now, I have plans to hang out with a potential new friend. I quickly pull out my phone and try to text Ryan to see where he...

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Chapter 1

The sun finally made its way over the tree line, creating a beautiful golden glow that shimmered along the leaves. They twinkle and sway left and right allowing the light to hit them differently every time. The small dew droplets glisten when the...

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5 About two weeks later I woke up feeling great. I have a great boyfriend who would do anything for me and I would do the same. Everything is perfect. Even Alex has kept his distance, just glares and shoots dirty looks, but he hasn't done...

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6 It has been two weeks... Zach, Ryan and I have been hanging out a lot after school and things couldn't be better! Ryan is so sweet and caring. And Zach is great to be around, I have been able to stop cutting myself and Ryan hasn't noticed...

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Chapter 4

I had finally gotten started on the frame of the body of the picture I was starting when the last bell rang. I scooped up my materials and put them in my locker so I could get started right away tomorrow. I had to go meet Ryan at his car so we could go...

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7 My alarm goes off at 5:45. I don't get up, I just hit the snooze button. My eyes are open, they have been all night, I couldn't sleep. I'm not going to watch the sun rise this morning. I flip over on my bed, the pain I was feeling yesterday...

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All Alone (1-15)

Skylar p.o.v The sun finally made its way over the tree line, creating a beautiful golden glow that shimmered along the leaves. They twinkle and sway left and right allowing the light to hit them differently every time. The small dew droplets glisten...

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Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Ryan p.o.v It has been about 3 days since Skylar and I broke up, but it feels like its been a year since I've held him. I just want this nightmare to be over, I know its my fault we aren't together, I made a stupid decision to walk out on...

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