A night with Shadow

Story by Ollon Lupar on SoFurry

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A night with Shadow

Part 1

Friday night. Beginning of the weekend. Time to let my hair down and have some fun. Usually that meant just one thing. A night of drinking and smoking down at Bar Canis. I've been going there for the past couple of months every friday night. You see Bar Canis is pretty special as its the main place the furs hang out, and unlike some of the other furry bars Bar Canis is happy to cater to non furry clientele as well as the many furs who also frequent it. Not that many humans ever really go there though. For some reason alot of people still look down on those of us who like to spend the night drinking with furs instead of with other humans. But then most of those people don't realise what they are missing. Not only does it have a great atmosphere, none of the attitude and stress that accompanies a visit to a normal bar, but the landlord lets you smoke a bit of weed there too. Which to me was the icing on a very sweet cake. A cake that also contained the great secret ingredient of a chance to hook up with a sexy fur. Several of my visits there had ended up with me spending the night in a bed that wasn't mine. Tonight I was hoping would be one of those times.

I showered and put some clothes on, grabbed a quick bite to eat then left for Bar Canis. It isn't far from mine. Just a short walk across the housing estate next to the road I lived on then down the high street, swing a left after about 200 yards into one of the smaller side streets then first right into what looks like a dead end. Just the neon glow of a sign giving away that there was actually something there. I walked up to the entrance, said a quick hello to the bouncers on door. Working the door tonight were two large brown bears in the tight fitting black T-shirts with Security printed across them that the door staff always wore. The one on the left gave me grin as I walked in.

"Back again Mikey"

"Yeah you know me" I answered. "Just can't stay away from this place"

"Yeah well your obviously aware of the finer things in life" he said smiling "Have a good evening"

"I hope so" I said grinning widely. Both of the bears smiled at me and I headed into the bar.

I'd already got a bit of a routine going now. First i'd go up to the bar and order a drink, which was always a pint of Aspall cider, then find an empty seat, sit down, and roll a joint. Then as I sat back and smoked i'd have a look round and see if I recognised anyone else there. It was pretty busy already tonight but I saw Lucy, a lovely black mare i'd spent a great night with a few weeks back dancing with a few of her friends, and in the booth across from me a young wolf known to everyone as Spike. As I looked round a muscular black and tan canine caught my eye. I guessed from his slim build he was probably a Doberman but couldn't be 100% sure as he had his back to me. As I stared he looked round and caught my gaze and grinned. I felt a bit embarrassed for staring at him but he didn't seem to have minded and turned back to continue speaking to whoever it was he was talking too.

After a little while I went up to the bar again for another drink only to find myself standing next to the sexy canine i'd seen across the bar.

"Hey Ricky" he called towards the barman "any chance of a drink here. I'm starting to wither"

"Yeah right Shadow" said the lion behind the bar. "You drink so much when your here i'm surprised you don't piss beer"

"Me drink heavily" said the Doberman I now knew was called Shadow, feigning a look of shock "that's slanderous that is" he said now smiling.

"Well now you've got my attention, what can I get you?" asked Ricky

"A pint of the usual of course" said Shadow nodding towards the Grolsch pump. "And while your at it top this gentleman here" he said pointing at me. Ricky turned towards me.

"Mike......Hey Mike" I looked up suddenly.

"Sorry Ricky I was miles away" What did you say?

"Shadow here offered to get you a drink. The usual is it?"

"Most definitely" I turned towards Shadow "Thanks for this dude"

He grinned back at me. It was an infectious grin, as soon as I saw it I felt myself grinning too. He held his hand towards me. I took it in mine and shook it. "Mike" I said.

"Yes I heard, and as you must have figured out by now i'm Shadow"

A few seconds later Ricky returned with our drinks and Shadow paid him. Then he turned to me and gestured to follow him over to where he had been sitting. It was one of the comfy booths with a low table and a few big bean bag chairs. As we sat down Shadow pulled out a pouch of baccy a baggie of weed and started rolling up. I followed his example and for a few minutes neither of us spoke as we concentrated in making a joint. Shadow finished first and lit up, then leaned across the table towards me "So what brings you here then?"

"Well" I said "just trying to meet new people and have a good night out mainly. What about you?"

"Usually its pretty much the same thing, but after speaking to Spike I was kinda hoping to get a chance to speak to someone in particular. Namely you" As he said this his grin turned into an expansive smile

"Whys that?" I asked

"He said he had a great night with you that's why. Especially the part where he said how you were one of the best fucks he's ever had"

I blushed when he said this. Normally i'm not used to anything that forward. But I doubt he could see the colour my cheeks went due to the dim lighting in the booth. I toked silently on my joint and tried to think of something to say back to him

"err thanks" I ventured meekly. At this Shadow burst out laughing.

"I didn't think you'd embarrass so easily" he said when his laugh had calmed down. "You don't mind me saying that do you?"

"Not at all. Was just a bit of a surprise to hear it said like that"

"Good good that's what I like to hear" said shadow his grin returning once again.

Suddenly I felt a light pressure on the inside of my leg and realised Shadow had slipped one of shoes off and was gently stroking me with his foot. Now it was my turn to grin heartily. I sat back on the bean bag I was on and opened my legs slightly wider. Shadow moved his foot slightly higher and I felt him gently rub his foot over my crotch. It felt pretty good, good enough for my cock to start stirring. Shadow must have felt this as he stopped what he was doing and leaned in close to me.

"You seemed to be enjoying that. Now I know the night is still early but do you want to maybe head back to mine"

"Sounds great to me" I said smiling

"Well drink up, smoke up, then we'll hit the road"

I sat back and looked at Shadow. Tonight seemed like it was going to be pretty awesome.