Ep 03 - Intro to Sensual Wrestling

Story by sniperfox on SoFurry

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#4 of Tales of Sniper Fox

19 Mar 2218 - Intro to Sensual Wrestling Sniper has his first experience with the preferred game of the pirates

Sniper awoke late the next day. His first mission as a pirate had been a success, but by the time the debriefing was over it was almost 0400 hours. Since today was Saturday, he had decided to sleep in. After a quick morning shower, he summoned Sonya to his quarters. As she had before, she arrived promptly and was eager to see the fox.

"Hello pet, I am still interested in hearing about Sensual Wrestling, but first, I want you to strip. You will do this immediately from now on whenever we are alone in my quarters or yours," he said with a grin so sly that it could only come from a fox.

"Yes master, of course," the jaguar fem said meekly as she began disrobing. After she finished undressing, she walked to his communication center computer and pressed a few buttons. "There are archives of some of the Sensual Wrestling matches that have been held on this station. I will show you and explain as they go along. If you're interested, they hold matches most Friday and Saturday nights on deck D. Here we go, this is a match from last night while you were out flying."

"Good girl, tell me about the rules," Sniper ordered in a commanding but interested tone. He sat on his couch and pulled his pet down next to him as the video began to play.

On the screen two females, a cat and a vixen, were standing before each other in a square arena as the small crowd cheered. They wore skirts and loose fitting tops that were different only in color. "They change the arena layout from time to time but they're all pretty similar," Sonya explained. She continued, "The rules are very simple. Two or more combatants battle until one of them reaches orgasm. Whoever orgasms first, or submits by begging for release, loses. After that, the loser has to finish off the winner, in any way the winner chooses, and sometimes they really draw it out for a long time. You can punch and kick just like any fighting sport match, but you're usually better off to grab and fondle rather than hurt. No weapons other than purely sexual ones like dildos are allowed and if you for some reason leave the designated battle area, the match is stopped temporarily and the other combatant gets to put you anywhere in the battle area, in any position they want. Sometimes they play variations of the rules, but all of the combatants have to agree to it first. Does that make sense?"

Nodding, Sniper acknowledged, "Yes, that seems pretty simple. I've heard rumors of a game like this but have never actually seen it played." As he spoke, both fems on the screen were administered some type of injection by the familiar skunette doctor. "What are they doing there?" he asked.

"Oh, before you start they give you a shot that increases your arousal. They have bunches of different potencies of it. It's kind of how they handicap the matches. A stronger or more experienced fighter playing with the 10x arousal injection would be a more equal match for a novice playing with a 2x injection." she replied quietly.

The fox smiled and said, "Ahh yes, Aileen injected me with some of that when I was first brought on board this station. I can't imagine a 10x or higher dosage of it." As he pondered what that would feel like, a bell rang out on the screen and the two girls began circling each other.

The cat fem acted first and she was clearly the nimbler of the two. Dancing around the vixen, she blocked grabs and caresses, but landed a few of her own. Sniper felt himself beginning to get aroused as he watched the two circle each other, grabbing and squeezing each other's breasts and asses, even though they were still fully clothed. The vixen seemed to be losing the momentum early, but she suddenly pounced the cat girl. Landing on top of her, the vixen reached down with both paws and tore her shirt apart. Sniper was pleased to see that the cat fem wasn't wearing a bra, and smiled widely as her small breasts were set free from her shirt. "This is exactly what I hoped it would be like when you were describing it," he said without diverting his eyes from the on-screen action for a moment.

The female fox quickly went to work fondling, licking, and sucking the cat girl's breasts. With the larger vixen on top of her, all the cat girl could do was lay there and moan as her arousal was pushed higher and higher. The breast play was also having an effect on the vixen, however, as she also began moaning and closed her eyes as she sucked hungrily on the other fem's erect nipples.

This was the break that the other girl needed and she took advantage of it. Hooking both of her arms under the vixen's knees, the cat girl yanked her up as hard as she could. The surprised fox fem struggled to try to maintain her balance astride the cat, but was unable to do so and tumbled forward. The cat girl's muzzle was now right in front of the vixen's crotch and she quickly lifted the vixen's skirt, ripped her panties off and started licking for all she was worth. From the look on the vixen's face, the cat fem had a pretty good technique and it wasn't long before the vixen was panting.

Before the fox fem could recover, the more nimble feline wrapped her arms around the larger fem's backside and quickly shoved two fingers in to her tailhole and another two in to her cunny. The look on the vixen's face was one of pure ecstasy as she simultaneously had her cunny and ass fingered while her clitty was under the control of the cat fem's skilled maw. The vixen's body tensed and her moans became louder and filled with desire. Moments later, her orgasm took her, tossing her head back and trembling as she filled the smiling cat fem's muzzle with her cum.

Triumphant, the cat girl could have just stopped then, but she didn't. While the vixen was still cumming, she was easily rolled on to her back. Quickly straddling her defeated opponent in a 69 position, the cat girl kept licking, but was now thrusting all 4 pawfingers roughly into the defeated vixen's pussy. Despite trying her best, the fox fem was unable to get more than a few licks in before she threw her head back moaning in pleasure as the skilled feline brought her off again.

After the announcer declared "Domination!", the cat girl finally slowed her pace. She continued fingering the fox girl, but now looked down between their bodies to watch the vixen finish her. Mustering her last bit of strength, the dominated vixen leaned in and licked the cat girl's clit. She was already on the edge, so it was only seconds before she was cumming all over the defeated vixen to loud cheering from the crowd.

"That was excellent. I have got to try this. What does it take to become a participant?" Sniper questioned, much to the surprise and concern of Sonya.

"They play tonight. It's pretty casual, at least at the starting levels. All you have to do is show up and sign the roster," she answered before adding, "are you sure that you don't want to watch a few more first? Just to learn the ropes, master?"

He smiled quietly and flipped on another match, this one involving a male otter vs. a female lynx. This time, however, he has Sonya suck him off slowly as he watched. The match lasted a bit longer than the one between the two fems, but was of similar quality. He knew he could do better. At the conclusion of the match, after his jaguar pet has swallowed a load of his jizz, he stood up and got dressed. He had a quick lunch with Sonya, since it was already mid-afternoon, and then went to check in with his lance commander.

Much to the fox's surprise, his small role in the mission the preceding day had earned him more credits than he had made in the last six months of cargo running. Most of it went to some sorely needed maneuvering thruster upgrades that his fighter needed, but he still had quite a bit left in his account. Pleased, he spent the remaining part of the afternoon and evening examining his ship, the logs of the mission, and what little intel he could find about some possible future missions. These distractions didn't keep the fox from thinking about Sensual Wrestling tonight, however, and he smiled each time the thoughts entered his mind.

Finally, the time had come. It was just after 2200 when Sniper and Sonya entered the spectator area of the arena. The fox quickly found the fight master and signed up. The size of the growing audience was surprisingly low. He had assumed that a bunch of pirates would certainly enjoy this type of entertainment. When he asked Sonya about it, she replied that most furs tend to watch it from the privacy of their own quarters, either live or recorded.

Sniper was excited when he was called up half way through the first match. Apparently, he was to be pitted against a wolf fem in the second match of the evening. With only the remainder of this match and then a five-minute intermission to prepare himself, he was in disbelief to find himself becoming nervous.

The time went by in what seemed like an instant and before the fox knew it, he was dressed in blue loose fitting shirt, a matching pair of shorts, and his boxers. The fur giving out the equipment explained that to keep it even between the sexes, females are prohibited from wearing bras and no other clothing besides shirts, short or skirts, and panties or boxers were allowed. The boxers were even more flimsy than they looked while he was watching the matches in his room, so it was no wonder how they were so easily shredded.

Gulping deeply to attempt choking down his nerves, he approached the middle of the arena. Aileen, the busty skunkette doctor administered a shot to each of them as they looked each other over in silence. Being the fox's first time, he got a 2x shot, while the more experienced wolf fem took a 4x dose of the potent blue liquid. As soon as the doctor was clear of the arena boundaries, the bell rang and the fight had begun.

The fox and the wolfess circled slowly, each looking for an opportunity as the arousal drug worked its way through their systems. Sniper was first to act, trying in vain to land a fondle as the wolfess easily blocked his paws. Her counter assault came quickly and despite the fox deflecting many of her advances, her paw was able to caress his cock through his shorts several times. She smiled as the hardening of his sheath became apparent through the flimsy shorts.

Sniper found that it was already becoming difficult to concentrate. Between the drug and the wolf fem's pair of huge breasts held back by only a tight shirt, he knew that he was going to have to act soon before he lost control of himself. Lunging, he was able to take her to the ground, landing beside her. Unfortunately for him, the wolf fem found the advantage from there and was able to wrestle herself on top of him, but not before he had ripped apart her shirt, freeing her impressively large tits.

The fox's mind was spinning. He was pinned on his back with the fem on top of him, but he couldn't think of anything other than the amazing set of breasts less than a half meter from his face. His paws went to work on both of them, surprisingly without any resistance from the wolf fem other than tearing his shirt off of him. He tugged on both of her already-hard nipples and twisted them, eliciting the first moan of the match from her. The fox's hope that he had gotten the upper paw was immediately dashed when he felt her paw rip his shorts and boxers and grasp his growing shaft, urging it from his sheath. All he could do was murr loudly and arch his back as a massive wave of pleasure washed over him.

Within moments, the wolf fem's skillful paw had coaxed all 18 centimeters of his foxhood out of his sheath. Reality finally returned to his lust-filled mind and he realized quickly that he was in deep trouble. It took every ounce of conviction that he had to not just let her paw him off right there. A combination of a hard buck that was unanticipated by the wolfess and a bit of upper arm strength had the wolf fem off of the fox and on the ground next to him. Unfortunately, she had grabbed on to the remains his shorts as she tumbled off of him and as he stood up he realized that he was now completely naked.

The topless wolfess was quick to get to her feet, facing the fox from only two or three meters away. Grinning, she pulled aside the crotch of her shorts and panties and ran a pawfinger up her slit before popping it in to her maw. The lewd display coupled with the scent of her arousal provoked Sniper to again lunge at her, hoping that he could gain the upper paw on the ground this time. It was too late that he realized that he had played directly in to her plan. Rolling on to her back as he lunged and placing a rear paw in his chest, the wolfess tossed the fox far past where she was previously standing. He landing hard and panted for a moment before getting back to his feet. As he rose, the wolfess was laughing with her paws on her hips. Looking down, Sniper realized that he had just been thrown from the arena boundaries.

Sighing in exasperation, he walked towards her, wondering what difficult to escape from position she was going to have him assume. Astoundingly, she just wanted him to lay on his back, but that wasn't nearly as astounding as the fact that she removed her shorts and panties before assuming her chosen position. Straddling him and grasping his cock in her paw, she positioned it at the entrance to her sex and nodded to someone standing outside the arena. The bell rang out again and with a single movement she immediately hilted his foxhood in her waiting pussy. Sniper couldn't believe the risk this girl was taking, but it clearly worked as his last bits of concentration shattered completely. He was a slave to his own lusts and couldn't do anything but lay there and enjoy the ride.

After only three slow thrusts of the fem up and down on his cock, the fox was panting loudly. She had her left paw on his chest to balance herself and her right paw fondled his heavy balls as she rode him more quickly. Her full breasts, at least DD cups from what Sniper could tell, swayed before him with each bounce. Somehow, he found the strength and conviction to fondle of them, but it was too little too late. He found himself holding back release after only the fifth or sixth thrust, and was struggling more with every passing moment. For her part, the fem was also losing a fight with her self-control as her pussy juices were drenching the fox's crotch and loud moans had begun to escape her as well. This went on for what felt like a long while to both of them, but was probably only a few minutes in reality until one of them broke.

Clamping his eyes shut and throwing his head backwards, the fox let out a lusty, feral moan. He murred as each shot of his hot, thick load exploded in to the waiting wolf cunny. She struggled to remain composed, as the feelings of the convulsing fox under her almost pushed her over the edge. She watched through half open eyes as the helpless fox underneath of her filled her pussy with his cum. After his orgasm subsided, the wolfess stopped bobbing up and down on him, her body quivering and her eyes closed. After composing herself, she stood slowly on shaky legs, raising her arms triumphantly to the applause of the small crowd. When Sniper moved to stand, she pushed him back down on to his back.

"Not so fast! Now you have to make me cum!" she yelled, clearly more for the audience to hear than the fox. Her voice was eerily familiar to Sniper. His mind raced to place it as she straddled him again. This time, however, her cunny was over his muzzle rather than his crotch. The fox dutifully leaned in to begin licking her, but she pushed his head back to the ground. "Be still!" she ordered. "Close your mouth and don't move a muscle. I'm going to use your muzzle to pleasure myself," she said before laughing.

The sight and scent of her well-fucked, drench cunny directly in front of him quickly had his cock back to its full size, but he wondered why she hadn't begun grinding herself against him. As the first drops of his own cum leaked from her cunny on to his muzzle, it was clear what her plan was. Spreading her cunny lips wide with her paw, the wolfess squatted over his muzzle, balancing herself with her other paw on his chest. Slowly, wads of fox cum mixed with the wolfess's feminine juices oozed out of her and dripped on to Sniper's muzzle, neck, and chest as the wolf fem ground her cunny against him.

This slow process continued, with the wolf fem kept speeding up and slowing down to keep herself on the edge of orgasm. By the time she had decided to let herself cum, all of the fox's cum along with a lot of her pussy juices coated a vast majority of the fox's muzzle and nose. Dutifully, he had laid there and taken it, his own arousal causing his cock to leak pre-cum despite not being touched since his last orgasm.

Finally, she had enough of toying with him. She reached down with her free paw and rubbed her clitty quickly in small circles. After nearly a half hour of sensual combat and her victory yiff, it only took a few seconds for the wolfess to bring herself off. With a groan, her body tensed and her orgasm claimed her. A flood of juices poured from her pussy on to the helpless fox's muzzle.

Panting, she stood up without a word and walked out of the arena area. Sniper stood up and followed her towards the exit, his raging hard-on bobbing with each step. He motioned for Sonya to follow him to the dressing area, eager to satisfy his urges.

With only a nod towards his feet, Sonya was on her knees with her maw open. Sniper grasped his foxhood with his paw and began stroking himself quickly. He looked down at his faithful new pet, willingly waiting for his cum, but all he could think about was the wolf fem who had just handed him his first sensual wrestling loss. Who was she and why did he think he'd heard her voice before? The thoughts were quickly driven from his mind by his lusts and it didn't take long before he was murring his way through his second orgasm of the hour. Despite just having yiffed very recently, the intensity of his orgasm and the quantity of cum he sprayed in and on Sonya's maw surprised him.

"Good girl," the fox managed to eek out between pants as he patted her on the head. "Let's go home and watch the rest of the matches from there." She obeyed, standing and licking her master's cum from her muzzle.

Ep 02 - First Day on the Job

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Ep 01 - The Beginning

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Tales of Sniper Fox - Prologue

**The Tales of Sniper Fox** The year is 2218. Mankind, as it was known in the early 21st century, was no more. In 2023, two comets of unknown origins and consisting of material never categorized before or since passed within a few thousand...

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