Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 1

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#1 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

This chapters original preview image by - http://www.deviantart.com/art/Tranquil-Forest-216687344

This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few... There are many people in the world of Pokemon, who come in just as many varieties as these strange creatures. And you are about to discover, perhaps, one you may just consider the rarest of all...

Chapter 1 - Somber Beginnings...

The world of Pokemon... A world full of dreams and ambitions, of freedom and joy... But every coin has another side to it... And the world of Pokemon is no different. There are nightmares, there is destruction, there is abuse and grief. For all the steps taken forward by the people in this world, there have always been those who sadly step back, willing to show the worst of what the world has to offer to those willing to succumb to the darkness dwelling in every heart. We have seen many unfortunate souls succumb to this sad fact as we have watched this planet throughout the years. But even so, those who follow the path deemed righteous have fought against those who are deemed unjust, an eternal battle that ensnares the world, that tests every heart, and along the way, often changes it... No matter if that heart is pure or dark... When are these changes for the better...? For the worse...? That... Is forever the question... And this... Is going to be the story of how a young man discovered the best and worst of this world first hand... And managed to find something amidst this forever revolving chaos that truly shows you that both, good and bad, in the end, always leaves a silver lining for those willing to seek it, hold onto it, and make something extraordinary out of it. Because what may be worth nothing, or seem like nothing, to one, can be worth, and mean, the world to another...

Deep within one of the many forests of the planet, there was a small village. Many structures were ordinary cabins, whilst others were homes built within and of the trees themselves, with branches carved out from some into chimneys. A truly peaceful location... Yet... It was also very... Dull... For one man, who had moved there some years back to care for his aging grandfather. It was mainly a village for those wishing to retire and spend their final years in peace, so it was an understatement to say he stuck out there. Since his arrival, he had been a big help to most though, and whenever he went out and about he was always greeted warmly. He may have been there for his grandfather, but he was always willing to spend time with the other residents in his free time. He would play chess with the elderly men, carry groceries and the like for their wives, and go on a random errand or two so they didn't have to work themselves more than needed. Often he would be so busy with the village it was a struggle to make sure to spend plenty of time taking care of his grandfather as well, his original purpose, and would always have to rush back to his cabin, giving the usual, and constant, apology. But... His grandfather was a kind man, and he never cared. He enjoyed watching his grandson taking care of so many people, often watching him from the cabin windows since his home was at the highest point in the village, as he worked himself constantly for everyone's sake. He was proud of his grandson, willing to put his youth aside to care for those who others had shown little time for nowadays. He had no obligations to do so and could go out there and live the life youths dream of at any moment, yet he always stuck by them instead, putting himself second.

The young man, named Chris, would always wave off his grandfathers statements about leaving and giving up his life for them, often reminding him he was glad to do it, that a purpose was a purpose and he wasn't one to complain. Yet nonetheless, his grandfather always tried to push him to grasp his youth by the horns, charge out there and really show the world what he was made of, beyond just being a good man who cared for a bunch of silly old folk. Yet even when his grandfather said this, he told him it wasn't just the seniors he took care of. Because of the atmosphere in the village, it also attracted many aging Pokemon, wishing to find a home full of peace as well, and he would care for them too whenever time allowed. Some of the most popular were the Persians, Pidgeot, Furret, Sunflora, Lopuny and more. Now and then, a weary Vespiquen would show up, so comfortable with the location she would rest with the seniors under one of the villages largest trees, her remaining Combee hive offering honey as the seniors sat around her, complimenting the aged leader, many of the senior women wishing they were still so pretty. Chris would offer care for whatever old and tired Pokemon stopped by, giving some treats, massaging others like the Persians, and once he even gave the Vespiquen herself a massage of sorts, using a special lotion for bug type Pokemon that could absorb even through ones exoskeleton to relieve pain! The Combee didn't take too kindly to it though and he wound up fairly swollen from stings for around a week afterwards... The Vespiquen had shown her appreciation though nonetheless, often stopping by his grandfathers cabin on her visits to offer to fill a few jars with honey for his kindness, and boldness...

The village had a sense of tranquility to it that was unrivaled, a place where, even if you thought you knew the nature of Pokemon, the thought would be turned upside down the way they mingled with the villagers as if they were one and the same, a place where mutual respect was at its strongest towards fellow beings who spent their lives learning so much, experiencing so many things, and now simply wished to live together in comfort... Not as people or Pokemon really... But as one content community, living each day appreciating one another and encouraging themselves to make the most of each day they still had in them, the people and Pokemon alike willing to make each others lives, no matter how slightly, a little more happy and worthwhile in their final years. Chris appreciated the village all the more because of this. It was a one of a kind experience, and it taught him a lot of things he intended to hold close to his heart throughout his life... Whether he became a trainer someday or not. However, unfortunately, his time to decide would come sooner than he expected, and for a reason he hoped would come much further in the future. One day, while he was out and about with some of the villagers helping them and the gathered Pokemon with a garden he helped them develop, the aged Vespiquen tapped him on the shoulder from behind. Turning to look at her, she slowly bowed her head and pointed towards his cabin. There, groups of Pokemon were surrounding it as Combee blocked the door for some reason. Curious, he headed home as the others waved him off, looking slightly worried as well, and some of the Pokemon from the garden followed him.

Once he got up the hill, the Combee unblocked themselves and hovered past, letting him in. Chris found his grandfather on the floor near the old wardrobe he always kept locked, holding the lock and key in his hands. Quickly he helped him up, leading him to his bed and carefully laying him down. Then, bringing in a bowl of water and a rag, he asked his grandfather what happened. Turns out, he was wanting to finally give Chris something, but as he went to get it, his body suddenly felt weak and gave out on him. He had come to have many health problems over the years, and it seemed like they had been finally catching up with him as of late. He knew he wasn't going to be around forever, more-so now that he had started feeling worse off, and wanted to start doing things to see his grandson off properly. Unfortunately... He had waited a bit too long it seemed, getting caught up in enjoying his company so much and forgetting to make sure he was properly prepared for when he was gone... Wasn't it ironic how he encouraged his grandson to charge after life, yet he hadn't done much to prepare him for it? Guess he was more half baked than he thought in his old age!

His grandfather laughed, and started coughing. Looking out the windows, the Pokemon were watching with concerned expressions. All of them elderly as well, they were as in tune as any being with what was happening to his grandfather, and they were all bowing their heads slightly as they watched. The old man looked out the windows, smiling and waving at them all, and they waved in response, the Vespiquen glancing in through the front door and nodding once again before being on her way. My my... Concern from the queen... Now he really did feel special! the old man laughed. Ahhh... What a wonderful family they had here... No people or Pokemon... Just a real, nice, close knit family where everybody cared and let nobody be a stranger... He sure did wish the whole world was that way... But... maybe that was something his grandson could help to change... and he looked at Chris with a smile, patting his hand as he rubbed the cool cloth on his head. The two sat in the room for some time, with the Pokemon slowly leaving one by one, and eventually none were left, with the last being an old Lopunny who actually walked in and gave the old man a flower, smiling and patting his hand like a grandmother, and left, patting Chris as well on the leg. Both of them smiled as it left, closing the door behind it. Chris looked at his grandfather, who was looking slightly pale now, and he offered something to drink or eat. The old man refused both, and simply said they had a good looking sunset as always as he looked out the window next to his bed.

After a while, he told Chris he would be fine and was just going to go to sleep early for the evening, and asked his grandson to go back out and give everyone his apologies for worrying them. Chris refused for a moment naturally, but the old man insisted. Finally, Chris agreed to let everyone know he would be okay, and his grandfather nodded. He went to the door, looking back, and waved at his grandfather. Letting out a slight cough, he waved back and told him to get going, and maybe bring back some pie from one of the neighbors. Could have sworn he smelled one baking earlier, and he could always eat some fresh pie no matter how he was feeling. Chris chuckled and shook his head, closing the door and heading off as his grandfather sighed and looked back out the window, looking at the flower the Lopunny had given him as well. Yep... Kind people, good grandson, and a nice sunset... What more could an old man ask for...? He said as he closed his eyes. Eventually, Chris returned with a groan, telling his grandfather he hoped he was happy. His feet were killing him since he had to go all over the village to find out who made the pie he wanted, and he walked up to the bed and sat in the chair beside it. Calling his grandfather, he waved the pie in front of his face to taunt him, letting him know if he didn't get up it was all his, and with no reaction, Chris scowled and placed the pie on the drawer next to the bed. Calling his grandfather again, he reached over and have him a shake, telling him he still needed to let him help the old man wash up before actually going to bed at least.

With still no response, he gave his grandfather another shake, saying his name with slightly more concern, and Chris eventually stood and shook his grandfather more roughly, calling him again and again. Finally, he touched his forehead and felt it had... Grown cold... And felt the rest of his face, which was just as cold. Reaching for his grandfathers hands, it was a little difficult to move them as his grandfather was growing stiff. Feeling his hands were cold too, he finally felt his neck, trying to get a pulse, and... A second passed... Five seconds... Twenty seconds... A minute... Not one pulse came, and Chris slowly slumped into the chair, looking at his grandfathers face now in the light of the moon. One moment he seemed just fine... And now all of a sudden... This...? Chris didn't know how to react to the moment, sitting with wide eyes as he looked at his grandfather. Suddenly, he noticed glowing red eyes in the window above them, followed by several showing up, and they suddenly went away... It looked like the eyes of the Vespiquen and her Combee's...

Chris shook his head and stood, turning on the lights and slowly pulling the blanket over his grandfathers face... He stood up straight as his throat felt like it was closing in on itself and turned away, leaning against the drawer next to the bed, nearly knocking off the pie as he covered his eyes with his other hand, trying to resist the urge to shed tears as he took deep breaths and looked up at the ceiling. He knew he shouldn't have left after he fell like that... He knew he should have probably gone to a doctor... Yet all the old man wanted to do was laugh it off and send him away... What... Was he going to tell the village...? What... Was he going to do... Now...?

Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 2

This chapters original preview image by - [http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1962340](http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1962340) This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few......

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