Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 2

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#2 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

This chapters original preview image by - http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1962340

This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few... There are many people in the world of Pokemon, who come in just as many varieties as these strange creatures. And you are about to discover, perhaps, one you may just consider the rarest of all...

Chapter 2 - The Curse...?

Chris stood next to the bed for some time, looking down at the sheet covering his grandfather. How could somebody just... Die... So suddenly? He was an old man... But he wasn't that fragile... His grandfather was one of the toughest guys he had known through the years, and he didn't see any marks or bruises on him after he had the fall... What happened to him...? How was he fine one moment... Then just... Gone like this...? It happened so quickly, he didn't know how he should feel... Sad...? Suspicious...? He knew everything that had been going on with his grandfathers health, and there wasn't a single thing wrong with him that pointed to him dying so soon... At least... He thought he knew everything... Was there something going on he... Maybe... Kept hidden from him...? If so... Why...?

He rubbed his head, trying to get his thoughts straight. Something else to think about was... What was he going to do with his grandfathers body? His grandfather never discussed with anyone, be it him or any of the villagers, how he wanted to be taken care of after he passed away. Did he even want to be burried...? Chris walked through the cabin as he thought things through, and eventually, he suddenly heard a knock at the door. He panicked for a moment, not sure how he should explain his grandfathers body, but took a deep breath to calm himself and went up to the door, slowly opening it and peeking outside. It was the Vespiquen, along with her Combee and the Lopunny from before. They bowed their heads and pointed towards the woods, looking at him and motioning for him to come with them. Chris shook his head and said he couldn't, opening the door and pointing towards the bed, and the Pokemon once again pointed towards the woods. Looking back at his grandfather with a nervous expression, not wanting to leave the body of a relative behind, yet finally decided to do what they wanted as he closed the door, locking it and telling them they had to hurry. They were old Pokemon however, so hurry wasn't exactly a word they could follow. They walked into the forest, following a small trail the Pokemon had made throughout the years due to constantly traveling to the village. Eventually, they led Chris off the beaten path and headed deeper and deeper into the woods until, suddenly, they came to an opening. Looking past the Vespiquen in front of him, Chris saw an old Alakazam sitting under a large tree, surrounded by a stream of water.

They went up to the Pokemon as he sat quietly, unsure if it was asleep or meditating, and the Lopunny slowly walked up to it, stumbling across the stones in the stream, and nudged its shoulder. Alakazam grumbled as Lopunny kept nudging him, and eventually the Pokemon stirred, stretching and yawning as its eyes slowly opened. It glanced at the Lopunny who pointed towards Chris as the Vespiquen moved to the side, and Alakazam stood, holding onto a long staff like branch. He motioned for Chris to come over as Lopunny slowly went back to the Vaspiquen's side, so he walked up nervously, stepping over the stones and coming face to face with Alakazam. He nodded at the boy, and suddenly, with a trembling hand, touched Chris on the forehead. "Hello... My boy..." Chris heard in his mind. Alakazam was using telepathy as he closed his eyes to focus. "I have learned of your grandfathers fate... It is a sad one indeed... We... Long ago... Were his Pokemon... Myself, Vespiquen, and Lopunny... There were more of us... But sadly... Most of our friends have passed... As he has now as well... Your grandfather... Had a powerful illness... One that should have taken him long ago... This is why we have watched over the village... Watched over him..."

Chris blinked surprised, and saw Alakazam was trembling. In his mind, Chris said they should sit, and Alakazam thanked him. Helping the Pokemon back down, the two sat in the soft grass, Alakazam placing his hand back on Chris's forehead. "We were great friends... Your grandfather not once referred to us as his Pokemon... But as his family... And as we traveled, as we grew stronger, he always wanted us to remember to use our strengths for the sake of others... Not to grow arrogant... Not to use it for our own desires... And we lived by his lessons... Making many happy as a result... We were proud of that human... And served him loyally until our final days together... When the time came for your grandfather to settle down, he released us, and wished for us to go live our final years as we pleased in peace... But we had no desire to travel far from him... He taught us so much, treated us so kindly... We wanted to return the favor out of our own free will to do so..."

Chris told the Alakazam he was surprised his grandfather had such an affect on people and Pokemon alike, the Alakazam smiling in response. "There is much... Much you do not know about that human... He lived his life creating a legacy no other could compare to... One where it was never he who came first, but always those around him, no matter if it was human or Pokemon... And it was that way of life which would ultimately end it... Long ago, there was a Ninetails in need of rescue. It had been badly wounded and was trying to flee from one of the worlds many human trainers. He was trying to capture it, commanding his Pokemon to attack when there was no longer a point in doing so. His grandfather quickly got in the trainers way, lecturing him about the right and wrong ways to gain a Pokemons companionship as they fought. It took some time, but his grandfather bested the trainer, sending him running off as he turned to the Ninetails. But when he, Alakazam, and the others were distracted, the trainer commanded one of his Pokemon to attack as he fled, sending both his grandfather and the Ninetails over a nearby cliff... It was at this moment his grandfather would make one of his greatest sacrifices...

While falling, his grandfather had little option but to grab the Ninetails by one of its tails as he clung to a ledge sticking out from the cliff side. This enraged the Pokemon, sending it into a chaotic state as it spewed flames everywhere and thrashed madly. Touching one of its tails was forbidden and destined those foolish enough to do so to be cursed... The Alakazam and his other Pokemon quickly came to help, bringing both back to the top of the cliff. His grandfather released the Ninetails and bowed to it, asking for his Pokemon to do the same as the enraged beast stared them down. However... Alakazam and Vespiquen, along with Lopunny and the others, stood in front of his grandfather and begged the Ninetails for its forgiveness, reasoning with it that, had the human not got in the way, and had he not grabbed its sacred tails, it would have likely died from the fall. The fury of the Ninetails slowly simmered, and commanded the Pokemon move as it limped towards his grandfather. It was Alakazam who was chosen to relay a message, and using his telepathy, the Ninetails told his grandfather his curse would be a generous one. He would grow old, knowing many joys throughout his life... However... A day would come when he would be the one needing cared for... And it would be his own blood that sacrificed itself for his sake, giving up its life for the benefit of others as well, both, before he passed, and after. He would be spared the brunt of the curse, as this was already his way of living, but it would be the next generation who would be forced to live the same kind of life as well, driven by an inner force to put others first at all times, no matter the desire to do what they pleased instead.

The Alakazam opened its eyes and looked at Chris. "You boy... Are the one chosen to take on the curse... You have had many dreams and ambitions... Am I right...? Yet... You always find yourself taking on the burdens of others... Living for the sake of those around you... Seeming forbidden from living the life you wish for most... This is the doing of Ninetails... Even when you feel you are living by your own desires, it is the will of the curse stringing him along... Pushing him along path after path that guides him towards someone in need... Another life that takes importance over his own..." and the Alakazam took his hand away, looking down as he spoke in his native Pokemon tongue, simply saying "Ala" in a way that clearly meant... I'm sorry. Chris looked at him for a moment, and looked down as well. So... Him being who he was... Him living the life he had... Was all determined by a Ninetails his grandfather helped? Chris looked up at the stars, thinking in silence for a moment as Vaspiquen and Lopunny gave an apology as well, but he simply shook his head and sighed. Well... At least the curse was doing people good then... Chris responded, making the three look up and blink at him. He admitted... He never did really get to live the life he wanted... Always having something in his way... But... Even though he never lived his dreams most of the time, he was able to feel good about himself in the end. At least he didn't turn out to be someone arrogant and self centered... He was glad he wouldn't turn out to be the kind of trainer his grandfather saved the Ninetails from. Even if he was cursed... At least it wasn't the kind of curse that would really harm him... If the Ninetails are really that serious about their tails, he guessed he was pretty lucky in the end nonetheless. Better to have fate affected instead of health, right? And Chris laughed a little, making the Pokemon smile.

The Alakazam placed his hand back on Chris's forehead. "You're a good boy... Your grandfather must have been very proud of you... What will you do now that he is gone from this world?" th Alakazam said, looking at him. He... Guessed he would take care of a few things here... Maybe he would keep taking care of the village or... Maybe finally go out on his own adventure... Maybe? and he rubbed his head with a nervous laugh. Depending on what the curse had in store for him he guessed. The three Pokemon smiled nervously with a drop of sweat, unsure of where his life would guide him themselves, and Alakazam lifted his hand and placed it on Chris's head, rubbing it gently as he smiled. After a while, Vespiquen and Lopunny guided Chris back to the cabin. All of this must mean that his grandfather suddenly passing away was part of the curse as well... Maybe it was telling him it was time to leave after all...? Once he got home, Chris opened the door and walked in, offering to let Vespiquen and Lopunny in as well, but they shook their heads and bowed slightly, taking their leave as he closed the door. maybe... They had something to do too? Chris thought.

He went over to the bed and sat in the chair, once again looking at the sheets covering his grandfather. When the morning came... He would set up a proper way to tell him goodbye...

Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 3

Original preview image for this chapter made by - [http://wazzy88.deviantart.com/](http://wazzy88.deviantart.com/) This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few... There are many...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 1

This chapters original preview image by - [http://www.deviantart.com/art/Tranquil-Forest-216687344](http://www.deviantart.com/art/Tranquil-Forest-216687344) This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived...

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