The Seeker, Chapter 10

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Seeker, Chapter 10

By William W. Kelso

I lay next to Mistress Vulva's desk and dozed contentedly. She had ordered me to stay and watch the office while she attended some sort of "Higher Ups Only" meeting or something, no familiars allowed. Fine by me, last meeting I'd been to had ended early when I set the table on fire (it wasn't my fault!). It had been slow though, but then the phone rang. Rats, I thought. I have to answer the damn thing now as she'd found where I hid the fire-proof phone she'd ordered. She had not been pleased and locked me in the closet of terror for an hour. I had been having a nice dream about horses, so with an irritated nicker I picked it up and said,

"Hades County Morgue, you stab'em we slab'em. Where do we send the meat wagon?" Hey, I was bored!

There was a moment of silence on the other end, and then a voice said, "Sacre! Quoi? Est-ce que c'est pas le bureau de Vulve de la Maîtresse?"

"Non, Go away!" I replied, and hung up. Hadn't understood a word he said anyway.

Then the phone rang again, I picked it up and said "Ello, Who is it?"

"Le bureau de Vulve de la maîtresse?" The now irritated sounding voice asked.

"Parley vous fuck youse." I replied and hung up again. It was probably just some telephone solicitor jerk. Besides, if you're going to go to Hell you really need to learn to speak English, or Latin. Those are the two official languages. We don't try to "accommodate" anyone down here, and NO multi-lingual forms either. We are NOT politically correct, but we ARE equal opportunity torturers. The ACLU would hate our guts, we certainly hate theirs. And just try and complain! We just LOVE it when some dumbass does that, give us a good excuse to really snap them into reality.

Then the phone rang again, this guy can NOT take a hint! With a snarl I picked it up and said,

"Hello, Tony's Pizza Parlor, today's special, she isa lambs eyes on goat cheese extra large pizza, isa nice! We no deliver." I said with a crappy Italian accent.

There was a moment of silence, then "PET?" Mistress Vulva asked.

"YIPE!" I dropped the phone, then hung it up and stared at in horror. Then it rang again! She does NOT like it when I goof around on the phone, that long distance phone call to Vladimir Putin was the last straw, I pretended I was President Obama and nearly started WWIII. With a shaking claws I picked it up again, and said in a deep serious voice,

"Mistress Vulva's office, who might I say is calling please?"

"Pet, is that you? Damn phones, I just called and got some damn Italian restaurant or something. You haven't been making prank phone calls again, HAVE you? HIIISSSS."

"Who me? Of course not Mistress, you told me not too! I wouldn't dare. How did the meeting go?" I asked.

"Like Hell as usual. Now I need to go down to shipping and receiving, something about an order for 50 cases of urinal cakes. You wouldn't know anything about that would you? HISSS??"

Crap, I'd forgotten about that! "Why no Mistress, whatever do you mean? Will you be home soon, I'm so lonely." That usually worked.

"No Pet, I won't be too long. You'll just have to get along without me until then my little jelly bean."

"Mistress, don't CALL me that, something might hear!" I replied. In Hell they never forget ANYthing; if something heard her call me that I'd never live it down for eternity! My damn GAY harness was already a running joke.

"Too bad, I like it, and Pet, I'm expecting a very important phone call, so be sure to take down any messages. Oh, and Pet, I'm going to need a good massage when I get back. Hisss!"

Oh boy, I thought, when demonkind say "massage" we really mean a good long hump, it's how we "massage" one another. It's MUCH better than the other kind. Don't knock it till you've tried it.

"Yes Mistress, your humble servant and masseur will be waiting eagerly." I replied, already drooling in anticipation. I love to make love to my Mistress, yes indeedy!

"Hiiss! Yes, I'm sure you will my little jelly bean, and I want a really nice long one today. Hisss!" she said, and then hung up.

With a happy sigh I rolled over on my back. Happy Times are here again, Do Dah, Do Dah!

Soon I dozed off again, when I'm not in trouble I'm usually sleeping, or hiding, or both. Hiding in Hell is a pretty good strategy; if they can't find you they can't do unpleasant things to you.

I never heard him come into the office until I felt something smack the end of my muzzle, WHACK! It wasn't particularly hard, but it did startle me and I HATE to be startled, and it's not NICE to wake up a sleeping fire demon so rudely! It can drastically reduce your life expectancy.

Usually I can hear or smell something long before it arrives, so I was kind of mad at myself for being taken by surprise. The screams of fleeing Imps and beasts are usually a good warning indicator too. And now I smelled something, perfume? PU! With a deep snarl I rolled over and looked at the guy.

It was a demon of some kind, but I hadn't seen one like him before. For one thing he was wearing clothes AND a wig! He was about five feet tall and from what I could see was the usual combination of more than one kind of animal. He had the legs of a goat, but they were dainty and ended in tiny little hooves, and his tail was a long classic "devil" one with the usual barb, not reptilian like most. He was nude from the waist down and obviously male, but effeminate looking. The rest was what was so weird. He was wearing a silk vest and frock coat with deep ruffled cuffs and tons of buttons, had on a big fancy curled and coifed wig kind of like a judges, and had white make-up on his face and red lipstick on his lips AND a big black mole on his check! His reptilian eyes were as expressionless as mine. The he whacked on the nose again with the silver handled cane he was carrying, and said,

"Je souhaite voir la Vulve de la Maîtresse, allez-la chercher pour moi paysan!"

"Huh?" I asked, brilliantly.

"Imbécile! Est-ce que vous ne parlez pas français?" He snapped back.

"Huh?" I repeated, I had NO idea of what he was saying.

"Pour l'amour de !!" C'est si dur de trouver bonne aide! Very well, if I must I will speak vulgar English. I wish to see Mistress Vulva immediately, you silly beast! Comphrehend, vous créature malodorante! Now fetch her before you anger me further! Maintenant!"

Oh, I "comprehended" all right.

I was stuffing him head first into the man-and-demon-eating plant who was making happy slurping swallowing sounds when Mistress Vulva clopped into the room. She stopped, stared, and said,

"PET?? What are you doing, and who IS that?" she asked as she saw the kicking legs and hooves and heard the loud squealing.

"Feeding the plant, I replied, and it's just some asshole that can't speak English and hit me with a stick. I think he was from Avon."

With a shriek she knocked me out of the way and grabbed the twit's legs just before they disappeared into the plants mouth. "Let him GO!" she roared, and with an unhappy barfing sound the plant spit him out. Ewwww.

He sat there in a puddle of plant saliva with his fancy clothes and makeup all messed up. He'd lost his wig so I guess the plant got something to eat after all. He was NOT in a good mood. He screeched like a girl, and said,

"J'accuse! Ce mécréant a attaqué ma personne le plus fétidement! Je demande la satisfaction! Immédiatement et sans délai! This, this, imbecile, he has affronted my honor, I demand satisfaction!"

"He started it, I whined, he hit me, and then he called me names!"

Usually I get the crap beat out of me; I'm terrified of Leprechauns now (and clowns, the Pope, office supply closets, Great Lord Ba'al, baby demonkind, rats, etc.), so it was nice to finally find somebody that I could beat the crap out of instead of the other way around.

"It was a fair fight!" I sniveled, even though I was about four times his size. I had to admit the little creep really knew how to use that stick of his, that is until I ate it.

Vulva turned to her Pet with an evil smile on her face, and said, "Pet, let me introduce the Marquis de Sade, a patron Demi-demon of Sadism and Masochism. He called the other day and wishes to engage your services my little jelly bean."

"Erk, I said, you mean THE Marquis de Sade, HIMself?" Guy is a legend in Hell. I mean, we learned new stuff from him! She just smiled, and nodded. I am SO in trouble, I thought.

"Petite fève de la gelée? Oh qui est riche! I must remember that Mistress. Little jelly bean! But surely you make the jest? Qui? This buffoon, he cannot be the grande Seeker of which I have heard much about? He is an uncouth cretin! Est-ce qu'il est pas?

Oh great, I thought, as I put my paw over my face, this is another fine mess I've gotten myself into. Why do I DO these things? And I asked her NOT to call me that in public, she is SO evil, her maliciousness knows no bounds! I'll NEVER live it down. About that time the plant hocked up the wig and it landed at my feet with a wet splat, so I picked it up and offered it to him to try and be nice.

He eyed the sodden dripping wig, and said "Non, Je ne pense pas, you may have it silly lizard type. Ah don't want it no more."

About that time the wig; which had dried off from my body heat, burst into flames so I threw it at the plant, who threw it back at me, but instead it landed on top of the Marquis's head, but before it could do any damage Mistress Vulva snatched it off and threw it out the door and a passing demon overseer said,

"Hey, watch it asshole!" Then seeing Mistress Vulva glaring at him added, "Sorry Mistress!" and turned and ran bleating in terror.

Mistress Vulva said, "I am SO sorry Alphonse, he is actually much more competent then he appears. He is just somewhat, um, socially challenged. After all he was an American before I got a hold of him. Now come, I have some of those nice brimstone mints you like and we can talk business over a nice cup of green sulphur tea." "PET, TEA, NOW!" she ordered in her mind.

"Ah, un Américain? Cela explique beaucoup. Ils est-ce qu'une course d'idiots est, est-ce qu'ils sont pas? That explains it, yes? Such boors and louts." The Marquis said as Vulva led him over to the desk and let him sit in the special "Lords Only" chair.

I don't know what he's saying, I thought, but I don't like it. I'll boor and lout him! And he's not even a Lord! Even I don't get to sit in that chair! What a rip-off. Pansy!

"Mistress, I said in her mind. I don't like him, he's a big sissy. And he called me a baboon and imbecile. And he's a perv, he's wearing clothes! And I won the fight fair and square! He's just sore because I won."

"Pet, he called you a buffoon, not a baboon, and sometimes I think you ARE an imbecile. HISS! You certainly act like one sometimes, actually a lot of the time. And be NICE, he's a VERY important demon. He's second in charge of the 4th Level, it's named after him!"

While Mistress Vulva was taking care of Mr. Fancy Pants I went into the entertainment room to prepare refreshments. I'm her part time butler. I'd gotten pretty good at making tea in the old samovar my Mistress likes so much, but it doesn't have a burner so I'm the replacement. Usually I can keep my fire plume at the right temperature to make a good pot of tea, but I was upset so I blew it this time, literally. With a loud "BOOM" the samovar went streaking through the entertainment room; and almost hit the plant but he managed to duck, like a rocket leaving a trail of steam and tea, flew across the office and out the door, and beaned a passing bull Imp and knocked him out cold, much to the dismay of his attendant demon. I heard Mistress Vulva say,

"I'm so sorry Alphonse, looks like we won't be having tea after all." Then she added in her mind,

"PET, Get in here NOW and lie down and try NOT to blow anything up for the next few minutes PLEASE! HIIIIISSSS!"

"I'm sorry Mistress; you know the samovar hates me!" But acting chastened and contrite I slunk back into the room and lay down on my rug again and started chewing my tail until Vulva smacked me. I know it's a bad habit, but it bugs the Hell out of her.

Vulva turned her attention back to her guest, even though the mental exchange had only taken a second. Then she smacked her Pet when he started chewing on his tail. She knew he did it just to piss her off.

"My dear Alphonse, I'm so sorry. It would appear the samovar had an, um, malfunction. But do have a brimstone mint, they're divine!

The Marquis munched a couple of mints, and said, "Hmm, yes. They do have a certain um, comment est-ce que vous dites, unique flavor I cannot place. Très agréable."

"Yeah, I thought, I slobbered all over them, enjoy!" Normally my saliva makes stuff blow up and/or catch on fire, but brimstone just soaks it up.

Vulva started to take a mint too, and then took a closer look. "PET, she said in her mind, HISS! Did you do what I think you did?"

"Why Mistress, whatever do you mean?" I replied innocently.

"HIISSS! We will have a little talk about that later mister!" she hissed in my mind in that "Prepare to die horribly" tone of hiss.

"Yes Mistress." I replied meekly.

Vulva turned her attention back to her esteemed guest who was still munching mints trying to identify the "unique" flavor. "Um, tell me Alphonse, what brings you here? You mentioned you needed the services of a Seeker?"

"Ah yes, Madame Vulva. I have a soul I need collected, but he is very illusoire, um, how you say, sneaky? He has eluded three other Seekers so far. But I have my personal reservations about the um, competence of your servant. No offense but he appears to be a dunderhead. Est-ce que je suis correct pas?"

It's not a nutty kraut named Carl, is it? I thought. I thought he was grounded. I'm NOT going after him again; if Dracula let him get away again HE can go get him this time. Guy is dangerous!

Vulva smiled, and replied, "Well, dunderhead isn't exactly the word I would use (actually she has a LOT of other names for her Pet, most not very complimentary) but he has yet to fail in a mission. 100% success rate so far and he's been after some real badies. He even helped win an arbitration case against the Others in one. Yes, while I agree he can be, um, unconventional, he does get the job done. He can be quite determined."

"Ah Qui, said the Marquis, but there is also the small matter of the affront personnel à mon honneur et dignité. Je dois demander la compensation. I must ask for sufficient redress in this matter Madam. Not to mention he has ruined my wardrobe and a most expensive wig. What have you to say?"

Vulva closed her eyes for a second; it seemed like half the time she had to give her Pets services away for free because he usually screwed things up, something at which he really excelled.

"I quite understand Marquis, would the free use of his services in this manner be sufficient?"

The Marquis gave a smile and bowed politely, "Ah oui, excellent! Plus satisfaisant! Most generous Madam, I am glad to accept your offer. If he can perform his duty I will of course consider the matter closed, and for a bonus I offer a week at my personal resort on the inland sea."

"Why Alphonse, Vulva replied. How nice of you! HISS! I can always count on you to be the perfect gentleman! I must say I can use a vacation, and I've heard so much about your personal retreat! Is the dungeon as nice as they claim?"

"Ah, Madam, think nothing of it. To have you grace my humble domicile would be reward enough. It would enlighten an otherwise dreary place. And I am proud to say you would find the dungeon more than adequate. It is patterned on the Bastille, I am quite proud of it. So, it is settled! I will shortly send the coordinates of this errant soul. And tell your Seeker he need not be gentle with this one, in fact I would be most appreciative if he isn't. Now, I must be away."

YOU tell me, I'm right here! I HATE being ignored. But I had to hand it to the little schmuck, he was a smooth talker and my Mistress just loves sincere flattery. One word of advice, NEVER try to give her insincere flattery, she can tell the difference. So can I, and I bite, hard. NO one messes with my Mistress's feelings, except me.

Vulva looked at the Marquis, and coyly batting her eyelids asked, "Are you sure you wouldn't like to stay for a little, um, tryst in my private chambers Marquis?"

She thought she was being coy, but she might as well have put up a sign saying "Get it Here!" I thought rather rudely. Hmmph!

"Ah, you tempt me Madam, vos charmes sont indéniables. However, I must attend to other matters at this time. As they say, a demons work is never done. But I promise, on my honor as a noble of the Court of Hell, that I will make it up to you most personally. Now I must bid you au revoir pour le moment." And he got up to leave.

Aww, I thought, don't leave yet. I wanted to give you a tour of the Office Supplies Closet, I'm sure you'd enjoy it. As he walked towards the door I stood up on my tippy hind claws, flapped my wrists limply, and took little mincing steps. Then I said in my Mistress's mind,

"Look at me, I'm a Gay sissy, I'm the Marquis de Slob. Qui, qui! Nanny nanny nanner! After YOU my dear Alphonse! Toot sweet!"

Vulva; who had been escorting her guest to the door, gave her Pet the evil eye over his shoulder as he danced around. Please don't let the Marquis turn around! She thought. I am SO going to get him for this! She finished saying goodbye to her guest, and then she went back into her office with a snarl on her face, and froze. There was no sign of her Pet. Well, he hadn't gotten past her, so he must still be in the office or her personal quarters. For an 800 pound dragon he was remarkably good at hiding.

As soon as my Mistress and pansy boy left the office I immediately made tracks to find a good hiding place as I knew I was in for it. Sometimes if I can wear her down I get off lighter, but usually not. Worth a try though.

Vulva took a quick look behind her huge desk, but that was too obvious. He would sometimes hide in the Office Supplies closet if he was really desperate; like when the kids came to visit, but she didn't think he would this time. Last time the kids were IN the closet waiting for him. She stalked into the entertainment room with her tail lashing back and forth, and hissed,

"Oh Peeet, come out, come out wherever you are, you little twerp! HISSS!"

Don't hold your breath, I thought.

She went over to the bar and leaned over it, he liked to hide behind it and mooch off the stock. Then she smiled evilly as she heard the clatter of claws behind her, and whipping her tail out she tripped him as he made a break for the door and temporary freedom. Then she jumped on him and pinned him to the floor with a snarl.

When she went over to the bar I decided to make a dash for freedom, but her tail tripped me and I fell on my face and bit my tongue with a loud "Ouch! HIIISSS! Owooooo!" The she jumped on top of me. I was doomed!

She straddled her Pets chest and smacked his head around "WHAT, smack, IS, smack, YOUR, smack, PROBLEM?, smack, HISSS!! SMACK!" He shook his head, his eyes rolling, and said,

"I love you too much?" he hissed.

Vulva sat back and blinked. Well, that wasn't the exactly the answer she'd expected. It kind of caught her off guard. Usually he tried some lame sounding excuse which often turned out to be the truth anyway. For a demon he had a hard time lying.

I looked up at my Mistress, and said, "I don't mean it Mistress, I was just so jealous. I hate it when you pay attention to anyone else. And I still think he's gay." Then I ran my tongue across her breasts, slowly and sensually, wrapping the split tip around one of her nipples. She is SO beautiful to one such as I, the epitome of female perfection. Of course she IS a Sex Demoness and gives statues boners, but I do love her so very much. I am her complete and utter willing slave and would have it no other way. I turned down heaven once to stay with her so you get the idea, but I'll never tell her that.

Vulva gave a little sigh of pleasure as she felt her Pets tongue caress her, he does know what I like, she thought. She gave him another smack, but not as hard this time, and said,

"Pet, the Marquis is NOT gay, BI yes, gay no. He goes every way including barnyard animals. And believe me when I say you haven't truly experienced sexual pleasure through pain until you've spent an hour or two in one of his dungeons. What that demon can do with a whip! I mean, they did name the 4th Level after him you know."

I licked her breasts again and started kneading them with my claws. "Is he better than I am Mistress?" I asked plaintively.

She let out guttural chuckle, and leaning over started nuzzling his snout with her muzzle. "Oh no Pet, you are much better my little jelly bean. He does have certain, um , interesting skills though, I must admit."

I gave a delighted squeal of pleasure; my Mistress's compliments are what I live for. I nuzzled her back, and said, "Bet I can do anything he does, only better!"

"You know Pet, she replied, I never thought of that! Maybe I'll send you to spend a week or two with him for some, um, training in certain techniques? Would you like that? Hiiisss?"

"Oh yes please!" I hissed, learning new ways to pleasure my Mistress sounded like loads of fun! Me and my big mouth, she DID send me eventually, and I have to admit I DID learn some new things. I especially liked the courses in "Fun with Chains" and "The Lure of Leather". "Wicked Wanda and her Wanton Whips" was another good one.

I pressed against her muzzle and she opened her mouth and our tongues met and twined around one another. We opened our mouths wide and "kissed" though it probably looked more like we were trying to bite each other to a non demonkind. Our tongues slid deep down one another's throats as we growled and grunted in pleasure. It added whole new meaning to the term "deep throat". Since we have fairly hard rubbery lips we "kiss" more with our tongues. Our tongues are quite long and prehensile, and to kiss another one with the same kind of tongue is a sexual act in, and of, itself. They're incredibly sensitive, and we can even smell with them like a snake. Our tongues licked out and over our muzzles and fangs, then joined again and plunged back into our throats. The whole time I kept kneading and fondling her breasts and she dug her claws into my shoulders as she pressed herself against me. We moaned and hissed at the pleasure we gave one another.

While this was going on she had been gently caressing my vent with the tip of her velvety smooth tail barb, and it had the desired effect. I felt my penis slide out and her tail teased and stroked it until I was giving muffled grunts of increasing pleasure and lust around the tongues sliding deeply in and out of our throats. I responded with my own tail barb, now also soft and smooth, and snaking it between her legs I began to rub her mound and base of her tail until I could feel her wetness. I whipped my tail around and let her watch as I licked her fluids from my dripping barb, then I returned it to her sex and tail fucked her for awhile and her own velvety smooth bard fondled my testicles. Finally she pulled away from me with a shriek, and with a deep snarling hiss slid herself down, and onto, my waiting erection and I roared as I slid into her. I pushed her shoulders and gave another shriek as I penetrated her even deeper. Due to my size I have to stretch even her to accommodate me, and it is always so fantastically pleasurable to do so for both of us. But soon she was grinding down on me to the hilt every time. Our tails twined around and locked us together until we were through, our barbs grasping and stroking one another. I extended my nether tongue and her cries became even louder.

A few passing demon kind and beasts or Imps paused in the hallway to watch in appreciation and admiration as we as both so good at what we do, and we make one Hell of a team! Pubic coupling in the norm in Hell, it doesn't bother us at all. In fact watching a good shag often sets off an orgy, some of which last for years as participants come and go. It's almost impossible for one of us to pass a mob of coupling demonkind, animals, beasts, and Imps without at least taking the time for a quickie or six. It's a little more limited for fire demonkind, but we get by.

It was very rare for my Mistress to let me service her like this, with her on top. She usually prefers the classic demon position because of the way most of us are built. But I certainly wasn't complaining. Missionary position is even rarer as I'd squish her. I kept my head up and licked and kissed her as long as I could, but after awhile had to lay my head back down and screech and roar helplessly as she brought us to orgasm after orgasm. She straddled me and ground up and down, hard and brutally, taking every inch of my rampant erection deep into her. She has several sets of lips, and I could feel them against the ridge rings on my penis as they sucked and caressed me. I looked up at her as she threw her had back and hissed and roared her own pleasure. I outweigh her by about 200 pounds, but am not much larger due to my density as I have no lungs or other hollow body cavities, so we're a good match. Raising my head again I nipped and bit at her breasts, running my tongue around and over them and caressed her nipples and she hissed in delight and picked up her pace until I was roaring in ecstasy. It was much more than mere human or animal sex, only another demonkind would understand what I mean. We climaxed again and again in perfect coordination as we both knew the other like only true lovers and mates can, and then she leaned forward and we kissed again, brutally grinding our muzzles against one another and then she let me take over. I grabbed her around her waist and slid her kicking bellowing body up and down with a slow steady rhythm against my belly bands as my aching erection slid in and out of her. Our last coupling looked fairly gentle, but by slowing down I made it even more excruciatingly pleasurable. We are very sensitive to began with, and after a half dozen orgasms it bordered on painful, so our last orgasm took us to a higher level of agonizing ecstasy and we both shrieked and roared into one another mouths as we came and came. At the end we threw our heads back, saliva flying from our fangs, and gave shrieks they heard in Lower Heck. There was polite applause from the hallway, but we too spent to take a bow.

Happy, and at least very temporarily satisfied, we just lay there for awhile and my Mistress said softly,

"Oh yes Pet, you are MUCH better than the Marquis." And I squealed in delight.

Then she turned around and cleaned me while I cleaned her, my tongue lapping eagerly at her sex until it was shiny and clean. And when she climbed off of me my vent fold and bands were also squeaky clean. It's part of demon kind etiquette to clean ones partner after mating. Most of us don't have towels or wear clothes so think of it as a sanitary measure. Besides, we like it too. Think about what YOU could do with a two or three foot tongue!

As Vulva got off her heavily breathing; but very happy, Pet she suddenly realized something. She had been planning on punishing him, but instead they'd fucked their brains out for over two hours. HOW does he DO that? Hiss? She thought. The she smiled and ran her tongue over her fangs; actually he does it very well!

"PET, she said, Hiss! Go get the samovar before something carries it off!"

While he was in the hallway hunting for the samovar she got back on the computer to see if anything new had come up. As she expected she found the Marquis coordinates waiting for her. She printed them out, and as her Pet came back into the room carrying the battle worn samovar (being launched like a rocket on a regular basis was starting to show) she said,

"Well my Pet, looks like it's time to leave on your mission. It's just getting dark topside so off we go. Hiss."

Off I go, you mean. You get to stay here and watch me fuck up. And when do I get to go get the Beautre sisters, I want them REALLY bad! They were the ones that had sacrificed me to Vulva (actually I owe them one for that), but they had almost killed me first through rape and sexual torture. I was still emotionally scarred from that experience, I hate them as only a demon can hate. And we are very, very good at hating. What I would do to them made even me cringe, but that wouldn't stop me from doing it with great enthusiasm. I grinned with anticipation, running my tongue over my fangs as saliva dripped and exploded with loud pops as it hit the ground. The other demonkind and slaves we passed all gave me a wide berth when they saw that grin.

We soon came to a pentagram chamber, and I climbed up on the dais and sat down and wrapped my wings around myself while my Mistress gave the coordinates to the operator. There was a second of disorientation, and I was somewhere else.

I stood up and slowly un-wrapped my wings, stretched them, and then folded them tightly against my back. It was dark, and wet, and stank. Where in Hell was I anyway? Actually this did kind of look like parts of Hell I'd seen. The dark was no problem for one such as me, I see much better in the dark then I can in the daylight. I was in a large concrete and brick tunnel standing in about a foot of sluggishly flowing SHIT! Aw gross! With an angry hiss I hopped up on the raised ledge along the base of the wall and shook my paws off. I was in a sewer! NOT nice!

"Mistress, I said in my mind. Please keep that Imp operator there until I get back, I have something I want to smear in his face! He dumped me in a damn sewer!"

"Sorry Pet, no go. The coordinates are correct, I entered them myself. The Marquis must have made a mistake."

No he didn't, I thought. "Mistress, I'm going to blow my snout in his wig next time I see him!"

"On NO you're not! Besides I'm sure it was just a small error." She hissed back.

Bet it wasn't, I thought. OK, instead of blowing my snout in it I'll eat it instead, that'll piss off the little Gay Bar loiterer! I don't get mad, I get even. No, that's a lie, I get mad AND even! I won't tell my Mistress though, she'd just smack me.

Man, where AM I? I thought as I walked (very carefully) down the tunnel watching where I was stepping. Hey, I don't wear shoes OK? A shit demon might like it down here, but going spelunking in a sewer full of raw sewage was not my idea of a good time. And I HATE rats! Finally I came to a junction where several tunnels came together and flowed (or oozed) into a large pool. On the other side were the rungs of a ladder leading up to a manhole. The ceiling was really too low for flying, so with an "Ew Ew Ew, Eww!" I let myself down into the waist deep NASTY gunk with THINGS floating in it and waded towards the ladder leaving bubbling hot crap soup behind me. Thank Big L it was low tide. I was about halfway across the pool when I realized I wasn't alone.

A few minutes later I blew the manhole cover off the opening and tried to climb out shrieking "GET OFF OF ME!! OW! OW! LET GO! BACK, BACK, BACK!!" but got dragged back in. Finally; after several more tries, I got free. "BACK! BACK! GET OFF YOU STUPID LIZARDS! BACK! BACK!" I screamed, and put the manhole cover back and sat down on it. Yes, it's true; there ARE alligators in the New York City sewers; oh YES indeed, great BIG ones! The cover suddenly heaved under me and with a yelp I went running down the alley and out into the middle of street just in time to get hit by a city bus.

The bus rolled over me, thumpity thump thump, and I rolled over into the gutter and lay there moaning looking up at the skyline. New York! New York! It's a Hell of a town! Boy they got THAT right! A bum staggered over and looked down at me, and said,

"Hey buddy, hic, bus hit me once too, but didn't mess me up so bad! You want a, hic, drink?"

"Uh, no thanks I said. With a hiss I ran over to the side of a large building, ran up the side (scaring an old lady; and myself, in a bathroom. Ugh) and disappeared over the edge and onto the roof and accidently set a pigeon coop on fire. Anybody for squab?

The drunk watched me, and said to himself, "Hell, they see pink elephants, I see red dragons! I got them beat! Hic!"

I perched on the edge of the roof like a big stinky gargoyle and took a look around. A-ha! There it was! The beacon! Gotcha! With a powerful flap of my wings I took off and gaining altitude I headed towards my target. The bum waved goodbye so I waved back.

As I headed for the beacon I realized it was moving, fast. I finally caught up with it; my target was in a car. And he was in heavy traffic on the expressway; no way could I take him there, too many witnesses. A demon ripping a car apart in the middle of the New York expressway would make for bad press, so I just paced it a few hundred feet up waiting for my chance. Unbeknownst to me radar picked me up and reported a "small unidentified aircraft" in NYC no-fly airspace. The first time I realized something was wrong was when a NYC Police helicopter came up to take a look, and while I played tag with it dodging around skyscrapers my target got a head start. Finally getting tired of playing hide and seek with New York's finest I landed against the side of the Empire State building and hissing in annoyance I scrambled onto the observation deck which was fortunately closed for the night.

I waited until the chopper gave up and left. I never heard about the two pilots that got admitted to Bellevue for "observation" after they reported chasing a "Big red dragon in a Gay harness" all around downtown for half an hour. I waited for awhile, then crawled up to the top and looked around for the beacon, and there it was way the heck off in the distance. I looked around and hissed in frustration. This was not a good location. If I tried to fly they'd probably send F-16's up this time, and getting heat seeking missiles up the bunghole was not high on my list of fun things to do. Plus if I climbed down the side of the building I'd probably be seen as it was brightly lit. Taking the elevator probably wasn't such a good idea either; somehow I figured I'd get noticed. I mean someone was bound to notice an 700 hundred pound red dragon in the lobby. So with a "Here goes nothing" I climbed down the side of the building using my wing claws to help (I probably looked like a great big bat) until I got to a lower level and grabbed hold of a ledge and perched, then launched myself into the night and flying at just above treetop level headed in the last direction I'd seen the beacon. It was still pretty early, so I had lots of time. They can run, but they can't get away.

As I passed over Central Park I suddenly heard a scream, and curious dropped lower to take a look. I passed over a clearing were some dude was in the process of ripping a woman's clothes off. If there is ANYthing I hate more than the Beautre sisters (and clowns) it's a rapist. I had been raped to within an inch of my life, and I don't like to see others suffering the same way. So I rescued the fair damsel, only this time it was the dragon doing the rescuing. I did it in a very simple way; I swooped down and grabbed the guy by the shoulders, then dropped him on top of a NYC patrol car to get their attention. I didn't stick around to see if it worked or not. A demon rescuing someone, go figure. I hope the guys never find out.

Dodging around the last really tall buildings I soon reached a fairly isolated area with lots of woods. Amazing how quickly things can change, one minute you're in the middle of a modern city, next you're in Deliverance territory. But that was fine with me. It was a spread out older neighborhood with lots of nice old big houses that had seen better decades. The target was getting a lot closer, so I sped up my pursuit.

I banked between two large stands of trees and flew right into some high power lines. You know; the ones with the big metal towers. "Snap, crackle, POP! Boing, boing, AIIIIEEEHIIISSSSS!" I squealed as I fell through the air until my stupid GAY harness got caught on something and I found myself suspended about twenty feet off the ground upside down. I kicked and squealed for awhile, then finally just hung there. Well crap, I thought, this sucks.

Belatedly I realized I wasn't alone, and looking down as I swung back and forth I saw three kids on bicycles staring up at me. Oh great. I waved at them and smiled, which probably wasn't the best thing to do. They took a couple of steps back and kept staring. Finally one said,

"Who the Hell are you Mister?"

Good guess, I thought. But not wanting to tell them the truth and warp their fragile little minds I said "I'm a superhero, I'm Dragon Man!"

They just laughed, and one said, "More like Captain Dumbass, that was really lame. And superheroes don't wear Gay harnesses!"

"HEY! I growled. Do your parents know you're out late you little brats?"

"None of your business!" They yelled back, and then they started throwing rocks and globs of mud at me!"

OK, I thought, FUCK this! And roaring and snarling I kicked and flapped my wings till I broke loose, and with a big "THUD" I fell right on top of my head in a big mud puddle right at their feet. And they all fell over laughing their heads off. One said,

"Nice landing Captain Dumbass!"

OH, I was MAD now! I got up, and crouching and snarling, dripping flaming saliva, I slowly stalked them, snapping and growling, wings spread, my taloned claws spread wide to rend and tear! They would pay for humiliating me, oh yes they would! My revenge would be swift and without mercy. The story would be told for centuries, it would become an urban legend, the hideous fate of the three boys who encountered a demon from Hell! I moved closer and closer as they stared at me crying in terror, they weren't laughing now! And then with a roar I struck, and it was horrible beyond belief, their screams were terrible to hear! If you're squeamish I beg you not to read any further.

And I made them watch while I ate their bicycles. I ate everything, and used a last spoke to pick my teeth. Not bad. I can eat metal and stuff, and the rubber tires were nice and sweet. Finally I sent them running back to their parents. I can just hear what they said,

"Daddy, Daddy, a big red dragon ate my bicycle!" WHACK!

"Don't you lie to me boy! You got shit for brains! If you and those hoodlum friends hadn't been out so late your bike wouldn't have gotten stolen!"

"But Daddy, really! I think it was the Jersey Devil, and it's gay!" SMACK!

"GO to your room you delinquent, and you're grounded for ten years! Jersey Devil my ASS!"

Satisfied with my horrible revenge, and nice and full, Burp, I climbed back up the power lines tower and sprang in to the air, keeping an eye out for more power lines. I was pleased to see the beacon had stopped moving and was fairly close by. I swooped towards it, then suddenly back pedaled with great flaps of my wings to slow down, and came to rest right in front of a sign that said "Fairview Catholic Church". I put out my hand and instantly the Light of Heaven came beaming down. "OW! OW! HIIISSSS!" I yelped as I jumped back shaking my hand and blowing on my fingers. Holy Ground! Crap! Guy was smart; he must have known I was after him so he took refuge in a church. If I crossed that boundary the Light of Heaven would do to me what sunlight does to a vampire. Not pretty. I'd had a near fatal run-in with it once before, and had no desire to do so again. My kind are terrified of the Light, it causes us to dissipate and cease to exist, no soul, no afterlife, no nothing, just oblivion. It's the only way we can "die".

I paced around the border of the church; hissing angrily, being careful not to brush up against; or cross, that border. I could see it as a shimmer, almost like a force field in a dome over the church. The really frustrating thing was I could SEE my target; it was like infra-red light, I could see him even through the walls of the church. He was sitting in the pews about half way back from the altar. Hmmm, I thought. If he stayed there until dawn; and I'm sure he would, I'd have to head back home empty clawed. It's not that the sunlight would kill me or anything, but it would blind me pretty much and grabbing a soul in broad daylight is frowned upon by my bosses. Too many pesky witnesses with cameras. I took off and flew over the church, no way in from above, but if I did fly high enough I could pass over the top. Then I had an epiphany of sorts. I couldn't enter or touch Holy Ground, but other things could!

I flew over to the parking lot and looked at the targets car. It was a Mercedes 450SL, very nice. I had a brief memory of my old Duster, the old car I had rebuilt from an abandoned wreck. It reminded me of how much I'd lost, but also how much I'd gained. Damn it, I'd loved that old car. It had been like me, something nobody wanted. I wondered where it was now, probably some wreaking yard. I stood there for a minute, and a tear slid down my snout.

Finally I shook my head and gave a growl, time to get back to work. With a grunt I pulled off the hood of the Mercedes. Then bending over I braced myself, gave a snarl, and straining I ripped the engine out. I set it down, flipped the car over, ripped off the gas tank and doused the engine, then holding it up I drank the rest of the gasoline. Mmmm, Premium! Then I grabbed the engine with my hind claws, and flapping my wings took off and slowly gained altitude. I'm pretty strong, but even so it was hard as that engine was heavy.

I went higher and higher until I was really way up, stopped for a split second, stood on my head, and then dove. I only opened my wings to make slight adjustments to my angle of approach, and as I fell I hummed "Ride of the Valkyries". Just before I reached the dome of Heavens Light I flared my wings and turned my dive into a steep swoop and judging the angle I released the engine and flapped for altitude. Just before letting it go I spit on it and set it on fire. The engine went through the large round stained glass window over the altar like a flaming meteor, flew down the aisle, and landed right on top of the target and turned him into a grease stain. He never knew what hit him! YES! Perfecto! I'm bad, uh-huh! I thought as I did a victory roll. Thought you could get away from ME? I felt bad about the pretty window, but he ought not to have hidden in there anyway. Of course it would make the papers as car engines don't usually fall out of the sky like that, but stranger things have happened. Like Al Franken winning an election, now THAT was strange! They'd probably blame it on terrorists. Now the target had a choice, he could stay and haunt the church as a lost soul, or try to leave. Of course the minute he did me, or another Seeker, would instantly be dispatched to finish the job. It was better than nothing. At least I'd ruined his day old school style.

"Mistress!" I said in my mind.

"I saw Pet, very nice if I say so myself. Great Lord Ba'al would be pleased." She instantly replied.

"Really?" I said.

"Oh yes, he likes initiative." She said.

Impressing my Great Lord would be nice, I thought. It sure beat getting him mad at me! "Mistress?"

"Yes Pet, come home to me safe. Your Mistress misses her little jelly bean." She hissed softly.

I saw my return beacon flicker into being, and with a happy roar I turned on my head and plummeted through the pentagram and was home! I shrieked in joy as I danced through the hot sky of Hell, after the cold world above the scalding winds felt good. A large fire dragon passing by roared a welcome, and we did a couple of loops together as we turned and twisted in a graceful aerial ballet.

I landed in front of the main entrance to my Mistress's domain, and the two High Imps on guard bowed and opened the great gate for me. "Hi guys!" I called out cheerfully as I went through. If they answered I didn't hear it. All I cared about was getting home to my Mistress. I HATE being away from her even for just a few minutes, guess I'm insecure.

I pranced in to her office and started to give a bow, then turned it into a full prostration with my wings over my head as I saw Great Lord Ba'al sitting in the "Lord's Only" chair with Mistress Vulva and the Marquis de Sade respectfully attending him.

Great, I thought, what'd I do now?

Great Lord Ba'al said, "How nice, he's always so respectful. Now rise slave, and join your mistress. Your Lord is quite pleased, your aim was excellent."

Obediently I got up, but couldn't help preening a little as I gave a happy snort and trotted over to my Mistress and lay at her hooves. She ran her hand through my mane and scratched, oh yeah, right there! She knows were ALL my itchy spots are! Yeah, I got a mane, it involved a vore demoness named Equa. Don't ask.

Great Lord Ba'al looked at Vulva's pet Seeker for a moment, and thought to himself, funny, I don't remember him having a mane before. Later he got a big laugh when he heard about my short, but very memorable, stay in Equa's womb.

Turning his attention to the Marquis, the Great Lord said, "Well my dear Alphonse, are you satisfied?"

The Marquis replied, "I am of course disappointed he did not bring the soul, but the irony of that corrupt soul having to spend eternity in a church or chose Hell is delicious, worthy of myself. He always did hate to listen to priests rant and rave. Yes, I am most satisfied." Turning to me he said "Bon travail petit!"

Somehow I knew that was a compliment, so I preened a little more. I just LOVE praise and attention. Maybe I won't stuff him back in the demon-eating plant again; when Vulva's not looking, for dumping me in a sewer full of rats (ugh!) and big hungry reptiles. As I looked at him something looked different, didn't that big mole used to be on his other cheek? Weird.

Great Lord Ba'al said, "Excellent! Now that this matter is settled let us more on to more important business. My messenger told me he delivered the invitation to my Halloween Party, but I just wanted to check in person. Good help is so hard to find nowadays."

At that I panicked a little and looked under Vulva's desk and over my shoulder. That little demon in the Leprechaun outfit isn't here, is he? Last time he was he beat the crap out of me for laughing at him. He only weighs about 50 pounds, but turns out he's a platinum belt instructor at the Hells "School of Martial Arts". I will NEVER laugh at him again no matter how funny he looks if I know what's good for myself. But the coast was clear so I settled down. I kept one eye open though.

They started talking about really boring stuff like costumes, invitations, how many slaves to eat per guest, etc. so I eventually dozed off. When my Mistress started petting and stroking my head and neck with her tail I gave a sighing hiss of pure contentment. It doesn't get much better than this.

A short time later Great Lord Ba'al and the big sissy took their leave, talking animatedly about the pros of leather shackles as opposed to iron ones. Of course I prostrated myself again with my wings over my head, much to the Great Lord's delight. He does like to be respected, and I DO respect him. One big difference is my respect is real. I just stuck my tongue out at sissy boy.

A short time later Mistress Vulva ran into some problems on the computer, something about a bill for a large church window, and hissing angrily she said Hell would freeze over before she'd pay it! You tell'em Mistress! I just dozed and did what I do best; well second best, and goofed off. I guess the church sent the bill to the Vatican, and they forwarded it to Hell. Good luck, I thought.

I noticed movement under my Mistress's desk, and with a quick lunge I came up with a wriggling hissing lizard in my mouth. "Mistress! I called in my mind, Look at what I caught!" I felt pretty proud of myself.

Vulva let out a shriek when she saw the tunnel lizard struggling in her Pets mouth. "LET him GO Pet!" she hissed, and kicked him in side, hard.

"Huh? OW!" I said in surprise, and dropped the lizard. Then she whacked me on top of my head and I bit my tongue. "AAIIIEEEEE!" I squealed as I held my tongue in my claws and ran around the desk, "OWWOOOOO! Yipe, Yipe!"

Vulva reached down and picked up the dazed little lizard, and holding it in one hand she rolled it over on its back and started rubbing its tummy. The lizard kicked its legs and hissed in pleasure. "Is my poor little Ziggy hurt, did the mean old dragon scare you? Hiisss!"

Hey! I thought jealously, how come HE gets a belly rub? "Miistwwuuss, I whined, wud'd I do wong?" I don't get no sympathy at all, none.

She gently smacked me on my snout. "This is Ziggy, his mate Iggy is around here somewhere. They eat bugs and stuff, helps keep the place clean. Hiss. It's hard for us to keep them thanks to that crazy man-eating plant, but I finally convinced him to stop eating them, Hiss, by threatening to prune him. He can eat all he wants to in the tunnels, but NOT in the office and quarters. Now say hello. Hiss."

Mistress bent over and put the mangy little lizard in my face. It hissed at me and I hissed back. I didn't say Hi. It looked kind of like a black and red Gila monster, but wasn't slow. Believe me I know, I'd been trying to catch one for a long time. How that slow plant manages I'll never understand. That settled and introductions made, she put the lizard down and it ran back under her desk. And I never did get MY belly rubbed, it's so unfair. So I just moped and sucked on my poor abused tongue.

She banged away on the computer for a few more minutes, the said "Pet, what do you know about this order for 50 cases of Tidy Bowl urinal cakes, hmm? Hiss!"

Rats, thought she'd forgotten about that! "Why Mistress, nothing at all, why do you ask?" I can be SO smooth when I want to.

"Well, I guess I can send them to the demonkind mess hall, I'm sure they'd appreciate the treat. Hiss."

"HEY! I said. Those are mine!" Then I shut my mouth with a snap and almost bit my tongue again, oh crap!

"A-HA, I THOUGHT so you sneaky little creep!" WHAM, her tail knocked me head over claws, and squealing I ran through the entertainment room, down the hall, and dived under her bed. I can never put one over on her, never!

Vulva slowly walked down the hall towards her bedroom. "Ohh Peeet! Come here NOW!"

"Promise you won't hit me?" I whined.

"NO" she hissed.

"Then I'm staying right here, it's nice." I heard a hiss and looked up to find another tunnel lizard looking down at me from the box springs. "Hiya Iggy", I hissed, much to the lizard's surprise.

Vulva stalked into the bedroom, she knew right where he was, under the bed as usual. It was his favorite refuge. It was kind of comforting to know he was under there at night, but it could be a pain getting him out when he didn't want to come as for his size he was an artful little dodger. However his fairly recent love affair with Equa had resulted in his gaining a few pounds, and some length, and he probably didn't realize the tip and barb of his tail was sticking out from underneath the edge of the bed. With a roar she pounced and grabbed the tip of his tail and pulled him, kicking and squealing, out from under the bed.

"AAAIIIIIEEEE!" I screamed as I was dragged to a horrible fate.

WHAM!, SMACK! CRUNCH! And other sounds echoed throughout Mistress Vulva's quarters and office as she gave her Pet a summary lesson about the consequences of ordering unauthorized cleaning supplies and snacks and forging her signature. WHAM! "OWWOOOOOO!" SMACK!


Three hundred and eight, no nine, I thought, but who's counting. I tried pleading, I'm pretty good at it (lots of practice) but it didn't do any good as she was really on a roll this time. WHAM, SMACK!


A LONG time ago, I thought, but just played dead. It helps, sometimes.

Finally Vulva grabbed her Pet by the tail again and slung him into the bathroom where he ended up upside down in the shower. With an evil hiss the reached in and turned on the cold water. He HATES that. The she stepped to one side and watched. There was an explosion of steam, a loud screech, and he came barreling out and disappeared down the hallway at a dead run yowling.

I opened one eye just a little and looked at my Mistress as she came in the bathroom after me. Then I closed it again and played dead. When nothing happened right away, like more bodily trauma, I opened my eye again just a crack and saw her reaching for the cold water handle. She wouldn't DARE! I thought. She dared. To me cold water is the exact opposite of what I am, I'm a creature of fire and molten rock, so cold water is right out! With a loud wailing scream I shot out of the shower stall, ran down the hallway, out the door, and took off down the tunnel in a cloud of steam screeching at the top of my voice.

Vulva let out a loud sigh. Not again! "PET, you come BACK here right NOW and take your medicine like a demon! HIISS!"

Screw that, I thought. You want me, come and get me! I ran into our favorite bath cave, past the attendants (who were used to it by now) and into one of the bathing grottos. Then I climbed up the wall and hung from the ceiling, and waited like a great big vampire bat. The other patrons took one look, then got up and left. They were used to it to.

Vulva entered the bath cave and the attendants all pointed to one of the grottos, and seeing the guests leaving she thought, Ahh, I have the little nimrod cornered. Run away from ME will he! Just because I was beating the crap out of him is NO excuse! With an angry hiss she slowly entered the grotto, staring intently at the pools of bubbling liquids, he usually likes to hide in one and ambush her.

I watched as Mistress Vulva entered the grotto. She was crouched down and wary; her tail whipping around, as she scanned the pools for any sign of me. Very carefully I crept across the ceiling for a better angle of attack. As I did I watched her lovely tail slowly and sensually weaving back and forth, and she was crouched over like a female presenting herself. I felt a stir in my vent. Oh boy, I thought, I know what I'm going to do! I waited until I was good and hard as I stared at her lovely hindquarters and started drooling in anticipation. Then with a loud roar I flipped over and dropped on top of her.

At the last second she felt a drop of drool hit her back and pop as it burst into flame, but it was too late. She turned and looked up, then shrieked as the huge form landed on top of her and knocked her to the ground.

With a snarl I grabbed her waist and lifted up her hindquarters, and pulling her tail out of the way I crouched and mounted her with a powerful lunge and roared in ecstasy. I thrust a few more times until I'd achieved full penetration and then began fucking her with steady powerful thrusts, grunting and snarling in pleasure and lust.

"PET! She shrieked, what in the HELL are you doing! Get if OFF of me! HIIISSS!"

My only response was to lean forward and grab the back of her neck in my jaws to pin her and gave a deep hiss of warning that translated "Don't resist while I mate with you female!" Now she couldn't struggle as much. Then I just grunted and moaned as I mated with her.

When it was obvious he was too far gone in his lust to obey her she finally settled down to enjoy it. It had been a long time since she was raped, and she HAD told him to do it more often! In Hell rape is an art form, a male (or female) that can't make their victim enjoy it is considered a loser. Hey, we're depraved, remember where, and what, we are!

The beast was totally in control now, I had no idea who the female I was mating with was, and didn't care. Of course the only female I would ever "rape" was my Mistress because she enjoyed it so much; I would NEVER to it to another female even though it's no big deal down here. I kept her pinned helplessly as I serviced her, both of us growling and grunting in pleasure, then shrieking as we orgasmed repeatedly. The feel of her slick, hot, wet multiple lips caressing me and her tail wrapped around my waist as she snarled and shrieked drove me crazy with lust, it had seldom been this intense as usually my human part had some control, but not this time. Maybe it was the setting, the dimly lit grotto with boiling pools of sulphur and mud, the stalactites and stalagmites reflecting the ruddy flames in the hot pots and braziers which were the only light. It was a primeval setting, and the two howling roaring mating beasts fit the scenario perfectly. But we didn't give a damn about our surroundings; all we cared about was each other.

For over four hours the grotto echoed to sound of my thighs slamming into her rump and our shrieks, squeals, bellows, and other sounds of agonizing ecstasy. After each orgasm I would pause briefly to catch my breath, keeping my grip on the female's neck, growling softly to let her know I was in charge and I wasn't done with her yet. Then I would start thrusting again and soon the shrieks and roars would start again as I kept servicing her.

Vulva moaned as he started thrusting into her again. His assault on her was pure animal and demonic at its purest, and she loved every minute of it. Sometimes being taken like an animal, brutally and with no choice, was delightful. He had never been this bestial before, which considering their usual couplings really meant something. His fangs on her neck were so erotic; his hot breath on her neck and deep growls in her ears as he claimed her for his mate drove her to incredible levels of pleasure as she submitted to the magnificent male beast. Some of the sounds he made sounded more equine then reptilian, so maybe this new crazed lust was also a result of being "eaten" by Equa? Was he in rut? If so, she approved. She was a sex demoness, one of the best, but even by demonic standards he was well endowed, and she could feel his nether tongue eagerly exploring her vagina as her lips caressed it and his huge rock hard erection, then he spurted his molten seed deep inside of her, and with a loud guttural shriek she came again and he paused, gave a deep growl, and then started again. By Ba'al's balls she thought, when will he stop? She moaned as he speeded up, his hard scaly thighs slamming into her rump as his penis slid in and out of her tight embrace. She moaned and shrieked, not for a long time, she hoped!

Finally even I reached my limit, my body straining to refill my aching loins. Knowing it was the last time I began to thrust harder than ever, my lunges lifting the females rump higher into the air, then as I exploded in the most powerful orgasm I had ever had I threw back my head and roared and neighed at the incredible unbearable pure ecstasy and passed out as I collapsed over her back.

Vulva shrieked as his pace picked up, his brutal thrusts lifting her up and then slamming her back down. She clawed at the rock floor as the intensity grew and grew until she was screaming along him as he thrust one more time and exploded deep inside of her again and she felt their juices squirt out of her overflowing sex and soak their already drenched crotches and she could feel how wet the floor was from their numerous orgasms. Then he neighed and passed out, his weight settling on to her back and she collapsed face first into the puddle of their sexual fluids. Mmmm, she thought, as she tasted the sweet fluids on her lips, and licked at them with her tongue. She lay there for a while, enjoying the feel of his still hard erection inside of her and his weight on her back. Turning her head she nuzzled and licked his snout, but he was oblivious. She had lost track long ago of how many times they'd climaxed as they mated, but she knew it had to be a record even for them.

Finally he went limp and slid from her, and with a groan she rolled him off of her. He was still out cold, and seemed to be sleeping now. She crawled onto his chest and hugged his powerful body and he moaned a little in his sleep. She laid her head down on his chest, and lured by his warmth and the gentle gurgling sounds of the pools she fell asleep too.

They spent several hours there in that place sleeping soundly and holding one another close, the flickering flames reflecting off of their scales. A demoness of Hell and her slave that even in this place had found eternal love. And none dared disturb them; the attendants just put an "Out of Order" sign on the entrance and guarded it. They were happy for their Mistress and her strange Pet.

THE END, Chapter 10


The Seeker, Chapter 11

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 11 By William W. Kelso I grabbed some more stuff out of the chest of drawers and started to stuff them into my Mistress's suitcase. I kept my body heat down as low as I could as I...

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The Seeker, Chapter 9

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 9 By William W. Kelso I was lying contentedly on my fireproof rug next to my Mistress's desk while she fought her way through the usual bureaucratic nonsense, pop-ups and Spam on...

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The Seeker, Chapter 8, Introducing new characters.

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This chapter basically introduces two new characters to The Seeker series. I hope it is met with the same enthusiasm the previous chapters have received. The Seeker, Chapter 8, Introducing New Characters ...

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