Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 73

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#73 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Original preview image used for this chapter made by http://livinlovindude.deviantart.com/

Chapter 73 - Fun In The Sun

Once the shower was cleaned and two were finished drying off, Chris clothed himself for bed and decided to carry Rose into the other room to avoid making her feel any more sore than need be. "Sorry again about being the way I was, you uh... DID kinda ask for it though. The old more than you can chew motto and all." he laughed nervously with a slight blush, the rabbit scowling and crossing her arms embarrassed. "Still not talking? How come?" he asked, sitting her carefully on the bed as she winced and tried to respond, only for her raspy voice to come out causing her just as much confusion. Looking around, Chris suddenly noticed Serenity and Alicia laying together on the floor out cold, both mumbling comments about one another. "What in the world? Did they eat themselves into a coma?" he asked, walking up and giving them a nudge as Rose thought back on how they were arguing before she went into the bathroom, laughing nervously in a "yeaaaah, I'm sure that's it." kind of way as he lift the two on the bed as well. "No wonder you haven't been speaking to me. They really are out of it." he muttered, poking them both on the cheek only to get a "stupid snake" comment from Serenity while Alicia grumbled, Rose quickly pushing his hand away from the two with a nervous smile, not wanting him to wake the two up. "Well, guess it's for the best, all things, well, considered." he replied, rubbing his head shyly. "Guess we can keep the details a secret for now then, it'll save us from drama I'd rather not deal with during this trip. Supposed to be a vacation and all, you know?" he smiled, rubbing Rose on the head as she nodded in agreement. Turning on the TV, he went over to the food tray and put together a plate, sitting at the foot of the bed while watching the news. "Mph, that's gwood. No bad weafer." he muttered while nibbling on a sandwich, Rose carefully sitting next to him and leaning against his side. "This stuff isn't bad at all considering it sat for a bit. Wanna share?" he asked, handing the plate her way and getting a nod in response. "About the shower, I uh, I appreciate the feelings." he told her, glancing away shyly. "Just wanted to say I'll do my best to deserve, you know, what we did. That was your first time and all, so, yeah. I don't ever wanna let you think you gave it to the wrong person, so i'll do my best to make giving it to me worthwhile." he added, scratching his cheek nervously as she looked up at him and gave Chris a pat on the back, assuring him it was already deserved. "Sorry for getting all mushy again. Figured it was best to let you know it's a, you know, honor. I mean, you're real cute and all, you've got a real good heart too. Its nice having someone like you want that kind of relationship with me, so I'll do my best to make sure you're happy picking me." he added, blushing slightly as she giggled and relaxed against him, taking another bite of food from his plate. Looking down at her, he smiled and put an arm around the rabbit, causing Rose to blush as well before letting out a peaceful sigh and hugging him back.

Looking behind them, Chris saw both girls still out cold, shaking his head with a sigh. "I don't think food's what made them that way. They got into it again I bet." he said, scowling at the two before getting another helping to eat. Once they were done, he called for the dishes to be taken, crew arriving shortly after to take everything away, making sure to ask if they needed anything else before leaving and shutting the door behind them. "I wasn't a big fan of being waited on really, but I gotta admit, after hanging at the mansion and all I can definitely see the highlights of it!" he laughed, jolting and glancing at Alicia. "Don't ever let HER know I said that though." he smiled nervously, Rose nodding as he climbed into bed himself, both Serenity and Alicia being nudged to the side causing the two rivals to roll over and embrace each other. "Ahhhh, this feels great." he chuckled, sinking into the mattress and feeling over the sheets. "You really can't tell you're on the ocean at all in here. It's amazing what people build nowadays." he smirked, looking at Rose and inviting her to climb in with him. Getting a nod in response, he lift the sheets allowing her to crawl in, the rabbit hissing once again as she rest next to him. "Man, you sure you're gonna be alright?" he asked nervously, Rose jolting and laughing in response while waving her hand at him. Rolling over against his side, she put her arm over him with a quiet smile, Chris holding her close with another smile of his own while looking around the room. "I've made Alicia happy with the first class treatment, Serenity's enjoying getting to see the ocean and all the neat stuff on the ship, and you're enjoying yourself just by spending time with a hopeless guy like me." he laughed, Rose scowling from the last part and shaking her head in a "you're not hopeless!" kind of way. Smirking in response, he nuzzled his nose against hers before relaxing against his pillows once more, looking at Serenity and Alicia as they continued embracing each other peacefully in their sleep. "Oh man, if only they could be like that willingly and when conscious. We'd all be in paradise." he sighed, rubbing the two on the head causing them both to coo and blush slightly, Chris giving them a "c-cute" look in response. After a moment, Rose slowly got on top of Chris, causing him to give her a curious and confused look until she rest her body on his, nuzzling her face into his neck while clinging to his pajama shirt causing him to blush shyly. "Everything, uh, alright?" he asked, the rabbit remaining still in silent in response. "Ha ha, alright. Sleep well then." he told her, rubbing Rose along her back as he let himself drift off as well.

Throughout the night, everyone slept peacefully, the open balcony doors allowing the sound of the ocean to lull them as they rest. Hour after hour passed by, and as the sun started peeking up from the horizon to welcome a new, things were still as peaceful as could be, that is, until Serenity and Alicia woke... Looking at one another in the face, they both smiled in their half conscious state, telling one another "good morning" simultaneously in a loving tone. However, it didn't take long for the two Pokemon to fully snap into reality, looking at one another wide eyed before quickly shoving themselves apart and backing away. "Le-lecherous dog!! How dare you!?" the snake snapped. "Stupid sn-snake!! Y-you the one all over me!!" Serenity argued, both equally flushed in embarrassment and growling at each other while Chris sat up causing Rose to groan as she remained on top of him, the two rubbing their eyes and yawning. "H-hey girls, what's up?" he asked in a groggy tone, the rabbit looking at the two as well with a "hi" and a wave. Seeing him and Rose together in such a close and happy way caused them to remember the night before, both Serenity and Alicia crossing their arms and growling at the rabbit for the trick she pulled while they were busy with one another. "Ah, ha ha. I'm sorry." she replied nervously, Chris looking down at her and tilting his head. "Sorry? For what?" he asked. "That little trickster took advantage of our quarrel last night and made her move right under our noses!" Alicia replied. "Would have been me if stupid snake not distract me!! Then SHE attack ME and I wind up knocked out! Alicia cruel!!" Serenity added causing Alicia to gasp. "Excuse me? It was YOU who attacked ME first you swine!!" she barked. "Another day..." Chris muttered with a nervous laugh, Rose nodding with a nervous smile of her own. Getting off his body, Rose stood next to the bed with another yawn, stretching as well before heading out onto the balcony to enjoy the morning breeze. "Alright, alright, come on you two." he told the girls, getting between them. "Look, if it means that much to you I'll take a bath with each of you, alright? We've got six days left on this cruise, meaning each of you can get two baths each before we get to the valley. Nice and even, everyone gets their own time, we have a deal?" he asked. Scowling at Alicia for a moment, Serenity let out a "hrmph!" and nodded in agreement, the snake letting out a hiss before nodding as well. "Good, with that out of the way, I think we should spend today trying out some of the pools. The ship basically has its own water park so that should keep all of us busy, but we'll have to see about a little supply shopping first. One of the lower decks is basically a mall, so with shopping and swimming combined, I think it should book our schedules. Sound like a plan?" he asked, getting off the bed as well while they did the same, each of them stretching before nodding in agreement. "Ha ha, guess I'm finally getting good at this." he smirked, nudging Serenity and rubbing Alicia on the head, both of them continuing to scowl at one another. "Oy, enough with that or no time period!" he lectured, the two jolting and looking away from one another as he sighed and shook his head. "Never mind, just try to behave. And no more of this animosity towards Rose! If you two fighting is how she got the upper hand you've got yourselves to blame, not her." he told the two, waving his hand before heading towards the drawers for a change of clothes.

"See what you do?" Serenity grumbled at Alicia. "Bah, as if you're one to talk." she muttered back, the two looking away from one another yet again as Chris went into the bathroom to change. With him in the other room, the two looked at Rose on the balcony, walking up to her with jealous looks. "So, what you and him do?" Serenity asked. "E-eh? Do?" she replied. "You know what she means. Did you and the oaf do... ANYTHING in particular?" Alicia replied. "Umm, we took a bath together!" she laughed nervously. "We know THAT!! We mean you do anything ELSE in bath?!" Serenity asked, crossing her arms and glaring at the rabbit as she took a step back with another nervous laugh, putting her hands up. "N-nothing bad! Honest! We had a good time, that's all!" she replied, blushing shyly and glancing away while poking her fingers. "We had a r-really good time." she added with a smile. "So you two DID do it." Alicia groaned, suddenly slumping and leaning her head against the railing as Serenity puffed out her cheeks in frustration. "The hare beat the tortoise. That's two who've done it, and I've been around far longer than her." Alicia muttered, sitting with a plop and letting out a sigh. "Third place, I'm in third now." she added with a sulky laugh, letting out a groan from the defeat. "Third place? You're not in third! He cares about all of us just the same!" Rose assured, patting the snake with a nervous smile as Serenity started pacing in frustration. "How he do it with her so easy?! That mean he do it with anyone easy?!" she muttered, biting the tip of her thumb. "N, no no! I mean, he's not like that! He just... Cares..." Rose tried to assure, only for Serenity to send daggers her way with another glare causing the rabbit to jolt and back away with her hands up once more, her ears drooping as she faced down and poked her fingers. "I mean, I admit we did do that but he DID think of you two a lot. He was really worried about how you would feel... Scared about it even. He doesn't want anyone mad or anything, so please don't be upset. He just wants to make everyone happy... He loves all of us a lot, and you more than anyone should know he'd do anything for any of us. I just really wanted to have the kind of relationship with him you have Serenity. I love him too... Besides, the whole reason it happened was because I got in there and, well... Encouraged him." she told them, glancing up at Serenity as she glared down at Rose once again. "I'm sorry..." the rabbit apologized, facing down in guilt as Chris walked out of the bathroom, causing the group to jolt and face his direction.

"Bah, not a good match. Gotta be a better shirt in here..." he muttered, standing in his pants while rummaging through the drawers. With a look of frustration and jealousy combined, Serenity walked up to him from behind, about to yell at him only to freeze when she looked at his back. "He's not like that! He'd do anything for us. He loves us all a lot." Rose's words echoed in her mind, causing Serenity to lower her finger as her expression turned from irritated to frustrated and guilty, rubbing her arm as he held up a shirt. "Ah! Muuuuch better." he smirked, turning around with a shout when he saw Serenity so close, jumping back in surprise and nearly dropping the shirt. "G-geez! Again with standing behind me! I told you about that!" he lectured as she gave him an irritated look. "Wh-what's with that lo-mph?!!" he asked, cut off as she suddenly grabbed him and gave him a frustrated kiss, pulling back after a moment while continuing to hold him tightly. "U-uh... Serenity?" he replied, blinking at her in surprise and confusion combined as she continued glaring at him. "We know what you do with Rose." she told him, glancing away with a scowl on her face. "A-ah. Uh, well, you see..." he replied, rubbing his head nervously as she backed away. "Pl-please don't be upset or anything! I know that's unfair to ask but... Uh..." he tried to say, cutting off at the end as he faced down in guilt. "Sh-she's a lot like you, ya know? I mean, I didn't wanna make her feel, o-or YOU girls feel, that is..." he continued, only to stop and let out a groan with an apology. Looking at him, she glanced at Rose as well, thinking about what the rabbit said once again. "...Only us." she replied, causing him to jolt and look at her. "You mate, but ONLY with us! That clear?" she told him sternly, waving her finger in his face causing Chris to blink in surprise. "I not like ANY male that mates with whoever whenever, not even if that male YOU, understand? As long as with US, I guess not mind, even if still not like... I not mind..." she told him, crossing her arms and facing away as he continued looking at her in surprise before letting out a relieved sigh. "You're the best." he told her with a nervous laugh, Serenity blushing slightly in response and turning her back to him. "I know I'm best! You remember that! You ever mate with anyone but us, I never forgive! You horrible male if you do!" she replied. Smiling as her back remained towards him, he suddenly reached out and pulled her in for a hug from behind, causing her to jolt and freeze up in surprise as he grinned. "Thanks for saying that stuff, that's a HUGE load off my shoulders... I really mean it." he told her again with another sigh of relief, Serenity flushing from getting a sudden shirtless hug from him. Giving her a kiss on the cheek, Serenity's eyes went wide as he pulled away and put his shirt on, looking himself over in the mirror. "Alright, alright. This works just fine." he muttered, grabbing his lab coat off the rack and putting it on as well.

"So, you girls...??" he paused as Rose tugged on his sleeve, pointing out Alicia as she remained on the balcony with her head against the bars, sulking and muttering to herself. "Tssss, riiiight." he murmured, rubbing the back of his head nervously. Looking at the two, he waved at them to give him a moment before walking up to her, squatting down as Rose looked up at Serenity and gave her a smile. "Thanks for sharing him with me. I know it's not easy to but I really do appreciate it." she told her, offering a hand as Serenity looked away for a moment before taking her hand and giving it a shake. "He really was scared, that wasn't a lie. He loves you and her so much too, and the thought of doing anything that would hurt either of you makes him feel like trash." she told Serenity, looking at Chris and facing down. "I felt bad pushing him into doing what we did, but at the same time I wanted to show how I really felt too, so it was hard for me even. You and her are the first Pokemon to be so nice to me too. I'm sorry for taking advantage of things like I did, I know it wasn't fair. We're still friends, right?" she asked, looking up at Serenity nervously as she looked down at the rabbit before facing away and scratching her cheek. "You good girl, nice and gentle. You not like snake over there. You not give any reason to dislike, so not worry. You family too, and I know how feel." she replied, crossing her arms. "It does make jealous, but... Guess if HAVE to share, better you than anyone. I know I share with snake too eventually, REALLY not like that though." she added, grumbling for a moment before letting out a sigh. "But, I trust you, and know shouldn't, but I trust snake too. You not hurt him, I not get mad at you for being mate too." she told Rose before sitting on the bed with a plop, leaning her cheek against her hand while grumbling once again, getting the last of her frustration out as Rose smiled and gave her a bow along with her thanks, the begrudgingly acceptive Pokemon waving her hand in response. On the balcony, Chris remained silent while Alicia continued muttering to herself. "You know, I love you the same as them." he assured her, causing Alicia to shoot up on her feet in surprise with a scream, clutching the bars from the startle before slowly turning to him. "D-d-d-don't EVER sneak up when a l-l-lady is thinking in private!!" she replied, teary eyed and blushing slightly while scowling at him. "W-w-what do you want dog?" she asked. "A-as I said, I love you the same as them. Having that kind of relationship with Serenity and Rose, it really seems like it gets to you. That's why I just, you know..." he told her, glancing away and scratching his cheek shyly. "I guess if YOU ever wanted to be with me like them, I wouldn't mind. I'm just not in your league so I figured it was best not to bring it up. You're way above me." he confessed causing her to flush and blink at him wide eyed. "E-eh? Ehh?!!" she replied, her tail shooting up before quickly shaking her head. "Y-y-y-you lecherous dog!! How DARE you to offer such a filthy act so boldly to me?! And in front of others?! Where is your class, your manners?!" she snapped causing him to jolt in surprise, losing his balance and landing backwards as she fumed in humiliation. "I-I-I'm sorry! I thought it would make you happy!" he replied, quickly waving his hands nervously.

"She's hard to please..." Rose muttered with a nervous smile. "That why she easy to dislike, always get on nerves." Serenity replied with an irritated scowl. "A proper male would NEVER invite me to copulate when in front of another!! ESPECIALLY under such terrible conditions!! There's no atmosphere, no buildup!! You're a fool through and through but I didn't think you were THAT stupid!!" she snapped causing him to blink at her in surprise and sulk, nodding his head in guilt. "Sorry ma'am." he replied, poking his fingers silently. "First you go about having your way with females as you please in front of me, on top of self indulgently pulling me into one of your filthy moments as well, then when you decide to come to me you do it in the poorest way possible!! To group me with the likes of those two in thinking you can just come up to me for something like THAT is an unbearable insult you pig!!" she continued, causing Chris to sulk all the more with another apology, Serenity about to stand and intervene only for Rose to put her arm out and shake her head. "I'll not give a response to such an ignorant attempt at consoling me. If you wish to do so, do it when you're a little less pig-like and when you're a proper male!" she finished, waving her finger at him before facing away with a "hrmph!!" and walking into the room, leaving him sitting with a groan and sulking under his own shadowy gloom in her place. As Serenity stood and raised her finger to make a comment, Alicia put her hand in the air and looked up at her. "I didn't tell the dog no, I told him to try again under better conditions. Hold your tongue." she told Serenity, walking over to the chair near the fireplace and turning on the TV while remaining silent. Looking at the snake, Serenity grit her teeth and started forming a sphere of energy in her hand, trembling before letting out a growl and cancelling it out, Rose looking at the two and shaking her head with a sigh. Walking onto the balcony, Serenity squat down and put her hand on Chris's shoulder to console him, Alicia glancing at the two before facing away with a scowl and a blush. "I suppose it IS nice having the knowledge he wants me that way and is willing to come to me for it. If only he wasn't such a stupid dog when doing so though..." she murmured, shaking her head and grumbling. "Guess it's better for her to be annoyed than sad." Rose said with a nervous laugh, looking back at Serenity and Chris as he looked at her with a nervous laugh, the two nodding at one another before standing and walking in the room.

Motioning for Serenity to wait, Chris walked up to Alicia and rubbed the back of his head nervously. "I'm uh, sorry for insult...!!" he apologized, pausing as she put her hand up. "No need for that. In your own stupid way it was flattering I suppose. Nonetheless, that doesn't excuse your poor execution of asking me for such a relationship. The only thing I expect out of this is for you to keep in mind the difference between myself and those two. I'm not like them when it comes to copulating with a male, I'm not as easy." she affirmed, both girls experiencing a pale hitting them on the head simultaneously as the "easy" statement echoed in their minds, causing Serenity to form a claw of dark energy as Rose let out her claws as well, the two smiling innocently yet clearly hiding "gonna kill her" within their expressions. Feeling the cold atmosphere coming from the two, Chris shuddered and glanced their way, both of them hiding their claws in a flash behind their backs and whistling together. "I... Get the feeling we should just get going." he laughed nervously. Looking back at Alicia, he nodded and held his arm out, allowing her to jump on and slither her way over his shoulders. "Still, sorry anyways. I'll keep all that in mind." he affirmed, the snake nodding in response with a smirk. "A good male learns fast, that's one step at least." she replied as he took his staff and offered Serenity his arm, Rose clutching his coat as they left the room. "Soooo gonna get it one day." Serenity muttered in Alicia's ear. "Oh, do bring it on darling, I enjoy teaching a lesson." she muttered back with a smirk, the two glaring at one another and growling. "You're uh, doin' that RIGHT in my ear you two." Chris scowled causing both Pokemon to jolt and face away from one another, putting off yet another innocent act as he sighed and shook his head. "From just starting to act okay to hating each other more than ever. Whoo boy." he thought to himself. "Anyways, since we're gonna be in the water, we need some stuff like, well, trunks for me, shades might be good. Lotion and all." he said, thinking of a short list in his mind as they reached the stairs and went further down into the ship. "This is should be the right level..." he muttered as they walked into the lobby. "Keep saying decks and levels, why?" Serenity asked. "Oh, that's ship talk. You don't call them floors. You can but, it isn't very accurate." he replied with a shrug, the Pokemon tilting her head. "Ship talk? So, you can talk to ship too?" she asked. Slumping with a groan, he laughed nervously and rubbed her on the head. "Ship talk just means, well, that's how people talk ABOUT them, not TO them." he explained, Serenity raising an eyebrow before shrugging and looking around. "Man, gotta remember they can't grasp everything humans do very well. Still, it's cute anyways." he thought to himself with a smirk.

Once they passed the crew at the lobby entrance, stationed at the double doors to welcome first class passengers and see them through, whilst ensuring lower classes didn't pass, they found themselves stepping into a massive corridor entirely dedicated to shopping and dining, resembling a bustling mall and marketplace hybrid featuring countless things for classes of every level to enjoy that stretched from bow to stern. "Maaaaaaan this is cool. A whole shopping district on a single level of a ship!" he said wide eyed. "You mean deck!" Serenity added with a smart smirk on her face and nose up. "Ha ha, yeah, that too. Good memory." he smiled, rubbing her on the head getting a giggle in response while Alicia rolled her eyes and Rose nodded, enjoying the happier atmosphere. Walking around, they had stores and restaurants alike for the different classes to try out, with countless stands lining the middle of the corridor for everyone to browse through, mainly offering souvenirs and other trinkets on top of snacks. Knowing the girls hadn't had a bite, he bought them each a bag of bite sized puffs to try out, each of their eyes lighting up as they shuddered and swooned over the taste. "You know, all this time I've seen you girls and other Pokemon going crazy over those things, they really THAT good?" he asked. Looking at one another, they nodded before Serenity offered one, pink in color. "Huh, this must taste like strawberry. Cherry maybe?" he asked before popping it in his mouth. "Mph, tastes like..." he paused, suddenly groaning and turning a slight green as his body slumped. "c-crap..." he added, quickly swallowing it and shuddering from head to toe with his tongue hanging out and a nauseous look on his face, his stomach grumbling as well. "Uuurrr, never eat food made for other species." he groaned as the girls looked at one another and the tiny puffs in their bags, giving him "you're crazy!!" looks. "Blech, you girls have aaaallll you want, none for me." he told them, waving his hand as they looked at one another again before shrugging and munching away. "Man, that's not fair. You can eat your food AND our food, but your stuff makes me cringe." he told them with another shudder, rubbing his stomach as it growled again. Roaming about the shopping level, the group bought several things for their time above, Chris buying a new gym bag to hold everything in before finally deciding to search for something to wear. Walking by a store filled with swimsuits in the display window, he nodded and led the girls inside, looking around in surprise and scratching his head. "This could take a bit... Its been years since I bought stuff for this kind of thing." he said, continuing to walk about. "Anything you girls see you'd like to wear?" he asked, all three blinking at him and tilting their heads confused.

"O-oh, right. You girls don't uh, wear..." he said, pausing at the end with a blush and nervous smile. "I mean, I just thought..." he added, scratching his cheek embarrassed. "Ah man, I dunno what I thought. I keep forgetting you girls aren't humans no matter how hard I try. Sorry about that." he laughed, letting out a sigh and shaking his head. Looking at one another, the girls shrugged and looked around. "Could try human clothes." Serenity replied, lifting several suits and looking them over curiously. "It couldn't hurt! Might be a little weird though." Rose laughed nervously. "I think I'll pass, I haven't the form for these types of rags." Alicia shrugged. Looking at the two, Chris blinked in surprise and smirked. "Well, you sure? You don't have to if it's uncomfortable for you." he told them, Serenity and Rose shrugging while looking through the store with him. After a while, all three had picked out things to try on, with Chris going into the changing room first before coming out in black trunks. "I know it looks really plain, but I'm not really the flashy type." he smiled before slipping on a kimono-like robe as well. "Thought this would be helpful too." he grinned. Looking at one another, Serenity walked up, Chris looking at her and taking a step back nervously. "Wa-wa-what's up?" he asked. Reaching out, she took off the robe and looked him over. "Think you look real good, even better without robe. You male I love with body I love." she smiled reassuringly. "She's right! I think the marks make you look tough! Strength is a big plus in a male for our kind." Rose giggled. "Ah? Y-yeah? Tough huh?" he replied, blushing shyly and smiling from the flattery. "I suppose they do add an admirable masculine touch, I'll vouch for that." Alicia nodded in agreement as he grinned, "Oh come on, cut it out!" he laughed, putting his robe back on before setting his things down and sitting on a nearby bench. "Well then, guess you girls can try on your things now. You sure you really want to?" he asked, the two nodding before taking the outfits they picked into the changing room together. "Ah! You're supposed to go in one at a... Ah well." he sighed, chuckling as Alicia slithered her way up next to him. "Soooo... Admirable and masculine eh?" he grinned, raising an eyebrow causing her to jolt and flush embarrassed. "Oh hush you, lest you want me to take it back." she scowled. "Ha ha, well I think you look a million times better. Thanks for the compliment." he chuckled, pulling her in for a hug and giving the snake a soft noogie causing her to shout and flail in his arm until he released her. "Y-y-you brute!" she snapped, crossing her arms and muttering in frustration as she sit next to him with a plop, continuing to blush nonetheless.

"W-w-were done." Serenity said, poking her head out from the curtains with a shy blush on her face. "P-p-promise not to l-laugh?" Rose asked, poking her head out as well. "Hope to die if I do." he replied, smiling and crossing his finger on his chest with a hand up reassuringly. Looking at one another, they slowly walked out, facing away embarrassed and rubbing their arms nervously as he looked at them, his eyes widening as a flush spread across his face. Serenity stood in a green bikini with her skin retracted, a tiny skull on the front of her bottom piece while Rose stood in a blue one piece suit. "W-well? How human clothes look on us?" Serenity asked. Gulping in response, he gave them a thumbs up with a nod, Alicia looking at his reaction and letting out a frustrated "hrmph!!" of jealousy. "L-l-looks good. R-real good." he told them, the two glancing at him and blushing in response. "We attract you?" Serenity asked shyly. "D-definitely." he replied subconsciously, looking as if ready to drool as the two smiled embarrassed. "That look makes me nervous, in a good way though." Rose replied with a giggle. "I like being looked at that way. First time he give that look." Serenity added, looking herself over before walking up to Chris and bending over, putting her arms around his neck. Looking at her wide eyed, he glanced at her cleavage hanging in his face, turning all the more red and gulping with a nervous smile. "You never give me naughty kind of looks, that makes me really like dressing as human for you..." she giggled, giving him a quiet coo in his ear causing Chris to jolt and quickly nudged her away. "Ahhh ha ha, o-okay, that's enough of that!" he told her, Serenity raising an eyebrow with a lustful grin."Th-that aside, you two really do look amazing! I had no idea you could pull of swimsuits so well. I'd say you look better than anyone on this ship combined." he praised, giving them another thumbs up as the two girls looking at one another with proud grins on their faces. "I sure am lucky to have you, bet there's gonna be a lot of jealous people up there!" he laughed while standing, lifting the bag over his shoulder and grabbing his staff. "Lets get this stuff paid for and be on our way then." he nodded, Serenity smirking and grabbing his arm, pulling it into her cleavage with another coo in his ear causing him to jolt and shudder. "Q-q-quit that! Not the time!" he lectured in frustration, Serenity giggling from his reaction and poking his cheek as Rose held his other arm, rubbing her face against it causing Chris to gulp shyly, Alicia continuing to scowl as she rest along his shoulders, muttering things like "dirty dog" and "pig" while looking at the girls, jealous over not being able to wear an outfit herself. Taking note of her behavior, he stopped for a moment and looked around, picking a kimono-like robe for her as well with a green and gold design before heading to the counter to pay for everything.

"Why you buy another one?" Serenity asked, forming a sarong skirt with her outer skin to conceal her lower half as they walked back into the main corridor. "Ohhh that's cool!!" Chris replied, looking down in surprise. "You can style yourself like that?" he asked, Serenity blinking and looking down. "Y-yes. Why? It weird? I see other humans dress this way at pools..." she replied embarrassed. "N-no! It's awesome! You're full of surprises!" he replied with a grin, causing her to flush and glance away shyly. "It easy, but thank you." she told him before relaxing her cheek against his shoulder with a smile. "Love surprising you, love making you happy." she giggled, poking him on the nose. "Anyways, as far as the other robe, it's a surprise." he smirked, stuffing it into the gym bag. Along their way towards the top decks, Chris stopped by his room and gathered a few supplies from his rucksack, stuffing them into the gym bag as well before continuing their stroll up the ship. "We've GOTTA try out some of those restaurants on the E deck! I guess they put all that stuff on that level because it's short for E-ntertainment!" he laughed, the girls looking at him with "seriously?" expressions and shaking their heads. "W-what? I thought it was a good one..." he muttered, Serenity and Rose giving him a pity pat on the back as he grumbled, Alicia rolling her eyes. "You really should stop trying to be funny. It can ruin ones attraction towards you." the snake told him, waving a finger as he scowled. "Well excuuuuse me princess." he replied, Alicia raising an eyebrow and shaking her head. "Such a mature male." she replied, Serenity and Rose looking at one another and shaking their heads. "Not worry, you can be funny sometimes." Serenity assured, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "B-bah. Quit that." he replied. "There! All better." she smiled, rubbing her cleavage against his arm causing a smile to show on the side of his lips as a slight blush spread across his face. "You girls, you always keep the mood swirling don't you?" he asked, all three smirking and sticking out their tongues in response. Climbing up the grand staircase and out onto the bow section of the deck, the group looked around at the sea, enjoying the breeze as the sun glowed above. "Another perfect day." Chris chuckled before strolling along the deck, Serenity and Rose once again holding onto him and leaning against his sides. "Ha ha, you make it hard to walk, you know that?" he told the two, Serenity pressing her chest against his arm while Rose snuggled against him. "Aww, you not mind, right?" Serenity asked with a sad look. "You want us to get away from you?" Rose asked, a sad look of her own causing Chris to gulp and flush. "N-no, closeness is good!" he laughed, Alicia rolling her eyes and shaking her head with a quiet "oh brother" remark as the two giggled.

As they continued along the ship, they hadn't paid attention to the crowds continuing to look at them, many following out of curiosity as they arrived at one of the pools surrounded by rides. "This is the one you girls were into most, right?" he asked, the group nodding in response as they looked at all of the people swimming and zipping about on the slides. Finding several empty deck chairs, Chris set his bag down and started arranging everything, putting towels down along the chairs for them to rest on and adjusting the umbrellas already included between the chairs for shade before turning, about to say something to the girls before freezing up as he noticed the swarm of people around them, Serenity and Rose nervously standing together as the crowd oogled them. "Ahh, can we help you?" he asked, pulling the two behind him causing the crowd to jolt and go about their ways. "These humans creepy." Serenity muttered, standing behind him and clinging to his shoulders. "Y-yeah, what was with their faces?" Rose asked, hiding behind him as well clutching his robe. "Well, you girls are a surprise to them. I told you people would be jealous." he chuckled, turning back to the bag and rummaging for sunblock and other supplies. "That, then the shades, aaannnd I think that's it! Lotion any...?" he paused, turning with the bottle in his hand only to find other Pokemon starting to swarm around the two, ogling them as much as the crowd before. About to get involved once again, he froze when a Lucario and Garchomp went up to Serenity and Rose, trying to use Attract on them only for the two to go wide eyed and kick the Pokemon between their legs, sending them flying through the air together before crashing down into the pool in the distance causing the other Pokemon to jump and quickly run off, both Pokemon crawling their way out on the other side of the pool and curling in a fetal position. "Uhhh, ha ha. Ooookay then. Guess I'm not needed!" he smiled nervously, the two grunting in irritation with a nod. Turning back to the chairs, Alicia was already laying in the one with the most sunlight, a pair of shades on her face and smirking. "I'm glad I didn't wear those rags now, I can enjoy those two being pestered for my amusement." she snickered, stretching with a sigh and taking in the rays. "Well, in my opinion I think it's flattering. I never thought I'd be the guy with girls crowds swarm to! Kinda makes me feel like a king." he grinned, Serenity and Rose suddenly wrapping him in their arms. "You only male for me! I belong to you!" Serenity affirmed, snuggling against him as Rose did the same. "I've chosen who I want and that's that!" she giggled, letting out a groan and rubbing her shin. "Still, that REALLY hurt." she grumbled. "Ha ha, you girls are so beautiful you attract guys all over the place. I'm one lucky guy! And you should be proud for being so attractive." he praised, rubbing them on the head causing the two to blush and grin in response. "Well then, I'll lotion up and we can give the pool and some slides a try, sound like a plan?" he asked, the two nodding in response.

Taking off his robe, he rubbed himself all over before looking towards his back. "Say, one of you mind rubbing this on me back there? Can't reach." he asked, both shooting their hands up only for a vine to snap around the bottle, snatching it out of his hand from behind. "Allow me." Alicia smirked, squeezing it onto his back before rubbing it all over with her hands and vines, Rose showing a disappointed look while Serenity scowled and crossed her arms. "Sneaky snake." she muttered. "It's a shame really. My kind thrives in the sun, but you humans step foot in it and you come out looking like cooked Corphish." she snickered. "Yeah, kinda sucks, especially when we're in the water. This stuff helps though so no worries! You're gonna join us too, right?" he asked. "Perhaps, but I'd rather sit and enjoy the sunlight. This is a fabulous chance to sit still and enjoy myself for a change. I spent all of my free time at the mansion making your gift." she reminded with her nose up, Serenity and Rose showing a "We made it too!!" expression with their hands on their hips in frustration. "I really did think it was great. I'll never forget what you girls did for me... You've got an amazing heart Alicia." he told her with a smile causing her to flush, looking up at him wide eyed before quickly shaking her head. "Y-your lotion is finished!" she replied, getting in her chair and laying back while putting the shades back on. "Ha ha, aww. Love ya." he smirked, rubbing the snake on the head before standing. Looking at the girls, they scowled at him and faced away. "Oh come on, I know how hard you worked on it too. I love you just as much." he grinned, putting an arm around Serenity and ruffling Rose's head, both of them turning from jealous to satisfied as they hugged him. "You've got your fur rose so you don't get hurt by the sun do you?" he asked, the rabbit looking herself over and shaking her head. "Alright then. You're a different story though Serenity, so you'd best put some on to be safe." he told her, handing the bottle out only for the Pokemon to tilt her head. "I put on too? You put on for me!" she grinned, causing him to jolt with a blush. "U-uhh, I uh, o-okay." he replied, smiling shyly as she retracted her skirt, the crowd of people and Pokemon alike gawking at the group in surprise.

"Yo man, that's the guy from the city! Did you SEE what that Gardevoir did during the match? She's killer!" one of the teens muttered. "To think a Gardevoir could look so much like US, I didn't even know they HAD those! What a sweet rack... The back is pretty awesome too..." another said with a grin. "Dude, that's a Pokemon!" a third replied, smacking the teen on the back of the head. "Check out the Lopunny though, you wanna talk about a backside. Saw her Mega Evolve during that match of theirs, bet she's a firm one." another smirked. "Yeah, Pokemon in swimsuits... We need a competition for THAT!" another added, grinning with a nod as the others nodded alongside him. "Sounds like you two are still getting attention." Chris smiled, glancing at the crowd as they watched them from a distance, countless Pokemon swooning over the girls as well, making sure they stayed beyond kicking range. "Not sure how feel having body talked about." Serenity said nervously, jolting as his hands started rubbing the lotion on her torso and sides causing her to shudder and coo, looking down at him with a blush. "Ahh leave them be. Can't help you're the best looking girls on the ship." he winked, causing both Pokemon to flush all the more and smile proudly. "No wonder they're so tough in a match, look at their trainer!" one of the women pointed out, causing Chris to jolt as she directed attention to his back. "He's got musical talent but it looks like the perks end there." another woman muttered. "Oh man, he must live in the wild or something. Figures cute Pokemon like that go for the bad looking trainers." a teen added. "He's covered in them! He's gotta be a brutal guy... Bet he got messed up picking fights with people over those Pokemon." another suggested. "Yeeep, expected that. We're probably like Beauty and The Beast to this crowd." he laughed nervously, slumping with a sigh as he rubbed lotion on Serenity's legs while the girls looked at one another before suddenly scowling at everyone. "I say, this seems like a rather RUDE way to treat someone, especially considering this group is FIRST CLASS. I must have MANY crew members wanting to lose their jobs allowing such disrespectful behavior!" Captain Rostron said loudly, walking up to the group as part of his security team hurried along behind with a snap of the his fingers, gathering around him and the group while the Captain looked over the crowd, motioning for them to go about their business causing everyone to quickly scatter and go back to what they were doing.

"C-C-Ca-Captain! H-hello again sir!" Chris shot up, saluting once again. "Dear lad I've told you, no need for formalities." he replied, raising his hand in response. "I do hope you'll forgive our guests, and my crew alike for not being at your side to ensure you and yours are properly respected during your outing. I saw the mass stalking you from the bridge and quickly came down. Rest assured it won't happen again." he apologized. "N-no no! We're fine, really! We don't want anyone getting in trouble!" Chris laughed nervously, waving his hands in response. "Your crew does an amazing job as-is, they can't help being busy." he added, Rostron looking around. "Nonetheless, there should be more staff on deck asides the lifeguards and what few waiters are roaming. I'll see to it more are stationed around here. Who's to say other passengers aren't being disturbed as well? We must do our absolute best to ensure those on board thoroughly enjoy their vacation from start to finish, especially our first class passengers." Rostron explained. "Wow, you're really serious about all this." Chris replied, blinking in surprise as the Captain nodded. "Naturally! This is my ship, and every soul on board is my responsibility. Any problem becomes my problem, this being the reason why we rushed down here to put a stop to the behavior we witnessed around you. Keep in mind I have the Rostron name to uphold after all. I'll not disgrace my ancestor!" he explained. "Well, we appreciate it! It wasn't so bad until the end though. The girls getting praised by people was good, but uh, I guess I'm not really much to look at in comparison as you can see." he laughed nervously. "That not true!! We tell you body attractive!!" Serenity spoke up. "Yeah! These humans are total strangers! Who cares what they say?" Rose added. "True, you often tell us not to concern ourselves with those we don't know, so why should you? Let them have their ignorant opinions." Alicia shrugged. Looking at the three, Chris smiled with a nod. "There you go. If they hold you in high regard, that's all that matters. To have even one willing to stand by and for you in life is often all you need. Sticking to what they say would be wise, not those surrounding you." Rostron nodded. "Yeah, they're sweethearts for sure." Chris grinned as Serenity and Rose hugged him once more, Alicia facing away with a scowl.

As they continued to talk, the group suddenly heard something shout nearby, the Captain jolting and looking at his watch. "Oh my, getting caught up in this, I forgot it was her feeding time." he muttered. "Her? Who?" Chris asked, only for his question to find its own answer as a Dragonair shot up from the ocean, landing near the captain with an irritated look on its face. "Heavens, I'm sorry girl. I found myself distracted for a moment! Please don't be cross with me." he smiled nervously, petting the frustrated Pokemon as it faced away. "Wooooaaaaah, she looks AWESOME!!" Chris shout, the girls looking at one another before crossing their arms with a scowl as he walked up to Dragonair. "She looks awesome AND has incredible power to boot lad. She's the one ensuring our voyage is trouble free, my pride and joy." Rostron explained causing Dragonair to smirk proudly before looking down at Chris, tilting its head. "Um, hey there! Nice to meet you!" he smiled, offering a hand as the Pokemon looked back at the Captain, getting a nod from him before offering the tip of its tail to Chris for a shake. "She seems intrigued by you lad. She gets that way around humans with a certain... Atmosphere about them you could say." he smiled as Dragonair slithered around him as if giving an examination, looking at his back and touching its snout against the large scar running across and closing its eyes. "A-ahh, kinda cold." he laughed nervously as it pulled away and looked at the girls, tilting its head once again seeing them in human clothing before returning to the Captains side, looking at Chris once again silently before slowly bowing. "Oh ho? Well now, lookie there." Rostron smirked, crossing his arms as Chris bowed in response before Dragonair slithered back to the side of the ship, facing the Captain and pointing at its mouth with the tip of its tail reminding him it was ready to eat before leaping back into the sea. "Ah ha ha, always focusing on her stomach that one. Still, she does a lot for us by keeping unsavory weather at bay." he smiled before turning back to Chris. "I must be on my way but I do apologize again for allowing other passengers to pester you. I mainly heard what was said at the end, I hope it hasn't hurt you too greatly." he said with a nod, Chris shaking his head and waving his hand in response. "N-no worries. We're loving the cruise, really sir. As long as I've got these girls I'm fine no matter what people say or do." he smiled causing the girls to look at him with a blush. "Very well then. Next time we meet, lets make sure it's for a better reason." he replied, patting Chris on the shoulder with a smile before heading off, giving his crew instructions on who to summon and where to put them along his way.

"Geez, he's really professional." Chris said while turning to the girls, only to find Serenity and Rose squeezing him once more, Alicia relaxing in her chair with a smirk. "Flattery gets you nowhere." she told him before rolling onto her side, her back to him. "Saying nice thing about us to captain, you embarrass!" Serenity grinned. "I like it when you talk about us to other humans though. It lets us know we're doing a good job." Rose giggled as he rubbed them both on the head. "Alright, alright. Lets go have some fun already." he smiled. Heading for the pool, he tried walking in with the two only for both of them to jump back when the water got to their necks, rushing back to the steps and clinging to the bar. "Whats wrong?" he asked, blinking at the two confused. "Water high. Can't swim." Serenity replied. "Y-yeah. I didn't know it was so deep." Rose added. Looking around himself, he thought the subject over for a moment. "Riiiiiight, this really IS your first time in a pool, huh?" he asked, both nodding with an embarrassed look. "Well then, I've got an idea! How about I help you learn how to swim?" he asked, walking up to the two. "We can stay where the water only goes waist deep, sound good?" he smiled, offering a hand as they looked at one another. Nodding nervously, Serenity decided to go first, taking his hand before stepping back in. "There we go, now just walk over here." he told her in a calm voice. "There, see? Only to your waist!" he assured as she looked down with a nod. "Now then, I want you to take my hands." he said, holding his out as she looked at them, slowly taking each in her hands. "Good! Now, just trust me and let your feet rise to the surface, keep a tight grasp on my hands, alright?" he continued, Serenity nodding before lowering herself and letting her body float behind her. "Ha ha! Alright! Now, just start kicking your legs, alright? But do it nice and steady! Don't go too crazy!" he smiled as she looked up at him with a flush on her face, nodding before looking behind herself and moving her legs. "Good girl! Do it just a little more, that's it!" he laughed, pulling her along as she kicked and laughed with him. Watching the two, Rose sat at the steps with her feet in the water, giggling as the two bonded while Alicia watched from her chair, raising her shades before sticking her tongue out and lowering them as she rest.

"Doing it! Doing it!" Serenity shout. "Yep! Learning how to kick is the easy part though, but it's still important!" Chris smiled, pulling her along for a moment longer before helping her stand back up, getting a hug from her causing him to blush as her breasts pressed against him. "Ahh, ha ha, e-easy now! Not done yet." he reminded her, nudging her back as she grinned. Walking around Serenity, he showed her how to use her arms to swim, having her copy his movements by his side before walking alongside her as they moved their arms. "The only difference is, you can't walk around when you actually swim, that's why you've gotta learn how to use your arms and legs together!" he explained, Serenity nodding as he had her continue walking around, practicing with her arms while he went up to Rose. "Alright, now it's your turn!" he grinned as she nodded and nervously took his hand, slowly stepping into the water. Returning to where it was waist deep, it was already at the rabbits neck causing her to whimper nervously as he turned to her. "Easy now, just stay calm and do exactly what Serenity did. Take a deep breath, hold my hands as tight as you want, and just let your body float." he told her in a calm voice, getting a nod as she took his hands with a deep breath and let her feet slowly rise. "I-Is this good?" she asked, looking up at him getting a nod. "Yep! You're doin' fine. You're a little more nervous compared to Serenity, so I'll just let you float for a bit." he replied, pulling her along as Serenity held the side of the pool nearby and started kicking again, laughing while doing so. "Fish outta water I guess." Chris smirked, watching her for a moment before looking back down at Rose. "Feeling okay? Still nervous?" he asked. "N-no. So, I start kicking, right?" she replied, getting a nod from him. "Bingo! Give it a shot!" he grinned. Just as she started kicking her feet, Serenity was walking up wanting time with him again only to walk into the water shooting up behind Rose, getting splashed all over causing Serenity to scowl and cross her arms as Chris pulled the rabbit along. "Ha ha! Love the enthusiasm but easy on the gas there! You're gonna have all the water flying into the ocean!" he laughed, Rose smiling embarrassed before nodding and easing up as they moved about. After a moment, he pulled her to the part of the pool that went up to his knees, showing Rose how to use her arms the same as Serenity. "There you go! Excellent! You just keep that up and try doing what she did, holding onto the edge and using your legs. There's no rush to just have fun with it." he chuckled, only for Serenity to jump on him from behind and wrap him in her arms and legs. "Now you mine again. Water monster say rawr!" she giggled, cooing in his ear and causing Chris to jolt and stumble back, the feeling of her wrapped all over him in a bikini causing him to gulp before the two fell together with a splash before rising back up. "G-g-geez! What's with y...?" he paused, looking around only to see other passengers and Rose nearby. "Uhh, S-Serenityyyyy?!!" he shout in surprise, shooting up as he felt himself being grabbed on the crotch, the sneaky Pokemon shooting up from behind with a gasp for air before catching him in her other arm and pressing her breasts against his back. "You MY male!!" she giggled, suddenly kissing his cheek and squeezing him below possessively causing his heart to rocket into his throat before shoving her back and jumping away in frustration. "Wa-wa-wa-what's up with you?! D-don't do that in places like th-this!!" he lectured in a hushed tone, Serenity smiling and sticking her tongue out teasingly with a wink. "Sorry! Can't stop love!" she told him before innocently practicing with her arms again, walking around as Rose looked at the two. "Everything alright?" she asked, tilting her head confused. "Y-yeah, just Serenity being, well, Serenity." he replied, blushing shyly and scowling as she walked past, giving him another wink and a kissy face along the way.

Seeing her behavior, Alicia scowled where she was sitting, noticing a Krabby happily walking along with its trainer and suddenly showing a sly grin, calling it over with an offer of her remaining Puff Bites for a favor. Looking at them wide eyed, the Krabby rapidly nodded, hearing out her request before giving a solute and rushing into the pool. "Alright you two, I think we're ready for a test run! Since you were the first one to get in Serenity, we'll let Rose try this next thing first, deal?" he asked, the two looking at one another before getting a nod in response. "Alright then, what we're gonna do is swim from this side, over there, and back. I'll hold onto you as needed so you've got nothing to worry about, got it?" he explained, Rose gulping nervously before nodding in response. "That's my brave girl." he praised, causing her to blush and smile before they started their way across the water. Deciding to sit and wait, Serenity headed for the steps, about to sit down only to feel something suddenly snap on her butt cheek, immediately freezing and letting out a squeak as her face twist in pain. "AAAAIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!" she screamed, suddenly shooting out of the water using her psychic abilities causing everyone to jump in surprise, watching her fly up as the Krabby smiled and let go, hurling itself towards Alicia and landing in the seat next to her for payment as Serenity plummet back towards the pool, landing with a massive splash. "Captain, did you see that?" Chief Smith asked, looking behind them as both he and Captain Rostron stood together near the entrance to the bridge. "Haven't seen a thing Mr. Smith, is it trouble?" he replied, sipping on a cup of coffee while looking back as well. Lifting the binoculars hanging from his neck, Chief Smith looked around below, noticing Alicia praising the Krabby for its actions, handing over her bag and sending the Krabby off with a "ta ta darling!" before relaxing with a snicker, bursting out in laughter as Chris and Rose went up to where Serenity fell in, the two jumping back as her head shot up, continuing to scream in pain causing the two to look at one another bewildered. "N-No Captain, not trouble, just a case of mischief I believe." he sighed, shaking his head as Rostron raised an eyebrow before shrugging, looking at his watch before facing forward and noticing the crew heading towards the bow. "Ahh, good. She'll be happy now." he chuckled as they blew a whistle causing his Dragonair to shoot out of the ocean and land on the deck, the crew working together to feed her and clean her body, scrubbing and petting her all over.

"Hurts!!! Hurts hurts HURTS!!!" Serenity shout, Chris helping her out of the pool as she clutched the cheek Krabby snapped. "Wh.what hurts?! The heck happened?!" he asked nervously, leading her towards their chairs before he sat and looked her over, pulling her bottom to the side slightly and looking at her flushed cheek. "Tssss, ooooohhhh. Yeah, that definitely looks, uh, like it hurts." muttered, noticing a waiter carrying a bucket and waving him over, taking it with a quick thanks before taking a zip-lock bag out and filling it with ice from the bucket, pressing it against her cheek causing Serenity to jolt before letting out a relieved sigh. "That feel gooooood." she cooed. Watching this, Alicia was welling up with tears, her lips trembling and cheeks puffing out as she struggled with all her might to resist cracking up again as Rose took a look at Serenity as well, blinking in surprise. "What did you do?" she asked. "I not do anything!! Try to sit and something pinch!! Pinch hard!! Really hurt!!" she snapped. Barely able to take it, Alicia clutched her stomach and suddenly rolled off her chair, her laughter finally exploding out causing the others to jump in surprise and look back at her as she pulled herself up, tears streaming from her eyes as she hit the chair. "Wh-what the heck?" Chris asked, blinking at her with a disturbed look on his face, Rose tilting her head and about to reach out until Serenity shout "YOU!!!" in anger, causing the rabbit to jump back while she point at the snake, watching while she wiped her tears and took a deep breath. "Darling, I've not done a thing, I've been right here the WHOLE time! I'm merely savoring your misery is all, you know it's what I do." she smirked, climbing back onto her chair and laying back with a sigh. "You hurt me with vines!!" Serenity snapped. "And how could I do that? My vines are only so long, see?" she replied, releasing them to their fullest length. "And with that mind power of yours, would you not have sensed me if I were close enough to harm you? And how could I do so when your..." she paused, snickering again. "Half baked derriere, was underwater?" she asked, Serenity raising a finger about to respond only to think it over and growl, waving her finger and shaking her head. "I know you. I know you do SOMETHING. I get you..." she warned, Alicia shrugging as Chris reached out and pulled her arm down, coaxing her into relaxing as he looked over her cheek. "No, it wasn't her. Looks like a claw gotcha. Someone must of been playing with a Krabby in there or something and I guess it got lost. You just happened to sit at the wrong place at the wrong time." he told her, Serenity sniffling and rubbing her butt as he gave her the bag of ice.

"Was having fun too..." she sulked, releasing her skirt in a sarong form again before flopping down onto a chair with her face down, putting the bag of ice on her butt as Alicia rolled over with her back to them, snickering once again as Chris rubbed Serenity on the back, Rose patting her on the head. "There there, rest assured we've got PLENTY of time for more fun." he smiled, Serenity glancing at him as he gave her a kiss on the cheek. "G-guess feel a little better." she smiled. "Good, that should heal up pretty quick so don't you worry. I know what a tough girl you are more than anyone! Serenity is my protector who lets nothing get her down, right?" he asked with a thumbs up causing the Pokemon to look at him wide eyed before smirking with a nod, pushing herself up and sitting next to him with a hiss. "Aaaatta girl! The protector rises again!" he grinned, giving her a hug as she smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thank you..." she replied, resting her cheek against his shoulder and putting an arm around him before groaning again and pressing the ice against her butt with her other hand. "Still... Gonna be sore for bit." she laughed nervously. "I don't doubt it! If it were me with such a big mark I'd probably be bawling like a baby! That's why you're so amazing though." he praised causing her to blush and glance away. "No more praise, make me embarrassed again." she smiled, giving him a nudge against the side. Seeing this development, Alicia went from snickering to scowling. "You must be kidding me." she muttered, facing away with a "tch!" of frustration. Looking back, Chris smiled nervously and rubbed Alicia on the head. "That's right, you and I haven't done anything together yet." he told her, looking around for a moment. "Well, we could try out one of the slides or two! That should give Serenity time to get over enough of the pain to move around without suffering as much." he added as she pulled the ice away and tried looking at her butt. "Slides? You want ME to try one of THOSE?" she asked, pointing out the towering tubes as he smiled with a nod. "Sure! If the girls can muster up the courage to swim, surely you can go down a few slides!" he replied, causing her to jolt and grumble. "Very well. It would be degrading to be shown up I suppose." she replied. "Great! Lets check out a few and let her relax for a minute then. Rose?" he asked, the rabbit looking at the slides before waving her hands. "Polite pass, but thanks! I'll sit with Serenity in case she needs anything." she told him with a smile. "Well, alright then. Lets go!" he grinned, holding his arm out for Alicia to leap on and slither along.

Leaving the two, they waved as Serenity flopped back down on her face, rubbing her butt and holding the ice while Rose pat her on the head again. "So, which are we going to try exactly?" she asked, Chris looking around with a shrug. "We'll wing it, I'll pick a good one." he replied. Roaming about, he eventually walked his way to the largest slide of them all, one encompassing the entire pool area and towering far higher than the others, Alicia giving him a "T-this? Out of ALL the others?" kind of look. "Yep! Only the best for you!" he smiled causing her to laugh nervously. Once they were at the top, Chris was stopped by the guard, waiting as other passengers went down the slide before letting him through, looking down the tube as the water rushed along rapidly. "Yyyyep, this will do perfectly." he grinned, pulling Alicia off his shoulders and holding her out. Glancing along the length of the slide, she looked back at him and motioned with her hands, signaling "together?" with a nervous smile. "We came up together, but the best part is you get to enjoy it all to yourself! You're so amazing and stuff, you deserve not to share!" he smirked, Alicia jolting and looking at him wide eyed. "I know what you did with that Krabby, and I think one good prank deserves another." he revealed, causing her to turn pale and gulp. "Happy trails." he chuckled slyly before giving her a soft toss down the tube, waving as she flailed and screamed along the way. "Haaaah... Well then, guess I better be ready to meet her majesty at the end." he smirked, clapping his hands together as if wiping away dirt while heading back down the stairs, the guard and passengers blinking at him in surprise. "Don't worry, it's just a lesson. She had that Krabby catch hold of that Gardevoir you folks saw shooting into the sky a few minutes ago. They're both with me and have issues with each other." he explained, everyone letting out an "oohhhh" and nodding as he strolled along. Hearing her screaming all over the place, Serenity and Rose looked up bewildered, finally spotting the snake as she zipped and swirled through the clear tubes. "Chris not with her?" Serenity asked, tilting her head as Rose shrugged and shook her head with an "I dunno" look. After a moment, he arrived at the exit for the slide, which happened to be nearby the girls. "Hey there! Doin' alright?" he smiled, the two looking at one another before getting up and walking over. "What happen with Alicia?" Serenity asked. "Oh, you know her. Always ready to take on a challenge and show people up. Crazy girl went on without me and told me to meet her down here. I didn't wanna make her angry so I let her have the slide all to herself." he chuckled, watching as she zipped closer and closer towards the end of the slide. "Aaaaannnnd..." he paused, turning his back to the exit as Alicia shot out like a bullet, skipping across the water before being sent flying through the air, smacking against the back of his head like a wet rag and clutching him for dear life while shivering from head to toe. "THAT'S how you get payback." he smirked as she groaned and slipped off his shoulders, sliding along his body and landing with a plop onto the deck. "Learn your lesson?" he asked, looking back at the snake as she lay clutching her chest, slowly nodding silently with terror remaining all over her face. "Good girl. You were warned you know." he lectured, waving a finger before looking at Serenity and Rose, rubbing their heads with a sigh. "What you... Do?" Serenity asked. "Don't worry about it. Everything's balanced now, leave it at that." he replied, waving a hand before turning and lifting Alicia into his arm as her teeth chattered while her body continued to shudder all over.

"I think that's enough water for now, how about we dry off and get something to eat again?" he asked, Serenity and Rose looking at one another with a shrug and responding with an "okay" simultaneously. Returning to their chairs, he set Alicia down and wrapped a towel around her, the snake clutching it tightly as her body swayed and jolt randomly as if still on the slide. "You girls need one? I'm not really all that wet now." he said, the two looking themselves over before Serenity shook her head, Rose raising her hand due to her fur having retained moisture. "Alright then, here ya go!" he chuckled, tossing one her way before slipping his robe back on and sitting next to Alicia with a plop, patting her on the back causing her to shoot up and clutch the towel even tighter. "Y-y-y-you b-b-beast. Yo-you're a t-t-terrible h-h-human!!" she said, Serenity and Rose blinking in surprise as she yanked the towel over her head and sniffled. Looking at one another in concern, the girls faced Chris only for him to raise his hand and shake his head, standing and leading them away. "This is a lesson, pranks can only go so far." he told the two, only confusing them all the more as he returned to Alicia's side, packing their things while the girls stayed where they were. Once everything was put together, he lift the snake into his free arm and walked off with the others, Serenity and Rose listening to Alicia hick and sniffle inside the towel and Chris walked along casually paying the sounds no mind, waving at other passengers and greeting crew along their way. "She's really sad, shouldn't he do something?" Rose muttered as she and Serenity followed behind him. "He do this before. Not see then, but still remember. He treat her this way when first met. It seem bad, but for her, it not bad. Hard to explain. Think call... Tough love." Serenity muttered back. "Love can be tough?" she asked, tilting her head. "It human saying." Serenity replied with a shrug before hissing and touching her butt. "Still sore huh?" Rose smiled nervously. "Little bit, not as bad now. It going away slowly." she replied. "Oy oy! You mumblers gonna join me or what?" Chris asked, looking back with a smirk causing the two to jump and nod, quickly walking up to his sides.

Heading back for the staircase, Alicia remained hidden in her towel, sniffling and facing down as Serenity walked along, rubbing her butt occasionally while Rose looked at the two with a sigh, facing up at Chris with a curious look as he took a deep breath of the sea air and let out a relaxed sigh...