Tina's Story Chapter 19 Starting a New Life

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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In our last chapter, Tina had quite a day. Not only does she find that she is pregnant, as her friends thought, but she has to inform Ray, who asks her to marry him. She gladly agrees, and they spend the night at Tina's apartment.

Tina gets up early to use the bathroom, as she is becoming accustomed to doing. After she goes, she looks at herself in the full length mirror. What she sees is upsetting; a somewhat tired Tina, slightly swelled up, messy hair, and the start of a little belly. She looks at the image, then flops back on the toilet, and starts to cry.

Ray, half asleep when Tina got up, wakes to hear the sound of her sobs in the bathroom . Quietly, he walks in, kneeling next to the tearful Tina....

"Princess, what's the matter?" he asks tenderly

"What are you going to think, when I'm big and fat and ugly?

Ray hugged her, picked her up, and carried her back to bed. He carefully lay her down, then got back in bed, turned toward Tina, and took her tear stained face in his big hands....

"Kitten....you had my heart from the first 'hello'. You are so cute, and funny and innocent.....There's no question that I will love you every day of my life, and that I'll only love you more when you have our children. And what about me? I was never good looking in the first place?"

At last, Tina smiled " Oh, Ray, you always know the right thing to say to me. I'm just getting used to the whole idea of being pregnant, not to mention all the other changes this will bring. .

Tina turns to Ray, puts her hand under his chin and kisses him. "Be patient with me?

Ray returns Tina's kisses. They kiss and embrace tenderly for some time, when Tina whispers in his ear "Make love to me....just like before....like the first time.....

Ray smiled at Tina. She sat up, and pulled the flanel nightgown over her head. Ray raised his hips, as Tina slid his shorts off. She then began to kiss his penis, with little cat like flicks of her tongue. Each lick caused Ray's cock to grow, and become redder. When he could take it no more, he motioned for Tina to slide forward. She did, and he slid his tongue deeply into her waiting vagina. Ray always enjoyed pleasuring Tina this way, but now it was different. She was more open, her lips were prominant and swollen, and she even tasted different, in a very sexy way. Tina arched her back, as Ray ran his tohgue in and out of her. Sometimes he would pause, and suck on her clitoris, as if it were a nipple.

"Ray...I want it....."

Tina slid back, and tilted her pelvis toward Ray's waiting organ. Sitting on top of him, Tina could decided how deep, and how fast they made love. She started slowly, and with somewhat shallow stokes. As their passion rose, she moved more quickly on his cock, and took him in deeper. When they came, they were humping hard and fast..

"Come inside me, Ray....fill me with your cum. I want to be filled with your wetness....."

Ray arched his back, and drained his cock in her. Tina then pulled back her lips, to reveal her bare clit, and rubbed it in the leaking cum, until she came herself....

"You are a fabulous lover....."

"Come, cuddle, Princess"

Tina lay her head on his chest, murring softly. About a half hour later, Tina looks up..

"Crap, Ray...we're going to be late for work!"

Ray jumped up and headed for the shower. As he left, Tina got in. They threw on some clothes, and ran out the door, punching in with minutes to spare.

The girls were all there. As it was late, thet were already at their desks. Tina ran to get to hers. No sooner had she done so, when KC, then Rosa, then Colleen appeared in her cubicle.

"Well......" Began KC

"Joo Praygnant? bubbled Rosa

"Going to keep us in suspense?" demanded Colleen

Tina smiled, bowed her head bashfully, and nodded

"You're smiling..that's good" observed KC "Wait, what's that?" pointing to Tina's left hand

"Oh this?" Tina held out the hand with the ring "Ray asked me to marry him."

There had been some talk between the ladies that MAYBE that might happen, but no one thought so quickly....

The girls were all over the ring. Clearly it was old, and REALLY expensive....

"Where'd the ring come from?" iquired Colleen, who had an eye for jewelery.

"Goldstein family heirloom" replied Tina

KC asked "How'd he know, I mean...."

"He was getting ready to ask me even before he knew..."

The girls smiled and nodded at one another. Everyone really like the ring. From that moment on, Tina's news was the talk of the office. that day, the girls took her to lunch, and Rosa was already planning a shower....a mutli purpose one.

Much the same thing was going on up in IT. Ray was a popular boss, and Tina had become a regular visitor. She was liked by everyone. Ray's friends began plans for a bachelor party, at least such as IT guys would do one....

It had been quite a day, when Tina met Ray in the lobby for the ride home. They exchanged stories of their busy days. As they rode home, Tina made an observation....

"Ray, I guess we need to sit down, and start planning some things....."

Ray nodded his head "I think I know just the place....."

"You do?"

"Yup. Bermuda. I hear it's really nice this time of year."

"But Ray, can we afford it? I mean, we've got expenses coming..." Tina looked down at her little belly, but Ray understood. Ray was frugal, too.

"Some time ago I saw this contest in 'Computer Age', Microsoft had this thing, where you could send in ideas, and win prizes. I HATE anything Microsoft, but I had this killer app I put together, since I have to use Gates' crap at work. Well, wouldn't you know, I won a trip! Never took it; Before I met you, what would I do with it? But for us it would be prefect...."

Tina was smiling, too. a trip to Bermuda sounded awfully good.

"Want to do it?"

"You won't have to ask me again"

"I'll book it, then."

"I'll have to do some shopping, though; I don't have anything to wear....."

Now, Ray understood a few things about women. A trip meant new clothes. Didn't matter what was in the closet, or who might see, there WOULD be new clothes for the trip.

"Well, I'll get you a departure date; plan your shopping accordingly....."

"Ray, you're such a doll. I'll need an outfit for the trip out, something to wear out at night, some seperates for daytime, and swimsuits! And maybe a cute new tennis outfit....."

They were one day into their new life, and they had started making the decisions that would shape their lives. They would get away, and Tina would go shopping. The other stuff can wait.....