Metting the Family

Story by catsithx on SoFurry

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#5 of The date that never was

Going down the to the final stretch. Now we get some nice surprises and we meet Azuel's family.

Disclaimer: This has sex in it if you are adverse sex, or are underage then stop reading now. And go read something else other wise enjoy

All characters belong to me so please do not use without permission.

Proofreader : devilmaycry

Two Months after __the proposal

A drake with purple and blue scales is dressed in casual clothing consisting of a loose shirt and loose fitting jeans. Out of the office, he hated to be in his office wear. He just hated suits. All the time. Unlike his father, whom seem to relish being in those business suit as he wore them tight, sometimes as if to show off his well built body.

Why his father did never made much sense to his son. He assumed it was to show off more than anything. Now he had to do something about his sister. He could have let his father look for her on his own.

Yet here he was to see the only one who knew where she was.

He heads down the street having park a bit away. She always hated the cars he drove. She would actually not open the door until he parked the car elsewhere. The dragon walks down the driveway of a simple house at the end of the block. The dragon is unsure if he should be here. Yet he knows she would know where Azuel would be at. Their father has found out about her pending prenuptials and is on a rampage saying he will find his daughter and kill that feline.

He is about to knock as the door opens. An elder dragoness is standing there. If anything, she looks like his sister, just an older version.

Before the young dragon can do anything the older dragoness pulls him into a hug and squeezes tight.

"There you are Siggie!"

He groans a bit as he feels her crushing hug. Despite her age, she can still hug tightly. She loves his nick name and called him that often.

His real name is Siegfried. His father believed in a powerful name. His mother hated it so he became Siggie.

Siegfrid breaks free of the bone crushing hug as he looks at his mother. He hated to say it, but she looks good for her age. He wonders if Azuel would look the same when she grew older. That video was any indication she would. HIs mother has barely changed. A few lines of age here and there, a little sag on her breasts, but if anything, she was someone any young drake might hook up with.

Azuel was like that also. She still looks the same if a bit older and more mature. No that wasn't right. She had changed, she was happy. She was filled with joy in the video. She overcame something to be with the feline. She was the one who proposed to the feline. He could see the love between them as they kissed, something that said they cared not what they world thought of them. Something you don't usually find between furs and his kind.

He hated it as it was something he wish he still had with the one he had loved. The pain was still there.

His mother brings him into the house with a smile as she looks pleased to see her son.

"You're looking well mother." Siegfried regrets those words as they leave his muzzle

She stops and gives him a harsh look.

"Siggie, you always call me mom or mommy. Never mother. That is if I did something wrong. Do not adopt your father's mannerisms."

"Uh yes moth......I mean mom." He blushes a bit. Despite it all, he still did as his mother asked.

"Mom I am here to .... I need to talk to Azuel. I know you know where she is. She stop contact with me after college."

"Because you told your father where she was and he went over there to try and make her come back here to work at his firm. She knew you sold her out."

"She was being stubborn. How can she think she can live on her own? She was living in some apartment with three other females. How do we know she wasn't in some sordid tryst with one of them or all of them?"

The elder dragoness comes back with a pitcher of lemonade. She pours a cup for Siegfried and one for herself.

"You were so up tight like your worthless father. You always love to be a drama queen." She sees him get mad as his cheeks get red and look away. She laughs as she sees this.

"You and your sister are so much the same doing that. Your a year older than her, but I swear you two were twins. Do you know why I divorced your father?"

"Because he cheated on you. Everyone knows that mom." Siegfried scoffs.

She just starts to laugh at her son. "No dear, we both were cheating." He looks surprised by this. "We stayed together for you two. You two were all that matter to us. We put our differences aside for you two. I knew he was with that female drake. He knew I was with that tigress. Before you say anything yes, she was your babysitter. She had a tongue on her." She giggles

Siegfried looks mortified by this.

She gives him a look of sympathy. "I told your sister and she took it in stride. Though she seem to blame your father more than ever. Though if you asked me, if she could blame your father for the troubles of our world she would just to say it was his fault. Yet she told me I did what I did out of spite. I tried to explain to her that we were in an arrange marriage. Neither of us loved each other. Why do you think after Azuel left after the divorce happen so fast? Your father was so intent on controlling her life. He had wanted that fellow Kain to marry her. Gods I am so happy they didn't marry."

Siegfried knew it always tense between his parents when it came ahead when Azuel left.

His father was an ebony dragon whose scales were pitch black with a hint of red tint to his tail. He was an imposing 6'4 feet tall and all muscle. Siegfried was surprised that his father never had try to be a bodybuilder.

One would think that is not tall, but his father had a way to make it feel taller. His presence would make others think he was 6'6 or taller.

"Mom, dad is on the rampage. If he finds her lover, he will kill him. Dad is going on about his little girl needs to be saved. I've tried to talk him down, but it has done little or nothing but delay the inevitable. He's intent on doing something to save his little girl. Please mom, tell me where she is." He looks pleading at his mother.

His mother smiles at him. "No dear. I know you have your cell ready to call your father. You've always idolized your father. You believe he is right and nothing will change that."

She drinks her lemonade.

"I raised you better than this my son. Your sister should be allowed to be happy. Why are you so intent on helping your father smash her happiness? Or are you upset still that you were not allowed to be happy? Is that why you are siding with your father on this?"

"NO!" He roars as he stands up almost spilling his drink. He stops as he sees his mother give him a sad look of understanding as his anger settles. She could always do that. Her steady gaze seems to calm him as if she understood his anger.

"Because it is wrong mom. She should marry a drake. I have no idea what was wrong with Kain?"

His mother is quite for a bit till she opens her maw.

"Kain raped her." She say flatly

Siegfried is speechless.

"Before that video was posted, he used some sort of trick to overpower her common senses and have his way with her. It wasn't till later that she realized what he did. Kain nearly destroyed what Azuel and this feline had. You ask me why I don't tell you, because you and your father are idiots who are only care for your image and not your sister's wellbeing. If you did, you would have found out more about Kain." She states firmly.

Siegfried is unable to process what was just said.

"So you see dear, you and your father will have to do it by yourselves if you want to find her. Know this, I will let her know you're both coming so she is ready for you both."

Siegfried's cell rings as he answers it. He listens to the other voice on the other end then hangs up.

"Dad found her." He looks lost at the information.

"Time to make a choice my son. Do you care about your sister or your father and his image?"

He just looks at his mother.


~Azuel's room~

Felix is breathing hard as he is pounding a nice, round scaly ass of a dragoness beneath him. Her scaly ass high in the air as the slapping of their hips fills the room. Felix is breathing hard as the dragoness beneath him is moaning loudly.

"Harder, fuck me harder. Pound that pussy of mine mate. Make me roar kitty!" She growled lustfully.

Her purple and blue scales shimmer with the sweat that pours out of her body from the lewd act they are doing. Her breath is labored as she feels her kitty fill her with each thrust. Her face is filled with lust as she looks back at her furry lover. She sees him strain to make her happy. No matter what anyone says, her happiness is all that matters to Felix.

She tries her best to keep her body up on her elbows. Her body has been rock for her fourth orgasm of the night as she shudders with pleasure knowing she is waiting to climax together with her feline lover.

Felix body is in pain. Well, mostly his legs. He has been in this doggystyle position for well over an half hour he thinks.

"Fuck me kitty, fuck me hard. Claim this slut as yours. Cum in me " She roars at her lover, her mate.

Felix fucks her as hard as he can to try to make the sexy dragoness below him roar soon. He feels her tail wrap around his waist as if trying to make him push more into her.

He wants to try something different as he stops making her growl loudly. He pulls her up as he sits on the bed, his legs still straining as they are bent on the bed. They support her weight as they are exhausted as he has her sitting on his lap, still in her and begins to lift her a bit off of his cock but not off of him. Then lets her fall, making her moan in pleasure as she bounces on his lap. She places her legs on his side and begins to ride him reverse cowgirl style as he tries to keep the tempo fast making her ride him faster.

Her leans against his as her long draconic tongue hangs out as she is in pure bliss. She can feel his body strain as she feels his body breathing hard as she rides him harder. He is meeting her downward thrust with his own thrust up into her.

Finally he does what they both ask of him as he was always afraid he'd chip a tooth on their hard skin. He sinks his teeth into her skin actually piercing it as she roars in pleasure. He can taste the blood from the bite.

Felix can't hold it anymore as he cums into his dragoness, digging his claws into her hips. No matter how hard he tries, he can barely leave marks. She and Rosa loved to mark him.

A few times at the clubs they go to when a few females tried to hit on him, they would see the bite marks on his neck then followed by one of them sitting next to him with such evil grins. As they would make out with him or grope him openly making sure all females know he belongs to them.

Despite making many leave flustered about how open they are, others seems to actually ask if they could join very embarrassed. Which would get an excited Rosa to say yes and a angry Azuel saying no. Having two dragonesses play with you was a bit aggravating.

After these shows of affection, many females actually started to notice him. Strange, before he was with Azuel no female gave him the time of day. Now they were always looking to hook up with him. Something that having a female made you look more accessible.

That and the ring Azuel got him made many stop as he was now off the market. Yet some others would see that as a challenge.

Though after that tigress had captured him in the corner of one of the club's they went to. She had him alone, almost made out with him despite his many protest and many failed attempts to escape. To say he wasn't horny as hell would be a lie as she had her paw in his pants already making his cock fully erect.

Azuel had found them as she pulled the tigress off of Felix. She growled at the surprised tigress, telling her he belongs to her and shoving her away as Felix would cower from Azuel.

Yet she would show him her compassionate side by saying it wasn't his fault. As she would pick off where the tigress left off. Making him almost climax but as to 'punish him', leave not getting off as he had a hard on and no way to release.

Rosa wanted a collar with a tag saying property of Azuel but Felix said no. Azuel said she would think about it much to Felix's horror.

She wanted to go clubbing more at the ones with a lot of dragons. He assumed they were going this weekend to piss off a lot of males and some females saying she was off the market

She wears a blue and purple theme ring bought with his money. He wears a gold ring, nothing special. Yet when he received it from Azuel who wanted a special ring like hers he said that was enough.

Rosa berated her roommate saying that she was a tight wadded bitch.

Azule would scowl at her roommate who just laughed it off.

He thrusted a few more time into her, making sure she was filled with his seed. He feels her tail slowly release him as he lays on his back with her on top of him still in her as she would wiggle her hips a bit, murring and feeling his clock slwoly go limp but keeping most of his cum in her.

Something they never did was use a condom. The chance of her carrying his child was small so there was no real worry. He rolls to their side, hugging her around her waist. He rest his head on her shoulder purring. She always loved to hear him purr. She was happy and content, yet the call from her mother had her worried.

She knew her father knew where she was. Most likely from Kain's sorry ass. Yet he didn't know where she lived. She had already alerted security not to allow her father in the building. She describe him down to a T and had a photo of him.

The egotistical bastard has it on his firm's home page, a very clear picture of what he looks like.

She was always afraid he would do something stupid to Felix. Because he was not the male he wanted for 'his little girl'.

Fuck him! It was her life and she would be happy despite his out-dated views.

She clasp her fingers around his smiling, knowing she will do everything to keep this happiness she had. Her father would not destroy it.


Rosa sat on the couch with Felix's laptop. How he had a more powerful laptop then her she didn't understand. Then again, he was a gamer. He seem to look out for ways to boost his meager laptop. Maybe she would have him update hers.

She was slowly getting ready for work once more. A few of her fellow workers were on the ball. Two had left. They had decided to go to another company. She didn't care much, just made them promise not to compete too much with her company.

Making apps is all her company did. That and some file sharing programs. They made good money. She at one point wanted to move into the data protection sector as it was still growing. Yet that would mean more work time.

Rosa proceeded with caution before giving up more of her freedom.

No, she valued her freedom more. She didn't want to end up like Azuel, an office worker.

Rose lays back, the sounds of their latest mating finally over. She wishes to be part of that happiness they have, but now it would feel empty as they are mates and she is... a friend, a sexual lover.

Both do love her and would say that she has to be part of their lives after they reconciled. Rosa was so happy for them both. Yet at the same time, the thing she always fear would happen. She became the third wheel.

She hated it. She loved to share Azuel's kitten, having fun with their three way love but now. Even though both had wanted her with them, this time she refused it upsetting Felix more than it did Azuel.

Azuel had promised some alone time with Rosa which did bring a slight smile to the red dragoness.

Yet it came to her what to do next when they did tie the knot. Where would she be at in all of this? Would she still go clubbing knowing they would be flirting with each other while she still did the same thing over and over. A long list of one night stands.

It didn't bother her when she asked to be there sex slave after they were mated. Making Felix blush badly as Azuel would laugh at her lover's embarrassment. Even after all this time he would still balk at how sexually active they were with each other, and so openly in front of him. Especially the red dragoness who loved her threesomes.

She wished she could marry him also so they all be one big happy family, but polygamy was not really looked upon favorably by many despite many furs adopting their feral ancestors way of living.

In the modern age, most live the monogamy way of living. One mate only. Yet some do adopt that old way of life having more than one mate.

Some assumed that it was a male ego that further that because of polygamy. Some females wanted that power over males taking more than one mate, mostly due to their over sex drive to be quench.

Yet now she was looking for a way for them all to be together. Yet nothing on the books that says they could do it, yet nothing also saying not to do it,. There was nothing to say yes or no either way.

It was just publicly shun by all. Yet if they had legal ground, maybe they could get away with it. And no one could say otherwise.

It was a nice dream to have as two arms wrap around her neck and hug her close from behind.

"Burning the midnight oil Rosa?" Azuel nuzzles her.

Rosa smiles as she would always with Azuel. She loved her more than anything but was so happy to know she had found happiness with Felix

Azuel nuzzles Rosa as she nips at her gently. "You still looking for a loop hole dear? I have someone at the office looking for me also and they can't find one yet."

Rosa sighs holding on to her friend's arm. "I know you are trying dear. So is Felix. Bless the stupid cat." She is trying not to cry as her body shakes.

"I don't want to be alone again." The tears are slowly forming.

"And you never will. Felix and I will never let you be alone. You belong to us as we belong to you. WIthout you, I would have never met him with you being you. I would have never had him take me home. No Rosa, I will not allow you to be away from us."

Azuel hugs her tightly. Rosa sighs thinking how much they all have been though. Now they need to think of how to stay together. Rosa felt the love she has from her friend and lover.

"Don't worry pet," Azule whispers in her ear. "I will show how much you mean to me." She cups Rosa's breast through her shirt as the red dragoness moans. "I am going to make you roar as he made me. Then you'll know how much I love your slutty ass."

Rosa shivers knowing it will be a long night of sexual release.


A private plane arrives at a private airstrip outside the city. Inside the plane, a black dragon looks over some paperwork. He's in a very expensive suit as his tail slowly moves back and forth. His son Siegfried sits a bit from him as he looks out the window as the private plane is taxied towards a waiting vehicle.

Siegfried is conflicted by his mother's words. That he must choose between his father's respect and his sister's love.

His father is a powerful looking dragon. His dark scales seem to draw the light around him as his suit seems to hug his body showing off. Despite his age, he is a power to be reckon with. Many clients seem to shrink before him even those who are lesser of being.

His eyes were blue which seem to hard to look at in the sea of darkness of his body. Yet his voice was one that both he and his sister feared. He never raised his voice at them. Yet he could tell in its tone at times you would know he was disappointed with you.

Yet when it came closer to graduation, that voice they feared did nothing to faze her. It seem to make her rebel against their father. She seem to get more mad at their father finding out he was cheating on their mother.

That seem to send it all to hell. After graduation she told her father she was going out of state for college. Something their mother had fully supported.

His father was livid with her decision she made against his wishes. He told her she was going to his collage, no where else.

She told him to drop dead and began to pack.

As she was going to leave, Siegfried tried his best to calm her down. She ignored him as she finally finished packing. She told him he had to make a choice, their foolish father or her.

His silence told her all she needed. She kissed him on his muzzle and left as he stood there in her room as he looked at it, her drawers all astrewed and closet raided. She was leaving and he just stood there.

He can hear his father yelling at her to not leave saying he would cut her out of everything.

She yelled back saying she would be better than his sorry ass and never needed his foolish ass. She would make it on her own and be better than he ever was.

The door slams as he looks out his sister window at the waiting car his sister enters. She looks up at him once more and waves. He waves back weakly as he can hear his father and mother yelling at each other, blaming the other for what just happened as his sister leaves with her friend who drives off from this broken family.

Less than a month later, their parents divorced. He was in college also, a year ahead his sister. She keep in contact with him. She was also in contact with their mother. She never asked once about their father. From what he could tell, she saw her father as dead. She had always refer to him as that, dead.

A year later after the dust settled she had called her brother and asked him for money to help some group in college. Saying she would but she didn't have that much to give. As she believed in the cause the group stood for. Saying it would be a good tax write off for her brother.

He made his first mistake. He mistook her plea for donation for a plea for money for herself.

He went to his father with his fear and told him where she was.

His father flew out to where his little girl was to 'save her'. A day later Siegfried got a call from the police saying his father was being charged with assault of his daughter. He got a text from her saying she had no brother after that.

He was crushed as his sibling had abandoned him.

He found out later his father never did touch her but kinda hard to say other wise when everyone said he did. Also, being as big as he was, it was easy for many to see his father as abusive.

She played her cards and his father knew it. She was a chip off the old block. His father got the charges dismissed but did nothing in retaliation against those who lied on his sister's behalf.

Siegfried had never spoken to her after that knowing she would never speak to him again.

"I don't care about what your son did. All I want is a location. I can find her from there. No your son is a fool. I knew that after she dumped him the second time. I know the whole situation from others sir. You let your foolish son be in on those negotiations and now you suffer for it. You should have had my firm do it but you went to that second rate hack Joel. You reap what you sow."

The black dragon presses his bluetooth and sighs.

"How he is in charge a fortune 500 company is beyond me? It's funny. I said she would never amount to anything without me. Yet she took that contract from our firm and did that to Kain's father. She fought tooth and claw for it. She is as stubborn as her mother." He goes silent, yet there is a twinkle in his eyes.

That makes Siegfried shiver knowing his father only has that look when he has found a challenge.

He looks at his son as Siegfried seems to shrink beneath his father's gaze.

"You talk to her. I know you how you act. You are into your little rituals. You do things over and over. Especially when you go see your mother when you are conflicted. How is she?"

Siegfried looks away "Why don't you just call her and ask her yourself?"

His father smiles as his sharp teeth are shown in a predator like smile.

"You know full well why I don't. She will never answer my calls ever. Last time I talked to her she told me to die and eat my own shit and choke on it. She blamed me for pushing her daughter away. Just so you know, she will refuse to say she is my daughter but makes sure I know you are my son and her's. She has never forgiven me. Nor will she ever. Now I see I have to save her from a mistake she will make. My daughter needs my guidance more than ever. She does not know it yet. She cannot marry some foolish feline. She can not carry a child from such a union."

"Is that all that matters to you father? Whether she can get knocked up?" Siegfried snorts getting mad.

His father looks at him. "What about that vixen? Her name was Jen right? I had to save you from being in a relationship with her. You had no chance of having a c...."

Rage fills Siegfried as he stands up fast looking at his father with a murderous rage in his eyes. "YOU SHUT UP ABOUT HER! YOU NEARLY BROKE HER. SHE WAS EVERYTHING TO ME AND YOU DESTROYED THAT!!!!" He looks down at his father who is still sitting looking at his son with a sorrowful look.

"Where is she now? Oh that's right, with a fox who gave her three lovely children. What did you give her for two years? Nothing but your love you said?" He pours a drink for himself. Smiling as Siegfried looks ready to attack the elder dragon.

"You see, I love you both enough to make sure you both are not in relationships that will destroy you and with no hope of success. Also, how is that one I've hooked you up with? Kindra the gold dragoness from that accounting firm? She's a catch right? She's from a good family line."

"I can't believe you. She is the most foolish dragon I have ever met. She has no clue on anything. She has her job because of her family, nothing more. And you want me to love that fool? "

The elder dragon looks at him "Heavens no. I expect you to marry her, produce a child, and have that child succeed for our family name. As it has always been. I will ask the same of your sister. We must keep our bloodline pure. If you can find another female who will make you happy, I might let you enjoy her. But she has to be a dragon, not of the other races. "

Siegfried knows what choice he has to make, what side he is on after hearing his father as he sits down looking defeated. His cell in his hand as he begins to bring up the text screen with little movement .

"Don't worry my son. I do what I do for you out of love." He raises his glass to Siegfried.

The plane finally stops as a voice comes over the speaker.

"This is your captain speaking we have arrived at Dusk airport. Your ride here is sir and they will take you wherever you want."

"This is our chance to bring your sister home so we can make sure is happy. Not the unpleasantness of a failed marriage she will eventually have." He gets up as he strides out of the plane. Despite his father size he seems to move easily through the plane.

Siegfried glares at his father. All his life he knows his father has controlled it. Small wonder why his sister left. Now he was going to barge into her life, again! Most likely ruin this feline's life. Before Siegfried leaves the plane he receives a text.

It was from his mother. It was Azuel's number. He watches his father enter the car. He looks at the phone and sends a quick text and he prays she will know he is on her side. He leaves the plane to join his father.


Azuel is at her desk once more working on her paperwork for the next merger. The whole office was abuzz when she came back from her three day vacation. She was greeted to confetti parade as they all cheered for her.

A large banner saying congrats on the wedding.

She had to tell them they just were engaged was all.

All the females said she was a lucky drake finding a fur loyal as Felix is. Some males told her not to hurt Felix, others saying Felix was lucky to land her. The last holdouts said they would be there when she wanted a real male.

She rolled her eyes with that.

Yet Azuel was happy for once in her life. She had her lover and stomach pains? Damn it Rosa stop ordering thai food. Azuel grumbles to herself.

Her stomach has been in pain the last few weeks but she had no real idea why. She would see the doctor about it. Hopefully some pills would solve that pain, nothing over the counter was helping at all. Another thing was she was hungry more than ever. She had a whole pizza the other day. Felix brought home two large pizzas and she devoured it all and was planning to attack the other before Rosa snatched it away.

Azuel was always about her figure yet now with Felix she was eating more. Yes she loved his cooking but she wanted more and more as of late. Her salad was not enough. She even had a whole plate of ribs by herself.

After she was done eating both Felix and Rosa were giving her a look of shock as she licked her fingers clean.

"What? Is there sauce on my muzzle?"

Hunger was something she never really experienced before. Expect during her first year of college.

She lived off ramen at first. Once she started working though she never ate it again.

She made Felix promise never to eat his favorite food again. It was hard at first but the promise of sex makes the strongest urges pale in comparison.

Azuel made a quick call to her doctor to squeeze in an appointment. She had already went a week ago about her nausea and was told she would know what was wrong with her. It seem the doctor really wanted to talk to her.

She finishes the last of the latest batch of paperwork. She sighs as she was restricted to light duty after her fiasco with the last contract. That was embarrassing how that contract was done. She was a bit mortified with what happen. Yes her company got it done but in a roundabout way.

She got a big bonus for it, but it got her kick to the sideline. Still it was refreshing to leave on time or early and take said paperwork home.

She smiles as she looked at her ring. It still brings a smile to her muzzle. She would have never thought she be in love with a feline, a kitty that belong to her. Many of her lovers never cared the next day. It was all about the sex. Nothing more.

Felix cared about her more than his own feelings and his own needs and wants.

That had upset her now. Before what happen with Kain, she brushed it aside as she was being bathed in his love. Now looking back at it she realized she was being greedy. She didn't show him any love back.

Maybe that is why she did what she did. Not really thinking about him but her own needs and nearly lost the only constraint in her life at the time. He tails slammed hard on the floor making things in the room shake and fall over.

She never shown her anger at herself over this. Mostly because Felix would say it was his fault.

That was the furthest from the truth. She alone was to blame for their rocky road.

Now her only thoughts were to her love.

Her stomach growls loudly.

And to find some food before she ate someone in the office.

Well she was done with most of the paperwork, so might as well call it early and go get some food and then go to the doctor so she can complain about her eating habits. She giggle a bit.

Her phone buzzed a bit but she would look at it later. It was only a text. If it was important they would have called.


Rosa was to piss to work today as all the apps were only halfway done. She came back to work thinking most of the work was done and yet most were still working the bugs out of it. Which meant more paperwork and longer days. At least she had the weekends off.

Yeah but she wanted another month vacation.

Her phone went off. It was that co-worker of Azuel who was looking for them about a law that would allow them all to be married.

It was a text meet him outside.

She told her co workers she would be stepping out. They were playing warcraft and not working. Meaning they were almost done with the project and just using the T-1 connection at the job to play at the high speeds.

She shook her head and thinks how Felix would be here with those fools.

She takes the elevator and hope he had good news.

Azuel's co-worker was a lynx. A brown and black stripe color he seem a bit on the short side but her with being about 6'4 does tend to make most others seem to be shorter than her. He was dressed in some casual wear. From what Azuel told her about him, he was always in casual wear nothing business like but he did good work on research for anything given to him.

The Lynx was drinking coffee from the corner hotdog stand and look like he was going to puke.

Rosa smiled at that. "We could have gone to the Tim Hortons you know. It was down the street."

"I think your right. Hello Rosa." He takes her hand and shakes it as she smiles at the Lynx. He pours the tar like coffee on to the street.

"Now, you know how you both been looking for a law for you to have a marriage of three mates in a sense? Well I may have found a way, but it requires you both to be of the church of Olmec."

"The religion of dragons? Most are of that church already. Unless you converted for marriage reasons that. But that only happens when you marry a fur."

"That is correct. I assume you both are, mostly out of family obligations like most religion followers, only go to church for special occasions?"

"Yeah. Yule time and the ushering of the new four seasons as it is called by our people. What does this have to do with anything?"

The Lynx smiles at her. "Just so you know, a ruling by the high court says no law can restrict the beliefs of any religion besides breaking actually law like stealing, murder, or harm to others. Yet nothing about marriage. In the religion of Olmec it is widely proclaimed that dragons have many mates, many males serving one female and vice versa."

Rosa looks at him a bit confused. "But that was during the purge when the dragons race was being hunted down by many. It was said that Olmec had come down from the sky and smite those who dare to hurt his children and proclaimed us to be with many so we would not fade from history. Yet that was a story about how we were almost killed off also the first time we mated outside our race. Why some of us have fur on our bodies or coloration that could pass for many furs color patterns. Yet we now can barely mate with any fur as it is nearly impossible."

The lynx nods "Yes that is true. Yet in your religion it says that the female is allowed to have more than one mate outside her clan, as long as said mate adheres to the teaching of Olmec. Which means if you and Azuel both agree, Felix can be in the Church of Olmec and be mated to both of you. And the law backs you up as there is no law about this that can stop you. Also, as long as you are following religious doctrine that does not break the law you can do as you please. There is no law on books about that. Not even the local government can stop you."

Rosa face brighten up at this. Finally a loophole. But what would Felix say? He wasn't one to talk about his past also what was his religion?

They didn't want to force him if he was an atheist. Still, he was tight lip about his past. Even his friends would avoid the questions of Felix. They seem to clam up about him and his family.

It was true he was a nice fellow but never talked about his past at all. Still she was not one to be forthcoming about her parents, neither was Azuel. Something they all had in common.

Still they loved each other yet knew little of each other's past. Rosa knew why she hated to talk about her own father as he was ...a fool. She hated to talk about him at all.

Ross knew why Azuel hated her past. Rosa prayed they never had to meet her overbearing father. From how Azuel explained it he was a bastard.

Still they could have a big pow wow over who will be at the wedding.

Then she grew a big grin as she remember the wedding ceremonies of the Church Olmec.

The Lynx sees her smile. "Uh is there something wrong?"

"Dear did you look into how the wedding ritual is done in the church?" Rosa smiles.

"Uh yeah it is like a traditional wedding right?" The lynx says his fur bristles a bit.

"No dear that is the normal ones for a normal church. Those who wish to marry into the church, it is a bit different. It is not done that much as not many convert into the region. That is the one thing I do remember about that from church." She smiles wickedly. Not only will she get to be with her two lovers, but now she will get her little wedding she wanted and knowing how Felix will react will be enough to make her enjoy what is to come.

"Thank you for all your help.....I never asked your name. " Rosa looks a bit embarrassed this whole time she never bother to ask the Lynx name.

"Oh my name is Victor. Uh, can I attend this wedding? It would be something to see."

"Of course. I ask you record it also. I think your friends and family will get a kick out of it" She begins to laugh making Victor look confused.


Felix is cooking back at the apartment. His friends are over as it seems they are enjoying the entertainment center of Rosa's. They have it crank up half the way up and it is louder than theirs back at the apartment. It shakes the house as the explosions from Boderlands fill the room.

"Would you turn that down? I can't hear if the cell rings." God he sounded like he was an adult and his friends were kids.

Still he was glad to have them over. It wasn't like he was lonely but he liked to have someone who like to game like him. Azuel and Rosa were fun to be with. Yes the sex was awesome, yet when they were not around he love to game.

He smiles thinking how far he has come. He looks at the ring on his finger and smiles at something he thought he never be, engaged.

Those dark words of his father come to him as he thinks about that fool. No it was his past and he has no power over him anymore. He won't let that ghost haunt him anymore.

He knows Azuel had asked about his family and he would avoid them. Though on the same point he asked and she would also avoid the same question.

It seem they all had a past that none of them wanted to talk about.

He can hear Craig complain about Mike taking all the loot yet nothing about Alice doing the same. Which Mike was quick to point out.

The volume is lowered as he can hear Mike a bit more clearer.

"Dude your door is ringing. Did you order take out? I thought you were making food?"

"I am making food. I don't know who it is." He prays it is not Miss Miller. She has been trying to bed Felix for months. God that woman was horny as hell. Maybe a few month ago with Azuel permission he might of but he was set to marry the female of his dreams. No way he was going to screw that up.

Felix makes his way to the door as his cell rings, he recognize the ringtone. "Craig answer that it's Azuel."

He opens the door.

~About 30 minutes ago~

Azule sits on the exam table waiting for the doctor. She hated these things, they all had fake padding. They always felt fake as were the flowers in the office, as to give you the illusion of comfort. They tell you to arrive early and you have to wait an additional twenty minutes before you even see the doctor.

She hated this and she was hungry again damn it. She just ate a whole Tubby's sub and still she wanted more. Her doctor better have a good explanation for this. She just wanted some meds to make the pain in her stomach go away. Felix was cooking and he was making a spread for everybody.

For his family he said. These were strange words from her feline lover.

Yet he never once said anything about his family. Mike told her once when she asked him.

"To him they are dead. He had a hard time as he was always look down on. He never was seen as one who wouldn't amount to anything. Though now I think his brother might be surprised with who he bagged dear."

Mike seem to be his closest friend but always tight lipped with Felix's past. It seemed to shape how he was as he never had any self esteem. Now was he any different? He still seem to lack much. He still was always trying to please her and Rosa. Still he did everything for her and nothing much for his own benefit.

It irke her to no end that he was like this, doing things for others and not his benefit.

Mike's reply to this was he's the same when he lived with them. He and Craig did take advantage of Felix's willingness to do what others wanted over his own desires.

Mike just said he needed a reason. Yes he had her but think about it. He almost lost her and now was in autopilot mode trying to please her. Despite Azuel saying it was her fault, Felix in some weird way blames himself over what happened two months ago.

The doctor walks in breaking her train of thought. It was a female dragoness. Her scale color was a mixture of red and green. She was a very short dragon, a rare thing among dragons. She looks at Azuel with a smile.

"Well miss Redmark I have the reason why your stomach is upset and why you seem to be craving for food as of late."

The doctor seems to look at Azuel as if to see if she can guess it.

"Well Doc don't keep me in suspense. What is it?"

"You are one month pregnant. You are going to be a mother." She says with a smile.

The room is quiet as the expression on Azuel is blank. She can't think of anything as she sits there trying to comprehend what has been told to her.

Pregnant? How was that possible? After the thing with Kain she checked herself out and nothing. Now she was carrying. She has been with no one but.... By Olmec. He gave her a child with someone who wasn't a drake. She was carrying Felix's child.

Her hand went to her stomach as she gently rubs it.

"How? I thought... I thought it was nearly impossible for a drake and fur to have a child. Even with the advances of medicine it was a longshot at best." Azuel looks confused at her.

"I know dear which is why I needed you to come in. This is a rare occurrence and you need to see a specialist. Don't worry, I'll be there with you. I know seeing someone different will make you nervous. I want to make sure you have all the adequate care you can get as you are the first dragoness in about forty years to have a hybrid. Maybe Olmec is blessing you with a child to herald in a new age of understanding."

"Understand I am not even married yet....." Why was she getting upset? It was not the doctor's fault. It was her's and Felix fault. She was knocked up but they had sex before when she was in heat and nothing.

She pulls out her cell and notices the text once more. She had ignored it and noticed it was a unknown number to her.

She felt cold as she read it after she pulled it up. It read.

<Dad knows where you're at and he is going there now.> This was back when she was at the office.

"No no...." She calls Felix and no response. She calls Rosa.

"PIck up pick up you stupid dragoness."

The doctor looks concerned. "Are you ok dear?"

"NO! My father has come to ruin my happiness and I need to see my mate before he breaks him like he has done to so many....Yes Rosa where are you? You need to get home now! My dad is here and is most likely trying to get to our home. He is my dad Rosa, he will figure a way to get through the guard ok. Just get to Felix. I will be there soon. My dad will try to crush him by destroying confidence in him. "

"Azuel whatever you do try not to let your father upset you. You have the health of another you have to worry about now."

"I know doc but I need to get to my fiance now," She gets her stuff and leaves.

The doctor sighs hoping she will take care of her health.


Felix opens the door and a large, dark drake is there. His suit seems to stand out with it's color that clashes with the drake's scale color,The drake looks down at Felix as if her was nothing more than an ant.

Felix sees another male who looks like Azuel, a male version of her. He looks away as if he is afraid of what might happen soon.

"Um... hello and you are?" He hears his phone going off as his friends look from the living room at the new visitors whom are at the door.

The dragon smiles at Felix as he extends his hand out to shake it. "Greetings Felix. My name is Sobek Redmark. I am Azuel's father." Felix reaches out to shake his hand, still has a perplexed look on his face as his whiskers twitch.

"Nice to meet you mister Redmark. Um...if you wait for a while, Azuel will be home soon. Do you want to take a seat?"

At those words the others turn off the system and place the controllers on the system and get the tv on, changing it to CNN.

Felix rolls his eyes, yeah great choice of a channel.

Sobek sits across Felix's friends as they introduce themselves to the dark dragon.

"It is so good to meet your friends Felix."

Felix stiffens when he hears those words. They are words he has heard before but with more malice to them. He was always put down by that one who always said things to him. Making him inferior.

Azuel always clammed up about her family. He now knows why. If Sobek was anything like his father, this was not going to be pleasant. He had to play this game until Azule and Rosa got home. His cell went off again.

"Mike answer it and if it is Azuel tell her her father is here and I think he wants to talk to her."

Mike does as he told as he moves away from the other as he answers the call and speaks to the caller.

He sees Sobek watch the otter answer the call and talk to whomever is on the other end of the line.

"So Felix I see on youtube you are going to marry my daughter. I am surprised you have the gall to marry her without asking me for permission. " His tone is light but he can feel the malice behind it.

"I would ask, but I assumed you were dead sir." Sobek flinches at those words. "You see, when others do not talk about their family, they are dead and it brings too much pain to talk about those who are no longer with us." Felix continues to prepare dinner as if nothing happen to stop him.

Greg seems to try to stare down Sobek who ignores the wolf cold glare.

"So Felix, you have no job. You are done with college. Yet you are not doing any real job to support yourself. So you are mooching off my.."

Felix cuts him off. "I'm a porn star. I'm bringing six figures and make a lot of side cash doing private shoots for some sites. I make close to a hundred thousand a year sir. Not a proud job but it pays the bills. Your daughter seems to love it. Me ,making others fawn over me. It really turns her on.".

While he says this he is still making dinner. Mike is stifling a giggle as Alice is blushing and Craig is smiling at Felix's words.

The blue dragon that came with Sobek has a look of surprise.

Sobek scowls at Felix.

"I know you sir." Felix looks up from what he is doing. "I know what you are. You are someone who judges someone because they do not fit the tiny world you live in. You don't like me. I can tell that especially when I told you what I did for a living. You didn't laugh or say yeah ok. You assume too much."

Sobek looks at Felix in a rage as he stands up, his body tensing. "What can you give my daughter, nothing! You are a worthless feline! You don't even have a stable job. Yes, I checked on you cat! You barely have a real job to speak of. Yet you wish to marry my daughter!" Sobek voice slowly rises. The blue dragon seems to be trying to tell Felix to stop with subtle gestures.

"What are you going to do sir? Cry? Your daughter has chosen me and you are here to do what exactly? Tell me who I am? I know who I am. I am your daughter's future mate. I will stand by her side no matter what you say." Felix states in a matter of fact voice.

Sobek seems to be breathing hard as if he is trying to hold back his rage as he walks up to Felix.

The blue dragon looks surprised as no one has ever talk to his father this way before. He is about to try to stop his father from doing anything stupid as the Craig stops him. "No Felix knows what he is doing. I hope?"

Sobek is seething with rage as he looks at Felix who seems to be ignoring him. Sobek begins to breath hard as his clothing strains to stay on him as he seems to be clenching his body as to show off his strength. "Even if you had a real job and a life you fucking FELINE !!! WHAT CAN YOU GIVE MY DAUGHTER!?!? YOU CAN'T EVEN GIVE HER A CHILD!!!!" He roars at Felix who is still finishing up the last of the meal as he is about to start set it at the table.

"I make her happy. If she wants more I will do my best to give her what she wants. You're mad because she is not following your rules or life you have planned for her. I will stand by her side till the end. That is all that matters." He has a bowl of salad as it is knock out of his hands as he grabbed roughly and slammed against the counter of the kitchen.

"YOU WORTHLESS BASTARD! YOU THINK MY DAUGHTER IS AN EASY LAY FOR YOUR FUCKING ASS? MY DAUGHTER IS OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE!!!!! I WILL DO HER THE FAVOR OF TAKING CARE OF YOUR WORTHLESS ASS!!!!" He is about to pull his hand back and throttle Felix but is stopped. Sobek snarls as he turns to look who would be stupid enough to stop his attack he sees his son Siegfried with a sad look on his face.

"No father that's enough. This ends now. He is right. Azuel has chosen. You are mad she is not doing what you want her to do. I regret what I have done to her and what I let you do to Jen. Not this time. I will stand by my sister's decision to marry Felix." Siegfried struggles to keep his father's arm from going forward into Felix's face.

Sobek pulls his arm from his son's grasp. "Even you betray me, your father, after all I have done for you? You ungrateful child! Must I teach you a lesson as I teach this foolish feline who dares to think he can have my daughter, your sister as a mate. HE CANNOT GIVE HER A CHILD!!!!" He roars at Siegfried.

Siegfried takes a step back in fear of his father.

"No father he has done something for me. Something you and others who think it is impossible to do. I am carrying his child. I am pregnant dad. And yes it is his father. A fur and a dragon have created a child." Azuel said followed by Rosa, both who just came from the elevator.

"Father we had this discussion before, you are dead to me. Yet you seem to want to ride on a white horse to save me from what? Enjoying the life I want? Now I have something you said that I could never could have had with a fur. I am carrying a child Felix and I created. Nothing you say or do will change that. Now get out of our home. You worthless bastard!" She growls at her father.

He looks at Azuel with a look of shock by her words but also the thoughts that his little girl is carrying a child, his grandchild. He looks at Felix but is confused by this.

"We are leaving Siegfried." He growls

"No, my BROTHER can stay. "

Siegfried is stunned by this as her last words they had were to tell him he was dead to her.

Sobek glares at his son. "Another traitor. Don't expect a job when you get back." He storms out of the house.

"So sis, do you have a job out here I can have? It seems I might have to move away from dad for a while?"

Azule hugs her brother as she cries. "Yes Siggie yes, I can find you something."

Siegfried hugs her back.

Everyone is speechless as Craig speaks up. "So you knocked her up Felix?"

Rosa starts to giggle at this as Azuel smiles as she breaks her hug with her brother as she wipes her eyes. "Yes you stupid wolf. I am carrying his child."

Rosa smiles "Dibs on godmother. Also more good news both of you. We can all get married. We have to create a new clan in a sense. In church law as long as the two females agree they can marry someone not of our faith. They need to be blessed."

Azuel looks at Rosa in surprise as she smiles and hugs her oldest friend. "Yes I told you we would never be apart my love."

Felix smiles as he watches this. He begins to clean up as Siegfried looks at Felix.

Felix sees this and scowls at him. "Now what?"

"Uh you do you know how the blessing works right Felix?" Siegfried says a bit flustered

Felix looks at him confused. "I assume you get blessed like in the catholic church. With water or holy water. Right?"

"No. You are bathed in the blood of clans blood as it's poured from a chalice over the new member, and is welcomed to the clan."

Felix makes a face of disgust. "Hell no. I am not bathing is someone's blood!"

Rosa begins to laugh "I told you he would do that Azuel."

Azuel smiles at Felix's plight as the others are poking at Felix saying they will make a vampire of him.

Mike whispers to Alice who watches Craig and Felix finish setting up the table, as Felix looks pissed about the ritual he has to do and Craig is trying his best to keep the feline in line.

"I know about this part of that religion, they use color dye on the water. They stop the blood process as it was unsanitary to do that." Mike says in a hush voice to Alice.

Alice shakes her head as she sits down with Mike on one side of her and her lover Craig on the other. "Why didn't you tell Felix this?"

Mike smiles "Because this is too much fun watching him squirm."

Alice smiles as they all gather at the table.

As they are about to eat. Felix stands up "Allow me to make a toast for us all. For friends," He nods to his friends who smile back at him. "To my new family and soon to be mates." Rosa, Azuel, and Siegfried all acknowledge him. "To Azuel and our child who grows inside her. Knowing she has given me something I never expected to ever have a child. Also for her letting me be her love, her mate, and father to our child."

Azuel smiles and pulls him into a deep kiss as he kisses her back as they all set their glasses down and clap for the two lovers. Yet Azuel was not done as she breaks the kiss with Felix. Then pulls Rosa into a deep kiss as Felix smiles as does his friends but Siegfried who watches in surprise and is blushing deeply. Seeing his sister kiss another female.

The group finally settles down and eats as they laugh and trade stories as the three lovers soon to be mates smile the most knowing, they will have their dream soon to come true.