Chapter 4: Just the Way You Are

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#4 of All In the Family

Chapter 4: Just the Way You Are

Mindy stood in the girls' locker room, where the steam of the showers was still hot and moist on the air. She took a deep breath and straightened up. She had just changed into her bathing suit and in mere seconds -- oh, god! -- she would step through those double doors and find herself in the school's indoor pool. She felt like such a fool in this bathing suit! Tammy had leant it to her: it was a red bikini and was so small that the bottoms were practically being eaten by her ass cheeks. But Brian apparently loved the color red on girls -- or so Tammy had declared -- and she thought that Mindy looked stunning in red anyway. Mindy didn't think so. She felt like a tramp. She had too much cleavage hanging out, she was painfully aware that the cleft of her vagina stood out clear against the skimpy fabric, and just thinking of the way Tammy had told her to walk made her want to die. She was so clumsy and shy: she would never pull this off!

"Just think confidence," Mindy muttered to herself, remembering her friend's advice. "He'll want you if you're confident. Confident . . . confidence . . . conference -- I mean, correspondence -- oh, god," Mindy stammered and pinched the flesh between her eyes. She could hardly see without her glasses, and she knew that if she wasn't careful, she'd bump into everything in her path. Trying to calm her nerves, she pressed her forehead to the cool steel of one of the orange lockers and took another deep breath. "Okay, Mindy. It's raining cats and dogs outside and you don't have a coat. There's no escaping this, so you might as well go through with it. Remember: f-flaunt it!"

Mindy straightened up again, and adjusting her breasts in the ridiculously tight bikini, she pushed open the doors and went out.

Mindy paused when she heard a splash: someone had just dived into the pool. Her black eyes darted around and she suddenly felt breathless and frightened: Brian's head had emerged from the water, and after shaking out his mane -- that gorgeous mane above that gorgeous neck! -- he was gazing at her with large eyes.

Mindy gulped. He was staring in wide-eyed amazement! And, god, he looked so good in those dark blue swim trunks! She could see his muscular neck and shoulders above the water, the ripping muscles of his belly beneath. With arms tight with muscles, he swam for the silver ladder and climbed up it. Mindy felt her heart pounding like wild to see his toned body and how it flexed under that slick, wet fur, how his trunks clung to him, heavy with water! He sat on the edge of the pool and pushed his mane back from his eyes, and after looking her over again in silent wonder, he said, "Er -- hi."

Mindy lifted her chin. Confidence! Confidence! She strutted toward the pool just as Tammy had taught her: her hips swayed back and forth, and she knew with a small blush that her breasts were riding high with her every movement. She felt Brian's eyes follow her as she swayed toward him, her tail swinging low. His mouth was a perfect 'o' of astonishment.

"Hi, Brian," Mindy said in as husky a voice as she could manage, and just as Tammy had taught her, she flicked her tail under his chin playfully.

Brian did a double take. "Mindy?!"

So he hadn't recognized her! Putting her misery aside, Mindy turned her back to him and gathered her mane on top of her head. She pushed her hips out to the side and said over her shoulder, "Who else?"

"I -- I just didn't recognize you without your glasses and you're always all covered up --"

"I know," Mindy said, turning to face him, "I figured I'd let myself . . . breathe." She snapped the straps of her bikini in an attempt to make her breasts jiggle, but to her horror, that tight little top that had been suffocating her breasts suddenly snapped loose. The top flew clean off, and Mindy's sharp little tits bounced free. Blushing all over, she quickly covered herself. She was glad to see Brian was just as blushing and embarrassed. How she would have died if he'd laughed at her! He quickly averted his eyes -- always such the gentleman, she thought with a miserable sigh -- and offered her the broken tatters that were her red bikini top. Mindy took it but didn't see what she would do with it now: she couldn't very well strap the dismal thing back on. She turned her back, blushing furiously that she was now practically naked in front of him and he hadn't so much as gotten hard! Was she really so ugly? Oh, she must've looked like a desperate fool!

Her back to Brian, Mindy fumbled to get the bikini top back over her trembling breasts. They were so small and ugly to her now, those pointy nipples and that little white heart-shaped spot just near the curve. She could hear Brian moving around behind her, then she felt a heavy towel being draped carefully around her shoulders. She stammered out a thank you and pulled the towel wretchedly around her breasts. Oh, she was a stupid fool for ever listening to Tammy! How would she ever face Brian again? Tears were blinding her, and she was starting off for the locker rooms when she slammed hard into something -- Brian's chest! She wanted to die as those big paws grabbed her shoulders to steady her. But Brian didn't go away. Oh, why was he standing there!

Mindy gulped down a sob and dared to look up. Brian was gazing down at her, anxious, worried.

"Mindy . . ." he said slowly, "why did you do all this?"

Mindy bit her lip. Must he make her feel even worse? "I just wanted you to like me!" she admitted with another rush of tears.

Brian shook his head. "But Mindy . . . I already like you."

Mindy looked up at him, amazed. "You -- you do?!" she cried, her breasts heaving behind the towel now.

Brian nodded, smiling down warmly at her. "You don't have to wear all this and act like Tammy to impress me! I want you just the way you always were: shy and sweet."

Mindy couldn't believe it. And when he started leaning down close, her heart pounded so hard that she was scared he might hear it. He cupped her face with one gentle paw and he kissed her -- so tender, so sweet! She trembled all over behind the kiss, but closed her eyes and eagerly responded.

Brian pulled back and smiled. "Can . . . can I kiss you some place else?" he asked.

Mindy blushed furiously. She giggled so hard that she snorted, and suddenly losing her balance, she fell into the pool. Mindy thrashed around, blinded by the crashing water. She couldn't swim a bit and she felt helpless and frightened: Brian had been practicing in the deep end, after all. Coughing and sputtering as she struggled to keep her head above water, she heard another splash, and seconds later, Brian's strong arm had closed around her waist.

"I've got ya," he said, smiling down at her when she gazed up at him with doting eyes.

He swam strong for the shallows, and suddenly feeling bold, Mindy put her arm around his neck. He didn't let her go until they were in shallow water. Mindy was so glad to feel the hard floor under her feet again. She breathed a deep sigh of relief and pushed her mane back from her eyes. Her heart leapt: the towel was gone! And she was standing here in front of Brian with no top on! Brian's pretty brown eyes, meanwhile, were fixed on her trembling breasts.

"Oh, don't look at them!" Mindy cried, covering herself.

"Why not," Brian whispered. "They're nice. I always wondered what they'd look like. I want to kiss that little heart."

Mindy blushed to hear those things, but she didn't protest again when he gently pushed her shielding arms way. He looked at her breasts and sighed, whispering that they were so pretty. He lowered himself in the water and his head came close to her across the surface. She closed her eyes and gave a little gasp: he was sucking her nipple! And so eagerly! So wetly and deeply that she trembled all over. She could feel his paws under the water: they ran down her back to her buttocks, as if he was exploring her. Then she felt his fingers carefully inching her bikini bottoms down. Mindy trembled again but suddenly didn't want to stop him: his lips and tongue felt so good on her nipple! And now he was sucking the other one just as hungrily. But he stopped.

"Mindy," Brian whispered, straightening up to look at down at her. His eyes were alight with a hungry fire that frightened and aroused her at once. "Don't you want to touch me?"

"Y-Yes," Mindy admitted, drinking in his hard body with her lip in her teeth.

Brian moved close to Mindy and whispered in her ear, "Touch me, Mindy."

Mindy loved the smell of him, loved the way his tall and toned body seemed to consume her when he stood so close. She was so small and short in his shadow, after all. She reached under the water and hesitated, but she closed her paw over that mysterious place between his hard thighs. She let out a little gasp: he was hard for her! He smiled down at her shock. He reached under and fumbled to get his cock out, then placed her paw over it again and guided it in a stroke. Mindy blushed furiously now: he was rigid, so strong in her paw! She started exploring him now, the tips of her slender fingers feeling the shape of the head of his cock, the shaft, that little opening where she knew his seed would spill out when he came. Just imagining him inside her made something strange happen between her legs, that curious throbbing she had felt when with Tammy in the girls' restroom.

As if he sensed her arousal, Brian started inching her bikini bottoms down again. Mindy felt them tangling against the water and around her ankles. She felt as if her feet were tied together. Brian put a big paw on the back of her thigh and whispered in her ear, "Mindy . . . can I touch you too?"

Mindy breathlessly nodded. Her paw paused on his cock when she felt it: his fingers were sinking carefully into her sex! She dropped her cheek against his hard chest and hugged him as those big fingers worked her gently, and he was so strong that her feet were soon off the floor and floating under water from the caressing. She couldn't believe it when he groaned to himself, as if he was enjoying touching her even more than her paw working away at his cock.

"Mindy, you're so tight and hot in there," Brian whispered, breathless with desire. "Can I . . . I mean . . ." Brian pulled back and looked her deeply in the eyes. "Do you want me to?"

Mindy's heart leapt. He wanted to have sex with her! She nodded so hard her ears flopped. She suddenly wanted that more than anything in the world. After having to listen for years to Tammy's stories, Brian had no idea how badly she wanted.

"I've got ah rubber in my bag," he admitted. "Let me go get it . . ." Smiling at her, he withdrew his fingers and swam for the ladder again.

Mindy waded after him to the edge, covering her naked breasts under the water. Her heart was pounding like crazy. She was about to lose her virginity, and to this handsome boy who she'd been secretly pinning after since she couldn't remember when! She watched with building lust as he shook out his mane again, then squatted beside his gym bag, those hard ass cheeks that Mindy loved flexing.

"Hey, Mindy?" Brian said thoughtfully as he rummaged through the bag. He paused and asked with a little blush, "Could you . . . could you go get your glasses? See, I always wanted to make love to you while you were wearin' 'em." He gave an embarrassed little smile, but Mindy felt a thrill of joy and didn't hesitate to get them.

When she returned still clutching her arms over her naked breasts, everything was now sharply in focus. With her glasses on, Brian's perfect body was now clear as day, and she could see his brown cock standing erect in the dark nest of silver fur around his balls: he'd taken off his trunks! He was sitting there on the edge of the pool, leaning back on his paws and smiling at her as she approached. The condom was in his fingers, unopened.

"Let me see them, Mindy," Brian said gently. "No one's around."

Mindy blushed again but lowered her arms. She saw with a shiver that Brian's eyes were narrowing on her breasts and he licked his lips a little. She stood over him, feeling awkward and uncertain and embarrassed, suddenly, by his desire for her.

Brian jerked his head. "Put it on me, Mindy. Go on," he added, offering the condom. "Slip it on my dick."

He was watching her with such hunger! Her heart fluttering, Mindy knelt with jiggling breasts and tore open the condom. Brian watched her every move and smiled when Mindy gasped that his cock twitched in anticipation. Pinching that little bulb in the tip of the condom, she rolled it down over his cock, just as they'd taught her in Sex Ed, and she blushed a little when he closed his paw over hers and brought the condom over himself with her. It was sticky with lubrication. Brian showed her the condom wrapper, which said "For Her Pleasure" in curly red letters. She blushed again.

"Been savin' it," he admitted, lovingly pushing her mane behind her ear, "for whenever I got the courage to ask you out."

"Oh, Brian, you really liked me all this time?" Mindy asked with heaving breasts.

Brian nodded bashfully, but cupping her face again, he whispered, "Come here!"

Still kneeling, Mindy leaned forward until her butt was in the air and kissed Brian. She could feel with a flutter that he was working her bikini bottoms down around her thighs again. When they were hanging around her knees, he pushed her thighs apart and fingered her sex, his fingers lightly pinching her pussy lips, caressing her clit. Mindy sighed against his lips and was a little embarrassed when she whispered his name. But Brian seemed to like it. He grew bolder in his lust, giving Mindy his tongue as he kissed her. Mindy eagerly kissed him back. He took her into his arms, and suddenly, he plunged into the water with her.

They resurfaced, and Brian did not stop his advances. Feeling suddenly playful, Mindy floated back until she was in the deep end. She barely knew how to tread water and started to sink, but Brian caught her to him, and smiling down at her, he carefully slipped in himself inside. Mindy groaned as Brian filled her. There was a slight pinching pain, but he was so sweet, so careful. He paused when it became too much, then sank himself again. It hurt so badly! But Mindy suddenly didn't care when she looked up at Brian: she saw him close his eyes and sigh, as if he had never known deeper pleasures. Then he looked at her so sweetly, so lovingly, that she felt her heart melt. He held her up with his strong arms and moved himself carefully in and out, cradling the back of her head, smiling down at her, closing his eyes and whispering her name when her clenching walls suddenly contracted and deepened: she was starting to enjoy it, and she was so wet now that he was getting deliciously deep.

"How does it feel?" Brian whispered anxiously, still working his hips carefully against her under the water.

Mindy held Brian's neck tightly in her trembling arms. "I -- I don't know!" she gasped. "But, god, don't ever stop!"

Brian laughed softly, loving her black eyes and how they filled with ecstasy behind her water-speckled glasses. He kissed her on the lips and whispered, "And don't ever change!"