RiftVeil Labs: Thunder Struck

Story by Magnus Zero on SoFurry

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#4 of RiftVeil Labs- Transformation series

Colin Cleland is a young firefighter who's always had a passion to embrace his wolf side in the real world. After looking into rumors about the new RiftVeil facility, he figured why not go sign up for an appointment and see what happens. Based on how excited he is when he arrives, things will get a bit "messy" when he lets the beast out of its cage.

Guest character appearance is icewolf91 as he emerges into a buff werewolf with a primal need to seed his lust.

Welcome to RiftVeil Labs, ladies and gentlemen! I wish to extend a warm welcome to anyone just viewing this new facility as we specialize in transformations or simple body modifications to whoever wishes to use our services. As the series goes on with each episode, I hope to eventually have guests stop by (if they desire) and partake in some fun or procedures. Mind you, this purely for fun and I don't intend to ask for any funds for a story. Anyways for more info, simply message me (notes might be best) and I'll give you the details.

Side Note: Title is supposed to read RiftVeil Labs- Thunder Struck (Anthro Werewolf TF)

RiftVeil: Thunder Struck (Anthro Werewolf TF)

Colin leaned back against his leather chair as he glanced down at the clipboard forms on the coffee table of the small entrance building. The 22 year old youth heard some buzzing rumors from people back home about a facility taking on any interested applicants to change their outlook on life through transformation. Being an avid furry lover when he wasn't saving innocent lives from burning buildings across the rustling streets of New York, the young firefighter asked for a few days off to make the trip to the RiftVeil facility, wanting to seize the chance when he got it. Man, these guys are serious on background info, Colin thought to himself as he penned down any information needed on the forms. But I mean considering how little they charged for this crazy procedure, I'm not complaining, heh heh. I'll just sign here...and here...and done! Sweet. Rising instantly to his feet, the youth quickly stacked the few pages neatly on the table end before walking to the front counter to hand them over to the waiting guard.

"Here you go, sir," said Colin in a confident tone as he extended the forms and clipboard to the security guard. "Is there anything else you need from me?"

The burly guard flipped through the few pages, quickly checking to make sure it was signed and most of the spots being filled. "Not at all, Mr. Cleland," he replied in a thick Italian accent. "Long as youz called ahead in advance about the appointment, then allz we needed was your consent and few extra ehh....personal notes, copesh?"

"Sure thing, sir," remarked the young firefighter as he rubbed a hand through his blonde hair with a smile. "I have no idea what to expect here doing this, but mmmmaaannnn am I excited." He grinned with a little giddy jump in the air from the anticipation, being able to actually become an animal he admired for years, and retaining his humanoid characteristics and personality in the process. Colin truly felt like he was living a waking dream, and he didn't wake at all from it.

The guard gave a friendly smirk as he typed in the extra contact and profile details into the computer, remembering all too well the faces of those first satisfied clients that walked through those slider doors and left as whole new creatures with more pep in their steps. "Ok, Mr. Cleland, everything checks out from here," informed the guard as he motioned the white youth to come around the counter to the back wall. The man pulled the keycard on the side of his vest along the scanner before punching in the keycode. After a few seconds, a green light flashed on the scanner as the walls slide open to the side, revealing a descending metal railed staircase down a few floors to a lift station in the back. "If youz will follow me, I'll take youz to the lift so you can head down to the lower facility. Mr. Magress should be waiting for you once you arrive."

"Lead the way, good sir," replied Colin with an extended hand as the guard nodded and walked down the stairs, with Colin in close pursuit.

Colin braced himself against the cold metal railing along the end of the lift as the platform started to slow its descent. He glanced up briefly to see how far he traveled down into the Earth from the surface, stunned that nearly 50 stories of drilled through rock/dirt layers with metal beams encompassed the tunnel leading down. Shaking his head to refocus, the youth stared forward as the large yellow marked shutters hissed from the seals pulling out. After a few seconds, the slider doors began to shift open to reveal a bright open area with a human in a black business suit and grey pants walking forward to greet him.

"Welcome, Mr. Cleland," waved the older youth as he approached the firefighter. He extended a hand forward as Colin smiled and reached his own hand out to shake it. "My name's Jude Magress. I'll be showing you to the procedure bay where we'll be conducting your transformation procedure today." He smiled as he broke the handshake, placing his left arm to his side as his digital armband brushed against the black coat.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Magress," bowed Colin. "By the way, you can call me Colin if you want. Mr. Cleland sounds really old for me." The firefighter chucked about it as Jude took the hint and chimed in with a friendly laugh at the thought.

"Sounds good. Then feel free to refer to me as Jude if you want as well. I feel the same way about the whole mister etiquette gesture, especially since I think we are still young for our age." He rubbed the back of his wavy black hair with closed eyes. "Anyways, right this way Colin," Jude remarked with an extended hand towards the slider doors along the left wall. "I'll go over the procedure details with you before we begin so you know what's going to be taking place."

"Of course, Mr. M- I mean Jude," Colin said, quickly correcting himself with a blush. "Err, my bad. I'm used to being polite and formal so bear with me, heh." Shaking off the scene with a good laugh, the two youths nodded before walking down to the slider doors.

Taking his armband on the side, Jude glanced down at the bright blue screen as the biometric data of the client came in. "So the procedure you desired was for a full body transformation into a wolf, correct?," inquired Jude as he paced forward while glancing over to Colin.

"Yes sir," replied the youth with a grin. "I mean an anthro werewolf is close enough too honestly, just so that way it doesn't startle anyone when I'm working my job." He shrugged as Jude nodded, noting the extra detail on the file. "I'm really looking for that hunk kind of image you know," Colin mentioned as he stopped and glanced over at Jude, who looked back up at him. The youth had some muscle already as he flexed a pose in front of the scientist, giving him a chuckle from the hint he was getting. "So any extra muscle or...other benefits, you can add will really be a plus." He drew a gaze down at his jeans, leaving Jude to kind of blush in embarassment.

"Ok, heh heh...duly noted," Jude replied with an awkward smile. "All of that checks out with what you initially mentioned. It also shows you wish to have the ability to channel electricity as well. We already have something in mind to accomplish that, so we can show you after the procedure. Otherwise, any other questions you might have before we get underway, Colin?," Jude asked with a head tilt.

Colin quickly shook his head as his blonde hair swayed from side to side. "Nope, all that checks out. Let's get started. I can't wait, man," replied the youth with excitement as he furiously rubbed his palms together.

Someone's the eager beaver this morning,_thought Jude with a sigh of sweat along his brow as he gave an awkward smile. _Knowing how wired Bolt probably is on his coffee, this Colin guy might give him a running for "most overly active person of the month" award. "Right this way," assured Jude as he pushed the keypad on his armband to remotely open the procedure bay #1 doors, walking inside as the client followed close behind.

"Man, this place has advanced stuff," amazed Colin as he glanced around the room at the shelves full of beakers and books lining the back wall.

"You can say that again," smirked Jude as he pulled a couple of vials of blue and brown serum from a nearby rack, setting them on a work table. "Go ahead and strip in that corner dressing room," he said while pointing at the curtained area. "No sense in having your clothes get ripped to shreds as the procedure goes on. There should be a pair of adjustable latex briefs in their as well for you to wear so you aren't COMPLETELY naked for now."

Colin nodded with a smirk as he headed over and pulled the teal curtain shut, coming face to face with a mirror next to a seat. Out with the old, in with the new me, he thought to himself as he pulled off his shirt and jeans and tossed them to the side, rubbing his arms afterward. After kicking off his shoes and underwear, he spotted the latex dispenser and pulled out the slick pair of briefs that Jude mentioned, sliding into them as cautiously as he could. Surprisingly, a chill came over his lower area as the material suctioned firmly, but not too tight, over his lower area like a second skin.

Meanwhile, back in the room, Colin became alerted to another presence as he heard the slider doors reopen and another person entered the room. "Thanks for setting up the formula, Jude," said the lombax in a friendly tone. "I can take it from here. Magnus needs a hand in the back adjusting the portal generator."

"Alright, Bolt," chuckled Jude as he headed for the door. "I'll go see what he needs." He STILL doesn't have it up?!?, thought Jude as he left. Ugghhh...my arms are gonna be sore again tonight...

Colin slid the curtain aside to be greeted by the silver-furred lombax who was just finishing loading the serum vial into a dart capsule. "Good morning, Colin. I'm Bolt Fenris," replied the feline as he gave a friendly bow. "I'll be the guy doing the procedure on you in a moment." He took the capsule and attached it to a small size dispenser in his paw as he approached the computer cart now stationed next to the metal platform at the center of the room. "Go ahead and step on this metal platform, please."

Colin nodded as he walked over on the cold floor to the slick metal platform, standing on it in place while standing up straight at attention.

"I'll need you to spread your arms and move your feet outward slightly before we start," ordered Bolt as he punched in some commands on the computer terminal. With his arms extended outward, Colin was briefly startled as he heard compartments open above and on the sides of the platform as cushioned cuff bracelets attached to arms descended onto him and fastened around his wrists and ankles. The inner layers of the cuffs were pretty soft, but held firm in place to ensure that little movement could take place during the transformation. "These are just a safety precaution for now, so you don't accidentally flail and hurt yourself during the change, alright?," mentioned the lombax with care in his tone.

"Understood," nodded Colin. "Just feels pretty weird, is all. But I'm not complaining." This is it, he ecstatically thought to himself. Not known to Bolt at the moment, but every passing second was making the human feel even more aroused at the anticipation of the morphing process.

Bolt adjusted the disperser as he lined up the two capsules beside one another, having the suction spiked ends locked in place. He had to make sure the dosage was administered simultaneously for full effect. Taking a deep breath of assurance, the feline took a nearby ointment cloth and damped the muscled right shoulder of Colin. "You'll feel an initial sting from shot, but it should fade pretty fast once the changes sweep over." Placing the end of the dispenser on the site, Bolt squeezed his fingers on the trigger as the spikes pierced the skin, eliciting a muffled yelp from the human as he gritted his teeth (he was pretty pain tolerant already).

The physical changes sparked quickly as the veins in Colin's muscles outlined his forearms while the injection site slowly darkened to a greyish hue. The human's breathing intensified from the rise in his body heat as the serum spread through his bloodstream, increasing his metabolic activity from the transformation. Muscles all over his naked flesh tensed and pulsed slightly as they slowly grew in size, packing more strength with each surge as the bestial creature he was becoming began to creep out. Colin's gritted teeth had already began to sharp in his mouth as his blue eyes darkened to a deeper hue, shifting into canine eyes. Air flared from his nostrils as he flinched, feeling his skull start to jut outward inch by inch as his muzzle came forth. His fleshy tongue began to lengthen till he could already lick the end of his maw, feeling the bumpy texture of his now blackened nose.

It had been almost two minutes into the procedure as the changing human squirmed in the restraints, and almost 90% of his skin had been stained with the greyish hue from the injection site and his muscles were nearly twice the size they were before. Colin's mind was overwhelmed by the sensations he had started to feel, not knowing what to think with each passing second as he felt a mix of pain from the bone rearranging in this skeleton to the pleasure he experienced at becoming the wolf he always wanted to be.

The growing beast gradually took on the new more keen senses that flooded into him, as he could already smell the air and scent from the lombax that was recording the observations to the heighten hearing of the other sounds in the facility. His wolfish side slowly became more pronounced with his pointed ears lengthening to the top of his head as his chest and legs became coated in a thick pelt of grey fur. It felt rugged and course as his arms shifted in the cuffs, a pleasant feeling as it grinded against the soft underline of the clamps. A low and gritty growl escaped Colin's now lupine lips as he could feel the arousal of himself from earlier heighten tenfold; the wolfish side had begun to meld with his human side, getting him worked up with every passing second as he glanced down at the latex trunks below.

The firefighter used to sport a decent size package downstairs, but that image was thrown out the window now. The latex briefs had already began to tent from his growing lust taking over as he felt his rod pulse and lengthen upward, becoming more pointed and tapered as a canine cock should be. It had already reached 9 inches, but it still kept growing, entrancing the werewolf in a hypnotizing trance. The fleshy end where his sheath now was began to balloon with a growing knot as he felt his dangling jewels began to churn and swell with lupine seed, growing to a size slightly larger than a baseball. Another growl left his muzzle as he felt their fuzzy sack grace the sides of his well-toned legs, his cock continuing to be pumped with blood for more length. Eventually the changes began to die down as his nails had been replaced with black, razor claws and noticeable markings began to form over his gray coat (mainly a black wolf's paw on the right shoulder); the large canine package below even began to stop growing, reaching a staggering 11 inches in length.

The wolf's maw began to salivate rapidly as he gazed down at the stretched latex briefs, trying to contain the massive manhood. The drool dropped in thick droplets as it splashed against the metal platform below in front of his big hairy feet and partially drenching the end of the latex. All the while, Bolt could only stare on with concern, looking down at the biometric temperature readings approaching higher levels than anticipated. O lord, he grimaced and thought to himself. Guess the guy was having a boner before getting here. I think that volcano is going to erupt at this rate...

Meanwhile as the wolf gazed down in front, Colin was oblivious to the activity going on from behind as his butt began to pulse with more muscle. Below the spine, his tailbone had gradually began to pierce the furry flesh as a nub began to grow out, and suddenly gain a foot every few seconds until a bushy black tail was now flapping behind the beast, an indicator at how excited the creature was from the change. A low growl began to build from the wolf as he felt the yearn of release, wanting to splay his lust everywhere. His body began to sense it as his balls churned and in an instant, the beast bellowed a loud howl that echoed throughout the room as he emptied his seed forth, spilling into the latex briefs as they ballooned outward somewhat to contain the liquid. Bolt had only an instant to jump a few paces back when he saw the fabric stretch to its limit, instinctively avoiding the mess.

The latex burst in an outward wave as the lupine seed slathered the front area and side of the computer cart, short circuiting it completely. The white patch of fur under his neck swayed in the air from the thrashing Colin (now a werewolf) was doing through his orgasm, the restraints being pulled along like strings to hold him in place as the stunned (and dare I say enthralled) lombax watched from the side. After a few minutes of blasting the area like a fire hydrant, the wolf became spent as he hung forward in the bindings, somewhat drained from the transformation and...sexual release.

Hearing the beast pant loud huffs from his powerful lungs before him, Bolt took the opportunity to wander over and give him a look over to make sure the procedure went as expected, all while monitoring his biometric readings on his armband. "Alrighty," muttered Bolt as everything seemed to check out well. "I would ask you if you feel alright, but uhhh...judging from this mess...I think I have my answer." Great, he thought as his eyes took in the milky stained puddles toward the left half of the room, taking a deep sigh. Least I can test out the new mop on it later. "Anyways, Co-"

"Thunder..." rumbled the beast in a somewhat gritty voice.

"I'm sorry?" inquired the feline as he tilted his head.

"My name is...Thunder now..." growled Colin, his muzzle shifting to his side to eyeball the standing lombax.

Bolt took a big gulp as he peeked as his armband before returning to the shackled wolf. "Ok, Thunder. Let me go ahead and remove those cuffs from you so you can stand." The feline clicked a few icons on the wrist, leading to the cuffs snapping open as the hulky werewolf fell to the floor and the mechanical arms receding into their compartments.

Thunder howled back as another shot of adrenaline hit him over, his claws grasping forward at the end of the metal plate as they grinded along the edges. Taking a grip along the ends on all fours, the beast flexed his hips forward with a powerful thrust as his meaty rod, still slick in juices, slathered the plate like a paint brush in white streams as he rutted hard into another orgasm, the sounds of his furry knees slamming repeatedly into the floor. His head flicked to his back as he let out another gut wrenching howl, another blast of cum jet bouncing off the metal and splattering against the back wall. Luckily after some minutes past, the werewolf collapsed face first on the ground, panting heavily as his pupils returned to normal.

"O crap, I'm so sorry about-" protested Bolt as he reached out to help the beast up.

"I'm fine...Mr. Fenris..." growled Thunder as he shifted his paws in front to propel him to his feet, towering almost 8 feet in height above the gearhead at his side. "I'm sorry for...that," he grumbled as his voice became more clear like before, his head spinning before him. "I just felt so pent up...like a need of taking me, urg. A need to...to...to seed."

Bolt walked over and tried patting the hairy wolf on his shoulder, smiling up to him as he shook his head. "Don't worry about it, C- I mean Thunder," spoke Bolt with a reassuring tone. "We've had like...ten clients so far come in, and I assure you that this isn't the first time we've seen an accidental orgasm." A smirk crossed the feline's muzzle as he lead the werewolf slowly out of the procedure bay, a trail of leaking wolf seed following in their wake. Hell no,_thought Bolt through a cheeky grin. _YOU are definitely the first to jizz from that LOL. Least it gave me an example to use for later on, heh heh.

The "still-dazed werewolf" and lombax didn't have to go far from the room as Bolt led them over to a nearby rack along the wall. The thing looked like it came from a massive library, rising just over ten feet tall but stretching out almost five times that length as it was blanketed with compartments, scrolls, tomes, and other odd devices. "Give me a moment Thunder. I need to grab one more thing," remarked Bolt as he made for the nearby wheeling ladder, climbing midway up the shelves.

"What are you...looking for, anyways?," mumbled Thunder as he held the side of his head in his large padded paw. He took a moment to readjust his lower jaw as he moved his tongue around. This might take getting used to for speech again...*cough*, he thought to himself as he cleared wet throat.

"Still need to do the last request on your form," the lombax yelled from up high as he swayed the ladder over a couple of feet to a green column of drawers. "And to do that, I'll neeeeeeeeed...THIS!" He shouted with enthusiasm as he reveled in the item's sight, quickly placing it in his side pocket before descending the ladder along the rails.

The tall wolf scratched the side of his head in confusion at the outburst from the feline as he made his way back over to him, not exactly getting a good look at what the item initially was. But as Bolt grinned in front of him, the feline reached a paw into his coat pocket to show the beast as he leaned downward, his eyes now dilated in amazement at what he saw. "Ta-dah!"

"WOW! What is this a-" Thunder was already reaching forward with a clawed hand, but Bolt instinctively pulled it back out of reach and waved a finger out.

"Careful! You can look, just don't touch it please." He returned the item forward for the wolf to view. Before them was a beautiful topaz gemstone in an oval shape, but caked in areas all around with tiny green gelatin drops that rippled at the touch, almost like jell-o. The dazzling gleam that shined off it left an awe as waves of electrical bolts flashed every 30 seconds across its surface. "This is a channeling stone. Mages use them to draw on specific energy powers to use or wield temporarily." A toothy grin of intrigue and amusement crossed the lombax's muzzle as he continued. "But when in the hands of a tech nerd like me, I can self-bind some of its properties permanently to someone. Pretty sweet, eh?"

The werewolf grin as he scratched his chin. "Awesome...so I'll be able to wield the power of lightning like I asked for?"

The feline nodded as he held the stone in his now gloved paw, holding it tightly and aiming it at the massive beast before him. "Hold still Thunder...I have no idea how much kick this has." Thunder was just about to ask why when a sudden flash of bright light engulfed the rock; as power from the air quickly became drawn in within seconds, a powerful yellow bolt of electricity shot forth and blasted Thunder nearly off his feet.

The werewolf clasped his chest from the initial burn mark along his new lupine coat as he began to feel a tingling sensation creep over every inch of his being. He brought his padded hands in front to see a bolt dash from one digit to the other hand, and then bringing them together have it happen again. Clasping his hands together tightly and concentrating, Thunder started to live up to his name as he gradually channeled arc energy bolts across his arms. Though the lightning he brought forth was still small in power, just getting a taste of the energy running through his being made him grin as he over-stimulated himself from the excitement again, leading to another jetshot of cum from his still hanging mast of meat.

Bolt quickly facepalmed as he set the stone down on the workbench as looked for a rag to clean the stain up with while Thunder blushed from embarrassment at "relieving himself" again by mistake. "O crap...sorry about that, Mr. Fenris." He dropped his arms to his side, watching the arc energy disappear into his fur as he reached forward to give the feline a hand in cleaning up. Taking another rag, Thunder swept up the creamy fluids along the slick floor while Bolt touched up the side of the bench that got pelted, shaking his head with a chuckle all the while. "I don't suppose you have a spare set of clothes I can wear for when I leave?" Thunder gave an awkward and ashamed facial expression as the lombax nodded back.

"Not a problem, o mighty stormlord, heh heh." The werewolf was somewhat unamused by the comment. "Right...bad humor. But sure, I'll go ahead and get you a spare suit from a terminal for you to leave in. I'll just have to adjust it to your...size now. As for the shift, it should start to come natural to transform in and out with your human self after a few days. Your body should automatically revert back for today in about 12 hours, since it will be overworked from the shift." Bolt pointed over to the exposed arms of the wolf, as the beast looked them over to see a new mark on each one of a thunderbolt. "Hmmm...didn't know the stone had that kind of added...effect. Think I'll look it over more later."

"Mmmm...I like it," smirked Thunder as he ran a paw over the side of it. "Fits my name well now, heh. Thank you again Mr. Fenris. I'm extremely grateful for the procedure." He extended a paw forward to the lombax, who tossed the stained rag to the side table and gave him a firm shake.

"The pleasure is all ours, Thunder," smiled back Bolt. "Now then if you don't mind, let's go see to your clothes." As they walked away, the lombax swished playfully to the side with the fluffy werewolf tale that danced back at it. I've had enough of spillage clean ups for day *sigh*.

(Several hours later, towards the afternoon of the day)

I've (Dr. Magnus Zero) been pacing back across the carpet of my office for a good thirty minutes, periodically taking glances up at the figure outlines being displayed by the hologram emitter. Ideas continued to race in my head from all the brainstorming I had been doing with myself. I feel embarrassed that it last most of the day, especially since I only stopped when I had to review procedure info with the two clients today and when Jude wanted to chat with me about a trip to the beach before summer ended.'Seeing as I didn't attend the July get-together with y'all, of course you can count me in bud,' I remember saying to him. Glad I had that chat with him; it really gave me some time to relax and not stress so much on this decision. *sigh* I rubbed my tired eyes as I relooked over the data.

For the past three months, before RiftVeil started up, my research findings as a scientist really made head way with the new advances. I was able to simplify genome splicing and DNA alteration (basics for transformation in science) with the help of the tech Bolt lent me and extra info I gathered from my mage training practices. Sure, its groundbreaking work that few have traversed. But I hardly have anything to show for it. *groans* "Why am I so indecisive with this...?", I mumbled to myself as I heard the slider doors to my office open.

"Hey hey, Mag. Want to go for a coffee break with me?," chatted Bolt as he strode in with a peppy voice. "I'm spent from the cleanup I had to do."

I chuckled as I turned around to fist bump his paw as he jumped back playfully. "Heh heh, still got the quick moves I see," I grinned back at my feline friend. "Sure thing. Let me grab my mug and I'll drive us down the street to the highway diner." Bolt nodded and pounced out the room as I approached my desk to swipe up my keys and shades. As I began walking to the doors, I grabbed the clicker from the coffee table and steadied it as I took one last look at the diagram above of the wolf-like creature, hesitating for a moment. This has to work, I thought to myself as I turned off the image and left. I can't fail again...

(Magnus and Bolt drove several miles down the road in his blue Mazda till they hit the Speed Bump diner, just off to the side of the highway).

One of the new waiters quickly rushed their table as they walked in and grabbed a nearby booth. "Welcome back to the Speed Bump diner, gentlemen. What can I get y'all started with?," said the confident youth as he pulled his notepad out, giving us a moment to glance over the small menus.

"We actually know what we want, if you want us to give you the full order," I mentioned as I handed over the menu. The waiter nodded back as I took off my shades. "I'll have a root beer to drink and the regular burger with fries. For the burger I just want it plain and dry with cheese only if you please," I said with a friendly smile as Bolt sat opposite of me, unfastening his armband to put up in his bag.

"And for you sir?"

"O, I'll just take a large coffee if you please with a few cream packets," remarked Bolt as I gave him a confused look. "I'm gonna have leftover chicken wings later this evening, so I don't need anything heavy." He shrugged his shoulders.

"You wanna split an apple pie with me then when I finish?," I retorted with a grin as I saw his pupil's instantly dilate and his mouth start to salivate.

"Erg, you ass," he remarked with a stuck out tongue. "Surrrreee. Just hold the whip cream topping at least. I don't need to gain anymore weight," he muttered as he jiggled his furry chest, still pretty slim but with some fat creepy up. Both me and the waiter laughed it off with him as the server took the other menu and left for the kitchen, leaving us for a friendly chat.

"So how were the candidates today?" I inquired to Bolt as he leaned his furry elbows along the table. "A little bird named Jude mentioned y'all had an "accident" heh heh." I smirked while the feline rolled his blue eyes at me.

"Adorable really...and how goes that portal rim installment? Another little bird named Jude told me you nearly dropped those electromagnetic spheres on your ass while rotating the ring." He grinned as I facepalmed. "But yea, everything went well thankfully," Bolt continued as the waiter returned with their beverages, taking a packet of cream and then stirring it in with his paw pinky extended to be more elegant. "Mr. Cleland had that...'accident'...with an insane orgasm from becoming that sexy werewolf heh, and Mrs. Adams was more than happy with the breast enhancement that went with her cheetah transformation. At least she managed to hold her composure in," he remarked as I gave a sensible chuckle.

"Good to know. Looks like everything's going swimmingly for now from the looks of it," I replied as I took a big swig of my root beer, feeling the cold fizz down my throat.

Bolt's demeanor slowly shifted to a more serious tone as he look me over. He had that knack for reading me like I did with him. We had that vibe between us that gave us hints when something was bothering the other. Clearly he could tell what was messing with me: the coming trial involving me. "You can't let it get to you Mag," as I sighed, knowing where he was going with this. "Seriously man, just let me help you out. I don't mind staying late to work with you if we can get it right this time." I looked to my side before returning to gaze back at him.

"You sure you don't mind, Bolt?," I questioned as he nodded back immediately with a look of "duh". "Alright then, guess we can stay late together tomorrow. I'll bring some pizza over."

"That's what I'm talking about," exclaimed the feline as he pounced in his seat. "I've been meaning to try out this new program anyway, and it might give you a better layout on your diagram in the process. Win win, I say."

I extended my root beer up in a toast. "Let's do it then!," I smiled at him. "And thank you friend, for everything you do."

Bolt smiled back with a toothy smirk as he clicked his mug against my glass. "Just remember Mag. We can accomplish anything together when we work as one."

"True that Bolt..." I muttered. "True that."

Night Lights of July

The evening sky began to rise rather early around this time of year in the mountainous region of Colorado. Star clusters could already be seen dancing above alongside the large looming crescent moon as the light blanketed the landscape below. Looking...

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A Wishful Proposal (Aftermath)- TF story

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